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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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鄭淑如, ZHENG,SHU-RU Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要是在以隨機模型探討保險事業理賠之隨機特性。 理賠之隨機特性主要是來自理賠數目與理賠金額。本文第二章首先探討理賠數目之隨 機模型。在適當之條件下, 理賠數目可以選擇適當之波松行程作為令人滿意之描述, 但實際行程常帶有長期與循環等波動因素, 吾人可以賦予每年之理賠數目為獨立之條 件, 再以混合波松行程處理變數。在本章中即對於理賠數目之分配與其參數加以討論 。 其次, 在第三、四章, 吾人將處理理賠金額之隨機問題, 包括個別理賠金額與其總合 , 即總理賠。第三章中所探討的包括個別理賠金額分配之形式與分配之估計。個別理 賠金額的大小差異之隨機性使得總理賠增加了一層之隨機成份, 第四章即是在個別理 賠金額系獨立且具有相同之分配的假定下, 進一步研究由理賠數目與個別理賠金額所 合成之總理賠, 即構成了所謂的復合波松行程。在本章中亦探討了總理賠分配之基本 特性, 與分配之估計, 并找尋可用之近似公式, 以替代繁復之計算程序。 最后, 在第五章吾人將臺灣地區人壽保險業之營運數據, 就前述之模型做實證分析。


林雅俐, LIN, YA-LI Unknown Date (has links)
論文共一冊,約三萬字左右,分為六章,茲概述如下:因子分析的目的在尋求少數不 可直接觀測的隨機變數,或稱共同因子,以解釋一組可觀測的隨機變數的相關結構。 第一章為緒論,說明研究動機與研究目的暨本文摘要及結構。 第二章將討論對因子分析模式的前提未能充分掌握時,則對所得到的因子模式,必然 不能得到明確的解釋。為了消除因轉軸而引起之不明確性,而被提出的方法有多種, 其中之一為Thurstone 在1947年所提出之“簡單結構”的五個原則。其他為去除 轉之不確定性而被提出之各種因子軸的旋轉程序,希望能夠不要完全依賴實驗者的事 前假設,稱為為分析性轉軸法,其中直交旋轉因子軸或簡單結構的一個最受歡迎的方 法,是Kaiser於1958年提出的最大變異直交轉軸法。 在第三章中將討論一些其他解最大變異轉軸問題的解法,這些解法允許“最大變異轉 軸問題”被解釋為“同時對角化一組對稱矩陣問題”,這是更一般化的問題。 在第四章中,將研究Horst &Sherin所提出的其他種根據最大變異準則的矩陣公式而 得的解法。這些解法是同時旋轉所有的因子軸以改善最大變異準則。 第五章中以實證分析來比較最大變異旋轉問題中Horst 及Kaiser的方法。 第六章是為結論。


鄒序琪, Zou, Xu-Qi Unknown Date (has links)
假設一序列的隨機變數其機率分配由某一點開始改變, 我們對於此點做一些推論。我 們特別以指數分配(exponeutial distribution)之平均值改變為特例, 描述我們之推 論。我們導出了變點之最大似真估計(maximum likelihood estimate )之逼近分配( Asymptotic distribution)及變點之最大似真比值統計量(likelihood ratio stati- stic)之逼近分配。這些逼近分配和一些限定樣本(Finite sample)之經驗分配(Ompi- ical distribution )相比較。

附保證給付投資型商品之收費定價 / A Framework to Charge for Unit-linked Contracts when Considering Guaranteed Risk

李永琮 Unknown Date (has links)
保險人發行投資型商品之收費主要來自於基金管理費用。本研究旨在提供一個架構,以作為此基金管理費用定價之依據。在此一架構下,保險人提撥準備金以因應附保證給付所帶來的風險;並可區分因保證給付所衍生之收費以及非因保證給付所衍生之收費。 簡單的說,我們的步驟如下:首先模擬未來的投資報酬率,藉以建構保險人發行投資型商品之現金流量分配。其次,在既定的內部報酬率(Internal Rate of Return)以及規範之準備金提存標準下,計算相對應之費率。 在本研究中,我們提供以滿期保證給付為例之相關數值結果。任何保證形態之投資型商品其基金管理費用皆可依此架構定價。 / This paper proposes a framework to charge for unit-linked contracts when considering guaranteed risk. The charge is determined by two criteria of meeting the target internal rate of return and simultaneously reserving standard. The framework is built on the stochastic cash-flow analysis. Thus, we first model the cash flow for unit-linked contracts by means of simulation, using a stochastic model for future dynamics of the rate of return. In the cash flow model, we consider the reserves for the guaranteed risk. The reserving standard for the guaranteed risk is based on quantile risk measure. In our framework, we work out the charges in reverse. For illustrative purposes, we investigate a unit-linked policy with maturity guarantees. However, our framework would apply to other types of contacts and guarantees. Some sensitivity analyses are also carried out in this research.

有下方風險控制的動態資產配置模式 / Three Essays on Dynamic Asset Allocation Models with Downside Risk Control

李美杏 Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年,風險管理受到大家廣為重視,Value-at-Risk (VaR)則是最常用來衡量風險的工具。Basak and Shapiro (2001)是首位將涉險值(VaR)的限制式納入效用函數內,再極大化投資人之效用函數而求出最適資產配置。依據他們的方法,本文的第一部分(見第二章)探討當資產報酬分配呈左偏和肥尾時,對風險管理者資產配置之影響。許多實證研究顯示資產報酬分配呈左偏和肥尾。本文採用Gram-Charlier expansion近似資產報酬分配,探討當資產報酬分配在非常態分配下,其資產配置的變化。對風險管理者而言,最重要的工作就是準確預測損失與發生損失的機率。瞭解資產報酬的型態將有助於準確的預測損失,我們無法降低損失,但可以降低發生損失的機率,本文建議可以降低 值(期末財富損失大於VaR之機率)來達成,而降低 值會使期末財富在好的狀態與壞的狀態的財富稍減。利率是影響使用金融工具的主要因素,本文的第二部分(見第三章)探討VaR風險管理者當考慮利率風險時如何配置其資產,本文採用Vasicek-type模型描述隨機利率,探討在隨機利率的情況下,財富配置於現金、股票與債券之比例。本文將這些參數以數值代入,分析VaR風險管理者期末財富的分配情況以及期中現金、股票與債券之配置情形。本文的第三部分(見第四章)探討VaR風險管理者當考慮利率與通膨風險時如何配置其資產。本文採用correlated Ornstein-Uhlenbeck過程描述隨機實質利率與通膨率,探討當考慮利率與通膨風險的情況下,VaR風險管理者財富配置於現金、股票與債券之比例。對風險管理者而言,最重要的工作就是準確預測期末財富與損失。研究發現忽略通膨風險將使風險管理者嚴重低估期末財富與損失。 / Risk management has received much attention in the last few years. Value-at-Risk (VaR) is widely used by corporate treasurers, fund managers and financial institution (Hull, 2000). A vast amount of literature considered a simple one-period asset allocation problem under VaR constraint. Furthermore, the aggregation of single-period optimal decisions across periods might not be optimal for multi-period as a whole. Basak and Shapiro (2001) were the first to address VaR-related issue in a dynamic general equilibrium setting. This dissertation builds upon the work of Basak and Shapiro (2001) to discuss three issues about dynamic asset allocation. The first topic focuses on how deviations from normality affect asset choices made by risk managers. This study utilizes the Gram-Charlier expansion to approximate asset returns with negatively skewed and excess kurtosis. This work examines how negatively skewed and excess kurtosis affects asset allocations when investors manage market-risk exposure using Value-at-Risk-based risk management (VaR-RM). It is important for risk managers to precisely forecast the loss. The analytical results imply that the impact of leptokurtic asset returns is based on the shape of asset returns, and a correct measurement of leptokurtic asset returns is helpful to risk managers seeking to precisely forecast the loss. A risk manager cannot reduce the loss in bad states, but can reduce the value of , the probability that a loss exceeds VaR, and the agent will suffer from reduced terminal wealth in both the good and bad states. The second topic solves an optimal investment problem involving a VaR risk manager who must allocate his wealth among cash, stocks and bonds. This study incorporates a stochastic interest rate process into the optimization problem. A Vasicek(1977)one-factor model governed the dynamics of the term structure of interest rates and risk premia are constant. Closed form formulate for the optimal investment strategy are obtained by assuming complete financial markets. Moreover, this study provides numerical examples to analyze the optimal terminal wealth and portfolio weights in stocks and bonds of the VaR risk manager. This work demonstrated the bond-stock allocation puzzle of Canner et al. (1997) that the bond-to-stock weighting ratio increases with risk aversion in popular investment advice in contradiction with standard two fund separation. Finally, this work derives the optimal portfolio selection of the VaR manager by assuming complete financial markets and that the inflation and real interest rates follow correlated Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. This study provides numerical examples to analyze the optimal terminal real wealth and optimal portfolio in stocks and two nominal bonds with different maturities. Furthermore, this work studies the influence of the parameters of inflation on the solution. This work illustrated that the younger VaR agent who has a long investment horizon invests the fraction of wealth in stock varies with the state price. It is not consistent with the Samuelson puzzle.

全民健康保險之醫療費用成長模型建構 / Modeling for medical expense of national health insurance

朱世珉, Chu, Shih-Min Unknown Date (has links)
為了控制健保醫療費用的成長速度,我國全民健保自2002年開始全面實施總額預算制,在總額預算制下醫療費用總額泱定於事前協商之每人醫療費用成長率,因此為提供一合理客觀之成長率協商依據,本研究建構一醫療費用成長時間序列隨機模型,並佐以總體經濟模型,利用模擬結果推估未來15年部分總體經濟變數數值及醫療費用成長率。 利用常用以預測總體經濟相關變數之VAR MODEL,本研究檢測發現平均國民所得、醫療物價指數、消費者物價指數及失業率之成長率,明顯受到自身及其他三個變數之前四期數值之影響。 此外,根據本研究之研究結果,醫療費用占國民所得比重成長率除了受到季節因素影響以外,與其自身前期及人口老化指數呈正向關係,與醫療物價指數則呈反向關係,同時具備MA(1)之時間趨勢。 關鍵字:全民健康保險、醫療費用、隨機模型、VAR MODEL、模擬。

隨機利率下的保單成本比較 / Insurance Policy Cost Comparison Under The Stochastic Interest Rates

李享宗, Lee,Hsiang Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以隨機利率模型應用至淨現值法、邊際年利率法、比較利率法及內部報酬率法等保單成本評價方法中,藉此觀察多期保單年度的價值變化,進而找出保單的報酬率、成本值或指數所呈現的趨勢,並考量在相同的情況下,比較各險種的成本或報酬優劣,最後希望消費者能在合理的隨機利率下更清楚了解保單成本的概念,並基於消費者對於合理的保單成本分析需求,能提供主管機關對於揭露保單成本的規範有更多的參考。 / 本研究發現各種保單在隨機利率變化的情況下,分紅終身壽險於各種成本分析方法中皆有良好的表現,不論是在考量淨成本結構的淨現值法,或是考量儲蓄性質、投資報酬為主的比較利率法以及各年度的邊際報酬利率等方法,整體而言分紅終身壽險對於消費者及保險公司應該是最優質的選擇。 / 再者以內部報酬率法應用隨機利率模型分析年金保險,可得知傳統遞延年金的報酬優於利率變動型年金。另外由於各種成本評價方法所著重的要素不同,想要了解保單完整全面性的評價,透過數個不同性質的保單成本分析方法計算較能呈現客觀且適切評價結果。 / This research is applied in the Stochastic Interest Model to the appraised method of insurance policy cost, such as Net Present Value Method, Marginal Yield Method, Comparative Interest Rate Method and Internal Rate of Return…etc., so as to observe the annual variation of value for different term of insurance policies, and then find out the rate of returns, cost value or trend appeared of index of the insurance policy, and consider it in the same cases to compare the good and bad from the cost or remuneration of every insurance. Hope consumers can finally clearer understand the concept of the insurance policy cost under the rational Stochastic Interest Rate, and on the basis of consumers’ demand for the rational insurance policy cost analysis can offer the competent authority more reference in revealing norms of the insurance policy cost. / In this research discovered that various insurance policies in changing of Stochastic Interest Rate, its Participating Whole-Life Insurance in varied cost analytical methods has good representation, no matter in considering the Net Present Value Method of the net cost structure, or considering Comparative Interest Rate Method of the main nature of deposits or main invest remuneration, and the annual marginal return interest rate…etc., the Participating Whole-Life Insurance should be generally the most high-quality choice to consumer and insurance company. / Moreover, according to the Internal Rate of Return, using the Stochastic Interest Model to analyze the annuity insurance can learn the remuneration of the Traditional Deferred Annuity is superior to the Interest Sensitive Annuity. In addition, as various cost appraised methods focused on different elements, if want to comprehension overall appraisal of insurance policy, then it can represent more objective and appropriate calculation through the analytical method of several different nature insurance policy cost.

中國大陸本土企業、台資企業與外資企業生產效率之比較研究 / Production Efficiency for Local Firms, Taiwanese Firms and Foreign Firms in China

陳湘菱, Chen,Siang Ling Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸歷經近三十年的努力,經濟發展快速,經濟實力大為提升,成為世界經濟中不可忽視的力量。自2002年中國加入WTO後,與世界經貿關係更為密切,為因應全球經貿的趨勢,外資企業將擴大進軍中國。從微觀及宏觀經濟角度來看,外資的引進對中國國有企業來說,必定受到程度上的競爭衝擊,但外資對中國經濟的生產技術、產業提升發揮正面積極效果,既能夠刺激國有企業的變革、提昇產品品質、擴大國內消費需求。 本文利用2001-2005年中國30個省、市與直轄市的官方統計資料,運用隨機邊界法(stochastic frontier production function)估計中國本資、港澳台資及外資企業的生產效率。 最主要的研究發現為,2001至2005年,投資於中國大陸的港澳台資與外資企業的投資績效均優於本資企業,且港澳台資與外資企業的投資效率值相近,而本資企業則遠低於港澳台資與外資企業。雖然本資企業的效率值在這五年間處於較低的狀態,但與港澳台資、外資企業之間的差距越來越小。在規模報酬方面,本資、港澳台資與外資企業均處於規模報酬遞增階段。 在各省的效率值上,本資、港澳台資與外資企業分佈不盡相同。本資企業在海南、浙江、江蘇、廣東、上海的效率值最高,港澳台資在北京、上海、寧夏、江蘇、河北最高,外資企業則是在上海、北京、陜西、天津、廣東效率值最高。效率值較高的地區分部仍偏重東部沿海地帶。 在影響效率值的因素方面,經濟區位及資本勞動比是影響中國大陸投資效率高低的重點因素。

兩國動態隨機一般均衡模型的不對稱資本市場分析 / Asymmetric Asset Market Analysis in a Two-Country Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model

林伯宏, Lin, Po Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本文嘗試利用兩國動態一般模型 (dynamic stochastic general equilibrium, DSGE)架構,分析資本市場存在的不對稱摩擦現象,藉由設定不同兩國債券調整成本的三種形式,模擬兩國總體變數在本國生產力衝擊下的影響分析。本文模型架構主要遵循Bergin et al. (2007),文中廠商的商品訂價方式採生產者貨幣訂價 (producer currency pricing, PCP),即廠商的訂價行為依照本國貨幣作為計價單位,透過名目匯率轉換為外國消費者面對的商品價格,單一價格法則 (the law of one price, LOP)在此訂價方式下成立;本文模型的商品訂價方式改採當地貨幣訂價 (local currency pricing, LCP),本國廠商以當地貨幣作為計價單位訂定其商品價格,該訂價方式廣為近來文獻所採用,並符合已開發國家之訂價行為,故採用此訂價方式。 電腦模擬本文資本市場的三種不同設定,在本國生產力具有 的外生衝擊下,資本邊際生產力的提高致使本國廠商增加投資,代表性個人資金借貸的管道可透過本國債券與外國債券進行融通,而本國代表性個人在買賣本國債券時無需負擔債券調整成本,在購買外國債券時則需負擔債券調整成本,此一設定即在反映資金借貸的摩擦情形;變數的動態模擬結果顯示,資本市場的不對稱摩擦,將透過兩國間的經常帳變化條件,影響資金借貸的流通,對於兩國總體經濟變數具有顯著影響。

使用最近鄰域法預測匯率—以美元兌新台幣為例 / Predicting exchange rates with nearest-neighbors method: The case of NTD/USD

郭依帆 Unknown Date (has links)
建立模型來估計匯率早已行之有年。較早期的匯率模型,不論是在樣本內的配適或是樣本外的預測,其實表現的並不理想。之後的研究針對這樣的結果指出,這是因為匯率的表現是非線性的,並非傳統線性模型可描繪出來。而對於捕捉匯率非線性的特性,傾向使用無母數的估計方式。因此,本研究採用最近鄰域法進行美元兌新台幣的匯率預測。另外,許多早期的研究發現,隨機漫步模型與其他模型相比較之後,在匯率預測上的表現最好,因而引發了”打敗隨機漫步”的一連串熱潮。本研究欲延續這項議題,將隨機漫步模型做為與最近鄰域模型比較的基準。 / 本研究使用的資料為即期匯率,包含日資料、週資料和月資料三種。將每種資料皆切割為樣本內與樣本外兩個部分,其中最後三分之一的樣本數用於樣本外預測。平均絕對誤差與平均誤差平方根則是用來衡量比較模型預測的準確性。實證結果發現,使用局部加權估計的最近鄰域模型在樣本內的配適表現上優於隨機漫步模型;然而,在樣本外的預測能力上,隨機漫步模型仍舊略勝一籌。 / A wide variety of empirical exchange rate models have been estimated over the years. Earlier findings indicated that exchange rate equations do not fit particularly well, and forecast no better. Later researches then provided a potential reason for the poor performance that traditional exchange rate models, because they are nonlinear. To find a resolution for nonlinearity, nonparametric techniques tend to be useful tools. In this study, we use one of nonparametric techniques called nearest-neighbors method to predict NTD against USD. Besides, many earlier papers found that forecasts from popular models for the foreign exchange rate generally fail to improve upon the random walk out-of-sample. “Beat the random walk” became an emerging issue then. This has motivated this research, and thus we include the random walk as a linear benchmark. / The data set consists of the daily, weekly and monthly spot rates for NTD/USD. We divide each data set into a fitting set and a prediction set for in-sample analysis and out-of-sample forecast, respectively. The out-of-sample forecasts are calculated from the last one-third of each series. As a measure of performance the mean squared error (MAE) and root mean squared error (RMSE) are used. In our empirical results, we find that nearest-neighbors model using local weights easily tops the random walk in-sample. However, as we turn to the out-of-sample prediction, no models produce forecasts superior to the random walk. It seems difficult to beat the random walk out-of-sample in this study.

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