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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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應用資料採礦於顧客價值與商品購買規則之研究-以化妝品業為例 / The Application of Data Mining on Customer Values and Goods Buying Rules-Cosmetics Industry

楊宛蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
化妝品產業近幾十年來由於受到經濟繁榮發展及人民生活水準的提升而蓬勃發展,化妝品已經從過去的奢侈品,轉為日常生活不可或缺的必需品,使用層面急速擴展,化妝品市場規模亦逐年擴大,具廣大的商機,競爭對手眾多,在此競爭激烈的環境中,如何提升自家化妝品的市場占有率、保留舊顧客、拓展新客源,且與顧客維繫良好的關係,進而提升企業競爭力,為企業須面對的重要課題。 本研究藉由某家化妝品公司之旗下品牌的銷售明細作為研究資料,應用資料採礦分析方法,對各品牌進行顧客價值分群,瞭解各顧客價值群的特性概況,並針對欲探討之顧客群建立顧客購買產品的關聯規則模式,據此推出不同的商品銷售組合,進行有效行銷以提升銷售金額,最後,則依據研究結果對該家化妝品公司提供建議,作為該業者後續經營之參考。


戚翔維 Unknown Date (has links)
智慧資本(Intellectual Capital)為近年來廣受討論的議題,在顧客價值越形重要的今日,顧客資本更是其中相當受到重視的領域。企業為了與顧客維持長期良好的關係,必須持續與顧客有良好的互動,而在互動的過程中,銷售人員扮演著第一線的角色,因此銷售人員本身所具備的能力及態度,將會對企業與顧客的關係產生重大的影響。 本研究以國內證券經紀業務商為樣本,透過對證券營業員的問卷蒐集相關的資料,藉以分析證券經紀業務商的銷售人員,其能力及態度等人力資本構面,是否會影響其企業的顧客資本發展。 本研究發現如下: 1.根據研究結果顯示,銷售人員的人力資本對於顧客資本確實有影響。舉例來說,當營業員擁有越高的專業知識時,就越能力解答顧客在投資上所面臨的問題,長時間下來將會使顧客對於營業員產生信任、依賴的感覺,因此就會願意重覆的去該位營業員進行交易。然而在迴歸分析當中亦可以發現,每一個迴歸模式的調整後R2都不大於0.1,表示雖然人力資本對於顧客資本會有影響,但不是最大的解釋變數,除了人力資本外還存在許多其他的因素,而這些因素可能會是公司的信譽、或是該證券經紀商研究股市趨勢的能力等,可以解釋顧客資本的表現。 2.銷售人員本身的能力,包括銷售技術、專業知識、社會關係、與工作經驗,是影響顧客取得與顧客推薦的主要因素。當為顧客服務的營業員本身能力越高時,就越有辦法解決顧客在投資或交易股票時所面臨的種種問題,如此一來顧客對於服務的滿意度將會增加,也因此顧客會更願意去向別人推薦。 3.在顧客維持的部分,主要是受到銷售人員擁有的專業知識及其對工作的投入度。因此要維持與顧客長期的關係,必須有賴銷售人員能力與態度上的配合。


陳彥安, Chen, Yen An Unknown Date (has links)
很多企業在面臨危機時,常採取滅火式的短效性解決問題的行為,來應付顧客和社會大眾,不論是利用短期促銷策略、媒體公關來粉飾、迴避甚至是否認問題的存在等,如此作法,使得企業無法正視問題的來源並解決問題的根本。企業文化引導企業中所有成員的價值觀和行為準則,對企業的影響深遠,是企業成員在面對危機時無形中所產生一致性的反應和處理方式。優質的企業文化平時培養企業的凝聚力與整合力並加強品質管理及服務,同時能提升並強化組織體系,企業文化是長期的養成及影響,於危機處理時尤能顯現優質企業文化的重要。   2009年8月28日,一輛凌志汽車在美國發生「暴衝」事件,導致四人喪生,諸多媒體開始針對豐田汽車做出偏離事實的負面報導,引起一連串針對豐田品管的負面輿論,顧客開始質疑豐田汽車的品質及安全性。豐田在面對此危機事件時,其企業文化所建立起的內部體系及外在形象,能夠帶領整個企業一致冷靜應對處理,在短時間內重拾顧客信任。   豐田文化的核心價值是以顧客滿意度為出發點,秉持著持續改善和尊重人員的精神。在此次危機中所形成的決策為: 一、 持續改善,豐田技術人員與供應商合作,尋找問題根本和解決方法。 二、 透過經銷商和豐田客服中心來與客戶溝通,重建顧客信心。 三、 豐田給予經銷商必要的授權與技術訓練來執行維修,並提供資源在最短的時間內完成召回作業。 本研究認為,此次危機發生歸咎於豐田追求快速擴充而忽視了產品品質,因此沒有落實其核心競爭優勢-豐田文化。豐田經過此危機事件得到了幾個寶貴經驗: (一)從顧客角度去思考,尋找問題根本、(二)重視顧客感受,主動與顧客溝通,化解疑慮,得到諒解、(三)加強內部溝通和資訊分享、(四)隨著企業擴充,應適當的授權各個地區,增加其反應力和在地化,滿足顧客需求、(五)確保豐田文化的一致性和傳承性,凝聚團體力量,為共同目標努力。


邱享慧 Unknown Date (has links)
當今企業紛紛謀求方案提供轉型,以整合的產品與服務,降低顧客購買風險、完善回應客製需求,進而創造高於個別產品與服務總和的整套價值。其融合服務不易被模仿的特性,對方案企業的自身發展而言,更有助於跳脫無止盡的商品化困境,進而創造差異化的競爭優勢、與顧客建立策略層次的合作關係。而組織由產品進化至方案提供,因應根本經營思維轉變,勢必產生組織結構調整之必要,以落實以客為尊的方案精神,達到從顧客眼光思考、圍繞顧客打造組織的境界。 針對此一新興議題,本研究在文獻探討的部分,首先探討方案的內涵與分類,並整理出三階段企業經營觀點與方案本質演進之關係:一、企業行銷時代下,方案本質為「配套銷售」;二、顧客服務時代下,方案本質為「系統銷售」;三、顧客滿意時代下,方案本質為狹義的「解決方案」。接著,闡述先進學者提出的「方案類型」、「方案生命週期」、「方案提供商角色」、「方案組織型態」相關理論,以奠定後續個案探討的基礎,觀察先驅方案企業IBM及P&G的實務表現,融和理論整理與個案映證。最終以兩家企業相互比對,提出方案企業應視方案對顧客既有經營模式的衝擊程度、顧客類型差異、自身發展背景,選擇方案提供類型、生命週期及角色,並以提升顧客交易彈性為目標建立顧客構面、視主要價值來源取決權力配置,進而設計相應的組織運作機制。同時,延續管理沒有一體適用的真理,建議方案企業應彈性化提供方案類型,並謹慎考量自身管理能力限制,以追求合適的組織結構,避免管理不易的局面。方案企業可運用本研究結論,檢視自身組織結構之調整,是否尚有未竟之處,以作為企業建構方案解決型組織之參考。

顧客滿意度─以智慧型手機使用者為研究 / Customer Satisfaction- The Case Study of Smartphone Users

李婉如, Li, Wan Ju Unknown Date (has links)
Today, smartphone has defined as an important tool in our daily lives; the market has been growing every year and the future global smartphone shipment is predicted to be nearly 1 billion in 2015. The function of smartphone is no longer limited to make calls to friends and family only, but also productivities, entertainments and multimedia functions (e.g. music, ringtones, games, web browsing, text messages and camera) provided by smartphone itself. With the increasing competitions in the smartphone market, smartphone companies find it difficult to retain the existing customers and increase the market share. In that context, the objective of this research explanatory study aims to identify the main factors that determine the customer satisfaction of smartphone users. The study survey was completed by 285 smartphone users who helped evaluating their smartphone satisfaction; the data was analyzed by IBM SPSS Statistics 20 and the results revealed the main findings are (1) image has high correlations with customer expectation, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty; (2) customer expectation has high correlations with perceive quality, perceived value and customer satisfaction; (3) perceived quality has high correlations with perceived value and customer satisfaction; (4) perceived value has a high correlation with customer satisfaction; (5) Customer satisfaction has a high correlation with customer loyalty; (6) the proposed model TCSI is proven with the effectiveness in explaining the relationships among image, customer expectation, perceived quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty for smartphone users. The conclusion of this study provides valuable information for smartphone producers, especially Taiwanese brand HTC, to develop the smartphones meet with customers’ expectations and satisfactions.

如何加強服務業從業人員價值感來提升顧客價值-以貳樓餐廳為例 / How to Strengthen the Value of Service Professionals to Improve Customer Value - Taking Second Floor Restaurant as an Example

李湯盤 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的服務業在近二十年來快速掘起,已替代一二級產業成為國人主要的從業項目;而其中餐飲服務又因為文化因素,成為台灣在軟實力上不可忽視的國力,不僅東西方各式美食百花齊放,並且吸引諸多年輕人嚮往從事投入的職業。 本研究的目的在探討如何加強服務業從業人員的價值感,進而提升顧客價值,並有機會讓整體產業再進化或增加產值,藉由員工管理、顧客價值、競爭策略分析等,找出個案公司的優點與缺點。本研究期望餐飲業,甚至是廣義的服務業者能加強運用客製化的企業精神、員工管理與體驗行銷、品牌行銷等,創造更多更獨特的差異、更高的價值、更優質的服務;同時讓從業人員與消費者能對服務業有共同的認知,為服務業的本質帶來新氣象,以達員工價值和顧客價值互相提升之目標。

電子郵件行銷發送策略與開信率之研究 / The Study on Marketing Strategy of e DM and their Open Rate

謝如婷 Unknown Date (has links)
電子商務儼然已成為二十一世紀的重要的商業經濟模式,此模式已帶給全球重大變革,帶來更多企業經營上的創新突破及無可限量的成長,企業透過「電子郵件行銷」提供顧客即時的訊息,希望傳遞給顧客有價值的資訊促進黏著度的提升,是企業在顧客關係維繫的重要利器。 因此,透過個案公司「電子郵件行銷」之實證驗證,達到下列研究目的: (1)探討現行電子郵件行銷發送模式及成效。(2)透過實際的電子郵件行銷活動,研究「發信時段」、發送「主旨文字」與發送「會員關係族群」對開信率之影響。(3)分析各項實證結果並提出電子郵件行銷的行銷策略。 研究發現不同的「發信時段」確實對開信率有所影響,因現今行動裝置的普及率提升,確實影響了消費者的網路使用行為;不同的「主旨文字」內容亦會對開信率產生影響,但有趣的是文獻推論與此次實證卻有截然不同的結果,未來也許可以再繼續進行更深入的驗證與探討;最後,不同的「會員關係族群」之開信率也驗證,會員對於網站的黏著程度與開信率呈現高度關聯性。 電子郵件行銷的發送策略並沒有所有企業通用的單一策略,唯有透過自身企業不斷嘗試,重視電子郵件行銷發送後之數據資料,透過監控並分析數據意義調整行銷策略,針對顧客依照其消費習慣及需求,隨時調整並找出自身企業的客群需求及特性,方能找出自身電子郵件行銷發送的關鍵成功因素。

黑膠之購買動機、認知價值、服務品質與對顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度關係之研究:以古碟公司為例 / A Study on the Relationship among Purchase Motivation, Perceived Value, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty:the Example of “Goodiscs Vinyl Company

吳孟宇 Unknown Date (has links)
從銷售角度看,目前音樂錄音市場中的CD已漸趨式微,而曾被CD逼向日薄西山的黑膠,反而自數年前起異軍突起,目前已和數位下載有不相上下的成長率。黑膠持續存在市場的原因,是因為數位的音質無法令聽覺敏感者滿意,加上近年來,黑膠的價格在市場競爭下,不若以往高不可攀,也讓許多年輕族群趨之若鶩。本研究著重黑膠市場復興之行銷策略,並且從「購買動機」、「認知價值」、「服務品質」、「顧客滿意度」以及「顧客忠誠度」作研究變數,檢視個案「古碟公司」銷售黑膠營運策略。研究目的有五點:(一)探討購買動機、認知價值、服務品質對顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度構面之意涵。(二)檢定購買動機、認知價值、服務品質對顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度構面之關係。(三)探究人口統計項與購買動機、認知價值、服務品質對顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度構面是否具有顯著差異性。(四)檢定顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度是否具有顯著差異性。(五)依據量化與質化的研究,對古碟公司提出行銷策略建議。 本研究主要調查對象為到誠品音樂館購買黑膠的消費者,由於黑膠市場屬於小眾市場,問卷樣本相當有限,經誠品音樂館北中南店長鼎力協助,總共蒐集到有效樣本100份。研究結果發現:購買黑膠之顧客最為重視的是「認知價值」,其中又以「商譽」「行為與貨幣價值」最為重視。 最後,本研究針對古碟公司提出七點建議,期盼研究能與實務作出結合。 關鍵字:黑膠、誠品音樂館、購買動機、認知價值、服務品質、顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度 / From a sales perspective, current CD in the recorded music market has declined, while that vinyl was cornered by CD, but since a few years ago, a dark horse, now and digital downloads are comparable to the growth rate. Vinyl continued market reasons, is because digital sound quality cannot have satisfactory hearing sensitivity, coupled with recently, vinyl prices under market competition, if not unattainable in the past, so many young people in droves. This study focuses on vinyl marketing strategy, with “Purchase Motivation”, “Perceived Value”, “Service Quality”, “Customer Satisfaction” and “Customer Loyalty” as research variables. There are four research purposes:(A) Investigating the meaning of vinyl Purchase Motivation, Perceived Value, Service quality, Customer satisfaction and Customer loyalty. (B) Examing vinyl Purchase Motivation, Perceived Value, Service quality, Customer satisfaction and Customer loyalty. (C) Exploring demographic variables whether there are significant differences with vinyl Purchase Motivation, Perceived Value, Service quality, Customer satisfaction and Customer loyalty or not. (D) Based on quantitative and qualitative research, give the case ''Goodiscs'' Vinyl Company’s marketing suggestions. This research survey was conducted in consumers from Eslite Music Center. A total of 100 valid samples were collected. The results showed that, in ''Goodiscs'' Vinyl Company, customers value “Perceived Value”, among which "Reputation of a firm's product”, “Monetary value and Behavioral price" the most. Finally, this study presents seven recommendations for “Goodiscs'' vinyl company, hoping to combine research with reality. Keywords: Vinyl, Eslite Music Center, Purchase Motivation, Perceived Value, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty


黃怡音 Unknown Date (has links)
過去有關服務品質的研究大都以服務的特性(如可靠度、反應力等等..)做為服務品質的構面去探討每一構面對整體服務品質的影響,本研究則以服務的種類做為服務品質的構面去探討不同服務的服務品質對整體服務品質的影響。 根據Grönroos (1990) 對服務所做的分類,本研究將服務分成核心服務、輔助服務以及支援性服務,探討這三種服務對整體服務品質的影響力。 此外,在Zeithaml & Bitner (1996) 所提出的「顧客知覺品質與顧客滿意度關係圖」中認為滿意度直接受到知覺服務品質、知覺產品品質、知覺價格的影響,本研究便據此去探討整體服務品質對顧客滿意度的影響。此外,更進一步去探討顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之間的關係。 由於本研究主要著重在服務品質的探討,因此選定幾無實體商品的信用卡產業做為研究客體,探討知覺服務品質及知覺價格對滿意度的影響,而不探討知覺產品品質的影響。 根據Grönroos對核心服務、輔助服務以及支援性服務所下的定義,核心服務指的是企業在市場上生存的理由,應用在信用卡產業即為信用卡所提供「延遲付款」的利益以及旅遊保險、道路救援等等服務;輔助服務是企業為了讓顧客能使用核心服務所提供的服務,企業以此做為競爭的手段,增加差異化的程度,應用在信用卡產業即為客服中心所提供的服務;支援性服務是企業為了增加整體服務吸引力所提供的服務,應用在信用卡產業即為發卡銀行的企業形象及所參與的公益活動等等。 本研究共回收382份有效問卷,以247份進行LISREL分析,得到以下的結果。 在服務種類和整體服務品質的關係上,核心服務和支援性服務對整體服務品質並無顯著影響。唯有輔助服務(客服中心)對整體服務品質有顯著影響。顯示在核心服務與支援性服務易於模仿而日益趨同的情況下,輔助服務(客服中心)對消費者在評估整體服務品質時所具有的重要性已超越其他種類的服務。 在影響滿意度的因素上,研究結果顯示,整體服務品質與價格皆會影響顧客滿意度,且服務品質的影響力大於價格的影響力。此外,在滿意度和忠誠度的關係上,結果顯示,兩者之間呈正相關。 本研究以服務的分類去探討不同種類服務對整體服務品質的影響,並與Zeithaml & Bitner所提出的架構做一連結,提供未來學術研究在探討影響服務品質的構面時一個新的方向。 / In the past, in the literature research on service quality, the characteristics of service such as reliability, responsiveness, and etc. were regarding as the dimensions of service quality to study the influence of each dimension on whole service quality. This research is taking the category of service quality as the dimensions of service quality to study the influence of different kinds of service on whole service quality. According to Grönroos’s study on the category of service in 1990, this study is divided service into core service, facilitating services and supporting services to realize the influence of these three kinds of service on whole service quality. Furthermore, in the framework “Customer perception of quality and customer satisfaction” proposed by Zeithmal and Bitner’s, satisfaction is directly influenced by perceived service quality, perceived product quality, and perceived price. According to this reference, this study is to discuss the influence of whole service quality on satisfaction. In addition, this study would Because this study emphasizes on the study of service quality, the main focus in on credit card to investigate the influence of perceived service quality and perceived price on satisfaction, rather than the influence of perceived product. According to the definition of core service, facilitating services and supporting services proposed by Grönroos, core services are the reasons for being on the market. Applied to credit card, the core services are the benefit of deferred payment, travel insurance, road rescue, and etc. Besides, facilitating services are the services that facilitate the use of the core services. Applied to credit card, the facilitating services are the services call centers could supply. In addition, supporting services are used to increase the value and/or to differentiate the service from the services of competitors. Applied to credit card, supporting services are the image of the company and the activities for public warfare or charity the company holds or joins. This study collects 382 copies of valid questionnaires and later LISREL analysis is carried out with 247 copies. The results are as follows. With the relationship between service category and whole service quality, core service and supporting services has no significant influence on whole service quality. Only facilitating services—the services call center supplies—have significant influence on whole service quality. It shows that under the situation that the core services and supporting services are imitated easily and equaled gradually, the importance of facilitating services is beyond any other kinds of services when consumers evaluating the whole service quality. As to the factors that influence satisfaction, whole service quality and perceived price both have significant influence of satisfaction, and whole service quality has more influence than price. In addition, with the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty, the two variables are positively related. This study is to discuss the influence of different kinds of services on whole service quality and create a linkage between services category and the framework proposed by Zeithaml and Bitner. Also, the study wishes to provide a new direction for future literature research regarding the dimensions that would influence the service quality.

在顧客關係管理中以人為本的流程 / People-Driven Processes in Customer Relationship Management

陳志翔, Chen,Chih-Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
顧客關係管理(CRM)是結合人、流程和科技,並且追求瞭解顧客需求、提供商業策略和建立與顧客之間的長期關係。成功的利用整合科技,需要適合的商業流程和組織文化來適當地定位人本行為上的元素。因為顧客關係管理並不是簡單的技術解決方案,成功的顧客關係管理運作主要與人們的介入有關。為了建立對於在顧客關係管理中以人為本的流程中清楚剖析內容和角色,本研究分析顧客關係管理流程和倚賴人本的文獻,並且構成有關於在顧客關係管理中以人為本的流程假說需要。它強調高階主管和營運職員對於制定重要決策和與顧客進行立即性溝通的責任,進而帶領與顧客之間的關係管理。 典型的在顧客關係管理中以人為本的流程是很難已被建置或無法以單獨地成為技術解決方案,這些活動包含規劃顧客策略、設計顧客關係管理流程、處理顧客問題、瞭解顧客需求、處理立即溝通和問題、以及整合顧客回應。影響在顧客關係管理中以人為本的流程的因素會和顧客特性、資訊內容、員工能力和組織環境有關。本研究建立的假說是探討在顧客關係管理中以人為本的流程會被以下因素影響的相關性:(1)顧客情感需求、在交易過程中的顧客涉入度和顧客需求的變化;(2)內隱顧客資訊的需求;(3)員工經驗和知識;(4)組織文化。 為了建立在顧客關係管理中以人為本流程的清楚瞭解,本研究依據文獻發現建 構假說和經由深度個案研究來驗證他們。目標是檢驗顧客特性、資訊內容、員工能力和組織環境對於在顧客關係管理中以人為本流程的相關性。 / Customer relationship management (CRM) is a combination of people, processes, and technology that seeks to provide understanding of customer needs, to support a business strategy, and to build long-term relationships with customers. Successful utilization of the integrated technology requires appropriate business processes and organizational culture to adequately address human behavioral elements. Because it is not simply a technology solution, success in CRM business revolves largely around people. In order to build a clearer understanding of the content and role of the people-driven processes of CRM, this study analyzes the literature on CRM processes and people dependencies and forms propositions about the need for people-driven processes in CRM. It emphasizes the responsibility of executives and operational staff in making critical decisions and using intimate communications to conduct relationship management with their customers. Typical people-driven processes in CRM are those that are difficult to implement or that cannot be carried out using technology solutions alone, including such activities as planning customer strategy, designing CRM processes, coping with customer problems, understanding customer needs, handling intimate communications, and integrating customer responses. Factors that affect the dependency of people-driven processes in CRM are related to customer characteristics, the content of information, employee capabilities, and the organizational environment. Propositions formed in this study are that the dependency on people-driven processes in CRM is affected by (1) customer emotional needs, customer involvement in transaction processing, and the dynamics of the customer needs; (2) the need for tacit customer information; (3) employee experience and knowledge; and (4) the organizational culture. To build a clear understanding of the people-driven processes of CRM, this research constructed propositions based on literature findings and verified them through an in-depth case study. The objective is to explain the effects of customer characteristics, the content of information, employee capabilities, and the organizational environment on the dependence of people-driven processes in CRM.

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