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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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體驗行銷策略研究-以好市多(Costco)為例 / The Study of experiential marketing strategy: The case of costco

許泓祺, Hsu, Hong Chi Unknown Date (has links)
與傳統行銷相反,Schmitt(1999)提出的體驗行銷將焦點放在顧客體驗上,提供知覺的、情感的、認知的、行為的以及關係的價值來取代功能價值,不同於商品與服務停留在顧客之外,體驗可以深入到顧客的內在,並將其價值持續的延續,有助於品牌的記憶與區隔。 本研究以好市多(Costco)做為研究案例,透過質化與量化研究探討策略體驗模組SEMs(感官、情感、思考、行動、關聯策略模組)、體驗價值(投資報酬、卓越服務、美感、趣味性價值)、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度間之關係,並提出實務的建言。 研究結果發現如下: 一、透過適當的「策略體驗模組」可正向強化不同構面的「體驗價值」。 二、「策略體驗模組」五個構面以及「體驗價值」四個構面皆可正向強化「顧客滿意度」。 三、關聯體驗、情感體驗、行動體驗都可以影響忠誠度,「關聯體驗」訴求品牌社群的意識與凝聚對「顧客忠誠度」影響力最大。 四、體驗價值中僅有「美感價值」無法影響「顧客忠誠度」,剩餘構面中影響力最大則是「趣味性價值」。 五、顧客滿意度可以有效預測顧客忠誠度。 / Different from traditional marketing theory, experiential marketing (Schmitt 1999) focuses on customer experience, offering customer the value of sense, feel, think, act & relate to take place of traditional marketing functional value. Products & services can only touch customers’ outside, but experience can go inside customers’ hearts, and the value of experience will last for a very long time. To use experiential marketing well will help enterprise brand outperform others and memorized by customers. This research uses Costco as the case to study the relationship of SEMs(Sense, Feel, Think, Act & Relate), experiential value(CROI, Service Excellence, Aesthetics, & Playfulness), customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. Also at the end, this research will offer practical suggestions to Costco. Our findings as following: 1.By choosing right modules of SEMs can positively predict or influence all aspects of experiential value. 2.All five modules of SEMs and four aspects of experiential value can positive predict or influence customer satisfaction. 3.Relate, Feel, & Act modules can positively predict or influence customer loyalty. Relate module appealing to the coherence of brand community is the most important factor to predict customer loyalty. 4.Only Aesthetics can’t positively predict customer loyalty. For the rest, Playfulness is the most important factor to influence customer loyalty. 5.Customer satisfaction can positively predict customer loyalty.


朱婉瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
人口老化帶動居家照護需求興起,使許多的健康照護服務因應而盛,居家照護者與照護服務產業分別面臨,從市面上存在種類眾多而數量龐大的服務資源中,獲取與提供適切服務之困難狀況。要能夠幫助居家照護找到需要的服務,必須了解其需求與重視之價值面向,制定包含能媒合供給面與合理評估服務品質的機制與流程,以有效的舉薦適合的照護服務供做服務選擇之決策參考。   本研究以服務本體論(Service Ontology)之服務價值(Service Value)作為建置顧客價值構面之結構。使用者需求內容採用巴氏量表(Barthel Index)進行生理功能的量測;服務品質與使用者願意付出之成本則以台灣服務滿意度模型(Taiwan Customer Satisfaction Index, TCSI)做為內容。本研究並以本體論依顧客價值構面,制定使用需求與照護服務提供之描述媒合機制,透過取得居家照護者生理功能須支援之需求,以及同區隔之使用者對服務的滿意度評價,媒合服務經營者對服務內容的描述,即可找出適合的服務。   最後以服務導向架構(Service Oriented Architecture, SOA)結合顧客價值之供需媒合機制,並建置雛型系統以驗證概念。 / As the growing home-caring market, demanders have faced problems that it is difficult to choose the right caring services for themselves from large numbers of services base. To help them find suitable services, we need to know what they need and how they evaluate services. In that case, we must develop a mechanism to match supply and demand to effectively recommend services to users. The research refers Service Value of Service Ontology as the structure of Customer Value and uses Barthel Index and Taiwan Customer Satisfaction Index (TCSI) to be the content of Customer Value. We know the situation of users, body function through Barthel Index and their satisfaction to the services through TCSI. The research establishs the supply and demand matching mechanism based on Customer Value. Requiring customers, needs from body function evaluation and customers, satisfaction via TCSI, the mechanism would match the needs and the description of services offering. In the end, it would present the suitable services for customers. The research builds up a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) prototype to proof the concept of supply and demand matching mechanism.

於資源有限的動態情境以模糊認知圖為基礎之心理驅動式服務分派研究 / A FCM-Based Mental-Driven service dispatcher in resource bounded dynamic contexts

陳怡璇, Chen, I Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所關切的議題為,當服務已被良好的設計出來後,為了不辜負這個被良好設計的服務,該怎麼使用它,進而能為所有重要關係人帶來最大的利益,特別是在資源有限的動態情境中。因此,我們將研究問題著眼於服務的傳遞過程中。現有的研究已回答了服務該如何被傳遞,但卻缺少了該在什麼時候,傳遞怎樣的服務才能發揮該服務的功效,帶來預期的好處(例如,贏得顧客滿意度及延續公司競爭力)。於是,本研究試圖提出一以模糊認知圖為基礎架構並考量顧客的心理狀態的服務分派機制,以期在如此動態且資源有限的情境下,能觀測當時的情境變化,透過管理顧客的期望與情緒,做出即時且適當服務分派決策,進而在對的時間針對對的人做對的服務。也就是冀望這樣一個顧客心理狀態的管理過程,能夠使得顧客感到滿意的可能性提高,並有助於所有重要關係人達成其目的,創造整個服務生態體系的平衡。考慮到會展服務即為一動態且資源有限的服務應用情境,本研究將以會展服務做為例子,加以描述整個研究的內容。 / There are already some researches providing the answer to how to deliver services but the issue “when to deliver which service” is still not so clear. Especially under the dynamic and resource-limited situation, bringing the effectiveness of each service into full play and allocating them appropriately to earn the most benefits are imperatives for service providers to keep both service quality and competitiveness. Therefore, the FCM-based mental-driven service dispatcher proposed here tries to pull service receivers’ mental information in to make real-time service deployment decisions which are capable of achieving each stakeholder’s purposes and satisfying service receivers. With the mental information – expectation and emotion, we are given a hand to do the right things at the right time to the right person by building up such a customer- mentality-centric service dispatching system.

行動即時通訊軟體行銷策略之研究 ─以LINE為例 / The Marketing Strategy for Mobile Instant Message Software- An Empirical Case of LINE

程柏元, Cheng, Po Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
根據創市際市場研究顧問2013年的調查報告,從台灣使用智慧型手機應用程式的到達率來看,國人最常用的APP前十名中,即時通訊類佔了四位,第一名是LINE、第四名是WhatsApp、第八名是Facebook Messenger與第十名的WeChat。資策會(2012)調查「台灣民眾行動裝置應用程式使用習慣行為與偏好調查」顯示,在使用智慧型手機的民眾當中,有50.8%較常下載的APP類型是即時通訊/傳訊服務,僅次於遊戲類55.4%,顯示台灣民眾即時通訊的需求。LINE在台灣的註冊用戶已經超過1,700萬人次,普及率相當高。 本研究以行銷經營的角度對LINE進行品牌形象、科技接受度、知覺價值、顧客滿意度和顧客忠誠度的調查,研究結果顯示,品牌形象、科技接受度和知覺價值對於顧客滿意度和顧客忠誠度具有顯著正向影響,而相較於品牌形象和科技接受度,知覺價值對於顧客滿意度的影響較深;在顧客忠誠度方面,品牌形象、科技接受度和知覺價質影響程度相當。此外,本研究發現,LINE使用者的貼圖購買次數和官方帳號加入數在研究中具有顯著差異。 透過質化訪談,本研究提供行動即時通訊軟體業者四點行銷上的建議: 一、調降貼圖與主題的價格,提升主題實用性 二、整合官方帳號與動態消息功能,避免造成使用者困擾 三、改善語音通話的穩定度,滿足免費通話的需求 四、提升周邊商品之品質與實用性,調降展覽活動收費

照明業提升核心客戶顧客關係策略之研究-以某個案為例 / The study of promoting core-customer-relationship strategy for the lighting industry - base a case for an example

鄭英琴 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著中國大陸及東南亞照明燈具產業設備的擴增,和廉價勞力成本的威脅以及受到整體大環境的不利因素,台灣燈具照明業者持續面臨著強敵環伺的處境,無疑對燈具出口貿易更是雪上加霜。但隨著近幾年來環保意識提昇及保護環境愛地球的觀念趨勢下,各國紛紛倡導綠能生活、節能減碳,更是為本研究個案公司創造新的轉型契機。 本研究個案公司藉此一波「綠能生活」趨勢轉折點,重新尋求企業定位並調整公司營運方向,利用顧客對燈具照明需求從傳統白熾燈轉變為LED照明和結合智能科技概念,並藉此導入核心顧客關係管理之經營理念,讓行銷聚焦於”挖掘需求,解決痛點,主動積極、細緻貼心”的顧客服務,塑造堅強之顧問式銷售團隊,深入暸解金字塔最上層之20%核心顧客需求並提供解決方案,增進顧客價值最大化,讓雙方合作形成牢不可破之「夥伴與合作式的核心顧客管理」,孕育雙方命運共同體的革命情感,創造雙方共同價值及雙贏策略。 有鑑於此,本研究個案公司利用個案公司中小企業特性,在資源有限的前提 下,推廣核心顧客關係管理的過程。首先,運用Barrett(1986)提出80/20 法則定律的行銷手法,搭配Malcolm McDonald和Beth Rogers(2006)將核心客戶管理分為六個階段,接著運用HouLun和TangXiaowo(2007)指出顧客價值具有雙重屬性,即顧客感知價值和顧客資產價值。個案公司不只是提供產品創造業績的顧客資產價值,而是再升級為顧客感知價值,”挖掘需求,解決痛點,主動積極、細緻貼心”超越客戶需求的顧客服務,將核心客戶關係管理的理論與實際行銷互相配合,創造個案公司與核心客戶的雙贏。 / With upgrading lighting industry of the mainland China and Southeast Asia, the threat of cheap labor costs and the overall environment of the negative factors, Taiwan's lighting industry continues to face the situation of a powerful enemy around, the lighting export performance is getting worse without doubt. However, with the environmental protection awareness in recent years to enhance and protect the environment of the Earth of trend concept in the world, countries have advocated green energy, energy saving and carbon reduction. Meantime, it brings new opportunities of transformation for the case study company. In this case study, the company turned to the trend of "green energy" which can re-locate and adjust the operating direction of company. The company transformed the lighting trend from traditional incandescent lamp to LED lighting integrated intelligent technology concept become core customer management business. The marketing focused on "find out the needs, solve the pain points, be aggressive and positive, detailed caring service”. To build a strong consultative sales team, to understand deeply of the top 20% of the pyramid core customers’needs,to provide solutions to enhance customer value maximization, so that the corporation of the two parties can make an unbreakable "partnership and cooperative key account management" to create mutual values and win-win strategy. In view of this, the study of the case of small and medium enterprises using the characteristics of SMEs in the premise of limited resources, First of all, the promotion of core customer relationship management process, this paper divides key account management into six stages by using Barrett's (1986) marketing approach of 80/20 rule and Malcolm McDonald and Beth Rogers (2006), then using HouLun and Tang Xiaowo (2007) to point out that customer value has dual Attributes, named customer perceived value and customer asset value. Case-based company is not only to provide customers with product creation performance value of assets, but also upgrade customer perceived value. More than customers’expectation to "Find out the needs, solve the pain points, be aggressive and positive, detailed caring service”. Key account relationship management theory and the practical marketing of the interaction between the case in the company and the core customers to create win-win situation.

從外部顧客的觀點評估國際機場網站之優使性:一個跨國的比較研究 / A usability evaluation of international airport website from the external customers' perspective : a cross-national comparative study

周昱丞 Unknown Date (has links)
機場在航空運輸產業供應鏈扮演著舉足輕重的角色,國際機場作為國家之門戶,其傳遞予外部顧客之軟硬體設施服務水準,正是國家競爭力之展現;時至今日,網際網路已成為民眾傳遞、分享及獲取多元資訊主要媒介,國際機場網站更是國際機場管理當局經營顧客關係的伸展台,因此,國際機場網站所傳遞的不僅是機場的形象,更是國家的面貌,如何讓外籍顧客在與國際機場網站初次邂逅的同時,即滿足其資訊需求,進而產生造訪該國的動機,即成為國際機場網站管理者進行服務設計時之重要課題。 本研究針對臺灣桃園國際機場等六座機場之英文版網站進行內容分析及網站優使性測試,發現多數評估對象之網站內容或功能並無顯著之差異,然而,經研究者彙整優使性測試評分、受測人員之優使性測試意見及關鍵參與者之訪談內容,本文建議臺灣桃園國際機場英文版網站應優先改善航班資訊之編排方式及檢索方式,及提升購物、飲食店家資訊之完整性;其次,色彩、字型、字體大小等視覺傳達介面優使性評估指標亦應納入改善項目,並落實各語言版本之一致性及內控機制之建立,以優化使用者對臺灣桃園國際機場英文版網站之使用體驗,進而提升使用者對臺灣桃園國際機場之信賴。此外,本研究期待公部門於推動電子化政府發展過程中,在追求行政效能及便民服務品質的同時,亦能提升對網站優使性的意識,進而協助政府評估網站使用效能,創造良好的網站使用體驗。 / Airports play a decisive role in the supply chain of aviation industry. As a gateway of one country, an international airport manifests a nation’s competitiveness through the service standard of its software and hardware facilities delivering to its external customers. Today, Internet has become a main media for people to pass on, to share and to acquire various pieces of information, which makes the official website of an international airport an important extending platform for the authority to conduct customer relationship management. Therefore, what an international airport website represents is not just the image of a certain airport, but also the facade of one country. Under this circumstance, how to meet the needs of external customers during their first reach of an airport website so as to increase their visit motivations has become a primary issue while webmasters designing webpages. In this study, the researcher chose English version websites of six international airports, including Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, to conduct content analysis and website usability. The result shows that there are no significant differences among tested websites; however, after collecting usability test scores, participants’ opinions, and reviewing key actors interview, this thesis concludes and would suggest Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport to firstly improve the layout arrangement of flight information, retrieval method, and elevate the completeness of shop and dining information. Secondly, visual communicate interface, such as color, fonts, font size and so on, and content consistency among different language versions should be enhanced and an internal control mechanism, which aims at maintaining that consistency, should be built to utilize the user experience so as to advance the credibility of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. On top of that, this study expects to raise the awareness of website usability among all government sectors, who are developing and promoting e-government policy, to also include website usability into the core concept of webpage design while pursuing administrative efficiency and quality of citizen services and, furthermore, to assist Government to conduct website evaluation in order to create a smooth and customized user experience.

企業整體顧客關係管理運作模式之研究 / The Study of The Operation Model in Integrated Customer Relationship Management

楊珮伶, Yang, Pei-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
以往顧客服務對企業而言只是被動的支援單位,企業無法得知每一位顧客的想法,顧客的聲音也難以傳達到企業內部,然而資訊與通訊技術的進步打破了這樣的障礙,促使資訊透明化,企業藉由資訊科技的輔助可以直接接觸到每一個個別的顧客,了解顧客的想法與需求來帶動企業的運作,成為企業經營的競爭優勢。 顧客關係管理(customer relationship management;CRM)為近年新興熱門話題,國內外軟體大廠紛紛投入CRM市場,然而此環境尚未成熟,各家提出之系統功能相當不一致,本文提出企業在建置顧客關係管理環境時應具備七大單元,包括產品端資訊蒐集機制、互動機制、事件處理機制、儲存分析機制、內部鏈結機制、策略對應機制、回饋執行機制等,以供企業參考。 CRM重視區別出每一個個別顧客的屬性再提供客製化服務,本文針對北部某醫院進行訪談,探討其規劃中之CRM及進行狀況,驗證本文所提出模式之可行性。 / Because of the power of information and telecommunications technologies, business can keep tracking of their customers to know what they really want and how they actually use the product. Analyzing the information return from customers and products, business can provide active and accurate service to the right customer through the right channel at the right time and rise the customer satisfaction.  The purpose of this article is to show a complete CRM model which includes product information collecting mechanism, interact mechanism, event processing mechanism, storage and analysis mechanism, internal linkage mechanism, decision support mechanism, feedback implementing mechanism. When business constructs the CRM environment, they can apply this model to their organization.  This article also studies a hospital case and plans a future framework for it by applying the model.

顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之關係-交易成本理論觀點 / The Relationship Between Customer Satisfaction And Customer Loyalty---From the Viewpoint of Transaction Cost Theory

黃珮婷, Huang, Pei-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
在競爭日益激烈、資訊日益複雜的市場環境下,廠商往往已經做到了使顧客滿意,卻仍留不住顧客,因此,近來廠商所一直追求的目標便是對於品牌的忠誠度;而本研究主要是在探討怎麼樣的情況會造成顧客的滿意?怎麼樣的滿意才會造成顧客在態度上的忠誠?態度忠誠與行為忠誠之間的關係為何?並試著以交易成本理論的三個構面︰「市場資訊的複雜度」、「消費者對該公司的信任度」、「資產專屬性」來解釋滿意度、態度忠誠與行為忠誠之間的關係。整合以上研究架構,建立一整體概念模型,以一知名化妝品品牌VIP資料庫為研究對象,分別對續卡會員以及未續卡會員做研究,了解顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之關係以及兩群VIP之不同。 由實證結果可以了解不論是續卡會員或是未續卡會員,對於產品的失驗與消費者對該公司的信任度皆會影響產品的滿意度,而產品滿意度、服務品質與消費者對該公司的信任度也都會影響對該公司的整體滿意度,整體滿意度、消費者對該公司的信任度以及資產專屬性則會影響顧客的態度忠誠。 而續卡會員與公司之間所建立的專屬資產越多,續卡會員在行為上就越忠誠;未續卡會員則是從態度忠誠去影響行為上的忠誠,而且市場資訊的複雜度則會從影響未續卡會員的整體滿意度,並由整體滿意度去影響態度忠誠,進而再自態度忠誠影響其行為忠誠,也就是說,在各種因素影響下,未續卡會員的態度越忠誠,行為也會越忠誠。 根據實證所得結果,提供業者如何創造顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度的建議。

服務創新與體驗行銷對提升顧客滿意度與忠誠度的探討---以安麗公司為例 / A study of service innovation, experiential marketing on customer satisfaction and loyalty:based on amway taiwan company

陳淑敏 Unknown Date (has links)
自2004年開始安麗公司陸續在全台各地成立『體驗中心』,此舉可說是多層次傳銷事業的創舉,不但是全新概念,直銷商與顧客皆可在此體驗中心內試用、體驗與購買安麗公司各項商品,目前也受到許多會員的好評。 本研究以安麗體驗中心最重要的兩項元素『服務創新』與『體驗行銷』,作為研究內涵,以瞭解安麗體驗中心在『服務創新』與『體驗行銷』上對『顧客滿意度』與『顧客忠誠度』之間的關係。本研究以『問卷調查法』進行,並輔以『焦點訪談』。問卷於台北地區直銷商中心進行發放,發放對象為事業型直銷商、一般直銷商與消費型顧客;共發出600份,最後回收510份,整體問卷信度達.974。焦點訪談部分,則訪談安麗事業型直銷商8人,及兩位安麗公司高階主管。研究結果顯示,受訪者認為安麗公司不論在服務創新、體驗行銷、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度上都具有良好表現。且透過相關分析與迴歸分析也可看出會員認為服務創新程度越高,越能提高滿意度與忠誠度;同樣地,體驗行銷程度越高,滿意度與忠誠度也越高。透過焦點訪談,也看出受訪者對於安麗公司在服務創新與體驗行銷上都具有高滿意度,也建議安麗公司能充分利用體驗中心的場地,舉辦更多讓消費者能實際參與的活動。 / Since 2004, Amway has been implementing a pioneering initiative by establishing the Amway Experience Centers (AEC) around Taiwan, introducing a brand new concept into the multi-level marketing business. Distributors and customers can try, experience and purchase various Amway products at the AEC. So far, the AEC has received many favorable views from Amway members. This study explores the two most important elements of the AEC – service innovation and experiential marketing, in order to gain a picture of the relationship between the service innovation and experiential marketing of the AEC and the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty of Amway. The study was conducted with the method of questionnaire survey, complemented with focus interviews. The questionnaires were delivered at the Distributor Centers in Taipei area, aiming at career-type distributors, general distributors and consumer-type customers. Totally, 600 questionnaires were delivered, among which 510 were collected ultimately, reaching a total questionnaire reliability of .974. In the part of focus interviews, 8 career-type distributors and 2 Amway executives were interviewed. Findings of the study show that all interviewees gave a high opinion of the performance of Amway in terms of service innovation, experiential marketing, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. In addition, through regression analysis and other related analyses, it can be seen that Amway members think that the better the performance of service innovation, the higher the customer satisfaction and loyalty, similarly, the better the performance of experiential marketing, the higher the customer satisfaction and loyalty. Through focus interviews, it can be seen that the interviewees have very high satisfaction with Amway’s performance on service innovation and experiential marketing. They also suggested that Amway make full use of the AEC to hold more activities that are suitable for consumers to participate in.

瑜珈服務品質、 知覺價值與顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度之關係研究:以會員制瑜珈中心為例 / Signification correlation between the demographic variable, service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and the customer loyalty. –ex the Mermbership yoga cvernter.

葉軒 Unknown Date (has links)
在國內有關於瑜珈的論文裡面,我發現比較多會在於設備與課程的研究,對於會員制的瑜珈中心比較少著墨, 本研究特別針對了會員制的瑜珈中心的服務品質,知覺價值,顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度的關連性做一個論述,以期可以找到好的服務的建議給瑜珈業者,並對其訂定瑜珈的策略有很好的啟發性. 在瑜珈的消費者行為中到底有多少地方未被滿足?現行的會員制瑜珈中心到底還有多少可以改善的空間?本論文透過了質化與量化的分析,也透過了專家訪談的方式進行了深度的探訪,並採用了SPSS12.0統計分析軟體進行實證分析,並已因素分析與信度分析來萃取出各個構面的主要因素,接著以回歸分析來探討服務品質及知覺價值對顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度的影響,再來再以迴歸分析的方式,來探討不同性別,年齡,教育程度還有一些基本的使用習慣在各個構面上的差異. 本問卷的發放對像以北部的會員制瑜珈中心的會員為主,總共發出310份,有效問卷309份,經過分析研究結果得到的結論如下: 1. 服務品質對顧客滿意度有顯著關係 2. 服務品質對顧客忠誠度有顯著關係 3. 服務品質對知覺價值有顯著關係 4. 知覺價值對顧客滿意度有顯著關係 5. 知覺價值對顧客忠誠度有顯著關係 6. 顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度有顯著關係 7. 人口變數對服務品質,知覺價值,顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度有顯著關係 大綱如下 第一章 緒論 第二章 文獻探討與理論基礎 第三章 研究方法與設計 第四章 統計分析方法 第五章 結論與建議 關鍵字:瑜珈,服務品質,知覺價值,顧客滿意度,顧客忠誠度 / Among all the dissertations regarding the yoga learning centers, I found most of them focusing on the topic of either facilities or course arrangement rather than on that of the membership system. This paper focuses on the relation among the service quality, perceived value, and customer satisfaction of the Yoga centers so that it might help Yoga centers to offer the better service and to set up the inspiratory business strategy. How much unsatisfied is it within consumer behavior? How much should it be improved within the current membership system in Yoga center? This paper makes both qualitative and quantitative analysis by interviewing specialists, by SPSS12.0 software, by the factor analysis and credit analysis. Finally by the regression analysis, this paper discusses the impact of the service quality and awareness value on the customer satisfaction and loyalty; it also discusses the difference on the usage habits among gender, age and educational level. The survey in this paper mainly covers the group located in the northern Taiwan with the quantity of questionnaire 309 valid out of 310. The conclusion is shown below: 1.Significant correlation between service quality and customer satisfaction. 2. Significant correlation between service quality and customer loyalty. 3. Significant correlation between service quality and perceived value. 4. Signification correlation between perceived value and customer satisfaction. 5. Signification correlation between perceived value and customer loyalty. 6. Signification correlation between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.7. Signification correlation between the demographic variable, service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and the customer loyalty. Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: The reference and theory Chapter 3: Research method and design Chapter 4: Statistic analysis

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