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吳雅琪 Unknown Date (has links)
論文題目:影響網路書店消費者忠誠度形成因素之研究 校所:國立政治大學國際貿易系碩士班國際企管行銷組 論文摘要別:九十學年度第二學期碩士學位論文摘要 研究生:吳雅琪 指導教授:邱志聖博士 論文摘要內容: 隨著網際網路的興起,企業應用網路行銷的趨勢已是必然,消費者越來越能接受網路商店概念,網路商店間的競爭相當激烈,公司要真正獲利,必須建立顧客對網站的品牌忠誠度。因而本研究最主要探討影響消費者所認知網路書店的產品服務屬性滿意度、服務品質與信任度對消費者網路書店整體滿意度的影響關係,了解滿意度與消費者態度忠誠間的關係,並從交易成本構面的「消費者信任度」與「資產專屬性」來了解可能影響消費者滿意度、態度忠誠、行為忠誠度間的因素,以及研究態度忠誠與行為忠誠的關係為何,而兩者會如何受交易成本的構面影響。整合以上架構,本研究構建一整體模型,以網路書店消費者為研究對象,對各個構念進行分析。 由本研究實證結果顯示網路書店產品屬性的滿意度對於其整體滿意度有顯著影響,而產品屬性滿意度與服務品質則會對網路書店的信任度有顯著的影響效果,產品服務滿意度、消費者認知到網站的服務品質、及消費者對網站的信任度也會顯著影響網站整體滿意度。消費者整體滿意度與資產專屬性會正面影響顧客的態度忠誠,而消費者整體滿意度的增加也會幫助網路書店與其之間建立的專屬資產,兩者之間呈現正相關。 研究結果顯示消費者對於網路書店信任度與他們的態度忠誠度無關,原因推論為消費者對於購物網站的信任度並不會直接影響其對網路書店的態度忠誠,而是先透過整體滿意度的提升,再經由整體滿意度進而間接影響其態度忠誠。消費者與網路書店所建立的專屬資產與他們的行為忠誠度是呈現不相關,推論原因為網路書店與顧客間所建立的專屬資產並不會直接影響行為忠誠,網路書店必須努力提升消費者態度上的忠誠,加強其心裡認同感,並經由態度忠誠去影響行為忠誠。 關鍵字:顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度、交易成本理論、服務品質、網路書店

體驗行銷、體驗價值對顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度影響之研究 : 以營養俱樂部早餐店為例 / A study of the relationship between experiential marketing, experiential value, customer loyalty and customer satisfaction. case : nutrition club

鄧志鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
21世紀的的台灣消費環境隨著國民所得的提昇已經逐漸轉型到體驗經濟的時代,美學經濟己植入在各行各業的行銷方案之中,因此,國人在感受到改變之下對於生活更加講究,消費者已經從重視商品的性能與效益轉而為追求除了基本價值外的感受價值,而此感受的價值不再是免費的,決策的行為也由理性的決策行為轉向理性與情感並重的消費者行為。故現代的企業運用情境、顧客喜好的消費體驗,為顧客打造ㄧ個有價值的體驗,稱之為體驗行銷。體驗行銷是進入體驗經濟後的一個重要趨勢,企業可以藉由感官、情感、思考、行動、關聯五種體驗來提高消費者的價值認知。 本研究以營養俱樂部部早餐店為研究對象,研究方法採用便利抽樣方式進行調查,透過量化與質化探討體驗行銷的策略體驗模組SEMs和體驗價值、顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度三者間的關係,並提出實務的體驗行銷建言。 研究發現如下: 一、透過適當的「策略體驗模組」可正向強化不同構面的「體驗價值」。 二、「體驗價值」對「顧客滿意度」具有顯著正向相關關係,影響程度依序為消費者投資報酬、美感、趣味性和卓越服務。 三、「體驗價值」對「顧客忠誠度」具有顯著正向相關關係,影響程度依序為趣味性、消費者投資報酬、美感和卓越服務。 四、顧客滿意度可以有效預測顧客忠誠度。 五、部份的人口統計變項對「體驗價值」有顯著差異。 六、人口統計變項對「策略體驗模組」、「顧客滿意度」和「顧客忠誠度」無 顯著差異。 / With the economic development and the improvement in the standard of living by growing income, the economic moves to Experiential economic gradually. The Esthetics economic imbedded into the marketing plan in the most of kind of industries. Therefore, people are more care about the living quality, change their focus from features and benefits to experiential value, so that the experiential value will not be the free offer anymore, the behavior of making purchasing decision changes from rationality to a combination with feeling. Corporate operates with the occasional customer preferences to create experiential value for customers. That is called “Experiential Marketing”, it is an important trend in the current experiential economic. Corporate improve the value for customers by five strategic experiential marketing models - Sense, Feel, Think, Act and Relate. This case study is targeting to Nutrition Club, analyzing the relations of SEMs (Sense, Feel, Think, Act and Relate), Experiential Value, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty. Providing the practical suggestions to the club base on the analysis result. The key findings are below: 1. By choosing right modules of SEMs can positively predict or influence al aspects of Experiential value. 2. The Experiential value can positively predict and influences to customer satisfaction, the sequence of the influencing are CROI, Aesthetics, Playfulness and Service Excellence. 3. The Experiential value can positively predict and influences to customer loyalty, the sequence of the influencing are Playfulness, CROI, Aesthetics and Service Excellence. 4. Customer satisfaction can positively predict customer loyalty. 5. Demographics variables have partially significant difference on Experiential value. 6. Demographics variables have no significant difference on SEMs, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty.

從產品設計、消費行為探討顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度關係 - 以數位相框產品為例 / Through product design, consumer behavior to research on the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty relationship - A case study of digital photo frame

陳俊翰, Chen, Chun Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以數位相框為例,透過Cronbach’s α信度檢定、Pearson相關分析與單因子變異數分析等統計方法,探討「產品設計」、「消費者購買行為」與「顧客滿意度」、「顧客忠誠度」間之關聯性及影響因素,以期提供未來數位相框業者在產品設計與行銷策略之建議。   研究發現,產品設計的三個構面「外觀設計」、「基本功能」及「操作介面」,與消費行為的三個構面「消費動機」、「使用情境」與「未被滿足的需求」呈現顯著正相關,顯示數位相框的產品設計確實會對消費行為產生一定程度之影響。而研究亦發現,產品設計與滿意度及忠誠度呈現顯著正相關,且消費行為與滿意度及忠誠度亦呈現正相關。 / This research takes example of digital photo frame, to explore the relationship and factors that affect product design, consumer behavior, customer satisfaction and customer royalty. It expects to set recommendations of product design and marketing strategy for the digital photo frame makers in the future. The research found, that the three dimensions in Product Design, including appearance design, basic functions, and operational interface are positively relevant to the three dimensions in Consumer Behavior, which are motivation, user scenario, and unsatisfied demand. This means the product design has certain level of affect on the consumer behavior. The research also found that, the product design has significant positive relevance with customer satisfaction and royalty, and the consumer behavior also shows positive relevance with satisfaction and royalty.


徐翊芳 Unknown Date (has links)
網路銷售模式與傳統實體銷售模式的不同之處,在於企業整個服務型態及整個服務方式的展現。而在強調顧客導向與知識經濟的今日,本研究對目前台灣同時進行兩種銷售模式的企業進行顧客資本管理制度之研究,期提供予未來亦想同時採取兩種銷售管道之企業作為參考。 本研究透過深度訪談、實地走訪公司網站及店面並輔以小規模問卷發放,研究結果發現: (1)兩銷售模式之共同重要顧客資本為掌握顧客需求能力、行銷溝通投入、顧客資訊系統建置、服務顧客能力、顧客滿意及顧客忠誠、顧客資訊回饋6項次構面下之25項指標。 (2)基於網路銷售與實體銷售之特性不同,導致兩銷售模式所重視之顧客資本有不同點。 (3)基於網路銷售與實體銷售之特性不同,導致所重視的顧客資本指標不同,且進一步影響重要顧客資本之CRM活動,而產生差異。 (4)企業在兩種不同銷售模式下,除了應掌握重要之顧客資本外,尚應設置適當的重要顧客資本之CRM活動,以幫助顧客資本之蓄積。

體驗行銷、體驗價值、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度影響之研究—以宜蘭香格里拉休閒農場為例 / The study of the relationship among experiential marketing, experiential value, customer satisfication and customer loyalty: A case study of shangralis leisure farm

殷嘉良, Yin, Michael C.L. Unknown Date (has links)
傳統行銷主要注重產品功能及價格的範疇,與Schmitt所提出的體驗行銷相比,體驗行銷強調的維透過感官、情感、思考、情感與關聯方面的刺激來提高顧客的認知價值。本研究以香格里拉休閒農場為研究對象,因為該農場的天然景觀,所塑造的風格以及所設計的體驗活動刺激與體驗行銷之策略體驗模組相符合,所以選擇本牧場為研究對象,探討體驗行銷的策略體驗模組(SEM)和體驗價值、顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度之間的關係。 本研究的研究結果如下: 一、 透過適當的策略體驗模組可以強化不同構面的體驗價值。 二、 策略體驗模組之情感體驗、行動體驗、關聯體驗三項構面可以正向強化顧客滿意度。 三、 策略體驗模組織情感體驗、思考體驗、關聯體驗三項構面可以正向強化顧客忠誠度。 四、 體驗價值之消費者投資報酬、服務優越性、美感、趣味性可以正向強化顧客滿意度。 五、 體驗價值之消費者投資報酬、服務優越性可以正向強化顧客忠誠度。 六、 顧客滿意度可以正向強化顧客忠誠度。 根據研究結果,本研究對香格里拉休閒農場提出發展體驗行銷建議做為日後參考: 一、 加強體驗模組中的思考體驗及感官體驗。 二、 提高活動內容曝光率,透過網路提升活動內容及特色。 三、 透過顧客管理系統,提供不同季節特殊體驗活動,提高老顧客再回來參觀頻率。

客服中心驅動企業需求鏈管理之價值研究 / Value activities for demand chain management

黃明慧 Unknown Date (has links)
在現在競爭激烈的企業環境中,企業從過往以製造與低成本為競爭優勢的供應鏈管理,逐漸轉型為以顧客需求為核心之需求鏈管理,強調企業發展之策略重點需能符合顧客需求的趨勢。顧客心聲,是了解顧客需求的重要資訊。 企業客戶服務中心,能夠協助企業將顧客心聲中粹取出重要的顧客意見回饋,透過資訊轉化,傳達至企業內部功能單位,成為企業內部決策與管理改善之重要依據,讓顧客意見能夠參與企業的決策過程。本研究主要探討之內容為企業客戶服務中心之四大營運模式,包含「客戶服務中心」、「客戶關懷中心」、「行銷媒體回應中心」與「電話行銷中心」,分別收集的顧客心聲影響企業八大價值活動的深度與強度;企業八大價值活動包含「品牌認同」、「產品研發」、「製程與品管」、「行銷活動」、「通路管理」、「服務流程」、「營業收入」與「顧客經驗」。 本研究透過實務界三個研究個案的實證分析與歸納,有以下之研究發現: 一、 透過客服中心的四種營運模式,企業具體蒐集顧客心聲,轉化為對顧客需求之了解,進而針對消費者需求提供適合的產品或服務。 二、 透過客服中心所收集顧客心聲(Voice of Customer),經過內部資訊傳遞,可驅動企業主要八大價值活動「品牌認同」、「產品研發」、「製程與品管」、「行銷活動」、「通路管理」、「服務流程」、「營業收入」、「顧客經驗」。 三、 本研究推論當企業可採取不同的客服中心營運模式以協助企業達到不同的策略目標。 本研究之結論如下: 一、 企業客服中心,可以收集重要顧客資訊,並透過跨部門之資訊交流與管理,轉化為重要策略之參考依據,影響企業需求鏈管理的八大價值活動。 二、 企業客服中心可以協助企業驅動需求鏈管理之「了解顧客需求」(Understand Demand)、「管理顧客需求」(Manage Demand)與「創造顧客需求」(Create Demand)。 / In the more and more eager competition business environment, enterprises’s competences are transformed from supply-chain management to demand chain management. Customer-oriented is an important policy and reference for enterprises to determine development strategy. Customer contact center could collect most customer data and information which could facilitate company extract important customer insight and opinions from them. There are four operation models of customer service center, which includes”Customer service center”、”Customer care center ”、”Marketing response center”、”Telemarketing Center”. The objective of the research is want to find out how the customer insight collected from these four operation center interactive the eight major company value activities. The research is analyzed and investigated through 3 real cases, and we have the research finding as following, I. Through four models of customer contact center, enterprises could collect customer insight and transform them into the understanding of customer demand and modify the business strategy accordingly. II. The voice of customer collected from customer contact center could facilitate the eight major company value activities. III. The finding of the research inferred that the four models of customer contact center could help enterprises achieve different strategic objectives accordingly. Key word:Call Center、Demand Chain Management、Customer Insight、Customer Service

品牌形象、購買動機、知覺品質與顧客滿意度、忠誠度之關係研究─以台灣汽車品牌納智捷為例 / A study of the relationship between brand image, purchasing motive, perceived quality and customer satisfaction and customer loyalty -the case of LUXGEN

楊嘉祥 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣裕隆汽車於2009年推出「Luxgen納智捷」,一個台灣新創汽車品牌。本研究期望對「Luxgen納智捷」品牌之品牌形象、購買動機、知覺品質及顧客滿意度與忠誠度進行探討,希望能提供業者相關資訊,以供未來營運參考。本研究採用量化及質化之方式進行研究,共收集有效問券352份,訪談5位消費者。 研究結果如下︰ 一、人口屬性之不同對於品牌形象、購買動機、知覺品質、顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度之各因素構面存在有差異性 二、品牌形象對顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度存有顯著之關係 三、購買動機對顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度存有顯著之關係 四、知覺品質對顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度存有顯著之關係 五、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度間存有顯著之相關性 六、消費者對納智捷汽車之品牌形象最主要且印象最為深刻為創新科技的運用及台灣自創品牌。其購買動機主要為符合基本運輸需求及車身大小符合個人使用且性價比較高,選擇「Luxgen納智捷」是比較聰明的消費;在顧客滿意度方面,消費者對於納智捷汽車之科技配備及造型是最為滿意的。而對於納智捷汽車保有一定之忠誠度,願意推薦使用經驗給他人,且認為所購買之納智捷汽車物超所值。 綜合質化及量化之依實證結果與趨勢觀察,本研究提出下列之建議: 一、持續提升產品良率,降低對於創新品牌產品之不信任感。 二、迅速回應消費者之意見。 三、提升體驗消費,並藉由日常生活之互動創造感動消費者的價值。除了強調科技(冰冷的感覺)外,其行銷方式應與生活做連結。

品牌形象與知覺價值對顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之關係研究-以iPhone為例 / Research of the Relationship among Brand Image,Perceived Value,Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty:An Empirical Study of iPhone

趙興國 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以全球知名品牌 – 蘋果電腦(Apple)中之「iPhone」產品為例,探討「品牌形象」、「知覺價值」對「顧客滿意度」及「顧客忠誠度」之關係研究,希望可以找出該產品成功關鍵因素及有待改善之地方,做為日後開發類似產品的參考及提供蘋果電腦在後續產品規劃、行銷策略與品牌形象經營之參考。 本研究主要採用量化-「問卷調查法」並以質化-「焦點團體訪談法」輔助之方式進行研究;問卷方面,共取得400 份有效問卷,先進行因素分析,擷取適合本研究之因素構面,再進行信度與效度檢測,確定問卷的可信度及可靠度,並運用敘述性統計、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、Pearson 相關分析法、迴歸分析法,將資料進行統計分析及假設檢定;質化方面,採用焦點團體訪談法,藉由訪談iPhone的使用者,了解他們對iPhone的使用經驗及建議,經過整理再與量化統計結果相互對應,用以佐證及彌補量化統計結果的可能性偏差,使本研究之結果更為完整。 本研究之結論:  顧客滿意度為3.8 (以五點量表評估,5表示最高)  顧客忠誠度為3.6 (以五點量表評估,5表示最高) iPhone的主要顧客群為年輕、單身、男性,以20-40歲的使用者最多。 對使用者而言,iPhone的產品價值以社交價值最為重要,產品特性則以實用性最為重要,社交價值及實用性對於顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度影響也最大,滿意度則以服務滿意度仍有改善空間,包含銷售服務及維修服務。 產品定價方面可繼續維持高定價策略,以維持iPhone在顧客心中的價值感。 顧客最滿意iPhone的原因包含:  iPhone的使用者介面  iPhone的智慧型功能、軟體支援與更新  使用iPhone帶來的樂趣  iPhone的外觀設計與質感優  iPhone產品的創新形象 顧客最不滿意iPhone的原因包含:  銷售服務  維修服務 / This research is base the global famous brand – the iPhone of the Apple. Discovery for the relationship of Brand Image、 Perceived Value、Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty are the main stream research. Hope this research can distinguish the key successful factor and the improvement points. It could be the reference for the new model for developing and providing the model design planning of new product for the Apple and reference for the sale strategy and brand image. This research adopts both quantitative and qualitative approaches. In terms of quantitative approach, 400 effective questionnaires are obtained for statisticalanalysis where a few statistical methodologies such as Factor analysis, Descriptive statistic, T-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, Regression are utilized to verify the hypothesis and assumptions. For the qualitative approach which adopt the Focus Group. Hope to know customer’s using experience and suggestion through iPhone user. We analysis the data and contribute the account result with each other to complete this research. The research conclusion are :  The score for the customer satisfaction is 3.8. ( Base on Likert 5 points for evaluation, 5 means the highest)  The score for the customer loyalty is 3.6. ( Base on Likert 5 points for evaluation, 5 means the highest) The iPhone main stream customers are younger, single, male and majority are between 20~40 years. From the user point of view, the most important value of iPhone are societal value and practical value. The societal value and practical value are tremendous effect for customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. There is space to improve in service include sale service and after sale service. The product price strategy can keep the higher range price to matain the iPhone’s value for customer. Customer satisfied reason for iPhone include:  The user interface of iPhone  The software support and update of iPhone  Fun from the iPhone  The ID design and elegant with valuable of iPhone  The creative image of iPhone Customer unsatisfied reason for iPhone include:  Sale service  After sale service

體驗行銷、體驗價值對顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度影響之研究 : 以Apple Store上海浦東店為例 / The study of the relationships among experiential marketing, experiential value, customer satisfaction and loyalty:a case study of apple store at shanghai pudong

吳東孟 Unknown Date (has links)
在體驗經濟時代,體驗行銷成為企業行銷的新手段。企業從最初注重產品與服務品質,轉向注重消費者在消費商品過程中對產品與服務的整體感受。企業試圖與消費者進行情感對話,通過引導消費者參與體驗活動獲取消費者對產品、服務、品牌的滿意與忠誠。Apple作為世界“最有價值”品牌之一,與其成功運用體驗行銷手段關係密切。它的成功引發了本研究之最初動機。本文通過對Apple 大型體驗店之顧客進行調查研究,採實證探討方式,研究了體驗行銷、體驗價值、顧客滿意與忠誠度的關係。最後得到以下分析結果: 1. 體驗行銷、體驗價值各構面之內涵比較顯示: (1)體驗行銷五個構面中,情感體驗的影響力最高;思考體驗的影響力相對最弱。(2)體驗價值四個構面中,服務優越性給體驗者的影響力最高;美感的影響力相對最低。 2. 人口變項對體驗價值、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度有部分顯著關係。 3. 體驗行銷、體驗價值對顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度有顯著關係。體驗行銷對體驗價值有部分顯著關係,其中以情感體驗與服務優越性相關程度最高。體驗行銷對顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度有正向顯著關係,其中以情感體驗對顧客滿意度相關度較高,感官體驗與顧客忠誠度相關度較高。體驗價值對顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度有正向顯著關係,其中以服務優越性對顧客滿意度相關度最高。顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度高度相關。 / In the era of Experience Economy, Experiential Marketing becomes a new popular marketing means for enterprise. While the enterprise initially focus on product and service quality, now they pay more attention to the overall consumer feelings than consumer goods themselves in the consuming process. Enterprise attempt to make dialogues with consumer feelings and ask consumer for experience, in order to build the brand of satisfaction and loyalty. "Apple" as one of most valuable brand in the world, has a close relationship with the adoption of Experiential Marketing. Its success sparked the initial motive of this study. This research used one of the Apple largest experiential shops as a case to study the relationships of Experiential Marketing, Experiential Value, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty. Finally we got the following results: 1. The comparison between the various dimensions of Experiential Marketing and Experiential Value showed that: (1)In the five dimensions of Experiential Marketing, the Feel experience has the strongest impact while the Think experience has weakest.(2) In the four dimensions of Experiential Value, Service Excellence has the strongest impact while the Aesthetics experience value has lowest. 2. Population variations have some significant relationship to Experiential Value, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty 3. Experiential Marketing and Experiential Value have significant relationship to Customer Satisfaction and Customer loyalty. Experiential Marketing has some significant relationship with Experiential Value, among which Feel experience has the highest relationship to Service Excellence. Experiential Marketing has positive significant relationship to Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty, among which Feel experience has highest relationship to Customer Satisfaction, and correlation experience with Customer Loyalty. Experience Value has positive significant relationship to Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty, among which Service Excellence has highest relationship to Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Satisfaction with Customer Loyalty.


謝瑋紘, Hsieh, Wei Hung Unknown Date (has links)
觀光產業為缺乏自然資源的離島縣份—澎湖縣的重要經濟來源,而自2003年開始舉辦的澎湖花火節,為提振澎湖觀光收入與打造菊島觀光特色的重要觀光節慶之一,然而近年來由於規模縮小、活動內容缺乏在地特色,且同類型競爭者頻出的狀況下,花火節的效益受到不少質疑。作為澎湖最富盛名的觀光節慶活動,花火節是否依舊能對遊客有足夠的吸引力,並結合澎湖在地文化創造出對於遊客來說具有差異性的特別體驗?本研究擬採用體驗行銷作為理論基礎,以量化的調查法輔以質化的焦點團體訪談法,探究澎湖花火節給予遊客體驗之現況,了解其體驗對遊客滿意度及維繫遊客忠誠度的影響,並就得以補強改進之部份提出實務上的建議。研究結果顯示,體驗行銷模組中之感官體驗、思考體驗及行動體驗對顧客滿意度有顯著正向關聯,而感官體驗、思考體驗及關聯體驗對顧客忠誠度間有顯著正向關聯,而顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度亦有正向關聯。差異性分析方面,人口統計變項及旅遊特性變項均有部份對體驗行銷、顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度達到顯著差異。焦點團體訪談之結果大部分與量化結果相符,受訪者指出澎湖花火節的煙火聲光效果是類似活動中最佳,但其是否能與在地文化做結合才是主要考量重遊的因素,節目及週邊設施的規劃也需要改善。建議往後澎湖花火節應融入澎湖在地特色,以增加活動與澎湖本身之連結,並進一步提昇體驗;活動的基礎設施與流程管理也應加強,並增加節目的多元性與互動性,以符合不同特性遊客的需求。 / Tourism industry plays a key role in the economy of Penghu County, which lacks natural resources to develop other industries. The Penghu Fireworks Festival, which has been held annually since 2003, is the most important tourism event to help increase the income of tourism and build the special characteristics of the county as a tourism destination, but recently the effect of the event has been doubted because of the shrink of its scale, the lack of authentic localism, and the rise of many imitating competitors. Does the event still have the competitiveness against others to attract tourists? Is there any possibility to bring some local culture in the event to provide extraordinary experience for the tourists? Schmitt’s Experiential Marketing theories is used in this study as the theoretical base to examine the experience of the Penghu Fireworks Festival both quantitatively and qualitatively. Survey method is performed to find out the relationships between the main variables, which are experiential marketing, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. A following focus group discussion is then operated to gain further insights about the outcome of the survey. The result shows that sense, think, and act experiential modules are positively correlated to customer satisfaction. Sense, think, and relate modules are positively correlated to customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction and loyalty also have a positive correlation. ANOVA analysis indicates that differences of experience, customer satisfaction and loyalty among different demographic and tourism variables are partially significant. The result of the focus group discussion is similar to the quantitative analysis. The sensory performance of the Penghu Fireworks Festival is the best among similar events, but what really makes the tourists revisit is whether the event is designed with local culture elements. The content of the shows every night, the event settings and the management system have to be improved as well. Local elements of Penghu should be used as the theme of the festval to make it more relevant to the tourism destination, and to enhance the experience. Physical setting and process of the event should be improved. The content of the event also needs more diversity and interactivity, in order to satisfy the needs of different tourists.

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