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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

從語言文化學視角論俄羅斯飲食之民族特色(以普希金作品為例) / Концептуальный анализ русских кулинарных пристрастий в лингвокультурологическом аспекте (На примере произведений А. С. Пушкина)

林柏均 Unknown Date (has links)

適用於智慧型手機使用者之味覺資料庫建置與菜單推薦機制 / Menu Recommendation System and Taste Database Constructed for Smartphone Users

林信廷, Lin, Shin Ting Unknown Date (has links)
中國有句諺語:「民以食為天」,食物乃人類生活所不可缺的要素之一,而人們對於食物則有各自的偏好,而要從琳瑯滿目的食物中依照個人喜好來推薦則成為一門重要的課題。 隨著科技的進步,智慧型手機的出現為人類帶來了許多便利,也逐漸改變了人們的生活方式,群眾可以透過智慧型手機來記錄生活的點滴,記錄的方式正走向數位化,而如何利用這些累積下來的數位資料來做分析與推薦也成為熱門的研究目標。 本論文從味覺方面著手,將LifeLog的飲食記錄與味覺做結合,並透過大眾分類與群眾外包的方式,將味覺資料由智慧型手機使用者處獲得,並建構成包含餐廳、餐點名稱以及其對應味覺之資料庫。 本論文實作了一個程式Foodtaste,包含了記錄餐點味覺資料,查詢個人記錄,以及實作數種推薦的功能。本論文並提出了數個計算方法,透過LifeLog累積下來的味覺資料進行計算,來獲得每位使用者的個人口味偏好和味覺比例,並將這些資料與餐點的味覺比例計算來對餐廳進行個人化的餐點推薦。 / Foods and eating are the basic element of human's life, and people have their own favorite in choosing foods. Thus it is an important issue to make some recommendation for people in front of a dazzling array of foods. With the advances in technology, smartphones bring convenience to people and change their life style. One can use smartphones to record various things in his life. The ways of memories become digitalized, and how to use these digital data to analyze and give opinions becomes popular. Base on one’s taste, present study combined dietary records and food taste in Lifelog, using Folksonomy and Crowdsourcing to acquire data of specific food taste from smartphone users, and linked these data to restaurant’s name and the name of the meal in our database. We designed a smartphone application which called "Foodtaste". It provided users to record what they ate and how did it taste, looking up personal records, and several recommending methods. Our study also provides several methods in calculating cumulative data in Lifelog and acquiring the preference of one’s taste and ratio in variable foods from every user. Then we calculated these data to carry out personalized food recommendation.

飲食敘事與認同建構—以「古早味」之懷舊書寫為例 / Culinary narrative and identity construction – An analysis of the writing on Taiwanese retro food

楊癸齡, Yang, Kuei Ling Unknown Date (has links)
當代與飲食相關的媒介文本十分豐富,「古早味」更可說是其中討論不絕之重要主題,然而專論飲食懷舊現象的傳播研究卻不多,相關研究亦常將「懷舊」現象簡化為失真的歷史想像。   本研究聚焦於古早味書寫文本,認為對過往飲食經驗的懷舊反思具有正面意義,其乃「當代認同建構的過程」,且該建構論觀點也與敘事理論相互呼應。本文因此認為:觀察近年來盛行的古早味媒介文本,應可描繪當代社會的認同形貌。   研究發現,古早味敘事乃透過回憶場景、童年節日時光、直系長輩親人等來營造幸福質樸的懷舊氛圍。而個人身世背景、離散經驗與高度現代化社會下的焦慮皆成為結構性壓力,敘事者得以「親情聯繫」、「飲食意義」為刺點並以繼承尋根方式統合建構認同。 / The media texts of “Taiwanese retro food” increase gradually recently. However, there are few communication researches focus on this important phenomenon. Moreover, those researches also simplify nostalgia as “distortive imagination of history” constantly.  Therefore, this paper aims to argue that the introspection of the past is the progress of identity construction and is also related to narrative theory. Through analysing contemporary media texts of retro food, we probably may depict the appearance of social identity of the time.  Accordingly, the research found that nostalgic aura was cultivated by the narrative of the important scenes, good old times, and close family members. And the narrators tended to construct personal identity through pursuing family love and holding value of retro food.

台灣修煉文化與生活風格:以李鳳山及其梅門為例 / Cultivation culture and lifestyle in Taiwan: Lee Feng-San and Meimen Qigong Culture Center

梁孟涵, Liang, Meng Han Unknown Date (has links)
身體一直是生活世界中的感知與行動的載體,我們透過身體實踐搭建起心靈自我與社會的橋樑。因此藉由修煉身體的修養自我的工夫,使身體修煉承載了傳統文化底蘊與濃厚生命哲學,而牽涉了對生命、信仰乃至宇宙的道德情操。本文主要的研究命題是了解身體如何適應現代資本主義社會及實踐自我修養的技術,並且建立一套生活經濟的模型。本文的分析架構是關於修煉的內隱特質到外部身體實踐之間的互動過程。首先,透過考察修煉主體如何藉由卡理斯瑪的力量建構自身的修煉信仰與集體意識。同時,透過傅柯自我技術理論探討了修煉主體如何自我省察、鍛練以強化他們在日常生活中的身體感知與實踐,並且論述修煉主體如何將自我修煉進一步轉化於日常生活飲食的實踐。所以,藉由「梅門」研究個案,本文認為修煉的商品化是為了適應現代消費社會的世俗需要,而被外顯到美學鑑賞和階級品味的生活風格及在生命經濟當中的身體資本的積累與培塑。 / The body has always been the carrier of our perceptions and activities in the world. Through the bodily practice, the body bridges connections between spiritual self and society. By practicing the self-cultivation, the body inherits traditional cultural heritage and philosophy of life, and hence involves in life, faith, and moral emotion. My main problematics are to understand how body-cultivation adapts to the modern capitalist society, practices the technologies of the self-cultivation, and even builds a modality of life economy. The approach of my analysis is about interactive process between inner spiritual cultivation and outer bodily practice. First, it examines how the practitioners build their bodies based own faith of self-cultivation with collective consciousness formulated by charismatic power. Simultaneously, it explores how the practitioners reflect their inner selves by way of Foucauldian style of self-technology to sharpen their bodily perceptions and practice in everyday life. Then it turns to overview how practitioners realize their inner cultivation in dietary practice of everyday life. Taking the “Meimen Qigong Culture Center” as a case study, I argue that commercialization of self-cultivation is in response to earthly need of modern consumption society since it has been externalized to aesthetic judgement and life styles of social classes as well as bodily capital accumulation in economy of life.

在墨西哥成立健康中心-針對患肥胖及飲食失調的年輕女性 / Comprehensive clinic for young girl with obesity and eating disorders in Mexico

盧依仁, Eréndira Serrano Luna Unknown Date (has links)
This business plan aims to develop a premium holistic service for girls who suffer from obesity, overweight and/or eating disorders, using new approaches to these existing problems. Our mission is to provide an innovative approach that can make a difference for young women with obesity, overweight and/or eating disorders.

美國舊金山灣區俄裔移民之文化傳承 / Cultural heritage of Russian immigrants in San Francisco Bay Area

謝昕蓓, Hsieh, Hsin-Pei Unknown Date (has links)
舊金山是美國北加州的重要城市,亦是俄裔移民群居的重要據點。俄裔人口18世紀隨著帝國東擴到達北美洲,他們在北美設立眾多據點進行開墾及貿易。直至19世紀中葉俄國退出北美勢力後,俄裔移民仍在北美延續其文化影響。隨著廿世紀四波移民潮的相繼湧入,舊金山灣區的俄裔移民呈現多元文化發展,城市內的小俄羅斯牽繫著俄裔移民的情感。 俄裔移民在不同時期移民美國,他們主因家庭團聚及經濟因素遷移至舊金山灣區。本文主要探討文化傳承中的四個面向:語言、宗教、飲食及節慶,俄裔移民在舊金山灣區的文化傳承現況如下:俄語傳承主要在家中及學校習得、宗教信仰觀念受移民成長環境意識形態之影響而異、飲食習性因便利性與烹飪習慣呈現兩極化、俄羅斯節對於凝聚俄裔移民及推廣俄羅斯文化具重大傳承意義。 / San Francisco, not only the important city of North California, but also home to many Russian-Americans. Russians first reached North America back in the 18th century with the expansion eastward of the Russian Empire. They set up numerous settlements to develop trade in the new continent until mid-19th century. After the end of Russian America, the cultural influence of Russia still last to date. Along with the four waves of Russian immigrants, Russian culture in San Francisco has developed diversely. Despite Russian immigrants migrated to America in different time periods, family reunion and economic consideration has been the main cause. Cultural heritage discussed in this thesis includes language use, religion, cuisine and festival.

製造歡樂的消費空間---「江山樓」及其相關書寫的文學/文化意涵 / A fun-generating consumption space—Kang san lau and its related writing concerning its literary/cultural meaning

戴文心, Tai, Wenhsin Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文重現日治時期大稻埕「江山樓」的昔日風華,透過江山樓的歷史過往、活動展演,逐步解讀江山樓以及江山樓的相關書寫,所代表的文學╱文化意涵。 第二章「江山樓昔日風華」,主要在彙整江山樓的背景資料,重塑江山樓當時的樣貌。透過對江山樓過往歷史與地理位置重建,以及江山樓舉辦的種種活動,瞭解江山樓對當時的指標性意義。並從江山樓歷代經營者的經營瞭解:江山樓在這些人經營下,與上層階級官紳、文人形成密集的交流網絡,而江山樓成為日治時期非常重要的聚會場所,也因其具有著多重吸引力,因此江山樓周邊的活動與娛樂餐飲等事業,皆圍繞著江山樓繁榮發展。 第三章「江山樓的消費空間」,本章主要分兩部分論述,一方面從江山樓空間最重要的消費行為-飲食、藝旦談起;另一方面由江山樓飲食、藝旦,而吸引的消費人口,讓江山樓成為重要的集會地,引領著當時的消費風潮論述。日治時期有句俗諺「登江山樓,吃臺灣菜」可見江山樓的盛名以及飲食吸引人之處,由江山樓的內部裝潢、飲食器具、菜單、還有外燴活動,論述江山樓的吸引人的飲食消費,也是江山樓受到矚目的重要原因。 第四章「江山樓的相關書寫」,江山樓的相關書寫當中,主要分為「日治時期」與「戰後迄今」兩部分論述,從日治時期的古典詩歌,有許多歌頌、描繪江山樓美好的部分,如景色、美人、醇酒,可探知江山樓為「製造歡樂的消費空間」;另一方面,從江山樓的聚會的心情書寫,可以了解江山樓相關書寫中呈現的文學╱文化意涵,尤其日人與臺人,在其人筆下的江山樓,透過文學創作,呈現出不同的面向與文化思考。從戰後迄今關於江山樓的民間傳說、口述資料以及現代文本中,尋找關於江山樓的創作,來探究新/舊文化對於江山樓意涵的書寫與再詮釋,其相同與相異之處,來討論江山樓庶民印象的演變與其代表意義。 第五章「結論」針對江山樓的的種種面貌,來比對出江山樓所代表的空間╱符號意涵;總結前文,指出本文研究的價值,及未來尚可開展之研究方向。 / This thesis re-presents the past glory of “Kang San Lau”in Dadauchen during the Japanese colonial era, interpreting Kang San Lau and its related writing and the literary/cultural meaning it represents through the historical past and development of events of Kang San Lau. The second chapter, “the Past and Present of Kang San Lau,”focuses on collecting background information concerning Kang San Lau, re-creating it at its time. Through re-constructing the past historical and geographical location of Kang San Lau, and a variety of activities held there, the contemporary significance of Kang San Lau can be understood. Furthermore, this chapter analyzes through the management of the past owners of Kang San Lau, its intensive social network with upper-class gentry and literati. Being an important place for gatherings during the Japanese colonization, its appeal is layered and the surrounding activities and entertainment prosper because of it. In the third chapter, “the Consumtion Space of Kang San Lau,” the discourse is two-parted: one deals with dining and Geishas, the most crucial consumption behavior of Kang San Lau, the other examines the consumtion population attracted by the dining and geishas of Kang San Lau, making it an important gather place, ushering the consumption trend at the time. During the Japanese colonization, there was a saying “Attend Kang San Lau and taste Taiwanese dishes,” which reveals through interrior decoration, utensils, menus, and catering events, the fame and popularity of Kan San Lau. The fourth chapter, “the Related Writing of Kang San Lau,”presents a two-sided discourse, one being the colonization, the other postwar till present. From classic poetry praising and describing the wonder of Kang San Lau such as its scenery, beauty, and wine, Kang San Lau as a “joy manufacturing consumption space”is explored. On the other hand, from the emotional writing of the gatherings at Kang San Lau, the literary/cultural meaning presented in the related writing of Kang San Lau is understood, especially among the Japanese and the Taiwanese. Postwar till the present, through folklore, verbal discourse, and modern documentation surrounding Kang San Lau, the similarities and differences between the discourse and interpretation of new/old cultural significance of Kang San Lau is processes. The fifth chapter, “Conclusion,” compares the spatial/signal meanings Kang San Lau represents under its layered façade. In conclusion, the value of this thesis is emphazied and a future direction for research is indicated.


張瑞承 Unknown Date (has links)
欲了解某一民族的文化,則研究此民族的語言是絕佳的途徑,因為每個民族的語言皆為文化發展及積累的產物,受到文化的影響甚鉅。透過語言的視窗,可以一窺蘊藏豐富寶藏的民族文化。文化的範疇廣大,其中飲食文化是非常重要的組成部分,因為飲食是人類自古以來生存最基本的要求,是人類最為熟悉的事物之一,因此,語言亦承載了相當豐富的飲食文化內涵。 隨著時代的演變,以及人類探索的事物日趨複雜,語言亦不斷變化,其中詞彙意義的轉變尤為明顯,為了替大量從未見過的事物或抽象難解的概念命名,若上述事物或概念的某些特徵與較為熟悉且具體的事物或概念的某特徵之間具有「相似性」,人們即會產生「聯想」,並以原本擁有的詞彙加以指稱,使得原本的詞彙產生另一種意義,也就是「轉義」,當中常蘊含有「隱喻」的思維,因此轉義又可稱為「隱喻意義」,這些隱喻意義說明了人類是如何來認識週遭客觀世界。 俄語的發展進程亦是如此。俄語是俄羅斯文化的載體,自然承載了豐碩的俄羅斯飲食文化。而了解飲食文化的途徑可透過俄語飲食詞彙的研究,這些原本描寫食物、食物味道或飲食行為的飲食詞彙,在龐大的俄語系統中,被用來指稱某些抽象的事物或概念;也就是說,經過語言長期的發展,俄語飲食詞彙產生了相當多的隱喻意義,這些隱喻意義儘管是俄語使用者不易察覺到的,卻表達了俄羅斯民族的思維特性。 本論文旨在研究俄語飲食詞彙,包括食物詞、食物特質詞以及飲食動作詞的隱喻意義與用法,並從中觀察俄語中所隱含的思維方式與認知特點,以及語言所反映的民族思維特性。預期將能豐富俄語詞彙隱喻研究的視野,提供欲了解飲食隱喻的研究者、俄語教學者及學習者之參考。

中國保健食品質量控制體系研究 / Research on the system of quality control about Chinese health food

張偉 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences

中國保健食品質量再評價體系研究 / Research for the quality re-evaluation system of Chinese health food

王蕾棽 January 2006 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences

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