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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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我國高階主管特別管理制度規劃方向之研究:以對外開放競爭取才為核心之討論 / Research of Senior Executives Administration System in Taiwan– the discussion of opening opportunity to external competitor as a core

謝瀛隆 Unknown Date (has links)
1980年代以來先進國家所進行之政府再造,其外在環境背景因素中,主因是企業部門面對經濟全球化(globalization)競爭壓力,轉為政府層次的國家競爭力,以及資訊及通信技術之急速變遷,衝擊政府運作方式,此一趨勢驅使政府職能因應轉換,也導致政府必須就其組織重新設計或調整並加速改革步伐。經濟合作暨發展組織(Organization for Economic and Development,以下簡稱OECD)會員國為應此趨勢,紛紛建構獨立的高級文官制度以為因應。至於我國除以行政院組織改造為主軸,打造精簡、彈性、有效能的政府外;考試院則提出「建構高階主管特別管理制度」規劃,參採OECD國家建構高級文官制度經驗,希望建立有別於現行一般公務人員之特別管理制度,以系統化延攬及培育推動國家政務主幹之高階常任文官,藉以回應外界之要求。 我高階主管制度應採何種取才途徑,一直是規劃過程中之重點,因以何種取才途徑為設計基礎,影響後續配套措施,諸如俸給、考核、訓練及退離機制等規劃。換言之,取才途徑之選擇,關乎整個特別管理制度之規劃。本研究認為確立對外開放競爭取才之政策目標,始能導引高階主管制度整體規劃方向。至於對外開放競爭取才相關配套如高階主管職務範圍及其外補比例,宜細緻化及彈性化。推動上需漸進並建構合理有效之誘因體系;亦應強化政策溝通及研訂外部人才培育計畫,以爭取高階文官對於政策之認同。未來則應以對外開放競爭取才為前提,重行檢視並研究各議題之妥適性,俾使我國高階主管制度更為妥善可行,更於制度實施後,能提升國家之競爭力。 / Since 1980, government reformed in advanced countries because the external environment background and factors. Due to corporates were facing competitive pressure of economic globalization which turned the competition to the level of government, as well as rapid changes in information and communication technology that impact government’s operation. Hence government functions need to be converted and the structure need to be redesigned or reformed as soon as possible. The member of OECD (Organization for Economic and Development) built an independent senior civil service to respond these trends. In Taiwan, the main target is to redevelop Executive Yuan’s organization as well as create a retrench, flexible, and efficiency government. Furthermore, Examination Yuan planned “Building Senior Executives Administration System” based on OECD member’s experience of senior civil service in past years. The goal was to establish a special administration system other than the current one and to recruit and train senior civil service systemically as well as in response to public concern. Which recruiting method and devise basis should our senior executive service use was always our main concern because different method and measurement will effect stipend, assessment, training, and retirement etc. as planned. In other words, each method we take will result different administration system. It is suggested in the research that setting the goal of opening to external competition in government will lead the scheme for our senior executive service. Supplementary regulations for senior executive service need to be meticulous and flexible for open competition. Reasonable administration system should be built before moving to next step, as well as enhance communication policy and set up a training plan for external talent people to strive for senior civil service system identification. In the future, our government need to be focused on opening competition as a premise, and revise all the issues that might happen; this will result our senior executive service administration system more appropriate and make our country competitive worldwide after implementation.


黃秋酈, HUANG, GIU-LI Unknown Date (has links)
管理工作的重點之一便是衡量,根據其對人、事、物狀態的衡量結果,作為決策基礎 ,故決策品質之良窳繫於衡量的品質。本文將以管理會計的觀點,探討國內企業人士 ,對於“主管生產力”的認知程度,及其在實務上運作之情況,並兼納文獻整理,提 供企業界衡量主管生產力之可行方法,利用提升企業主管生產力,以期增進企業經營 成果。 本研究主要針對中級主管(middle-level manager)與高階主管(senior-level ma- nager )進行實證,藉寄發問卷以了解其對主管生產力之重視程度,且根據管理會計 的理論假設,提供更佳之衡量建議。本文並將依實證結果與1983年Johnson 、C- ynthia、Elaine、C 的研究做一比較。文分五章,共約六萬字。


徐甄慧, Xu, Zhen-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟結構的轉型與教育機會的提昇等因素,已有越來越多的女性在各職場領域中一展長才,晉升至企業中高階主管之職位。本研究欲透過對以下諸問題的探討,瞭解女性擔任企業高階主管之個人與社會方面條件的配合與影響情形: 1.影響女性擔任高階主管之人格特質方面因素為何? 2.角色衝突情形對女性擔任高階主管之影響為何? 3.傳統社會價值觀對女性人格特質之形成有何影響? 4.傳統社會價值觀對女性角色衝突程度之影響為何? 5.個人任職公司之企業文化對女性擔任高階主管有何影響? 本研究以台灣地區之企業女性高階主管為研究對象,透過問卷衡量與訪談之方式,彙整出以下結論: 1.傳統社會價值觀會影響個人人格特質之形成。受傳統社會價值觀影響較小之女性,其性別特質之類型越趨向於男性化或兩性化,且會具有較高之個我取向成就動機。 2.傳統社會價值觀對個人之角色衝突程度有所影響。自我與重要他人對傳統社會價值觀之看法越相近時,其角色衝突之程度會越低。 3.個人之人格特質對女性擔任企業之高階主管有所影響。屬於內控取向、高度自我監控、男性化與兩性化性別特質與高度個我取向成就動機之女性擔任企業之高階主管比例較高。 4.角色衝突程度越低之女性,對其擔任企業高階主管越有正面影響。 5.個人任職公司之企業文化對女性擔任高階主管有所影響。任職公司之母國文化對女性越持有平等對待之看法時,對女性在企業擔任高階主管越有正面影響。 最後,本研究提出幾點建議以作為在職女性與企業界之參考: 1.對在職女性之建議 (1)突破傳統窠臼,追求自我實現 (2)事先做好職涯規畫,並積極尋求支援 (3)慎選投入之行業與企業 2.對企業界之建議 (1)塑造男女平等之企業共同價值觀 (2)透過人才延攬與升遷獎酬等制度之設計以落實男女平等之價值觀


王婉茲 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以美國公司為樣本,探討高階主管獎酬結構與後續經營績效之關係以及高階主管獎酬結構與盈餘結構之關係。在高階主管獎酬結構與後續經營績效之關係方面,本文以營業活動之現金流量(CFO)、經濟附加價值(EVA<sup>R</sup>)與股票報酬率(RET)作為衡量公司經營績效之指標,並以會計績效指標之總資產報酬率(ROA)與普通股權益報酬率(ROE)作為敏感性分析。實證結果均支持預期之推論,即高階主管獎酬結構著重長期激勵之公司,其後續績效明顯優於獎酬結構著重短期激勵之公司。   在高階主管獎酬結構與盈餘結構之關係方面,本研究發現:(1) 盈餘結構之應計項目中,應收帳款變動數、應付帳款變動數、存貨變動數與高階主管短期激勵性獎酬呈正相關,而折舊費用則與高階主管之短期激勵性獎酬呈負相關;反之,應收帳款變動數、應付帳款變動數、存貨變動數則與高階主管之長期激勵性獎酬呈負相關,而折舊費用則與高階主管之長期激勵性獎酬呈正相關。如預期地,這說明較高的短期性盈餘應計項目會導致較高的短期激勵性獎酬,及較低的長期激勵性獎酬;而與長期性投資有關的折舊費用則與長期激勵性獎酬呈正相關。因此偏向短期激勵性獎酬之結構,易誘使高階主管利用該四項應計項目,以獲取短期激勵性獎酬;反之,若高階主管獎酬結構以長期激勵性獎酬為主,則高階主管會較重視長期獲利能力與績效,無形中減少操縱短期盈餘之誘因。(2)高階主管現金獎酬比例越高之公司,其盈餘結構中之流動裁決性應計項目比例亦越高,說明現金獎酬比例較高之獎酬結構會誘導高階主管調節流動裁決性應計項目,以達到預定之盈餘目標。   綜合以上研究發現,高階主管獎酬結構對於經理人之經營誘因,扮演極重要之角色。 / This study investigates the relationship between CEO compensation structure and components of earnings and that between CEO compensation structure and firm's long-term performance. The larger the proportion of long-term incentive compensation in CEO's total compensation, the better the firm's long-term performance which is measured either as CFO, EVA<sup>R</sup>, stock return, or accounting performance measures. On the contrary, higher proportion of short-term incentive compensation in total compensation can be obtained by manipulating accrual components. Firms with larger proportion of cash compensation have higher current discretionary accruals so that managers could be motivated toward managing discretionary current accruals to achieve target earnings. Such evidence suggests that compensation structure can be an important mechanism that induces manager's efforts towards shareholders' interest.

我國上市公司股權集中度,薪酬設計與公司經營績效關係之研究 / A Study on the Relationship Among Top Executive Compensation Scheme, Ownership Structure and Firm Performance for Listed Companies in Taiwan

吳政穎, Wu, Cheng-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
高階主管薪酬計畫與股權結構是解決公司代理問題的重要機制,代理理論提出以績效決定酬勞的制度,可提供高階主管努力誘因,促使股東與高階主管之間的目標一致;同時股權結構也會影響高階主管的努力,進而對公司的。故本研究旨在探討我國上市公司股權集中度、酬勞計畫與公司經營績效之關係,並利用模式推導相關的命題與假說。 本研究利用混合迴歸就四年度主管薪酬資料加以分析,Scheffe檢定檢驗高階主管的持股比例與薪酬計畫的關係,實證結果整理如下: 1、董事長持股比例與薪酬無關,總經理持股比例與薪酬有關。 2、公司價值與董事會持股比例呈非線性的關係。 3、機構投資人偏向效率監督假說。 4、總經理薪酬計畫中的項目比薪酬水準的高低重要。 5、公司經營績效與高階主管薪酬呈正相關 / In agency theory, executive compensation contracts and ownership structures provide primary mechanisms for solving agency problems. Top executive compensation linked to performance can align the incentives of firms'' top executive with firms''stockholder. Ownership structure can influce the effort of the top executive. The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship among top executive compensation scheme, ownership structure and firm performance for listed companies in Taiwan, and use modelling to develop related propositions and hypotheses. Pooling regressions using four years'' pool data and Scheffe test are performed to test hypothese, Empirical results are summarized as follows: 1.The holdings of chairman has nothing to do with the level of compsation and that of CEO has something to do with. 2.The non-linear relationship between firm value and holdings of board of directors. 3.The role of institution tends to be efficinet monitoring hypothesis. 4.Incentive component of CEO compensation scheme tends to be more important than level of that sheme. 5.Firm performance is positively associated with top executive''s cash compensation.


宋致皓 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要針對目前企業績效不佳,董事會成員坐領高額董監酬勞之情況進行研究。本研究首先從權力與監督兩構面分析目前影響董監酬勞水準之因素,並進一步從權力與監督構面探討執行業務董監領取員工分紅產生之激勵或稀釋效果對公司價值與股東權益之影響。 實證結果顯示,董事會成員之權力擴張會導致較高水準之董監酬勞,尤其是執行業務董監之員工分紅部分,且執行業務董監領取員工分紅對於公司股東權益及公司未來價值具有負向之影響。家族企業之董監酬勞並不會隨著權力擴張而有較高的水準。在內部監督機制方面,獨立董監之監督效果較不明顯;在外部監督機制方面,主動機構投資人相較於被動機構投資人,具有抑制董監酬勞自利行為之效果。 / Based on a sample of Taiwanese companies listed in Taiwan Securities Exchange over the period of 1996-2004, this thesis examines the determinans of compensation of board directors from the power and monitoring perspectives. In addition, this thesis investigates the effect of equity-based compensation of executive directors on firm value and return on equity. The empirical result indicates that the entrenchment of managerial power determines the level of directors’ pay, especially on equity-based compensation. The more powerful the board of directors, higher the level of compensation, lower the company value and the return on stockholders` equity. However, as compared to non-family-controlled firms, the directors of family-controlled firms tend to have lower level of compensation. Moreover, we find that active institutional investors have greater monitoring effect on the compensation level of board of directors.

我國上市公司股權集中度、薪酬設計與公司經營績效關係之研究 / A study on the relationship among top executive compensation scheme, ownership structure and firm performance for listed companies in Taiwan

吳政穎 Unknown Date (has links)
高階主管薪酬計畫與股權結構是解決公司代理問題的重要機制,代理理論提出以績效決定酬勞的制度,可提供高階主管努力誘因,促使股東與高階主管之間的目標一致;同時股權結構也會影響高階主管的努力,進而對公司的。故本研究旨在探討我國上市公司股權集中度、酬勞計畫與公司經營績效之關係,並利用模式推導相關的命題與假說。 本研究利用混合迴歸就四年度主管薪酬資料加以分析,Scheffe檢定檢驗高階主管的持股比例與薪酬計畫的關係,實證結果整理如下: 1.董事長持股比例與薪酬無關,總經理持股比例與薪酬有關。 2.公司價值與董事會持股比例呈非線性的關係。 3.機構投資人偏向效率監督假說。 4.總經理薪酬計畫中的項目比薪酬水準的高低重要。 5.公司經營績效與高階主管薪酬呈正相關。 / In agency theory, executive compensation contracts and ownership structures provide primary mechanisms for solving agency problems. Top executive compensation linked to performance can align the incentives of firms' top executive with firms'stockholder. Ownership structure can influce the effort of the top executive. The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship among top executive compensation scheme, ownership structure and firm performance for listed companies in Taiwan, and use modelling to develop related propositions and hypotheses. Pooling regressions using four years' pool data and Scheffe test are performed to test hypothese, Empirical results are summarized as follows: 1.The holdings of chairman has nothing to do with the level of compsation and that of CEO has something to do with. 2.The non-linear relationship between firm value and holdings of board of directors. 3.The role of institution tends to be efficinet monitoring hypothesis. 4.Incentive component of CEO compensation scheme tends to be more important than level of that sheme. 5.Firm performance is positively associated with top executive's cash compensation.

從電子化政府建立政府統計知識挖掘系統模型架構之研究~以內政統計為例 / Research into a System Framework for Knowledge Discovery in the Context of Statistics Tasks within e-Government – on Examples of Interior Statistic

江欣容, Chiang, Hsin Jung Unknown Date (has links)
各國政府為提高國際競爭優勢,紛紛積極推動「電子化政府」。我國電子化政府建設自八十六年起開始推動,迄今已經行政院擴大為e-Taiwan計畫。電子化政府推動之業務電腦化,帶動政府業務資訊系統的快速發展,其彙集而成之大型資料庫,為政府統計工作帶來莫大的發展契機。 本研究從電子化政府的過程、內政業務行政程序、知識挖掘及採勘方法,提出參考資料模型,可能的統計軟體工具以及電子化政府中知識發現的實驗架構。再者,本研究藉臺閩地區外籍與大陸配偶結婚登記資料集,運用各種群集分析如K-means、ANN、TwoStep等,並利用我國人口數時間序列採用多模式方法進行人口預測,並將前述分析結果回饋資料庫,最後,作者實現一個知識發現系統雛型,其中包含了前端資料庫、資料集、知識庫以及EIS使用介面。 本研究成果總結如下:(1)資料挖掘工作產出之知識,除真實呈現社會現象外,亦作為政府政策之指南;(2)在本研究發展之系統中,新興資料挖掘技術及傳統資料分析方法,二者相輔相成;(3)某些資料挖掘技術適合相符的資料型態,例如文中人口預測資料較適合指數平滑法勝於ANN,亦即,我們可以籍由多模式分析比較其結果,來達到更佳的效果;(4)藉由知識庫模型的建立達成知識創造、共享與管理的目標;(5)資料挖掘工作可以回饋改善資訊系統或業務缺失。 / In order to enhance international competitive advantages, most of the government authorities over the world are engaging in realizing their e-Government platforms. The ROC Government began to develope its e-Government- Infrastructure since 1997, and up-to-date is expanding the e-Taiwan Project as a whole by Executive Yuan. The computerization of administration processes within various government agencies push forward fast development of administration information systems via handling administrative works and lead to utmost opportunities for the government statistics by means of very large databases. Starting from a survey on developements of e-Government, administrative processes for interior affairs, and knowledge mining as well as discovery techniques, this study brings out reference data models, potential statistical softwaretools, and an experimental framework as a whole for knowledge discovery in the context of e-Government. In the next step, this study experiments with applying clustering techniques such as K-means, ANN, and Twostep on datamart regarding marriage of foreigners ( including citizens from Mainland China ) in Taiwan, and with employeeing multi-modes approach on population forecasting. The results of aforementioned analysises are feed into backend database. At last, this author carries out a prototype of knowledge discovery system which includes front-end data base, data marts, knowledge base and interfaces to EIS. The results of the research can be summarized as following: 1.Knowledge derived by means of data mining is capable to represent social events / affairs as well as to serve as a kind of guideline for developing government ploicies. 2. The modern data-ming techniques and classical data-analysis approaches complement with each other in the system developed in this research. 3. Certain mining technique is suitable of corresponding data pattern, for example, expotential smoothing is more suitable for our population data than ANN, which means that we may often achieve better result by multi-mode analysis and comprison with the outputs of different modes. 4. Knowledge creation, sharing, and management can be achieved by means of the knowledge discovery processes on the framework developed in this research. 5. We can figure out errorful raw data in the mining output and feedback to the data source to improve its quality.


林明毅 Unknown Date (has links)
KPI(Key Performance Index)是一個落後指標,需要一套更及時的領先指標,以動態和系統化的角度,及時展現每一位員工的執行績效和顧客滿意度指標,以數位化看板的概念報導員工對公司的貢獻度和顧客對服務的接受度,因為預先管控和報導,可以確保KPI 的達成,在服務品質的改善和顧客滿意度提升,有很大的助益。. 本研究希望發展出一套具體的線上及時管控指標,讓系統整合公司可以提升顧客信賴和持續服務品質改善,而將重點發展方向轉移到提供更好的內容、產品、服務、系統的品質,以及合理的價格。 因此採用平衡計分卡的四大構面為面向,ITIL服務生命週期之IT服務管理為主軸,參考PZB三位教授之服務品質概念性模式和SERVQUAL量表衡量構面及項目,配合系統整合公司的運作,歸納出一個服務品質改善架構流程圖,並以其為基礎發展一套服務品質改善的及時管控指標;運用商業智慧、數位儀表版等工具設計以支援主管決策管控和員工績效的報導系統。

首度上市上櫃公司高階主管持股, 初次投資宣告與公司價值關係之研究 / Executive Ownership, Initial Investment Announcement and the Corporate Value in Publicly Traded Corporations in Taiwan

溫福星, Wen, Fur-Hsing Unknown Date (has links)
財務三大決策:投資、融資與股利政策一直是學術界研究探討的主題,也是實務界關心的重要課題。過去有關融資與股利支付宣告的文章不少,但投資支出相關研究則一直被視為股權結構下的控制變數,鮮少學者探討有關投資宣告對公司價值的影響。 本研究嘗試從資訊不對稱的角度,探討首度上市上櫃公司管理當局為傳遞公司經營績效及未來成長機會給予外部投資人,透過自身的持股與投資規模進行初次投資宣告,藉以傳遞公司真正價值予投資人,以追求公司與自身財富的最大化。本研究在訊號放射理論的架構下,透過完美貝氏的分離均衡解,經過模式推導獲致三個研究命題,並以此研究命題、個案訪談與文獻整理推衍出可驗證的八個假說。 在假說驗證方面,以民國80年至89年共225家新上市上櫃公司的初次投資宣告為研究樣本,並依未來前景看佳與否、股權集中度高低與初次宣告投資規模大小來分類,將研究樣本區分為八個子樣本,利用事件研究法對宣告公司事件日的平均異常報酬率反應以及累積異常報酬率反應進行假說的檢驗。並且,以產業類別、高階主管持股、高階主管持股的二次方、投資規模、初次投資支出類型為自變數,公司規模、市場景氣與負債比率為控制變數,對事件窗口(-1,+1)的累積平均異常報酬率進行橫斷面迴歸分析,探討宣告事件對股票異常報酬率反應的影響。經由上述的實證過程,本研究獲得以下主要結論: 1.初次投資宣告具有資訊內涵,當股權集中度越高的高科技股公司,若進行大規模的初次投資支出宣告,則公司股票異常報酬率的正面反應訊號越強。 2.投資人對高科技股與非高科技股公司的初次投資宣告有不同的評價,屬於未來前景看佳的高科技股,進行初次投資宣告的股票異常報酬率反應顯著為正,且顯著高於未來前景不佳的非高科技股公司。 3.屬於資本支出類型的初次投資宣告有利於公司價值的提升。 目錄 第壹章 緒論…………………………………………... 1 第一節 研究動機與研究目的……………………………… 3 第二節 研究範圍與研究限制……………………………… 8 第三節 研究流程與論文架構……………………………… 11 第貳章 文獻探討與個案訪談整理…… ……………. 17 第一節 代理理論與資訊不對稱…………………………… 18 第二節 股權結構與公司價值之關係……………………… 23 第三節 資本支出與公司價值之關係……………………… 28 第四節 股權、資本支出與公司價值相關實證文獻……… 31 第五節 文獻評述與個案訪談整理………………………… 50 第參章 理論模式建立…………………… …………. 59 第一節 模式背景……,,…………………………………… 60 第二節 模式架構與模式條件設定………………………… 63 第三節 模式推導與命題建立……………………………… 72 第肆章 研究設計… ………………………………… 81 第一節 實證架構與研究假說……………………………… 82 第二節 資料來源與樣本選取……………………………… 93 第三節 變數操作性定義…………………………………… 96 第四節 實證分析方法……………………………………… 102 第伍章 實證結果分析…… ………………………… 113 第一節 樣本資料統計分析………………………………… 114 第二節 全體樣本初次投資支出宣告的效果分析………… 121 第三節 研究假說的驗證……………………………………. 132 第四節 投資支出宣告異常報酬率影響因素分析………… 150 第五節 實證結果與涵義……………………………………. 154 第陸章 結論與建議…… …………………………… 163 第一節 結論………………………………………………… 164 第二節 建議………………………………………………… 166 參考文獻 中文部分……………………………………………………… 171 英文部分……………………………………………………… 173 表目錄 表2-1 國外其他股權結構與公司價值關係實證文獻整理… 36 表2-2 國外其他資本支出與公司價值關係實證文獻整理… 43 表2-3 個案訪談發現與對本研究的涵義……………………. 56 表3-1 研究模式的前提設計…………………………………. 67 表3-2 研究模式符號說明……………………………………. 68 表4-1 研究範疇的分類情形…………………………………. 86 表4-2 研究範疇的分類情形與對應的假說…………………. 90 表4-3 市場景氣劃分……………………………………… 101 表5-1 整體上市上櫃公司的分配狀況……………………… 115 表5-2 研究樣本按初次投資支出宣告年度分類…………… 116 表5-3 研究樣本按產業類別分類…………………………… 117 表5-4 研究樣本按高科技類股與市場景氣分類統計……… 118 表5-5 各研究變數的樣本統計量…………………………… 119 表5-6 全體樣本初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬率…… 122 表5-7 全體樣本事件窗口累積異常報酬率………………… 123 表5-8 高科技股公司初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬…. 125 表5-9 非高科技股公司初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬率126 表5-10 高科技股公司事件窗口累積異常報酬率…………… 127 表5-11 非高科技股公司事件窗口累積異常報酬率………… 127 表5-12 投資規模大的公司初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬129 表5-13 投資規模小的公司初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬130 表5-14 投資規模大的公司事件窗口累積異常報酬率……… 131 表5-15 投資規模小的公司事件窗口累積異常報酬率……… 131 表5-16 研究樣本交叉分類分布情形(n=225) ……………… 132 表5-17 第一種情況公司初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬率134 表5-18 第一種情況公司事件窗口累積異常報酬率 135 表5-19 第二種情況公司初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬率136 表5-20 第二種情況公司事件窗口累積異常報酬率……………137 表5-21 第三種情況公司初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬率138 表5-22 第三種情況公司事件窗口累積異常報酬率……………139 表5-23 第四種情況公司初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬率140 表5-24 第四種情況公司事件窗口累積異常報酬率……………141 表5-25 第五種情況公司初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬率142 表5-26 第五種情況公司事件窗口累積異常報酬率……………143 表5-27 第六種情況公司初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬率144 表5-28 第六種情況公司事件窗口累積異常報酬率……………145 表5-29 第七種情況公司初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬率146 表5-30 第七種情況公司事件窗口累積異常報酬率……………147 表5-31 第八種情況公司初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬率148 表5-32 第八種情況公司事件窗口累積異常報酬率……………149 表5-33 累積異常報酬率的橫斷面多元迴歸分析………………153 表5-34 各研究假說實證結果……………………………………158 圖目錄 圖1-1 研究流程………………………………………………. 12 圖3-1 初次投資支出宣告的信號放射………………………. 63 圖3-2 研究模式與觀念架構………………………………... 65 圖3-3 初次投資出宣告的樹狀機率分析…………………… 71 圖4-1 實證架構…………………………………………………82 圖4-2 實證分析方法與流程……………………………………102 圖4-3 事件研究的各時間參數的關係……………………… 105 / Previous foreign studies on corporate investment impact on market prices have revealed that investors react positively to the announcement of increases in capital expenditure. But, the few papers study the topic in Taiwan. This study applies the agency theory, the signaling theory which reduce the asymmetric information and agent problems between the management and external investors and the perfect Baysian Equilibrium to construct the theoretic model to analyze the effect of the initial investment announcement. Following the theoretical model, case interview and literature review, the study derives the three propositions and eight hypotheses. We test these hypotheses for the publicly traded corporations in Taiwan considering a sample composed of the initial investment announcement. The period of the study was January 1991 to December 2000, and the firms selected were all companies listed on the Taiwan Security Exchange or the OTC. The number of the initial investment announcements initially collected was 365 for publicly traded corporations. Nevertheless, the final sample was reduced to 225 after excluding the confounding events and other screen. Finally, we separated the full sample to eight sub-samples by corporate type, ownership and investment scale and used the event study and regression analysis to test the information effect of the initial investment announcement. Our empirical results are not hold in the full sample since no significant market reaction, but are supported in the sub-samples grouped by high-tech. Moreover, the initial investment announcements of high-tech, high ownership, and high scale companies lead the significant positively abcdrmal rate of return at the announcement day. In addition, the investors significantly positively react to the initial investment announcements belong to the capital investment.

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