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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vorme van bevrydingsonderwys in Latyns-Amerika, die VSA, Tanzanië en die RSA : 'n histories-vergelykende studie

Asia, Henry Peter 12 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Bevrydingsonderwys is 'n verskynsel \vat wereldwyd voorkom. Dit word egter nie in alle werelddele dieselfde genoem nie. Popular Education in Latyns-Amerika, Progressiewe Onderwys in die VSA, Sosialistiese Onderwys in Tanzanie en People's Education in die RSA kan b)voorbeeld almal as voorbeelde van benydingsonderwys beskou word. In hierdie studie word die ontstaan, ontwikkeling, aard en wese van bovermelde onderwysvorme beskryf en vergelyk. Eers word aandag gegee aan die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van Popular Education en word die opvattings van onder andere Paulo Freire en Antonio Gramsci oor die verband tussen onderwys, bevryding en verandering bespreek. Daama word die historiese ontwikkeling van onderskeidelik Progressiewe Onderwys, Sosialistiese Onderwys en People's Education beskryf en bespreek. Die onderwysvorme word vervolgens met mekaar vergelyk en ooreenkomste en verskille blootgele. Ten slotte word bevrydingsonderwys aan die hand van opvoedkundige kriteria beoordeel en aanbevelings met betrekking tot onderwysverandering en -vemuwing in die RSA gemaak. / Education for liberation is a world-\"ide phenomenon. However, it is not named the same throughout the world. Popular Education in Latin America, Progressive Education in the USA Socialistic Education in Tanzania en People's Education in the RSA can, for instance, all be viewed as examples of education for liberation. In this study the origin, development and nature of the above-mentioned forms of education are described and compared. Firstly, the origin and development of Popular Education and the views of inter alia Paulo Freire and Antonio Gramsci regarding the relationship between education, liberation and change are discussed. Thereafter, the historical development of Progressive Education, Socialistic Education and People's Education are described and discussed. These forms of education are subsequently compared and similarities and differences are disclosed. Lastly, education for liberation is evaluated according to educational criteria and recommendations concerning educational change and renewal in the RSA are made. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Historiese Opvoedkunde)

An ecclesiological analysis of the Church of God and Saints of Christ and its impact on Bulhoek massacre

Ngwanya, Richman Mzuxolile 08 1900 (has links)
A tragic massacre in May 1921, commonly referred to as the Bulhoek Massacre, was associated with the ecclesiology of the Church of God and Saints of Christ, founded by Enoch Mgijima. If it were not for the theology of eschatology that this church adhered to, the so-called Bulhoek Massacre would not have happened. The theology of eschatology which Mgijima was focussing on caused the ecclesiology of the amaSirayeli to be the victims of the circumstances. Dulles defines ecclesiology as the church in the process of self actualisation. There is self understanding of worshippers. In the case of the Church of God and Saints of Christ, such self-understanding caused the Bulhoek Massacre. It is said that when people fervently believe in an Ultimate Being, whether such belief is a construction in their minds or a reality, then those people will be willing to defend their belief and die for, if it needs to be. For such a believer, it is because of the hope for a better life in the future that they are willing to even defy earthly authorities. When that believer follows a voice of the supernatural, which is revealed only to him and sounds much louder, much clearer and more authoritative than human voices, it is then that he cannot be void. Such an authoritative voice may be transmitted either through ancestors, known as the living dead, or directly from the Supreme Being. In the case of the said church, it is both. Secondly, an ecclesiology of the Church of God and Saints of Christ should be understood in the light of their mother church in America under the leadership of Crowdy the founder. Such ecclesiology should also be understood against the religious backdrop of the African Initiated Churches (AIC). These two factors, the mother church in America and the religion of the African Initiated Churches, will be the main components that drive this thesis, and thus illuminate the spark in the said church. Owing to the proliferation of the African Initiated Churches in the continent of Africa, there is a wide speculation that Africa, of the 21st century, will be the centre of World Christianity. Whether this is just a dream or a reality remains to be realized. But the fact remains that, these churches continue to be a religious force that forms part of the church history in Africa. While this thesis will constantly be referring to the 1921 events, an ecclesiology of the said church is a present phenomenon because the church survived the massacre and is still active today. The two researchers, Robert Edgar from Los Angeles University in the USA, and Martin Mandew from the University of Natal, completed their doctoral theses on the Bulhoek Massacre. Edgar was researching on, The Fifth Seal. Enoch Mgijima, The amaSirayeli Bulhoek Massacre, 1921. Mandew concentrated on, War, Memory and Salvation, The Bulhoek Massacre and the Construction of a Contextual Soteriology. Since both researchers come from a distance, and are unable to speak the language of the people they were researching, there were of obviously unfilled gaps in between. As mentioned about cultural differences, therefore, knowing the language of the worshippers makes a big difference. There needs some analysis of idiomatic expressions, enunciated and other formal and informal expressions that tend to be important during communication. However, I acknowledge their research programme but I will go further from their product. This thesis examines the ecclesiology of this church and then relates it to the massacre where they were killed for their own beliefs. It is also important to analyse, as this thesis does, the church-state relations in South Africa in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in order to establish how other religious bodies related to the governments of the said period. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Church History)

Paulo Freire se benadering tot leer en onderrig as teenvoeter vir die kultuur van geweld teen vroue en kinders in Suid-Afrika / Paulo Freire’s approach to learning and teaching as an antidote against the culture of violence against women and children in South Africa

Kloppers, Daniel Frederik 09 1900 (has links)
Die Brasiliaanse opvoedkundige Paulo Freire word as een van die belangrikste opvoeders van die twintigste eeu beskou. Sy benadering tot volwasse onderrig is op verskeie terreine toegepas maar nooit direk as teenvoeter vir geweld teen vroue en kinders aangewend nie. Die doel van hierdie studie was om vas te stel op welke wyse Paulo Freire se benadering tot leer en onderrig in volwasse basiese onderrig as teenvoeter kan dien vir die kultuur van geweld teen vroue en kinders in Suid-Afrika. Die studie bestaan uit ’n analitiese literatuurstudie en ’n kwalitatiewe studie met elf deelnemers. Ten einde die navorsingsvraag te beantwoord neem die studie ‘n aanvang met ’n literatuurstudie oor die redes vir geweld teen vroue en kinders. Daarna val die fokus op volwasse basiese onderrig [VBO], volwasse leer en die knelpunte in VBO in Suid-Afrika. In die volgende hoofstuk word die literatuur ten opsigte van Freire se werk en sy benadering tot volwasse onderrig bespreek. Kernelemente van sy benadering word getabuleer waarna kritiek op en die belang van sy benadering, sowel as die toepassing daarvan, in Afrika en Suid-Afrika bespreek word. In die kwalitatiewe empiriese studie word die resultate van die vrae in die onderhoudsgids met betrekking tot geweld en VBO bespreek waarna die resultatate in die laaste hoofstuk in die lig van die literatuurstudie geanaliseer word. Nadat die data beoordeel is, word aanbeveel dat, hoewel kennis geneem moet word van die uitdagings in VBO en Freire se benadering, die benadering steeds as ’n middel in basiese volwasse onderrig gebruik kan word om geweld die hoof te bied. ’n Praktiese voorstel vir teengeweldonderrig word gemaak met behulp van ’n teengeweldlesplan vir VBO. Die navorsing sluit af met beperkings van die studie en voorstelle vir optrede. / The Brazilian educator Paulo Freire is considered to be one of the most important educators of the twentieth century. His approach to adult education has been applied to various fields, but never directly to prevent violence against women and children. The purpose of this study was to ascertain how Freire’s approach to learning and teaching can be used as an antidote against violence against women and children in South Africa. The study consists of an analytical literature review and qualitative study with eleven participants. To answer the research question, the study commences with a literature study on the reasons for violence against women and children. Therafter the focus shifts to the adult basic education, adult learning and the restraints in adult basic education in South Africa. In the next chapter Freire’s work and his approach to adult education is dis-cussed. Key elements to his approach is tabled whereafter critique on and the im-portance of his approach, as well as its application in South Africa, is discussed. In the qualitative empirical study the results of the questions in the interview guide with regard to violence and adult basic education is discussed, whereafter the results are analised in the final chapter in view of the literature study. After the consideration of the data, it is recommended that cognisance must be taken of the challenges to adult basic education and Freire’s approachwhich can still be utilised as a medium in adult basic education to combat violence. A practical proposal for antiviolence education is made through a antiviolence lesson plan for ABE. The research concludes with limitations and recommendations. / ABET and Youth Development / M. Ed. (Adult Education)

Vorme van bevrydingsonderwys in Latyns-Amerika, die VSA, Tanzanië en die RSA : 'n histories-vergelykende studie

Asia, Henry Peter 12 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Bevrydingsonderwys is 'n verskynsel \vat wereldwyd voorkom. Dit word egter nie in alle werelddele dieselfde genoem nie. Popular Education in Latyns-Amerika, Progressiewe Onderwys in die VSA, Sosialistiese Onderwys in Tanzanie en People's Education in die RSA kan b)voorbeeld almal as voorbeelde van benydingsonderwys beskou word. In hierdie studie word die ontstaan, ontwikkeling, aard en wese van bovermelde onderwysvorme beskryf en vergelyk. Eers word aandag gegee aan die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van Popular Education en word die opvattings van onder andere Paulo Freire en Antonio Gramsci oor die verband tussen onderwys, bevryding en verandering bespreek. Daama word die historiese ontwikkeling van onderskeidelik Progressiewe Onderwys, Sosialistiese Onderwys en People's Education beskryf en bespreek. Die onderwysvorme word vervolgens met mekaar vergelyk en ooreenkomste en verskille blootgele. Ten slotte word bevrydingsonderwys aan die hand van opvoedkundige kriteria beoordeel en aanbevelings met betrekking tot onderwysverandering en -vemuwing in die RSA gemaak. / Education for liberation is a world-\"ide phenomenon. However, it is not named the same throughout the world. Popular Education in Latin America, Progressive Education in the USA Socialistic Education in Tanzania en People's Education in the RSA can, for instance, all be viewed as examples of education for liberation. In this study the origin, development and nature of the above-mentioned forms of education are described and compared. Firstly, the origin and development of Popular Education and the views of inter alia Paulo Freire and Antonio Gramsci regarding the relationship between education, liberation and change are discussed. Thereafter, the historical development of Progressive Education, Socialistic Education and People's Education are described and discussed. These forms of education are subsequently compared and similarities and differences are disclosed. Lastly, education for liberation is evaluated according to educational criteria and recommendations concerning educational change and renewal in the RSA are made. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Historiese Opvoedkunde)

Un Monde pour les XX: Octave Maus et le groupe des XX :analyse d'un cercle artistique dans une perspective sociale, économique et politique / A World for the XX: Octave Maus and the Groupe des XX :a study of an artistic circle from a political, economical and social perspective

Goldman, Noémie 13 June 2012 (has links)
Notre thèse se concentre sur la question des mécanismes de restructuration du système du monde de l’art à Bruxelles à la fin du XIXe siècle. Nous cherchons à démontrer comment une nouvelle scène artistique construite autour du cercle des XX à Bruxelles, dont l’épanouissement sera pris en charge par l’animateur d’art Octave Maus, produit un art qui est influencé par les enjeux sociaux et politiques portés par un milieu défini de manière sociale, culturelle et générationnelle.<p>Nous avons ainsi voulu replacer le groupe des XX dans son contexte économique, politique et social. La diversification des approches et des sources était donc un aspect essentiel de nos recherches. Plusieurs voies d’approche ont été empruntées, telles que l’histoire culturelle, la sociologie de l’art, l’histoire du marché de l’art, l’analyse politique ainsi que l’étude de la visual culture. <p>Dans un premier temps, nous analysons l’émergence de la nouvelle scène artistique construite autour du groupe des XX. Nous débutons par une analyse plus monographique du parcours de Maus afin de définir les qualités essentielles de l’animateur d’art qu’il incarne, ainsi que son rôle dans la reconfiguration du milieu culturel. Ensuite, notre étude se concentre sur la mobilisation d’un public autour des salons et la mise en place d’un nouveau marché de l’art aux XX. <p>Dans un second temps, notre étude se penche sur les œuvres créées par les XX et sélectionnées par le public d’amateurs fidèles au groupe. Nous éclairons cette production artistique en y décelant les influences des questionnements et des prises de position sociales et politiques du public des XX, défini précédemment. L’analyse iconographique et stylistique des œuvres s’accompagne d’un travail sur ce milieu culturel, et particulièrement sur ses positions face aux débats sociaux de l’époque. Cette étude aboutit, d’une part, à une description approfondie du public des XX, et, d’autre part, à une meilleure compréhension de l’originalité de la production esthétique des artistes du groupe. /<p><p>This PhD thesis concentrates on the mechanisms by which the artistic world in Brussels was reorganized at the end of the 19th century. The research focuses on the places, institutions, publics, art markets and aesthetic developments that characterized the new artistic scene constructed around the “Salon des XX”. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that this artistic circle, led by Octave Maus, produced an art influenced by social, political and economic issues. Another aim has been to analyze the public that defended the artists by studying its social, cultural and generational nature.<p>This thesis, which is divided into two parts, for the first time explores the circle of the XX in its economic, political and social environment. The diversification of sources and scientific methods was therefore an essential aspect of the research. Different methods were applied such as, for example, the cultural history, the sociology of art, the history of the art market, political sciences and the visual culture.<p>The first part of this study is about the emergence of a new artistic scene founded around the “Groupe des XX”. The first objective was to investigate the personal and professional path followed by Octave Maus, the manager of the XX, who played a major role in the evolution of the cultural world. Subsequently the research focuses on the mobilization of a particular public and the creation of a new art market around the XX’s exhibitions.<p>The second part of this thesis considers the works of art created by the artists of the “Groupe des XX” and chosen by the public for private collections. New light is shed on this artistic production by the study of the social and political position of the XX’s public, considered as a social group. Hence the iconographic and stylistic analysis of the works goes together with a study of the XX’s milieu, and in particular with its political action. The present thesis, and the method that aims to study the works in parallel with the public’s social nature, lead to a better understanding of the cultural milieu and, at the same time, of the originality of the XX’s artistic creation. <p><p> / Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Les idéologies politiques africaines: mythe du pouvoir ou instance du développement ?réflexion épistémologique sur le nationalisme congolais à la lumière de la théorie rawlsienne de la justice

Tshilumba Kalombo Muadiamvita, Gilbert 03 October 2008 (has links)
Les idéologies politiques africaines :mythe du pouvoir ou instance du développement ?<p>Réflexion épistémologique sur le nationalisme congolais à la lumière de la théorie rawlsienne de la justice.<p><p>Panafricanisme, négritude, consciencisme, socialisme et nationalisme ont eu en gros sur le sol africain, une double mission :-délivrer les pays du joug colonial<p>sortir ces pays du sous-développement par un travail d’une <p>-\ / Doctorat en Philosophie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Ukraїnas självständighet 1917 i svensk press 1917–1918 / Ukraine’s independence 1917 in swedish press 1917–1918

Bergman, Leo January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation is a quantitative study with elements of qualitative analysis. The purpose of this quantitative study was to investigate WHAT was written about Ukraine's independence 1917 in Swedish press 1917–1918. The qualitative part of the survey was intended to answer the question if the newspaper's political attitude influenced the news reports during the chosen period. The exact periodization was determined to be between March 1, 1917 and June 30, 1918. This periodization was chosen because of the March Revolution in 1917, which triggered independence declarations in a number of countries oppressed by Moscow, who now saw their chance of freedom. June 1918 became the end of the investigation because it was just when the peace agreement between Ukraine and the Soviet Union was signed. The source material has been chosen to represent a multitude of ideological orientations. It was liberal, moderate, conservative, liberal and left-wing orientations. The source material consisted of newspaper articles from the following newspapers: Dagens Nyheter, Aftonbladet, Göteborgs Aftonblad, Svenska Dagbladet, Dalpilen, Kalmar Tidning and Norrskensflamman. Quantitative methodology was used on the source material. This method consisted of a reviewing of newspaper articles in searching of news reports from Ukraine or articles which had something to do with the events in Ukraine. Every newspaper was searched day after day. The crawled material was presented in two chapters representing different periods. The first chapter of the results presented the results from 1917, and more precisely from March to December 1917. The second chapter presented the results from 1918, but also from December 1917, that is, the result from December 1917 through June 1918. The whole result was then discussed in a separate chapter where the qualitative analysis was also discussed. The result of the quantitative analysis showed that it has been written relatively sparcely about Ukraine's independence although the volume of articles increased from December 1917 and even more in 1918. Sometimes there were articles on the first page. But for the most part, the articles with Ukraine issues were placed among other foreign articles. It was also found in the survey that it was the first World War that drew attention to the newspapers, even though the events in Petrograd and then in Ukraine took more space. This survey also showed that what was written about Ukraine's independence was also what appears in the reference literature. The news reports reported how Ukraine proclaimed independence in March 1917 and later on proclaimed an independent republic in November 1917 when the Bolsheviks conducted their coup d'état in Petrograd. The newspapers also wrote how the Russian Communists sent a declaration of war to Ukraine in December 1917 and about the war that followed. The articles also tell us how negotiations on Ukraine Peace went on in Brest-Litovsk, and how they ended up with alliance between Germany and Ukraine with the campaign against the communists. It was told how the German army marched into Ukraine to free it from the bolsheviks. Until May 1918 there were battles between the German-Ukrainian Army and the Communists. In June 1918 the peace agreement was signed and this survey’s investigation ended. The survey showed that it was written about Ukraine's independence in all newspapers. Dagens Nyheter had the most news articles linked to the survey. Although the number of articles was not subject for analysis in this survey. The qualitative analysis was based on using Höjelid's theoretical concepts "positive sound" and "negative sound" on the quantitative analysis material. The qualitative analysis’ result showed that it was almost impossible to see the differences between the newspapers because the articles were traded between the newspapers, i.e. the content was copied straight away. It should be noted that not all content was the subject of copying between the newspapers. Copying occurred to a greater extent, but there were still original articles derived from the respective newspaper. Most of the articles were also direct telegrams that were communicated abroad to the newspaper's editors. A lot of these telegrammic articles were sent with a purpose to mislead society. These angled articles were published without further examination in Swedish press. There were articles from, for example, Dagens Nyheter whose editors noted the "strange Petrograd reports" and informed about it for the purpose of enlightening the public. However, as most newspapers were occupied with World War I, as was shown in the source material, the newspaper editorial office was less interested in other foreign events. Therefore, such angled articles could be found in Swedish press on a larger scale. / Denna avhandling är en kvantitativ studie med inslag av kvalitativ analys. Syftet med denna kvantitativa studien var att undersöka VAD som skrevs om Ukrajinas självständighet 1917 i svensk press 1917–1918. Den kvalitativa delen av undersökningen ämnade att besvara frågan om tidningens politiska hållningen påverkade nyhetsrapporteringen under den valda perioden. Den exakta periodiseringen fastställdes att vara mellan den 1 mars 1917 och den 30 juni 1918. Denna periodisering valdes på grund av marsrevolutionen 1917 som utlöste självständighets-förklaringar i en rad länder som var förtryckta av Moskovitien och som nu såg sin chans till frihet. Juni 1918 blev slutpunkten i undersökningen därför att det var just då som fredsavtalet mellan Ukrajina och Sovjet undertecknades. Källmaterialet har valts att representera en mångfald ideologiska inriktningar. Det var liberal, moderat, konservativ, frisinnad samt vänstersocial inriktningar. Källmaterialet bestod av tidningsartiklar från följande tidningar: Dagens Nyheter, Aftonbladet, Göteborgs Aftonblad, Svenska Dagbladet, Dalpilen, Kalmar tidning och Norrskensflamman. Det användes kvantitativ metod på källmaterialet som bestod i en genomsökning av tidningsartiklarna efter nyhetsrapporter från Ukrajina eller som hade något med händelserna i Ukrajina att göra. Varje tidning genomsöktes dag för dag. Det genomsökta materialet presenterades i två kapitel som representerade olika perioder. Det första resultatkapitlet presenterade resultatet från år 1917, och mer exakt från mars till december 1917. Det andra kapitlet presenterade resultatet från år 1918, men även från december 1917, det vill säga resultatet från och med december 1917 till och med juni 1918. Det hela resultatet diskuterades sedan i ett eget kapitel där även den kvalitativa analysen diskuterades. Resultatet från den kvantitativa analysen visade att det har skrivits relativt sparsmakat om Ukrajinas självständighet även om artikelmängden ökade från december 1917 och ännu mer under 1918. Ibland förekom det artiklar på första sidan. Men för det mesta placerades artiklarna med Ukrajina-frågor bland andra utlandsartiklar. Det framgick också i undersökningen att det var mest första världskriget som upptog tidningarnas uppmärksamhet, även om händelserna i Petrograd och sedan i Ukrajina tog allt mer plats allt eftersom. Denna undersökning visade också att det som skrevs om Ukrajinas självständighet var också det som förekommer i referenslitteraturen. Nyhetsrapporterna berättade hur Ukrajina utropat sin självständighet i mars 1917 tills landet proklamerat en oberoende republik i november 1917 när bolsjevikerna genomförde sin statskupp i Petrograd. Tidningarna skrev också hur de ryska kommunisterna skickade krigsförklaring till Ukrajina i december 1917 och om det kriget som följde efter det. Artiklarna berättar även om hur förhandlingarna för Ukrajinafreden gick till i Brest-Litovsk samt hur dessa avslutades med att Tyskland allierade sig med Ukrajina i kampen mot kommunisterna. Det berättades hur den tyska armén marscherade in i Ukrajina för att befria det från bolsjevikerna. Fram till maj 1918 pågick det strider mellan tysk-ukrajinska armén och kommunisterna. I juni 1918 undertecknades fredsavtalet och där slutade undersökningen.  Undersökningen visade att det skrevs om Ukrajinas självständighet i samtliga tidningar. Dagens Nyheter hade flest nyhetsartiklar kopplade till undersökningen. Även om antalet artiklar ej var i syfte att analysera i denna undersökning. Den kvalitativa analysen gick ut på att använda Höjelids teoretiska begrepp ”positiv klang” och ”negativ klang” på den kvantitativa analysens resultatmaterial. Det kvalitativa resultatet visade att det var nästintill omöjligt att se skillnad mellan de olika tidningarna eftersom artiklarna traderades mellan tidningarna, det vill säga innehållet kopierades rakt av. Det bör påpekas att inte allt innehåll var ämne för kopiering mellan tidningarna. Kopieringen förekom i större utsträckning men det fanns ändå originella artiklar som härstammade från respektive tidning. De flesta av artiklarna var dessutom direkta telegram som kommunicerades i utlandet till tidningens redaktioner. En hel del av dessa telegraferade artiklar skickades med ett givet syfte att vilseleda samhällsopinionen. Dessa vinklade artiklar publicerades utan vidare granskning i svensk press. Det förekom artiklar från exempelvis Dagens Nyheter vars redaktion uppmärksammat de ”märkliga Petrogradrapporter” och informerat om det i möjligt syfte att upplysa allmänheten. Men eftersom de flesta tidningarna var upptagna med första världskriget, som det visades i källmaterialet, var tidningsredaktionerna mindre intresserade av andra utländska händelser. Därför kunde sådana vinklade artiklar förekomma i svensk press i en större omfattning.

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