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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Unfair Contract Terms in European Contract Law : Legal consequences for and beyond Swedish Contract Law / Oskäliga avtalsvillkor inom den Europeiska Avtalsrätten : Rättsföljder för svensk avtalsrätt

Garrido Huidobro, Mattias January 2014 (has links)
Recent case law from the ECJ on one of the most important EU contract law legislation has left questions open about the compatibility of Swedish con­tract law with the Unfair Contracts Term Directive. The case law on Article 6 (1) in the directive seem to have changed the view on how to deal with the legal consequence of an unfair term in consumer contracts; namely that unfair terms cannot be adjusted but need to be declared invalid. This essay examines how the effects from the ECJ case law provide new light upon Swedish contract law. The effect creates a clash of ideas and rationalities between Union law and Swedish contract law. Unfair terms cannot be adjusted as the relevant Swedish legislation provides. An unfair term needs to be invalid, and if necessary, such an unfair term can in certain circumstances be complemented with default rules from national contract law. This does not only seem to change the interpretation and application of the Swedish law, but it also form an underlying tension between the instrumental market-functional Union law and the more jus­tice oriented Swedish private law.  Furthermore, as we move towards a new European civil code, perhaps these tensions and clashes may say something about where the discipline of European Private Law is headed.

Sobre a motivação da sentença no processo civil: Estado constitucional democrático de direito, discurso justificativo e legitimação do exercício da jurisdição / About the motivation of the judgment in civil proceedings: Democratic constitutional State of law, justificative discourse and legitimation of the exercise of jurisdiction

Francesco Conte 01 September 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho, plasmado em metodologia jurídica, reflete criticamente sobre o problema da motivação da sentença civil como elemento de organização e de funcionamento do Estado Constitucional Democrático de Direito. A motivação é condição essencial de jurisdicionalidade, no sentido de que sem motivação não há exercício legítimo da função jurisdicional. O trabalho faz uma abordagem da natureza da motivação como discurso justificativo, jurídico e racional, da validade dos critérios de escolha ou de valoração empregados pelo juiz em sua decisão. O raciocínio do juiz é apresentado sob dupla feição: raciocínio decisório interno (contexto de descoberta ou deliberação) e raciocínio justificativo externo (contexto de justificação ou de validação). O conjunto das funções técnico-instrumental (endoprocessual) e político-garantística (extraprocessual) é objeto de investigação. A motivação, nos planos teórico e prático, exerce também a função de garantia do garantismo processual. A tese da inexistência jurídica da sentença tem três eixos teóricos: omissão total da motivação gráfica; falta de motivação ideológica, equiparada à hipótese de ausência de motivação gráfica; incompatibilidade lógica radical entre as premissas ou entre as premissas e a conclusão final, que também equivale à ausência total de motivação. O trabalho retrata um modelo de injustiça atemporal vivificado pelo juiz Crono, oposto à motivação como inestimável fator de legitimação argumentativa da jurisdição. A obrigatoriedade de motivação pública é o traço característico da jurisdição de nossa contemporaneidade e representa a maior conquista civilizatória do processo équo e justo. / This work, shaped in juridical methodology, critically reflects on the problem of motivation of civil judgment as an element of organization and functioning of the Democratic Constitutional State of Law. Motivation is an essential condition of jurisdiction, in the sense that without motivation there is no legitimate exercise of the jurisdictional function. The work makes an approach to the nature of motivation as a justificative discourse, juridical and rational, of the validity of choice or valuation criteria employed by the judge in its decision. The reasoning of the judge ispresented in double feature: internal decision-making reasoning (context of discovery or deliberation) and external justificative reasoning (context of justification or validation). The set of the technical-instrumental function (endoprocedural) and the political-rights assurance function (extraprocedural) is object of investigation. Motivation, in the theoretical and practical levels, also exerts the function of guarantee of the procedural right assuring mechanism. The thesis of the juridical validity of the judgment has three theoretical axes: total omission of the graphical motivation; lack of ideological motivation, equated to the hypothesis of nonexistence of the graphical motivation; radical logical incompatibility between the premises or between premises and the finalconclusion, which is also equivalent to the total lack of motivation. The work depicts a model of timeless injustice vivified by the judge Crono, opposite to the motivation as an invaluable factor of argumentative legitimacy of jurisdiction. Mandatory public motivation is the characteristic feature of the jurisdiction of our times and represents the greatest civilizing conquest of equal and fair proceeding.

Sobre a motivação da sentença no processo civil: Estado constitucional democrático de direito, discurso justificativo e legitimação do exercício da jurisdição / About the motivation of the judgment in civil proceedings: Democratic constitutional State of law, justificative discourse and legitimation of the exercise of jurisdiction

Francesco Conte 01 September 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho, plasmado em metodologia jurídica, reflete criticamente sobre o problema da motivação da sentença civil como elemento de organização e de funcionamento do Estado Constitucional Democrático de Direito. A motivação é condição essencial de jurisdicionalidade, no sentido de que sem motivação não há exercício legítimo da função jurisdicional. O trabalho faz uma abordagem da natureza da motivação como discurso justificativo, jurídico e racional, da validade dos critérios de escolha ou de valoração empregados pelo juiz em sua decisão. O raciocínio do juiz é apresentado sob dupla feição: raciocínio decisório interno (contexto de descoberta ou deliberação) e raciocínio justificativo externo (contexto de justificação ou de validação). O conjunto das funções técnico-instrumental (endoprocessual) e político-garantística (extraprocessual) é objeto de investigação. A motivação, nos planos teórico e prático, exerce também a função de garantia do garantismo processual. A tese da inexistência jurídica da sentença tem três eixos teóricos: omissão total da motivação gráfica; falta de motivação ideológica, equiparada à hipótese de ausência de motivação gráfica; incompatibilidade lógica radical entre as premissas ou entre as premissas e a conclusão final, que também equivale à ausência total de motivação. O trabalho retrata um modelo de injustiça atemporal vivificado pelo juiz Crono, oposto à motivação como inestimável fator de legitimação argumentativa da jurisdição. A obrigatoriedade de motivação pública é o traço característico da jurisdição de nossa contemporaneidade e representa a maior conquista civilizatória do processo équo e justo. / This work, shaped in juridical methodology, critically reflects on the problem of motivation of civil judgment as an element of organization and functioning of the Democratic Constitutional State of Law. Motivation is an essential condition of jurisdiction, in the sense that without motivation there is no legitimate exercise of the jurisdictional function. The work makes an approach to the nature of motivation as a justificative discourse, juridical and rational, of the validity of choice or valuation criteria employed by the judge in its decision. The reasoning of the judge ispresented in double feature: internal decision-making reasoning (context of discovery or deliberation) and external justificative reasoning (context of justification or validation). The set of the technical-instrumental function (endoprocedural) and the political-rights assurance function (extraprocedural) is object of investigation. Motivation, in the theoretical and practical levels, also exerts the function of guarantee of the procedural right assuring mechanism. The thesis of the juridical validity of the judgment has three theoretical axes: total omission of the graphical motivation; lack of ideological motivation, equated to the hypothesis of nonexistence of the graphical motivation; radical logical incompatibility between the premises or between premises and the finalconclusion, which is also equivalent to the total lack of motivation. The work depicts a model of timeless injustice vivified by the judge Crono, opposite to the motivation as an invaluable factor of argumentative legitimacy of jurisdiction. Mandatory public motivation is the characteristic feature of the jurisdiction of our times and represents the greatest civilizing conquest of equal and fair proceeding.

Diseño gráfico y arte. Hacia una historia integrada. Las tensiones entre la historia del diseño gráfico y del arte: orígenes, límites e incidencias en los estudios superiores de diseño gráfico en España

Zulueta Yoldi, Maider 28 January 2016 (has links)
Des de l'àmbit acadèmic del disseny gràfic, s'assumeix que la història i la teoria de les imatges més significatives prèvies a la revolució industrial són –única i exclusivament– competència de la història de l'art, un supòsit arbitrari que impedeix que el disseny gràfic es confronti naturalment amb la seva pròpia història. Al tema no li manca importància, ja que s'estan passant per alt coneixements i recursos que ajudarien els dissenyadors gràfics, no només a tenir una perspectiva més àmplia i un coneixement més sòlid i profund de la seva professió, sinó que, a més a més, els resultarien molt útils en el desenvolupament de la seva tasca. Per demostrar aquestes hipòtesis, la següent tesi doctoral adopta un enfocament metodològic mixt que consta de tres parts: un estudi històric que explica el cisma entre l'art i el disseny; un qüestionari exploratori que demostra la utilitat de les teories de l'art aplicades al disseny gràfic i, finalment, una anàlisi dels continguts dels programes didàctics del grau en disseny gràfic (curs 2014-2015) de les universitats espanyoles. En aquest últim es constata i descriu la fragmentació existent en el discurs entre ambdues disciplines. La triangulació de les dades obtingudes ofereix una imatge panoràmica de les tensions –la seva naturalesa i les conseqüències– entre l'art i el disseny alhora que detecta un problema ontològic en la història del disseny gràfic. / Desde el ámbito académico del diseño gráfico se asume que la historia y la teoría de las imágenes más significativas previas a la revolución industrial son –única y exclusivamente– competencia de la historia del arte, un supuesto arbitrario que impide al diseño confrontarse naturalmente con su propia historia. El tema no carece de importancia: se están pasando por alto conocimientos y recursos que ayudarían a los diseñadores gráficos no sólo a tener una perspectiva más amplia y un conocimiento más sólido y profundo de su profesión sino que, además, les resultarían útiles en el ejercicio de la misma. Para demostrar estas hipótesis la siguiente tesis doctoral adopta un enfoque metodológico mixto que consta de tres partes: un estudio histórico que explica el cisma entre el arte y el diseño, un cuestionario exploratorio que demuestra la utilidad de las teorías del arte aplicadas al diseño gráfico y, finalmente, un análisis de los contenidos de los programas didácticos del grado en diseño gráfico (curso 2014-2015) de las universidades españolas. En este último se constata y describe la fragmentación existente en el discurso entre ambas disciplinas. La triangulación de los datos obtenidos ofrece una imagen panorámica de las tensiones –su naturaleza y consecuencias– entre el arte y el diseño a la vez que detecta un problema ontológico en la historia del diseño gráfico. / From the perspective of the academic world of graphic design the history and theory of the most significant images prior to the industrial revolution are assumed to be solely and exclusively competence of the history of art, an arbitrary assumption which impedes the natural confrontation of design with its own history. This topic is no trivial matter: high knowledge and resources for a more comprehensive view and more solid and profound knowledge of their profession which are useful for its practice are overlooked. In order to demonstrate these hypothesis the present doctoral thesis takes a mixed methodology approach which consists of three parts: a historical study which explains the schism between art and graphic design, an exploratory questionnaire which proves the usefulness of art theories applied to graphic design, and finally the analysis of the graphic design academic content in Spanish universities (year 2014-2015). In that latest part the fragmentation in the discourse of these two disciplines is observed and described. Triangulation of obtained data offers a panoramic view of tensions between art and design- their nature and consequences- and detects an ontological issue in the history of graphic design.

Regime disciplinar do servidor público temporário / Disciplinary legal regime of temporary public servants

Bastos, Aline Maria Dias 27 March 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo aprofundar o regime jurídico disciplinar do servidor público temporário. Analisam-se as características principais dessa espécie de agente público que o diferenciam dos demais servidores e que justificam um regime disciplinar próprio. Em uma breve investigação sobre as prováveis origens do temporário, constata-se a presença desse servidor na Administração Pública brasileira desde 1823. No direito estrangeiro (particularmente, no direito francês e no direito português), verifica-se a existência de figuras assemelhadas ao servidor público temporário brasileiro, que é uma espécie de servidor público do gênero agente público, exercendo uma função pública, mas não ocupando nem cargo, nem emprego públicos, sendo contratado por tempo determinado para atender a necessidade temporária de excepcional interesse público. A Constituição Federal, em seu artigo 37, IX, indica que a lei estabelecerá os casos de contratação por tempo determinado, mas não há uma uniformidade entre os entes da federação sobre o regime jurídico adotado para o servidor temporário. Esta análise concentra-se na Lei Federal n.º 8.745/93, que disciplina o assunto. No âmbito federal, o servidor público temporário é dotado de um regime jurídico com características mais próximas do regime jurídico administrativo, sendo recrutado por meio de contrato administrativo assemelhado ao regime estatutário. Tal contratação deve pautar-se pela observância dos princípios da continuidade do serviço público, da moralidade, da impessoalidade, da razoabilidade, da proporcionalidade e da motivação. Focaliza-se a responsabilidade do servidor público temporário no âmbito administrativo, procurando-se demonstrar que tal servidor, por um princípio de equiparação, submete-se a um processo administrativo disciplinar para apuração de suas faltas, o qual cumpre prazos especiais e condições específicas em razão do vínculo temporário com a Administração Pública, em tudo sendo respeitado o devido processo legal, a ampla defesa e o contraditório. Analisam-se as diferenças entre o processo disciplinar do servidor temporário (sindicância) e o processo do servidor público em geral, os ritos adotados, os prazos, as penalidades e os recursos, constatando-se que o servidor público temporário responde pelos atos ilícitos em todas as esferas: penal, civil, administrativa e por atos de improbidade. A transitoriedade na função não o exime de responsabilidades, por isso, com as devidas adaptações, está sujeito aos ônus e bônus do serviço público. Daí a necessidade de construir, com base nas características próprias dessa espécie de servidor público, um regime adaptado às especificações do vínculo especial a que se submete o servidor público temporário. Propõe-se aqui um miniprocesso disciplinar ou um processo disciplinar especial, ou uma minissindicância ou uma sindicância especial, sui generis. / This paper examines at a deeper level the disciplinary legal regime of temporary public servants. Some particularities of this kind of public agent are analyzed in order to identify the main characteristics that differentiate them from other servers thus justifying its particular legal regime. From a brief history of its origin, the presence of temporary servers has been found in the Brazilian Public Administration since 1823. Based on the study of foreign laws, the existence of servants that resemble the Brazilian temporary public servant was detected particularly in French and Portuguese laws. The temporary public servant is a kind of public servant, a genre of public agent, who exercises a public function, but does not hold a public office and is not a public employee. This type of servant is hired for a specific time to meet a temporary professional demand of exceptional public interest. As indicated by Article 37, IX of the Brazilian Federal Constitution, a regulatory law must determine the cases of employment for a pre-determined term, and there is no uniformity among Brazilian States about the legal framework adopted for temporary public servants. This study is based on the Brazilian Federal Law number 8.745/93, which governs the matter. At federal level, temporary public servants are covered by a legal regime that is similar to the administrative legal regime. They are hired via an administrative contract that resembles the statutory regime. This contract shall be governed by the observance of the principles of public service continuity, morality, impartiality, reasonableness, proportionality and motivation. Public temporary servers are subject to the administrative proceedings and through the principle of assimilation are subject to disciplinary administrative proceedings to investigate their faults, under specific terms and conditions due to their temporary bond with the Public Administration. Such administrative proceedings, however, must follow the rules of the due legal process, namely the principle of unlimited right of defense and the adversary system. The differences between the disciplinary process of the temporary server (inquiry) and the process of public servants in general are analyzed, as well as the adopted rites, deadlines, penalties and appeals, noting that temporary public employees are liable for torts in all areas: criminal, civil, administrative and acts of misconduct. The transience function does not exempt temporary public servants from liability therefore, mutatis mutandis, they are subject to all rights and obligations of public service. Hence the need to build, based on the characteristics of this kind of public servant, a regime tailored to the specifications of the special bond that undergoes temporary public service. A disciplinary mini-process, or a special disciplinary proceeding, or a small inquiry, or a special sui generis inquiry is proposed herein.

Impact of EU Medical Device Directive on Medical Device Software

Foe Owono, Guy 01 January 2015 (has links)
Directive 2007/47/EC of the European Parliament amending Medical Device Directive (MDD) provides medical device manufacturers with a compliance framework. However, the effects of the amendments to the MDD on competition in the U.S. medical device software industry are unknown. This study examined the impact of this directive on the competitiveness of U.S. medical device software companies, the safety and efficacy of medical device software, employee training, and recruitment. The conceptual framework for this study included 3 dimensions of medical device regulations: safety, performance, and reliability. The overall research design was a concurrent mixed method study using both quantitative and qualitative techniques. The qualitative techniques involved case studies of 5 purposively selected companies. Data collection involved both surveys and interviews. The sample consisted of 56 employees within medical device firms with markets around the European regions. Qualitative data analysis consisted of descriptive thematic analysis along the study questions and hypotheses and summative evaluation. Quantitative data analysis included descriptive statistics and correlation to test the 4 hypotheses. The results suggested that the MDD has realigned medical device software manufacturing practices, and US medical device companies have gained global competitiveness in improving product safety and increasing sales revenue. Key recommendations to medical device manufacturers include adopting MDD 93/42/EEC, using model-based approaches, and being comprehensive in model use. Adopting the MDD will provide positive social change to patients, as human safety improves with better product quality while companies experience fewer product recalls.

La Casa de la Moneda de Barcelona. Els col•legis d’obrers i de moneders de la Corona d’Aragó

Estrada Rius, Albert 26 October 2012 (has links)
La tesi analitza la constitució i el desenvolupament orgànic i funcional de la Casa de la Moneda de Barcelona. La cronologia de l’estudi abasta des del segle XIII, en el qual es conforma la corporació, fins a la seva dissolució arran del Decret de la Nova Planta (1716). S’incideix, sobretot, en el paper de paradigma o model de la seca barcelonina per a altres establiments monetaris de la Corona d’Aragó –València, Mallorca, Esglésies, Càller i Perpinyà–, tant des del punt de vista organitzatiu com des del punt de vista tecnològic. Amb aquesta finalitat, es ressegueixen les relacions mútues d’aquests establiments, els trasllats de personal i les seves conseqüències jurídiques i orgàniques. L’estudi enfoca, des d’una perspectiva institucional, la realitat de la casa de la moneda en dos grans àmbits. El primer és el coneixement intern del dia a dia de la fabricació de la moneda projectada, especialment en dos organismes en cooperació simbiòtica, encara que autònoms per la seva pròpia naturalesa i missió. Es tracta, d’una banda, del Col•legi d’Obrers i de Moneders, la corporació en la qual s’emparava el personal implicat en la tasca monetària –amb el seu Capítol i la seva Cort de justícia–, i, d’altra banda, de la Casa de la Moneda o establiment monetari pròpiament dit, el taller monetari en el qual es verificava l’encunyació del numerari. El segon àmbit d’estudi és la incardinació de la seca amb les administracions reial i municipal, atès que, en diferent grau, depenia d’ambdues a nivell polític i administratiu. En tots els diferents àmbits s’analitza el personal implicat, les seves funcions, la seva organització i els processos de treball dins l’entramat orgànic. / "The Royal Mint of Barcelona. The guilds of minters of the Crown of Aragon" Summary: This research analyzes the formation and organizational and functional development of the Royal Mint of Barcelona. The chronology of the study covers from the 13th century, in which the corporation is formed, until its dissolution following the Decree of Nova Planta (1716). It particularly focuses on the role of model, or paradigm, of the Royal Mint of Barcelona for the mints elsewhere in the Crown of Aragon –Valencia, Mallorca, Vila Chiesa, Cagliari and Perpignan–, both from an organizational and from a technological point of view. For this purpose, the study focuses on the mutual relations of these mints, the transfer of personnel between them and the corresponding legal and organizational consequences. The study approaches, from an institutional perspective, the reality of the mint in two main areas. The first is the internal knowledge of the day-to-day production of coins, focusing especially in the symbiotic cooperation of two different bodies, although autonomous in nature and mission. These bodies are, on the one hand, the Guild or College of Minters, a corporation for the personnel involved in the manufacturing of coins –with its Chapter and its Court of Justice– and, on the other hand, the Mint, that is, the establishment in which the minting of coinage is verified. The second area of study is the incardination of the Royal Mint in the municipal and royal governments, since, in a varying degree, it depended on both of them from a policital and administrative point of view. In all the different areas considered the personnel involved, their functions, their organization and the work processes within the organizational framework are analyzed.

Política d’ordre públic i repressió durant la Restauració (1875-1898)

Monsó Dilla, Jordi 05 October 2012 (has links)
El règim de la Restauració (1875-1898) no va ser pas, com en ocasions s’ha afirmat, un període de pau, estabilitat i consens social. El seu caràcter oligàrquic i no democràtic, la seva voluntat de marginar del sistema les forces polítiques dissidents (carlins i republicans), i la voluntat de no atendre les aspiracions de les classes subordinades, es va traduir en una multiplicació dels conflictes i dels desordres públics, l’anàlisi dels quals ha estat un dels principals eixos del meu treball. Altre eix important ha estat l’anàlisi de la resposta governamental davant aquests conflictes, constatant-se que aquesta es va dur a terme tant a través de pràctiques extremes de control social, com a través d’una política d’ordre públic dirigida a reprimir violentament qualsevol acció contraria al règim. Aquesta repressió es va veure emparada per tot un arsenal legal que li va donar cobertura i va pretendre legitimar les accions de les forces d’ordre, permetent pràctiques com la suspensió abusiva de les garanties constitucionals o la declaració directa de l’estat de guerra. Davant la multiplicació dels conflictes no es va optar per un model de seguretat basat en unes forces d’ordre públic de caire civil, sinó que es va optar per un model de seguretat militaritzat, situació gens aliena al fet que l’Exèrcit mostrés en tot moment la intenció de mantenir la seva preeminència com a garant de l’ordre públic, tal i com venia succeint amb anterioritat al període restauracionista, i certificant, en definitiva, que les suposades pretensions civilistes de la Restauració no van ser més que un miratge que la realitat va acabar diluint. L’opció pel militarisme quedaria palesada en la decisió que l’Exèrcit i la Guàrdia Civil, un cos militaritzat, fossin els principals agents de la repressió, emprant sovint una violència indiscriminada davant de qualsevol revolta, aldarull, motí, protesta o vaga, amb actuacions no sempre legítimes i, en ocasions, il•legals, posant també en evidència la manca d’accions preventives i dissuasòries eficaces. Aquesta militarització de la política de l’ordre públic es va intensificar durant l’última dècada del període davant l’augment de les demandes més organitzades de les classes subordinades, a través de vagues, revoltes, mítings polítics, l’esclat d’artefactes contra interessos patronals i mobilitzacions com les del Primer de Maig, fins arribar a la màxima expressió del conflicte contra l’Estat i les oligarquies dominants amb fenòmens com el terrorisme anarquista de la propaganda pel fet. Atemptats com el patit pel general Martínez Campos, el del teatre del Liceu barceloní i el de Canvis Nous van tenir la seva resposta més contundent en l’elaboració de lleis especials contra l’anarquisme, que certificaven la militarització de l’ordre públic i el predomini de la jurisdicció militar sobre l’ordinària. A més, van proliferar les actuacions governamentals fora de la legalitat, com les detencions indiscriminades, l’aplicació de tortures als detinguts i els judicis sense garanties, com el tristament famós procés de Montjuïc, contestat, per una banda, amb una intensa campanya de denúncies de les tortures patides pels processats i, d’altra banda, amb l’assassinat del president Cánovas del Castillo. / PUBLIC ORDER POLICY AND REPRESSION DURING THE RESTORATION PERIOD (1875-1898) The Restoration period (1875-1898) had never been, as it has sometimes been stated, a period of peaceful consensual stability. The oligarchic and non-democratic nature of the regime, its tendency to marginalise the opposing political forces (the carlists and the republicans) and not to attend the subordinate classes’ aspirations resulted in an increase of struggles and public disorders. The analysis of the latter forms one of the principal elements of this thesis. Another important element in my work has been the analysis of the government’s response facing these conflicts. It has been demonstrated that its actions were carried out not only through extreme social control but also by public order policies that led to violent repression of any action against the regime. This repression was covered by a number of laws which intended to legitimate the Public Forces’ actions such as outrageous suspension of constitutional rights or direct declaration of the state of war. Facing an increase in the number of conflicts, the regime did not opt for a security model based on civilian forces; instead chose to follow a model based on military order. This choice was not strange considering that, at that time, the Army was showing a clear intention of holding to a preeminent role as guarantor of the public order, as it had been before the Restoration period. This demonstrated that the supposed civilian intentions of the Restoration period were no more than an illusion blurred by the reality. The militarization option was evidenced by the decision of making the Army and the Guardia Civil, a militarized institution, the main agents of repression. They often used indiscriminate violence when facing any uprising, disturbance, riot, protest or strike. Their actions were not always legitimate and, on occasions, they were illegal, demonstrating the lack of preventive and deterrent measures of the regime. The militarization of the public order policy was intensified as a consequence of the increase of more organized subordinate social classes’ claims during the last decade of the period. These would manifest in strikes, organized riots, political meetings, setting off explosive devices against the employers’ interests and demonstrations such as the one of the 1st May. The struggle against the State and dominant oligarchies reached its climax putting into practice the propaganda by the deed of anarchist terrorism.

Eines i feines de pagès. Evolució de la tecnologia agrícola a la Plana de Vic durant el segle XX

Torrents i Buxó, Jacint 12 March 2013 (has links)
RESUM ESTRUCTURA: Capítol 1. Metodologia i fonts. S’exposen les bases teòriques que emmarquen l’objecte d’estudi a partir dels inventaris de patrimoni etnogràfic i les recerques posteriors. Capítol 2. Evolució del paisatge agrari de la Plana de Vic. Es presenten set mirades sobre el paisatge agrari de la zona que van des de l’any 1787 a l’any 2004. Capítol 3. Fer de pagès a la Plana de Vic: masos i masoveries. Es presenten les característiques dels cicles de rotació de conreus practicats i la seva relació amb els diversos tipus de contractes de masoveria. Es posa l’exemple d’un mas en concret, el mas El Colomer de Taradell, singular pel seu origen, evolució i els conjunts patrimonials que conserva. Capítol 4. Les eines de pagès. S’estudia la importància de la força de tracció animal en l’agricultura de la Plana de Vic i com la mecanització accelerada va fer desaparèixer els animals de treball de la comarca. Es consideren també com a eines que el pagès ha de saber manejar, les terres, les llavors, els fertilitzants i altres productes utilitzats en el conreu de les terres, en funció dels efectes derivats dels agents atmosfèrics. Es fa referència als oficis menestrals que fornien els pagesos de les eines necessàries per a les labors agrícoles. Capítol 5. Les feines dels conreus. Es pren com a referència un dels models més estesos entre els sistemes de rotació agrícola, anomenat trènit , utilitzat durant la primera meitat del segle XX a la Plana de Vic. Seguint el cicle de rotació que recull aquest autor, es descriuen les feines realitzades manualment i les feines realitzades amb ajuda de força animal o bé mecanitzada que havia de realitzar el pagès a fi d’aconseguir bones collites. Per descriure les feines dels conreus s’aplica l’etnografia retrospectiva, reconstruint de forma narrativa amb fonts documentals juntament amb fonts orals, una per una, les feines de l’any agrícola de la rotació quadriennal de conreus del trènit, especificant per a cada conreu de la rotació la relació de les feines que s’hi ha de fer, detallant la descripció tècnica de la feina, l’època de l’any en que es realitza, les persones i les eines que hi intervenen, l’esforç i el temps emprat la valoració econòmica i el procés de modernització. JUSTIFICACIÓ: . Aproximació etnogràfica pionera en l’estudi de l’ofici de pagès a la Plana de Vic. . Creixent interès social sobre la sostenibilitat en el món dels pagesos i els oficis menestrals. . Pràctica de l’etnografia retrospectiva en l’estudi del món rural. . Oferir un visió de l’evolució de la tecnologia agrícola a la Plana de Vic. METODOLOGIA: . Investigació empírica mitjançant el treball de camp. . Entrevistes en profunditat . Contextualització i acotació de l’objecte d’estudi mitjançant teories i metodologies pròpies de la història i l’antropologia. RECOPILACIÓ DE FONTS PRIMÀRIES: . Publicacions, imatge històrica, eines i feines. . Fonts orals i materials . Fonts documentals: llibres, revistes, articles i fullets d’agrònoms i veterinaris, memòries de pagesos i menestrals, llibretes de comptes dels propis pagesos dels arxius particulars de les masies . Suport fonogràfic i videogràfic. CONCLUSIONS: Corroborar les aportacions més rellevants sobre l’ofici de pagès Fixar les etapes de canvi tecnològic Explorar línies de futur en la recerca etnogràfica i la seva difusió. . La memòria de l’ofici de pagès i els oficis menestrals . Els canvis agrícoles a la Plana de Vic . Descripció i reproducció del trènit . L’etnografia retrospectiva BIBLIOGRAFIA CONSULTADA: Obres genèriques. Obres específiques de la Plana de Vic d’història, geografia i etnografia.

Bottled natural mineral water in Catalonia: Origin and geographical evolution of its consumption and production

Nobajas i Ganau, Alexandre 05 April 2013 (has links)
Bottled mineral water has managed to become a commodity and can be found virtually anywhere in the world. However, even if it is a very common and well recognized product, little it is known about its history, about how, when and why it came to be. The origins of bottled water can be found in mid-19th century Europe and America, when spas started selling their waters outside their facilities. However, soon other springs which had not relation with traditional hydrotherapy started bottling their waters as well. Four conditionings have been found which explain why bottled water started being produced at that point in time and not before. Those factors are the existence of an adequate container, the invention of an efficient transportation method, a cultural/social predisposition and lack of salubrious water. When those four conditionings occurred at the same time, the bases for a thriving mineral water bottling industry were established. By exploring each of these factors in Catalonia for the period that has been found to encompass the first golden age of bottled mineral water (1840-1930), the general hypothesis is proven, meaning that all the aforementioned conditionings were necessary for the commoditisation of bottled water. Only when all those four factors took place at the same time it was possible to have a thriving mineral water business, not before. Accordingly, when in the 1930s some of those conditionings changed, the bottled market sector started a sudden downturn period, which did not stop until the all four factors coincided in time again. / L'aigua mineral envasada ha aconseguit convertir-se en una mercaderia habitual que es pot trobar pràcticament arreu del món. No obstant això, tot i tractant-se d'un producte comú i reconegut, poc se sap sobre la seva història: com, quan i per què va arribar a ser el que és actualment. L'origen de l'aigua embotellada es remunta a l'Europa i l'Amèrica del segle XIX, moment en què alguns balnearis van començar a vendre aigua fora de les seves instal•lacions. No obstant això, aviat altres fonts que no tenien cap relació amb la hidroteràpia tradicional van començar també a envasar-ne. S'han descobert quatre condicions que expliquen per què l'aigua embotellada va començar a ser produïda en aquest moment i no un altre. Aquests factors són: l'existència d'un envàs adequat, la invenció d'un mitjà de transport eficient, la manca d'aigua salubre i una predisposició cultural i social. En coincidir aquestes quatre condicions en el temps, es van donar les circumstàncies perquè s'establissin les bases que desenvoluparien una indústria pròspera d'embotellament d'aigua mineral. Al mateix temps, en explorar cadascun d'aquests factors, s'ha trobat que la primera Edat d'Or de l'aigua mineral envasada a Catalunya va ocórrer aproximadament entre 1840 i 1930. En analitzar la hipòtesi general aplicada a aquest període i lloc, s'ha pogut provar la seva veracitat, la qual cosa vol dir que tots els condicionants abans esmentats són necessaris per a la comercialització de l'aigua embotellada. Només quan aquests quatre factors són coetanis és possible desenvolupar un sector d'aigua mineral envasada pròsper. En conseqüència, quan a la dècada de 1930 alguns dels factors esmentats van canviar, el mercat d'aigua envasada va entrar en un període de crisi que no es va aturar fins que les quatre condicions van tornar a coincidir en el temps.

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