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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Traditional budgeting, why does it persist? : A case study of Värmlandstrafik

Haj Kassem, Rakia, Halilic, Minela January 2022 (has links)
In recent decades, the traditional budget has come under heavy criticism with researchers and practitioners calling it a "relic of the past" as it hinders the ability of organizations to respond to and keep up with changing market conditions. As a result, alternative approaches to budgeting have been developed:beyond budgeting, activity-based budgeting and rolling forecasting. However, at the same time, traditional budgeting continues to be widely used. Therefore, the aim of the study is to understand and assess the reasons for the persistence of traditional budgeting, as well as to explore the ways traditional budgeting can be improved in repsonse to the criticism leveled at it. To achieve the aim, the study was carried out in the form of a case study. The case chosen was Värmlandstrafik, an organization responsible for organizing public transport in Värmland, Sweden. Research data was collected through interviews with the case study`s employees. A total of 10 interviews were conducted from different departments including Finance, Bus, Trail, Service, and IT. The results indicated that traditinoal budgeting is far from dead and remains valuable tool mainly for its planning, control, and performance management functions. Another finding was that traditional budgeting criticism can be addressed by incorporating already existing management tools (e.g. forecasting) rather than taking an "either-or" approach to the alternatives and budgeting. However, the study´s findings also suggest that budgeting approaches are context-specific, making it difficult to draw generalizable conclusions about their strengths and weaknesses.

“Det finns ju egentligen lika många sätt att kommunicera på som det finns människor” : En studie av kommunikation inom öppenvårdsmottagningar mellan vårdpersonal och patienter med respektive utan alternativ och kompletterande kommunikation, AKK / “There Are Just as Many Ways to Communicate as There Are People” : A study of communication within outpatient clinics between healthcare professionals and patients with and without alternative and augmentative communication, AAC

Hashem, Nour, Keseric, Maja January 2024 (has links)
Multiprofessionella team i rehabiliteringsverksamheter kräver att patienter kontinuerligt uttrycker sina önskningar och behov för att teammedlemmar ska kunna arbeta personcentrerat. För patienter med kommunikativa svårigheter kan det uppstå hinder i vårdsammanhang i form av minskad delaktighet gällande sin vård. För att effektivisera kommunikationen och motverka låg delaktighet behöver anpassningar göras. Anpassningar kan komma i form av alternativ och kompletterande kommunikation (AKK) eller andra strategier som underlättar ett samtal för båda samtalsparter. Föreliggande studie undersöker interaktionen mellan logopeder och patienter med kommunikativa svårigheter med respektive utan AKK under vårdbesök. Studien innefattar dessutom vårdpersonals samt patienters upplevelser avseende AKK och kommunikation.  Materialet bestod av videoinspelningar av två behandlingsbesök med två logopeder och två patienter som använder AKK. I samband med videoinspelningarna intervjuades även patienterna. Därtill inkluderades intervjuer med tio deltagare som representerade fem olika professioner. Det inhämtade videomaterialet analyserades med hjälp av multimodal interaktionsanalys och intervjuerna analyserades tematiskt. Resultatet som framkom i studien indikerade att interaktionen mellan vårdpersonal och patienter generellt förbättras vid AKK-användning. Däremot finns faktorer som påverkar effektiviteten av AKK-användningen, till exempel vad det är för omgivning, patientens motivation, frustration respektive insikt om kommunikationssvårigheterna samt vårdens bemötande och vilka anpassningar som tillämpas. Intervjuerna med vårdpersonalen visade att logopeden har en betydande roll inom teamet i relation till att öka kunskapen och medvetenheten avseende hur man samtalar med patienter med kommunikativa svårigheter. Videoinspelningarna och tillhörande patientintervjuer stöttade flera aspekter som framkom i vårdpersonalintervjuerna samtidigt som de bidrog med ytterligare perspektiv. Slutsatsen som dras i föreliggande studie är behovet av ökad kunskap avseende kommunikation och AKK, vilket kan leda vidare till ett tätare samarbete mellan teammedlemmar som arbetar med patienter med kommunikativa svårigheter. Slutligen är det av vikt att betona att kommunikativa svårigheter inte endast beror på en patients insjuknande, utan de blir mer påtagliga när goda förutsättningar i olika sammanhang inte finns. / Multiprofessional teams within rehabilitation clinics are dependent on patients verbalizing their needs and wishes in order for the team members to work with a person-centered approach. Patients with communication difficulties may experience reduced participation regarding their own healthcare. Therefore, it is important that adjustments are implemented to increase communication efficiency and the patient’s participation. The adjustments can be Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) or other strategies that facilitate a conversation between the participants. The present study investigated interaction between speech and language pathologists (SLPs) and patients with communication difficulties with or without AAC during a medical appointment. The study also investigates experiences of healthcare professionals and patients regarding communication and AAC.  The data consisted of video recordings of two treatment visits between two SLPs and two patients that use AAC. The patients were interviewed after the visit. The data also consisted of interviews with ten participants that represented five different professions that regularly work with patients who use AAC. The video data was analyzed using multimodal interaction analysis and for analysis of the interviews with professionals, thematic analysis was employed. The findings indicated that the interaction between healthcare professionals and patients was improved when AAC was used. There were, however, factors that may affect the effectiveness of AAC, such as the type of environment, the patient’s motivation, frustration and an awareness of the communication difficulties, as well as healthcare providers’ attitudes and adjustments that are implemented. Analysis of the interview conducted with healthcare providers demonstrated the vital role of the SLP in a team in regard to improving knowledge and awareness of how to communicate with patients with communication difficulties. The video recordings with complementary patient interviews supported many aspects that emerged in the interviews with healthcare providers. Video analysis also contributed to additional perspectives.  Results of the present study imply that there is a need to improve the knowledge of communication and AAC in interprofessional teams, which could also lead to enhanced collaboration between team members. Lastly, it is of importance to highlight that communication difficulties are not solely due to a patient’s illness.  Communication difficulties become more pronounced when various contextual conditions are not favorable.

”Det talade ordet är överskattat” : En kvalitativ studie om stödpersonals arbete med alternativ kompletterande kommunikation / "The spoken word is overrated" : A qualitative study on support staff's work withalternative and augmentative communication

Jakobsen, Alexander, Sandgren, Eddie January 2024 (has links)
People with disabilities often have limited communication abilities. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is a widely spread method that allows people with communication difficulties to express themselves. People with disabilities are often reliant on care from people in their environment. The law ensures that everyone has the right to a communication and that people with disabilities have a right to self-determination and complicity. However the implementation and outcomes of AAC depend on the conditions in the users environment. The purpose of our study is thereby to understand how personal, relational and organizational conditions can affect care-staffs work with AAC. Data has been gathered doing semi-structured interview with nine informants who work in organizations that carefor people with disabilities. The data has then been analyzed using a thematic analysis. The main result of our study shows that care-staff perceive their role as an enabler for communication. The study also concludes that there are various organizational factors, such as access to resources, that affect the care-staffs work with AAC.

TAKK är alltid laddat : Lärare och klassassistenters erfarenheter av TAKK i grundsärskolan / TAKK is always prepared : Teacher´s and class-assistent´s experiences of keyword signing in compulsory school for learning disabilities

Hellquist, Anna Karin January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva lärare och klassassistenters erfarenheter av TAKK som kommunikativt stöd för elever i grundsärskolan. Data har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre lärare och två klassassistenter, som i sin profession praktiserade TAKK i interaktion med eleverna. Som teoretisk utgångspunkt för metodval och analysbearbetning har inspiration och begrepp från det sociokulturella, samt det kommunikativa relationsinriktade perspektivet (KoRP) inhämtats. Det sammantagna resultatet visar att lärarna och klassassistenterna beskrev TAKK som en kommunikativ, medierande resurs som gynnade elevernas kommunikation och interaktion med omgivningen, vilket av deltagarna ansågs vara grunden för kommunikativ och social delaktighet, samt grunden för elevernas lärande. Som artefakt ansågs TAKK övervägande innebära fördelar och möjligheter för elevernas kommunikation, delaktighet och lärande. TAKK praktiserades från och till under skoldagen, mestadels i formella kontexter i relation till lärare och klassassistenter. Spontant tecknande bland eleverna var inte vanligt förekommande. Lärare och klassassistenter hade tilltro till sin förmåga att kunna tillgodose elevernas kommunikativa behov och ansåg sig anpassa sitt tecknande utefter dessa. TAKK användes i verksamheterna tillsammans med andra alternativa AKK- redskap, vilka var under utvecklande i verksamheterna. Min förhoppning är att studien kommer bidra med större kunskap och ökad medvetenhet gällande TAKK i grundsärskolan. / The aim of this study is to describe teacher and class-assistents experiences of Keyword Signing (KWS) as communicative support for pupils in compulsory school for learning disabilities. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with three teachers and two class-assistents, who in their profession used KWS in interaction with the pupils. The theoretical framework is founded on inspiration and theoretical concepts from both the sociocultural perspective as well from the communicative relationshiporiented perspective. The total result from this study shows that teachers and class-assistents described KWS as a communicative mediated resource that favored the pupil’s communication and interaction with the surroundings, as from the participant´s point of view is elementary for communicative and social participation, and learning. Over all the interviewed considered that KWS as an artefact was contributing advantages and possibilities concerning the pupils communication, participation and learning. KWS was practiced on daily basis during the schooldays, mostly in formal contexts in relation to teachers and class-assistents. Spontaneous KWS was rarely used by the pupils. Teachers and class-assistents had confidence in their own ability to support the communicative needs of the pupils. KWS was practiced in the classrooms among other alternative of AAC-tools, which were developing in the classrooms. My hope is that this study will contribute cumulative knowledge and awareness about KWS in compulsory school for learning disabilities.

Det fiktiva bibliotekets vindlande gångar

Linde, Camilla January 2012 (has links)
Libraries exist around us and for most of us they are a part of our every day life. But how often do we stop and think about their meaning? Libraries in fiction are usually not the center of the narrative, they play a role quietly in the background and offer a backcloth to the story. Yet they are a vital part of the story. Without them a big part of the magic in the stories would be lost. And what is their role in our lives? What do the libraries mean to the books they harbor, the readers who seek them out and society in which they have their axiomatic role? This essay’s focus is my story “Between the shelves”, which is about the young girl Julia and the mysterious passageway she discovers in her local library. Here she finds shelf after shelf with strange-looking books. They all seem to have peculiar titles, one of them is When Napoleon won the battle of Waterloo. Driven by her curiosity she starts reading the book, and soon finds herself inside it, living the battle. The library is not just a building, it is also a hub where different alternative realities can be reached through the books. In this essay I will compare the topics of my story, such as the interpretation of the library (both as a physical and mental place), the sense of mystery, interpretation of the librarians etc. to other fiction. I will compare these topics both with books for adults and for children to see if the interpretation differs.

"Vad bör göras" : Hur partibunden vänsterpress verkar inom det samtida svenska mediesystemet / “What is to be done?” : Socialist party press in the contemporary Swedish mediasystem

Matsson, Matthias January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores how three socialist newspapers tie in to the Swedish media system and – presumably – is influenced by it. The newspapers have each strong connection to three political parties, so the precise aim of thesis is therefore to examine the independence between the party and its media; and how strongly it can bee defined as Swedish party press in a more traditional sense. The analysed material consists of six qualitative interviews with two co – workers from each paper: including the editors in chief.The basis is partly Kai Kronvalls et al theories surrounding Swedish party press; because the thesis explores how the papers supposedly has changed. And partly theories based on the assumption that media is always reflected by the social and political structure to which it operates. The latter theories have in turned outlined ’press theories’ (Four Theories of the Press) for which it is said that the media is a base of and, more recently, models of how the media works in western countries as a whole (Daniel C. Hallin and Paolo Mancini).The thesis showed some difference between how each newspaper can be defined as party press, but in general the independence was weak. This can be explained with how the Swedish media culture in particular has conserved press affiliated with separate (political) groups.

Finns inte på kartan : Att nå fram till ord som inte finns med på bliss standardkarta med hjälp av enbart bliss standardkarta / Out of Reach : To Reach Words that are not on the Bliss Standard Chart, by Using Only Bliss Standard Chart

Wimnell, Rebecca, Ölmestig, Carin January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka vilka ordtyper som är lätta respektive svåraatt nå fram till med bliss standardkarta och vilka strategier som är mer respektive mindreeffektiva. Deltagarna, 24 kvinnliga studenter utan funktionshinder, delades upp i par. Den enai paret fick i uppgift att förklara 12 målord, som inte finns med på bliss standardkarta, enbartgenom att använda bliss standardkarta. Den andra i paret fick i uppgift att gissa vilkamålorden var. Eftersom tidigare studier indikerat att ordklass, frekvensnivå ochabstraktionsnivå kan påverka ords svårighetsgrad, valdes målorden i föreliggande studieutifrån dessa variabler. Resultatet visade att målordens ordklass inte påverkade derassvårighetsgrad. Målordens frekvensnivå påverkade svårighetsgraden i viss utsträckning.Abstraktionsnivå var den variabel som påverkade svårighetsgraden mest. Eftersom deabstrakta och ovanliga målorden var svårast, kan det vara klokt att inkludera de ordtyperna påblisskartan. Några strategier som gynnade kommunikationen var när blissaren använde syntaxoch syntaktiskt prompting samt när gissaren gav blissaren tid att avsluta sina fraser. Dessastrategier kan vara lämpliga att rekommendera till blissanvändare och deras samtalspartners.</p> / <p>The aim of this study was to investigate which types of words that are easy and difficult toreach with Bliss Swedish standard chart and also which strategies that is more and lessefficient. The participants, 24 female students with no functional limitations, were grouped inpairs. One in each pair was given the task to explain 12 target words that is not present onBliss standard chart, by using only Bliss standard chart. The other person in each pair wasgiven the task to guess which words that were asked for. Since former studies have indicatedthat word class, level of frequency and level of abstraction can affect words' degree ofdifficulty, the target words in this study were chosen based upon those factors. The resultsdemonstrated that the word class of the target words did not affect their degree of difficulty.The frequency of the target words affected their degree of difficulty in some ways. The levelof abstraction of the target words was the factor that affected the degree of difficulty the most.Since the abstract and infrequent target words were most difficult, it may be a good idea toinclude those types of words on the Bliss chart. Some of the strategies that were beneficial forcommunication were the blisser’s use of syntax and syntactic prompting. Another strategy thatwas beneficial for the communication was giving the blisser enough time to finish herphrases. It may be appropriate to recommend those strategies to Bliss users and theircommunication partners.</p>

Behandla människan, inte symptomen! : En studie av komplementärmedicin / Treat the person, not the symptoms! : A study of complementary medicine

Svarogic, Addi January 2007 (has links)
<p>Den här studien fokuserar på komplementärmedicin ur fyra informanters perspektiv och med kopplingar till aktuella vetenskapliga diskussioner och strömningar. Bakgrunden till studien är en ökande användning av komplementärmedicin i samhället och livliga debatter kring dess vetenskapliga status. Syftet är att genom kvalitativa metoder belysa viktiga aspekter av informanternas användning av komplementärmedicin. Mycket uppmärksamhet ägnas åt informanternas syn på de olika metodernas effektivitet, hur denna definieras och vilka konkreta resultat informanterna strävar efter eller upplever.</p> / <p>This study focuses on complementary medicine from the perspectives of four informants, and with reference to topical scientific discussions and currents. The background of this study is to be found in the growing use of complementary medicine in the society. The main goal is to shed light on important aspects of the informants’ use of complementary medicine. Much attention is focused on their views regarding the efficacy of the various methods, how it is defined and what concrete results they are striving for, or experiencing.</p>

Reparationer i AKK-samtal med Tellusdator : En samtalsanalytisk fallstudie om hur ett barn löser kommunikativa problem i interaktion med sin omgivning

Eklinder, Jeanette, Svensson, Eva January 2009 (has links)
<p>Huvudsyftet med denna studie är att beskriva hur ett barn, som använder ett datorbase­rat grafiskt kommunikationshjälpmedel (Tellus), med hjälp av reparationer löser lokala kommunikativa problem i samarbete med människor i sin omgivning. Barnet har video­filmats i vardagliga naturligt förekommande aktiviteter – skola och hem. Som analys­metod har Conversation Analysis (CA) använts. Resultaten visar att reparationer är en typ av resurser för deltagarna att, bland annat, skapa samförstånd genom att förtydliga oklarheter och missförstånd i samtalet. Reparationssekvenserna är ofta långa, och leder till inskottssekvenser i samtalet, men har en viktig interaktionell betydelse för att uppnå samförstånd. Analysen visar även att kommunikation med datorbaserad AKK är mul­timodal, trots att datorn är barnets primära kommunikationshjälpmedel. Exempelvis används tecken, gester och ljud för att markera fel och för att visa upp känslor. Aktivi­teten och datorns placering påverkar också interaktionen. I skolan används datorn oftare som en traditionell kommunikationskarta. Detta beror till stor del på att samtalspartnern sitter på ett sådant sätt att det barnet gör med datorn blir synligt för båda. Forskning som belyser reparationer i denna typ av AKK-samtal saknas. Denna studie kommer förhopp­ningsvis att skapa intresse för fortsatt forskning som, med ett interaktionellt synsätt, identifierar och beskriver fungerande kommunikativa praktiker i AKK-samtal.</p> / <p>The main purpose of this study is to describe how a child, who uses a computer based graphical communication aid (Tellus), with the help of repairs resolves local communi­cative problems in cooperation with people in the immediate surroundings. The child has been videotaped in natural occurring activities – school and home. Conversation Analysis (CA) has been used as a method. The results show that repairs are a set of re­sources for the participants to, among other things, create mutual understanding by clarifying ambiguities and misunderstandings in the talk. The sequences of repair are often long, and lead to inserted sequences in the talk, but have an important interac­tional meaning in achieving mutual understanding. The analysis also shows that the computer based AAC is multimodal, despite the fact that the computer is the user’s pri­mary technical communication aid. For example, signs, gestures and sounds are used to indicate errors and to display emotion. The activity and the placement of the computer also affect the interaction. In school the computer is more often used as a traditional communication map. This is largely due to the fact that the communication partner is positioned in such a way that what the child is doing with the computer becomes visible to both of them. Presently, research that illustrates repair in these kinds or AAC conver­sations is sparse. This study will hopefully create interest for continuing research that, with an interactional approach, identifies and describes functional communicative prac­tices in AAC conversations.</p>

Finns inte på kartan : Att nå fram till ord som inte finns med på bliss standardkarta med hjälp av enbart bliss standardkarta / Out of Reach : To Reach Words that are not on the Bliss Standard Chart, by Using Only Bliss Standard Chart

Wimnell, Rebecca, Ölmestig, Carin January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka vilka ordtyper som är lätta respektive svåraatt nå fram till med bliss standardkarta och vilka strategier som är mer respektive mindreeffektiva. Deltagarna, 24 kvinnliga studenter utan funktionshinder, delades upp i par. Den enai paret fick i uppgift att förklara 12 målord, som inte finns med på bliss standardkarta, enbartgenom att använda bliss standardkarta. Den andra i paret fick i uppgift att gissa vilkamålorden var. Eftersom tidigare studier indikerat att ordklass, frekvensnivå ochabstraktionsnivå kan påverka ords svårighetsgrad, valdes målorden i föreliggande studieutifrån dessa variabler. Resultatet visade att målordens ordklass inte påverkade derassvårighetsgrad. Målordens frekvensnivå påverkade svårighetsgraden i viss utsträckning.Abstraktionsnivå var den variabel som påverkade svårighetsgraden mest. Eftersom deabstrakta och ovanliga målorden var svårast, kan det vara klokt att inkludera de ordtyperna påblisskartan. Några strategier som gynnade kommunikationen var när blissaren använde syntaxoch syntaktiskt prompting samt när gissaren gav blissaren tid att avsluta sina fraser. Dessastrategier kan vara lämpliga att rekommendera till blissanvändare och deras samtalspartners. / The aim of this study was to investigate which types of words that are easy and difficult toreach with Bliss Swedish standard chart and also which strategies that is more and lessefficient. The participants, 24 female students with no functional limitations, were grouped inpairs. One in each pair was given the task to explain 12 target words that is not present onBliss standard chart, by using only Bliss standard chart. The other person in each pair wasgiven the task to guess which words that were asked for. Since former studies have indicatedthat word class, level of frequency and level of abstraction can affect words' degree ofdifficulty, the target words in this study were chosen based upon those factors. The resultsdemonstrated that the word class of the target words did not affect their degree of difficulty.The frequency of the target words affected their degree of difficulty in some ways. The levelof abstraction of the target words was the factor that affected the degree of difficulty the most.Since the abstract and infrequent target words were most difficult, it may be a good idea toinclude those types of words on the Bliss chart. Some of the strategies that were beneficial forcommunication were the blisser’s use of syntax and syntactic prompting. Another strategy thatwas beneficial for the communication was giving the blisser enough time to finish herphrases. It may be appropriate to recommend those strategies to Bliss users and theircommunication partners.

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