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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploration de la forme miniature et les influences de la musique iranienne à travers mes onze compositions

Teimourian, Arash 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Inteligentní testovací procedury nízkonapěťových trakčních pohonů s asynchronními motory / Intelligent Test Procedures Low-Tension Traction Drives with Induction Motors

Nesvadba, Martin January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation thesis is focused on the problem of the noise measurement and construction of the noise test station what was also interest of my employer - company Kollmorgen,sr.o. This testing station should be located directly in the assembly line with target of the noise motor s identification. On base of these measured values and implemented intelligent testing procedures, we should be able to identify real root cause of the noise The noise of electrical machines is actual issue. There is a big pressure for low-noise driving system construction created by many end-customers. We can achieve these requirements with 100% quality of all parts of current product, implementation of noise testing station and also with design optimization of the current product. Basic testing procedures of induction motors were showed in first part of this work (chapter 4.1.). These procedures are able to provide good picture of the motor condition. For the motor noise measurements was constructed a workplace including noise box with acoustical absorption up to 30dB what allowed the workplace implementation directly into the motor assembly line. Testing techniques and frequency analysis procedures were implemented sequentially with the target of the test evaluation improvement. After the detailed analyze of the motor noise root causes was performed check of the current motor design with respect of the “noiselessness” motor construction principles. As next step was created the motor prototype with optimized construction with target of the motor noise reduction. This optimized motor was tested and compared with standard motor design.

Etude de la place et de la fonction des éléments supposés tardifs du livre d'Amos : contribution à la lecture de type synchronique du livre d'Amos / Study of the place and the function of the late supposed elements of the book of Amos : contribution to the reading of synchronic type of the book of Amos

Kolani, Bakimani 04 February 2017 (has links)
Les deux premiers chapitres de cette étude mettent en exergue les raisons pour lesquelles des biblistes sont de plus en plus convaincus que lire ce corpus, dans sa forme actuelle, comme un tout reste la voie la mieux indiquée pour cerner son message. Le premier chapitre montre que les exégètes partisans de l’approche diachronique tentent de justifier son organisation par la reconstitution hypothétique des ipsissima verba d’Amos. Ils morcellement ce corpus en de petits fragments indépendants, dévalorisent neuf de ses passages, perçus comme secondaires et ré-disposent, à leur guise, ceux supposés mal placés. Le second chapitre relève que ces mêmes passages empêchent les partisans de l’approche synchronique de s’accorder sur sa structuration d’ensemble et incitent des commentateurs à alléguer que ce livre est désordonné. Les trois derniers chapitres étudient les neuf passages souvent perçus comme secondaires et disparates. Ils montrent que ces textes sont accordés à leurs contextes et que leur présence est essentielle à l’équilibre littéraire et théologique du livre. Cette étude dévoile que ce corpus est cohérent et doté d’une stratégie littéraire unifiante. / The two first chapters of this present study examines underlines the reasons for which biblical scholars are more and more convinced that read the corpus as a whole, in its present form, remains the best way to understand it message. The first chapter demonstrates that the commentators who advocate a diachronic approach sought and continue to justify the composition of this book by the hypothetical reconstitution of the “ipsissima verba” of Amos. They often divide the text into numerous small independent fragments; sacrificing nine passages perceived as secondary and out of place and arranges certain of them as they think fit. The second chapter demonstrates that these same passages prevent the followers of the synchronic approach agreeing on a structure capable of proving that this corpus is a very sophisticated work. The three last chapters study the nine passages often considered secondary and disparate. They show that these passages are in harmony with their contexts and their presence is essential to the literary and theological balance of the book. This study reveals de facto that, this corpus is a well-organized book with a unifying literary strategy.

Från förövare till offer? : Prostitution som problem i SOU 1962:22 och SOU 1995:15 / From the perpetrator to the victim? : Prostitution as problems in SOU 1962:22 and SOU 1995:15

Lefvenhjelm, Elina January 2016 (has links)
January 1, 1999 Sweden was the first country in the world who instituted the law of sex purchase act. It means that now was the person who was buying sex to be criminalized. But in 2005 the law was substituted by a new punishment provision called purchase of sexual services.  But before the law sex purchase act was instituted, Sweden had different types of laws. One law was “lösdrivierilagen”. It means that the prostituted was accused crime. This law was abolished 1965. The purpose with this study is to view two Swedish state public investigations (SOU) that is focusing on prostitution. These two investigations published the years 1962:22 and 1995:15. The third investigations from 2010:49 will be used the consequences of the laws. To do this study gender needs to analyze the investigations. The professor Caroll Lee Bacchi´s method What is the problem represented to be? will be used in this essay.

Modélisation et analyse statistique de la formation des prix à travers les échelles, Market impact / Statistical modelisation and analisys of the price formation through the scales

Iuga, Relu Adrian 11 December 2014 (has links)
Le développement des marchés électroniques organisés induit une pression constante sur la recherche académique en finance. L'impact sur le prix d'une transaction boursière portant sur une grande quantité d'actions sur une période courte est un sujet central. Contrôler et surveiller l'impact sur le prix est d'un grand intérêt pour les praticiens, sa modélisation est ainsi devenue un point central de la recherche quantitative de la finance. Historiquement, le calcul stochastique s'est progressivement imposé en finance, sous l'hypothèse implicite que les prix des actifs satisfont à des dynamiques diffusives. Mais ces hypothèses ne tiennent pas au niveau de la ``formation des prix'', c'est-à-dire lorsque l'on se place dans les échelles fines des participants de marché. Des nouvelles techniques mathématiques issues de la statistique des processus ponctuels s'imposent donc progressivement. Les observables (prix traité, prix milieu) apparaissent comme des événements se réalisant sur un réseau discret, le carnet d'ordre, et ceci à des échelles de temps très courtes (quelques dizaines de millisecondes). L'approche des prix vus comme des diffusions browniennes satisfaisant à des conditions d'équilibre devient plutôt une description macroscopique de phénomènes complexes issus de la formation des prix. Dans un premier chapitre, nous passons en revue les propriétés des marchés électroniques. Nous rappelons la limite des modèles diffusifs et introduisons les processus de Hawkes. En particulier, nous faisons un compte rendu de la recherche concernant le maket impact et nous présentons les avancées de cette thèse. Dans une seconde partie, nous introduisons un nouveau modèle d'impact à temps continu et espace discret en utilisant les processus de Hawkes. Nous montrons que ce modèle tient compte de la microstructure des marchés et est capable de reproduire des résultats empiriques récents comme la concavité de l'impact temporaire. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous étudions l'impact d'un grand volume d'action sur le processus de formation des prix à l'échelle journalière et à une plus grande échelle (plusieurs jours après l'exécution). Par ailleurs, nous utilisons notre modèle pour mettre en avant des nouveaux faits stylisés découverts dans notre base de données. Dans une quatrième partie, nous nous intéressons à une méthode non-paramétrique d'estimation pour un processus de Hawkes unidimensionnel. Cette méthode repose sur le lien entre la fonction d'auto-covariance et le noyau du processus de Hawkes. En particulier, nous étudions les performances de cet estimateur dans le sens de l'erreur quadratique sur les espaces de Sobolev et sur une certaine classe contenant des fonctions « très » lisses / The development of organized electronic markets induces a constant pressure on academic research in finance. A central issue is the market impact, i.e. the impact on the price of a transaction involving a large amount of shares over a short period of time. Monitoring and controlling the market impact is of great interest for practitioners; its modeling and has thus become a central point of quantitative finance research. Historically, stochastic calculus gradually imposed in finance, under the assumption that the price satisfies a diffusive dynamic. But this assumption is not appropriate at the level of ”price formation”, i.e. when looking at the fine scales of market participants, and new mathematical techniques are needed as the point processes. The price (last trade, mid-price) appears as events on a discrete network, the order book, at very short time scales (milliseconds). The Brownien motion becomes rather a macroscopic description of the complex price formation process. In the first chapter, we review the properties of electronic markets. We recall the limit of diffusive models and introduce the Hawkes processes. In particular, we make a review of the market impact research and present this thesis advanced. In the second part, we introduce a new model for market impact model at continuous time and living on a discrete space using process Hawkes. We show that this model that takes into account the market microstructure and it is able to reproduce recent empirical results as the concavity of the temporary impact. In the third chapter, we investigate the impact of large orders on the price formation process at intraday scale and at a larger scale (several days after the meta-order execution). Besides, we use our model to discuss stylized facts discovered in the database. In the fourth part, we focus on the non-parametric estimation for univariate Hawkes processes. Our method relies on the link between the auto-covariance function and the kernel process. In particular, we study the performance of the estimator in squared error loss over Sobolev spaces and over a certain class containing "very'' smooth functions

Modellutveckling för granskning av ekonomisk tillväxtpotential

Sajjadi, Sina, Dahlin, Max January 2016 (has links)
Att öka den ekonomiska tillväxten hos företag är ett komplext uppdrag att bli tilldelad. Många variabler och faktorer skall tas till hänsyn. Denna studie bygger på en fallstudie utav en analysmodell. Analysmodellen är avsedd att bedöma företags tillväxtpotential. Plattformen och modellen har försetts av Timråkommun och använts för att uppfylla studiens syfte. Studiens syfte är att vetenskapligt pröva sambandet mellan den unika kriterieuppsätningen i analysmodellen med ekonomisk tillväxtpotential. För att hitta ett sådant samband användes en regressionsanalys. Regressionsanalysen försåg studien med en ekvation för viktningar utav tillväxthindren. ROE användes som ett mått för att bedöma ekonomisk tillväxt och företagen med högst ROE-värde ansågs besitta störst tillväxtpotential. I ekvationen användes ett GAP-värde för respektive tillväxthinder vilken kunde uppskatta tillväxten hos ett företag. Skulle det visa sig att den uppskattade tillväxten stämde med ROE skulle analysmodellen vara korrekt uppbyggd. Resultatet visade att detta inte var fallet, istället fanns stora brister i analysmodellen. Flera av företagen som analysmodellen hade framtagit visade på negativ tillväxt enligt ROE och endast ett företag hade visade på ROE-värde bland topp 20. Det konstaterades därmed att sambandet mellan analysmodellens kriterieuppsättning och tillväxtpotential hade låg korrelation. K-kvadrat värdet fann endast ett samband på 0,00008. Detta anses vara för svagt för utveckling utav den unika uppsättning kriterier. Istället rekommenderas helt nya kriterier för framtida modeller. / To increase the economic growth of a company today is a complex task to be assigned. Many variables and factors to be taken into account. This study is based on a case study out of an analysis model made by Timrå County to assess corporate growth potential. Purpose of this study was to examine the unique set of criteria in the model. The study intendeds to scientifically validate the link between the unique criterion-set in the analysis model and economic growth potential. ROE as a measure to assess economic growth and the companies with the highest ROE value was considered to possess the greatest growth potential. The study was conducted to find a correlation between the models criteria and increased economic growth for companies. A regression analysis between economic growth and the criteria’s in the model was performed, to find a connection. The regression analysis provided the study with an equation where weights of the growth obstacles were distributed. The equation used a GAP value for respective growth barriers, which could appreciate the growth of a company. Sued the estimated growth with the ROE value the analysis model to be properly structured. The results showed that this was not the case, but it appeared instead that there were large gaps between the analysis model and economic growth. Several of the companies analyzed by the model showed negative growth value according to ROE, and only one company had a ROE value among top 20. The relationship between the models set of criteria and growth potential, had very low correlation. K-squared only found a correlation of 0.00008. This is considered too weak for the development of the unique set of criteria. The study instead recommends new set of criteria for future analyze models.

A constituição do sentido nos discursos de Getúlio Vargas numa perspectiva retórica

Santos, Roberto Clemente dos 15 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:47:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Roberto Clemente dos Santos.pdf: 974486 bytes, checksum: dd4be696b7276efbe853939b32a70c88 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-15 / Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie / This thesis joins the guideline of the search "Proceedings senses of speech and text constitution" of the Literature post-graduation program from Mackenzie University and arises as a result of concern with the possibility of an interrelationship between rhetoric and discursive strategies that are concerned with the accession of the auditorium and discourse as responsible for the construction of meaning through linguistic expressions. From an analytical theoretical procedure, observing the ability of rhetoric and speech in acting simultaneously in the interdiscursive field, the texts are analyzed through the relationship between the production of meaning and persuasion that materialize in the interaction between subjects. It has as General Purpose to analyze not only the union between rhetoric and discourse concerned with the production of meaning, evidencing the formation and apposition of the subjects in this construction, but also how it occurs, which risks the Specific Objectives , which are: 1) analyze the argumentative resources that underlie the structure of reality (eg, model and anti-model) because it is believed that as rhetorical elements, can be used for deconstruction and reconstruction of public opinion in view of a production of unstable meaning and 2) analyze the linguistic procedures in the construction and confirmation of a rhetorical image as possible discursive strategies that organize the line of reasoning of the speaker as deixis I-you-here-now. To this end, we selected as the corpus to be analyzed, the discourses of President Getúlio Vargas Dornelles, which were selected according to the historical context in relation to decisive positions in his political career: first discourse exposes the platform of the Liberal Alliance in the campaign for the elections of March 1, 1930, the second showing the enunciator subject, explains the reasons for the Coup and the New Constitution, the third discourse that defines the enunciator subject as the candidate of the people, not the parties and the last one which revels the reasons for the death of a statesman. In these discourses, the categories mentioned below will be applied: the rhetorical field analyzes the arguments supporting the structure of the reality and in the discursive aspect the deixis of person, space and place. Our results show the manner how the example, the model and anti-model, in the rhetoric perspective and the deictic of person, space and place are intertwined in order to build the interpretive scenario and consequently the development of persuasion in the texts of enunciating subject (Getulio Vargas). / A presente tese filia-se à linha de pesquisa Procedimentos de constituição dos sentidos do discurso e do texto do programa de pós-graduação em Letras da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Surge como fruto dos questionamentos referentes à possibilidade da existência de uma inter-relação entre a retórica e as estratégias discursivas que se preocupam com a adesão do auditório e com o discurso como responsável pela construção do sentido por meio da manifestação linguística. A partir de um procedimento teórico analítico, observando-se a capacidade da retórica e do discurso de agirem simultaneamente no campo interdiscursivo, analisam-se os textos por meio da relação entre a produção de sentido e a persuasão que se concretizam na interação entre os sujeitos. Tem-se como Objetivo Geral analisar não somente a união entre a retórica e o discurso que se preocupam com a produção de sentido, evidenciando a constituição e a posição dos sujeitos nessa construção, mas também o como ela ocorre, o que coloca em cena os Objetivos Específicos, quais sejam: 1) analisar os recursos argumentativos que fundamentam a estrutura do real (exemplo, modelo e antimodelo) por acreditar-se que como elementos retóricos, podem ser utilizados para desconstrução e reconstrução da opinião pública diante de uma produção de sentido instável e 2) analisar os procedimentos linguísticos na construção e na confirmação de uma imagem retórica como possíveis estratégias discursivas que organizam a linha de raciocínio do orador como a dêixis eu-tu-aqui-agora. Para tanto, selecionaram-se como corpora, os discursos do presidente Getúlio Dornelles Vargas, os quais foram selecionados de acordo com o contexto histórico no que tange aos posicionamentos decisivos de sua carreira política: o primeiro discurso expõe a plataforma da Aliança Liberal na campanha para as eleições de 1º de março de 1930; o segundo que apresenta o sujeito enunciador, explica as razões do golpe de Estado e da Nova Constituição; o terceiro, que define o sujeito enunciador como o candidato do povo, e não dos partidos; e o último que revela os possíveis motivos da morte do estadista. Nesses discursos, serão aplicadas as categorias mencionadas a seguir: no campo retórico, analisam-se os argumentos que fundamentam a estrutura do real e no aspecto discursivo as dêixis de pessoa, espaço e lugar. Nossos resultados apontam para a maneira como o exemplo, o modelo e o antimodelo, na perspectiva retórica, e os dêiticos de pessoa, espaço e lugar na perspectiva discursiva, estão imbricados de modo a construir o cenário interpretativo e, consequentemente, o desenvolvimento da persuasão nos textos do sujeito enunciador (Getúlio Vargas).

Innehållsanalys av begreppet ”Det vidgade textbegreppet” : – I kursplanerna för Svenska och Bild, respektive Filosofi och Religionskunskap

Tollstedt, Maria January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>The name of this essay is: A content analyze of the expanded conception of text – in the School curriculum’s for the subjects Swedish, Arts, Philosophy, and Religion by Maria Tollstedt (spring semester 2008), supervisor is Heike Graf.</p><p>This essay is about the expanded conception of text. The theory for this work is the professor in literature Marshall McLuhans theories about Media being extensions of our bodies from the book Understanding Media (1964). The essay also discus and gives examples of definitions of what a text can be. This work examines and analyzes in what way the expanded conception of text implicitly and explicitly is being used in different Swedish governing school documents. More precisely the School curriculum’s concerning the four subjects: Swedish, Arts, Philosophy, and Religion.</p><p>The essay analyzes if the use of the expanded conception of text differs depending on which subjects the documents are addressing and if they are aimed and written for primary school or high school.</p><p>The conclusion of this work is that the expanded conception of text is not often explicitly used in the examined documents, and whether it is often implicitly used is a matter of interpretation.</p>

Innehållsanalys av begreppet ”Det vidgade textbegreppet” : – I kursplanerna för Svenska och Bild, respektive Filosofi och Religionskunskap

Tollstedt, Maria January 2008 (has links)
Abstract The name of this essay is: A content analyze of the expanded conception of text – in the School curriculum’s for the subjects Swedish, Arts, Philosophy, and Religion by Maria Tollstedt (spring semester 2008), supervisor is Heike Graf. This essay is about the expanded conception of text. The theory for this work is the professor in literature Marshall McLuhans theories about Media being extensions of our bodies from the book Understanding Media (1964). The essay also discus and gives examples of definitions of what a text can be. This work examines and analyzes in what way the expanded conception of text implicitly and explicitly is being used in different Swedish governing school documents. More precisely the School curriculum’s concerning the four subjects: Swedish, Arts, Philosophy, and Religion. The essay analyzes if the use of the expanded conception of text differs depending on which subjects the documents are addressing and if they are aimed and written for primary school or high school. The conclusion of this work is that the expanded conception of text is not often explicitly used in the examined documents, and whether it is often implicitly used is a matter of interpretation.

En analys av hälsoinspiratörsverksamheten inom Umeå kommun : I vilken utsträckning tillämpas policydokumenten i praktiken?

Robertsson, Terese, Söderström, Malin Unknown Date (has links)
Robertsson, T. &amp; Söderström, M. (2011). En analys av hälsoinspiratörsverksamheten inom Umeå kommun - I vilken utsträckning tillämpas policydokumenten i praktiken? (An analyze of the health coach organization in Umeå municipality – to what extent are the policy documents used in practice?) Bachelor Essay in Swedish. Umeå: Umeå University, Department of Education. Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze in what extent Umeå municipality health coaches uses their policy "work environment, health and rehabilitation" in social services workplaces. Furthermore was the purpose to analyze the policy "work environment, health and rehabilitation" with help from Bacchi’s policy analyzing model. The study was based on a qualitative design and involved seven health coaches from the social service. Interviews were conducted and analyzed with sentence concentration. The result showed that it differs from person to person on which view on health they have and what they believe represent health promoting work. Most of the interviewees notions and understandings of health and health promoting work are however the same as the municipality’s. The health coaches follow the municipality’s directions on how the assignment should be executed, though they vary in the degree of engagement. Furthermore, all of the interviewees experience that they have the support from the municipality that they need. A few of them though lack the support from their leader. Finally, the result from the policy-analyze showed that Umeå municipality’s problem was that their quality of work was inadequate. It also showed that the municipality put a lot of responsibility on the leaders, but that they should take more accountability themselves.

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