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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Livskvalitet efter rekonstruktion av bröstet

Berkien, Anna-Karin, Mulder, Lise-lotte January 2008 (has links)
Bröstcancer är den vanligaste formen av cancer bland kvinnor och årligen drabbascirka 6 500 kvinnor i Sverige. Orsaken är i de flesta fall okänd. Sju av tio kvinnorlever 10 år efter diagnos har ställts och detta gör dessa patienter till den störstagrupp av överlevande efter cancerbehandling på lång sikt. De flesta kvinnor erbjudsen rekonstruktion av bröstet efter mastektomi. Möjligheten till rekonstruktiongör att hoppet om att återigen bli en hel kvinna ökar. Syftet med denna studievar att belysa hur livskvaliteten påverkas hos bröstcancerdrabbade kvinnor somhar genomgått rekonstruktion av bröstet. Metoden var en litteraturstudie där niovetenskapliga artiklar granskades och sammanställdes. Resultatet visar att rekonstruktionav bröstet ger ökad livskvalitet. Antonovskys hälsobegrepp KASAM(känsla av sammanhang) har använts som teoretisk referensram då flertalet kvinnorsom drabbas av bröstcancer är mitt i livet och förväntas ha ett rikt vardagslivmed resurser för att upprätthålla hälsa. Denna studie visar vikten av att som sjuksköterskaha förståelse för att livskvalitet är en högst individuell upplevelse somspeglar vilka yttre och inre resurser som varje individ har. / Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women and every yearapproximately 6 500 women are diagnosed with the disease in Sweden. The causeis in most cases unknown. Seven out of ten women are alive 10 years after diagnosisand therefore this group of patients is the largest group of survivors aftercancer treatment in the long perspective. Most women are offered a breast reconstructionafter mastectomy. The opportunity to get a reconstruction gives thewomen increased hope to become complete again. The aim of this study was toput a light on how breast reconstruction affects quality of life among women diagnosedwith breast cancer that have undergone mastectomy. The method was aliterature review where nine scientific articles were reviewed and assessed. Theresult shows that breast reconstruction increases quality of life among thesewomen. Antonovsky´s sense of coherence has been used as theoretical frameworksince most women are at an age where it is assumed to have a rich daily life withcapabilities to maintain health. This review shows that it is important as a nurse tounderstand that quality of life is highly individual and reflects the inner and outerresources available for the individual.

Språkstödjande aspekter i matematikundervisningen : lärares beskrivningar och lärarhandledningars potential

Marklund, Malin, Jansson, Nina January 2023 (has links)
Utgångspunkterna till denna studie är alla individers rätt till utbildning och det faktum att många elever, exempelvis de i språklig sårbarhet, möter hinder i sin matematikutveckling. Detta ledde till studiens syfte att undersöka hur åtta lärare beskriver att de arbetar med språkstödjande aspekter i undervisning om positionssystemet för att göra den tillgänglig för elever i språklig sårbarhet. Vidare syftade studien till att utröna vilken funktion lärarna beskriver att lärarhandledningarna har i detta hänseende, samt att analysera handledningarna för att se vilka typer av övergripande stöd och språkstödjande aspekter som förekommer i dessa. Studiens kvalitativa ansats innebar att semistrukturerade intervjuer hölls parallellt med analys av lärarhandledningar. Resultatet visade att lärare nämner olika språkstödjande aspekter samt att lärarhandledningen tillskrevs olika funktioner. Vidare blev det synligt i resultatet att handledningarna innehåller både övergripande stöd och språkstödjande aspekter, men i olika omfattning och på olika sätt. Resultatet i studien tolkas som att lärarhandledningar har potential att bidra med stöd att göra undervisningen tillgänglig för elever i språklig sårbarhet, men att flera faktorer kan vara viktiga i relation till denna potential.

Hemlösas upplevelser av sin livs- och karriärutveckling

Legowska, Maja January 2016 (has links)
Studiens problemområde är att antalet hemlösa i Sverige ökar, vilket därmed utgör ett tydligt samhällsproblem och det kräver ansvarstagande. Hemlöshet är ett komplext faktum som uppkommer med arbetslöshet, ökade boendekostnader och försämringar i välfärdssystemet. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hemlösas upplevelser av sin livs- och karriärutveckling, detta för att få en ökad förståelse av gruppens upplevda möjligheter utifrån valda teorier och tidigare forskning. Studiens frågeställningar lyder: Hur blev dessa personer hemlösa? Hur ser de hemlösas pågående livssituation ut? Hur upplever de hemlösa sina karriärmöjligheter? Jag har valt att använda kvalitativa metoder i studien för att få svar på intervjufrågor. Jag har intervjuat sex hemlösa i Skåne län, i områdena kring Malmö och Lund. I arbetet använder jag mig av delar av Bourdieus teorier och Hodkinson och Sparkes Careershipteori. Bourdieus teorier kan delas in i tre huvudbegrepp: fält, kapital och habitus. Hodkinson och Sparkes karriärteori är baserad på sociologiska och psykologiska utgångspunkter utifrån teoretiska begrepp från Bourdieus teori om habitus, kapital och fält. Ett huvudresultat visar att informanter blev hemlösa på grund av att de gick igenom en brytpunkt i form av att de fick avsluta sina dåvarande arbeten. Det resulteras även att alkoholmissbruk och psykisk ohälsa i form av depression påverkade deras övergång till hemlöshet. Huvudresultatet visar även att hemlösas tankar om karriärmöjligheter som studier och arbete är relativt låg. / Study's problem area is that the number of homeless people in Sweden growths, thereby constituting a distinct social problem and it requires responsibility. Homelessness is a complex fact caused by unemployment, rising housing costs and deterioration in the welfare system. The purpose of this study is to investigate the homeless experiences of his life and career development, in order to get a better understanding of the group's perceived opportunities from selected theories and previous research. The study's questions are: How did these people homeless? How do the homeless current life situation like? How do the homeless their career prospects? I have chosen to use qualitative methods in the study to get answers to interview questions. I have interviewed six homeless in Skåne, in the areas around Malmö and Lund. I use parts of Bourdieu's theories and Hodkinson and Sparkes Career Ship Theory. Bourdieu's theories can be separated into three main concepts: field, capital and habitus. Hodkinson and Sparkes Career Ship Theory is based on sociological and psychological starting points based on theoretical concepts from Bourdieu's theories of habitus, capital and field. The main results show that the informants became homeless because they went through a breaking point as they had quit their former jobs. It resulted also that alcohol abuse and mental illness in the form of depression affected their change to homelessness. The main result also shows that homeless thoughts about the career opportunities of study and work is relatively low.

“Vad är ens dom här olika plupparna?” : En studie om elevers utvecklade förståelse kring en samhällsfråga med hjälp av ett plotdiagram / What even are these different plops? : a study about students' understanding regarding a question in social studies with the aid of a scatter plot.

Johansson, Caroline, Lustych, Sandra January 2023 (has links)
I denna studie har elevers kunnande inom komplexa samhällsfrågor med hjälp av en visuell modell i form av ett plotdiagram undersökts. Studien undersökte även hur elevers resonemang i olika åldrar skiljer sig i frågan kring att föra kvalitativa resonemang. För att ta reda på detta ställdes två frågeställningar där den ena berörde vad elever lär sig och inte lär sig inom olika samhällsfrågor med hjälp av ett plotdiagram. Den andra frågan berörde vad som skiljer elevers sätt att föra kvalificerade resonemang utifrån ett plotdiagram i olika årskurser. Detta gjordes genom en fenomenografisk och variationsteoretisk ram där materialet som analyserades var för-och eftertester samt gruppdiskussioner som eleverna förde efter utförd undervisning. Det som synliggjordes i studiens resultat var bland annat att elever med hjälp av en visuell modell, kunde få syn på kausala samband och bakomliggande orsaker till vissa världsliga problem som dessa samhällsfrågor belyser. Även att ju mer eleverna är förtrogna med ämnesinnehållet desto mer kvalitativa resonemang kan de föra, vilket sker på mellanstadiet men inte i samma utsträckning som på högstadiet. Detta blir intressant då de yngre eleverna för mer kvalificerade resonemang än de äldre. / Säger bilden mer än tusen ord? – Om utveckling av elevers visuella litteracitet i samhällskunskapsundervisningen

Konsumenters betalningsvilja och dess påverkan på den svenska bostadsmarknaden

Laukkanen, Nicolai, Ståhl, Gustav January 2023 (has links)
Swedish housing prices have been on an upward trend for a longer period of time. A significantpart of this increase can be attributed to low interest rates and an optimistic outlook for thefuture. However, discussions have emerged suggesting that there is a lack of comprehensivefoundations for the high price levels. In recent years, consumers' perception of their homes hasbeen a contributing factor to this phenomenon. With that said, the purpose of this study is todescribe the aspects underlying consumers' willingness to pay and how this impacts the housingmarket. The study is based on an empirical analysis that is compared against the existing theoryof location, condition, layout, and price as determining factors. The study is conducted using adeductive research approach. To understand the value of a home based on individuals'preferences, the study relies on the hedonic pricing model. Furthermore, a survey has beendesigned to gather information about consumers' housing situation and the factors influencingtheir willingness to pay. These results have been tested to ensure that they are not randomthrough an independent t-test, and subsequently divided into different groups to identify anysignificance. The tested groups include gender, age, and gender combined with age. The resultsfrom the t-test have been compared with existing theories on consumer preferences anddiscussed. The conclusion of this work is that all consumers have different approaches regardingwhich aspects they are willing to pay more for and value higher in a home. Many of these aspectsshow no significant differences in valuation or willingness to pay based on gender, age, or gendercombined with age. This suggests that several respondents prioritize differently depending on thestage of life they are in. However, the study reveals some differences in how men and womenprioritize different aspects. Two aspects that men value higher and are more willing to pay forare location and layout. The results also indicate, among other things, that the youngergeneration does not prioritize large plots/gardens or garage space as highly as the oldergeneration.

Ett projekt för eldsjälar? : Samverkan kring barn och unga med neuropsykiatriskafunktionsnedsättningar som har problematisk skolfrånvaro, ettprofessionsperspektiv / Multiprofessional collaboration among children and adolescents who have ADHD, ASD or Tourettes syndrome and problematic school absenteeism

Vallin, Linda, Hallén, Linda January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Självpresentationernas logiker : en tematisk studie av gymnasieskolors identitetsskapande på webben

Gustrén, Cia January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this licentiate thesis is to examine the means of self-presentation on the websites of 18 upper secondary schools in Sweden. This empirical material may be referred to as a kind of marketing since they render a highly idealized image of schools. To some extent they exaggerate what school is about, as a way for schools to promote themselves as well as to maintain their hold on the market. Self-presentations thus play an important role in the struggle to attract prospective students and keep these enrolled. The fact that self-presentations refer to schools and not companies in general—although several schools certainly strive to define themselves as such—indicates that self-presentations are not like any other marketing practice. They can also be read as a kind of imaginative documents. In this capacity, self-presentations do not only express what school is or may be interpreted as, but foremost how it envisions itself in the future. The material underlying the study consists of a selection of excerpts that were collected from the schools' webpages at different points of time during the years 2011/2012 and 2016/2017. This allowed me to study both continuities and change in the way schools are presented online. In this study, schools' self-presentations are analyzed thematically in combination with Jason Glynos and David Howarth's so called logics approach, which has been developed out of poststructuralist discourse theory and its ontological assumptions. A logic may be understood in this case as a rule or pattern governing the way a phenomenon like school is constituted. As a research strategy, logics have helped me explore, step by step, the conditions of possibility as well as impossibility of identity-formation processes. I mainly deal with four logics that comprise the overarching principles that structure what it means to be a school: business adaptation, academization, individualization and social responsibility. The empirical study thus consisted in setting out the social, political and fantasmatic aspects of these logics—which consequently served to thematically analyze the contemporary identity-formation on schools' websites. Social aspects have been a descriptive tool to study what characterizes school as presented in the empirical material, whereas political and fantasmatic aspects refer to analytical and critical perspectives. The aim has been to illuminate not only the way schools' identities are organized but also how and why this happens – in other words, what logics do to the identity-formation of schools. Importantly, the logics in question are interrelated and work together at the same time as they 'struggle' over the significance of being a school. As I argue, the identity-formation of upper secondary schools can hence be perceived as crisscrossed by competing and complementary logics that all make certain claims as to what a school is supposed to be (or not). The main task of a traditional Swedish school has been to foster democratic members of society. The findings of my study, however, question such a general understanding. In my empirical material a self-referential meaning of school rather emerges with the purpose to produce good employees; that is, a competent work-force willing to submit to the norms and values of the corporate sector. Subsequently, the boundaries between school and the surrounding world are also increasingly loosened, as business is brought into the classroom and made a premise of learning and development in accordance with the needs and interests of the labor market. However, this replacement of a traditional school is only partial. Since schools are equally dependent on the societal tradition to appear as legitimate and credible alternatives on the educational arena they cannot wholeheartedly commit themselves to a corporate identity. Hence, self-presentations often indicate a struggle to be different enough to stand out from the host of other schools, but also to be similar enough to be considered a 'proper' school. This licentiate thesis has in common with previous studies that statements about qualification and employability measures have indeed increased. A corresponding decline of statements about active citizenship and critical thinking could not be detected – but then again, educational-political aspects confirm that a traditional school may be understood as a background against which an alternative school is formed. This is a conclusion which is consistent with the findings of previous studies on school and education policy.

The management of common-pool resources : theoretical essays and empirical evidence

Ternström, Ingela January 2002 (has links)
A large part of the poor people in the world is dependent on local natural resources for their survival. Often, these resources are managed as common-pool resources; that is, they are used in common by a limited group of people, who are dependent on each other in their use of the resource. The first two essays in this dissertation explicitly examine the effects of poverty on common-pool resource management. I show that if utility is a non-homogeneous function of consumption, both income level and income distribution affects the chances for cooperative management of common-pool resources. In the first essay, I let the S-shaped relationship between health and consumption be reflected in an S-shaped utility function, and use game theory to examine the effects on cooperation. I find that the chances for cooperation are greater if the users of the common-pool resource are relatively well off than if they are very poor, but greatest of all in groups of users just managing to get the food they need to remain in good health. In the most relevant consumption levels, a temporary decrease in consumption may cause cooperation to fail. In the second essay, I show that income inequality decreases the scope for cooperation. In poor groups of users, the poorest will be the ones unable to cooperate, while in richer groups of users, the richest will be the ones who can not commit to cooperate. Alms-giving, an unequal sharing of the gains from cooperation and even a certain amount of free-riding are ways of making cooperation possible despite inequality. In the third essay data from ten, and case studies of five, irrigation systems in Nepal are analysed. The results show a positive correlation between income level and cooperation and a negative correlation between income inequality and cooperation, which supports the results from the first two essays. However, while the theoretical essays focus on the incentives to cooperate, the empirical analysis shows that it is at least as important that the users find a way to coordinate their efforts. The case studies, in particular, emphasise the importance of having a person as a leader. Furthermore, cooperation works better when a large share of the users belongs to the same ethnic group. / <p>Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2002</p>

TILLGÄNGLIGHET I KULTURHISTORISKA BYGGNADER : En fallstudie om Hospitalsgatan, Långgatan och Kyrkogatan med fokus på kulturvärdet, säkerhetsrisker och tekniska åtgärder för ramp, hiss och dörr i Strängnäs kommun

Al-Dabbagh, Lara, Noel, Miriam, Matti, Fadi January 2023 (has links)
Purpose: This study aims to assess the three cultural historical buildings located in the municipality of Strängnäs, that doesn’t meet the accessibility requirements currently.  Therefore, the aim is to suggest solutions for each three buildings that could be useful to different authorities in the future. The focus is on wheelchair users using the buildings with the help of technical installations such as ramp, elevators, and accessible doors. The study will be based on the social-, historical-, and aesthetic aspect as well as the safety risk. Method: The method for this study is based on a literature study, and a case study, alongside with reference objects which will be the inspiration for our results. The literature study is based on fact-gathering from books and the internet which provides the study with information on cultural historical buildings, laws and regulations concerning the private buildings, cultural values, and with various safety risks. While the reference objects inspired our proposals for the measures, the case study was used to gather information in form of an interview, site visits, and communal document analysis. Results: The result of thisstudy provides measures for each of the three studied objects. Changes made to the first building, Hospitalsgatan 15, focuses on the side entrance with a ground slope pointing down towards it. Thereby the following indoor changes presents threshold ramp, and a stairlift. For the secondary building, Långgatan 9 E-F, there was suggestions made such as using an outer ramp with an idle plan. There should also be an indoor loose ramp, and a stairlift. The third building, Kyrkogatan 13, had suggestions by installing an outdoor platform lift with an adjusted idle plan in front of the outer stairs and threshold ramp. In comparison to the first mentioned building, the focus for the last two buildings were on the main entrance. All these measures were considered to reach an accessibility in cultural historical building while also keeping in mind the cultural value of the building and its safety risks. Conclusions: The study concludes that the social-, historical-, and aesthetic aspect as well as the safety risk works a crucial role in shaping the proposed solutions for the three buildings and contributes to the accessibility improvements. By adopting appropriate technical installations and considering the cultural significance of these structures, accessibility in cultural historical buildings can be achieved effectively.

Ett värdigt liv – Alla människors rättighet? : en studie om gömda flyktingars livsvillkor

Bylander, Cecilia, Gebru, Aida January 2006 (has links)
<p>The aim with this study was to increase the knowledge about as well as shed light on hidden refugees’ living conditions by compiling research about hidden refugees’ living conditions and complete this research by doing a field survey with people with different knowledge and experience of hidden refugees’ living conditions. The result was analyzed on the basis of Nussbaum’s list of ten human abilities and the convention of human rights. The study showed that hidden refugees' living conditions are experienced as very critical, and characterized by lack of human rights as well as means to utilize and develop their abilities. The conclusion of the study is that hidden refugees’ living conditions could not be considered humane and that there is a need for ethics when treating hidden refugees.</p>

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