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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Friheten i flödet : En studie av nuflöde och frihet i Henri Bergsons filosofi

Roberntz, Tuija January 2020 (has links)
Ett av nyckelbegreppen i Henri Bergson filosofi är Nuflödet. Bergson använder nuflödet för att beskriva hur varat i tiden är konstituerat som rörligt. I denna uppsats undersöker jag vad som är frihetens plats i nuflödet genom att studera hur Bergsons tankar om de mänskliga villkoren, intuitionen, livet och evolutionen utvecklas i Tiden och den fria viljan - En studie i omedelbara medvetandefakta (1889), Intuition och intelligens – Introduktion till metafysiken (1903) samt Creative Evolution (1907). För att se intuitionens roll för friheten i Bergsons filosofi har jag gått i dialog med Gilles Deleuzes ”Intuition as a method” (Bergsonism, 1988) samt "Lecture Course on Chapter Three of Bergson's "Creative Evolution"(1960). Deleuze klargör vikten av Bergsons intuitiva metod för att nå frihet i nuflödet. För att göra en kritisk jämförelse vänder jag mig sedan till Daniela Vallega-Neus artikel "Disseminating Time: Durations, Configurations, and Chance." (2017). Denna jämförelse öppnar upp för en vidare förståelse av vad frihet inifrån nuflödet skulle kunna vara. Den möjliggör även en argumentation om dans som en alternativ metod för att uppnå frihet i nuflödet. / One of the key concepts of Henri Bergson’s philosophy is Duration. Bergson uses duration to describe how being in time is constituted as moving. In this thesis I am searching for what room there is for freedom within duration by studying how Bergson’s thoughts about human conditions, intuition, life and evolution evolve in Time and Free Will (1889), An Introduction to Metaphysics (1903) and Creative Evolution (1907). I do this in dialogue with Gilles Deleuze´s ”Intuition as a method” (Bergsonism, 1966) and “Lecture Course on Chapter Three of Bergson's "Creative Evolution"”(1960). Deleuze clarifies the importance of Bergson’s intuitive method to reach freedom in duration. To make a critical comparison I use the article "Disseminating Time: Durations, Configurations, and Chance." (2017) written by Daniela Vallega-Neu. This comparison opens up to a broader sense of how freedom within duration could be conceived. It also makes an argument for dancing as an alternative method in order to reach freedom in duration possible.

Nikos Kazantzaki et la culture française / Nikos Kazantzaki and the French culture

Georgiadou, Eleni 31 January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse propose un parcours biographique et littéraire autour de la vie et de l’oeuvre de Nikos Kazantzaki (1883-1957), ses contacts avec la langue et la culture françaises et leur influence sur sa vision du monde. C’est une recherche des éléments de la culture française dans l’oeuvre de Kazantzaki et plus précisément dans les deux ouvrages écrits directement en français, Toda-Raba et Le Jardin des Rochers. Kazantzaki, tel un Ulysse contemporain, voyage émerveillé dans l’oecoumène, afin de découvrir les richesses de la réalité humaine, pour agir au lieu d’être agité par elle! Ouvrier insatiable de l’esprit, il ne cesse de proclamer, jusqu’à la fin de ses jours, les belles vertus universelles: Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité, Dignité Humaine! Sa préoccupation primordiale : transformer la chair en esprit, transmettre la semence de ses écrits, riche héritage d’amour, à la postérité, ne rien laisser à Charon si ce n’est quelques os! Il tisse le cocon de sa poésie, pareil à un ver de soie, laissant la semence d’une création immortelle, trait d’union entre le passé et le futur. La joie d’apprendre, l’amour des langues, la beauté, l’art, la grâce, la tendresse, se rejoignent dans ce bijou multiculturel kazantzakien, pour danser au rythme du souffle de la vie! Bergson est la colonne dorsale de la création kazantzakienne. Ses théories de la durée réelle, de la matière et de l’esprit, de l’évolution créatrice et de l'élan vital, du langage, de l'art comme moyen de communication entre la nature et Dieu, forment le fleuve de la culture française qui traverse l’oeuvre kazantzakienne pour la conduire à la liberté : à Dieu! Le dieu de Kazantzaki évolue et est réinventé dans les fables humaines. C’est un Dieu qui attend l'homme pour le sauver, afin qu’ensemble ils puissent créer la vie ! / This thesis proposes a bibliographic and literary journey in the life and work of Nikos Kazantzaki (1883-1957), his relation to the French language and culture, their influence on his vision of the world and his creation. It is a research on the elements of French culture in the work of Nikos Kazantzaki and more specifically in the two novels written directly in French, Toda-Raba and The Rock Garden. Kazantzaki, a contemporary Ulysses, travels in the world with amazement, discovering the richness of the human reality, acting instead of being acted by it! An insatiable worker of the spirit, he does not stop proclaiming the beautiful universal virtues: Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood, and Human Dignity! His essential concern: to transform the flesh into spirit; to transmit the seed of his writings, that rich inheritance of love, to the posterity, leaving nothing to Charon, except a few bones! He weaves his cocoon of poetry, similar to a silk worm, and leaves the seed of its immortal creation as a link between past and future. The joy of learning, the passion for languages, beauty, art, grace and tenderness, join in that multicultural jewel , Kazantzaki’s work, to dance on the rhythm and breath of life! Bergson is the central figure of the French culture in Kazantzaki’s creation. His theories on real duration, on matter and spirit, on creative evolution and the élan vital, on language and art as a means of communication between nature and god, a god who changes and is reinvented in the human fables, a god who waits for men in order to save them, to create life together with them, will be the river of French culture crossing Kazantzaki’s work and leading him to freedom, to God!

Le devenir-Dieu des personnages kazantzakiens : l'oeuvre de Kazantzaki à la lumière de la philosophie bergsonienne / The kazantzakian characters becoming god : The work of Kazantzaki in the light of the bergsonian philosophy

Dewas, Céline 01 July 2014 (has links)
Dans l’Évolution créatrice, Bergson émet l’idée d’un sur-homme, individu qui prolongerait l’effort que la vie a fixé dans l’évolution des espèces, et qui s’élèverait vers une liberté divine incessamment actualisée. L’œuvre littéraire de Kazantzaki apparait dans notre étude comme le lieu de matérialisation de ce sur-homme à l’histoire singulière. La notion bergsonienne de durée, utilisée comme méthode d’approche du texte, révèle à l’intérieur des textes de l’auteur grec une façon particulière de penser la création, dans l’œuvre et en soi. Celle-ci est présentée comme la fixation progressive d’une maturation de l’auteur, ralentie par des formes matérielles qui ne la contiennent plus : en particulier celle du langage et d’une perception trop intellectuelle, et pas assez intuitive, du monde. Inspiré par le modèle bergsonien, Kazantzaki essaie d’imprimer la mobilité ascendante de l’esprit à ses personnages en les affranchissant au fur et à mesure de leur montée, de toutes ces clôtures qui morcellent la réalité fluente et indivisible et réduisent la puissance de l’âme. A l’idée d’un personnage émergeant comme une création ex nihilo, on substitue l’idée bergsonienne d’une nouveauté apportée par un effort éprouvant la liberté de l’individu, celle de l’écrivain et celle du personnage, qui concentrerait dans le cas du sur-homme l’histoire humaine et pré-humaine. Suivant ainsi ces deux lignes d’évolution propres à Kazantzaki et à Bergson, chacun dans leur domaine, confrontés à différents obstacles, nous les voyons converger par le mouvement similaire de leur pensée et interroger finalement l’effort d’un même type d’homme, le mystique. / In Creative Evolution, Bergson has put forward the idea of a super-man, who would continue the effort that life has fixed in the evolution of species, and would rise toward a constantly actualized divine freedom. The work of Kazantzaki appears in our study as a creation where the super-man, whose story must remain singular, is materialized. The bergsonian notion of duration used as a method to approach the text, reveals within the text a particular way of thinking the creation in the work and in oneself. It is presented as the continuous fixation of a maturation, slowed by material forms, that can not contain it anymore : in particular the language and the intellectual, and not sufficiently intuitive, vision of the world. Inspired by the bergsonian philosophy, Kazantzaki tries to imprint the spirit’s ascending mobility to his characters, by liberating them from all those closures that divide up the moving reality and reduce the power of the soul. We oppose to the idea of a character emerging like a creation ex nihilo, the bergsonian idea of novelty which would result from an effort testing the writer and the character’s freedom, and which would concentrate in the case of the super-man the human and pre-human history. Following those two lines of evolution which are particular to Bergson and Kazantzaki, each one in his area and confronted to different impediments, we see them converging by the similar movement of their thought and interrogate finally one type of man’s effort : the mystic.

A noção de couraça na obra de Wilhelm Reich: origens e considerações sobre o desenvolvimento humano

Almeida, Bruno Henrique Prates de 27 April 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teórica investiga o desenvolvimento da noção de couraça nos primeiros quinze anos da obra de Wilhelm Reich, de 1920 até 1935. Como objetivo central, buscamos responder a seguinte questão norteadora: qual(ais) o(s) sentido(s) de couraça no pensamento de Wilhelm Reich? Visamos, sobretudo, contribuir para o esclarecimento e a discussão dessa importante noção do pensamento reichiano. Em termos de método, a fim de acompanhar o percurso do pensamento do autor, abordamos a obra de acordo com sequência cronológica de publicação. Com essa orientação histórica, elencamos e analisamos textos que, a nosso ver, fornecem subsídios para a compreensão da noção em tela. Além disso, ficamos atentos a prováveis sinônimos e sentidos utilizados, mesmo que o termo propriamente dito não estivesse explicitamente citado. Como preparação do terreno, realizamos uma pesquisa etimológica sobre o termo couraça. Em seguida, elencamos dois autores - o filósofo francês Henri Bergson e o fundador da psicanálise Sigmund Freud - investigados devido à importância dos mesmos na construção do pensamento reichiano como um todo e, possivelmente também, em relação à noção de couraça. Em termos de resultados, os escritos de Reich analisados indicaram que as significações de couraça como defesa, proteção e resistência estão sempre presentes. Dentre os artigos acessados, localizamos a primeira aparição do vocábulo em 1922, como couraça narcísica. Constatamos que, para Reich, a couraça mantém contato com as realidades interna e externa, articula as noções de economia pulsional, ego e caráter, além de estar relacionada à operação do recalque. A princípio, é concebida na esfera psíquica, mas, gradativamente, passa a ser considerada, também, no âmbito somático, principalmente como hipertonia muscular crônica. Ainda, tecemos algumas relações com a visão de Bergson sobre o assunto e com a conceituação freudiana acerca do escudo protetor. Por fim, na esfera do tema saúde-doença, registramos algumas ponderações a respeito da relação entre a noção de couraça e o processo do desenvolvimento humano / This research examines the development of the notion of armor in the first fifteen years of Wilhelm Reich´s work, from 1920 until 1935. As the main goal, we aimed to answer the question: What is (are) the meaning(s) of the term armor in Wilhelm Reich´s thought? We had in view, above all, contribute to clear up and discuss this important notion in Reichian thought. In terms of method, in order to keep track of the author´s thinking route, we followed the chronological sequence of his publications. Based on this historical orientation, we focused and detailed the texts that, in our view, supplies subsidies for the comprehension about the notion of armor. Moreover, we drew our attention to the probable synonyms and meanings, even if the term was not cited. To begin, we researched the etymology of the term. Then, we listed two authors the French philosopher Henri Bergson and the founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud investigated because of their importance on the construction of early Reich´s thought and, possibly, concerning the notion of armor. In terms of results, the analyzed Reich´s texts indicated that the significances of defense, protection and resistance are always present. Among the accessed articles, we localized the very first appearance of the word in 1922, as narcissistic armor. We verified that, to Reich, the armor keeps in contact with the inner e outer realities, articulates the notions of drive economy, ego and character, and has relations with the repression operation. In the beginning, it is conceived in the psychological sphere, but, gradually, it is considered in a somatic scope as well, especially as a chronic muscular hypertony. Yet, we wove some relations with Bergson´s view about the theme and with the freudians conception concerning the protective shield. Finally, under the health-disease angle, we pointed out some aspects and relations between the notion of armor and the human development process

Le temps et la mémoire chez la personne "cérébro-lésée" / Time and memory for brain-damaged people

Manifacier-Fournier, Marie-Josée 01 December 2009 (has links)
Le temps et la mémoire chez la personne « cérébro-lésée » Le temps et la mémoire participent au fondement de notre humanité. Les personnes atteintes de pathologies neurologiques interrogent de façon particulière les liens que les hommes tissent avec leur temporalité et leur mémoire. Au cours de ce travail, nous avons tenté de dégager ce qui était spécifique du temps vécu et de l’atteinte mémorielle dans la clinique neurologique. Temps disloqué des patients « déments », temps déchiré des patients atteints d’un accident vasculaire, ces deux modalités temporelles seront étudiées sous l’angle de l’éprouvé temporel. Nous avons également tenté de réfléchir autour des questions de la durée et du changement. Que devient l’identité de ces personnes touchées au coeur de leur être ? En précisant ce qui anime le rapport dialectique qui s’articule entre le temps et la mémoire, et qui est l’oeuvre de l’esprit, nous évoquons ce qui atteste de la continuité de la vie psychique, au-delà de l’apparaître et des potentialités « rationnelles ». L’accompagnement de ces patients requiert une présence, un don du temps / Time and memory are at the root for our humanity. People suffering from neurological illnesses greatly question the links men have with their temporality and their memory. In this essay, I have tried to bring out what is specific to time that has been experienced and to the effects of memory illnesses in the neurological clinic. I have studied two temporal modalities, the ‘demented” patient ‘s dislocated time, the patient who has suffered a stroke’s ripped time, as the time-proven person. I have also tried to consider questions of time, duration and change. What becomes the identity of those people who have suffered in their being? I have mentioned what testifies the continuity of the psychic life, beyond seemingness and “rational” potentialities by clarifying what prompts the dialectic relationship between time and memory. Being with those patients requires a presence, a gift of time

A noção de couraça na obra de Wilhelm Reich: origens e considerações sobre o desenvolvimento humano

Bruno Henrique Prates de Almeida 27 April 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teórica investiga o desenvolvimento da noção de couraça nos primeiros quinze anos da obra de Wilhelm Reich, de 1920 até 1935. Como objetivo central, buscamos responder a seguinte questão norteadora: qual(ais) o(s) sentido(s) de couraça no pensamento de Wilhelm Reich? Visamos, sobretudo, contribuir para o esclarecimento e a discussão dessa importante noção do pensamento reichiano. Em termos de método, a fim de acompanhar o percurso do pensamento do autor, abordamos a obra de acordo com sequência cronológica de publicação. Com essa orientação histórica, elencamos e analisamos textos que, a nosso ver, fornecem subsídios para a compreensão da noção em tela. Além disso, ficamos atentos a prováveis sinônimos e sentidos utilizados, mesmo que o termo propriamente dito não estivesse explicitamente citado. Como preparação do terreno, realizamos uma pesquisa etimológica sobre o termo couraça. Em seguida, elencamos dois autores - o filósofo francês Henri Bergson e o fundador da psicanálise Sigmund Freud - investigados devido à importância dos mesmos na construção do pensamento reichiano como um todo e, possivelmente também, em relação à noção de couraça. Em termos de resultados, os escritos de Reich analisados indicaram que as significações de couraça como defesa, proteção e resistência estão sempre presentes. Dentre os artigos acessados, localizamos a primeira aparição do vocábulo em 1922, como couraça narcísica. Constatamos que, para Reich, a couraça mantém contato com as realidades interna e externa, articula as noções de economia pulsional, ego e caráter, além de estar relacionada à operação do recalque. A princípio, é concebida na esfera psíquica, mas, gradativamente, passa a ser considerada, também, no âmbito somático, principalmente como hipertonia muscular crônica. Ainda, tecemos algumas relações com a visão de Bergson sobre o assunto e com a conceituação freudiana acerca do escudo protetor. Por fim, na esfera do tema saúde-doença, registramos algumas ponderações a respeito da relação entre a noção de couraça e o processo do desenvolvimento humano / This research examines the development of the notion of armor in the first fifteen years of Wilhelm Reich´s work, from 1920 until 1935. As the main goal, we aimed to answer the question: What is (are) the meaning(s) of the term armor in Wilhelm Reich´s thought? We had in view, above all, contribute to clear up and discuss this important notion in Reichian thought. In terms of method, in order to keep track of the author´s thinking route, we followed the chronological sequence of his publications. Based on this historical orientation, we focused and detailed the texts that, in our view, supplies subsidies for the comprehension about the notion of armor. Moreover, we drew our attention to the probable synonyms and meanings, even if the term was not cited. To begin, we researched the etymology of the term. Then, we listed two authors the French philosopher Henri Bergson and the founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud investigated because of their importance on the construction of early Reich´s thought and, possibly, concerning the notion of armor. In terms of results, the analyzed Reich´s texts indicated that the significances of defense, protection and resistance are always present. Among the accessed articles, we localized the very first appearance of the word in 1922, as narcissistic armor. We verified that, to Reich, the armor keeps in contact with the inner e outer realities, articulates the notions of drive economy, ego and character, and has relations with the repression operation. In the beginning, it is conceived in the psychological sphere, but, gradually, it is considered in a somatic scope as well, especially as a chronic muscular hypertony. Yet, we wove some relations with Bergson´s view about the theme and with the freudians conception concerning the protective shield. Finally, under the health-disease angle, we pointed out some aspects and relations between the notion of armor and the human development process

Vztah iluzorního a skutečného u Henri Bergsona / The Relation of the Real and the Illusory in the works of Henri Bergson

Hollmannová, Barbora January 2018 (has links)
In his writings, Bergson criticizes the scientific concept of time as a discontinuous and homogeneous succession. According to Bergson, scientific methods do not lead to an authentic knowledge of the reality which is inherently continuous and heterogeneous for him. The more we objectify and conceptualize the world, the more far away are we from being aware of it and actually grasping it. The reason for this distance or distortion is our intellect that always operates with a linear concept of time and always serves everyday conduct. Thus it works with the delusion of time that produces a useful but to some extent illusory knowledge. The question for this thesis is how inteligence or intellect meets with reality in spite of their different nature. What makes it possible to connect our practical needs with reality. Is the world we are living in, the world of our practical life, real or just an illusion of reality? And how can we understand the meaning of our scientific cognition in this sense?

A dinâmica do conflito: Constituição de identidades em Gálatas / The dynamics of conflict: constitution of identities in Galatians

Evangelista, Michele 12 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T12:19:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MICHELE EVANGELISTA TEXTO COMPLETO.pdf: 685640 bytes, checksum: f4081e16c0fe7aabc5fa6396bda8701a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-12 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The objective of this work is to discuss the issue of conflict occurred between Paul and the Galatians communities. Through this theme we will discuss the question of Jewish identity in the first century and its relationship with the Gentiles, as well, the apocalyptic context in which these groups were included and the influence of mysticism in the process of constructing identities. With the analysis of this "perícope" in Galatians 2, 15-21, we will present the divergent systems of conviction that different groups defend and we will try through evidentiary method to reconstruct the speech of the opponents group of Paul. Finally, we using a philosophical approach to analyze the religious experiences identified, and we will support in thought of Henri Bergson. / O objetivo desse trabalho é debater o tema do conflito ocorrido entre Paulo e as comunidades da Galácia. Discutiremos a questão da identidade judaica no primeiro século e sua relação com os gentios, bem como, o contexto apocalíptico em que esses grupos estavam inseridos e a influência do misticismo no processo de constituição de identidades. Com a análise da perícope de Gálatas 2, 15-21, apresentaremos os divergentes sistemas de convicções que os diferentes grupos defendem e tentaremos através do método indiciário reconstruir o discurso do grupo de adversários de Paulo. Por fim, utilizaremos uma abordagem filosófica para analisar as experiências religiosas identificadas, e nos apoiaremos no pensamento de Henri Bergson. Palavras-chave: Conflito, identidades, apocalíptica judaica e misticismo, cristianismo primitivo, Gálatas, Bergson.

Les trois étapes de la pensée morale : Bergson et le débat sur la science des moeurs / The three stages of moral thought : Bergson and the debate on science of morals

Ono, Kotaro 25 June 2016 (has links)
Paru en 1932, Les deux sources de la morale et de la religion (Les deux sources) est le dernier ouvrage principal d'Henri Bergson. Il y a de nombreux travaux consacrés à la confrontation de sa philosophie morale et sociale avec la sociologie durkheimienne, mais ils n'examinent pas son mobilisme dans Les deux sources. La réalité est mobile. C'est une idée qui apparaît sans cesse dans ses travaux dans son Essai sur les données immédiates de la conscience (publié en 1889) jusque dans Les deux sources, où il affirme que la morale ouverte est la mobilité même. Le mobilisme est essentiel à sa philosophie morale. De ce point de vue, nous nous proposons de déterminer la position de Bergson vis-à-vis du débat sur la science des mœurs, suscité par l'ouvrage de Lucien Lévy-Bruhl (1903), La morale et la science des mœurs dans les années 1900. Dans cet ouvrage, Lévy-Bruhl, inspiré par Auguste Comte et Émile Durkheim, cherche à fonder une science objective de la réalité morale (qu'il appelle« science des mœurs ») en adoptant la méthode sociologique, mais en écartant la« morale théorique», qui n'observe pas la réalité morale, comme la morale théologique, la morale utilitaire et la morale kantienne. Si nous situons Les deux sources dans ce contexte historique, la philosophie morale de Bergson n'apparaîtrait-elle pas comme la troisième étape de la pensée morale par rapport à la première étape (la morale théorique) et à la seconde étape (la science des mœurs) ? Ne pourrait-on pas qualifier cette troisième étape de « mobilisme », qui avance la recherche de la réalité morale ? C'est cette hypothèse que nous examinerons dans cette thèse. / Released in 1932, The Two Sources of Morality and Religion (The two sources) is Henri Bergson's last major work. There are many works devoted to the confrontation of his moral and social philosophy with Émile Durkheim's sociology. But these works don't explore his "mobilism" in The two sources. Reality is mobile. This is a recurring idea in his work from his Time and Free Will: An Essay on the lmmediate Data of Consciousness (published in 1889) to The two sources, where he asserts that open morality is mobility. Mobilism is essential to his moral philosophy. From this perspective, we propose to determine Bergson's position regarding the debate on the science of morals aroused by the work of Lucien Lévy-Bruhl (1903), Ethics and Morale science (La morale et la science des mœurs) in the year 1900. In this work, Lévy-Bruhl, inspired by Auguste Comte and Durkheim, seeks to establish an objective science of moral reality (which he called "science of morals") by adopting the sociological method, but by removing the "theoretical ethics", which don't observe morale reality, such as theological, utilitarian and Kantian ethics. If we locate The two sources in this historical context, Bergson's moral philosophy might appear as the third stage of moral thought, in relation to the first stage (theoretical ethics) and the second stage (science of morals). If such is the case, this third stage might be called "mobilism", which advances the research of moral reality? This is the assumption that this dissertation is investigating.

L'encrier, cristal de la conscience : Style et psychologie dans le roman français vers 1880 / The Pen as the Crystal Ball of Consciousness : Style and Psychology in the French Novel around 1880

Kheyar Stibler, Lola 12 December 2014 (has links)
Les années 1880 constituent dans la conscience critique un moment déterminant de l’histoire littéraire. Cette période est marquée par l’émergence du roman d’analyse psychologique (Bourget, Maupassant), censé rivaliser avec le roman de mœurs naturaliste, et par une crise des styles. Une nouvelle langue (Goncourt, Poictevin) tranche avec les revendications classiques où la clarté et la concision continuent d’être promues (Zola et Maupassant). Parallèlement, la psychologie expérimentale (Taine, Ribot, Charcot) et le discours philosophique (Bergson, Schopenhauer) font évoluer les représentations de la conscience. Les nerfs, l’hystérie, les maladies de la volonté, l’inconscient, les renaissances d’images et les myriades d’impressions deviennent les nouveaux objets de ces sciences psychologiques. Un moi désormais clivé et obscur fascine et influence les romanciers. La renaissance de la psychologie (avant Freud) et l’essor d’une stylistique balbutiante (avant Bally) permettent d’appréhender le contexte épistémologique de la fin du siècle. Cette thèse met en relation le discours scientifique, psychologique et critique des années 1880 avec un corpus de six romans qui donnent lieu à des études de style dans la seconde partie : André Cornélis de Paul Bourget, Les lauriers sont coupés d’Édouard Dujardin, Fort comme la mort de Guy de Maupassant, Une page d’amour et La Joie de vivre d’Émile Zola, et Chérie d’Edmond de Goncourt. Les nouvelles psychologies induisent de nouveaux modèles du moi que le roman traduit dans sa propre langue. Cette thèse se propose d’analyser l’ensemble de ces traductions stylistiques. / The 1880’s constitute a determining moment of critical consciousness in the history of literature. This period is marked by the emergence of the psycho-analytical novel (Bourget, Maupassant), to compete with naturalist literature and as a result of a crisis in styles. A new language (Goncourt, Poictevin) breaks with the classic values where clarity and conciseness continue to remain important (Zola and Maupassant). In parallel, experimental psychology (Taine, Ribot, Charcot) and philosophical discourse (Bergson, Schopenhauer) change representations of consciousness. Nerves, hysteria, the unconscious, psychological illness, the renaissance of images and myriad impressions become the new focus of these psychological sciences. The self, from this moment independent and unsettling, both fascinates and influences writers. The renaissance of psychology (before Freud) and the explosive growth of a style in its infancy (before Bally) allow us to understand the epistemological context at the end of the century. This thesis links the scientific, psychological and critical discourse of the 1880s with a corpus of six novels, and develops a study of style in the second part : André Cornélis, Paul Bourget ; Les lauriers sont coupés, Édouard Dujardin ; Fort comme la mort, Guy de Maupassant ; Une page d’amour and La Joie de vivre, Émile Zola, and Chérie, Edmond de Goncourt. The new psychology leads to new models of the self that the novel translates into its own language : It is this set of stylistic changes that this thesis will analyse.

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