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Färre bostadsinbrott i Malmö, en utveckling som till synes bara kan speglas i Malmö eller går att appliceras på andra delar av landet?Daun, Julia, Kojic, Samra January 2020 (has links)
Bostadsinbrott står för en del av den positiva brottsminskingen som skett i Sverige under de senaste åren. Trots detta är det ett brott som på senare tid väckt mycket uppmärksamhet hos allmänheten. Detta beror delvis på att brottet begås i människors hem vilket innebär att det är integritetskränkande för människor men också att det leder till oro och rädsla. Genom att det går att se en minskning av bostadsinbrott är det viktigt att kunna fastställa det brottsförebyggande arbete som kan ha haft en bidragande effekt till minskningen. Det primära i studien är att se hur utvecklingen sett ut i Malmö genom att använda oss av deskriptiva analyser där vi även har valt att inkludera övergripande statistik för Stockholm och Göteborg. Detta för att undersöka om minskningen endast kan ses i Malmö eller om det även skett i andra storstäder. Analysen utgår från BRÅ och utdrag från polisen registers STATUS. Resultatet visar att det skett en minskning i Malmö. Det går att se samma trend i Göteborg och Stockholm däremot inte visar det inte samma nedgång i bostadsinbrott jämfört utifrån befolkningsmängden. Detta gör det intressant att undersöka vilka åtgärder som används i utförandet av brottsförebyggande arbetet som kan haft en effekt till att det blivit en minskning. / Crime prevention for burglary in house has stand for some of the positive reduction of crime that has occurred in Sweden during the years. Despite this it is a crime that attract much attention in the public. This is partly because the crime begins in people's homes which is a violation of privacy for people but also that it leads to anxiety and fear to people. Because it is possible to see a reduction in home burglary, it is important to be able to determine the crime prevention work that may have had a contributing effect to the reduction of crime. The intention is first to look how the development have look in Malmö by using descriptive analyzer where we have also chosen to include statistics for Stockholm and Gothenburg. This is to see if crime reduction only can be viewed in Malmö or if also happened in other big cities in Sweden. The analysis is based on statistics from BRÅ and extract from police register STATUS. The results show decrease of burglary crime in Malmö and that you also can see the same trend in Gothenburg and Stockholm. This makes it interesting to investigate more of which crime prevention has showed an effect on reducing crime.
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Voluntary mediation for crime prevention – a qualitative study of professionals working for the Council for Crime Prevention inGävleAli, Fatima, Liljenmalm, Therése January 2018 (has links)
Abstract: The aim of this study was to examine which attitudes professionals who are involved in voluntary mediation in Gävle, have towards voluntary mediation as a preventative working method. The empirical material used in this study, has been gathered through semi-structured interviews with staff members of the so called Crime Preventers in Gävle (Brottsförebyggarna I Gävle, BIG) and staff members from the police and social services. These interviews helped to get a deeper understanding and detailed information about the attitudes towards restorative justice and voluntary mediation. The theoretical framework that was used was social constructionism and restorative justice theory. The Crime Preventers (BIG) in Gävle are keeping the method and process up to date by further educating themselves within the subject via conferences, workshops and similar activities. There seems to be a preference for working more with mediation, since currently the activity of the voluntary process is decreasing due to a decrease in suitable criminal cases for mediation. The results from this study however indicate that attitudes toward mediation, as a process and method on a voluntary basis, are highly appreciated amongst those who are continuously working with it. However, further research on the subject is desired to develop it better and gain more from its positive effects.
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Brottsförebyggande arbete kring klotter, skadegörelse och anlagda bränder på högstadieskolorSamuelsson, Jakob, Tidqvist, Magnus January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med rapporten är att bidra i kommunens arbete med att minska skadegörelse på deras skolor. Detta genom att ta fram ett analys och resultatsunderlag att grunda en handlingsplan på samt komma med åtgärdsförslag. Problemet identifierades tillsammans med kommunens säkerhetssamordnare. I enlighet med BRÅs metod “kunskap som metod” undersöktes problembilden. Problembilden kartlades genom en självdeklarationsstudie, intervju med rektor och inhämtande av uppgifter från de kommmunala förvaltningarna. Av problembilden framgår bland annat att skadegörelsen utförs av både elever på skolan och utomstående. Av de 175 elever som svarade på enkäten anger 17 % att de utfört någon form av skadegörelse. Eleverna som anger att de utfört skadegörelse anger som främsta anledning uttråkning eller missnöje riktat mot skolan. Även grupptryck anges av flera svarande. Rektorn ger en bild av att större delen av skadegörelsen utförs av en liten grupp elever eller före detta elever. Skolan kan också vara särskilt utsatt på grund av sin geografiska utformning och läge då den ligger i utkanten av samhället och nästan helt saknar insyn. Utifrån framtagen problembild genomfördes brainstorming och brainwriting för framtagning av potentiella åtgärder som kommunen sedan kan använda vid framtagande av åtgärdsplan.
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(Högre) krav på stödbevisning i mål om grov kvinnofridskränkning? : En rättsfallsanalys av tingsrättsdomar från 2012, 2016 och 2021 / (Increased) demand of corroborative evidencein cases of gross violation of a women's integrity?Tesfamichael, Sara January 2022 (has links)
There is a high attrition rates in domestic violence against women cases, meaning that several cases drop out of the criminal justice system at various stages. To ensure a strong case in court the procurator must consider the evidence which has to hold its merit regardless of the difficulties in gathering evidence, given the dynamics and complexities of domestic violence. Sweden was one of the first countries to criminalize domestic violence aimed towards women. The structure of the offence is also unique in that it involves several separate criminalized acts being assessed together as a single entity. Yet there has been a decline in both number of reported intimate partner violence offences and the number of convictions in cases of gross violation of a woman’s integrity. According to a report from the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, the decline was neither due to a reduction in actual levels of intimate partner violence nor a change in reporting propensities for intimate partner violence among women. The possible contributory explanations given in the report was that the declining, in the reported and cleared offences, was linked to a trend towards a more rigorous evidentiary requirements in court. Theories from juridical doctrine suggested that this can be explained by how case law from the Supreme Court has been in interpreted by the lower courts. Following a statement by the Supreme Court in NJA 2005 p. 712, there has been several interpretations in juridical doctrine, some which state that a plaintiff’s statement in court is no longer sufficient on its own for it must have corroborative evidence to reach the evidentiary requirement. Later caselaw such as NJA 2009 s.447 I & II and NJA 2017 s.316 has been suggested to mean that not only is there a requirement of corroborating evidence, but also a demand of higher prevalence of corroborating evidence to support the victim’s narrative in court. If true, it would impose a threat to legal principles and the free evaluation of evidence. Thus, the purpose of the thesis was to investigate whether there was a higher requirement for corroborative evidence for cases of gross violation of women's rights in current law, in its actual sense and study how a higher prerequisite can affect the judge's evaluation of evidence. This study found that there was a trend towards safer prosecutions as the conviction rate for prosecuted offences, in relation to cases that ends up in court, has increased over time. Also, the number of corroborating evidence in the indictment has increased over the years. This was interpreted as being the result of an adaption to increased requirements for corroborating evidence in cases of gross violation of a woman’s integrity. However, there was also findings that suggest that the term corroborative evidence lacks a collective definition and appears to be uncertain at best. In addition, there was a lack of thoroughness in the opinion of the verdicts rendering it difficult to verify whether the legal assessor had in fact been objective and rational in the evaluation of evidence. Although there was no discovery of a general requirement of corroborative evidence in the District Courts, the study found that some individual judges would render a plaintiff's statement not sufficient if there was no further corroborative evidence to support the statement. There are undoubtedly several reasons why a higher requirement for corroborative evidence has arisen. One reason was how the District Courts and prosecutors have interpreted the ruling of NJA 2009 s.447 I & II and NJA 2017 s.316 Supreme Court´s case law. The other is a conceptual confusion on how to rule a plaintiff to be credible and reliable is causing a problem in how the evidence is being structured and evaluated. To provide a more objective and rational evaluation of evidence, the Supreme court ought to make new case law defining the meaning of corroborative evidence. Otherwise, basic legal principles are of risk to be diminished.
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Det icke "korruptionsfria" Sverige : En kvalitativ fallstudie av Sveriges kommuner / The non "corruption-free" Sweden : A qualitative case study of Sweden's municipalitiesRosell, August January 2021 (has links)
Sweden has for long been seen as corruption-free, with a high ranking in different corruption indexes. Which further sentiments the belief that corruption is a non-issue in Sweden. There have been corruption scandals in Sweden’s municipality, which goes against the belief that Sweden is corruption-free. The municipalities have not been examined in the way that Sweden as a nation has. Therefore the aim of this study is to analyse the reported corruption cases in Sweden’s municipalities. This will be done by a qualitative case study, where the municipalities are in the centre and analysed. This is chosen due to the fact that the individual municipalities have a self-governing right. To depict corruption in Sweden’s municipalities it will be analysed as a whole. This is chosen to be able to give an explanation for why there is corruption in Sweden’s municipalities and where there is a risk and how municipalities can manage the corruption. The municipalities will be examined through theories that have a basis in rational choice theory; the theories are temptation structure and game theory. The theories will help to explain why there is corruption. In conclusion, however, it can be seen that there are areas of concern for the Swedish municipalities. From obscure laws, which are hard for individuals to understand to that there are few that get convicted for acting corrupt within Swedish municipalities. The conclusion also shows that there should be additional research on corruption in Sweden at both a subnational and a national level.
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Att dra lärdomar av traumatiska händelser : en jämförande fallstudie om policyförändringar och lärandeprocesser avseende personskyddet i kölvattnet av morden på Olof Palme och Anna LindhLindberg, Jonas January 2014 (has links)
Learning from traumatic events: a comparative case study of governmental close protection policies in the aftermath of the murder of Olof Palme and Anna LindhViolent and threatful crimes against politicians are as despicable as any other crime acts against citizen. However, if politicians are targeted solely due to their position – the act can seriously damage the state and central government. This paper compares reports of government commissions and investigations which were initiated after the murder of Swedish prime minister Olof Palme in 1986 and secretary of state Anna Lindh in 2003. The purpose is to analyse and compare the conclusions and distinguish the main arguments that led to those conclusions and decipher similarities and differences through the lens of Tom Christensen’s instrumental perspective as well as Peter May’s social policy learning theory. The methodological approach of a qualitative method for this study fosters a deeper understanding of the ideological stances. Furthermore, the qualitative approach of conducting interviews with officials in various government positions has allowed for a more nuanced and thoughtful analysis. Together with the commissions and report, the interviews provide a holistic perspective of the two timeframes. The research question has been posed as follows: When comparing government commissions regarding the close protection of the central government, which essential similarities and differences can be distinguished? The result suggests that, an ideological change regarding main threats against the central government has taken place. The main policy discussions in the aftermath of the murder of prime minister Olof Palme was terrorism and if it could have been prevented at the time being. One major policy change was the build-up of the Swedish counter-terrorist unit. The main policy discussions in the aftermath of the murder of Anna Lindh was the issue of citizens with severe mental illnesses and how to detect those that pose serious threats to the central government at an earlier stage. Furthermore, given the conclusions of the commissions and reports, it is possible to determine that ”social policy learning” has occurred as according to Peter May’s theory. However, the study also notes an crucial exception; government officials in need of close protection can henceforth conform the structure of it and determine whether they want it or not.
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Brott & Plats - brottsförebyggande och trygghetsskapande stadsplaneringAparicio, Malin January 2013 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har sin utgångspunkt ihållbar stadsutveckling och inriktar sigsärskilt på social hållbarhet men även påekonomisk hållbarhet. Arbetet behandlarhuruvida den fysiska strukturen (gator,byggnader, parker, vägar) och markanvändningen(mötesplatser, funktionsblandning,aktivitetsytor) kan verka brottsförebyggandeoch trygghetsskapande och som kontextundersöks delområdet Herrgården iRosengård, Malmö. Med utgångspunkt i deteoretiska principerna; människans skala,befolkade stadsrum, naturlig övervakningoch förvaltning härleds en förståelse försambandet mellan fysisk miljö, brott ochotrygghet. En nulägesbeskrivning och enhållbarhetsanalys av situationen i Herrgårdengörs. Området Herrgården kartläggsoch analyseras utifrån ett observationsschemabaserat på de teoretiska principerna.Analysen av den fysiska strukturenkompletteras med brottsstatistisk, analysav brottskoncentrationers geografiskaplacering tillsammans med input från denfördjupade trygghetsundersökningen. Intevjuermed verksamma i området kompletterarstudien.Hållbarhetsanalysen visar att Herrgårdenär ett utsatt och resurssvagt område samtatt Herrgårdenborna saknar förankring tillsamhället genom sin låga delaktighet. Invånarnai Herrgården känner en låg gradav trivsel, tillit och kollektiv styrka,lägst för stadsdelen.Vidare uppger invånarna i Herrgården attde känner en hög otrygghet och en storandel av invånarna avstår aktiviteter pågrund av otrygghet fastän utsattheten förbrott inte är anmärkningsvärd hög.Analys av den fysiska strukturen och markanvändningenutifrån principerna ur teorigenomgången;människans skala, befolkadestadsrum, naturlig övervakning ochförvaltning visar att det finns mycket attgöra.Analysen av brottsstatistik visar på treutmärkande mikroplatser i delområdet; Rosengårdsskolan,koloniområdet och Rosengårdsherrgård (inrymmer Drömmarnas hus).Hållbarhetsanalysen visar att jämlikhetenoch delaktigheten i Herrgården behöverstärkas. För att öka den upplevda trygghetenoch minska brottsligheten i Herrgårdenkrävs insatser som inbegriper mångaaktörer och en bred samverkan, inte minstpå lokal nivå. Vidare är det nödvändigtmed en lokal förankring till de boende iområdet inte minst barn och unga som utgören stor andel av invånarna. För attförändringar i den fysiska strukturen skaförbli långsiktiga investeringar och intedrabbas av vandalisering och nedskräpningså är det viktigt att befolkningen i områdetkommer till tals och får möjlighetatt lämna synpunkter och förslag tidigt iprocessen.Som en del av examensarbetet upprättas enprojektplan med syfte att stärka främstden sociala men även ekonomiska hållbarhetensom omfattar att ta fram en generiskmodell för ett lokalt brottsförebyggandeoch trygghetsskapande program med inriktningpå fysisk struktur och markanvändning,TRYGG & SÄKER. Projektet syftartill att öka tryggheten och minska tillfällenaför brott men även till att ökajämlikheten och delaktigheten bland de boendeoch verksamma.Sökord/nyckelord: hållbar stadsutveckling,social hållbarhet, brottsförebyggande ochtrygghetsskapande stadsplanering, brott,säkerhet, trygghet, GIS, fysisk planering,geografisk analys, markanvändning, befolkadestadsrum, stadsliv, ögon på gatan,delaktighet, hotspots, mikroplats / This thesis is based on sustainable urbandevelopment and focuses particularlyon social sustainability, but also economicsustainability. The thesis addresseswhether the physical structure (streets,buildings, parks, roads) and land use (venues,function mixing, activity areas) cansupport crime prevention and reduce thefear of crime and the context for thissurvey is Herrgården in Malmö, Sweden. Basedon the theoretical principles; humanscale, populated urban space, natural surveillanceand management an understandingof the relationship between physical environment,crime and fear of crime is derived.A status report and a sustainabilityanalysis of the situation in the Herrgårdenis made. The area Herrgården is mappedand analyzed through an observationschedule based on the theoretical principles.The analysis of the physical structureis complemented by crime statistics,analysis of hotspots` geographic positiontogether with input from the security survey.Interviews with people working in thearea complements the study.The sustainability analysis shows thatHerrgården is a vulnerable and weak resourcearea and the residents lacks anchoringto the community by their low participation.The inhabitants of Herrgårdenfeel a low degree of satisfaction, trust,and collective strength, lowest for thedistrict.Furthermore, residents in Herrgården statethat they feel a high level of fear ofcrime and a high proportion of residentsrefrain activities due to fear of crime,although victimization is not remarkablyhigh.Analysis of the physical structure andland use based on the principles of thetheory; human scale, populated urban spaces,natural surveillance and managementshows that there still is much to do.The analysis of crime statistics shows threedistinctive hot spots in the area;Rosengårdsskolan, area with the allotmentsand the old mansion of Rosengård(today Drömmarnas hus, multiactivities forchildren and young).The sustainability analysis shows thatequality and participation in Herrgårdenneeds to be strengthened. In order to reducethe crime and the fear of crime in Herrgården efforts involving many stakeholdersand a broad collaboration, especiallyat the local level, is needed.Furthermore, it is necessary to have alocal connection to the residents especiallychildren and young people who make upa large proportion of the inhabitants. Tochange the physical structure to remainlong-term investment and not suffer fromvandalism and littering, it is importantthat people in the area have a voice andthe opportunity to make comments and suggestionsearly in the process.As part of the thesis a projectplan is established,aimed at strengthening primarilysocial but also economic sustainability,which includes developing a genericmodel for a local crime prevention andsecurity-building program that focus onphysical structure and land use, SAFE &SECURE. The project aims to reduce fear ofcrime and reduce opportunities for crimebut also to increase the equality and fullparticipation of people living and working.Keywords/tags: sustainable urban development,social sustainability, crime preventionand reduced fear of crime, urbanplanning, crime, safety, security, GIS,spatial planning, spatial analysis, landuse, populated urban space, city life, eyeson the street, participation, hot spots
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