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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Protection de l'enfance et régulation sociale en Colombie : ethnologie des foyers communautaires à Ciudad Bolívar (Bogotá) / Protección de la infancia y regulación social en Colombia : etnología de los hogares comunitarios en Ciudad Bolívar (Bogotá) / Child protection and social regulation in Colombia : ethnology of the community homes in Ciudad Bolívar (Bogotá)

Borda Carulla, Susana 13 November 2015 (has links)
Les foyers communautaires sont des crèches cogérées par l'État colombien et par la communauté, fonctionnant au sein de maisons de famille dans les quartiers vulnérables des grandes villes colombiennes depuis les années 1980. La maîtresse de maison prend en charge une quinzaine d'enfants et devient ainsi mère communautaire, et les ressources mises à disposition par l'État sont gérées par des associations regroupant une vingtaine de foyers communautaires. Cette thèse étudie à la fois l'évolution des foyers communautaires sur la scène publique et la vie quotidienne des membres d'une association de bénéficiaires du programme. L'auteure combine l'étude d'un corpus de normes juridiques régissant le fonctionnement des foyers communautaires et une ethnographie menée dans un quartier défavorisé de la périphérie sud de Bogotá. À l'aide de la théorie de la régulation sociale, l'analyse met en lumière la place centrale qu'ont occupé les foyers communautaires dans le processus de construction de la nation colombienne : au sein d'une société traversée par une guerre intestine, la protection de l'enfance est érigée en moteur d'intégration nationale, en valeur morale suprême et en levier de développement social. La traduction en droit interne du principe de l'intérêt supérieur de l'enfant, issu du droit international, facilite l'institutionnalisation de ces valeurs. Or, au nom de ces derniers, les droits fondamentaux des mères communautaires, qui ont un statut de bénévoles et non pas d'employées, sont négligés par l'État : les mères communautaires se mobilisent afin de revendiquer leurs droits et obtiennent des résultats probants. Les mécanismes de l'empowerment de ces femmes autour des activités quotidiennes de prise en charge des enfants, ainsi que les effets imprévus du programme sur le terrain, sont mis en lumière. Les valeurs associées à la protection de l'enfant apparaissent ainsi comme étant le socle et le moteur de l'empowerment de deux acteurs sociaux antagonistes : l'État colombien et les mères communautaires. La mise en évidence de ce dispositif, ainsi que de son ancrage global, se veut une contribution méthodologique à l'anthropologie et à la sociologie de l'enfance contemporaines. La thèse nourrit également les débats au sein du champ juridique autour du principe de l'intérêt supérieur de l'enfant. / The community homes are social child day-care centres, co-managed by the Colombian State and the community, which operate since the 1980s in the vulnerable neighbourhoods of the big Colombian cities. The woman of the house cares for about fifteen children and thus becomes a community mother. The resources provided by the State are managed by associations which gather about twenty community homes. This research studies both the evolution of the community homes on the public scene, and the daily life of the members of an association of beneficiaries of the programme. The author combines the study of a legal corpus which regulates the operation of the community homes and an ethnography conducted in an underprivileged neighbourhood in the southern periphery of Bogotá. With the support of the social regulation theory, the analysis sheds light on the central role played by the community homes in the process of construction of the Colombian nation : within a society burdened by an internal war, child protection is presented as the cornerstone of national integration, a supreme moral value and a lever of social development. The translation into domestic law of the principle of the child's best interest, taken from international legislation, facilitates the institutionalisation of such values. Yet, in the name of these values, the fundamental rights of the community mothers, who have a status of volunteers, and not of employees, are neglected by the State : the community mothers mobilise in order to claim their rights and obtain conclusive results. The mechanisms by which these women are empowered, around their daily child care activities, are exposed. The values associated to child protection thus appear as the bedrock and the driving force of the empowerment of two antagonist social actors : the Colombian State and the community mothers. The light shed on this mechanism, as well as its global anchorage, is intended as a contribution to contemporary anthropology and sociology of childhood. This research also nourishes the juridical debates on the principle of the best interest of the child. / Los hogares comunitarios son guarderías gestionadas por el Estado colombiano y por la comunidad, que funcionan en casas de familia en los barrios vulnerables de las grandes ciudades de Colombia desde los años 1980. El ama de casa cuida de una quincena de niños y se convierte así en madre comunitaria, y los recursos puestos a disposición por el Estado son gestionados por asociaciones que agrupan alrededor de veinte hogares comunitarios. Esta tesis estudia a la vez la evolución de los hogares comunitarios en la escena pública, y la vida cotidiana de los miembros de una asociación de beneficiarios del programa. La autora combina el estudio de un corpus de normas jurídicas que regulan el funcionamiento de los hogares comunitarios y una etnografía realizada en un barrio desfavorecido de la periferia sur de Bogotá. Con el apoyo de la teoría de la regulación social, el análisis pone en evidencia el lugar central ocupado por los hogares comunitarios en el proceso de construcción de la nación colombiana: en una sociedad atravesada por una guerra intestina, la protección de la infancia es erigida en motor de la integración nacional, en valor moral supremo y en palanca para el desarrollo social. La traducción en derecho interno del principio del interés superior del niño, que tiene su origen en el derecho internacional, facilita la institucionalización de dichos valores. Ahora bien, en nombre de estos últimos, los derechos fundamentales de la madres comunitarias, que tienen un estatus de benévolas y no de empleadas, son desatendidos por el Estado : las madres comunitarias se movilizan para reivindicar sus derechos y obtienen resultados contundentes. Se exponen los mecanismos de empoderamiento de estas mujeres alrededor de las actividades cotidianas de cuidado de los niños, al igual que los efectos imprevistos del programa en campo. Los valores asociados a la protección del niño aparecen así como base y como motor del empoderamiento de dos actores sociales antagónicos : el Estado colombiano y las madres comunitarias. La descripción de ese dispositivo y de su anclaje global constituye una contribución metodológica a la antropología y a la sociología de la infancia contemporáneas. La tesis alimenta también los debates jurídicos alrededor del principio del interés superior del niño.

De la filiation face aux nouvelles techniques de procréation au regard de la Convention Internationale des droits de l'enfant / About the filiation face to new Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) with regard to the Convention on the rights of the child

Guillat-Demonchy, Danièle 03 February 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse de caractère pluridisciplinaire traite des progrès de la biologie de la reproduction dans le domaine de l’infertilité face à la Convention internationale des droits de l’enfant (CIDE) des Nation-unies. La première partie montre que, en France, il y a conciliation entre l’intérêt supérieur de l’enfant et l’assistance médicale à la procréation, encadrée par le triptyque des lois de bioéthique de 1994. La deuxième partie traite des dérives de ces techniques pratiquées à des fins sociétales et non médicales. Des parents intentionnels désireux d’un « enfant à tout prix », puisque la loi n° 2013-404 du 17 mai 2013 ouvrant le mariage aux couples de même sexe n’a pas « ouvert » le droit à l’accès de ces techniques de reproduction assistée, se rendent au cours d’un « tourisme procréatif » dans un pays où la maternité de substitution ou gestation pour autrui (GPA) est licite et ont un enfant grâce à une mère de substitution, qui assure la gestation de l’embryon, puis du foetus via une fécondation in vitro. Mais lors du retour en France de l’enfant, eu égard aux articles 16-7 et 16-9 du code civil, se pose le problème de la filiation de l’enfant sans compter sur les risques de la maternité de substitution, d’où l’incompatibilité des techniques de reproduction assistée à des fins sociétales avec la Convention internationale des droits de l’enfant, l’adage latin "mater semper certa est" étant la garantie de l’intérêt supérieur de l’enfant. / This thesis has a plurisdisciplinary approach and deals with the improvements of biology of reproduction in the field of infertility regarding the International Convention on the Rights of the Child of the United Nations (ICRCUN). The first part shows, that in France, there is conciliation between the best interests of the child and the medical assistance to procreation, legalised by the triptych of the bioethics law of 1994. The second part deals with the drifts of those practices used for societal ends and not medical. Intended parents willing to have “a child at all costs”, as the law n° 2013-404 of May 17, 2013 allowing the marriage to couples of the same sex has not “allowed” the right to have access to thoses technics of assisted reproduction, do “procreative tourism” and go to a country in which the surrogate maternity or gestational surrogacy (GS) is legal and have a child thanks to surrogate mother who ensures the gestation of the embryo, and the foetus through an in vitro fertilization (IVF). However, back to France, according to articles 16-7 and 16-9 of the Civil Code, the issue of the filiation of the child arises, without counting on the risks of the surrogate maternity, hence the incompatibility of the methods of assisted reproduction to societal purposes with the International on Rights of the child, the Latin proverb "mater semper certa est" being the guarantee of the best interest of the child.

L’effectivité des droits de l’enfant en côte d'Ivoire : entre normes internationales et réalités locales / The effectiveness of children rights in ivory coast : between international standards and local realities

Nene Bi, Arsène Désiré 06 July 2018 (has links)
L’effectivité des droits de l’enfant en Côte d’Ivoire est soumise à une tension constante et fragile entre les normes internationales qui proclament ces droits et assurent leur garantie et les réalités locales qui sont celles d’un pays en développement. De surcroît, la Côte d’Ivoire a rencontré depuis plus de dix ans de graves problèmes d’instabilité politique et sociale à cause d’une crise armée qui a déstabilisé les régimes de protection dans tous les domaines où ceux-ci existaient auparavant. La situation de la protection des droits de l’enfant, essentiellement d’origine internationale et placée à ce titre, sous un contrôle international pouvait-elle échapper à ce contexte ? La thèse montre que l’intégration dans le droit national ivoirien des normes internationales de protection à travers une large participation de la Côte d’Ivoire à la plupart des instruments protégeant tant les droits de l’Homme en général que les droits de l’enfant en particulier, de même que la traduction nationale de ces droits selon les exigences constitutionnelles dans une importante législation pourraient donner une image d’effectivité. Cette image est cependant fausse. L’effectivité de ces droits, lorsqu’elle est mise à l’épreuve des réalités du pays, tombe sous le poids des manifestations des violations aussi diverses qu’inacceptables. C’est pourquoi des mesures pour une effectivité améliorée sont préconisées. Leur mise en œuvre pourrait garantir un meilleur avenir à tous les enfants de la Côte d’Ivoire. / The effectiveness of children’s rights in Ivory Coast is subject to a constant and fragile tension between the international standards that proclaim these rights and guarantee them and the local realities that are those of a developing country. In addition, for more than ten years, Ivory Coast has faced serious problems of political and social instability because of an armed crisis that has destabilized protection regimes in all areas where they previously existed. Could the situation of the protection of the rights of the child, mainly from international origin and placed under international control, escape this context? The thesis shows that the integration into Ivorian national law of international standards of protection through a wide participation of Ivory Coast in most instruments protecting both human rights in general and the rights of the child in particular, just as the national translation of these rights according to constitutional requirements into important legislation could give a sense of effectiveness. However, this feeling is fake. The effectiveness of these rights, when challenged by the realities of the country, falls under the weight of manifestations of violations as diverse as unacceptable. This is why measures for improved effectiveness are recommended. Their implementation could guarantee a better future for all children in Ivory Coast.

L'expérience de parents expertisés en matière de garde d'enfant et de droits d'accès

Dessureault, Diane 08 1900 (has links)
La présente étude porte sur l’expérience vécue par les parents pendant une expertise en matière de garde d’enfant et de droits d’accès. Elle vise une meilleure compréhension de l’expérience des parents qui rencontrent un expert pour l’évaluation de leurs capacités parentales au nom du meilleur intérêt de leur enfant. Elle souhaite provoquer une réflexion des intervenants des milieux social et juridique sur les pratiques d’expertise, sur leur éthique et sur leur renouvellement. Il s’agit d’une étude qualitative de nature exploratoire. Les données proviennent d’entrevues semi-dirigées réalisées auprès de vingt parents, dix mères et dix pères. Ces parents ont été évalués par les experts du Service d’expertise psychosociale du Centre jeunesse de Montréal. L’analyse des données recueillies a été réalisée à partir de l’approche phénoménologique et de la méthode d’analyse de contenu. Les résultats permettent d’observer qu’en participant à une expertise psychosociale, les parents sont confrontés à un haut niveau de risque dans une relation de pouvoir avec l’expert où ils aspirent à être reconnus compétents en conformité avec la norme sociale régissant le meilleur intérêt de l’enfant. Le tiers des parents rencontrés ont été satisfaits de leur expérience, ce qui les a validés dans leur perception de la réalité ou restaurés dans leur dignité. Les deux tiers des parents rencontrés ont été insatisfaits de leur expérience, ce qui a confirmé leurs craintes quant aux comportements inadéquats de l’autre parent et alimenté une perte de confiance envers le système de justice. Ils ont eu l’impression d’avoir été invalidés et ont développé de l’amertume contre l’expert qui n’a pas répondu à leurs attentes et n’a pas su capter correctement, selon eux, leur dynamique familiale. Cette étude permet de comprendre l’importance primordiale pour le parent de la conservation ou de la restauration de sa dignité parentale. Par ailleurs, elle soulève la question du savoir-être et du savoir-faire des experts. La teneur critique des propos des parents face à certains experts oblige à une réflexion sérieuse sur les attitudes et les pratiques des experts en matière de garde d’enfant et de droits d’accès. / This study focuses on the experience of parents who have undergone an expertise in child custody and access rights. It seeks a better understanding of the experience lived by parents who meet with an expert to assess their parenting skills in regard with the best interest of their child. It aims to prompt stakeholders in the social and legal practices of expertise to reflect on their ethics and the improvement of their practices. This is an exploratory qualitative study. The data come from semi-directed interviews conducted with twenty parents, including ten mothers and ten fathers. These parents were evaluated by experts of the Service d'expertise psychosociale du Centre jeunesse de Montréal. Data analysis was carried out using the phenomenological approach and the method of content analysis. Results indicate that by participating in a psychosocial evaluation, parents are faced with a high level of risk in a power relationship with the expert, in which they aspire to be recognized as competent in accordance with social norms governing the best interest of their child. A third of the interviewed parents were satisfied with their experience, which has validated their perception of reality or restored their dignity. Two thirds of interviewed parents were however dissatisfied with their experience, which confirmed their fears about the inappropriate behaviour of the other parent and aggravated a loss of confidence in the justice system. These parents had the impression of having been invalidated and have developed some bitterness against the expert who did not meet their expectations and did not properly grasp, according to them, the family dynamics. This study helps understand the paramount importance for parents to preserve or restore their parental dignity. It also raises questions on the competency and adequacy of the experts. The critical views of the expertise that many parents shared emphasize the necessity for the experts to seriously hreview their attitude and practices in child custody and access rights.

The educator-learner relationship within the South African public school system :|ban educational-juridical perspective / Elda de Waal

De Waal, Elda January 2000 (has links)
Harming the dignity of the learner; refusing to hear his side of the story; neglecting to help him retrieve his stolen property : such are the unfortunate occurrences at many South African schools, and such are the experiences that have led to this research. Dedicated educators sometimes default, leaving their wronged learners out m the cold. The questions are therefore: • What causes this conduct of educators and why does it recur? • Is it ignorance of their legal position? • Is it insensitivity to common law principles and statutory provisions? • Is it sheer carelessness? Mindful of the introduction of the South African Constitution Act 108 of 1996, wh1ch contains the long-awaited Bill of Fundamental Rights, this study has been undertaken to give an educational-juridical perspective of the educator-learner relationship 1n South African public schools by means of a literature study and an elementary legal comparative study. Various legal terms which influence the educator-learner relationship significantly are defined. In conjunction with the private law status of the learner, the position of the learner within the school system, and the fundamental rights of the learner in the context of the administration of justice are identified and dealt with in so far as they have any bearing on the educator-learner relationship, Moreover, the legal determinants of the educator-learner relationship and the educator's duty of care are pinpointed to determine their significance in an accountable, responsive and open educator-learner relationship, A comparative school law perspective of the sources of school law, the duties and responsibilities of educators, the fundamental rights and legal obligations of the learner, the educator's duty of care, discipline and legal liability in England and Wales, Canada, Japan, and South Africa is presented in terms of similarities and differences, Attention is paid to the necessity of informing educators and learners concerning their respective rights and duties, in order to develop accountable, responsive and open educator-learner relationships in South African schools, / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2000

兒童醫療自主之探討-以病童臨床經驗出發 / Patient autonomy of children - from the clinical experiences on pediatric patients

張濱璿, Chang, Pin Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
因為醫病互動關係的改變,病患自主權在經過歐美數十年來的覺醒與詮釋,並定位於不論是人性尊嚴或是隱私權內涵中之憲法層級,以及在告知後同意於近二十年來引進國內並蓬勃發展之後,病患的自主決定權在現今醫療過程中已經受到相當的重視。青少年也因接近成人的年齡及成熟度,在法律及臨床實務上也逐漸肯認其對於自身的醫療決定擁有自主決定權。然而,兒童不論在法律或是社會觀念之中,均被認定為能力尚未成熟,傳統上認為必須由父母代替其做醫療決定。可是在作者身為一位臨床兒科醫師的臨床實務經驗當中,許多病童往往能表達自己對於醫療決定甚至是臨終決定的自主意見,卻不受到父母或其他成年代理人的採納。 因此,本文將從臨床經驗出發,將所發現許多兒童有能力決定、以及父母無法做出符合兒童利益決定的案例,提出作為本文探討的思考起源。本文主要鎖定未成年人中未滿12歲的兒童進行討論,排除許多文獻早已熱烈討論的青少年人;另外因為立法例上並未賦予未成年人擁有「自主權」,故本文暫不深究兒童法律上的自主權利,而是以探討兒童實質上的「自主性」作為探討的主軸,並以此為未來法律發展的基礎。 本文將首先從「醫病關係的演進」開始,探討一般性「病患自主決定權」之倫理與法律。醫學倫理上涉及包括「生物醫學倫理四原則」以及「告知後同意」;多數國家也將「自主決定權」在法律上定位為憲法層級之人權保障。聯合國兒童權利公約則為現今國際上兒童人權維護的重要指引,也是對於兒童一般自主權正當性的重要依據。至於兒童的自主決定與其決定能力相關,也涉及父母代理決定的討論,故從法律上對於父母子女關係及未成年人保護的討論出發,探討代理決定時的最佳利益判斷,思考兒童醫療決定的問題及衝突,以及在不同年齡適合該年齡得以決定的事項。 在兒童醫療決定上,難題包括為何要重視兒童自主、何人有權決定、如何決定等等,在此議題受到各國重視並不斷發展之下應如何運作。在本文中主要參考了美國以及英國的發展經驗以及建議,提出對於臨床操作的看法。本文認為,可以用兒童醫療「表意權」的行使作為對兒童自主性的肯認,從兒童決定能力的判斷開始,對於具有決定能力的兒童表達其合理意見應充分尊重;若是缺乏決定能力的兒童,則在考量其最佳利益後由父母代理其做出醫療決定。醫療人員基於必須對於病童負責的角色及責任,亦應檢視父母決定是否合理,適時地介入決定以維護兒童最佳利益。 至於在兒童的最佳利益的判斷上,除了要考慮所面對的病況以外,還需要針對兒童未來生理發育和心智發展的影響,整體考量其未來的生活品質;對於臨終的兒童,則應考量是否得到有尊嚴的死亡,此與成年人的思考並無相左。最後,本文將進一步探討較為特殊的臨床狀況,包括面對重症以及急症的病童應如何操作及思考,並重新檢視本文所提出之實際臨床困難案例,建議較為適合的做法,以作為更多臨床個案判斷的參考指引。 / Patients' awareness of self-determination has raised and their rights have been taken into account in clinical consideration because of the change of doctor-patient relationship in recent decades. The right to autonomy was highly positioned at the constitutional level no matter it is contained in the concept of human dignity or the right of privacy. It is also highly valued after “the doctrine of informed consent” was introduced into our country with vigorous development in recent years. Because adolescents’ age and maturity approach adults, they have been recognized to have sufficient ability and right to make their own medical decisions as well as adults. Children, in the general idea of the society, are concerned not to have sufficient decision making ability and therefore need their parents’ help to make their own medical decisions. However, from clinical experiences, many children could not only express their autonomous opinions but even have the ability to consent to their medical treatments, including life-saving treatments. Unfortunately, children’s opinions were usually ignored, and sometimes their parents could not make decisions in their best interest. This study will discuss the patient autonomy of children whose ages are under 12 years old. We acknowledge that children do not have legal “right” to autonomy but they still have their own autonomous expression. The ethical and legal bases of patient autonomy are firstly illustrated, including “the four principles approach to bioethics”, “the doctrine of informed consent”, the legal status of “the right to autonomy” at the constitutional level, and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child which is an international guide to children’s human right. Children’s autonomy is closely related to their decision-making capacity or competence and their age. Furthermore, surrogate decision making plays an important role in children’s affairs. When there is a conflict between the parents and children, the principle of best interest of children should be the leading concern. Regarding the medical decision of children, difficult problems are: why children’s patient autonomy is vital, who has the right to decide, and how to make a decision. I have reviewed the experiences and suggestions from concept leading countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom. I proposed my own viewpoint and suggest some guidelines on the clinical decision process. My opinion is that children’s right to express should be taken as the confirmation of children’s autonomy. For the children with decision making capacity, we should fully respect his rational decision; for the children without it, parents could make the decisions according to the children’s best interest. Medical staffs, including doctors and nurses, also need to reexamine the parents’ decisions suitable for children’s best interest. At the end of the thesis, I re-examine the clinical cases proposed at the beginning of this thesis, to present my resolution to the cases as guides for future clinical situation.

Die konstitusionele implikasie van Fraser V Children's Court, Pretoria North 1997 2 SA 261 (CC)

Coetzee, Linden 08 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in English / Writer investigates the constitutionality of section 18(4)(d) of the Child Care Act 74 of 1983 against the backdrop of the South African common law and the common law of comparative legal systems. In the South Africa law the mother of an illegitimate child has guardianship. The natural father does not have parental power which weakens his legal position. In analysing the judgement of the Constitutional Court, writer criticises the court for stating that in the case of a newborn baby the kind of discrimination which section 18( 4 )( d) authorises against a natural father may be justifiable in the initial period after the child is born. The constitutional position of the natural father in American jurisprudence is discussed at length. Writer concludes that the natural father has to take positive steps to vest a right to be heard in an adoption application. Proposals for legal reform are also made. / Private Law / LL. M. (Law)

An exploration of the criminologist's role in establishing the criminal capacity of children in conflict with the law

Human, Maryna 12 1900 (has links)
Annexure E: Criminal Capacity Check List (pages 61-62) is in English. The Afrikaans or Xhosa version of this document is also available on request / The aim of this explorative and descriptive study was to establish if criminologists could assist in the criminal capacity assessment of children in conflict with the law. A qualitative approach was utilised in order to obtain an in-depth understanding of the current criminal capacity assessment process and the role players involved in the process. Data were collected by means of a semi-structured interview schedule. Individual and focus group interviews were conducted with child justice practitioners. Purposive sampling was employed and data were analysed according to the methods of Rabiee as well as Morse and Field. The findings of this study indicate that the current one-dimensional medico-legal assessment approach is not in the best interest of the child. A shortage of human resources, ineffective assessment tools, inadequate training of role players, and operational problems in the criminal capacity assessment process, are all factors that hamper a successful child-centred approach. A multi-disciplinary approach was found to be the most suitable approach to assess children in conflict with the law. It was concluded that professionals from disciplines such as social work, criminology, probation work, psychology and psychiatry should form part of the multi-disciplinary criminal capacity assessment team. The important role that criminologists can play as part of this team was acknowledged in this study. It was furthermore established that the role and function of criminologists, as well as the study field of criminology, are still unfamiliar to various practitioners in the human sciences professions. Criminologists are also still regarded as crime researchers with limited practical applications in areas of the Criminal Justice System. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminology)

Surogační mateřství / Surrogate motherhood

Hlaváčová, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is analysis of attitudes, opinions and present legislation regarding a surrogate motherhood. The thesis should be recommendation of optimal legal adaptation of surrogacy in Czech Republic. The thesis looks into chosen issue through methods of comparison with foreign legislation and reminder of professional and non- professional views on the issue. The reasons for surrogacy legislation in Czech Republic are particularly the best interest of child, protection of surrogate mother's rights and rights of potential parents and many more. The surrogacy legislation would mean amendments of many legal regulations, which are propounded by the thesis. Keywords Surrogate motherhood, surrogacy, surrogacy legislation, determination and negation of maternity, biological mother, social mother, genetic mother, legal mother, the best interest of child, adoption, right to family and family life Name of the thesis Surrogate motherhood

Barnets bästa? : en kritisk diskursanalys om hur tingsrätten resonerar kring uppgifter om pappans våld mot mamman i vårdnadstvister / Best interests of the child? : a critical discourse analysis of how the district court reasoned about information about the father's violence against the mother in custody disputes

Larsson, Malin January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap kring hur diskurser konkurrerar om vad som är barns bästa och hur dessa styr tingsrättens beslut vid vårdnadstvister när det finns uppgifter om pappans våld mot mamma och eventuellt barn. Det empiriska materialet utgick ifrån 14 domar där det fanns uppgifter om pappans våld inom familjen. Tingsrätten hade som uppgift att döma huruvida vårdnaden skulle vara gemensam eller ensam för föräldrarnas gemensamma barn. Studien är kvalitativ och Norman Faircloughs diskursanalys används både som teori och metod tillsammans med socialkonstruktionism, med betoning på genus som social konstruktion. Resultatet i studien visar på två diskurser som tingsrätten motiverar sina beslut utifrån, där båda syftar till att argumentera eller göra trovärdigt vad som är för barnets bästa. I ”behovsdiskursen” betonas vikten av en god och nära relation till båda föräldrarna, emedan ”riskdiskursen” betonar risken för att barnet kan fara illa. Dessa två diskurser påverkar domstolens syn på föräldrarnas samarbete, vilket i sin tur påverkar tingsrättens beslut om gemensam respektive ensam vårdnad. Även på vilket sätt tingsrätten tar upp våldet och benämner våldet påverkas också utifrån vilken av de två diskurserna som råder. Inom behovsdiskursen bedömdes samarbetet som tillräckligt bra vid minsta möjliga tecken på att föräldrarna kunde enas i olika gemensamma beslut rörande barnet, vilket resulterade i gemensam vårdnad. Uppgifter om våld från pappan omformulerades eller omnämndes aldrig, vilket gjorde att våldet inom behovsdiskursen förminskades och fick en underordnad betydelse. Inom riskdiskursen bedömdes det svåra samarbetet mellan föräldrarna utgöra en risk för att barnet skulle fara illa, vilket gjorde att utfallet här blev ensam vårdnad. Inom riskdiskursen synliggjordes och problematiserades våldet i mycket högre grad. / The purpose of the study is to contribute with knowledge about how discourses compete for what is in the best interests of the child and how these govern the district court's decisions in custody disputes when there is information about the father's violence against the mother and any children. The empirical material was based on 14 judgments where there was information about the father's violence within the family. The district court's task was to judge whether custody should be joint or single for the parents' common children. The study is qualitative and Norman Fairclough's discourse analysis is used both as a theory and method together with social constructionism with emphasis on a gender perspective as an additional theory. The results of the study show two discourses from which the district court justifies its decisions, there both aim to argue or make credible what is in the best interests of the child. The “Discourse of needs” emphasizes the importance of a good and close relationship with both parents, while the “Discourse of risk” emphasizes the risk that the child may be harmed. The court's reasoning regarding the parents' cooperation is affected by which of the two discourses prevails. The way in which they address the violence and denominates it violence is also affected on the basis of the discourse on which the court is based. Violence tended to be deminished in both discourses, however, it became clear within the discourse of needs.

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