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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genetic predisposition to corticosteroid : related complications of childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (cALL) treatment

Plesa, Maria 06 1900 (has links)
L’ostéonécrose (ON) et les fractures (FR) sont des complications qui prennent de plus en plus place dans le traitement pédiatrique de la leucémie aiguë lymphoblastique (LAL). L’ON peut être causée par différents facteurs, dont principalement l’utilisation de glucocorticoïdes. Les glucocorticoïdes sont administrés lors du traitement de la leucémie dans le but d’initier l’apoptose des cellules malignes tout en ayant un effet anti-inflammatoire. Cependant, l’utilisation de ces corticostéroïdes comprend des effets secondaires sérieux, notamment le développement d’ostéonécrose. Des variantes génétiques peuvent mettre certains patients plus à risque que d’autres. Plusieurs gènes ont déjà été signalés comme régulés par les actions glucocorticoïdes (GC). Les variations génétiques présentes dans les régions régulatrices de ces gènes peuvent affecter leur fonctionnement normal et, en fin de compte, de déterminer un risque accru de développer l’ON associé au traitement contre la leucémie. Pour cette raison, plusieurs polymorphismes ont été identifiés et étudiés dans la cohorte QcALL de Ste-Justine, concernant les gènes suivants : ABCB1, ACP1, BCL2L11, NFKB1, PARP1, et SHMT1. Ces gènes jouent majoritairement un rôle dans les mécanismes d’action des glucocorticoïdes, mais quelques-uns ont plutôt un effet direct sur le développement d’ostéonécrose. Nos recherches ont démontré une corrélation entre ces polymorphismes et l’apparition d’ostéonécrose chez les patients de la cohorte QcALL, traités aux glucocorticoïdes. L'incidence cumulative de l'ostéonécrose a été évaluée rétrospectivement chez 305 enfants atteints de la leucémie qui ont subi un traitement à l’hôpital Ste-Justine selon les protocoles DFCI de Boston (87-01, 91-01, 95-01 et 2000-01). Parmi les huit polymorphismes de BCL2L11 étudiés, les 891T> G (rs2241843) et 29201C> T (rs724710) ont été significativement associés à ON (p = 0.01 et p = 0.03, respectivement). L'association du polymorphisme 891T> G a été modulée par le type de corticostéroïde (CS), l’âge, le sexe et le groupe à risque (p ≤ 0,05). Le polymorphisme 29201C> T était particulièrement apparent chez les patients à haut risque (p = 0,003). La même étude était conduite en parallèle sur des patients de la cohorte DFCI de Boston (N = 192), et montrait des résultats significatifs pour les polymorphismes étudiés. En conclusion, les résultats de cette étude permettront de confirmer l’association de ces polymorphismes au développement d’ON chez les patients de LLA traités aux GC. / Osteonecrosis (ON) and fractures (FR) are complications that take place in the treatment of children acute lymphoblastic leukemia (cALL). They can be caused by various factors, mainly using glucocorticoids. The corticosteroids, dexamethasone (DXM) and prednisone (PDN) are administered during the treatment of leukemia to initiate apoptosis of malignant cells; while having an anti-inflammatory effect. However, the use of these corticosteroids has severe side effects, including the development of osteonecrosis. Moreover, some patients develop resistance to treatment, and are at risk of developing side effects. The genetic variants predispose some patients at higher risk than others. Several genes have been previously reported as up- or down regulated by the GCs actions. The genetic variations present in gene coding or regulatory regions can affect their function and ultimately determine an increased risk of developing ON associated to ALL therapy. Therefore, we investigated the association between several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in six candidate genes: BCL2L11, NFKB1, PARP1, ABCB1, ACP1, and SHMT1. These genes play a role in the mechanisms of action of glucocorticoids, but some have more of a direct effect on the development of osteonecrosis. Our research has shown a correlation between these polymorphisms and the occurrence of osteonecrosis in patients in the QCALL cohort, treated with glucocorticoids. Cumulative incidence of osteonecrosis was assessed retrospectively in 305 children with ALL who underwent treatment with DFCI protocols (87-01, 91-01, 95-01 and 2000-01) in childhood ALL cohort from Quebec (QcALL). Among the eight tag BCL2L11 polymorphisms studied the 891T>G (rs2241843) and 29201C>T (rs724710) were significantly associated with ON (p = 0.01 and p = 0.03, respectively). Association of 891T>G polymorphism was modulated by type of corticosteroid (CS), age, sex and risk group (p ≤ 0.05 and that of 29201C>T was particularly apparent among high risk (p = 0.003) patients. These polymorphisms have shown significant ON association in several QcALL risk groups, mainly in corticosteroid groups, age < 10 years, and high risk (HR) group. Furthermore, the same study was conducted in parallel with patients in the replication (DFCI) cohort (N = 192), and we showed significant genetic association results for all studied polymorphisms. In conclusion, this study identifies that some ALL children have a high incidence of ON during the treatment that is highly associated with polymorphisms in different genes regulated by corticosteroids and ALL prognostic factors.

Non-response error in surveys

Taljaard, Monica 06 1900 (has links)
Non-response is an error common to most surveys. In this dissertation, the error of non-response is described in terms of its sources and its contribution to the Mean Square Error of survey estimates. Various response and completion rates are defined. Techniques are examined that can be used to identify the extent of nonresponse bias in surveys. Methods to identify auxiliary variables for use in nonresponse adjustment procedures are described. Strategies for dealing with nonresponse are classified into two types, namely preventive strategies and post hoc adjustments of data. Preventive strategies discussed include the use of call-backs and follow-ups and the selection of a probability sub-sample of non-respondents for intensive follow-ups. Post hoc adjustments discussed include population and sample weighting adjustments and raking ratio estimation to compensate for unit non-response as well as various imputation methods to compensate for item non-response. / Mathematical Sciences / M. Com. (Statistics)


秦秀琪 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在於探討Put-Call Parity(PCP)所隱含的買權、賣權與標的資產間的價格變動關係。藉由探討PCP偏差程度的動態行為,推論若PCP的偏差為隨機漫步過程,則無法達到長期穩定,隱含PCP的廣義關係無法成立;反之,若PCP的偏差具有回歸平均特性,表示長期會達到穩定狀態,則PCP的廣義關係成立。 在研究方法上本文以變異數比率法檢定指數選擇權的PCP偏差是否為隨機漫步過程,採用隱含利率和實際無風險利率的差代表PCP的偏差程度,利用馬可夫轉換模型描繪PCP偏差的動態行為,並使用Gibbs Sampling演算法說明參數的不確定性。 本文以S&P500和DAX為研究標的,並探討股利不確定性是否影響PCP廣義關係,得到下列結論: 1、 對於S&P 500指數選擇權而言,不論是以日資料或週資料估計VR,S&P 500的PCP偏差都無法提供回歸平均的證據,隱含S&P 500的PCP廣義關係無法成立。 2、 對於DAX指數選擇權而言,檢定日資料的結果發現,DAX之PCP偏差在長期時(40~50日)有明顯的回歸平均的證據;而在檢定週資料時,使用原始資料法在90%信心水準下,不論取任何lag都可拒絕虛無假設,使用標準化資料則無法提供明顯的回歸平均證據。 3、 比較S&P 500和DAX,檢定日資料與週資料的結果都發現,DAX的p-value都比S&P 500小,並且S&P 500的PCP偏差都無法提供回歸平均的證據,而DAX有明顯回歸平均現象,隱含在消除股利的不確定性後,指數選擇權PCP的廣義關係式成立之證據較強烈。

以IEARN為主之專題導向式跨國互動EFL學習:以兩個國中班級為例之個案研究 / IEARN as Project-based Telecommunication Activities for EFL Learning: A Case Study on Two Junior High Classrooms

林淑媛, Lin, Shu Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本質性個案研究目的在探討以國際教育網路社群IEARN進行專題導向式跨國互動EFL學習的英語教學設計。該學習方式與教學模式特性諸多符合九年一貫課程改革理念。然而,在國內文獻及研究顯示,極少英語教師進行專題式網路教學設計。本研究個案是國中兩名英語教師與其班導學生為期兩年半的跨國文化專題學習。從個案訪談與課室觀察中發現,資訊科技融入英語教學,教師具備高度科技能力並非必要考量,而是教學策略、班級經營、師生合作為首務。 依據個案進行專題式導向學習過程中所面臨的挑戰與完成的歷程,研究者對教師、學校主管、教育當局與社會提出建言,以求改善與進步。這項教學革新並非只是順應課程改革,更是為了發展學生全面的學習與實踐終身學習為目標。 / The purpose of this research is to understand the challenge of project-based telecommunication activities through the IEARN for EFL learning. The learning methods and teaching strategies of project-based learning (PBL) conform to the rationale of Grade 1-9 Curriculum reform. However, literature showed that very few EFL teachers became involved in PBL with information technology for instruction. This research, conducted as a case study in the qualitative methodology, describes how two junior high school English teachers and their homeroom students implemented PBL through international network and how they developed cross-culture awareness in half and two years. It was found that successful EFL learning infused with information technology relied much more on pedagogy, class management and teacher-student collaboration than on teacher's computer skills. Based on the challenges and implement revealed in the process of PBL through telecommunication activities, the researcher gave suggestions to teachers, school administrators, educational authority and community for further improvement. The instructional innovation not only met educational reform standards but also developed EFL students' holistic learning in a lifelong fashion.

國中英語任務型合作學習之電腦活動設計與發展 / Designing and Developing Computer-supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Tasks for Junior High EFL Learners in Taiwan

伍如婷, Wu,Ju-ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在歸納電腦輔助國中英語任務教學之設計原則,並探究學生在使用電腦軟體時的互動模式。同時,本研究期望能進一步了解,針對此一教師設計之電腦輔助英語教學軟體,學生在使用過程所遇到的困難及與學習夥伴互動的模式。 本研究採取質的研究方法,並且以設計本位研究的概念為架構。研究者先行設計出一套任務導向之電腦英語教學軟體,作為研究雛型。研究對象為九對高學習成就之國中生。研究時程分為三個階段,每個階段由三對學生者參與。藉由觀察及訪談,分析出學生(1)分別在三個階段所遇到的困難,以及(2)與夥伴互動的模式。在第一部份,先一一探討學生對於每個任務的反應,再歸納出重要的教學議題及軟體在下一階段所應作的修正。在第二部份,先討論學生在互動的過程所扮演的角色,再呈現訪談資料裡學生內心對於互動過程的感受。本研究發現,符合學生學習需求的軟體設計、教師所提供的心理支持、及學生互動的品質,皆是影響電腦英語教學成效之關鍵因素。 本研究根據以上軟體設計及學生互動的討論結果,進一步提供建議,以作為任務導向之電腦英語教學相關議題之研究參考。 / The purpose of this study is to derive useful insights and principles for the design of the computer-supported collaboration tasks and to explore patterns of learners’ interaction when working on the computer tasks. This study attempts to understand how learners react to the teacher-designed computer-supported collaborative learning tasks and how they work together with their partners. This study adopts qualitative approach methods within the design-based research framework. First, a task-based computer program is designed as a prototype. Then 9 pairs of high-achieving junior high school students are selected to use the software. Throughout the three cycles of implementation with three pairs of students in each, qualitative data are collected through direct observations and an interview. The results are presented according to the three cycles with a separate section on the participants’ interaction. In the three cycles, the participants’ reactions to each task within each scene are first described, and then pedagogical issues and design adjustments for the next cycle are discussed. In the interaction section, three roles taken by the participants across three cycles are identified, with a discussion on the participants’ viewpoints on their interaction. It is found in this study that the program design, the teacher’s support, and the nature of the learner’s interaction are the key elements affecting the outcomes of using this CSCL program. Finally, pedagogical implications and suggestions based on obstacles that the participants encountered during the program are discussed, with the discussion on limitations of this study and suggestions for further research.

臺灣大學生透過電腦輔助軟體學習英語發音的研究 / A Passage to being understood and understanding others:

蔡碧華, Tsai, Pi Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在調查電腦輔助英語發音學習軟體 「MyET」,對學習者在學習英語發音方面的影響。 利用電腦輔助英語發音學習軟體(CAPT),練習英語的類化效果,也列為調查重點之一。 此外,學生使用CAPT過程中遭遇的困難和挑戰,以及互動過程中發展出來的對策也一一加以探討。 本研究的目的是要把CAPT在英語聲韻教學的領域中做正確的定位,並且探討如何使用其他的中介工具(例如人類)來強化此類軟體的輔助學習效果。 參與本次研究的大學生一共有九十名,分為三組:兩組CAPT組(亦即實驗組,使用CAPT獨自或與同儕一起使用CAPT學習英語發音)、非CAPT組(控制組)一 組。每組三十名。實驗開始,所有學生以十週的時間練習朗讀 從「灰姑娘」(Cinderella) 摘錄的文字,此段文字由發行 MyET 的公司線上免費提供。 實驗前與實驗後,兩組的學生各接受一次測驗。 每週練習結束後,學生必須將學習心得記載於學習日誌上;教師也針對每個學生的學習心得給予指導回饋。 研究結果顯示,兩個CAPT組別(亦即使用CAPT發音學習軟體的組別)的學生在學習英語聲韻的過程中,都有明顯及正面的進步與改變。尤其是語調與速度快慢方面的進步遠勝於發音的進步。再者,實驗組學生以十週的時間利用CAPT學習英語後,在朗讀新的文字時,無論是發音或語調都有類化的效應,但是在速度快慢方面則無顯著進步。然而,實驗結果三組的發音表現,在量化統計上並未達到明顯的差異。 雖然如此,在質化的探究上,經過分析學生的學習心得後得知:所有組別當中,獨自使用CAPT學習英語發音的組別,最能夠自我審視語言學習歷程 (包括模仿和學習樂趣)。至於共同使用CAPT學習的學生自述在英語流暢度、語調及發音方面獲致最大的改善。控制組的學生因為沒有同儕的鷹架教學及回饋,也沒有 MyET提供的練習回饋,練習過程中,學生自述學習困難的頻率最高,學生也認為學習收穫很少。 參與本次研究實驗組的學生認為, CAPT提供練習回饋的機制設計有改進的空間。 有關本研究結果在理論及英語教學上的意涵以及研究限制,於結論當中一一提出加以討論。 關鍵字:電腦輔助語言教學,語音辨識軟體,超音段,語調,時長,學習策略, 中介 / This present study investigated the impact of computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) software, i.e., MyET, on students’ learning of English pronunciation. The investigation foci included the generalization of the effect of practice with the CAPT system. Also examined are the difficulties and challenges reported by the students who employed the CAPT system and the strategy scheme they developed from their interaction with the system. This study aimed to position the role of the CAPT system in the arena of instruction on English pronunciation and to investigate how other kinds of mediation, such as that of peer support, could reinforce its efficacy. This study involved 90 Taiwanese college students, divided into two experimental groups and one control group. The two experimental groups practiced English pronunciation by using a computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) program either independently or with peers while the control group only had access to MP3 files in their practice. All the groups practiced for ten weeks texts adopted from a play, Cinderella, provided by MyET free of charge on line. They all received a pretest and a posttest on the texts they had practiced and a novel text. Each week after their practice with the texts, the participants were asked to write down in their learning logs their reflections on the learning process in Chinese. In the same way, the instructor would provide her feedback on the students’ reflections in the logs every week. The results showed that the ten-week practice with the CAPT system resulted in significant and positive changes in the learning of English pronunciation of CAPT groups (i.e., the Self-Access CAPT Group and the Collaborative CAPT Group). The progress of the participants in intonation and timing was always higher than in segmental pronunciation. Moreover, the ten-week practice with the CAPT system was found to be generalized (though the generalization is less than mediocre) to the participants’ performance in the production of segmental pronunciation and intonation but not in the timing component in reading the novel text. However, the improvement of the CAPT groups was not great enough to differentiate themselves from the MP3 Group. Though the quantitative investigation did not reveal significant group differences, the qualitative analysis of the students’ reflections showed that the learning processes all the three groups went through differed. The Self-Access CAPT Group outperformed the other two groups in developing self-monitoring of language learning and production, and in enjoying working with the CAPT system/texts. Among the three groups, the Collaborative CAPT Group outscored the other two groups in reporting their gains and improvement in fluency, intonation and segmental pronunciation, as well as developing strategies to deal with their learning difficulty. Though the students in the MP3 group also made significant progress after the practice, without peers’ scaffolding and the feedback provided by MyET, they reported the highest frequency of difficulties and the least frequency of gains and strategies during the practice. The participants of this study also considered necessary the improvement of the CAPT system’s feedback design. At the end of the study theoretical and pedagogical implications as well as research limitations are presented. Key words: Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Automatic Speech Recognition System (ASRS), segmental pronunciation, prosody, intonation, timing, learning strategies, mediation

Abbatial elections : the case of the Loire Valley in the eleventh century

Howie, Catriona V. January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines a series of documents described as electoral charters, produced in monastic institutions of the Loire Valley from the late tenth to late eleventh centuries. By considering the variations in the formulas used for each charter, the study considers what the charters were saying about power or wanted to project about the powers at play in the events they described. Through this, the thesis demonstrates that the power of lordship projected by such documents was of a very traditional nature throughout the period in which they were being produced. The count's role on each occasion showed him to be a dominant force with a power of lordship composed of possession and rights of property ownership, but also intangible elements, including a sacral interest. By considering the context of events surrounding each charter of election, the thesis demonstrates that elements of this lordship could be more or less projected at different times in order that different statements might be made about the count. Thus, the symbolic expressions of power appear to have been bigger elements or more strongly emphasised in periods when the count's political or military power was under pressure. The differences in formulas used throughout the period of the charters' production demonstrate that, despite the appearance of new elements that may appear to have been important novelties, these processes were likely to have been original to proceedings, and therefore the notions of a reform of investitures taking place in the mid-eleventh century must be nuanced. Instead of demonstrating a mutation in relationships between lord and Church, the documents demonstrate an alteration in style and content, becoming more narrative and verbose and in these ways revealing elements of the process of abbatial elevations that had previously been hidden from view.

企業導入顧客關係管理決策之研究 / Decision on Adopting Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in Enterprises

陳巧佩, Chen, Chiao-Pei Unknown Date (has links)
隨著競爭環境日漸嚴苛,顧客需求日趨多元,企業需要有更有效率的方式來管理與顧客間的關係,顧客關係管理CRM(Customer Relationship Management, CRM)成為企業關心的熱門議題。但過去的學者研究中,僅止於針對影響企業導入&系統與否之決策進行研究,然而CRM對於企業經營顧客關係之重要性已被企業所認同,同時面對如此牽涉到龐大人力、資金,與時間投入的系統導入計畫,在導入過程中仍會面臨許多重要決策,因此本研究將針對響導入過程的相關因 數,並經由個案研討的實際驗證,提出具解釋力的理論架構。 經由過去文獻的整理,本研究以Rogers(1983)的創新擴散模型為基礎,將影響CRM導入過程的因素分為認知階段的環境面與組織面因素,以及說服階段認知的創新特質,另外系統供應商及顧問公司則扮演特殊的角色,同時在說服、決策及實行階段皆產生影響。其中環境面又包含競爭強度,需求不確定性及產業環境變化速度;組織面因素包含規模、結構化程度、以及高階主管態度。而認知的創新特質則包含相容性以及系統特性。另外則以資訊與資料的蒐集、累積與儲存、吸收與整理、展現與應用等為被影響的研究變數。並選取目前導入最積極的產業中之標竿企業,包含證券、人壽、行動電話系統業者、電子電腦公司,及網際網路服務提供業者等六家企業,進行深入之訪談,期能從這些正在導入的公司之經驗裡,發現可供參考與依循的準則。 經由對個案公司的深入訪談之後,本研究之研究架構有重大修正。認知階段的影響因素除了環境與組織構面仍存在外,從組織構面中抽離複雜度,並與產品特質、顧客基礎,公司依賴業務人員推廣業務及提供服務的程度共同組成新構面—業務面因素,而系統與顧問公司的選擇則成為企業採用CRM系統時重要的決策因素之一。更重要的是,本研究經由訪談對探討主題有更廣泛而完整的延伸,導入過程可以導入積極度、建置組織,以及建置方式來描述。導入積極度代表導入的速度;建置組織裡包含以專案小組的方式來推動,以及高階主管的參與程度;建置方式則包含CRM要素的建置優先順序、以及委外程度。 研究發現,環境面的因素與組織面的因素皆同時影響到CRM導入過程的積極度及建置方式裡的優先順序;而新增的業務面的因素則同時對CRM導入過程的積極度及建置方式裡的優先順序及自建或委外的選擇有較顯著影響。至於認知的創新特質中,不論是專案管理或是高階參與,其影響到的皆為CRM在建置單位上的特性。而協力單位則因為企業對於系統特性的要求有所不同,而同時成為決策結果與影響導入方式的變數。 本研究期望能藉由結合學術理論與實務應用的方案,提供給正在導入或評估規劃中的企業實用的考慮方向與實際例證,以協助企業在導入過程中自我檢測,選擇最適當的導入程序及設計組織關的配套措施,俾使導入過程順利而達到預期目標。 / To cope with the current increase in both competition and customer requirements, enterprises need more efficient methods to manage their relationships with customers. Previous researches focused mainly on the factors affecting the decision whether or not to adopt the CRM system. As the importance of CRM pertaining to management of relationships with customers has been recognized, meanwhile, with regard to implementation of the extensive software which involves investment of massive human resources, capital, and time, many critical decisions still need to be concerned. This research aims at extracting relevant factors affecting the adoption process and proposes a convincing framework verified by an empirical case study. The research in this study is based on the Innovation Diffusion Model of Rogers (1983) and divides factors affecting the CRM adoption process into knowledge and persuasion stages with environmental and organizational factors in the knowledge stage, and perceived characteristics of innovation in the persuasion stage, while system suppliers and consulting firms as joint associates. Environmental factors include competition intensity, demand uncertainty, and industry changing speed. Organizational factors consist of size, structure, and managerial attitude. Perceived characteristics of innovation are composed of compatibility and system characteristics. Data collection, data storage, data mining, and data visualization work as independent variables. Six companies in securities, life insurance, cellular telephone system, electronics and computers, and the Internet service provider industry were selected as study cases. However, the research frame was revised after investigation. In the knowledge stage, complexity is extracted and integrated with product attribute, customer base, and corporation dependence on sales representative to form one integrated factor called business. Moreover, the independent variables are amended to be more extensive, including adoption activeness, constructing section, and constructing manner. The research shows that environmental and organizational factors affect adoption activeness and priority; and that the business factor influences adoption activeness, adoption priority, as well as outsourcing decisions. Project management and managerial participation representing a CRM constructing section are affected by perceived characteristics of the innovation. Through the integration of theory and empirical data , this research hopes to provide direction for examining the CRM adoption process and organization design, so as to facilitate the fulfilling of the adoption objective.

Capturing JUnit Behavior into Static Programs : Static Testing Framework

Siddiqui, Asher January 2010 (has links)
<p>In this research paper, it evaluates the benefits achievable from static testing framework by analyzing and transforming the <em>JUnit3.8 </em>source code and static execution of transformed code. Static structure enables us to analyze the code statically during creation and execution of test cases. The concept of research is by now well established in static analysis and testing development. The research approach is also increasingly affecting the static testing process and such research oriented work has proved particularly valuable for those of us who want to understand the reflective behavior of <em>JUnit3.8 Framework</em>.</p><p><em> JUnit3.8 Framework</em> uses <em>Java Reflection API</em> to invoke core functionality (test cases creation and execution) dynamically. However, <em>Java Reflection API</em> allows developers to access and modify structure and behavior of a program.  Reflection provides flexible solution for creating test cases and controlling the execution of test cases. Java reflection helps to encapsulate test cases in a single object representing the test suite. It also helps to associate each test method with a test object. Where reflection is a powerful tool to perform potential operations, on the other hand, it limits static analysis. Static analysis tools often cannot work effectively with reflection.</p><p>In order to avoid the reflection, <em>Static Testing Framework</em> provides a static platform to analyze the <em>JUnit3.8</em> source code and transform it into non-reflective version that emulates the dynamic behavior of <em>JUnit3.8</em>. The transformed source code has possible leverage to replace reflection with static code and does same things in an execution environment of <em>Static Testing Framework</em> that reflection does in <em>JUnit3.8</em>. More besides, the transformed code also enables execution environment of <em>Static Testing Framework</em> to run test methods statically. In order to measure the degree of efficiency, the implemented tool is evaluated. The evaluation of <em>Static Testing Framework</em> draws results for different Java projects and these statistical data is compared with <em>JUnit3.8</em> results to measure the effectiveness of <em>Static Testing Framework</em>. As a result of evaluation, <em>STF</em> can be used for static creation and execution of test cases up to <em>JUnit3.8</em> where test cases are not creating within a test class and where real definition of constructors is not required. These problems can be dealt as future work by introducing a middle layer to execute test fixtures for each test method and by generating test classes as per real definition of constructors.</p>

Videosamtal i webbutik

Lidström, Martin, Jonsson, Ulf January 2006 (has links)
<p>I traditionella butiker kan kunden välja att ta kontakt med en försäljare för att få information om produkter eller tjänster. Försäljaren kan tipsa om lösningar efter kundens behov, även visa upp hur produkten fungerar och kunden kan själv välja vilken fråga han eller hon vill ha svar på. Den här mänskliga realtidskontakten kan i många fall vara värdefull och förtroendegivande för kunden. Vi antar att mervärden skapas för kunden när denne kan mötas ansikte mot ansikte och samtala med försäljare i en webbutik. För att se vilka dessa mervärden kunde vara, designade vi en prototyp för videosamtal. Denna implementerades i en fiktiv webbutik, som tillhandhöll kläder. Fem testpersoner fick agera presumtiva kunder och föra videosamtal med en professionell försäljare. Testpersonerna och försäljaren satt i olika rum och videosamtalen fördes via ett lokalt nätverk. Efter varje test genomfördes en kvalitativ intervju med testpersonerna och resultaten visade vilka mervärden som hade skapats. Ett mervärde var den personliga servicen med omedelbar feedback som försäljaren gav, i huvudsak via ljudkanalen. Videosamtalen medförde att kunderna kunde förhandla om priser och leveranstider. Ett annat var att kunder kunde få sina klädmått bedömda, men endast korrekt bedömda i två fall av fem. Ett annat visuellt mervärde var att kunden kunde be försäljaren att visa upp olika kombinationer av klädesplagg för att se hur de passade ihop med varandra. En testperson tyckte ett mervärde var att klädesplaggen kunde ses ur den vinkel som önskades. Ytterligare ett mervärde var att webbutiken upplevdes som trovärdig när försäljaren fanns i den som en fysisk gestalt. Testpersonerna tyckte att videosamtalen gjorde att de fick förtroende för webbutiken.</p> / <p>In retail shops in real life the customer can chose to contact a salesman to get information about products or services. The salesman can recommend solutions depending on the customers needs. The salesman can show the product to the customer and tell how it works. The customer on the other hand can ask questions to the salesman about the product to get the specific information that interests him or her. This human contact in real time can be valuable and confidece inspiring for the customer in many situations. We assume there are surplus values for the customer when he or she will meet face to face with a salesman via a video call in a webshop. To find out which these surplus values could be we designed a prototype for video calls. This was implemented in a fictitious webshop that supplied clothes. Five persons with experience from webbshopping acted customers and had video calls with a professional salesman. The customers and the salesman were in different rooms and could only communicate through a video call. Their computers were connected via a local network. We did qualitative interviews with every customer after each test and the results showed the surplus values that were generated. One surplus value was the personal service with instant feedback that the customer got from the salesman, mainly through the sound channel. The video calls resulted in negotiations about prices and delivery times. Another surplus value was that the salesman estimated the customers sizes in trousers and jackets. He only succeded in two cases of five. Another visual surplus value was that the customer asked the salesman to show articles of clothing in different combinations to see how them fit together. One person thought one surplus value was that he could see an article of clothing from whichever angle he wished. Further surplus value was that the customers experienced the webshop as trustworthy when the salesman was there as a physical human being. The customers thought that the video calls caused that they got confidence in the webshop.</p>

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