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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Infinitivamente pessoal: a autoficção de Caio Fernando Abreu, \'O biógrafo da emoção\' / Infinitivamente pessoal: the autofiction of Caio Fernando Abreu, the \"bigrapher of emotion\"

Barbosa, Nelson Luis 08 May 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a escrita autoficcional de Caio Fernando Abreu (1948-1996) segundo as concepções, respectivamente, dos teóricos franceses Serge Doubrovsky e Vincent Colonna, destacando-a e diferenciando-a de uma escrita pretensamente autobiográfica, segundo a concepção do também francês Philippe Lejeune. Se para Doubrovsky a escrita autoficcional é identificável pela condição do homonimato entre autor-narrador-personagem, para Colonna tal condição não se faz necessária para a identificação dessa escrita. Desse modo, no caso da autoficção segundo Colonna, para identificação da autoficção de Caio F., propõe-se o critério da sobreposição de textos com base nos paratextos genettianos. Procura-se, assim, estabelecer as bases diferenciais de uma escrita autoficcional que congrega em sua estrutura fatos reais e ficcionais elaborados pela linguagem, em contraposição a uma escrita dita autobiográfica baseada num pretenso pacto de verdade, entendendo ser a autoficção a forma de escrita amplamente praticada por Caio F. Para demonstração dessa escrita autoficcional, promove-se a análise e interpretação de textos significativos de Caio F., neles identificando as estruturas que os tornam autênticas autoficções. / This work aims to study the autofictional writings of Caio Fernando Abreu (1948-1996) according to the French scholars Serge Doubrovsky and Vincent Colonna, emphasizing and differentiating it from a supposedly autobiographic writing and also according to Philippe Lejeune. If, according to Doubrovsky, autofictional writing is recognizable by the requisite of homonimity author-narrator-character, to Colonna such requirement is not necessary. According to the latter, to identify Caio F.s autofiction, one must adopt the criteria of superposition of texts, based on Genets concept of paratext. Therefore, our goal is to establish the differential basis of an autofictional writing which creates in its structures of real and fictional facts elaborated by the language, as opposed to a writing considered autobiographic based on a intended pact of truth. Consequently, autofiction is the way of writing widely practiced by Caio F. In order to demonstrate this autofictional writing, we analyse and interprete Caios most important texts, identifying in them the structures that make them genuine autofictions.

Caesar, Konstantin, Karl und Friedrich

Kloskowski, Irina 02 February 2011 (has links)
Diverse Vorüberlegungen resultieren in der Frage, ob nicht ein der Kaiserchronik inhärentes didaktisches Konzept die Sinnvermittlung bewirken soll. Dazu werden die Lehrinhalte der Kaiserchronik betrachtet. Als ein Neueinsatz in der Weise, wie Historie im literarischen volkssprachigen Medium präsentiert wird, kann die in der Caesargeschichte der Kaiserchronik zu bemerkende Doppelung der Handlung gewertet werden. Am Beispiel der Geschichten Konstantins und Karls kann aufgezeigt werden, wie der Dialog die Struktur und Erzählweise des Textes dominiert. Im Hinblick auf die erste Bayrische Fortsetzung der Kaiserchronik, möchte ich von einem progressiven Intertextualitätsverständnis sprechen, das den Quellenbezug nicht überbewertet, sondern sich auf die Einbettung des von einem Prätext entliehenen Kontexts in den neu zu konzipierenden Text konzentriert. In der Continuatio macht sich dieser progressive Intertextualitätsbegriff insofern bemerkbar, als der Prätext nicht unreflektiert übernommen wird, sondern zuerst an ihm und dann mit ihm weitergearbeitet wird. / With regard to the construction of sense in the Chronicle of Emperors, an inherent didactic concept can be detected. New presentation techniques of the literary medium of the 12th century like a hero`s two-fold adventure pathway to maturity allow for more complex views of the well-known Caesar tales. On the other hand, dialogue is still dominant as a rhetorical means as structure and narration of the Charlemagne and the Constantine tales disclose. As a final aspect, the Continuatio, the first Bavarian continuation of the Chronicle of Emperors, is under scrutiny. The progressive concept of intertextuality concentrates on the new text, not entirely ignoring the original text, but rather embedding old context in new surroundings.

A Bela e a Fera: a reafirmação do estereótipo feminino e sua subversão nas colunas de Tereza Quadros, máscara de Clarice Lispector / The Beauty and the Beast: the reaffirmation of the female stereotype and its subversion in the columns of Tereza Quadros, mask of Clarice Lispector.

Sandroni, Tania 11 April 2018 (has links)
Sob a máscara de Tereza Quadros, Clarice Lispector jornalista produziu a coluna Entre mulheres no jornal Comício, em 1952. Ao lado de receitas e conselhos, comuns na imprensa feminina, a colunista publicou textos em que há um discurso pouco convencional sobre o que se consideravam os modelos femininos. Essa postura, em certa medida transgressora para a época, pode ser comprovada também pelo fato de a colunista citar trechos em que a emancipação da mulher está tematizada. Nesta pesquisa, identificamos que a principal fonte de inspiração para Clarice Lispector foi o livro O segundo sexo, de Simone de Beauvoir, publicado em 1949 na França e, à época, não traduzido no Brasil. Além de citar um trecho da própria escritora francesa, a colunista retirou da obra outras referências e trechos de terceiros. Isso revela que, ao mesmo tempo em que ratificava o estereótipo da mulher burguesa da década de 1950, com conselhos sobre tarefas domésticas, Clarice Lispector contestava esse mesmo estereótipo, por meio da apresentação de leituras avançadas para a época. Além disso, a colunista escreveu crônicas com incontestável valor literário, sendo que algumas delas deram origem a contos publicados posteriormente com assinatura da escritora. Dessa forma, a produção de Tereza Quadros é bastante diferenciada daquelas desenvolvidas por Helen Palmer e Ilka Soares, outras máscaras da escritora na imprensa feminina. / Under the mask of Tereza Quadros, Clarice Lispector wrote the column \"Among Women\" for the newspaper Comício, in 1952. Alongside recipes and advice, common in women\'s press, the writer published texts in which there is a somewhat unconventional discourse in regards to what were considered female role models. This posture, transgressive to a point for its time, can be confirmed by the fact the columnist quoted passages on the emancipation of women. In this research, we have identified the primary source of inspiration for Clarice Lipector as the book The Second Sex, by Simone de Beauvoir, published in 1949, France, and not translated in Brazil back then. Apart from quoting directly from the french writer, the columnist also took from her work other references and excerpts from other authors. That reveals that, at the same time she ratified female role models for the middle-class woman in the years of 1950, with advice on domestic chores, Clarice Lispector contested that same stereotype through introducing new, advanced reads for her time. In addition, the columnist wrote chronicles with undeniable literary value, some of which gave origin to short stories later published with the writer\'s signature. Therefore, the writing production of Tereza Quadros is quite different from the ones of Helen Palmer and Ilka Soares, other masks the writer has used in women\'s press.

Hucusque Hieronymus : les continuateurs de la Chronique de saint Jérôme et la genèse de l'Occident post-romain au Ve siècle. Etude historiographique, textes latins revus et traductions inédites / Hucusque Hieronymus : the continuators of Saint Jerome's Chronicle and the genesis of the post-Roman West in the 5th century. Historiographical study, with revised Latin texts and new translations

Essoussi, Vivien 06 December 2011 (has links)
Le genre de la chronique, inauguré, chez les chrétiens latinophones, par saint Jérôme (qui, lui-même, traduisit et compléta, vers 380, les Canons chronologiques d'Eusèbe de Césarée), a longtemps été tenu, du moins en France, et malgré son foisonnement remarquable, comme une forme historiographique tout à fait mineure, dont les notations laconiques apportaient peu à notre connaissance des événements et de leur perception par les contemporains. Pourtant, les trois premiers continuateurs de Jérôme : Prosper d'Aquitaine, l'"Anonyme gaulois de 452", et l'évêque galicien Hydace, révèlent, à l'analyse, une conscience aiguë des transformations majeures qui affectent l'Occident romain au Ve siècle, prélude à l'émergence des "royaumes barbares". Le présent travail tente de réévaluer l'intérêt de telles sources : tout en examinant la structure et les caractères de leurs chroniques respectives, il s'attache, plus globalement, à approfondir la réflexion sur le sens que ces auteurs donnèrent à leur époque, à la croisée de l'Antiquité finissante et du très haut Moyen Age. L'étude s'appuie sur des textes revus, avec traductions françaises intégrales et inédites. / The chronicle genre, initiated among Latin-speaking Christians by Saint Jerome (who translated and supplemented Eusebius of Caesarea's Chronological Canons, ca. 380 CE), has been regarded for a long time – at least in France, and despite its remarkable flowering – as a very minor form of historiography : its laconic notes are thought to be of meagre interest for our knowledge of events and how contemporaries understood them. However, the first three continuators of Jerome : Prosper of Aquitaine, the "Gallic Anonymous of 452", and the Galician bishop Hydatius, as a matter of fact, reveal an acute sense of the major transformations affecting the Roman West in the fifth century – that is, the dawn of the "Barbarian Kingdoms". This work attempts to offer a reappraisal of this kind of sources : while discussing the structure and characteristics of each chronicle, it is more generally aimed to investigate more thoroughly the significance these authors attached to their own time, at the crossroads between later Antiquity and the earlier Middle Ages. The study is based on revised texts, with fresh and unabridged translations into French.

Nossa Senhora do Aterro : Florianópolis a partir das crônicas ligeiras de Beto Stodieck (1971-1980)

Fonseca, Jefferson Rafael da January 2008 (has links)
Temos aqui um estudo de caso onde se exercita, dentro do partido teórico-metodológico da história cultural do urbano, a aplicação do conceito ‘trajetória social’ aos estudos históricos, Visa estabelecer as condições que possibilitaram ao jornalista Beto Stodieck assumir a condição de porta-voz de uma parcela dos jovens da elite florianopolitana, cuja posição apoiava-se principalmente no capital cultural e social – acesso à educação, à cultura erudita e nas redes de relações sociais – herdados de família. Centrando a atenção num indivíduo e na formação do seu ‘ponto de vista’ - entendido como o universo das posições no interior do qual o agente estava situado e onde se definiu sua ação – o registro das transformações morfológicas e culturais, conforme foram registradas nas crônicas diárias, ajudou a buscar a cidade real através das representações formuladas por Beto Stodieck. A análise dos escritos e das práticas sociais ali retratadas apontou que o alcance da coluna social desse jornalista, tratada aqui como um conjunto de crônicas sociais ligeiras, foi resultado de três características fundamentais: o estilo do escritor; a capilaridade e importância social do veículo (principalmente o jornal O Estado); e a multiplicidade de temas ligados ao cotidiano de leitores das mais diversas posições sociais. / This work presents a study of case, within the party theoretical and methodological of the urban cultural history, in which applies of the concept ‘social trajectory’ to historical studies; seeking to identify the conditions that allowed the journalist Beto Stodieck become the spokesperson of a portion of the young elite of Florianópolis, whose position was supported mainly in the cultural and social capital – access to education, to erudite culture and networks of relationships social - inherited the family. Focusing on a individual and the making of their 'point of view' - understood as the universe of positions within which the agent was located and defined his action – the record of morphological and cultural transformations, as were registered in chronic daily, helped to understand the real city, through the representations made by Beto Stodieck. The analysis of the writings and social practices there portrayed, pointed out that the reach of the social columns of the journalist, treated here as a set of ‘slight social-chronicles’, was the result of three basic features: the style of the writer, the capillary and social importance of vehicle (mainly the newspaper O Estado), and the multiplicity of themes related to the daily lives of readers within different social positions.

Dealing with Dragons - parodi eller travesti på de klassiska sagorna?

Göthe, Cecilia January 2008 (has links)
Uppsatsen är en närläsning av Patricia C. Wredes bok Dealing with Dragons och undersöker huruvida boken i fråga är en parodi eller travesti på de klassiska sagorna, t.ex. Törnrosa och Askungen. Jag tar också reda på om det går att läsa boken på olika sätt beroende på hur stor förkunskap man har om de gamla sagorna. Gérard Genette har skrivit boken Palimpsestes: La littérature au second degré, och jag har med hjälp av en svensk översättning använt mig av hans teorier om hypotext - hypertext, parodi, travesti och transformation. Jag tar även hjälp av Jack Zipes och hans bok The Brothers Grimm - From Enchanted Forests to the Modern World. Dessutom används Barbara Walls bok The Narrator's Voice - The Dilemma of Children's fiction för att reda ut begreppet dubbelt tilltal. Uppsatsen är indelad i tre delar med tillhörande underrubriker: Inledning, analys och slutdiskussion. Under analysdelen tar jag upp Wredes sätt att använda sig av direkt och indirekt transformation samt om hänvisningarna till bl.a. Grimms sagor är inslag av parodi eller travesti. Metoden jag använder mig av är att visa och analysera utdrag ur boken som är direkt eller indirekt transformerade från sedan länge befintliga sagor eller legender. Resultatet av analysen når sitt syfte och svarar på frågeställningen. Slutsatsen är att boken Dealing with Dragons till största delen är en parodi på kända sagor, men att inslagen av travesti är nödvändiga och behövs för den roliga och lite snälla tonen som boken tillhandahåller.

Die erediens as uitdrukking van die dinamiese ontmoeting tussen God en mens : 'n pentakostalistiese perspektief / Andreas Petrus du Preez

Du Preez, Andreas Petrus January 2014 (has links)
Pentecostalism has, in recent times, undeniably contributed towards the growth of the church as a whole. Public worship services inherently submit and contribute towards the meeting between man and God as well as fellowship between the people who form part of said service. Public services in honor of God speak to the purposes of God and man’s fundamental desire to meet with our Creator. Consequently, research into this phenomenon proves vital in determining and even extending the role of the Pentecostal ideology in correlation to the longevity of honorary public services. Chapters 2 through 4 shed light on some of the key concepts that clarifies the dynamic nature of these events, throughout the service wherein the radiant power of God touches the human heart in some astounding ways. Exegetic studies have been undertaken into 2 Chronicles 5-7 which examines these instances of divine meeting in the Old Testament while the second chapter of Acts deals with the event from a New Testament perspective. In addition to this, 1 Corinthians 11-14 was utilized to highlight the role of the Holy Ghost as the instigator for divine meeting. Specific issues addressed by the research include service preparation and the role of music and its contribution to ambience preceding a meeting between man and God. Moreover, a keen focus on the sermon and the delivery thereof as well as its progression leading up to the conclusion and summary in closing and prayer, are all dealt with as part of this study. This dynamic, in essence, becomes visible through the statement issued by the life of each disciple as a living testament to this consuming and changing event. Honorary public services fit the bill as an event to promote divine meeting. Chapter 5 delves into some of the auxiliary sciences i.e. sociology, communication science, psychology and the field of antropology. The principles in chapters 2 through 4 are affirmed by these aspects of science and provide perspective on the practical applications thereof. All these factors in relation to practice have also been scrutinized through empirical research. This research clearly places divine meeting as a central to and inseparable from perceiver experience. Chapter 7 provides practical guidelines to alternative approaches in practicum. The study proposes a model whereby certain aspects can be examined from a Pentecostal point of view in order to tailor services as a dais for divine meeting. Most importantly it should be evident in the life of the participant that they have truly encounter God. This meeting is the prime objective and at the heart of public service. It serves and should always serve as a doorway to Christian life. / PhD (Liturgics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014


MOEMA DE SOUZA ESMERALDO 16 January 2019 (has links)
[pt] A tese Cidade em fragmentos: Imagens urbanas nas crônicas de C.D.A. para o Correio da Manhã propõe investigações sobre a produção escrita de Carlos Drummond de Andrade elaborada para a coluna Imagens, no período de 1954 a 1968, no jornal Correio da Manhã, cujos textos foram arquivados pelo próprio autor. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar, sobretudo, crônicas, tendo em vista a construção de um pensamento por imagens do cotidiano urbano, realizada pelo cronista, o qual investiu na representação de temas banais e comuns para elaborar uma escrita que descreve a cidade em fragmentos. Desse modo, pretende-se trabalhar com um quadro teórico sob uma perspectiva comparatista que permita ler essas imagens como miniaturas metropolitanas, bem como discutir a profusão da experiência urbana. Nesse contexto, as crônicas que revelam um imaginário da cidade, reproduzidas nas séries Imagens urbanas, Imagens de rua, Imagens de pedestre e Imagens de lotação, são o foco desta exposição interpretativa, e fazem circular os textos drummondianos em um contexto diferenciado da sua produção (circulação) no jornal. Assim, atualizam leituras possíveis a partir dos desdobramentos do suporte e das suas materialidades que permitem ressignificar a crítica sobre crônica moderna no Brasil, em especial, no que concerne à produção de C.D.A. / [en] The thesis City in fragments: Urban images in the chronicles of C.D.A for the Correio da Manhã proposes investigations on the written production of Carlos Drummond de Andrade elaborated for the column Images, that maintained, between the period of 1954 to 1968, in the newspaper Correio da Manhã and filed by the own author. The present study aims to analyze, mainly, chronicles, in view of the construction of a thought by images of urban daily life, carried out by the chronicler, who invested in the representation of banal and common themes to elaborate a writing that describes the city in fragments. In this way, we intend to work with a theoretical framework from a comparative perspective that allows us to read these images as metropolitan miniatures, as well as to discuss the profusion of the urban experience. In this context, the chronicles that reveal an imaginary of the city, reproduced in the series urban images, street images, pedestrian images and bus images, are the focus of this interpretative exhibition and circulate the texts of Drummond in a differentiated context of its production (circulation) in the newspaper. Thus, they update possible readings from the unfolding of the support and its materialities that allow to re-signify the critique about modern chronicle in Brazil, in special, of the production of C.D.A. / [es] La tesis Ciudad en fragmentos: Imágenes urbanas en las crónicas de C.D.A para el Correio da Manhã propone investigaciones sobre la producción escrita de Carlos Drummond de Andrade elaborada para la columna Imágenes, que mantuvo, entre el período de 1954 a 1968, en el Correio da Manhã y archivado por el propio autor. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar, principalmente, crónicas, teniendo en vista la construcción de un pensamiento por imágenes del cotidiano urbano, realizado por el cronista, que invirtió en la representación de temas banales y comunes para elaborar una escritura que describa la ciudad. en fragmentos. De esta forma, pretendemos trabajar con un referencial teórico a partir de una perspectiva comparativa que nos permita leer esas imágenes como miniaturas metropolitanas, así como discutir la profusión de la experiencia urbana. En este contexto, las crónicas que revelan un imaginario de la ciudad, reproducidas en las series imágenes urbanas, imágenes de calle, imágenes de peatones y imágenes de lotación, son el foco de esta exposición interpretativa y circulan los textos de Drummond en un contexto diferenciado de su producción (circulación) en el periódico. Así, actualizan lecturas posibles a partir del desdoblamiento del soporte y sus materialidades que permiten resignificar la crítica sobre la crónica moderna en Brasil, en especial, de la producción de C.D.A.

Epifanias compartilhadas : o diálogo entre Caio Fernando Abreu e seus leitores através das crônicas

Marques, Marcia Cristina Roque Corrêa January 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho pretende analisar as crônicas de Caio Fernando Abreu, publicadas no volume Pequenas Epifanias, e o diálogo que elas suscitaram com os leitores na época de sua publicação. O primeiro passo é uma tentativa de entender a crônica como gênero textual e delimitar algumas bases teóricas para a sua compreensão. O movimento de análise se dá em duas etapas distintas: num primeiro momento, as crônicas são analisadas em conjunto, na seqüência de sua publicação em livro, cotejando o material utilizado nestes textos com o mesmo material utilizado como tema de suas cartas particulares, também organizadas em livro. Desta análise, constatamos que, lidas em conjunto, as crônicas de Caio possuem um alto caráter autobiográfico, fornecendo um panorama da época e da vida do autor. A segunda leitura leva em consideração as cartas escritas por seus leitores e que estão organizadas em seu acervo, localizado no Instituto de Letras da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Esta leitura nos leva a concluir que o caráter dialógico e intimista das crônicas de Caio as coloca no limiar entre crônica e epístola, criando um laço de identificação entre autor e leitor. Assim, o trabalho de Caio, em busca da palavra certa, cria um texto artisticamente bem trabalhado, com um alto grau de subjetividade e que quebra as fronteiras dos gêneros literários, se aproximando da epístola e também do diário íntimo. / This work aims at analyzing the chronicles written by Caio Fernando Abreu, now published as a book entitled Pequenas Epifanias, and the dialogue which was arisen with its readers at the time when they were first published. The first step is an attempt to understand the chronicle as a text genre and establish some theoretical basis for its comprehension. The analysis is held in tow distinct phases: at first, the chronicles are analyzed as a group, in the sequence they are in the book, contrasting the material used as a subject for the chronicles and the same material used as the theme for his private letters, which are also organized as a book. From this analysis we have reached the conclusion that, when read as a group, the chronicles by Caio present a highly autobiographical character, providing a panorama of the time in which they were written, as well as of the author's life. The second reading takes into account the letters written by his readers, which are organized in his files located at Instituto de Letras from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. This reading led us to conclude that the dialogic character of Caio's chronicles places them on the limit between the chronicle and the letter, creating a bond with the reader. Thus, the work of Caio, searching for the right word, leads to an artistically well created text, highly subjective, which breaks the frontiers of the literary genres, close to the letter as well as to the intimate diary.

Nossa Senhora do Aterro : Florianópolis a partir das crônicas ligeiras de Beto Stodieck (1971-1980)

Fonseca, Jefferson Rafael da January 2008 (has links)
Temos aqui um estudo de caso onde se exercita, dentro do partido teórico-metodológico da história cultural do urbano, a aplicação do conceito ‘trajetória social’ aos estudos históricos, Visa estabelecer as condições que possibilitaram ao jornalista Beto Stodieck assumir a condição de porta-voz de uma parcela dos jovens da elite florianopolitana, cuja posição apoiava-se principalmente no capital cultural e social – acesso à educação, à cultura erudita e nas redes de relações sociais – herdados de família. Centrando a atenção num indivíduo e na formação do seu ‘ponto de vista’ - entendido como o universo das posições no interior do qual o agente estava situado e onde se definiu sua ação – o registro das transformações morfológicas e culturais, conforme foram registradas nas crônicas diárias, ajudou a buscar a cidade real através das representações formuladas por Beto Stodieck. A análise dos escritos e das práticas sociais ali retratadas apontou que o alcance da coluna social desse jornalista, tratada aqui como um conjunto de crônicas sociais ligeiras, foi resultado de três características fundamentais: o estilo do escritor; a capilaridade e importância social do veículo (principalmente o jornal O Estado); e a multiplicidade de temas ligados ao cotidiano de leitores das mais diversas posições sociais. / This work presents a study of case, within the party theoretical and methodological of the urban cultural history, in which applies of the concept ‘social trajectory’ to historical studies; seeking to identify the conditions that allowed the journalist Beto Stodieck become the spokesperson of a portion of the young elite of Florianópolis, whose position was supported mainly in the cultural and social capital – access to education, to erudite culture and networks of relationships social - inherited the family. Focusing on a individual and the making of their 'point of view' - understood as the universe of positions within which the agent was located and defined his action – the record of morphological and cultural transformations, as were registered in chronic daily, helped to understand the real city, through the representations made by Beto Stodieck. The analysis of the writings and social practices there portrayed, pointed out that the reach of the social columns of the journalist, treated here as a set of ‘slight social-chronicles’, was the result of three basic features: the style of the writer, the capillary and social importance of vehicle (mainly the newspaper O Estado), and the multiplicity of themes related to the daily lives of readers within different social positions.

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