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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gydytojų civilinės atsakomybės probleminiai aspektai / Problematic aspects of physician‘s civil liability

Savičius, Linas 09 July 2011 (has links)
Visam pasaulyje stebimos tendencijos ieškinių dėl gydymo metu patirtos žalos daugėjimo, kurios neabejotinai palies ir Lietuvą. Gydytojų ir paciento santykių institutas formavosi įtakojamas etikos, teisės ir medicinos mokslų. Šių mokslų specifikos nepakankamas įvertinimas, sprendžiant gydytojų civilinės atsakomybės klausimus, kaip ir netinkamas šių santykių teisinis reguliavimas ir teismų formuojama teisės normų aiškinimo praktika, žinomi, kaip svarbiausi veiksniai įtakojantys „gynybinės medicinos“ praktikavimą, darantį didelę žalą sveikatos priežiūros sistemos finansiniams ištekliams ir sukeliantį papildomos žalos riziką pacientams. Gynybinę mediciną nuo rūpestingo ir atidaus gydytojo pareigos vykdymo skiria labai plona ir lengvai peržengiama linija. Lietuvoje esantis sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų teisinio reguliavimo nenuoseklumas, vieningo gydytojų etikos kodekso nebuvimas, neįgyvendinta bendrų diagnostikos ir gydymo metodikų koncepcija, sukelia teorinį pavojų atsirasti naujoms civilinės atsakomybės taikymo problemoms. Teismų praktikoje įtvirtintas maksimaliai atidaus, rūpestingo ir kvalifikuoto gydytojo elgesio standartas, vertinant jį pasaulinės teismų praktikos ir medicinos specifikos požiūriu, turi būti keistinas, kaip nustatantis nerealius ir neįgyvendinamus kriterijus, galinčius tapti pagrindu neteisingam gydytojų civilinės atsakomybės taikymui. Skirtingai nuo aiškių kriterijų vertinant paciento informavimo institutą, priežastinio ryšio nustatymas, bylose dėl gydytojų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / All over the world we observe a tendency for the increase of claims for damages of treatment that will with no doubt come to Lithuania. The establishment of the institute of doctor and patient was influenced by the science of ethics, law and medicine. The fact that these sciences were underestimated when discussing doctors’ liability as well as improper legal regulation and explanation of normative legal acts formed by courts are the main factors that brought “defensive medicine” in practice, that makes a lot of harm to the formation of the health care system financial recourses and puts the patients in the risk of getting additional damage. Thoughtful and attentive doctors’ duties and “defensive medicine” is separated by a hairline which is easy to trespass. The incoherence of the health care legal regulations in Lithuania, the non-existence of united doctors’ ethic code, the unfulfilled concept of diagnosis and treatment bring a danger of emerging new problems in applying the civil liability. A standard of most attentive, careful and qualified doctor treatment is established in court practice. It has to change taking into consideration the worldwide court practice and particularities of medicine as that sets unrealistic and impracticable criteria, which makes base for misapplication of doctors’ civil liability. Differently from the clear criteria for the evaluation of the institute of patient information, the establishment of causality in cases of doctors’ civil liability... [to full text]

Bendrovės vadovo civilinė atsakomybė / The civil liability of a company‘s director

Balkauskaitė, Ramunė 05 July 2011 (has links)
Darbe analizuojami bendrovės vadovo civilinės atsakomybės teisinio reglamentavimo Lietuvoje trūkumai ir spragos bei, remiantis užsienio valstybių praktika ir tendencijomis, pateikiami pasiūlymai identifikuotų trūkumų šalinimui. Darbe bendrovės vadovų atsakomybė vertinama ne tik iš kreditorių ir bendrovės pozicijų – į vadovo atsakomybės teisinį reguliavimą pažvelgta taip pat ir iš bendrovės vadovo pozicijų. Darbe siūloma bendrovės vadovo, kaip civilinės atsakomybės subjekto, sąvoką, iki šiol neturinčią jokios aiškios koncepcijos ir turinio, deformalizuoti. Išnagrinėjus bendrovės vadovo pareigų bendrovei turinį, prieita išvada, jog šiuo metu galiojantys teisės aktai sudaro prielaidas klaidingai suvokti bendrovės vadovo pareigas bendrovei, kuomet vadovas sudaro sandorį su bendrove, todėl siūloma atitinkamai koreguoti reglamentavimą. Įvertinus vadovo atsakomybę bendrovės kreditorių atžvilgiu, prieita išvada, jog būtina išlaikyti pusiausvyrą, t. y. užtikrinti tik objektyviai pagrįstą kreditorių interesų apsaugą, nepagrįstai neišplečiant jos bendrovės vadovo atsakomybės sąskaita. Kartu atkreipiamas dėmesys, jog dabartinis kreditorių teisių įgyvendinimo mechanizmas dėl specialaus reglamentavimo nebuvimo neužtikrina vadovų teisinės padėties apibrėžtumo ir užtikrintumo. / Weaknesses and lacks of legal regulation of civil liability of a company’s director in Lithuania are analyzed and suggestions, how to eliminate identified weaknesses, are given in this work, referring to the practice and tendencies of foreign countries. The liability of a company’s directors is evaluated not only from the point of view of creditors and a company, but also legal regulation of a leader’s responsibility is reviewed from the point of view of a company’s directors. In this work, the concept of a company’s director, as a subject of civil liability, which has not had a clear concept and content so far, is suggested to be deformalized. After analyzing the content of liability of a company’s director for a company, it was concluded, that recent laws capacitate to wrongly understand, what responsibilities of a company’s leader are to a company, when he transacts with a company; therefore, several suggestions to improve regulation are given. After evaluating the director’s responsibility in respect of a company’s creditors, it was concluded, that it is necessary to maintain the balance – to ensure just such interest security of creditors, which is objectively grounded, and gratuitously not to extend it for account of a liability of company’s leader. What is more, attention is drawn to the recent mechanism of creditors’ rights implementation, which does not ensure the determination and security of director’s legal status due to the absence of special regulation.

Atsakomybė pagal turizmo paslaugų sutartį: teismų praktikos analizė / The liability by the tourism services contract: analysis of jurisprudence

Šulcas, Regimantas 24 January 2012 (has links)
Šio mokslinio tiriamojo darbo tema „Atsakomybė pagal turizmo paslaugų sutartį: teismų praktikos analizė“. Darbe atskleidžiamos sutartinių santykių pagrindu kylančių teisinių ginčų galimos priežastys, vadovaujantis teismų praktikos išsamia analize - sistemiškai nagrinėjami atsakomybės pagal turizmo paslaugų sutartis ypatumai. Be kita ko, magistro baigiamajam darbe pateikiama turizmo paslaugų teikimo sutarties samprata, esminiai sutarties požymiai bei trumpai aptariami reglamentuojantys teisės aktai. Taip pat atskleidžiama atsakomybės pagal turizmo paslaugų sutartis specifika ir probleminiai klausimai. Analizuojama Lietuvos teismų praktika, atskleidžiant teismų praktikoje formuojamą atsakomybės pagal turizmo paslaugų teikimo sutartis problematiką, turizmo paslaugų teikimo sutarčių šalių teisių ir pareigų apimtį. Teismų praktikos nagrinėjimas vykdomas išskiriant kylančius teisminius ginčus į atskirų kategorijų (atskirus požymius turinčias) civilines bylas: dėl netinkamo paslaugų teikimo (kokybės, apimties ir asmenų atžvilgiu), dėl klaidinančios ar nepakankamos informacijos suteikimo, dėl kelionių organizatoriaus aplaidumo ir netinkamo atsisakymo vykdyti sutartis požymių. Mokslinio tiriamojo darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos išvados apie esamą teismų praktikos kryptį, jos formavimą ir atitikimą Bendrijos ir tarptautinės teisės aktams, taip pat vertinamas su tuo glaudžiai susijusio turizmo paslaugų sutarčių atsakomybės klausimo teisinio reglamentavimo išsamumas, nustatomos jo spragos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The theme of this scientific research work is "The liability by the tourism services contract: analysis of jurisprudence". The work highlights the contractual relationship arising from the possible causes of legal disputes, in accordance with a detailed analysis of jurisprudence – there have been systemically investigated issues of liability by the tourism service contracts. Furthermore, in the final master work there has been presented the concept of tourism service contract, the essential features of the contract and briefly described the legislation. Also there has been presented specifics of tourism and problematic issues about liability by the contracts. There has been made the analysis of the Lithuanian jurisprudence, revealing the formation of the jurisprudence (case-law) of liability by the tourism service contracts, the problems of tourism service contract’s parties rights and obligations. Analysis of the jurisprudence has been made by the distinction arising legal disputes in a separate category (with different features) civil cases: cases for the inadequate provision of services (because of the quality, coverage and persons), for misleading or insufficient information that was provided, for the travel organizer's negligence and for improper refusal to carry out the contracts. At the end of the scientific research work, there have been made the conclusions about the present direction of the jurisprudence, its development and compliance with Community and... [to full text]

Juridinio asmens valdymo organų narių civilinė atsakomybė / Civil liability of the members of management bodies of the legal entities

Jakuntavičiūtė, Gintarė 15 January 2013 (has links)
Disertacijos tyrimo objektas yra juridinių asmenų valdymo organų narių civilinės atsakomybės teisinis reguliavimas bei praktinis taikymas ir aiškinimas. Kadangi Lietuvos teisinei sistemai būdinga juridinių asmenų rūšių įvairovė, darbo apimtis nulėmė poreikį atsiriboti nuo skirtingoms juridinių asmenų rūšims būdingų specifinių valdymo organų narių teisinio statuso bei civilinės atsakomybės problemos aspektų ir koncentruotis tik į bendriausius jų bruožus. Tyrimo tikslai sąlygojo, kad didesnis dėmesys skiriamas juridiniams asmenims, užsiimantiems ūkine-komercine veikla, kadangi būtent šie teisės subjektai dažniausiai susiduria su juridinio asmens valdymo organų narių civilinės atsakomybės problema. Visgi šiame darbe aptariami atsakomybės principai mutatis mutandis turėtų būti taikomi ir kita veikla užsiimančių juridinių asmenų valdymo organų nariams. Šiame darbe sistemiškai ir išsamiai išanalizuota juridinio asmens valdymo organų narių civilinės atsakomybės prigimtis, šios atsakomybės kilimo bei įgyvendinimo ypatumai, atskleistos aktualiausios šio instituto aiškinimo bei taikymo problemos ir, remiantis užsienio šalių patirtimi bei naujausiomis pasaulinėmis tendencijomis, pateikti teisiškai pagrįsti pasiūlymai ir rekomendacijos šioms problemoms efektyviai spręsti bei esamam teisiniam reguliavimui tobulinti. / The object of the dissertation is the legal regulation, practical application and interpretation of the civil liability of the members of management bodies of the legal entities. Whereas Lithuanian legal system is characterised by the variety of types of legal persons, the scope of the research determined the necessity to disassociate from the specific aspects of the problems of legal status and civil liability of the members of management bodies in respect of different types of legal persons and to concentrate only on common characteristics. The aims of the research determined that greater attention is paid to the legal entities engaged in economic-commercial activities, because they mostly face with the problems of civil liability of the members of management bodies. However, the principles discussed in this research should apply mutatis mutandis to the members of the management bodies of legal persons engaged in other activities. The thesis systematically and comprehensively analyses the nature of civil liability of the legal entity’s management body members, features of rise and realization of this liability, as well as reveals the most relevant interpretation and application problems of this legal institute and, on the basis of foreign experience and the latest global trends, provides legally-based suggestions and recommendations to effectively solve these problems and improve existing legal regulations.

Nenugalima jėga (force majeure), kaip atleidimo nuo civilinės atsakomybės pagrindas / Force majeure as the ground of exemption from civil liability

Drobitko, Oleg 26 June 2013 (has links)
Kaip vieną iš civilinės atsakomybės netaikymo ar atleidimo nuo civilinės atsakomybės pagrindų Lietuvos Respublikos Civilinis kodeksas nustato nenugalimą jėgą (force majeure). Siekiant nustatyti kokiais atvejais asmuo yra atleidžiamas nuo civilinės atsakomybės nenugalimos jėgos pagrindu, darbe buvo išsikeltas tikslas - atskleisti nenugalimos jėgos force majeure) aplinkybės sampratą bei taikymo ypatumus atleidžiant asmenį nuo civilinės atsakomybės taikymo. Siekiant užsibrėžto tikslo magistro baigiamajame darbe buvo analizuojama teisės doktrina bei Lietuvos Respublikos teismų praktika. Darbe buvo nagrinėjama nenugalimos jėgos aplinkybės sąvoka bei būtinieji kriterijai siekiant aplinkybę pripažinti nenugalimos jėgos aplinkybe. Buvo nagrinėjamas kaltės, kaip būtinosios civilinės atsakomybės sąlygos, aspektas, kas leido nustatyti, kuriais atvejais nenugalima jėga yra pagrindas asmenį nuo civilinės atsakomybės atleisti, o kuriais atvejais yra pagrindas civilinės atsakomybės netaikymui. / The Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania defines force majeure (also known as “superior force”, “unavoidable accident”) as one of the bases of exclusion of civil liability and exemption from civil liability. In order to determine the situations, when the person may be exempted from civil liability because of force majeure, the author sets the target to reveal the possible circumstances of force majeure and its application, exempting the person from civil liability. In order to achieve the aim of Master’s Thesis there has been analyzed legal doctrine and Lithuanian judicial practice in this work. The author has overviewed the concept of circumstances of force majeure and mandatory criteria for it. Analyzing fault element as the necessary condition of civil liability helped to determine the cases, when force majeure is the basis to exempt the person from civil liability, and the cases, when it is the basis to exclude civil liability.

Darbuotojų materilinės atsakomybės reglamentavimas ES valstybėse narėse (lyginamoji analizė) / The regulation of material liability of the emploees in the member states of the EU (comparative study)

Urbaitytė, Simona 15 March 2006 (has links)
This scientific research has been made on the regulation of similar institute to material liability of the employees in the national law of five old European Union member states (Belgium, United Kingdom, France, Sweden and Germany), comparing it to the regulation of material liability of the employees in Lithuania. It is very important as this is one of first more detailed researches in Lithuania made on this issue. The similarities and the differences of the regulation are being pointed out through the analysis of the main questions of material liability of the employees such as conception, sources of law, applying conditions, limitation of the liability, and the cases when unlimited liability of the employees is being applied.

Professional civil liability of the financial intermediaries as an instrument of investor protection / Finansų tarpininkų profesinė civilinė atsakomybė, kaip investuotojų apsaugos priemonė

Didžiulis, Laurynas 17 February 2014 (has links)
The aim of the thesis – to theoretically analyze and scientifically explain civil liability of the financial intermediary as investor protection instrument, to provide reasoned assessment of the regulation of civil liability of the financial intermediary and its application practice in the USA and the EU, to identify relevant problems and suggest theoretically grounded solutions and recommendations for these problems which would also put an emphasis on practical efficiency of civil liability; thus supplementing the doctrine of the EU and national law in this field. This thesis consists of two related yet relatively independent parts. The first part covers the most common issues of civil liability of the financial intermediary against the investor and extensively analyzes the conditions of civil liability of the financial intermediary, i.e. fault, damages, causation and unlawfulness, last one being of particular importance because due to the massive regulation of the activities of financial intermediaries it covers the widest range of legal issues. The second part of the thesis analyzes the relevant questions of the application of civil liability, which is possible only when the required conditions for the rise of civil liability have been established. Therefore, it analyzes the cases under the law or the contract, where the financial intermediary is relieved of liability even if the conditions of civil liability are met. The main focus of the second part is placed on the... [to full text] / Disertacijoje siekiama teoriškai išanalizuoti ir moksliškai paaiškinti finansų tarpininko civilinę atsakomybę, kaip investuotojų apsaugos priemonę, pateikti argumentuotą finansų tarpininko civilinės atsakomybės teisinio reguliavimo ir taikymo praktikos nagrinėtose JAV ir ES jurisdikcijose įvertinimą, identifikuoti aktualias su tuo susijusias problemas ir pasiūlyti teoriškai pagrįstus, tačiau į praktinį civilinės atsakomybės taikymo efektyvumą orientuotus šių problemų sprendimo būdus, bei rekomendacijas, tokiu būdu papildant ES ir nacionalinės teisės doktriną šioje srityje. Disertacijos struktūrą sudaro dvi susijusios, tačiau kartu ir santykinai savarankiškos dalys. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje analizuojami patys bendriausi su finansų tarpininko civiline atsakomybe prieš investuotoją susiję klausimai ir taip pat plačiai analizuojamos finansų tarpininko civilinės atsakomybės sąlygos – kaltė, žala, priežastinis ryšys ir ypač neteisėtumas – atsakomybės sąlyga, kuri dėl masyvaus finansų tarpininkų veiklos teisinio reguliavimo, apima plačiausią klausimų spektrą. Antroji disertacijos dalis skiriama aktualiems civilinės atsakomybės taikymo, kuris aktualus tik tuomet kai nustatytos visos reikiamos civilinės atsakomybės atsiradimo sąlygos, klausimams analizuoti. Todėl joje nagrinėjami įstatymo ar sutarties nustatyti atvejai, kai net ir egzistuojant visoms civilinės atsakomybės sąlygoms, finansų tarpininkas nuo atsakomybės gali būti atleidžiamas, todėl atsakomybė jam netaikoma. Didžiausias... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

La notion de bonne foi dans les immunités législatives au Québec : entre imprécision et redondance

Ranger, Vincent 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Infecções hospitalares e o direito à saúde: uma análise sobre o regime jurídico da responsabilidade civil nos casos de infecção hospitalar e sobre a atuação do Ministério Público na luta pelo seu controle / Hospital infections and the right to health: an analysis on the legal regime of civil liability in cases of hospital infection and on the performance of the Public Ministry in the fight for its control

Barcelos, Rodrigo Diniz de Paula 11 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Rodrigo Diniz de Paula Barcelos (rodrigo_diniz1@hotmail.com) on 2018-11-23T01:15:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação final - repositório.pdf: 1003459 bytes, checksum: 1883161501d619daf10326f292456987 (MD5) / Rejected by Jacqueline de Almeida null (jacquie@franca.unesp.br), reason: Solicitamos que nos enviei novamente seu arquivo na integra, e ele não pode estar protegido. Aguardo grata Jacqueline/bibliotecaria 3706.8880. on 2018-11-23T16:27:12Z (GMT) / Submitted by Rodrigo Diniz de Paula Barcelos (rodrigo_diniz1@hotmail.com) on 2018-11-23T17:56:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação final - repositório.pdf: 1003459 bytes, checksum: 1883161501d619daf10326f292456987 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jacqueline de Almeida null (jacquie@franca.unesp.br) on 2018-11-23T18:01:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Barcelos_RDP_me_fran.pdf: 1003459 bytes, checksum: 1883161501d619daf10326f292456987 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-23T18:01:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Barcelos_RDP_me_fran.pdf: 1003459 bytes, checksum: 1883161501d619daf10326f292456987 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-09-11 / A infecção hospitalar é atualmente uma das maiores causas de morte verificada no interior dos hospitais não somente no Brasil como em todo o mundo; e a sociedade tem sido incapaz de solucionar sozinha este problema. O problema da infecção hospitalar, diante disso, tem se tornado um empecilho na concretização efetiva do direito à saúde, que foi insculpido de forma expressa na Constituição Federal de 1988. Apesar da importância do tema sob o ponto de vista jurídico, sua abordagem tem merecido pouca atenção por parte da doutrina jurídica nacional, seja para tratar sobre o regime jurídico da responsabilidade civil ou até mesmo quando o assunto se refere à observância das normas pertinentes ao seu controle. O presente trabalho se propõe a analisar não somente o regime jurídico da responsabilidade civil nos casos de ocorrência da infecção hospitalar como também a discutir o papel do Ministério Público na luta pelo seu controle. / Hospital infeccion is currently one of the leading causes of death in hospitals not only in Brasil but throughout the world and society has been unable to solve this problem alone. The problem of hospital infection, in this way, has become an impediment to the effective concretization of the rigth to health, which was expressly arrenged in the Federal Constitution of 1988. Despite the importance of the subject of hospital infection from the legal point of view, its approach has received little attention from national legal doctrine, either to deal with the legal regime of civil liability or even when the subject refers to compliance with the standarts of its control. The purpose of this study is to analyze not only the legal regime of civil liability in cases of hospital infection, but also to discuss, in general termes, the role of the Public Prosecution Service in the struggle for its control.

Interesse positivo e Interesse negativo: a reparação de danos no direito privado brasileiro / Expectation interest and reliance interest: damages compensation in the Brazilian Private Law

Renata Carlos Steiner 11 April 2016 (has links)
Ainda que inexistente um mandamento legal expresso no Direito brasileiro, é intuitivo pensar a responsabilidade civil a partir da recondução da parte levada a um estado hipotético na qual estaria não fosse o evento que obriga à reparação. Esse pensamento, reiterado na afirmação de que a indenização deve reconstituir (mesmo que de maneira aproximativa) o status quo ante, corresponde à função compensatória da responsabilidade civil. Ocorre, porém, que no que toca ao dano patrimonial ocorrido no iter negocial (ou seja, na responsabilidade pré-negocial ou na negocial) haveria de se anotar que a situação hipotética sem o dano nem sempre é anterior ao evento lesivo, podendo ser posterior a ele. É o que se passa, com evidência, na indenização pelo equivalente ao descumprimento contratual, em que se confere ao credor lesado algo que ele não possuía antes, em lugar do cumprimento da obrigação. É essa dualidade de direcionamentos, vinculada a uma fórmula comparativa de obtenção do dano indenizável, que compõe o significado das expressões interesse (contratual) positivo e interesse (contratual) negativo. No primeiro caso, reconduz-se o lesado a uma situação positiva em relação ao contrato, que se poderia chamar de ad quem. Ela corresponde à situação em que o lesado estaria se o contrato houvesse sido adequadamente cumprido. No segundo caso, reconduz-se a parte a uma situação negativa em relação ao contrato, que se poderia chamar de a quo. Corresponde, por sua vez, à situação em que estaria não houvesse iniciado as negociações voltadas ao contrato. A dualidade representada por esse par de conceitos, proposto originalmente por Rudolf von Jhering em meados do século XIX, é ainda pouco explorada no Direito brasileiro, embora não se possa qualificá-la como desconhecida. Os conceitos mostram-se não apenas plenamente compatíveis com a regras de responsabilidade civil nacionais, como extremamente úteis à solução de problemas centrais localizados no diálogo entre esse ramo do Direito Civil e o Direito dos Contratos. É nesse locus que a tese se desenvolve, para sustentar a aplicabilidade dessa distinção ao Direito Privado brasileiro como, essencialmente, uma nova forma de pensar o dano in contrahendo e o dano contratual. A lógica da aplicação dos conceitos permite revisitar a forma pela qual usualmente se enxerga a relação jurídica de reparação e, não apenas, também reaviva a compreensão de aspectos essenciais da transformação do Direito das Obrigações, os quais compõem, em grande medida, o substrato da aplicação da distinção. Para tanto, buscou-se inicialmente fomentar a apresentação teórica do interesse positivo e do interesse negativo estudando seu significado, seus desenvolvimentos teóricos e sua adequação ao Direito brasileiro ao que se segue a proposição de sua aplicação. Dada as limitações do texto, essa depuração é realizada estritamente no âmbito da responsabilidade pela não formação do contrato (responsabilidade pré-negocial) e da responsabilidade negocial propriamente dita, compondo a segunda parte do trabalho. / Despite the absence of any express rule to this effect in Brazilian Law, it is nevertheless intuitive to think of civil liability as a commandment to restore the parties to the position each would have enjoyed if the event giving rise to liability had never occurred. This understanding of civil liability is frequently expressed as the idea that damages should bring the aggrieved party to the status quo ante, by way of compensating him for the damages suffered. In regards to material damages suffered during the contractual iter (i.e. in precontractual liability or in liability for breach of contract), one should notice that the hypothetical situation on which the party would be without the occurrence of damages is not always a situation that existed previous to its occurrence. That is exactly what occurs in damages in lieu of performance, by which the aggrieved party receives compensation for something he in fact never had before. This duality of directions can be understood by the expressions expectation interest and reliance interest. According to the former, the plaintiff must be placed in a positive situation vis-à-vis the contract, a status that can be called ad quem. In other words, the plaintiff will get his benefit of the bargain, and will obtain what he would have received if the contract had been correctly performed. According to the latter, the aggrieved party must be placed in a negative situation vis-à-vis the contract, which can be called an status a quo. This seeks to recreate the situation in which the plaintiff would have been if the contract had never even been formed or its negotiations had never been initiated. This way of thinking about damages or this pair of concepts was originally proposed by Rudolf von Jhering in the mid-nineteenth century. While its application is still little explored in Brazilian Law, it is not completely unknown to the Brazilian jurisprudence. Both of these theories as to the proper function of civil liability are compatible with Brazilian liability rules, and may indeed represent extremely useful solutions to some fundamental problems in modern discourse on civil liability rules and the law of contracts. It is precisely at here that this thesis is developed, advocating for the full applicability of the foregoing concepts in the Brazilian Private Law, thereby leading to a new way of thinking about damages, both in contrahendo and in contractu. The inherent logic of both concepts allows not only to revisit the usual framework by which the law of damages is considered and applied, but also underlines some major transformations in the Law of Obligations. In order to prove its suitability, this thesis initially presents the theoretical foundations of expectation interest and reliance interest, and reviews the meaning and development of these concepts in the context of examining their compatibility with Brazilian law. This is followed by an argument proposing the application of these theories in situations involving both precontractual liability and breach of contract.

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