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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Грађанскоправна одговорност за имисије / Građanskopravna odgovornost za imisije / Civil liability for immissions

Gajinov Tamara 30 September 2015 (has links)
<p>У дисертацији су детаљно размотрена битна обележја, правни значај и правци развоја грађанскоправне одговорности за имисије. Целокупна тематика је анализирана у ширем историјском контексту и кроз поређење системских решења која постоје у домаћем и упоредном праву.<br />Правно уређење имисија сагледано је у контексту међународног права, наднационалног права Европске уније и кроз решења која постоје у појединим националним правним системима. Посебна пажња посвећена је теоријским поставкама, нормативним решењима и правној пракси у Републици Србији.<br />У правним системима европско континенталног типа институт имисија је, по правилу, део стварноправне материје и спада у домен суседских права. Међутим, у неким земљама постоје другачија нормативна решења. Имисије не представљају засебан правни институт, али је материја на коју се оне односе обухваћена правилима о службеностима и сл. Сметања изазвана имисијама у земљама англоамеричког правног система представљају део деликтног права.<br />Традиционално поимање имисија, наслеђено из римског права, знатно је проширено, а сам правни институт у значајној мери трансформисан.<br />У раду је посебна пажња посвећена новим видовима имисионог деловања, насталим услед технолошког развоја, индустријализације и урбанизације.<br />Предмет упоредноправне анализе су била и основна мерила за утврђивање нивоа прекомерности имисија, јер у вези са тим у правној пракси постоје многобројни проблеми.<br />У Републици Србији прекорачења граница имисионог деловања подразумева, најпре, одговорност за опасност од штете, којом се широко афирмише принцип превенције, као и одговорност за проузроковану штету, у случају да је услед имисија дошло до оштећења или уништења заштићених добара. И поред низа специфичности у односу на традиционалне штете, све штетне последице настале услед имисија се отклањају класичним средствима одштетног права.<br />Посебно поглавље посвећено је осигурању од одговорности за штете проузроковане имисијама.<br />У раду су анализиране могућности за реализацију вансудске, као и судске имисионе заштите којa се остварујe путем државинске, негаторне, тзв. популарне и класичне облигационоправне тужбе. Уз то, указано је на потребу реформисања постојеће регулативе, када су у питању колективни механизми заштите интереса у овој области и увођења посебних правила која би се односила на имисионе парнице.<br />У закључним разматрањима је констатовано да институт имисија данас превазилази оквире суседског права у које се традиционално сврстава и представља важно ограничење права својине у општем интересу којим се обезбеђује и заштита животне средине. Одговорност за имисије се самим тим више не може везивати искључиво за недопуштене утицаје на суседну непокретност, него мора нужно проширити и на оне случајеве у којима неко емитује нешто штетно у околину, што угрожава ширу друштвену заједницу. Поред тога указано је и на потребу увођења мобилијарних имисија као посебне категорије. Уз то, у овој области долази и до све већег функционалног повезивања имисионе заштите са појединим гранама јавног права. Поред тога, грађанско право се постепено прилагођава савременим еколошким изазовима, уз све већи државни интервеционизам у домену својинских односа. Све ово указује на правце у којима ће већ трансформисано имисионо право наставити да се развија, пружајући значајан допринос, како заштити својинских овлашћења власника непокретности, тако и заштити животне средине.</p> / <p>U disertaciji su detaljno razmotrena bitna obeležja, pravni značaj i pravci razvoja građanskopravne odgovornosti za imisije. Celokupna tematika je analizirana u širem istorijskom kontekstu i kroz poređenje sistemskih rešenja koja postoje u domaćem i uporednom pravu.<br />Pravno uređenje imisija sagledano je u kontekstu međunarodnog prava, nadnacionalnog prava Evropske unije i kroz rešenja koja postoje u pojedinim nacionalnim pravnim sistemima. Posebna pažnja posvećena je teorijskim postavkama, normativnim rešenjima i pravnoj praksi u Republici Srbiji.<br />U pravnim sistemima evropsko kontinentalnog tipa institut imisija je, po pravilu, deo stvarnopravne materije i spada u domen susedskih prava. Međutim, u nekim zemljama postoje drugačija normativna rešenja. Imisije ne predstavljaju zaseban pravni institut, ali je materija na koju se one odnose obuhvaćena pravilima o službenostima i sl. Smetanja izazvana imisijama u zemljama angloameričkog pravnog sistema predstavljaju deo deliktnog prava.<br />Tradicionalno poimanje imisija, nasleđeno iz rimskog prava, znatno je prošireno, a sam pravni institut u značajnoj meri transformisan.<br />U radu je posebna pažnja posvećena novim vidovima imisionog delovanja, nastalim usled tehnološkog razvoja, industrijalizacije i urbanizacije.<br />Predmet uporednopravne analize su bila i osnovna merila za utvrđivanje nivoa prekomernosti imisija, jer u vezi sa tim u pravnoj praksi postoje mnogobrojni problemi.<br />U Republici Srbiji prekoračenja granica imisionog delovanja podrazumeva, najpre, odgovornost za opasnost od štete, kojom se široko afirmiše princip prevencije, kao i odgovornost za prouzrokovanu štetu, u slučaju da je usled imisija došlo do oštećenja ili uništenja zaštićenih dobara. I pored niza specifičnosti u odnosu na tradicionalne štete, sve štetne posledice nastale usled imisija se otklanjaju klasičnim sredstvima odštetnog prava.<br />Posebno poglavlje posvećeno je osiguranju od odgovornosti za štete prouzrokovane imisijama.<br />U radu su analizirane mogućnosti za realizaciju vansudske, kao i sudske imisione zaštite koja se ostvaruje putem državinske, negatorne, tzv. popularne i klasične obligacionopravne tužbe. Uz to, ukazano je na potrebu reformisanja postojeće regulative, kada su u pitanju kolektivni mehanizmi zaštite interesa u ovoj oblasti i uvođenja posebnih pravila koja bi se odnosila na imisione parnice.<br />U zaključnim razmatranjima je konstatovano da institut imisija danas prevazilazi okvire susedskog prava u koje se tradicionalno svrstava i predstavlja važno ograničenje prava svojine u opštem interesu kojim se obezbeđuje i zaštita životne sredine. Odgovornost za imisije se samim tim više ne može vezivati isključivo za nedopuštene uticaje na susednu nepokretnost, nego mora nužno proširiti i na one slučajeve u kojima neko emituje nešto štetno u okolinu, što ugrožava širu društvenu zajednicu. Pored toga ukazano je i na potrebu uvođenja mobilijarnih imisija kao posebne kategorije. Uz to, u ovoj oblasti dolazi i do sve većeg funkcionalnog povezivanja imisione zaštite sa pojedinim granama javnog prava. Pored toga, građansko pravo se postepeno prilagođava savremenim ekološkim izazovima, uz sve veći državni intervecionizam u domenu svojinskih odnosa. Sve ovo ukazuje na pravce u kojima će već transformisano imisiono pravo nastaviti da se razvija, pružajući značajan doprinos, kako zaštiti svojinskih ovlašćenja vlasnika nepokretnosti, tako i zaštiti životne sredine.</p> / <p>The dissertation provides a thorough review of significant features, legal importance and ways of development of the civil liability for immissions. The whole matter is analyzed in the wider historical context and through the comparison of international and national law sources.<br />The legal regulation of the institution of immission was scrutinized with the help of international, law sources of European Union, and national legal solutions. The special focus is on the theoretical approach, law sources and legal practice in Republic of Serbia.<br />In the continental European legal systems, the institution of immission is usually the part of property law and represents a kind of neighboring rights. However, there are some countries in which there are no special rules for the immissions, and thus they are treated as specific rules of servitutes. In the Anglo-Saxon legal systems, the institution of immission falls under the tort law.<br />The traditional determination of immission inherited from the Roman law has been considerably extended, and the legal institution itself has been significantly transformed.<br />The dissertation is also devoted to modern forms of immissions which are the consequence of technological development, industrialization and urban development.<br />Another subject of comparative analysis is the basic criteria for measuring the exceeding of the set immission limits. Many problems concerning these issues are encountered in legal practice.<br />In Republic of Serbia the exceeding of the set immission limits is primarily related to the responsibility for hazards that might lead to damage. This generally underlines the principle of prevention. If the immission causes harm or a total damage of someone&rsquo;s goods, this will also give the right to redress the damage. Compared to traditional damages, the damages caused by immissions have many specifics. However, the compensation is based on general tort law.<br />The special chapter of dissertation is devoted to the liability insurance against damages caused by immissions.<br />There is also the analysis of the protection from immissions, that can be achived out of as well as in the court, by means of the lawsuit for disturbance of possession, possessory action (action negatoria), the so-called popular action, as well as by means of the classical obligation lawsuit. Moreover, the author provides some particular suggestions for the reform of the current legislation in the field of collective lawsuits, as well as for introducing special rules for the immission litigation.<br />In the conclusion, the author points out that nowadays the institution of immission exceeds the framework of neighboring rights, where it has traditionally belonged to, and represents an important limitation to the right to property in public interest that also provides for the environmental protection. Thus, the liability for immissions cannot exclusively refer to an illegal impact on the neighboring property rights any more, but has to be extended to include those cases in which someone emits something harmful into the environment, which affects the common society. Moreover, the author points out to the need of introducing mobiliar immissions as a special category. There is also more and more functional interconnection between immission protection and other public law disciplines in this field. Civil law is adapting to meet the contemporary environmental challenges and there is a considerable and recognizable state interventionism in the proprietary rights field. All these circumstances point to the ways in which the transformed immission law is going to develop and contribute to the protection of proprietary rights of the property owners, as well as to environmental protection.</p>

La faute de fonction en droit privé / Misconduct within their function

Mangematin, Céline 09 November 2012 (has links)
A l’heure de la réforme du droit des obligations, il n’était pas inutile de revenir sur un phénomène remarqué du droit privé : l’émergence de la faute de fonction. Celle-ci interroge le privatiste quant à la possibilité de transposer dans sa matière une institution de droit administratif : la faute de service. Deux conditions doivent impérativement être remplies pour que la faute de fonction devienne une notion juridique opératoire.La première condition a pour objet de garantir que l’introduction de cette notion ne sera pas source d’insécurité juridique. Or, seule une conceptualisation de la faute de fonction pourrait permettre d’atteindre cet objectif. Celle-ci explique pourquoi la faute de fonction concerne les préposés et les dirigeants de personne morale : ces deux agents exercent communément une fonction pour le compte d’une entreprise. Ce point commun explique que leurs fautes de fonction correspondent aux mêmes critères de définition.La seconde condition a pour objet de vérifier que la faute de fonction peut être opérationnelle en droit de la responsabilité. Fondé sur la théorie du risque-profit et la théorie du risque anormal de l'entreprise, ce régime, articulé autour de la notion d’imputation, est particulièrement efficient en droit de la responsabilité civile où les fonctions de réparation et de sanction doivent être conciliées. En droit de la responsabilité pénale, droit sanctionnateur, la faute de fonction ne semble devoir s’exprimer que de façon très résiduelle. / At the time of contract law reform, it’s not unnecessary to go back to a noticed phenomenon of private law: the rise of the “misconduct within their function”. This concept raises questions for private lawyers with regards to the transferability of an administrative law concept into their own domain: the administrative fault. Two conditions must be satisfied in order for the misconduct within the function to become an operative legal concept.The first condition is about guaranteeing that introducing this concept will not be the source of legal uncertainty. However, only a conceptualisation of the “misconduct within the function” could achieve this goal. It explains why (its) liability applies to employees and leaders of a legal person: these two agents commonly undertake a task on behalf of the company. This common denominator explains that their liability equate to the same definition criteria. The second condition checks that the misconduct within their function can be operational in tort law. Based on the benefit-risk theory and the abnormal risk theory of the company, this system structured around the idea of imputation is particularly efficient in the law of civil liability where repair functions and sanctions must be reconciled. In criminal law liability, sanctioning law, the “misconduct within their function” appears to only be expressed in a residual way.

La responsabilité des parents du fait de leurs enfants du XVIe au XIXe siècle / The parent's liability between the XVIth and the XIXth century

Cérèze, Constance 23 April 2013 (has links)
L’histoire de la responsabilité des parents du fait de leur enfant entre le XVIe et le XIXe siècle est l’histoire de l’acceptation progressive de cette institution originale durant l’Ancien Régime, sa reconnaissance officielle par le Code civil en 1804, puis sa remise en cause dans les trente dernières années du XIXe siècle. La difficulté à admettre la responsabilité des parents du fait de leur enfant réside essentiellement dans la tradition pénale qui est à l’origine du droit de la responsabilité civile. La responsabilité pénale des enfants ainsi que celle de leurs parents pour un fait commis par eux sont vigoureusement combattues au moment où commence le sujet de cette étude alors pourtant que certaines coutumes admettent déjà la responsabilité civile des parents. Au cours de l’Epoque Moderne, la formulation d’un principe général de responsabilité pour faute, l’acceptation plus large du lien de causalité entre la faute de l’auteur et son dommage et la morale de l’éducation qui souligne le lien entre l’éducation des enfants et leur comportement social, sont autant de facteurs qui poussent à admettre le principe de responsabilité des parents pour faute personnelle. Le principe est confirmé par le Code civil qui en dispose dans son article 1384 alinéa 4. Soutien et sanction d’une puissance paternelle forte, application particulière du principe quasi-délictuel selon lequel chacun est responsable du dommage causé par son imprudence ou sa négligence, la responsabilité civile des parents pour faute personnelle connaît alors son apogée. La remise en cause d’une puissance paternelle forte d’une part et de la responsabilité pour faute d’autre part a conduit à une remise en cause de la responsabilité des parents à la fin du XIXe siècle. / The history of parents’s responsibility between the XVIth and the XIXth century is the history of the progressive acceptance of this institution during the three centuries before the French Revolution, its official recognition by the civil Code in 1804 and its denial at the end of XIXth century. The difficult admission of the responsability of the parents for their children is due to the penal law which is the origin of the civil liability. At the time when our study begins the penal law refuses to charge the children below a certain age and to charge the parents for something done by their children. Despite of that some local custums admit the civil liability of the parents for their children. During the three centuries before the French Revolution this responsability is progressivly accepted due to the better formulation of a general principle charging everybody to pay the consequences of their failures, to the wider allowance of the link between the fault commited and the loss resulting form this fault and at last to the moral of education enhancing the link between the parent’s education and the children behaviour. The responsability of the parents for their children is definitly recognized by the civil Code in 1804. At this stage this principle is the warantie and punishment of the strong paternal power. It is also its specific application of the law charging everybody to pay the consequences of his fault, even the fault in what he has simply neglected or failed to do. The first part of the XIXth Century is the summit of this institution. Both the rejection of a strong paternal power and of the objective fault has caused the rejection of our institution at the end of the XIXth Century.

La combinaison de réglementation et de responsabilité civile environnementale : manifestations et efficacité dans le droit français

Bentata, Pierre 19 April 2012 (has links)
A l'origine de l'étude se trouve un paradoxe ; alors que l'analyse économique met en avant la nécessité de réglementer les activités dangereuses pour l'environnement et les hommes, on voit émerger dans la plupart des pays développés des systèmes hybrides, de plus en plus complexes, mêlant réglementation et responsabilité civile pour traiter ces problématiques. Pour expliquer ce décalage entre théorie économique et évolution juridique, la première partie de la thèse revient sur les fondements de l'économie de l'environnement et propose une approche opérationnelle qui permet de déterminer l'efficacité de chaque institution – propriété, responsabilité et réglementation – selon les caractéristiques des situations et des risques envisagés. Ce faisant, elle aboutit à la conclusion que seul un système combinant les institutions de la responsabilité civile et de la réglementation publique des activités risquées est à même de promouvoir le développement tout en maîtrisant ses dangers. Confrontant cette théorie nouvelle au cas français, la thèse met en évidence les interactions des deux acteurs clés du système, le juge et le régulateur, et observe l'influence positive et réciproque de l'un sur l'autre. A l'aide d'une base de données unique regroupant l'ensemble des litiges environnementaux traités devant la Cour de Cassation et le Conseil d'Etat au cours des soixante dernières années, la seconde partie éclaircit les rôles de chaque institution et démontre que loin d'être paradoxal, le système français a évolué spontanément vers davantage de cohérence et d'efficacité grâce à l'information diffusée par les tribunaux. / Most developed countries use a mix of public regulation and civil liability to cope with environmental risks and damages. Though, a vast majority of economic scholars tend to favour a regime of pure regulation in the domain of environmental accidents, arguing that liability cannot provide incentives for polluters and potential injurers to take socially desirable care. Our dissertation aims to answer this paradox between legal reality and economic theory. In the first part of our study, we develop an operational approach of the concept of externality based on the concrete characteristics that represent an impediment to individual cooperation and thus to the application of property rights. This method allows us to compare the efficiency of public regulation and civil liability and to reach a clear-cut conclusion: in the most complex situations, neither regulation nor liability is able to encourage socially desirable care and to ensure complete compensation for victims at the same time. In these situations, joint use of both legal instruments might be superior to regulation or liability alone because it enables each instrument to overcome the inefficiencies of the other, through interactions and informational transfers occurring between judges and regulators. In the second part, we test our theory in the French case. To observe the existence of institutional interactions between judges and regulators, we create a unique dataset gathering the whole litigations on environmental accidents from cases adjudicated by the Court of Cassation since 1956. Our econometric results show that joint use of regulation and liability emerged to promote economic efficiency of the legal system.

Análise do discurso da jurisprudência do STJ nas ações de indenização por erro médico: impacto no sistema de saúde / Discourse analysis of the Supreme Court \'s case law on indemnity claims for medical malpractice : impact on health system

Mota, Aline Veras Leite 28 July 2015 (has links)
As organizações de saúde, instituições de ensino, pesquisadores e profissionais têm investido em mecanismos que visam aperfeiçoar a assistência integral à saúde ofertada aos pacientes. Todavia, a assistência pode estar sujeita a falhas que podem acarretar danos indesejados aos pacientes, familiares e profissionais, além de prejuízos ao sistema de saúde. Acionar o Poder Judiciário é um dos mecanismos adotados para reparar o dano causado. Nos últimos anos, no Brasil, especialmente a partir de 2003, observa-se um crescimento das demandas judiciais relacionadas aos serviços prestados pelos profissionais da saúde, reflexo das mudanças ocorridas na sociedade e da ampliação dos direitos sociais e fundamentais. Justifica-se, assim, um estudo retrospectivo de casos julgados, com análise da jurisprudência do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ), no período de 2003 a 2013, acerca das ações judiciais movidas em face dos profissionais de saúde e instituições de saúde no âmbito público e privado. Realizada analise quantitativa e qualitativa do conteúdo dos discursos dos Ministros do STJ sobre o tema erro médico, aplicando o método do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC). O estudo das decisões proferidas contribuiu para a compreensão dos assuntos que têm predomínio na jurisprudência do STJ sobre o erro médico. O trabalho identificou o sexo feminino como o mais vulnerável aos supostos erros médicos e as especialidades médicas diretamente relacionadas com a saúde feminina como a mais acionadas judicialmente. Ginecologia/Obstetrícia (27,08%), Ortopedia (12,5%) e Cirurgia Plástica (10,42%) foram, respectivamente, as especialidades mais demandadas. Em conclusão, o estudo traz subsídio para as organizações de saúde identificarem possíveis áreas estratégicas de atuação, no sentido de implementarem ações para reduzir a probabilidade de erros médicos, identificando mecanismos eficientes para o acompanhamento e a racionalização de possíveis falhas e para atuarem, preventivamente, nas práticas de gestão visando reduzir danos aos pacientes, diminuir custos decorrentes das indenizações, possibilitando, uma prestação de serviço de saúde de maior excelência, qualificado e seguro no sistema único e no sistema suplementar de saúde. / Healthcare organizations, educational institutions, researchers and healthcare professionals have invested in mechanisms to improve the integral medical assistance offered to patients, but these assistance could have failures that may result in injury to patients, family members, and damage to system. One of the mechanisms to repair the damage is to claim to the Judiciary. In Brazil, especially since 2003, there has been an increase the lawsuit number related to medical malpractice, reflecting the changes in society and the expansion of social and fundamental rights. This is a retrospective study of judged cases by the Superior Court of Justice, in the period from 2003 to 2013, regarding the lawsuits against healthcare professionals and institutions in the public and private practice. Performed quantitative and qualitative analysis of the Superior Court of Justice Ministers speeches content, using the collective subject discourse method. Analyze of decisions contributed to understanding of the predominated issues in the malpractice lawsuit. The study identified the women as the most vulnerable to medical errors and medical specialties directly related to women\'s health as the most driven in court. Gynecology/Obstetrics (27.08%), Orthopedics (12.5%) and Plastic Surgery (10.42%) were, respectively, the most demanded specialties. In conclusion, the study provides subsidy for healthcare organizations identify potential areas of action to implement strategies to reduce the likelihood of injury to patients, decreasing costs and medical malpractice.

Os reflexos condicionantes da parte geral da Lei 8.078/90 na formatação do direito material positivo das relações de consumo / The constraining reflexes of the General Part of Act 8.078/90 in formatting the positive substantive law of consumption relationship

Cruz, Guilherme Ferreira da 17 October 2011 (has links)
A investigação dos reflexos condicionantes da Parte Geral da Lei 8.078/90 na formatação do direito material positivo das relações de consumo se vincula diretamente à sistemática legislativa empregada na confecção do CDC, notadamente quanto aos seus dez primeiros artigos e à opção de neles se inscreverem as vigas mestras estruturantes de todo o seu sistema protetivo. É dizer: o direito material positivo das relações de consumo não pode ser visto de forma dissociada da Parte Geral da Lei 8.078/90, lídima regra de interpretação dirigida a fixar o alcance e a profundidade desse arcabouço jurídico instituído, por determinação constitucional, para amparar esse específico sujeito que é o consumidor; mais que isso, inclinado a buscar a materialização do equilíbrio nas relações obrigacionais que gravitam em torno do mercado. A ideia é visusalizar a Parte Geral do Código como um fator condicionante das regras de direito material privado criadas no intuito de concretizar a vontade do Poder Constituinte originário de defender o consumidor, operando uma espécie de justiça distributiva em uma relação jurídica historicamente desequilibrada, relegando-se às demais regras da parte especial função meramente explicativa. Nessa linha de raciocínio, foram examinados a dogmática positiva, as balizas de incidência do Código, a política nacional das relações de consumo, a boa-fé objetiva como mínimo ético exigível, os direitos básicos do consumidor e o risco como elemento de responsabilidade civil. Arremata-se com um resumo analítico da proposta, a identificar conclusões diretas sobre os problemas teóricos e práticos examinados. Torna-se imprescindível, assim, compreender a real amplitude dos direitos materiais outorgados aos consumidores e, para tanto, só há um caminho: investigar profundamente os reflexos condicionantes da Parte Geral da Lei 8.078/90 na formatação daquilo que de melhor se pensou, em termos legislativos, para promover a defesa do consumidor. / The investigation of constraining reflexes of the General Part of Act 8.078/90 in formatting the positive substantive law of consumption relationship is directly related to the legal systematic employed in the CDC confection, especially regarding the first ten articles and the option to enroll in them the main structuring foundations of the whole protective system. Indeed, the positive substantive law of consumption relationship cannot be dissociated of the General Part of Act 8.078/90, true interpretation rule aimed at setting the range and depth of this legal framework, established by constitutional determination to support this specific subject, the consumer, beyond that, inclined to search the real balance in the obligational relations focused on the consumption market. The main purpose is to visualize the Codes General Part as a constraining factor of substantive private law rules created in order to materialize the Congress originary will to protect the consumer, working as a distributive justice in a historically unbalanced legal relation, demoting the remaining special part rules to a purely explanatory function. Moreover, the positive dogmatic, the Code applicability limits, the Consumption Relationships National Policy, the objective good-faith as a minimum ethical demandable, the consumers basic rights and the risk as an element of civil liability were examined. At the end, a purpose analytical summary is presented, identifying direct conclusions concerning the theoretical and practical problems examined. It becomes imperative to comprehend the real dimension of the substantive rights granted to consumers and therefore, the only path is to deeply investigate the constraining reflexes of the General Part of Act 8.078/90 in structuring the best consideration in legal terms to promote consumer protection.

A dimensão da informação no contexto dos novos direitos (ambiental e consumidor) a partir da observação do risco das novas tecnologias

Atz, Ana Paula 21 March 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Mariana Dornelles Vargas (marianadv) on 2015-06-01T14:40:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 dimensao_informacao.pdf: 1069134 bytes, checksum: 37abd7ec53fe58b83929bcc38af1e372 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-01T14:40:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dimensao_informacao.pdf: 1069134 bytes, checksum: 37abd7ec53fe58b83929bcc38af1e372 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-21 / CNPQ – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A sociedade tem enfrentado, hodiernamente, um elevado nível de insegurança e complexidade, agravado principalmente pelo advento das altas tecnologias. Para além de seus benefícios, elas também exponenciam riscos que se revestem de características globais e indivisíveis. O trabalho proposto tem como objetivo geral analisar a dimensão que a informação assume no âmbito do direito ambiental e do direito do consumidor, a partir da comunicação do risco biotecnológico e nanotecnológico. Nesse passo, esses novos direitos encontram-se em um mesmo contexto histórico do homem, pois transcendem a individualidade, tratando da proteção, dos direitos e dos deveres difusos e coletivos. Considerando que os sujeitos de direitos mais vulneráveis aos perigos e consequências advindos da biotecnologia e nanotecnologia são o meio ambiente e o consumidor, o trabalho proposto pretende responder às seguintes perguntas: de que maneira o direito ambiental e o direito do consumidor gerenciam esses riscos e os comunicam à sociedade? Ainda, se o risco é algo que remete ao tempo futuro, de que forma o sistema jurídico pode, dentro desse contexto, operacionalizar-se, com efetividade, a partir da formação de vínculos com o futuro? Para responder a essas perguntas, utilizar-se-ão os aportes fornecidos pela Teoria dos Sistemas Sociais, por apresentarem um novo modelo epistemológico, mais apto a explicar as relações do sistema jurídico com a sociedade. Para um tratamento adequado do risco, analisar-se-ão as relações estabelecidas entre o Direito, a ciência e a tecnologia no seu gerenciamento, bem como a importância de se estabelecerem novas observações jurídicas. Constatou-se que esse processo se dá, principalmente, por mecanismos que privilegiam a produção da informação e a consequente comunicação dos riscos, com o objetivo de tutelar o meio ambiente e os consumidores. / The society has faced in our times a high level of uncertainty and complexity, especially aggravated by the advent of high technology. In addition to their benefits, they also magnify the risks that are of global features and indivisible. The proposed work aims analyzing the extent that information plays in the field of environmental law and consumer law, from the risk communication biotechnology and nanotechnology. In this step, these new rights are in the same historical context of man, for transcending the individuality, dealing with the protection, rights and obligations of diffuse and collective. Whereas the subjects of rights is more vulnerable to the dangers and consequences arising from biotechnology and nanotechnology, are the environment and the consumer, the proposed work aims to answer the following questions: how the environmental law and consumer law manage such risks and inform the society? Still, if the risk is something that refers to the future time, how the legal system can, within this context, operational effectiveness with the formation of links with the future? To answer these questions the present study uses the contribution provided by the Theory of Social Systems, by presenting a new epistemological model, able to explain the relations of the legal system and society. For an appropriate treatment of risk, it will analyze the relations between law, science and technology in its management, as well as the importance of establishing new legal observations. It has been that this process occurs mainly by mechanisms that favor the production of information and the consequent risk communication, aimed at protecting the environment and consumers.

Reparação do dano à imagem das pessoas jurídicas / Compensation for damage to the image of a legal entity

Costa, Déborah Regina Lambach Ferreira da 23 September 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:19:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Deborah Regina Lambach Ferreira da Costa.pdf: 721094 bytes, checksum: 08a6d037883f68580c4820a74a74bd27 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-09-23 / In a globalized world, owners of image rights are more vulnerable to damages for which compensation may be sought. New technologies, the web, TV, broadcasting channels and mechanical systems in general, which disseminate information in real time making it accessible to millions of people, increase this exposure to defamation. Both legal entities governed by private and public law that own rights of publicity consistent with their legal status run the risk of having their images damaged. Items V and X of article 5 of the Brazilian Constitution provide that these entities are entitle to compensation for libel and slander, or moral damages in a literal translation from Portuguese. Detaching the concept of libel and slander from pain and suffering , the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice published case law summary [ Súmula ] No. 227 which resulted in the application of article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights to prevent abuse of the freedom of expression and ensure maximum protection to reputation. This study is an in-depth analysis of image rights based on the initial assumption that these are autonomous rights of publicity entitled to protection both at constitutional and infraconstitutional level. The compensation for image damages leaves formal positivism aside to follow the paradigm shift introduced by the Constitution of Brazil ratified in 1988 when social, ethical and operational principles -- even within the scope of civil liability -- where brought to light allowing the interpretation of the Civil Code to be consistent with the concepts of equity and justice in an attempt to foster ethics and compassion in society / Na era globalizada, o titular do direito à imagem está mais vulnerável a sofrer um dano ressarcível. O avanço da tecnologia, a Internet, a televisão, os meios de radiodifusão e o sistema mecanizado em geral, que propagam a informação em tempo real, acessível a milhões e milhões de outros sujeitos, expõe as pessoas cada vez mais ao vilipêndio. Tanto as pessoas jurídicas de direito privado, como as de direito público, podem ser vítimas de dano à imagem, porque titulares de direitos da personalidade compatíveis com a sua natureza jurídica. Ademais, lhes é assegurada a reparação do dano moral nos incisos V e X do artigo 5º da Constituição Federal. A jurisprudência, desapegando-se do conceito de dano moral como o dano da alma , editou a Súmula n. 227 do Superior Tribunal de Justiça. Passou-se a interpretar o artigo 10 da Convenção Europeia de Direitos Humanos de modo a coibir abusos do direito de livre expressão na proteção da reputação em toda a sua amplitude. De modo que o direito à imagem será analisado com profundidade, tomando-se como ponto de partida a afirmação de que é um direito da personalidade autônomo, recebendo proteção constitucional e infraconstitucional. A reparação do dano à imagem aparta-se do rigor formal do positivismo, acompanhando a mudança de paradigma trazida pela Constituição Federal de 1988, que aflorou, inclusive no âmbito da responsabilidade civil, princípios como da socialidade, da eticidade e da operabilidade, com vistas a dar interpretação e subsunção às normas do Código Civil consentâneas com a equidade e a justiça, em prol de uma sociedade mais ética e fraterna

Responsabilidade civil por danos à pessoa humana oriundos do uso de perfis falsos em sites de redes sociais / Civil liability for damage to the human person from the use of fake profiles on social networking sites

João Victor Rozatti Longhi 03 July 2011 (has links)
As transformações sociais advindas da popularização de Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs) como a Internet são flagrantes. E a regulamentação destas novas práticas deve ser condizente com as peculiaridades das relações jurídicas desenvolvidas neste âmbito. Este trabalho visa analisar o problema da responsabilidade civil por danos à pessoa humana sofridos no âmbito dos sites de redes sociais pela criação e uso de perfis falsos. Assim, primeiramente, faz-se uma análise introdutória do fenômeno da Internet e das visões sobre as possíveis formas de regulamentação jurídica das condutas praticadas por meio da Rede. Posteriormente, adstringe-se à temática dos danos morais, buscando-se conceituá-los sob a ótica civil constitucional, como danos à pessoa humana. Finalmente, chega-se ao estudo dos perfis falsos, enfrentando-se a problemática dos danos morais sofridos por seu manejo. São desdobradas em três subproblemas: se são ou não capazes civilmente os usuários, chegando-se ao estudo dos perfis de menores de idade; se existem ou não as pessoas representadas nos perfis, subdividindo-se a análise nas hipóteses de perfis criados em roubo de identidade e perfis que representem criações intelectuais e; se estão ou não vivas as pessoas descritas nos perfis, trazendo-se à baila a hipótese dos perfis de pessoas falecidas. / The popularization of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) like Internet brought undeniable changes for many. The legal regulation of these new habits must be harmonized with the quirks of such legal relations. This work aims to analyze the problem of the civil liability for moral injuries due to the creation and use fake profiles on the online social network websites. First, it studies some preliminary notions about the Internet and some legal opinions about its governance. After, the issue is restricted to the study of moral injuries at the civil constitutional legal doctrine measure as a damage to the human dignity of person. Finally, the work arrives at the fake profiles and the moral injuries caused by it. Then comes three sub-problems: if the user is legal incapable or not, taking to the study of profiles children and adolescent; if the person represented at the online profile really exists or not, taking to the problems about identity theft and intellectual property violations, and; if the person is alive or not, taking to the topic of deceased persons profiles.

La responsabilité civile du psychiatre lors du suicide d’un patient : une perspective canadienne

Désautels, Sophie 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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