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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ledarskap på distans : Konsultchefers distansledarskap under påverkan av ett dubbelt ledarskap i bemanningsbranschen

Levén, Pernilla, Nilsson, Sanne January 2015 (has links)
Denna uppsats handlar om ledarskap och hur ledarskap bedrivs på distans. Studien fokuserar på det ledarskap som sker i bemanningsbranschen där konsultchefen leder bemanningskonsulter på distans. I det ledarskap som utövas finns även en påverkan utav en tredje part som går att finna i det kundföretag som hyr in konsulterna.  Syftet med uppsatsen är att öka förståelsen för det ledarskap som uppkommer och utövas i bemanningsbranschen och att identifiera de problem som kan uppstå när ledarskapet sker på distans. Vi jämför också distansledarskapet med ett traditionellt ledarskap för att förstå på vilket sätt de skiljer sig i ledarskapets utövande. Slutligen är vårt syfte att få en inblick i hur ett distansledarskap i bemanningsbranschen påverkas när det även är en tredje part involverad. / This thesis is about leadership and how leadership is practiced when managers have a distance to their followers.  The study is focused on the leadership practiced in the staffing industry where a consultant manager leads consultants without a physical presence. The leadership is influenced by a third part that can be found in the customer company that hire the consultants. The aim of this thesis is to gain understanding of the leadership that exists in the staffing industry. The purpose is also to identify the issues that may arise when the leadership is influenced by distance. We also compare distance leadership with traditional leadership to understand in what way they differ from each other. At last, our purpose is to get an overview about how distance leadership works in the staffing industry when a third part is involved.

Samma arbetsplats – nya förutsättningar : En kvalitativ studie om konsulters erfarenheter av sina arbetsvillkor i Individ- och familjeomsorgen i socialtjänsten / Same establishment – new prerequisites : A qualitative study in consultant.s experiences of their work conditions within the individual- and family care sector of the social services

Forsberg, Ann-Kristin, Jacobsen, Malin January 2016 (has links)
Trots många års larmande av den rådande arbetsmiljön för socialarbetare har inte kommunerna agerat tillräckligt, vilket har lett till svårigheter att rekrytera och få personal att stanna kvar i socialtjänsten. Detta har bidragit till att konsulter inom socialtjänsten har ökat markant de senaste åren. Den här studien handlar om konsulters erfarenheter av sina nya arbetsvillkor då de valt att stanna kvar och arbeta i socialtjänsten inom Individ- och familjeomsorg (IFO). Syftet med studien är att öka kunskapen om vilka positiva och negativa faktorer som konsulter erfar med sina villkor i sitt arbete. Vi har utgått från en kvalitativ design och gjort semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex konsulter. De teoretiska analysverktyg vi använt oss av är rollteori, organisationsteori samt push-and-pull modellen. Dessa analysverktyg ger olika synvinklar på konsulters villkor inom IFO och lyfter fram olika faktorer i deras arbetsvillkor samt förklarar hur det är att stå utanför socialtjänsten som organisation samtidigt som de arbetar i den. I studien har vi kommit fram till att konsulternas förändring ger både positiva och negativa erfarenheter i deras arbetsvillkor som konsulter i IFO. Positiva faktorer som konsulterna erfor i sina arbetsvillkor var: Den ökade lönen, tidsbegränsningen i uppdraget, den minskade tid för antalet obligatoriska möten som genererade i ökad tid till klientarbete. De erfor mer självständighet och personlig utveckling. Det dubbla chefskapet från arbetsplatsen och konsultbolaget kunde upplevas positivt med exempelvis uppskattning och stöd i gränssättning av arbetsmängden från konsultchefen. De negativa faktorerna som konsulterna kunde uppleva i deras arbetsvillkor var ensamarbete och för höga förväntningar på prestation samt att konsulterna fick en mindre påverkningsmöjligheter i organisationen. Vi tolkade även att det kunde bli en större anpassning från konsulten till hur chefen vill att arbetet ska utföras. / Despite many years of alarming environment within the current workplace of social workers the municipalities have still not acted accordingly, which have caused hardship in recruiting as well as keeping people in the social services. This has also lead towards a large growth of consultants within the social services under the last few years. This study is about consultant’s experiences of their new work conditions when they have chosen to stay within the Individual- and family care sector (IFO). The purpose of the study is to further increase the knowledge of which negative and positive aspects consultants experience within their work conditions. We have worked with a qualitative design and made semiconstructed interviews with six different consultants. The theoretical analysis tools we have used during this study is roll theory, organization theory and the push-and-pull model. These analysis tools give different viewpoints of consultant’s conditions within IFO and brings forward the factors in these conditions, as well as describes how it can be to stand on the outside of the social services as an organization but at the same time work in it. We have concluded that these changes have caused both positive and negative experiences in consultants work conditions within the IFO. The positive factors that the consultants described were: Increased pay, limits in the assignment, the reduced time for obligatory meetings which resulted in more time for client based work as well as feeling more of a personal development. Having two employers was described as being positive with examples as appreciation and support in setting limits for a reasonable amount of work from the consulting firm. The negative aspects we found that the consultants could experience was feelings of working alone and expectations on high performance as well as having less influence in the organization overall. We concluded that the consultant was more influenced by their employers in how their work should be performed.   Keyword: consultant, social worker, profession, social service, roll theory, organisation theory, push-and-pull-model.

Client-Consultancy Relationship in ERP Implementation from Consultancy Aspect:  A Case Study in Turkey

Kasapoglu, Aylin, Kizilca, Deniz January 2011 (has links)
Consultancy practices have significant influence on the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) project success. In this sense, client-consultant relationship comes into prominence in terms of  project  achievement.  Therefore  client-consultant  relationship  needs  to  be  understood  in depth in order to strengthen the consultancy practices and eliminate problems between two parties.  Hence,  in  this  research  client-consultant  relationship  is  examined  from  ERP consultancy aspect during ERP implementation phase in Turkey. Some factors that influence this relationship is evaluated and existing client-consultant models are analyzed whether they are compatible with the client-consultant relationship within ERP concept. Cultures basis as an influential factor is examined in order to understand this impacts on this relationship. ERP consultancy profile and partially client profile are drawn in order to have deep insight of this relationship.

En Studie Om Förändringen Av Redovisningskonsultens Arbetsroll Till Följd Av Digitaliseringen / En Studie Om Förändringen Av Redovisningskonsultens Arbetsroll Till Följd Av Digitaliseringen

Jajeno, Alen, Al Hano Faro George, Sura, Jamal Jalal, Mohammad January 2022 (has links)
Datum:2022-06-02 Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 hp Institution: Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, Mälardalens Högskola Författare: AL Hano Faro, Sura George    920101  Alen Jajeno                               971228  Mohammad Jamal                    000910 Title:En studie om förändringen av redovisningskonsultens arbetsroll till följd av digitaliseringen Handledare:Ulla Pettersson Nyckelord: Redovisningskonsult, auktoriserad redovisningskonsult, kompetenskrav, digitalisering,profession, legitimitet, digitalisering inom redovisning Frågeställningar:           • Vilken förändring har digitaliseringen medfört på redovisningskonsultens arbetssätt och arbetsuppgifter under de senaste 10-15 åren?    Hur har redovisningskonsultens kompetenskrav förändrats under de senaste 10-15 åren med hänsyn till digitaliseringen?   Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka vad digitaliseringen medfört för förändringar till redovisningskonsultens arbetsuppgifter, arbetssätt samt kompetenskraven under de senaste 10-15 åren. Metod: Under arbetet kommer en kvalitativ explanatorisk metod att tillämpas, vilket omfattar ett antal intervjuer med både auktoriserade såväl som icke auktoriserade redovisningskonsulter. Tanken bakom intervjuerna är att ta reda på hur redovisningskonsulterna själva upplevt att digitaliseringen har påverkat bland annat hur yrkesrollen har förändrats över tid till följd av digitaliseringen samt vilka nya kompetenser kräver marknaden av redovisningskonsulter.  Slutsats: Slutsatserna som kan dras är att arbetssättet har skiftat idag från att ha tidigare varit analogt till att det blivit mer digitalt. Arbetsuppgifterna har blivit mer kundorienterad och skiftar sig mer till rådgivning. Den andra slutsatsen som kan dras är att kompetenskraven inte förändrats, men att tekniska framsteg har underlättat för redovisningskonsulten att utföra många arbeten och att detta bidragit med att konsulterna numera behöver utöka på sina IT kunskaper. / Date:2022-06-02 Level:Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 15 cr  Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University Authors: AL Hano Faro, Sura George    920101               Alen Jajeno                           971228              Mohammad Jamal                   000910 Title:A study of the change in the accounting consultant's work role as a result of digitalisation Tutor:Ulla Pettersson Keywords: Accounting consultant, authorized accounting consultant, competence requirements, digitalization in accounting Research questions: How has digitalization changed the accounting consultants work   procedure and tasks over a timespan of 10-15 years?  Are there any new competence requirements in the context of digitalization? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze what digitalization has changed in the accounting consultants work procedure, tasks and competence requirements in the last 10-15 years. Method: In this qualitative study, we have gathered primary data from seven semistructured interviews. The interviews that have been conducted come from seven different accountants from six different accounting firms that range in size. The focus of the study is to see if digitization has brought forth any change and also analyze if there is any difference in competence requirements.    Conclusion: The conclusions that can be drawn are as follows the accounting consultants have gone from analogue to becoming more digital. The tasks have become more customer-oriented and shifted more towards analyzing and consulting the customer. The other conclusion that can be drawn is that the competence requirements have not changed, but that technical advances have made it easier for the accounting consultant to perform many jobs and that this has contributed to the consultants now having to expand their IT skills.

Professionaliseringen av svenska redovisningskonsulters yrkesroll : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys baserad på redovisningskonsultsbranschens facktidskrifter. / The professionalisation of the occupation of Swedish accounting consultants : A content analysis based on trade journals published by the Swedish industry for accounting consultants.

Karlsson, Emma, Petersson, Kristin January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Yrkesrollen redovisningskonsult har förändrats under de senaste två decennierna i Sverige, särskilt gällande branschorganisationernas utformande av titeln Auktoriserad Redovisningskonsult. Tillhörande titeln finns examinationsprov, teoretiska och praktiska krav samt branschspecifika standarder att följa. Följaktligen kan branschorganisationerna FAR och Srf konsulterna sägas försöka professionalisera yrkesrollen redovisningskonsult. Utvecklingen anses vara intressant att studera ur ett professionsteoretiskt perspektiv eftersom tidigare forskning på redovisningskonsulter är begränsad. Syfte: Studien syftar att analysera redovisningskonsulternas professionalisering genom att undersöka hur branschorganisationerna framställer professionaliseringen i egenpublicerade facktidskrifter. Metod: Studien har genomförts via en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och en deduktiv ansats. Innehållsanalysen har utförts på artiklar från branschorganisationerna FAR och Srf konsulternas respektive facktidskrifter Tidningen Balans och Tidningen Konsulten. Slutsats: Redovisningskonsulter genomgår en professionalisering baserat på att auktorisation och utbildning ges stort fokus av branschorganisationerna. Dock finns flertalet brister gällande professionsteorin kring kunskapsbas, ensamrätt, formell utbildning och ideologi. Kring ideologin framhävs kommersiella aspekter såsom egenintresse och kundfokus, vilka skapar oklarheter om professionsstatus kan uppnås. / Background and problem: The role of accounting consultant has developed during the last two decades in Sweden, especially regarding the trade associations’ establishment of the title Authorised Accounting Consultant (Auktoriserad Redovisningskonsult). Inherent to the title is examinations, theoretical and practical requirements as well as industry specific standards to follow. Hence the trade associations FAR and Srf konsulterna are attempting a professionalisation of the role of accounting consultant. This development is considered interesting to study from a professional theoretical perspective since prior research regarding accounting consultants is limited. Purpose: The objective of this study is to analyse the professionalisation of accounting consultants through investigating how trade associations depict the professionalisation in their self-published trade journals. Method: The study was performed using a qualitative content analysis and a deductive approach. The content analysis used articles from the trade journals Tidningen Balans and Tidningen Konsulten, given out by trade associations FAR and Srf konsulterna. Conclusion: Accounting consultants are undergoing professionalisation based on trade association mainly focusing on certification and education. However, there are multiple flaws regarding professional theory surrounding the knowledge base, exclusive right to practise, formal education and ideology. Regarding ideology, commercial aspects such as self-interest and customer focus is highlighted, which create ambiguities surrounding if professional status can be achieved.

Les représentations des rôles des conseillères et des conseillers pédagogiques

Careau, Marie Christine 06 1900 (has links)
L’attrition chez le personnel enseignant est un sujet d’actualité depuis déjà plusieurs années (Karsenti et al., 2013). L’insertion professionnelle semble être un des principaux défis à surmonter (Charest et Hamel, 2020). Lors des stages de formation, les futures personnes enseignantes sont accompagnées par des personnes enseignantes associées. Une fois leur diplôme en main, les néophytes de l’enseignement se retrouvent généralement seuls. Plusieurs ont soulevé avoir besoin de soutien (Carpentier et al., 2020). Une des solutions en place pour répondre à ce besoin de soutien est la présence des CP (conseillères et conseillers pédagogiques). Or, ces professionnels semblent également éprouver des difficultés quant au rôle à jouer. À travers les différentes réformes curriculaires et compressions budgétaires, les CP ont souvent vu leur rôle se multiplier et se complexifier (Granger et al., 2021 ; Guertin-Wilson, 2014). De plus, il n’y a aucune formation destinée à la profession de CP (Conseil supérieur de l’éducation, 2014 ; Granger et al.,2021, Guillemette et al., 2019 ; Raoui, 2019). La multitude des tâches qui leur est affectée ainsi que la multitude de personnes avec lesquelles ils doivent collaborer complexifie cette fonction. La seule définition de la profession remonte à celle apportée par la partie syndicale et qui fut approuvée par la partie patronale en 1997 (FPPE, 1997). Ainsi, la fonction a évolué, mais pas son descriptif (Lessard et al., 2003 ; Lessard et Des Ruisseaux, 2004 ; Verdy, 2005). Nous nous appuyons sur les quatre situations professionnelles emblématiques du Référentiel de l’agir compétent en conseillance pédagogique en soutien à la réussite des élèves (Guillemette et al., 2019) pour catégoriser les différents rôles recensés (former, conseiller, accompagner et innover). Puis, nous nous basons sur les représentations des rôles soit les rôles transmis, joué et souhaité (Katz et Kahn, 1966 ; Beauregard, 2006) ainsi que sur les tensions de rôles (Djabi et Perrot, 2016 ; Katz et Kahn, 1966, 1978 ; Royal, 2007 ; Royal et Brassard, 2010). Finalement, comme nous croyons que l’expérience professionnelle peut être un facteur déterminant, nous avons délimité trois catégories d’âge professionnel, soit les personnes novices (5 ans ou moins), les personnes en mi-carrière (5-10 ans) et les personnes expérimentées (10 ans ou plus) (Martineau et al., 2009). Nous cherchons à décrire les représentations des rôles des CP par les CP (objectif 1) et également par le personnel enseignant (objectif 2) ainsi qu’à comparer les représentations des deux catégories d’acteurs (objectif 3). Pour atteindre ces objectifs, nous avons effectué une recherche descriptive à visée comparative. Nous avons procédé par l’entremise de questionnaires autoadministrés en ligne (LimeSurvey) distincts pour les deux catégories d’acteurs. Les analyses ont été effectuées à l’aide du logiciel SPSS. Nous avons eu recours à des analyses statistiques descriptives pour répondre à nos deux premiers objectifs. Puis, afin de répondre à notre troisième objectif, des analyses comparatives ont été effectuées. Il ressort de cela que le personnel enseignant et les CP ont des représentations similaires du rôle souhaité. Les deux groupes sondés souhaitent que les CP aident concrètement les personnes enseignantes et modélisent leur expertise en classe. Les CP méritent que leur rôle soit clairement défini. Les CP ainsi que l’ensemble des équipes-écoles et des élèves en bénéficieraient. / Teacher attrition has been a hot topic for several years now (Karsenti et al., 2013). Professional integration seems to be one of the main challenges to overcome (Charest and Hamel, 2020). Over the course of their four-year bachelors’ degree, student teachers are accompanied by associate teachers. As soon as they have their diploma in hand, new teachers generally find themselves alone. Several newcomers mentioned the need for support (Carpentier et al., 2020). One of the solutions in place to meet this need is the presence of ECs (education consultants). However, these professionals also experience difficulties with regards to their own role. Through the various curricular reforms and budget cuts, ECs have often seen their roles multiply and become more complex (Granger et al., 2021; Guertin-Wilson, 2014). Moreover, there is no training for the EC profession (Conseil supérieur de l’éducation, 2014 ; Granger et al., 2021; Guillemette et al., 2019 ; Raoui, 2019). The multitude of roles assigned to them as well as the multitude of people with whom they must collaborate complicates this function, which is intended to serve the school team members. However, the only definition of their profession dates to that provided by the union party and which was approved by the employer party in 1997 (FPPE, 1997). Thus, their function has evolved but not their description (Lessard et al., 2003 ; Lessard and Des Ruisseaux, 2004; Verdy, 2005). We referred to the four emblematic professional situations of the Framework for Competent Action in Educational Consulting: Fostering Student Success (Guillemette et al., 2020) to categorize the distinct roles named (advise, train, accompaniment and innovate). Then, we relied on role representations; the sent role, the enacted role, and the desired role (Katz and Kahn, 1966; Beauregard, 2006) as well as on role conflicts (Djabi and Perrot, 2016; Katz and Kahn, 1966, 1978; Royal, 2007 ; Royal and Brassard, 2010). Finally, as we believe that professional experience can be a determining factor, we have defined three professional age categories: novices (up to 5 years), mid-career (5-10 years), experienced (10 years or more) (Martineau et al., 2009). We sought to describe the representations of the roles of ECs by the ECs (objective 1) and by the teachers (objective 2), and to compare the representations held by the two categories of actors (objective 3). To achieve these goals, we conducted descriptive research with a comparative aim. We proceeded through separate online self-administered questionnaires (LimeSurvey) for the two categories of actors. Analyzes were performed using SPSS software. Descriptive statistical analyses were performed to meet our first two objectives. Then, to meet our third goal, comparative analyses were carried out. The representations varied amongst both surveyed groups. Teachers and ECs have a similar representation of their desired role for ECs. It seems that ECs and teachers want the former to concretely help the latter and model their expertise in class. Education consultants deserve to have their role clearly defined. It would not only benefit them, but the entire school teams and students.

Åtta svenska elitfotbollsspelares syn på idrottspsykologiska rådgivare / Eight swedish elite soccerplayers perception on sport psychology consultants

Enoksson, Marcus, Lindberg, David January 2016 (has links)
Huvudsyftet med studien var att undersöka elitfotbollsspelares uppfattningar kring vilka hinder och möjligheter som finns för att idrottspsykologiska rådgivare ska ges inträde i en fotbollsförening. Ett ytterligare syfte var att undersöka vad som karaktäriserar en framgångsrik idrottspsykologisk rådgivare vid samarbete med elitfotbollsspelare. Populationen utgjordes av åtta svenska elitfotbollsspelare. Kriterierna för att inkluderas i studien var att deltagarna skulle tillhört en a-lagstrupp i en elitfotbollsförening (Allsvenskan och Superettan) säsongen 2015. Insamlingen av data utgick från kvalitativ ansats, genom intervjuer och analyserades utifrån kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade att idrottarna påpekade fler hinder än möjligheter för att den idrottspsykologiska rådgivaren ska ges inträde i en förening, där skepticism mot idrottspsykologi nämndes som ett exempel. Gällande karaktärsdrag visade resultatet att idrottarna hade en större samsyn i förhållande till de hinder och möjligheter som framkom. Slutligen diskuterar författarna förslag på framtida forskning, metodkritik och implikationer. / The main purpose of the study was to examine elite soccer players perceptions of which barriers and possibilities exists in order to give sport psychology consultants entry in a soccer organization. Another purpose was to examine what characterizes a successful sport psychology consultant in their cooperation with elite soccer players. The population was eight swedish elite soccer players. The criteria to be included in the study, was that the athletes had pertained a first team squad in an elite soccer organization (Allsvenskan and Superettan) in the season of 2015. Data collection was done through qualitative approach, through interviews and was analyzed by qualitative content analysis. The results showed the athletes pointed out more barriers than possibilities to give the sport psychology consultant entry in an organization, where skepticism towards sport psychology was mentioned as an example. Regarding characteristics the results showed that the athletes had more consensuses in relation to the barriers and possibilities that appeared. Finally the authors discuss suggestions in terms of future research, methodology reflections and implications.

Managing and adapting organizational identity : A qualitative case study using a strategy-as-practice perspective to investigate an IT consultant organization

Loggert, Josefin, Åhlin, Mairon January 2016 (has links)
Evolution of IT has resulted in fundamental changes in society, changes that have affected the IT consultant industry and introduced challenges in how IT consultant organizations should adapt to a new, turbulent market. In order to investigate these challenges this study set out to understand the organizational identity of IT consultant organizations, aiming to address the following research question: How do IT consultant organizations manage and adapt their organizational identity? To answer this question a qualitative single case study has been conducted using Whittington’s integrated framework for strategy-as-practice as a theoretical framework. The results show that the case organization of this study manages and adapts their organizational identity by adjusting its work procedures to the new market as well as their role in the relationship with customers. The results also indicate that the case organization manages and adapts their organizational identity by balancing the identity established by headquarter and the identity set by themselves in regard to their local context. These results demonstrate the possibilities of multiple organizational identities within an organization.

How to share what you cannot see : A study of the sharing of tacit knowledge within PricewaterhouseCoopers

Stighammar, Catrin, Puerto, Diana January 2010 (has links)
<p>The necessity of managing the tacit knowledge sharing is becoming more significant because of the upcoming demographic changes facing companies all over the industrialized part of the world. The so called baby boomers born in the middle part of the 20th century will soon reach the retirement age and this is anticipated to create an extensive loss of knowledge. In light of that, companies face a dilemma when over bridging the knowledge gap between their more experienced senior employees who have accumulated plenty of knowledge and the novel ones. It opens the discussion concerning how to “capture” that knowledge since it is the competitive advantage in the contemporary world. This is particularly sensible for knowledge-based firms which are the main focus of this study.</p><p>Scholars have developed different approaches of the knowledge sharing phenomenon, but still there is a lack of understanding regarding how this abstract process should be supported in a daily basis. This work investigates the factors that aid or hinder the knowledge process within consulting firms as a prerequisite to reach a greater awareness of the particular setting that will foster the sharing. Supported by a theoretical background, this was accomplished by following a systems approach, favoring qualitative methods. The empirical data was collected using semistructured qualitative interviews within the headquarter offices of Pricewaterhouse Coopers in Stockholm, Sweden.</p><p>The exploratory results suggest that by converging specific aspects, consulting firms can overcome the most common barriers when sharing knowledge transfer. Furthermore, it is pointed out the positive conditions a firm has to develop as well as Theoretical and Managerial implications.</p>

The psychological health of emergency medicine consultants

Fitzgerald, Katherine January 2014 (has links)
Objective—To explore the experience of psychological distress and wellbeing in emergency medicine (EM) consultants. Methods— A qualitative, Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) study based on interviews with EM consultants working in emergency departments (EDs) across South West England. 18 EM consultants were interviewed, representing a response rate of 54.55% across 5 EDs. The mean (SD) age of participants was 43.17 (5.8) years. All participants worked full-time as EM consultants, with the average years-in-role being 7.64 (5.76). The personal meanings that participants attached to their experiences were inductively analysed and explored alongside their perceived psychological health. Results— The analysis formed three super-ordinate themes: systemic pressures, physical and mental strain, and managing the challenges. Pressures within the ED and healthcare system contributed to participants feeling undervalued and unsatisfied when working in an increasingly uncontrollable environment. Participants described working intensely to meet systemic demands, which inadvertently contributed to a diminishing sense of achievement and self-worth. Consultants perceived their experience of physical and emotional strain as unsustainable, as it negatively impacted: functioning at work, relationships, personal wellbeing and the EM profession. Sustainability was promoted by the presence of social support and through evolving with the consultant role. Conclusions— EM consultants experience considerable physical and mental strain. This strain is dynamically related to consultants' experiences of diminishing self-worth and satisfaction, alongside current socio-political demands on EM services. Recognising the psychological experience and needs of EM consultants through promoting a sustainable EM consultant role could have wide-reaching benefits for the delivery of emergency care and physician wellbeing.

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