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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences in Primary Care.

Ameh, Mary 07 April 2022 (has links)
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) include childhood exposure to abuse or violence, a parents' divorce, mental illness, substance use disorder, and are identified as risk factors for negative life outcomes. While ACEs screenings are commonly used in mental health and pediatric settings, screening for ACEs in primary care settings is less prevalent. The purpose of this project is to integrate screening for ACEs into a primary care setting and make appropriate referrals for follow-up, thus reducing potential negative life outcomes. The process was designed for a primary care practice located in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Part one assessed level of awareness and screening history which determined training focus. Each provider and staff member received 30-45 minutes of training on ACEs screening algorithm, a detailed approach to guide treatment. The training was followed by question-and-answer sessions to address concerns. Part two, involved screening using the Center for Youth Wellness, Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire for Children (CYW ACE-Q Child) which was initiated by the front office employee. Front office employee identified patients present for an annual well visit, briefly explained the screening tool, and handed it to the patient on a clipboard. The patient returned the completed form to the Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) when called in from the waiting room. The provider reviewed the ACEs screening and made referrals as appropriate. Part three involved data collection and analysis. Responses were collected weekly for nine weeks. The responses collected will be analyzed using quantitative statistics. The expected outcome is to note progressive increase in screening activities and when appropriate, followed by referrals to community agencies and organizations. The project educated clinicians about ACEs and created awareness among clinicians in a primary care setting to mitigate potential negative life outcomes. Barriers to integrating ACEs screening included employees' absence of training, lack of confidence in the subject matter, limited time frame to complete the screening, and fear of damaging patient-provider relationships. Barriers were mitigated through employee training, repetitive implementation of ACEs screening, and therapeutic communication with patients. The CYW ACE-Q was reserved for those arriving early or on time for their annual wellness visit to allow adequate time for completion. Recommendations include incorporating the CYW ACE-Q into all primary care visits to further intervene with referrals thereby enhancing patients' overall quality of life.

Klid duše jako topos epikurejského životního stylu reflektovaný v životopisných vyprávěních současníků / Calmness of Heart as Topos of the Epicurean Lifestyle Reflected in the Biographical Narration of Contemporaries

Havlová, Pavlína January 2016 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT Title: Calmness of Heart as Topos of the Epicurean Lifestyle Reflected in the Biographical Narration of Contemporaries Author: Pavlína Havlová Department: Oral History - Contemprorary History Supervisor: Mgr. David Bartoň Abstract: The proposed diploma thesis focuses on the presence of the Epicurean tradition in the biographical narration of selected contemporaries. The main emphasis is laid on substantiating relatedness between the thoughts that were formulated by the Greek thinker Epicurus at the turn of 3rd and 4th century BC and the values and lifestyle of the given individuals. The theoretical basis of the thesis is Epicurus's Letter to Menoeceus, which contains the explication of human life and ethics in particular. Based on the analysis of the letter, four general topics were defined (sobriety, moderation, internal and external lifestyle). These topics served as starting points for the interviews that also enabled their analysis and interpretation. The interviews were recorded using the oral history method, which facilitates individual approach to the scrutiny of biographical narration of selected contemporaries. Keywords: Epicurus, Epicurean, Ethics, Character, Sensibility (Temperance and Sobriety, Sophrosyne resp.), Happiness (Well-fare/Flourishing, Eudaimonia resp.), Moderation...

Är det möjligt att förbereda sig inför en oförutsägbar kris? : En kvalitativ studie om Coronakrisens påverkan på krishanteringen inom restauranger och nattklubbar

Haussner, Magdalena, Larsen, Sebastian January 2022 (has links)
År 2019 var början av den pandemi som drabbade svenska restauranger och nattklubbar i hög grad på grund av de restriktioner som infördes i landet. Denna uppsats har ämnat undersöka hur krishanteringen inom dessa branscher i Uppsala har påverkats som följd av Covid-19. Empirisk data samlades in genom kvalitativa intervjuer med sex ledare för olika verksamheter inom de studerade branscherna. Resultaten visade att verksamheterna har blivit mer riskaverta och placerat större fokus på kostnadsminimeringar, att kommunikationen med externa parter har förändrats, samt att innovativa tillvägagångssätt för att hantera coronakrisen har inneburit märkbara förändringar inom verksamheterna. Ytterligare fynd var att ledarna övergick till ett ledarskap där relationer värderades i högre grad, samt att motiven hos ledarna har en inverkande faktor för krishanteringens utformning och inriktning, vilket dels grundades i identitetsskapande och dels deras etiska förhållningssätt. Verksamheterna har således erhållit lärdomar som följd av Covid-19 som har påverkat deras krishantering inför framtiden. / The year 2019 marked the beginning of the pandemic which came to have devastating effects on Swedish restaurants and nightclubs following restrictions implemented within the country. This essay has examined how crisis management within these businesses in Uppsala has been affected as a result of Covid-19. Empirical data were collected through qualitative interviews with six leaders within the studied industries. Results indicated that the organizations have become more risk averse and put greater focus on cost minimizations, a change in communication with external parties, and that innovative approaches to the corona crisis resulted in significant organizational changes. An additional discovery indicated a change in leadership style which prioritized relationships. The leaders’ motives were also shown to influence the design and direction of the crisis management, and rooted in identity formation as well as ethical philosophy. The organizations have thus gained insights following Covid-19 which will affect their future crisis management.

Safeguards for Uranium Extraction (UREX) +1a Process

Feener, Jessica S. 2010 May 1900 (has links)
As nuclear energy grows in the United States and around the world, the expansion of the nuclear fuel cycle is inevitable. All currently deployed commercial reprocessing plants are based on the Plutonium - Uranium Extraction (PUREX) process. However, this process is not implemented in the U.S. for a variety of reasons, one being that it is considered by some as a proliferation risk. The 2001 Nuclear Energy Policy report recommended that the U.S. "develop reprocessing and treatment technologies that are cleaner, more efficient, less waste-intensive, and more proliferation-resistant." The Uranium Extraction (UREX+) reprocessing technique has been developed to reach these goals. However, in order for UREX+ to be considered for commercial implementation, a safeguards approach is needed to show that a commercially sized UREX+ facility can be safeguarded to current international standards. A detailed safeguards approach for a UREX+1a reprocessing facility has been developed. The approach includes the use of nuclear material accountancy (MA), containment and surveillance (C/S) and solution monitoring (SM). Facility information was developed for a hypothesized UREX+1a plant with a throughput of 1000 Metric Tons Heavy Metal (MTHM) per year. Safeguard goals and safeguard measures to be implemented were established. Diversion and acquisition pathways were considered; however, the analysis focuses mainly on diversion paths. The detection systems used in the design have the ability to provide near real-time measurement of special fissionable material in feed, process and product streams. Advanced front-end techniques for the quantification of fissile material in spent nuclear fuel were also considered. The economic and operator costs of these systems were not considered. The analysis shows that the implementation of these techniques result in significant improvements in the ability of the safeguards system to achieve the objective of timely detection of the diversion of a significant quantity of nuclear material from the UREX+1a reprocessing facility and to provide deterrence against such diversion by early detection.

Application of the Stimulus-Driven Theory of Probabilistic Dynamics to the hydrogen issue in level-2 PSA / Application de la Stimulus Driven Theory of Probabilistic Dynamics (SDTPD) au risque hydrogène dans les EPS de niveau 2.

Peeters, Agnes 05 October 2007 (has links)
Les Etudes Probabilistes de Sûreté (EPS) de niveau 2 en centrale nucléaire visent à identifier les séquences d’événements pouvant correspondre à la propagation d’un accident d’un endommagement du cœur jusqu’à une perte potentielle de l’intégrité de l’enceinte, et à estimer la fréquence d’apparition des différents scénarios possibles.<p>Ces accidents sévères dépendent non seulement de défaillances matérielles ou d’erreurs humaines, mais également de l’occurrence de phénomènes physiques, tels que des explosions vapeur ou hydrogène. La prise en compte de tels phénomènes dans le cadre booléen des arbres d’événements s’avère difficile, et les méthodologies dynamiques de réalisation des EPS sont censées fournir une manière plus cohérente d’intégrer l’évolution du processus physique dans les changements de configuration discrète de la centrale au long d’un transitoire accidentel.<p>Cette thèse décrit l’application d’une des plus récentes approches dynamiques des EPS – la Théorie de la Dynamique Probabiliste basée sur les Stimuli (SDTPD) – à différents modèles de déflagration d'hydrogène ainsi que les développements qui ont permis cette applications et les diverses améliorations et techniques qui ont été mises en oeuvre.<p><p>Level-2 Probabilistic Safety Analyses (PSA) of nuclear power plants aims to identify the possible sequences of events corresponding to an accident propagation from a core damage to a potential loss of integrity of the containment, and to assess the frequency of occurrence of the different scenarios.<p>These so-called severe accidents depend not only on hardware failures and human errors, but also on the occurrence of physical phenomena such as e.g. steam or hydrogen explosions. Handling these phenomena in the classical Boolean framework of event trees is not convenient, and dynamic methodologies to perform PSA studies are expected to provide a more consistent way of integrating the physical process evolution with the discrete changes of plant configuration along an accidental transient.<p>This PhD Thesis presents the application of one of the most recently proposed dynamic PSA methodologies, i.e. the Stimulus-Driven Theory of Probabilistic Dynamics (SDTPD), to several models of hydrogen explosion in the containment of a plant, as well as the developed methods and improvements.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Utvecklingen av marknadsvärdet för svenska ​​frekvenshållningsreserver 2024–2030 : En prognos för utvecklingen av marknadsvärdet för frekvenshållningsreserverna FCR-N, FCR-D upp och FCR-D ned på den svenska balansmarknaden mellan 2024 och 2030 / The Development of the Market Value of Swedish Frequency Containment Reserves 2024–2030 : A forecast for the development of the market value for the frequency containment reserves FCR-N, FCR-D up and FCR-D down in the Swedish balancing market between 2024 and 2030

Ludvig, Aldén, Gustav, Espefält, Gabriel, Gabro January 2024 (has links)
I takt med en ökad andel variabel förnybar elproduktion i Sveriges energimix blir elnätets flexibilitet allt viktigare för att upprätthålla en stabil elförsörjning. Detta arbete undersöker framtida prognoser för priser och volymer på de svenska frekvenshållningsreserverna FCR-N, FCR-D upp och FCR-D ned fram till år 2030. Prognoser för sådan utveckling är viktiga för elmarknadens aktörer och deras beslut att investera i flexibilitetsresurser. SARIMAX-modeller utvecklades baserade på historisk data och antaganden om framtida utvecklingar, vilka i sin tur grundades på en intervju med en branschexpert samt aktuella kartläggningar och rapporter. Resultaten visar på en markant nedåtgående pristrend. För FCR-N prognostiseras priserna sjunka med 367 % från 2024 till 2030, från 29 euro/MW till 5 euro/MW. FCR-D upp förväntas följa en liknande trend med ett prisfall på 325 %, från 20 euro/MW år 2024 till 4 euro/MW år 2030. Den kraftigaste prisnedgången prognostiseras för FCR-D ned, där priserna beräknas rasa med över 1900 % under samma period - från 61 euro/MW år 2024 till endast 3 euro/MW år 2030. Vad gäller volymer visar prognoserna på en relativt stabil utveckling kring upphandlingsplanerna, med en viss ökning för FCR-D ned på 44 % från 2024 till 2030. Den pågående etableringen av batterilager förutses ha stor påverkan genom att öka konkurrensen och pressa priserna nedåt. De låga prisnivåerna 2030 kan dock göra det utmanande att motivera investeringar enbart baserat på intäkter från FCR-marknader. Vidare diskuteras modellernas begränsningar samt behovet av framtida forskning kring batteriteknik, råvaruaspekter och avancerade simuleringsmodeller för att bättre förstå marknadsdynamiken. / As the share of variable renewable electricity production increases in Sweden's energy mix, the flexibility of the power grid becomes increasingly important to maintain a stable electricity supply. This study aims to forecast prices and volumes of the Swedish frequency containment reserves FCR-N, FCR-D up, and FCR-D down until 2030. Forecasts of such developments are important for electricity market participants and their decisions to invest in flexibility resources. SARIMAX models were developed based on historical data and assumptions about future developments, which in turn were based on an interview with an industry expert as well as current reports. The results indicate a significant downward price trend. For FCR-N, prices are forecasted to decrease by 367% from 2024 to 2030, dropping from 29 euros/MW to 5 euros/MW. FCR-D up is expected to follow a similar trend with a 325% price drop, from 20 euros/MW in 2024 to 4 euros/MW in 2030. The sharpest price decline is forecasted for FCR-D down, where prices are estimated to plummet by over 1900% during the same period - from 61 euros/MW in 2024 to only 3 euros/MW in 2030. Regarding volumes, the forecasts show a relatively stable development around the procurement plans, with a certain increase for FCR-D down by 44% from 2024 to 2030. The ongoing establishment of battery storage is expected to have a major impact by increasing competition and putting downward pressure on prices. However, the low price levels in 2030 may make it challenging to justify investments based solely on revenues from FCR markets. Furthermore, the limitations of the models are discussed, as well as the need for future research on battery technology, raw material aspects, and advanced simulation models to better understand market dynamics.

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