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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Landsbygdsutveckling i strandnära lägen : En studie av LIS som planeringsverktyg i Norrbotten

Eriksson, Sara January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate how the planning tool LIS, countryside development in areas close to shores has been applied in Norrbotten County. And what problems the municipalities experience in the planning process. Today's regulations for rural development in coastal locations have been criticized in investigations and by politicians for lacking geographical flexibility and that the planning tool isn’t adapted for sparsely populated areas. The study is a case study where the empirical evidence is mainly based on documents and investigations linked to rural development in coastal locations. The analysis has been carried out using broad thematic concepts. To get a greater understanding of how the planning tool is used in Norrbotten, interviews have been conducted with three municipalities with large rural areas. All those interviewed work with or have experience of the planning tool. The study shows that rural development in coastal locations has several problems with the enforcement and interpretation of the regulations. And that the planning tool itself does not contribute to rural development but that it can be seen as part of a larger context. However, two of the municipalities express that LIS is important to their municipalities to be able to offer attractive beach plots. A new report presented in December 2020, which aims to improve current regulations, has been received with some positive caution. The municipalities believe that the presented improvements are a step in the right direction towards a more geographically flexible regulatory framework. But that there are still major shortcomings in the enforcement of the regulations and that the municipalities need to have a greater influence in decisions regarding establishment in rural areas.

Strandnära bebyggelse : En kartläggande studie av faktorer som påverkar den strandnära bebyggelsen i Sveriges kommuner och regioner år 2018 / Beachfront buildings : An analytic study of factors that affect the beachfront development in Sweden's municipalities and regions in 2018

Ottosson, Johan, Mård, Kevin January 2021 (has links)
Debatten om strandskydd har varit ett aktuellt ämne sedan riksdagen antog den första permanenta strandlagen år 1953. Sveriges 290 kommuner och 21 regioner innehar varierande geografiska förutsättningar och ställs inför olika utmaningar. Landsbygdens krympande utveckling gav upphov till framväxten av LIS men har framväxten av LIS bidragit till en ökad strandnära bebyggelse? Utbytet mellan stad och land är idag mer intensivt än tidigare. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar utvecklingen av strandnära bebyggelse och skapa förståelse varför det byggs fler strandnära byggnader på olika geografiska platser. Vidare syftar uppsatsen till att kartlägga den strandnära bebyggelsen i Sveriges samtliga 290 kommuner och 21 regioner för år 2018. Syftet har resulterat i följande frågeställningar: Hur ser utbredningen av strandnära bebyggelse ut i Sveriges kommuner och regioner och var är strandnära bebyggelse mest koncentrerat? Vilka faktorer påverkar strandnära bebyggelse? Har utpekandet av LIS-områden bidragit till mer strandnära bebyggelse? För att besvara frågeställningarna genomfördes en totalundersökning med den kvantitativa metoden sekundäranalys av offentlig statistik. Studiens kartläggning av strandnära bebyggelse år 2018 visade att det byggdes mest i städer och i anslutning till städer med pendlingsavstånd. Om hänsyn till demografin och befolkningsmängden beaktades visade studien att det byggdes mest på landsbygden. Studien visade att faktorerna geografisk komposition, antal sjöar och antal kilometer strandlinje påverkar hur mycket det byggs i strandnära läge medan faktorn politisk styre inte hade någon påverkan. Vidare visade studien att kommuner med utpekade LIS-områden inte har påverkat eller bidragit till en ökad strandnära bebyggelse i jämförelse med kommuner som inte har utpekade LIS-områden. / The debate on shoreline protection has been a topical issue since the Swedish Parliament adopted the first permanent law of shoreline protection in 1953. Sweden's 290 municipalities and 21 regions have varying geographical conditions and are faced with various challenges.The shrinking development of rural areas gave rise to the growth of LIS, but does the emergence of LIS contribute to an increase in beach development? The exchange between city and countryside is more intense today than before. The essay aims to investigate which factors affect beachfront development and create an understanding of why more beachfront buildings are being built in different geographical locations. Furthermore, the essay aims to analyze the beachfront development in all of Sweden's 290 municipalities and 21 regions for 2018. The purpose has resulted in the following issues: How does the distribution of beachfront buildings look like in Sweden's municipalities and regions, and where is beachfront development most concentrated? What factors affect beachfront development? Has the designation of LIS-areas contributed to more beachfront development? To answer the following issues, a comprehensive survey was conducted by using the quantitative method secondary analysis of official statistics. The study's survey of beachfront development in 2018 showed that it was built mostly in cities and connected to cities with commuting distances. If the demographic and population is taken into consideration, the study showed that it was built mostly in the countryside. The study showed that the factors geographical composition, number of lakes, and number of kilometers of shoreline affect the number of buildings close to the beach, while the factor political governance did not affect. Furthermore, the study showed that municipalities with designated LIS-areas have not affected or contributed to increased beachfront development, in comparison with municipalities that do not have designated LIS-areas.

Landsbygdsutveckling i strandnära lägen : Utveckling av LIS-områden i Dalarnas län

Dahlvik, Simon, Grönlund, Jesper January 2021 (has links)
Strandskyddet upprättades för att trygga tillgången till strandområden för allmänheten och för att skydda djur- och växtliv från exploatering. Landsbygdsutveckling i strandnära lägen (LIS) togs fram för att inom ramen av översiktsplanering ge kommuner möjlighet till utveckling av landsbygden. LIS har dock visat sig otillräckligt i vissa avseenden och många kommuner i Sverige har uttryckt missnöje med strandskyddslagen. Syftet med studien är att bidra till en bättre landsbygdsutveckling genom att undersöka hur kommunernas framtagande av LIS-områden ser ut i Dalarnas län. Förslag på förändringar pågår i en strandskyddsutredning och därför ska studien även undersöka hur kommunerna i fortsättningen tänker arbeta med strandskyddsutredningen. Studien använder sig av tre olika metoder. Inledningsvis granskades miljöbalken, översiktsplaner samt strandskyddsutredningen. Vidare genomfördes intervjuer och enkäter, som besvarades av utvalda personer på kommunerna. Kommunerna använder sig av ytterligare kriterier i deras översiktsplaner som inte förekommer i lagtexten. Exempel på dessa kriterier är vatten och avlopp, infrastruktur, service och attraktivt område. Dessa kriterier är mer av betydelse för de ekonomiska faktorerna. Kommunerna i denna studie är positiva till att strandskyddslagstiftningen ses över, eftersom de anser att LIS-tillägget är svårtolkat. Kommunerna har däremot många åsikter om strandskyddsutredningen och menar att den fokuserar på fel saker. Länsstyrelsen kommer fortfarande ha stort inflytande och kommunerna menar att beslut om att helt eller delvis upphäva strandskydd i stället bör ske på en kommunal nivå eftersom lokalkännedomen är högre hos kommunerna. Resultatet av studien är en mall med kriterier för kommunerna i Dalarnas län som kan användas vid utpekning av LIS-områden och fungerar som underlag för kommuner att använda i geografiska informationssystem samt multikriterieanalyser för att utveckla landsbygden. Mallen visar att kriterier som biologisk mångfald; riksintresse naturvärden; landsbygdsutveckling samt befintlig bebyggelse värderas högt av kommunerna. / The Swedish shore protection law aims to make shores accessible to the public and provide good conditions for plants and animals. Therefore, a shore protection law was established that protects against exploitation. Rural development in shore sites (LIS) was implemented within the boundaries of city planning, as a tool for the Swedish municipalities to develop the countryside. LIS has proven to be insufficient, and a lot of the Swedish municipalities have expressed dissatisfaction with the LIS addition. The purpose of this study is to contribute to an improved rural development by examining the process behind the selected rural development sites (LIS) by the municipalities. The Swedish government is currently investigating the public shore protection laws, and the investigation might lead to significant changes to the laws. This study will also compile the municipalities view on the ongoing investigation and how it might impact rural development in the future. This study utilizes three different methods. Initially a document study was performed in order to gain knowledge on the subject, followed by an interview and survey by the participating municipalities. When suggesting suitable locations for LIS, the municipalities use some criteria beyond the ones addressed by the Shore Protection laws. Examples of these type of criteria are sewer systems, infrastructure, service, and attractiveness of the area. These criteria are highly valued because of the economic opportunities that they provide. Every municipality’s overall perception of which areas that are suitable for LIS, is based on a selection of different criteria. These areas are further investigated to decide whether exploitation is possible. This investigation is done with different aspects in mind, such as, natural values, cultural environment and flooding. The municipalities in this study are all in favor of changing the public shore protection laws because the execution is problematic and difficult to interpret. However, they proclaim that the ongoing investigation by the government is focusing on the wrong areas and that the suggested law changes are not enough to further enhance the development of the Swedish countryside. The result of this study is a table containing different criteria that the municipalities in Dalarna county can use when designating their rural development shore sites (LIS) in geographical information systems. The criteria table shows that public health, biodiversity, rural development, natural values and existing buildings, are highly valued by the municipalities.

Domácí násilí na ženách a informovanost o něm mezi potenciálními oběťmi / Domestic violence against women and awareness about it among potencial victims

Vyhnalová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The following thesis examines domestic violence against women, and information relating to it, for potential victims. It is divided into two main parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part includes seven main chapters, which gives answers to basic questions about the problems. It is aimed at a general description of domestic violence and those involved in it including the offenders, victims and children affected by it, who often get caught in between the offender and victim parents. Also covered are proposals of how to help these women and the institutions which offer help. Rudimentary legislation is examined, and its current implementation in the Czech republic, using data from recent research and statistics. The practical part seeks to establish the depth of awareness about domestic violence against women among potential victims, and to distinguish the differences experienced by women living in the countryside as compared to women living in city. To this end, there has been research carried out, the results of which, include valuable and new advice on how to improve awareness about domestic violence against women.

Milíčeves – sídlo v krajině / Milíčeves – City in the Landscape

Jindrák, Matěj January 2018 (has links)
This thesis focuses on countryside and village as a settlement in landscape. It approaches countryside as a whole directly connected to landscape and proposes its dveloppement on the basis of interaction with local comunity as well as on the basis of principals following on local experience. Working with these principals this thesis approaches the village Slatiny-Milíčeves and proposes design of three places somehow important for the village: complex of ancient parish buildings, village square of Slatiny village and new housing developement of Milíčeves village.

Dvougenerační dům na Slovensku / Two-generation housing in Slovakia

Šebová, Petra January 2018 (has links)
The proposal deals with the topic of living in multi-generational family houses built in Slovakia in the 1970’s. Despite the former ability of the owners to adapt the original architects’ plan towards their own preferences, nowadays they feel discomfort using the house. The image of multi-generational usage of the house turned out to be false over the time. Currently the houses are only partially inhabited and the demanding maintenance of the large house is increasingly difficult for its original inhabitants, who are usually already retired. The project suggests transformation of the large family houses into flats while at the same time presents an alternative to the development of municipal housing in the village, currently planned by local authorities.

Why City Tourism? : Perceptions, attitudes and motivations for countryside people to visit city destinations as tourists

Wallström, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
Perceptions and attitudes can have a major impact on the motivations for countryside people to visit city destinations as tourists. The findings from this study present the two major motivations; extraordinary experiences and travelling for specific events, along with several further aspects, which motivate people in the countryside to visit cities. However, the motivations can change over time and are not necessarily the same for each visit, thus, the motivations are essential for the decision-making process, travel intentions, as well as meeting the personal wants and needs when travelling. But still, to research the motivations for countryside people to visit city destinations as tourists, it is important to learn their travel behaviour and understand their perceptions and attitudes toward cities, as these aspects have a major impact on the decision-making process, frequency of travel, and choice of destinations. Although, other perspectives impact the decision-making process as well, such as destination image, travel distance, transport, accessibility, economy, and time availability. This indicates that people who live in the countryside tend to travel to cities only for a shorter amount of time, such as weekends or long-weekends, to experience something they cannot in their everyday life, which in turn can feel luxurious. Therefore, the majority of the countryside people associate cities with positive experiences, but the general associations with cities are negative, due to the fact that they would not choose to stay here for longer than their travel intentions.    The purpose of this research is to investigate the motivations of people who live in the countryside to visit city destinations as tourists, study their perceptions and attitudes toward cities and how this impacts their decision-making process and general perspectives of cities. Interviews with 30 people who currently live in the countryside will support the research and answer the research questions, to provide results and connect this back to previous research, which have helped to support the results of this study as well. Suggestions are made for further research on this topic or similar aspects, which can help to improve the understanding of the countryside people’s travel behaviour. As a major theme in the tourism industry is to learn and understand the tourist and the travel behaviours, it is important to do so from all aspects, which could benefit both the traveller, suppliers and further research. The perspectives that have been investigated in this study, have not been researched before, and therefore, it may provide for new opportunities and knowledge about the topic that could benefit future research. Furthermore, future research can help to support the results and knowledge contribution from this research, providing similar results, and improve knowledge about city tourism in the future.

Právní úprava pozemkových úprav / Legal aspects of land consolidation

Brychta, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
Since the second half of the 19th century the land consolidation has been carried out as an administrative proceeding in the territory of the Czech Republic. As a result of a gradual development, the scope of land consolidation is becoming broader and goals of the proceeding are becoming more and more ambitious. What issues can be solved using land consolidation and which instruments are used to accomplish that? How do public and private interests affect the land consolidation and parties to the proceeding? What is, or rather what should be the course of the land consolidation proceedings? Are measures adopted in the proceeding actually being implemented in the landscape? Submitted master's thesis draws attention to substantive and procedural aspects of the matter, relevant case law, as well as statistical data and other evidence regarding concluded land consolidation. The first part of the thesis deals with historical development of land consolidation, focusing on the 19th and 20th century. This chapter aims to allow for a better understanding of the basis of the effective legal regulation, which adopts some former concepts, while firmly abandoning others. The second part represents a first introduction to the effective legal framework of the land consolidation. Using statistical data this chapter...

Die reichstrukturierte Agrarlandschaft - ein unbeachteter Lebensraum für die gefährdete Europäische Wildkatze (Felis silvestris)

Jerosch, Saskia 20 July 2021 (has links)
Seit Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts wird eine Ausbreitung der solitär lebenden und streng geschützten Europäischen Wildkatze (Felis silvestris) registriert, die sich auch aus den bewaldeten Lebensräumen in die weitgehend offene Agrarlandschaft erstreckt. Kenntnisse über Lebensraumansprüche in diesen Landschaftsausschnitten liegen bisher für die Art nicht vor. Ziel der Studie ist es, erstmalig Daten zur Raumnutzung aus einem bisher kaum bekannten Lebensraum zu erfassen. Der ökologische Erkenntnisgewinn soll Empfehlungen für lebensraumverbessernde Maßnahmen in landwirtschaftlich geprägten Kulturlandschaften erbringen, die auch den Individuenaustausch zwischen Populationen der Art fördern. Die Ergebnisse der Telemetriestudie in der Goldenen Aue belegen eine regelmäßige Nutzung der reichstrukturierten Agrarlandschaft durch etablierte Individuen. Darüber hinaus wurde ein erfolgreiches Reproduktionsereignis dokumentiert. Das Geschlechterverhältnis und die Altersstruktur der erfassten Tiere (n = 11) waren ausgeglichen. Die Aktionsraumgrößen der Kater stimmten weitgehend mit dem in bewaldeten Lebensräumen ermittelten Raumanspruch männlicher Wildkatzen überein. Weibliche Wildkatzen nutzten in der reichstrukturierten Agrarlandschaft deutlich (um ca. 60 %) kleinere Streifgebiete als ihre Artgenossinnen in den bewaldeten Lebensräumen. Die Studie bestätigt die strenge Bindung der Wildkatze an deckungsbietende Strukturen. Die Analyse zur Habitatnutzung ergaben geschlechterspezifische Unterschiede: Während weibliche Wildkatzen in dem agrarisch dominierten Landschaftsausschnitt eher eine Bindung an flächige Strukturelemente, wie Feldgehölze- und kleine Waldinseln sowie aus der Nutzung genommene Streuobstwiesen zeigten, nutzten Kater hier lineare Elemente, wie strukturreiche Uferstreifen von Still-, und Fließgewässern sowie Weg- und Ackersäume intensiver. Die Daten belegen, dass der bisher unbeachtete Lebensraum – die reichstrukturierte Agrarlandschaft - durchaus alle wichtigen Lebensraumfunktionen für die Europäische Wildkatze erfüllen kann. Ein Grund für die geringe Größe der weiblichen Streifgebiete ist eine streng auf qualitativ hochwertige Habitatstrukturen begrenzte Lebensraumnutzung. Dabei scheint neben der Nahrungsverfügbarkeit ein ausreichend hohes Angebot deckungsbietender Strukturen in der Strauch- bis Baumklasse ausschlaggebend für eine Etablierung von Weibchen zu sein. In landwirtschaftlich geprägten Kulturlandschaften ist bei einer Mindestausstattung an deckungsbietenden Habitaten mit dem Vorkommen etablierter und reproduzierender Wildkatzen zu rechnen, insbesondere in der Peripherie besiedelter Waldlebensräume. Eine Prüfung der artenschutzrechtlichen Verträglichkeit im Rahmen der planungsrechtlichen Eingriffsregelung sollte zukünftig auch auf die angrenzenden Offenlandschaften (bis zu 4km) von bewaldeten Lebensräumen ausgeweitet werden. Als lebensraumverbessernde Maßnahme wird grundsätzlich eine Erhöhung der Strukturvielfalt in der Agrarlandschaft durch Schaffung oder/und Erhaltung von kleinräumigen Strukturen wie Feldgehölzen, Hecken und breiten Feld-Gewässerrainen mit aufkommender Sukzession empfohlen. Darüber hinaus gewährt dies einen Individuenaustausch zwischen räumlich getrennt voneinander liegenden (Teil)Populationen. / Since the end of the twentieth century, the solitary and strictly protected European wildcat (Felis silvestris) has spread from wooded habitats across the largely open agricultural landscape. Knowledge about habitat requirements in these landscape sections is not yet available for the species. The aim of the study is, for the first time, to generate space use data from so far less known habitat. The ecological gain of knowledge should provide recommendations for habitat-improving measures in agriculturally influenced cultural landscapes, which also promote the exchange of individuals between populations of the species. The results from the Golden Aue prove a regular use of a richly structured agricultural landscape by established individuals. In addition, a successful reproduction event was documented. The sex ratio and the age structure of the recorded animals (n = 11) were balanced. The home range sizes of males were largely consistent with the space requirement determined in wooded habitats. In a richly structured agricultural landscape, female animals clearly used (about 60 %) smaller home ranges than their conspecifics in the wooded habitats. The study confirms the strict binding of the wildcat to cover-providing structures. Gender differences were found: While females were more likely to be bound to areal structural elements such as copses, orchards and small forest islands, males used linear elements more extensively than females, such as structurally rich riparian strips of waterbodies and field margins in the agricultural landscape. The data show that the so far neglected habitat - the richly-structured agricultural landscape - can fulfill all important habitat functions for the European wildcat. One reason for the small female home ranges is probably an exclusive use of high-quality habitats, which in addition to the food availability also provide sufficient hiding places. In agricultural landscapes, assuming at least a minimum of cover habitats, the presence of established and reproducing wildcats can be expected, at least in the periphery of forest habitats. Increasing structural diversity in the agricultural landscape through the creation or / and preservation of small-scale structures such as copses, hedgerows and broad field-watercourses with emerging succession is recommended as habitat-improving measures. In addition, it provides for an exchange of individuals between spatially separated (sub) populations. In the future, an examination of the species protection compatibility in the context of the planning intervention regulations should also be extended to the adjacent open landscapes (up to 4 km) of forested habitats.

Exploatering och utveckling av det gotländska kustlandskapet / Exploitation and development of the Gotland coastal landscape

Pettersson, Ida January 2021 (has links)
Plan- och bygglagen är den lag i Sverige som sätter ramarna för allt byggande, mark- och vattenanvändning i samhället. I enighet med bestämmelser i PBL ska varje kommun ha en byggnadsnämnd som handlägger och beslutar om enskilda bygglovsärenden. Byggnadsnämnden har även tillsynsansvar för att förändringar och nybyggnationer som utförs sker i samklang med gällande lagstiftning och föreskrifter i PBL.    Utifrån vad som står i olika artiklar i Gotlands lokaltidning och yttranden i kommunala handlingar är det tydligt att landsbygdsutveckling väcker stort engagemang hos många människor med anknytning till Gotland. Artiklarna ger uttryck för att det är många som är positiva till att utveckling sker men att det också finns en stor oro för att förstora och omfattande förändringar kan påverka den gotländska landsbygdens välbevarade kultur- och naturmiljöers olika kvalitéer och värden negativt.       Vid kustområdena på Gotland går det att skåda renoveringar och nybyggnationer som i vissa avseenden verkar avvika från bestämmelser som finns i PBL. Om en stor mängd olovliga förändringar går obemärkt förbi kan det medföra påtagliga konsekvenser för kustens säregna prägel, värdefulla natur- och kulturvärden, eftersom dessa då riskeras att byggas bort.        Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur olika kulturmiljöer vid kustlandskapet på Gotland påverkas av utveckling och exploatering. Vilka bevarandeintentioner beskrivs i kommunala handlingarna och hur efterlevs dessa i praktiken då områden utvecklas? Frågeställningarna i arbetet är “hur efterlevs bevarandeintentionen som beskrivs i kommunala handlingar i praktiken?” och “hur ser hanteringen av kulturarvet ut inom de olika utvecklingsområdena som undersöks? Finns det exempelvis några specifika skillnader mellan LIS-områdena och områdena som inte är LIS?”.         Arbetet avgränsas till att undersöka fem kustnära platser på den gotländska landsbygden. Platserna är Tofta strand, Slite Othem, Vändburg hamn i Hamra, Herrvik hamn i Östergarn samt Kyrkviken på Fårö. Vändburg, Herrvik och Kyrkviken utgör även utpekade områden som kan utvecklas genom LIS. Det är intressant att studera hur kulturarvet påverkas och hanteras vid olika former av utvecklingsområden (exempelvis LIS-områden och områden som inte är LIS) till följd av att hela Gotlands kust berörs av riksintresset enligt 4 kap. 2§ Miljöbalken.        Utifrån undersökningen som gjorts är det endast utvecklingsområdet Slite Othem som till viss del uppfyller de bevarandeintentioner som kommunen på Gotland har. Det visar på att målsättningarna som kommunen har gällande bevarandet av vårt gemensamma natur- och kulturarv inte uppnås och att utpekade bevarandevärda kultur- och naturvärden riskerar att gå förlorade. Att det ser ut så beror utifrån de slutsatser som dragits bland annat på att strategiska dokument inte bibehåller den vägledande funktionen som de är avsedda att ha då ekonomiska intressen gör sig påminda. Det är även problematiskt att enskilda bygglov beviljas intill strandskyddsgränsen och intill de föreslagna utvecklingsområdena eftersom det bidrar till att förändringarna i slutändan blir väldigt omfattande vid dessa områden.        Att finna balans mellan bevarande och utveckling är troligtvis lättare i teorin än vad det är i praktiken. Det tål dock att framhållas att det finns många goda exempel där det lyckats. Min uppfattning är att bevarandearbetet inte handlar om att förhindra utveckling, utan det handlar snarare om att hitta kompromisser som bidrar till att gamla kulturmiljöer kan finnas kvar samtidigt som nya skapas. Sammanfattningsvis är inte en förändring det största problemet utan det är sammantaget alla förändringar som på sikt kan bli riskfullt för kulturarvet. / The Planning and Building Act is the law in Sweden that sets the framework for all construction, land and water use in society. In accordance with the provisions of the PBL, each municipality shall have a building committee that handles and decides on individual building permit matters. The Building Board also has supervisory responsibility for ensuring that changes and new constructions that are carried out take place in accordance with current legislation and regulations in PBL.    Based on what is stated in various articles in Gotland's local newspaper and opinions in municipal documents, it´s clear that rural development arouses great commitment among many people related to Gotland. The articles express that there are many who are positive that development is taking place, but that there is also great concern about enlarging and extensive changes can affect the Gotland countryside's well-preserved cultural and natural environments' different qualities and values negatively.    At the coastal areas on Gotland, it´s possible to see renovations and new constructions that in some respects seem to deviate from the provisions contained in the PBL. If many illegal changes go unnoticed, it can lead to significant consequences for the coast's distinctive character, valuable natural and cultural values because designated values may be removed.    The purpose of this study is to investigate how different cultural environments in the coastal landscape on Gotland are affected by development and exploitation. What conservation intentions are described in the municipal documents and how are these complied in practice when areas are developed? The questions in the work are "how is the conservation intention described in municipal documents complied in practice?" and “what does the management of cultural heritage look like in the various areas of development that are being investigated? For example, are there any specific differences between the LIS areas and the non-LIS areas?”.    The work is limited to exploring five coastal sites in Gotland countryside. These places are Tofta beach, Slite Othem, Vändburg harbor in Hamra, Herrvik harbor in Östergarn and Kyrkviken on Fårö. Vändburg, Herrvik and Kyrkviken are also designated areas that can be developed through LIS. It´s interesting to study how the cultural heritage is affected and managed in various forms of development areas (for example LIS areas and areas that are not LIS) because of the entire Gotland coast being affected by national interest according to 4 ch. 2§ of the Environmental Code.    Based on the survey it´s only the Slite Othem development area that to some extent fulfills the conservation intentions that the municipality on Gotland has. This indicates that the objectives that the municipality has regarding the preservation of our common natural- and cultural heritage are not achieved and that designated cultural and natural values worthy of preservation risk being lost.    Based on the conclusions that have been drawn has the strategic documents not retain the guiding function that they shall have when economic interests are reminded. It´s also problematic that individual building permits are granted next to the shore protection boundary and next to the proposed development areas, as this contributes to the changes ultimately being very extensive in the area.     Finding balance between conservation and development is probably easier in theory than it is in practice. However it´s worth emphasizing that there are many good examples where it has succeeded. My view is that conservation work is not about preventing development, but rather about finding compromises that contribute to old cultural environments being able to remain while new ones are created. In summary is one change not the biggest problem, it´s all the changes that in the long run can be risky for the cultural heritage.

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