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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On the banking systems of transition economies ; the occurrence of crises /

Strîmbu, Octavian. January 2006 (has links)
Thèse (M.A.)--Université Laval, 2006. / Bibliogr.: f. [33]-35. Publié aussi en version électronique.

Management sous stress : prise en compte du facteur "stress aigu" dans la gestion de crise : les impacts du stress aigu sur les capacités du décideur en situation de crise / Management under stress : integration of acute stress in crisis management : the acute stress's impacts on managers capabilities in crisis situation

Vraie, Benoît 25 April 2017 (has links)
L'intégration du facteur "stress aigu" dans les problématiques de Management des Hommes équivaut à revisiter les apports et théories des Sciences de Gestion, à réinterroger et à apporter un éclairage nouveau sur des concepts fondamentaux du Management. Ainsi, il apparait que la performance et la capacité de restitution des compétences acquises par les individus dépendent directement de leur niveau de stress. En effet, en fonction du déséquilibre entre la perception qu'une personne a des contraintes que lui impose son environnement et la perception qu'elle a de ses propres ressources pour y faire face, il est possible que la dose de stress générée permette une optimisation de son comportement ou a contrario inhibe ses capacités. A ce titre, les managers doivent se préparer à savoir gérer la crise non seulement aux niveaux techniques et organisationnels mais également en prenant en compte les dimensions comportementales et psychologiques, dont le facteur "stress aigu". Ils doivent également avoir présent à l'esprit que la crise peut impacter leur propre psychologie mais également celles de leurs collaborateurs. Pour l'ensemble de ces raisons, le "stress aigu" est un des éléments fondamentaux à prendre en compte pour les auteurs qui s'intéressent aux problématiques de gestion de crise, de résilience et de fiabilité organisationnelle. / The integration of the "acute stress" factor in the problems of Human Management entails revisiting contributions and theories of Management Sciences, reexamining and shedding new light on fundamental concepts of Management. Thus, it appears that the performance and the capacity of restitution of skills acquired by individuals, depends directly on their level of stress. In fact, depending on the imbalance between the perception that a person has of the constraints imposed by his environment and the perception that he bas of his own resources in order to face them, it is possible that the level of stress generated allows an optimization of his behavior or in contrast, inhibits his abilities. Therefore, managers must be prepared to manage the crisis not only at technical and organizational levels, but also by taking into account the behavioral and psychological dimensions, including the "acute stress" factor. They must also bear in mind that the crisis can affect their own behavior as well as their colleague's behavior. For all these reasons, "acute stress" is one of the fundamental elements to be taken into account for authors who are interested in issues of crisis management, resilience and organizational reliability.

The failure of dissent : public opposition to Irish economic policy, 2000-2006

Casey, Ciarán Michael January 2016 (has links)
The Irish crash that began in 2008 has been described as one of the most dramatic economic reversals ever experienced by an industrialised country. There is a strong consensus about the economic roots of the crisis: the country experienced a classic asset bubble. Much more difficult to explain however, is how a mature democracy sleep-walked into a crisis that had so much precedent and in retrospect seems to have been so apparent. The policy decisions made in the boom period must shoulder much of the blame, but they were not created in a vacuum. This thesis systematically examines the discourse on the Irish economy from a broad range of commentators in the years prior to the crash, including international and domestic organisations, academics, the newspapers, and politicians. It demonstrates that key mainstream analysts anticipated how the property boom would end on the basis of estimated fundamental house prices and demand levels. This implicitly assumed that these fundamentals would remain strong as the boom abated, and ignored the potential for a market panic. By contrast, the most prescient analysts relied heavily on international precedent, and recognised that property price falls would be closely correlated with the increase observed during the boom. A key dimension of the discourse was therefore how the lessons of financial history were applied or disregarded. The Irish crash that began in 2008 has been described as one of the most dramatic economic reversals ever experienced by an industrialised country. There is a strong consensus about the economic roots of the crisis: the country experienced a classic asset bubble. Much more difficult to explain however, is how a mature democracy sleep-walked into a crisis that had so much precedent and in retrospect seems to have been so apparent. The policy decisions made in the boom period must shoulder much of the blame, but they were not created in a vacuum. This thesis systematically examines the discourse on the Irish economy from a broad range of commentators in the years prior to the crash, including international and domestic organisations, academics, the newspapers, and politicians. It demonstrates that key mainstream analysts anticipated how the property boom would end on the basis of estimated fundamental house prices and demand levels. This implicitly assumed that these fundamentals would remain strong as the boom abated, and ignored the potential for a market panic. By contrast, the most prescient analysts relied heavily on international precedent, and recognised that property price falls would be closely correlated with the increase observed during the boom. A key dimension of the discourse was therefore how the lessons of financial history were applied or disregarded.

Émergence et usages du concept de résilience dans les mondes académique et institutionnel / Emergence and uses of the concept of resilience in the academic and institutional worlds

Bourcart, Léo 18 December 2015 (has links)
Depuis le début de la décennie 2000, l’usage du concept de résilience est devenu récurrent, voire incontournable dans les domaines institutionnels de l’aide internationale (aide d’urgence, aide au développement) et de la sécurité civile (prévention, protection de la population, gestion des risques et des crises). Le concept de résilience fait parallèlement l'objet d'usages variés et parfois beaucoup plus anciens en psychologie, en géographie, dans le domaine de l'écologie, en sociologie, en science politique, en sciences de gestion et en ergonomie. Ce travail de thèse vise précisément à identifier et faire l'inventaire de ces différents usages académiques et institutionnels. La première partie recense les usages du concept de résilience dans les différentes disciplines et domaines de recherche précédemment évoqués. La seconde partie recense dans un premier temps l'usage du concept de résilience au sein des principales institutions et ONG d'aide internationale. Elle recense dans un second temps les usages du concept de résilience au sein des institutions et organisations directement concernées par les questions de sécurité civile au niveau international et européen et aux niveaux nationaux américain, britannique et français. Elle montre que l'usage du concept de résilience correspond à un processus de reconfiguration et de relégitimation de leurs activités dans un contexte de persistance des situations de crise qui a progressivement fragilisé les conditions de leur mise en œuvre. / Since the beginning of the decade 2000, the concept of resilience has been repeatedly used in the institutional fields of international aid (emergency aid, development aid) and civil security (prevention, population protection, risks and crises management) until becoming impossible to ignore. In parallel, the concept of resilience has been used in various disciplines for a much longer time, like in psychology, geography, in the field of ecology, in political science, in management studies and in ergonomics. This thesis work precisely aims at identifying and making the inventory of these different academic and institutional uses. The first part of the thesis provides an accounting of the different uses of the concept of resilience in the disciplines and search fields previously mentioned. The second part is primarly focused on the use of the concept of resilience by the main international aid institutions and NGOs. It is secondly focused on the uses of the concept of resilience by the institutions and organizations directly involved in civil security issues at an international and European level and at a national level with the United States, the United Kingdom and France. It shows that the use of the concept of resilience can be interpreted as a reconfiguration process of their activity in a context where crises persistently happen and progressively weaken their own legitimacy and conditions of action.

Argent et capitalisme : de Marx aux monnaies du commun / Money and Capitalism : from Marx to common’s coins

Gallo Lassere, Davide 27 November 2015 (has links)
Les analyses développées dans cette thèse de doctorat visent à mettre en évidence le rôle éminemment politique de la monnaie. À la différence de ce que soutient la doxa néoclassique, la monnaie n'est pas neutre du point de vue économico-politique. Elle matérialise des rapports de force qui traversent toute la société et qui s’avèrent riches d’implications variées.La recherche se divise en trois parties : « Argent et capitalisme », « Argent et néocapitalisme », « Argent et postcapitalisme ». Elles sont précédées par une préface, dans laquelle j’expose ma démarche épistémologique, et par une introduction ontologique, dans laquelle je me place du point de vue de la projectualité sociétale de subjectivités qui luttent pour réinventer l’argent en fonction de leurs besoins et de leurs exigences. La première partie de la thèse, à travers une analyse croisée de l’oeuvre de Marx, de Simmel et de Keynes, se focalise sur les caractéristiques principales de la monnaie capitaliste : outil de domination, facteur de mobilisation des passions et vecteur de transformation sociale. La deuxième partie explore les aspects cruciaux de la crise néocapitaliste : le redéploiement global du régime d’accumulation, la financiarisation de la vie quotidienne et l’institution de l’euro. La troisième partie, après avoir envisagé les conditions d’une transition postcapitaliste, examine deux pratiques susceptibles de déclencher des processus nouveaux de subjectivation politique : les revendications d’un revenu social garanti et les expérimentations de circuits monétaires complémentaires. Les conclusions sociopolitiques esquissent enfin quelques pistes qui visent à articuler une théorie générale des monnaies du commun. / The analyses developed in my doctoral dissertation intend to stress the eminently political function played by money. Unlike neoclassic economic theory, I argue that currency is not neutral in economic and political terms. It materializes the power relationships that influence society, producing effects of different nature. The research consists of three parts: “Money and capitalism”, “Money and neocapitalism”, “Money and postcapitalism”. They are introduced by a preface in which I present my epistemological approach and by an ontological introduction, in which I focus on the social projects of the subjectivities who struggle to reinvent money adapting it to their needs. The first part of the dissertation, through a reading of the works of Marx, Simmel and Keynes, focuses on the main features of capitalist money: a tool for domination, a mobiliser of passions and a vector of social transformation. The second part explores some key elements of the crisis of neocapitalism: the global redeployment of the regime of accumulation, financialization of everyday life and the institution of euro. The third part, after an evaluation of the conditions of postcapitalistic transition, examines two practices capable to trigger original processes of political subjectivation: claims for a guaranteed social income and experimenting complementary monetary circuits. Finally, in the socio-political conclusions I delineate some paths in order to articulate a general theory of the common’s coins.

Gudrun, Per eller kanske Vladimir? : - En studie av svenska kommuners arbete med krisberedskap och civilt försvar / Gudrun, Per or Vladimir? : - A case study on crisis management and civil defense in Swedish municipalities

Elardt, Oscar, Liberg, Emelie January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att i ett förändrat omvärldsläge, med ett Ryssland som visat sig berett att använda det militära maktmedlet, undersöka hur arbetet med civilt försvar implementeras på kommunal nivå. Detta genom att skapa en bild av hur kommuner arbetar med krisberedskapsplanering och om detta arbete påverkas av lärdomar från tidigare extraordinära händelser. Uppsatsen svarar genom en fåfallstudie av två kommuner på frågeställningarna: Hur har den nationella säkerhetsstrategin från 2017 påverkat kommunernas planering inför och vid extraordinära händelser i fredstid och inför höjd beredskap? Hur påverkar kommunernas tidigare erfarenheter av kriser planeringen? Studien har genomförts som textanalys av kommunala planer och genom intervjuer av tjänstemän och politiker i två mindre småländska kommuner. Empirin har analyserats genom att använda en analysmodell utgående från Lennart Lundquists implementeringsteori. Resultatet visar att det förändrade omvärldsläget inte konkret påverkat arbetet, men bidragit till att ämnet har aktualiserats. Tidigare erfarenheter påverkar kommunernas arbete vilket till viss del ses i planer och styrdokument och till stor del märks i förståelse och inställning. Studiens viktigaste slutsats är att de övningar och utbildningar som bedrivs bör innefatta verksamheten i höjd beredskap och civilt försvar, vilket kommunerna brister i. För att detta skall implementeras krävs tydliga styrningar om vad som ska övas. / The purpose of this essay is to examine how Swedish municipalities handles civil defense in the context of a new threat level where the Russian leadership has proved willing to use military power to achieve political goals. The essay is a case study of two Swedish municipalities answering the following questions: How has the national security strategy from 2017 influenced the planning before and in extraordinary events both in peacetime and in high readiness? How do the municipalities’ previous crises experiences affect planning? The study was conducted by analyzing municipal documents and plans as well as interviews with officials and politicians in two small municipalities. The empirical data has been analyzed by using a model based on implementation theory by Lennart Lundquist. The study argues that the new threat level and the situation within Europe hasn´t influenced the municipalities significant but it has actualized the subject. Earlier crisis experiences affect the crisis management within the municipalities which in some ways can be seen in plans but mostly in the understanding and the attitude among citizens as well as among professionals and politicians. In summary, the most important conclusion is that training and education should include the activities in high readiness and civil defense in order to reduce the lack of knowledge of the municipalities within this topic. It takes clear guidance and steering from the government on what to practice.

Sistema bancário e a crise de crédito 2007-2009 : investigação das causas do congelamento do mercado de crédito

Felippi, Mauricio January 2011 (has links)
Ao longo da história econômica, assistiu-se a crises financeiras das quais derivaram crises bancárias com fortes efeitos sobre a atividade econômica, mesmo com estruturas regulatórias que amparam esse mercado. Recentemente, observa-se que o mercado financeiro atravessou mais uma dessas crises bancárias com as mesmas características históricas das demais, apesar de uma estrutura regulatória centrada num tripé de requerimento mínimo de capital, seguro-depósito e emprestador de última instância. A dissertação descreve a crise de 2007-2009 e seus elementos, e demonstra como essas instituições foram insuficientes para inibir ou mitigar a crise de crédito, em face de mudança do modus operantis do mercado bancário tradicional. / Throughout history there has been economic financial crises, which derived in banking crises with strong effects on economic activity, even with regulatory structures that support this market. Recently, the financial market has experienced more of these banking crises with the same historical features of the other, despite a regulatory framework that focuses on a tripod of minimum capital requirement, safe-deposit and lender of last resort. The dissertation describes the crisis of 2007-2009 and its elements and demonstrates how these institutions were insufficient to inhibit or mitigate credit crisis, in the face of changing modus operantis traditional bank market.

Qual a relação entre endividamento público e crescimento econômico?

Luz, Marco Marchiori da January 2012 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir a relação entre crescimento econômico e endividamento público. Para isso, o trabalho inicia com uma análise histórica mostrando a evolução do endividamento público e do sistema monetário ao longo dos últimos séculos, discutindo também alguns episódios clássicos de crises de dívida. Em um segundo momento, o trabalho discute os determinantes para a sustentabilidade da dívida pública através da abordagem de conceitos como original sin, debt intolerance, currency mismatches e sudden stops. Com a análise histórica e a definição de alguns dos principais determinantes da sustentabilidade da dívida pública, o trabalho encerra com a discussão a respeito da relação entre crescimento econômico e endividamento público, contrastando as visões ortodoxas e heterodoxas sobre o tema. Através desta análise conclui-se que não é possível afirmar que existe relação negativa entre crescimento econômico e endividamento público como defendem os autores ortodoxos. Além disso, a assimetria do sistema monetário mundial, elemento pouco presente nas análises ortodoxas, é uma fonte importante de tensões na gestão da dívida pública. / The objective of this dissertation is to discuss the relationship between economic growth and public debt. For that, this dissertation begins with a historic analysis showing the evolution of public debt and of the monetary system over the past centuries, discussing also some classic episodes of debt crises. In a second stage, this dissertation discusses the determinants for public debt sustainability by addressing concepts like original sin, debt intolerance, currency mismatches and sudden stops. With the historical analysis and the definition of some key determinants of public debt sustainability, the work concludes with a discussion about the relationship between economic growth and public debt, contrasting the orthodox and heterodox views on the subject. Through this analysis it follows that it is not possible to say that there is a negative relationship between economic growth and public debt as the orthodox argue. Furthermore, the asymmetry of the global monetary system, a little discussed element in the orthodox analysis, is an important source of tensions in the management of public debt.

Ataques especulativos: a experiência brasileira: participação do FMI na crise cambial

Molan, Maurício Kehdi 31 October 2000 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:18:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2000-10-31T00:00:00Z / Trata da crise cambial experimentada pelo Brasil, que culminou com a mudança do regime em janeiro de 1999, analisada a partir das principais abordagens teóricas recentes. Enfatiza o papel do acordo realizado com Fundo Monetário Internacional e aponta em que medida algumas condições impostas pela instituição podem ter alterado as expectativas dos agentes e levado à antecipação do momento do ataque especulativo. Utiliza um modelo clássico para comprovar o argumento e estima parâmetros para quantificá-lo.

Riscos, crises e confiança : uma análise do gerenciamento de riscos sobre segurança da informação em uma empresa brasileira de grande porte

Alves, Gilberto 24 October 2011 (has links)
Submitted by GILBERTO ALVES (gilbertomestradofgv@gmail.com) on 2011-11-21T03:56:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Riscos, Crises e Confianca - Dissertação_Gilberto Alves_2011nov20.pdf: 1494705 bytes, checksum: e95fc41082de2e6612b1be564267db34 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Janete de Oliveira Feitosa (janete.feitosa@fgv.br) on 2011-11-24T14:07:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Riscos, Crises e Confianca - Dissertação_Gilberto Alves_2011nov20.pdf: 1494705 bytes, checksum: e95fc41082de2e6612b1be564267db34 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2011-11-25T18:10:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Riscos, Crises e Confianca - Dissertação_Gilberto Alves_2011nov20.pdf: 1494705 bytes, checksum: e95fc41082de2e6612b1be564267db34 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2011-11-25T18:10:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Riscos, Crises e Confianca - Dissertação_Gilberto Alves_2011nov20.pdf: 1494705 bytes, checksum: e95fc41082de2e6612b1be564267db34 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-10-24 / For too long the quality programs and management have dominated the landscape of solutions for improving organizations. In this context, the fashions have been constant, while the consumption of many solutions. And the market seems to nurture these packages. Package on package, management in companies is being developed and specialized, and this together as the methods and techniques of good management. Risk management, specifically, is in this context. Presents itself as a management solution, but it seems to establish itself as a point of convergence and influence in the optimization and security of production processes, management and support, covering a range of possibilities in various fields of business, from finance to the aspects of fraud and daily disturbances. Following the risk management is the crisis management. This, the hemisphere of the past risks turned into real impacts with visible damage to the organization. The crisis management assumes risk management consummated and that clearly affects the organization and its context both internal and external. At the end of this logic, the trust appears as that which seals the covenant of the organization and its stakeholders as a result of good or poor risk management and crisis management. This study is, then, about risks, crises and trust and the understanding of how management overrides these elements and how it applies to organizations, specifically about a great organization of the Brazilian market. It made a research to understand the perception of employees and managers of the company studied the concepts and practices of risk management and crisis and its applications in the company. An approach is also about trust, extrapolating this concept to an idea of reliability of these practices and proposing a way to measure this reliability, identified as a gap in crisis management. In the end, an analysis is made on how to apply these concepts and practices are systematic or not, according to the hypotheses and assumptions set, verifying the character and the recent implementation of operational practices, somewhat offset from the reference model proposed for the study with little visibility on the part of employees, particularly regarding the perceived effectiveness of the practices adopted. / Por muito tempo, os programas de qualidade e gestão vêm dominando o cenário de soluções para a melhoria das organizações. Nesse contexto, têm sido constantes os modismos e, ao mesmo tempo, o consumo de muitas soluções. E o mercado parece se nutrir desses pacotes. De pacote em pacote, a gestão nas companhias vem se desenvolvendo e se especializando e, junto como isso, os métodos e técnicas da boa gestão. A gestão de riscos, especificamente, vem nesse contexto. Apresenta-se como uma solução em gestão, mas parece se estabelecer como ponto de convergência e de influência na otimização e garantia de processos produtivos, de gestão e de suporte, abrangendo uma gama de possibilidades em diversas disciplinas do mundo empresarial, desde finanças até os aspectos de fraudes e distúrbios cotidianos. Na sequência da gestão de riscos, vem a gestão de crises. Esta, o hemisfério dos riscos transformados em impactos verdadeiros e com danos visíveis para a organização. A gestão de crises pressupõe a gestão dos riscos consumados e que, claramente, afetam a organização e seu contexto, tanto interno quanto externo. No ponto final dessa lógica, aparece a confiança como aquilo que sela o pacto da organização e seus stakeholders, como resultado da boa ou má gestão de riscos e crises. Este estudo é, então, sobre riscos, crises e confiança e sobre o entendimento de como a gestão sobrepõe esses elementos e como isso se aplica às organizações, especificamente a uma grande organização do mercado brasileiro. Após revisão bibliográfica, é feita uma pesquisa para se analisar como está sendo a aplicação dos conceitos e práticas de riscos e crises em uma grande empresa, entrevistando-se o principal executivo da companhia responsável pela gestão de riscos na área de segurança da informação e outro responsável pela gestão de crises. É feita uma pesquisa para se entender a percepção de empregados e gerentes da companhia estudada sobre os conceitos e práticas de gestão de riscos e crises e suas aplicações na companhia. Também é feita uma abordagem sobre confiança, extrapolando-se esse conceito para uma idéia de confiabilidade dessas práticas e propondo uma forma de medir essa confiabilidade, identificada como uma lacuna na gestão de crises. Ao final, é feita uma análise sobre o quanto a aplicação desses conceitos e práticas são sistemáticos ou não, de acordo com as hipóteses e suposições definidas, constatando-se o 9 caráter operacional e a aplicação recente das práticas, um tanto deslocada do modelo de referência proposto para o estudo e com pouca visibilidade por parte dos empregados, principalmente no que tange a percepção de efetividade das práticas adotadas.

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