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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La création de l'identité nationale en Grèce et au Japon aux XVIIIème et XIXème siècles / The creation of national Identity in Greece and Japan in the 18th and 19th centuries

Nuez Pérez, Maria Eugenia de la 27 June 2013 (has links)
Depuis toujours, les peuples ont éprouvé le besoin de se différencier les uns des autres et, en même temps de trouver ce qui leur était propre, c’est-à-dire leur identité (culturelle d’abord et puis nationale). Une première définition d’identité est faite grâce aux réflexions des savants du XVIIIe siècle même si cette définition répond essentiellement aux besoins des élites au sein desquelles elle est néé. Cette utilisation de la part des élites sera plus évidente au siècle suivant lors de la formation des Etats-nations. Dans ce contexte, ce qui auparavant était « identité culturelle » deviendra dans plusieurs cas « identité nationale ». En considérant l’identité nationale comme le résultat d’un processus de création plus que comme un sentiment inné à l’intérieur des communautés, nous pouvons entreprendre la comparaison de ce qui peut sembler à simple vue « incomparable ». Pour montrer que cette étude comparative est possible, voire intéressante, pour mieux comprendre la façon dans laquelle les Etats-nations ont créé le « mythe » de l’esprit national, nous avons choisi les exemples de la Grèce et du Japon parce que, malgré leurs différences et leur éloignement culturel et géographique, leur évolution est presque parallèle. Utilisant la langue, l’histoire, les croyances, la littérature et les « traditions » ainsi que des modèles extérieurs, les intellectuels grecs et japonais vont créer leurs propres réflexions sur l’identité culturelle au XVIIIe siècle ; une identité qui deviendra le fondement de leur identité nationale lorsque l’Etat-nation adviendra dans les deux territoires au XIXe siècle. Avec cette thèse notre objectif est de répondre à la question de la création identitaire en Grèce et au Japon en examinant les raisons, les auteurs, les éléments (aussi bien externes –éléments communs- qu’internes –éléments distinctifs-) et les résultats de ce processus. / Since Antiquity, people have felt the need to establish difference between them employing various elements. At the time, they try to discover the common elements between them: that is, their identity. Thanks to the reflexion made by 18th century savants, the first definition of cultural identity was accorded. But this definition was born until the elite class and was employed by these elite in reaching their political objectives. However, elite have employed the elements that were common with the lower classes people as well.If we see the national identity as the outcome of a process thus we can compared it is “incomparable”. To montred that this comparative study is possible, we have choised the examples of Greece and Japan because they have specially interesting. Despite of geographical and cultural distance and political and historical difference, these territories showed parallel developpments in their reflexiion of identity. Employing language, history, beliefs, literature and external models, Japanese and Greel intellectuals created in 18th century their own reflexion on cultural identity. This reflexion become the fundament of the national identity at the middle of 19th century whem Japan and Greece become Nation-Etat.With this study, we can try to answer the question of identity creation by examining reasons, actors, elements both internal (distinctives elements) and external (common elements) and outcome into the process.

De l’Étrurie à Rome : Mécène et la fondation de l’Empire / From Etruria to Rome : Maecenas and the founding of the Roman Empire

Chillet, Clément 30 November 2012 (has links)
Mécène est plus connu pour son rôle de « politique culturelle » sous Auguste que pour son action purement politique. Celle-ci couvrit pourtant des domaines variés : fiscalité, diplomatie, sécurité intérieure, vraisemblablement levée de certaines troupes. Le travail ici présenté peut-être défini comme une explicitation complète et une réévaluation des sources relues sous un angle essentiellement politique. L’étude minutieuse de sa famille et de son entourage permet, en effet, de mettre en évidence sa part dans l’élaboration de l’idéologie impériale et la postérité de ses traits. L’explicitation des éléments de sa carrière et leur intégration dans l’histoire politique générale de la fin de la République et du début de l’Empire permettent également de définir sa place dans le modèle de transition institutionnelle où le non-dit joua un rôle immense. Ses fonctions doivent ainsi être envisagées sous un triple rapport : en regard des institutions républicaines permettant ainsi d’évaluer la part de vérité ou de réalité de la res publica restituta proclamée par Auguste ; en regard du contexte immédiat, permettant d’évaluer la portée des circonstances ou du caractère planifié des réformes d’Octavien/Auguste ; enfin en regard des institutions impériales dont il pourra être considéré comme le « laboratoire ». La fixation de la chronologie de cette carrière permet d’éclairer le champ politique depuis l’année 44 : la nature de ses pouvoirs et sa manière d’occuper ses fonctions permettent de déterminer la coloration politique du régime naissant en constante évolution. Enfin, il est bien clair que Mécène trouve sa spécificité dans ses origines étrusques qu’il revendiquait fermement, quitte à s’opposer aux modèles de restauration morale et « nationale » développés par Auguste de manière contemporaine. Toléré et parfois courtisé parce qu’il portait avec lui le soutien de l’Étrurie et de l’Italie, et qu’il contribuait ainsi à faire entrer ces dernières dans le jeu politique romain, Mécène nous permet de définir avec plus de précision la place occupée par les Italiens dans la politique augustéenne et dans la construction d’identités locales en Italie / C. Maecenas is best known for his role in culture at the beginning of Augustus’ principate than for his political role. He acted however in various fields: taxation, diplomacy, home security and probably levied troops. This work aims at presenting a thorough explanation and reevaluating the sources from a political point of view. The close examination of his family and acquaintances enables me to show the part he played in the elaboration of the imperial ideology and the posterity of his own characteristics as they were depicted. Explaining his carrier and integrating it into the general history of politics at the end of the Republic and the beginning of the Empire, also allows a definition of his position in the institutional transition in Rome. His role must be considered from a triple point of view: in comparison with the republican institutions so as to estimate how true or real was the res publica restituta proclaimed by Augustus; in view of the current context so as to assess the importance of circumstances or the possible planning of Octavian/Augustus’ reforms; finally, in view of the imperial institutions of which he was a sort of laboratory or test bed. Fixing the chronology of his carrier makes it possible to shed light on the Roman political world from 44 b.C. onwards: the nature of his powers, the way of holding his offices makes it possible to determine the real nature of the new regime in constant evolution. Finally, it is very clear that C. Maecenas owes his specificity to his Etruscan origins that he proudly claimed, even if it meant being against the Augustan moral and “national” restoration program. C. Maecenas was tolerated for bringing the support of Etruria and Italy to Augustus: he made them enter the Roman political system and he makes it possible to estimate their positions in Augustan politics and the degree of elaboration of local identities in Italy

Les populations forestières face à l'écotourisme : incitations, réticences et expériences en cours en Guyane française / People face a forest ecotourism : incentives, reservations and experience current French Guiana

Ekomie Obamé, Landri 15 November 2012 (has links)
Concept à la mode depuis quelques décennies, l’écotourisme s’est érigé comme le produit phare des parcs nationaux en régions forestières. Avec la création en 2007 du «Parc Amazonien de Guyane », les Wayana, comme les autres communautés traditionnelles autochtones, n’ont pas échappé au discours lié au développement durable de leur territoire ainsi qu’à la question de l’écotourisme. Mais quelle est la réalité d’un tel concept dans le contexte du tiers sud guyanais, enclavé, dominé par des identités culturelles fortes et marqué par une activité aurifère clandestine et criminelle ? Cette étude s’intéresse particulièrement à la dynamique culturelle et aux tentatives de maintien d’une identité culturelle, dans une société en pleine transition. Afin d’étudier le changement social et culturel, j’ai observé le mode de vie des indiens de l’intérieur de la Guyane tel qu’il se présente aujourd’hui en référence à ce qu’il était hier. Il ressort de notre étude que bien qu’attirés par la modernité, les indiens dépendent toujours des ressources de la nature et se préoccupent de maintenirleur identité. Les moyens de prélever les ressources ont certes évolué, mais ils demeurent au fond non agressifs àl’environnement et à la biodiversité parce que, ces sociétés ont opéré elles-mêmes des choix qui leur permettent de minimiser leur impact négatif sur l’environnement. Il y a donc dans ces sociétés une préoccupation de gestion durable des ressources. On le perçoit aisément dans l’agriculture itinérante, dans la pêche à la nivrée où, après exploitation et prélèvement de la ressource, la zone exploitée est laissée à l’abandon pour sa régénération. La recherche d’un compromis endogène entre un mode de vie traditionnel et un mode de vie moderne est significative à l’observation et à l’analyse de l’évolution de la structure de l’habitat amérindien. Optant aujourd’hui de plus en plus pour un habitat avec parois, cloisonné et recouvert non plus d’une simple toiture végétale mais de tôles ondulées, les Wayana ne renoncent pas pour autant au carbet-hamac, ni à la prohibition des déjections en terre ferme, c’est-à-dire le lieu où vivent les hommes. Les Indiens, dans leur tradition, utilisent les cours d’eau comme des lieux d’aisance. Notre étude montre que cette coutume est répandue chez tous les indiens de l’intérieur de la Guyane parce qu’elle va au-delà d’une simple préoccupation hygiénique et physiologique. Dans ce système culturel, cette coutume n’est pas déterminée systématiquement par l’environnement naturel. Elle obéit avant tout à une logique écologique propre à ces microsociétés, puis à une nécessite de distinguer nettement deux univers : l’univers des animaux et l’univers des hommes. Ainsi, dans lalogique interne des Wayana, ce sont des animaux sauvages qui font leurs déjections à même le sol, tandis que l’homme pour se distinguer a choisi de faire des cours d’eau ses lieux d’aisance privilégiés. Mais, face au changement imposé par le monde extérieur (sédentarisation, croissance démographique, prestations sociales..), la cohérence interne du modèle social et culturel des Wayana est plus que menacé. Dès lors, la mise en oeuvre de l’écotourisme s’apparente à une confrontation de logiques ; un ensemble de logiques exogènes, véhiculé par ses développeurs et ses promoteurs, et unensemble de logiques endogènes véhiculé par les populations autochtones traditionnelles en cohérence avec leur vision holistique du monde, aboutissant soit à des formes de compromis, soit à des formes d’antagonismes objectant toute forme de négociation. / A fashionable concept for some decades, « ecotourism » has been selected as the leading product for National Parks and large forests areas. With the opening, in 2007, of the “Amazonian park of Guyana “, the “Wayana”, like other local traditional communities, have not escaped from theories related to sustainable development as well as the “ecotourism”. But what reality stands behind such a concept in the southern part of Guyana, geographically isolated, and under the influence of strong cultural identities and a clandestine and criminal gold extraction activity. The current study tries to understand the cultural movement and their ambition to maintain a cultural identity, in a society in complete transition. In order to study the social and cultural changes, the author has observed the Indians way of life in the heart of Guyana today, as opposed as to how it was yesterday. Our study points out that, although very interested by the modern world, Indians still depend on natural resources and are concerned with the preservation of their identity. Their ways of using resources have certainly evolved, but they remain basically respectful of the environment and biodiversity because these societies function in order to minimize any negative impacts on their environment. These societies are therefore concerned with the management of their resources in a durable way. It’s easily perceivable in the itinerant agriculture, also in the fishing “à la nivrée”, where the area is left unexploited for regeneration after resources have been used. The search for an endogen compromise between a traditional way of life and a modern one is quite significant when one observes and analyzes the evolution of the Amerindian habitat. Opting more and more for buildings with partitions and separations, not just covered with basic vegetable roofs but with metallic material, the “Wayana” have not abandoned the use of “carbet-hamoc”, nor of open air toilets where the population live. Indians, traditionally, use streams as toilets. Our study shows that this custom is the same for all Indians living in the interior territories of Guyana, because it goes beyond a simple hygienic and physiological concern. In their cultural system, this rule is not systematically imposed by the natural environment. It’s governed above all by an ecological logic, pertinent to these micro societies, followed by the necessity to clearly identify two different worlds: the animal world and the human world. According to internal “Wayana” logic, it is only wild animals that use the ground for their excretions, whilst human beings, in order to distinguish themselves, use streams. But, facing changes brought about by the external world (sedentary life, demographic expansion, social care…), the internal coherence of the social and cultural model of the “Wayana” is in jeopardy. Installing a culture of “ecotourism” therefore seems to confront logics: one set of exogenous logics brought on by its promoters and another set of endogenous logics maintained by the autochthon traditional populations fitting with their holistic vision of the universe, leading either to some form of compromise or to antagonist attitudes opposed to any type of negotiation.

Inglês é fashion: a interferência da cultura americana na cultura brasileira - reflexões sobre língua e cultura

Mendes, Kelly Aparecida 22 November 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:33:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Kelly Aparecida Mendes.pdf: 22000835 bytes, checksum: 06b8903bf1634e1239c499c3a8198883 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-11-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This essay discusses the theme of the interference of American culture in Brazilian culture, manifested by words of English Language in the clothing trade in the city of São Paulo. It aims to analyze the influence of American language and culture in the Brazilian context focusing on linguistic practices and the relationship between language and culture. The specific objective is to analyze the words of the English language presents on the names of shops of three streets in the clothing trade in the city of São Paulo in what regards grammatical classes and semantic aspects, and the relationship of those words with Brazilian culture. The analysis will be based on theoretical reflections of scholars on cultural identities and relationships between language and culture, which are revealing the influences of cultural contacts promoted by globalization nowadays. In the specific case of this paper, we focus on the hypothesis that there is an influence of American culture in Brazilian culture that motivates the preference for words in the English language to compose the names (brands) of shops, confirmed by the results obtained / Esta dissertação tem como tema a interferência da cultura americana na cultura brasileira, manifesta pela presença de palavras de língua inglesa no comércio de vestuário na cidade de São Paulo. Tem como objetivo geral analisar a influência da língua e da cultura americanas no contexto brasileiro com ênfase nas práticas linguísticas e nas relações entre língua e cultura. O objetivo específico é analisar as palavras de língua inglesa presentes nos nomes de lojas de três ruas do comércio de vestuário da cidade de São Paulo no que tange a classes gramaticais e aspectos semânticos, bem como a relação dessas palavras com a cultura brasileira. A análise terá como base teórica as reflexões de estudiosos sobre as identidades culturais e a relações entre língua e cultura, que são reveladoras das influências dos encontros culturais promovidos pela globalização na atualidade. No caso específico deste trabalho, nos concentramos na hipótese de que há uma influência da cultura americana na cultura brasileira que motiva a preferência por palavras de língua inglesa na composição de nomes (marcas) de lojas, confirmada por meio dos resultados obtidos

O ensino de Língua Portuguesa e de leitura na República Velha: Aliados da cultura brasileira ou representantes da tradição? / The teaching Portuguese Language and reading in the Old Republic: allied of the Brazilian culture or representative of the tradition?

Restaino, Hilda Cristina 14 March 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:34:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_Mestrado_Hilda Cristina Restaino.pdf: 631435 bytes, checksum: 8248ee1fffa9043e4ee71a68ccf6e97e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-03-14 / This dissertation is based on the History of the Linguistics Ideas. The way the Old Republic had absorbed the national culture as well as differences in Portuguese Language in Brazil has been studied in this work. To do so, the Pedro II School s Teaching Programs ( Programas de Ensino do Colégio de Pedro II ), the National Anthology ( Antologia Nacional ) , written by Fausto Barreto and Carlos de Laet, the History of Brazilian Literature ( História da Literatura Brasileira ) from Sílvio Romero, and the Portuguese Grammar ( Gramática Portuguesa ) written by Júlio Ribeiro have had to be analyzed within it. In this matter the changes in the teaching of Portuguese Language and reading as well as its difficulties and connection with national culture might become known and interpreted. The starting point is the work basis of the History of the Linguistics Ideas, and a panorama of politics, economics, society, intellectuality, and culture in Brazil. The aim has been to know the Brazilian society at that time as a whole, and furthermore, comprehend the nature of the decisions made at the Ginásio Nacional ex- Pedro II School s in the teaching of Portuguese Language. Moreover, the three above mentioned works were analyzed and their authors roles in the teaching and in the national culture cleared up along with the choices presented in each compendium related to the themes and authors National Anthology and History of Brazilian Literature. The connection between these compendiums about a supposed build-up of a Brazilian culture belonging is presented after having identified their writers attitudes towards the language changes in phonetics, morphology, and syntax. At last, the teaching in Portuguese is related to the heritages of the Old Republic. / Esta dissertação fundamentada na História das Idéias Lingüísticas estuda como a cultura nacional e as diferenças da Língua Portuguesa no Brasil foram absorvidas pela escola brasileira da República Velha. Para fazê-lo analisa os Programas de Ensino do Colégio de Pedro II, a Antologia Nacional de Fausto Barreto e Carlos de Laet, a História da Literatura Brasileira de Sílvio Romero e a Gramática Portuguesa de Júlio Ribeiro, a fim de conhecer e interpretar os caminhos seguidos pelo ensino de Língua Portuguesa e de leitura, suas dificuldades e seu relacionamento com a cultura brasileira. O trabalho principia com o embasamento teórico proporcionado pela História das Idéias Lingüísticas, seguido por um panorama político, econômico, social, intelectual e cultural do Brasil, visando conhecer a sociedade brasileira do período como um todo e, assim, compreender o porquê das resoluções tomadas no ensino de Língua Portuguesa no Ginásio Nacional ex-Colégio de Pedro II. Continua com a análise das três obras pesquisadas, esclarecendo o papel de seus autores no ensino e na cultura nacional e, também, as escolhas feitas por cada compêndio quanto aos temas, aos escritores Antologia Nacional e História da Literatura Brasileira e à posição a respeito do Português do Brasil. Nas análises, ao identificar as posições de Fausto Barreto, Carlos de Laet, Sílvio Romero e Júlio Ribeiro relacionadas às modificações fonéticas, morfológicas e sintáticas da língua, estabelece o envolvimento dos compêndios na concretização do que pertenceria à cultura brasileira e, finalizando, associa o ensino de Língua Portuguesa hodierno às heranças oriundas da República Velha.

Música e bilinguismo: como a identidade cultural das crianças pode se evidenciar em suas composições musicais

Affonso, Debora Sousa França 27 October 2011 (has links)
A partir de um apanhado bibliográfico sobre os modelos possíveis de educação bilíngue, bilinguismo, língua, linguagem, aquisição de linguagem, identidade, cultura e identidade cultural na pós-modernidade, a pesquisa aqui apresentada investiga e discute evidências da identidade cultural de crianças que estudam em escolas bilíngues, evidências essas encontradas em suas composições musicais. Recebe de Bloomfield (1933) e Thiery (1978) uma visão do bilinguismo que leva em consideração o sujeito inserido em uma sociedade e detentor de cultura. Apresenta os modelos de educação bilíngue com o aporte de Fishman e Lovas (1970) e Hamers e Blanc (2000) e faz uso de um estudo realizado com escolas bilíngues por meio de questionário, para constatar que o modelo de imersão é o mais comum na educação infantil enquanto o ensino fundamental tem o modelo de enriquecimento com grande presença. Busca-se aqui conceituar língua e linguagem para entender como música pode ser considerada uma linguagem, e apontar que, pelo uso de símbolos e potencial de comunicação, e por ser conhecida por todos os indivíduos, a música é sim uma linguagem, passível de interpretação subjetiva. A identidade é ponto fundamental na pesquisa, na especificidade de cada sujeito, sua formação e entendimento de cultura (Hall, 1997, 2000, 2006) identificáveis nas composições musicais. A metodologia adotada é de cunho etnográfico, em que as composições coletadas durante as aulas de música dadas pela pesquisadora são tratadas como evidências que auxiliam em responder qual papel as aulas de música podem ter na formação de identidade cultural e aprendizagem de linguagem. O presente estudo também visa compartilhar algumas sugestões de atividades de música, tanto em português como em inglês, oferecendo conteúdos de linguagem musical, apreciação, escuta, composição e improvisação, e diminuir o espaço entre prática e pesquisa, que há na educação musical, especificamente no contexto bilíngue. / Through a literature review on bilingual education models, bilingualism, language and its acquisition, identity, culture and cultural identity in postmodern societies, this research investigates and discusses the cultural identity evidences on musical compositions from students in a bilingual school. Takes from Bloomfield (1993) and Thiery (1978) a bilingualism vision that considers the subject inserted in a society and culture owner. Elaborates on bilingual education models with inputs from Fishman and Lovas (1970) and Hamers and Blanc (2000) and draws upon a questionnaire research with bilingual schools to state that immersion is the most common model in pre-K schools while additive models in elementary schools are the main actor. Aims to conceptualize language to understand how music can be considered a language and points out that due to its use of symbols and communication potential, and for being known by all individuals, music is indeed a language, subjected to interpretation. Identity is one main support for the research, either on the specificity of each subject, his formation and cultural understanding (Hall, 1997, 2000, 2006) seen on musical compositions. Embraces an ethnographic methodology where the compositions recorded during musical classes given by the researcher are evidences that help to answer the role that music classes might have in the cultural identity formation and language learning. Shares some suggestions of musical activities both in Portuguese and English with musical language, appreciation, listening, composing and improvising contents. It also aims to close the gap between practices and research today in music education, specifically in a bilingual context.

O lugar no espaço virtual: um estudo etnográfico sobre as recriações de territórios do mundo concreto no Second Life

Rebs, Rebeca da Cunha Recuero 23 February 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Mariana Dornelles Vargas (marianadv) on 2015-03-20T19:12:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 lugar_espaco.pdf: 14777510 bytes, checksum: 9fed180db861f3a92f44ce937c152535 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-20T19:12:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 lugar_espaco.pdf: 14777510 bytes, checksum: 9fed180db861f3a92f44ce937c152535 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-23 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente dissertação parte do reconhecimento da existência de representações de espaços do mundo físico em ambientes multiusuário online. Pretendemos identificar e discutir as motivações para a criação desse tipo de representação, bem como os modos como as mesmas são utilizadas e apropriadas por seus criadores e outros usuários. Iniciamos o trabalho com uma discussão teórica para diferenciar e definir três conceitos-chave para o tema da pesquisa: espaço, lugar e território. Nossa conceituação foi construída com base em estudiosos do espaço concreto, nas áreas da comunicação, geografia, sociologia e outras. De posse dos três conceitos, entramos em questões relacionadas à sociabilidade mediada pela internet, com especial atenção ao sentido identitário das relações com o espaço. A seguir, discutimos a associação dos usuários aos grupos sociais, lugares e identidades virtuais, com foco na reprodução de lugares concretos genéricos (como parques, florestas e bairros) e específicos (como cidades e monumentos históricos) no ciberespaço. Após uma revisão de diferentes tipos de ambientes multiusuário online, decidimos realizar o trabalho empírico no mundo virtual mulit-usuário (MUVE) Second Life, da Linden Lab. A escolha se deve à maior liberdade criativa que esse aplicativo propicia, à ausência de uma temática rígida e ao uso de várias linguagens (verbal, sonora e visual). A metodologia escolhida foi a etnografia virtual, que realizamos em 3 ilhas do Second Life: Ilha Brasil (representações de lugares genéricos), Ilha RJ City (representações de lugares específicos) e Ilha Brasil Curitiba (representações mistas). Os resultados apontam para a existência de uma ligação simbólica de territórios e lugares virtuais com os territórios e lugares concretos, tanto pela sua dinâmica, identidade e apresentação visual, como pelas práticas sociais que neles têm lugar, o que sugere um importante papel da identidade cultural na criação e busca por lugares virtuais que representam lugares do mundo concreto. / This dissertation's departing point is the recognition of the existence of representations of the physical world in multi-user online environments. We intended to identify and discuss the motivations behind the creation of this type of representation and the ways in which they are used and appropriated by their creators and other users. We began with a theoretical discussion aiming to differentiate and define three concepts central for the research theme: space, place and territory. To that end, we resorted to previous studies of material space in different areas of knowledge: communication, geography, sociology and others. With these three concepts, we addressed questions related to internet mediated sociability, with special attention to the identity meaning of spatial relations. Followed a discussion of users' association to social groups, places and virtual identities focusing the reproduction of generic concrete places (such as parks, forests and neighbourhoods) and specific ones (as cities and historical monuments) in cyberspace. After a revision of the different types of multi-user online environments, we decided to locate the empirical investigation in the multi-user virtual world (MUVE) Second Life, by Linden Lab. This choice was due to the higher level of creative freedom provided by this system, to the absence of strict theme and the combined use of text, sound and image in Second Life's interface. The chosen methodology was virtual ethnography, which we have performed in 3 Second Life islands: Ilha Brasil (representations of generic places), Ilha RJ City (representation of specific places) and Ilha Brasil Curitiba (mixed representations). Our results indicate the existence of a symbolic link between virtual and physical territories and places. This link is related to their dynamics, identity and visual presentation as well as to the social practices that happen there. This suggests that cultural identity plays an important role in the creation and search for virtual places which represent physical world places.

Primeira e segunda geração de jovens imigrantes argentinos, bolivianos e peruanos em São Paulo: um estudo psicossocial da identidade e aculturação

Huayhua, Gladys Llajaruna 01 October 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:31:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gladys Llajaruna Huayhua.pdf: 872261 bytes, checksum: a2fd3ce74a3730668c8e463137925c5c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-10-01 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The purpose o this study analyzed the Social Psychology study of the identity and the process of acculturation of the young Argentine, Bolivian and Peruvian immigrants of first and second generation that lives in São Paulo. The young had been considered that had between 17 the 30 years of age, and that they live in this country it has at least two years. The study it was based on the theory of acculturation strategies and the intercultural psychology of Berry, in the same way to the theory of group and the preconception of Tajfel, reflections of Martin-Baró, and the development of the identity according to Antonio Ciampa, as well as of other authors. It was used descriptive quantitative methodology of the scale of acculturation and the questionnaire of general information. For the collection of data in them we base on these two instruments, the scale of acculturation of the model of Berry and the questionnaire of general information of immigrants in Brazil, of Bolivian and Peruvian Tito Valencia who had been appropriate for the researcher for the population of young of Argentine immigrant, that lives in Brazil. This study in it allowed them to know as if they mobilize these immigrants in the Brazilian society, as well as the strategies that use to insert to this country in the same way the adaptation. The sixty young is integrated to the Brazilian society, however they present you differentiate in the uses of the strategies in the daily activities of its routine in Brazil. These strategies go to depend on the previous factors and during the process of acculturation to the Brazilian society, in equal way of as the Brazilians receive to the Latin American immigrants. This process showed the movement that all immigrant passes of descontrução and reconstruction of the cultural identity / Esta pesquisa analisou o estudo psicossocial da identidade e o processo de aculturação dos jovens imigrantes argentinos, bolivianos e peruanos de primeira e segunda geração que moram em São Paulo. Foram considerados os jovens que tinham entre 17 a 30 anos de idade, e que morem neste país há pelo menos dois anos. O estudo baseou-se na teoria de estratégias de aculturação e a psicologia intercultural de Berry, da mesma forma à teoria de grupo e o preconceito de Tajfel, reflexões de Martin-Baró, e o desenvolvimento da identidade segundo Antonio Ciampa, assim como de outros autores. Utilizou-se a metodologia quantitativa descritiva da escala de aculturação e o questionário de informação geral. Para a coleta de dados nos baseamos nestes dois instrumentos, a escala de aculturação do modelo de Berry e o questionário de informações gerais de imigrantes no Brasil, de Tito Valencia que foram apropriados pela pesquisadora para a população de jovens de imigrantes argentinos, bolivianos e peruanos que morem no Brasil. Este estudo nos permitiu conhecer como se mobilizam estes imigrantes na sociedade brasileira, assim como as estratégias que usam para se inserir a este país da mesma forma a adaptação. Os sessenta jovens estão integrados à sociedade brasileira, porém apresentam diferencias nos usos das estratégias nas atividades diárias do seu quotidiano no Brasil. Estas estratégias vão depender dos fatores prévios e durante o processo de aculturação à sociedade brasileira, de igual maneira de como os brasileiros recepcionam aos imigrantes latino-americanos. Este processo mostrou o movimento que todo imigrante passa de desconstrução e reconstrução da identidade cultural

Movimento social e conflitos na pesca

Marinho, Marcos dos Santos 03 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:22:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcos dos Santos Marinho.pdf: 7411786 bytes, checksum: c3513ae8cc50ae843b4eb9bf4c15fb5b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-03 / The fisherworkers and the riverine populations of the Amazon river estuary, as well as the people who leaves in the coast of the Amapá state have in fishing one of their essential activities. However, the creation of conservation units, prohibition of fishing and the arrival of other states boats to its fishing areas are causing serious difficulties for their social reproduction and their stay in the territories they are occupying for decades. The interventions of the State create a division in these populations, by privileging some segments and disdaining others. Indians and quilombolas communities have in the Amapá their recognized territories. Artisanal fisherworkers have achieved many rights and were already organized. Meanwhile, the riverine populations remain almost incapable to political interaction and have no access to the ways to demand their rights. There are for sure legal instruments to support these traditional populations in their claims for territories, cultural identity and to keep their way of life / Os pescadores e ribeirinhos da região do estuário do rio Amazonas e do litoral do Amapá têm na pesca uma de suas atividades essenciais. Entretanto, a criação de unidades de conservação, de defesos de pesca e a invasão de barcos de outros estados em suas áreas de pesca provocam sérias dificuldades para sua reprodução social e manutenção nos territórios que ocupam há várias décadas. As intervenções do Estado criam uma divisão nessas populações, ao privilegiar alguns segmentos e desprezar outros. Índios e quilombolas têm no Amapá seus territórios reconhecidos. Pescadores artesanais têm vários direitos e foram organizados em outros momentos. Enquanto isso, os ribeirinhos permanecem com pouco poder de interlocução política e nenhum acesso a meios pelos quais possam exigir seus direitos. Existem instrumentos jurídicos em que essas populações tradicionais podem apoiar suas reivindicações por territórios, identidade cultural e para manter seu modo de vida

Movimento social e conflitos na pesca

Marinho, Marcos dos Santos 03 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:57:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcos dos Santos Marinho.pdf: 7411786 bytes, checksum: c3513ae8cc50ae843b4eb9bf4c15fb5b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-03 / The fisherworkers and the riverine populations of the Amazon river estuary, as well as the people who leaves in the coast of the Amapá state have in fishing one of their essential activities. However, the creation of conservation units, prohibition of fishing and the arrival of other states boats to its fishing areas are causing serious difficulties for their social reproduction and their stay in the territories they are occupying for decades. The interventions of the State create a division in these populations, by privileging some segments and disdaining others. Indians and quilombolas communities have in the Amapá their recognized territories. Artisanal fisherworkers have achieved many rights and were already organized. Meanwhile, the riverine populations remain almost incapable to political interaction and have no access to the ways to demand their rights. There are for sure legal instruments to support these traditional populations in their claims for territories, cultural identity and to keep their way of life / Os pescadores e ribeirinhos da região do estuário do rio Amazonas e do litoral do Amapá têm na pesca uma de suas atividades essenciais. Entretanto, a criação de unidades de conservação, de defesos de pesca e a invasão de barcos de outros estados em suas áreas de pesca provocam sérias dificuldades para sua reprodução social e manutenção nos territórios que ocupam há várias décadas. As intervenções do Estado criam uma divisão nessas populações, ao privilegiar alguns segmentos e desprezar outros. Índios e quilombolas têm no Amapá seus territórios reconhecidos. Pescadores artesanais têm vários direitos e foram organizados em outros momentos. Enquanto isso, os ribeirinhos permanecem com pouco poder de interlocução política e nenhum acesso a meios pelos quais possam exigir seus direitos. Existem instrumentos jurídicos em que essas populações tradicionais podem apoiar suas reivindicações por territórios, identidade cultural e para manter seu modo de vida

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