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Aspectos dialógicos de publicações impressa e virtual de um mesmo jornal diárioBottura, Maria Carolina 27 February 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-02-27 / The present work analyses the ways that the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo, in its virtual and printed versions, treated, in June 2nd 2010, the accident that occurred in April 20th 2010, involving the oil extraction platform in deep water Deepwater Horizon run by the British company British Petroleum, in the Mexican Gulf (EUA), as well as the perception of possible differences between the two publications. Anchored in reading procedures and analysis proposed by the speech analysis and privileging the notion of dialogism developed by the Russian theorist Mikhail Bakhtin, the work focuses on the way the readers are taken into consideration by O Estado de São Paulo printed and virtual, the readers profiles of both publications, verbal and visual resources which the publications are made of according to the readers intelligibility and adherence to the launched ideas in the texts and the linguistics and visual resources in which the publications are supported to attend their own ideological and commercial objectives and of their announcers. / O presente trabalho analisa maneiras como o jornal O Estado de São Paulo em suas versões virtual e impressa trataram, em 02 de junho de 2010, o acidente ocorrido em 20 de abril de 2010 envolvendo a plataforma de extração de petróleo em águas profundas Deepwater Horizon operada pela empresa inglesa British Petroleum, no Golfo do México (EUA), bem como a percepção de possíveis diferenças entre as duas publicações. Ancorado em procedimentos de leitura e de análise propostos pela análise do discurso e privilegiando a noção de dialogismo desenvolvida pelo teórico russo Mikhail Bakhtin, o trabalho foca a forma como os leitores são levados em consideração por O Estado de S. Paulo impresso e virtual, os perfis dos leitores de ambas as publicações, os recursos verbais e visuais de que se valem as publicações com vistas à inteligibilidade e adesão dos leitores às idéias lançadas nos textos e os recursos linguísticos e visuais em que as publicações se apoiam para atender seus próprios objetivos ideológicos, comerciais e os de seus anunciantes.
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Relações dialógicas em artigos científicos: análise de um periódico de Saúde e Segurança do Trabalho / Dialogical relations at scientific articles: analysis of a journal of occupational health and safetyKarina Penariol Sanches 26 June 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa objetiva observar como se dá a constituição dialógica no gênero dis-cursivo artigo científico em sua relação com enunciados anteriores, pautando-se na teoria dialógica do discurso, tal como proposta por Bakhtin e seu Círculo. Parte-se da hipótese de que, nesse gênero, as relações dialógicas são mais profundas e complexas que os diálogos mais explícitos, que envolvem as citações sob a forma de discurso direto e indireto. O corpus constitui-se por dois grupos de materiais: o primeiro é composto por uma norma da Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT) e três manuais de metodologia da pesquisa científica; e o segundo, por quinze artigos científicos publicados ao longo de trinta anos do periódico científico Revista Brasileira de Saúde Ocupacional, da Fundacentro, instituição do Ministério do Trabalho, dedicada à pesquisa na área de Saúde e Segurança do Trabalhador. Observaram-se seis tipos de relações dialógicas: complementação como marca de novidade, confirmação e concordância, diálogo com o conhecimento científico con-sensual, referenciação bibliográfica com apagamento dos limites discursivos, enun-ciados colcha de retalhos, discordância em relação a enunciados alheios. Cada uma delas ocorre, quase sempre, na mesma articulação composicional, pois de-sempenham funções no gênero artigo científico que são condizentes com a função da articulação em que se encontram. Conclui-se que as relações dialógicas obser-vadas nos artigos científicos não só são mais profundas e complexas que os discur-sos citados, confirmando-se a hipótese levantada, como também constituem carac-terísticas específicas do gênero, visto que respondem às necessidades da esfera, mantendo, ao longo dos anos, determinado padrão da forma composicional do gênero. / This research aims to observe how occurs the dialogical constitution of scientific ar-ticle genre in its relation with previous utterances, based on dialogical theory of dis-course, such as proposed by Bakhtin and his Circle. The hypothesis is that, at this genre, dialogical relations are deeper and more complex than the most explicit ones, which involves citations, such as direct and indirect discourses. The corpus is consti-tuted by two groups of materials: the first one is composed by a standard of Brazilian Association of Technical Standards and by three scientific inquiry methodological manuals; the second group is composed by fifteen scientific articles published at scientific journal Revista Brasileira de Saúde Ocupacional during thirty years. This journal is published by Fundacentro, a Brazilian governmental research institution in the field of Occupational Health and Safety. Six types of dialogical relations were ob-served: complementation as novelty, confirmation and concordance, dialogue with scientific consensus, bibliographic reference with effacement of discursive limits, pat-chwork utterances, and discordance about others utterances. Almost always, each of them occurs at the same compositional articulation, because their functions at scien-tific article are suitable with compositional articulation functions where they are. We conclude that observed dialogical relations are not only deeper and more complex than cited discourses, confirming our hypothesis, but also constitute genre specifics characteristics, because they meet the needs of the sphere, maintaining a specific compositional form standard of the genre, during the years.
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O conceito de língua/linguagem em 1984 de OrwellSantos, Rodrigo Fernando Assis dos 29 November 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-11-29 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This research discusses the concept of language present in George Orwell´s book 1984 and relates it with the official concept of language of Russia during the 1920´s and 1930´s . For doing this, we chose as study object the book 1984 from which we selected newspeak as the corpus of analyses. Newspeak consists of a language system that´s is being created by the government of the plot and once it is finished and put into practice, would impeach people to have different opinions from the government and the existence of the other languages would also be impossible. The main feature of newspeak is that it is being constructed through the destruction of the current language. On the other side, we have the official Russian linguistics of the 30´s that has a similar project of destruction of the linguistic material and creation of a single universal language. Our objective in this research is to describe, analyze and interpretate through the linguistic-discursive newspeak material, the discourses that constitutes the book and establish dialogic relations between newspeak and the official russian linguistics of the 30´s, period which the book makes analogies. We inquire in this research what is the concept of language of Newspeak and the official russian linguistics of the 1920´s and 1930´s, which dialogic relations can be established between both concepts, which dialogic relations can be stablished between the newspeak lexical group that relates crime with the idea of disagreement of the government policies and the stanist society concerning the same matter and which language knowledge our dialogic relation meets. This research reconstruct some discourses about the Russian revolutionary period since the czarism regime until the great purge, it also identifies the official Russian linguistics theory of the 20´s and 30´s, and shows how 1984 materialize the discourses concerning the speech restriction policies that come from this historical period. Our methodology for the corpus´ construction was done based on the following steps; a) Describe the process of destruction of the current language; b) Identification of the term Newspeak and the terms in Newspeak through all narrative; (c) Construction of a glossary that has the definition of the words in Newspeak. Through the description of newspeak and the analyses of two linguistics marks, it was possible to realize that the human language either in life or in art, is able to create compensatory mechanisms that weakens and cancel the forces that struggles to finish with the heteroglossia that keeps the human language ideologically saturated. We also indentify the diference between the fictional language and the scientific one: the former there is not any diference between the act of uttering and the utterance, whereas the latter this difference is part of the discourse genre. This research is based on Bakhtinian´s circle theory, that discusses language through its social historical point of view. We used the concept of axiology, ideological sign, infrastructure and superstructure, monologism, dialogism, centripetal forces and centrifugal forces / Este trabalho discute o conceito de língua/linguagem em 1984 de George Orwell e relaciona esse conceito com o da linguística oficial russa das décadas de 1920/1930. Para tanto, selecionamos, especificamente, a novilíngua como corpus de pesquisa. A novilíngua consiste em um sistema linguístico elaborado pelos detentores do poder da ficção orwelliana que, quando finalizado e colocado em uso, impediria a expressão de opiniões contrárias ao regime e a existência de outras línguas. A característica central para a existência da novilíngua é a destruição da língua vigente. Ao pesquisarmos a política linguística oficial russa das décadas de 1920 e 1930, descobrimos um projeto similar de destruição das línguas existentes e de criação de uma língua única. Nosso objetivo de pesquisa, portanto, é descrever, analisar e interpretar, por meio da materialidade linguístico-discursiva da novilíngua, os discursos históricos que atravessam a obra e, a partir daí, estabelecer relações dialógicas entre o conceito de língua/linguagem de 1984 e esse mesmo conceito na linguística oficial russa das décadas de 1920/1930. Questionamos em nosso trabalho qual é o conceito de língua/linguagem da novilíngua e da linguística oficial russa das décadas de 1920/1930, quais relações dialógicas podem ser estabelecidas entre o conceito da novilíngua e esse mesmo conceito da linguística oficial russa dos anos 1930, quais relações dialógicas podem serestabelecidas entre o léxico da novilíngua, que trata o pensamento discordante ao sistema totalitário como crime, e a sociedade stalinista no que diz respeito à restrição da liberdade de expressão e quais conhecimentos sobre a linguagem humana nossa análise dialógica vai de encontro. Este estudo recupera alguns discursos que circulam sobre a história da Rússia desde o final do período czarista até o auge do expurgo stalinista, identifica a teoria linguística oficial da Rússia das décadas de 1920/1930 e mostra como a obra 1984, de Orwell, materializa os discursos advindos desse período histórico. Nossa metodologia para composição do corpus e descrição da novilíngua obedeceu à seguinte dinâmica: a) descrever o processo de destruição da língua vigente para a construção da novilíngua; b) levantamento do termo novilíngua e dos termos em novilíngua, em toda a narrativa; c) construção de um glossário que contém a definição das palavras em novilíngua. Por meio da descrição da novilíngua e da nossa respectiva análise, foi possível constatar que a linguagem humana, tanto na vida como na arte, é capaz de criar mecanismos compensatórios que atenuam e anulam as forças que querem acabar com o plurilinguísmo e assim manter a linguagem humana, mesmo sob forte coerção de sistemas políticos totalitários, pluriacentuada e ideologicamente saturada. Identificamos também a diferença entre a linguagem científica e a ficcional: na linguagem científica não há divergência entre o enunciado e a enunciação; na linguagem ficcional essa divergência é constituinte. Este trabalho está embasado pela teoria Bakhtiniana, que discute a linguagem pelo seu viés sócio-histórico ideológico. Utilizamos os conceitos de axiologia, signo ideológico, infraestrutura e superestrutura, dialogismo, forças centrípetas e centrífugas.
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Vozes da terapia: fragmentos de um discurso familiar (amoroso?) / The discursive practices in systemic family therapy sessionsStoeber, Isa Maria Aparecida Spanghero 02 June 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga as práticas discursivas de sessões de terapia de família de abordagem sistêmica. Enfoca a (re)construção dos sentidos desse discurso terapêutico, voltando-se para o que se convenciona chamar, dentro da área terapêutica, por re-significação e procurando olhar criticamente o pedido de ajuda do paciente e o ato de dar ajuda do terapeuta. Investigam-se também os lugares sociais/familiares dos sujeitos - aí incluída uma certa representação do terapeuta - quando em interação terapêutica. Partindo da noção de dialogismo proposta por Bakhtin e revisitada pelos estudos sobre a(s) heterogeneidade(s) enunciativa(s) de Authier-Revuz, são observadas, em diálogos extraídos de três sessões de terapia de família realizadas em institutos de ensino e pesquisa (duas instituições autônomas e uma autarquia federal), as fronteiras da alteridade, evidenciadas no gênero discursivo \"sessão de terapia\". Tal gênero discursivo, que, em sua superfície pode ser entendido como encontro com fins terapêuticos para discutir temas de conflitos humanos em situação relacional, evidencia-se, no entanto, como um confronto entre vozes que disputam papéis/lugares sociais e familiares. As análises revelam que as fronteiras, delimitadas pela alternância dos sujeitos falantes, entre perguntas e respostas dos terapeutas e seus pacientes, constituem um processo de interação de vozes sociais, em contínuos entrecruzamentos e reconfigurações. Revelam também que os terapeutas constroem hipóteses para a intervenção nos conflitos familiares por meio dos deslizamentos dos sentidos (re-significação) e que buscam, para a resolução desses conflitos, o deslocamento enunciativo das vozes dos pacientes de uma posição monológica (ainda que presencial) para posições dialógicas. / This thesis investigates the discursive practices in systemic family therapy sessions. It focuses on the (re)construction of meanings in such therapeutic discourse, by focusing on what, within the therapeutic field, is known as re-signification and by attempting to consider critically the patient\'s request for help and the therapist\'s act of helping. It investigates also the subjects\' social/family places - including a certain representation by the therapist - when interacting at the therapy. Starting from the Bakhtinian notion of dialogism, which is revisited in the studies on enunciative heterogeneities by Authier-Revuz, the frontiers of otherness - evinced in the \"therapy session\" discourse gender - are observed, specifically in pieces of dialogues taken from three family therapy sessions held in teaching and research institutes (two of them autonomous institutions and a federal autarchy). Such discourse gender, which, in its surface might be understood as meeting aimed at therapeutic ends for discussing themes of human conflicts in relational situation, constitutes, however, a clash of voices that dispute family and social roles/places. The analyses reveal that the frontiers, circumscribed by the alternation of speaking subjects, between questions and answer of the therapists and their patients, consist of a process of social voices interaction, throughout continuous intercrossings and reconfigurations. The analyses demonstrate also that the therapists formulate hypotheses for the intervention in the family conflicts through the meaning slides (re-signification) and that they seek, for solving such conflicts, the enunciative displacing of the patients\' voices from a monological position (even though witnessed) to dialogical positions.
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Les notions de temps et d'espace dans l'ecriture styronienne : la faille temporelle de l'existence / The notions of time and space in Styronian writing : the temporal gap of existenceLainé-Forrest, Eléonore 06 May 2009 (has links)
Ce travail examine la façon dont l’écriture styronienne met en lumière la faille temporelle de l’existence. Utilisant le mode d’analyse défini par la narratologie, il commence par étudier les variations spatio-temporelles que créent les analepses styroniennes. Puis, il montre comment ces variations permettent de dépasser l’illusion référentielle de l’histoire pour découvrir l’univers opératif du récit styronien. Enfin, il révèle la façon dont ce récit se fait à travers les drames, toujours différents, que donne le théâtre de l’expérience humaine. Se référant aux théories énoncées par la psychanalyse, et plus particulièrement par la psychanalyse lacanienne, ce travail étudie ensuite comment les romans styroniens dévoilent l’aporie temporelle dans laquelle l’homme évolue. Puis, il montre la façon dont ils dépeignent l’effet de cette aporie, l’Autre en l’homme, puis l’homme lui-même, alors qu’il préfère souvent ignorer le Nom-du-Père pour ne pas entendre la loi primordiale de l’existence. La dernière partie de cette recherche examine la manière dont les romans styroniens s’introduisent dans le domaine de l’histoire. Elle met d’abord en lumière le mouvement ternaire qu’adoptent, pour se former, le récit historique et le récit de fiction styronien, et montre que ce dernier procède d’un travail de signifiance et non de « représentance ». Puis, elle analyse comment William Styron décrit les hommes préférer la mémorisation à la re-mémorisation et produire ainsi l’oubli dans leur âme. Apparaît, en conclusion, le rôle que cet auteur propose de faire jouer à l’écriture romanesque comme remède à l’oubli historique aussi bien qu’à son œuvre destructrice. / This work examines the way Styronian writing highlights the temporal gap of existence. Using the mode of analysis defined by narratology, it begins by studying the variations of time and space that are created by Styronian analepses. Then, it shows how those variations allow the reader to go beyond the referential illusion of the story to discover the operative universe of the Styronian narrative. Finally, it reveals how the latter is constructed on the ever-changing dramas staged in the theatre of human experience. Then, referring to the theories of psychoanalysis and more particularly of Lacanian psychoanalysis, this work explores how Styronian novels disclose the temporal aporia in which man evolves. It also shows the way they describe the effect of this aporia, the Other in man, then man himself often preferring to ignore the Name-of-the-Father so as not to hear the primordial law of existence. The last part of this research examines the way Styronian novels enter the field of history. It starts by highlighting the ternary movement that both the historical narrative and the fictional narrative of William Styron adopt to construct themselves, and shows that the latter proceeds from a work of significance and not of “representance”. Then, it analyses how William Styron describes men preferring memorization to re-memorization thus creating oblivion in their souls. To conclude, it reveals the part this author offers fictional writing to play as a remedy for historical oblivion as well as for its destructive consequences.
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Printemps arabe(s) dans la presse écrite. Étude de la mise en mots et en discours d’un événement historique. / Arab Spring in press. Study of historical event discourse.Ahmed kamel, Fatma 12 December 2018 (has links)
La thèse propose d’étudier l’émergence et la circulation du syntagme printemps arabe(s) comme dénomination événementielle dans la presse écrite. Elle a pour objectif principal d’examiner le processus de dénomination et de qualification des événements historiques dans et par les médias représentés ici par la presse écrite, en retraçant le parcours d’un syntagme-clé de l’Histoire immédiate. L’étude s’inscrit dans le domaine de l’analyse linguistique des discours médiatiques. Elle fait appel à plusieurs champs théoriques croisant sciences du langage et sciences de l’information et de la communication. La démarche relève de l’analyse du discours comme domaine de recherche - sur la langue, le discours et le sens - ancré dans les sciences du langage, où le traitement automatique se présente comme un outil d’investigation. Le corpus d’étude est formé d’un ensemble de textes de la presse écrite internationale d’expression française, arabe et dans une moindre mesure anglaise. Au-delà de cette étude de cas, l’étude sert d’exemple d’analyse lexico-discursive de la nomination des événements dans la presse écrite, comme de l’émergence et de la circulation d’un syntagme dénominatif lié à un moment historique et dont l’impact dépasse les frontières du monde arabe. / The thesis proposes to study the emergence and the circulation of Arab Spring phrase as event denomination in the press. Its main objective is to examine the process of naming and qualifying historical events in the media represented here by the written press. Going back over the course of a key phrase in the immediate history is the central object of the study.The research is a case of media discourse analysis. It uses several theoretical fields crossing language sciences and communication sciences. The approach is based on the analysis of discourse as a field of research - on language, discourse and meaning - rooted in the language sciences, where automatic processing presents a tool for study. The corpus of study is composed of the texts of the international written press.Beyond this specific case, the study serves as an example of lexical and discursive analysis of naming events in the written press, as well as the emergence and circulation of a denominational phrase associated with a historical moment.
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La diffraction énonciative dans l'oeuvre de Georges Perec : étude des stratégies discursives / The enunciative diffraction in the works of Georges Perec : study of the discurses strategiesBen jalloul, Monia 20 March 2017 (has links)
Ce travail est une étude linguistique et énonciative qui s’intéresse aux jeux de diffractions énonciatives dans les œuvres de Georges Perec. Il s’agit d’une part de repérer les échos énonciatifs et dialogiques que tissent les œuvres entre elles et, d’autre part, de comprendre pourquoi l’écriture chez Georges Perec ne peut se lire que dans une déviation du langage qui fait de la réticence un principe fédérateur / This work is a linguistic and enunciative study focusing on the games of enunciatives diffraction in the works of Georges Perec. On the one hand, it is a question of identifying the enunciative and dialogical echoes that the works create and on the other hand, of understanding why the writing of Georges Perec can only be read in a deviation of language which makes reluctance a unfying principle
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詮釋之競衡:《玫瑰之名》研究 / The Politics of Interpretation: A Study of <u>The Name of the Rose</u>黃涵榆, Huang, Han Yu Unknown Date (has links)
事實證明艾可(Umberto Eco)的小說《玫瑰之名》在學術界和大眾文化兩個領域中都是一項極大的成就。小說不僅提供了感官上的享受,更充滿了深奧的哲思。更由於艾可本人兼具小說家及符號學(semiotics)理論家的雙重身份,使得小說在「詮釋」的議題上呈現出頗具理論深度的省思。
本論文將「詮釋」定義為一種帶有政治動機與意涵的行為(a politicallymotivated act),不再接受「文本自成一體」(text-in-itself)的觀念。所採取之立場是強調權力機構如何介入論述(discourse)之產生與傳遞。然而本論文亦將由符號學之角度探討符號的本質和閱讀、表意(signification)等問題。
論文第一章分析小說中有關「異端」、「貧窮」、以及「笑」等主題之論述,及其與權力抗爭之互動,亦即「權力/論述/知識」(power/ discourse/knowledge)之結構。第二章分別討論埃索(Adso)與威廉(William)兩人解讀(reading/decoding)符號迷宮之行為。第三章處理小說中「文本互涉」與「對話論」之觀念。第四章特別檢視作者艾可在面對自己作品時的「發言位置」(enunciative position)。
本論文並未特別遵循任何一種理論之分析方法,目的在於將小說置於當代論述形成之網絡,呈現其中相互輝映、相互批判之潛在關係。最終期望得以驗證艾可的小說與其它當代理論同等「理論化」,並且重新檢視小說/理論之界限。 / Umberto Eco's <u>The Name of the Rose</u> has been proved a great success in both academies and popular culture. It is a novel full of sensuous wonders and philosophical profundity. Owing to Eco's unsual status--a popular novelist and a semiotic theorist --<u>The Name of the Rose</u> (re)presents a thoughtful contemplation on the issues of interpretation.
This thesis assesses "interpretation" as a politically motivated act. Thus, the concept of the "text-in-itself" is rejected. Rather, I take the stance the accentuates power institution's interference with the production and the distribution of discourses. But, this thesis also offers a semiotic survey on the nature of sign and the process of reading and signification.
Chapter One focuses on the production of discourses on heresy, poverty, and laughter in the novel and its connection with power: in other words, the power/discourse/knowledge structure. Chapter Two respectively discusses the process of Adso's and William's reading/decoding the labyrinth of signs. Chapter Three deals with the ideas of "intertextuality" and "dialogism" presented by the novel. Chapter Four specially examines Eco's enunciative position with respect to the interpretations on his own text.
This thesis does not particularly favor any theoretical stance of methodology. The purpose is to discuss the novel as part of the network of the contemporary discourses. The tentative goal of this study is to prove that Eco's novel is no less theorized than other theories as such and finally to re- examine the boundary between theory/novel.
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Grappling with Patriarchies : Narrative Strategies of Resistance in Miriam Tlali's WritingsCullhed, Christina January 2006 (has links)
<p>This study is the first one devoted solely to the writings of the South African black novelist Miriam Tlali. It argues that her works constitute literary resistance not only to apartheid, noted by previous scholars, but also to South African patriarchies. Examining Tlali’s novels <i>Muriel at Metropolita</i>n (1975) and <i>Amandla!</i> (1980), and several short stories from <i>Mihloti</i> (1984) and <i>Footprints in the Quag</i> (1989), the study pits these texts against the black literary tradition dominated by men and also reads them within the social context of South African patriarchies, with its social restrictions on women and its taboos concerning sexualities. To distance herself from the patriarchal values inherent in the male literary tradition and to negotiate social and sexual restrictions on women, I argue, Tlali deploys narrative strategies like generic difference, generic dialogism, a double-voiced discourse, “whispering,” and “distancing.”</p><p>Drawing on the theories of Mikhail Bakhtin and Julia Kristeva, this study first explores “novelistic” traits in <i>Muriel</i> which function both to resist male literary conventions, like the epic mode of narrative, and to criticise their patriarchal ideology. Second, relying on Bakhtin, it analyses the generic dialogism and double-voicedness in <i>Amandla!</i>. Finally, making use of Kristeva’s semiotics and her theory of sacrifice, the study traces the development of a sacrificial discourse of gendered violence from <i>Amandla!</i> to some of Tlali’s short stories. Supported by Martha J. Reinecke’s explication of Kristeva, I show that Tlali’s texts insist that gendered violence upholds the sacrificial economies of both patriarchal apartheid and African patriarchy. The strategies of “whispering” and “distancing,” I claim, surface in Tlali’s addressing of the sensitive issues of black women’s victimisation and gendered violence. “Whispering” entails muting the criticism of the perpetrators of gendered violence, whereas “distancing” results in dis/placing gendered violence on the margins of the community. This study also examines the literary/social context of Tlali’s oeuvre: it explores specific traits of the South African black literary tradition, how the issue of rape has been addressed there, and the depiction of African patriarchy in autobiographies by South African black women.</p>
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Polyphonic conversations between novel and film : Heart of darkness and Apocalypse now ; Na die geliefde land and Promised land / Toinette Badenhorst-RouxBadenhorst-Roux, Toinette January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Applied Language and Literary Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.
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