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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alltagsgattungen und der Ort von Kultur : Sprachwissenschaftliche und kulturanalytische Studien anhand von Milchverpackungen in Deutschland und Schweden

Tienken, Susanne January 2008 (has links)
The present dissertation examines how culture in terms of webs of significance comprises even everyday genres, and how everyday genres in turn partake in creating cultural contexts. The theoretical cornerstones of this study are to be found in a dialogical notion of context and a semiotic notion of culture. Furthermore, the study benefits from the analytical concept of communicative genre by which texts can be set in the broader context of societal or socio-cultural relevancy. The methodological framework – with contrastive viewing as an overall heuristic approach – has been developed by combining elements from linguistic hermeneutics, literary cultural analysis, and critical discourse analysis. The study shows that the most significant trait of Swedish milk package texts is the recontextualization of national historical topics, closely entangled with elements of school discourse and children’s literature. This endows the texts with a certain socio-cultural meaning, even though this meaning is dependent on other interactive resources. However, on recent milk packages, changes of communicative patterns can be seen, indicating socio-cultural change. The most significant trait of German milk packages is – besides the ubiquitous use of fresh generating an advertising context – the recontextualization of the fictionalizing topos of locus amoenus, closely intertwined with control and surveillance. The contrastive viewing of 19th-century texts in the dissertation makes clear that contemporary German milk packages still imply urban-bourgeois perspectives on rurality. Finally, the study shows that culture in terms of webs of significance has no location where it is, but a location where it is represented – for instance in everyday genre texts. It illustrates how linguistic hermeneutics can be done.

Polyphonie argumentative : Étude de la négation dans des éditoriaux du Figaro, de Libération et du Monde

Roitman, Malin January 2006 (has links)
This thesis deals with the polyphonic and argumentative functions of the French negation marker, ne, in editorial texts from the daily press. The concept ‘polyphony’ relates to the presence of multiple voices within one and the same utterance. According to this view, negation triggers a subdivision of an utterance in two points of view. Thus the sentence Sweden will not be a part of the monetary union can be divided in two points of view, the underlying ‘Sweden will be a part of the monetary union’, and the explicit ‘Sweden will not be a part of the monetary union’. First, I study the polyphonic structure of negative utterances, notably their division in two points of view, by taking into account their specific linguistic features. This is done so as to identify the relevant linguistic criteria that determine the polyphonic interpretation of the negation. The study demonstrates that contextual elements, including pragmatic connectors, presuppositions contrastive elements, and several other devices constitute the primary source of polyphonic markers. Negation is furthermore approached from a textual perspective. I explore how the two opposite points of view that are associated with negation form polyphonic sequences with other points of view carrying the same semantic content, and how these dynamic points of view are associated to the different discourse beings that are found in the newspaper article. I found that these sequences often embrace the central polemic theme of the article and, also, that the polyphonic function is not restricted to the negative utterance but constitutes an element that ensures textual and argumentative coherence. These two analyses are carried out within Jean-Claude Anscombre’s and Oswald Ducrot’s Theory of Structural Argumentation, which has recently been formalised by Kjersti Fløttum, Coco Norén and Henning Nølke. Finally in this thesis, I analyse the relation between the discourse beings associated with the negative utterance and real beings that exist outside the text, and then consider what rhetorical implications that correspondence or no correspondence has on the polyphonic interpretation of the negation. I also examine whether polyphonic negation can be considered to be a feature of newspaper editorials that identifies these texts as a genre. This study shows that the locuteur, the discourse being responsible for the enunciation of the negative utterance on a textual level, links to the real being, the editorial writer, who then refutes points of view associated to other discourse beings, often by use of nominalizations that refer to community voices. The locuteur also intrudes into an argument or claim, and refutes it in the name of a community or an authority. By defining genre, as does the media researcher Patrick Charaudeau, as a correspondence between the constraints imposed by the discursive situation and the constraints imposed by the discursive features, and by considering that one of the editorial’s constraints is to persuade its readers, this study shows that the phrasal negation ne in its polyphonic function, constitutes a distinguishing feature in the genre of editorials. The refutations that are made by an editor constitute a distinctive argumentative strategy since it permits the editorial writer to present external points of view in order to refute them and thereby impose his or her own, subjective point of view.

Grappling with Patriarchies : Narrative Strategies of Resistance in Miriam Tlali's Writings

Cullhed, Christina January 2006 (has links)
This study is the first one devoted solely to the writings of the South African black novelist Miriam Tlali. It argues that her works constitute literary resistance not only to apartheid, noted by previous scholars, but also to South African patriarchies. Examining Tlali’s novels Muriel at Metropolitan (1975) and Amandla! (1980), and several short stories from Mihloti (1984) and Footprints in the Quag (1989), the study pits these texts against the black literary tradition dominated by men and also reads them within the social context of South African patriarchies, with its social restrictions on women and its taboos concerning sexualities. To distance herself from the patriarchal values inherent in the male literary tradition and to negotiate social and sexual restrictions on women, I argue, Tlali deploys narrative strategies like generic difference, generic dialogism, a double-voiced discourse, “whispering,” and “distancing.” Drawing on the theories of Mikhail Bakhtin and Julia Kristeva, this study first explores “novelistic” traits in Muriel which function both to resist male literary conventions, like the epic mode of narrative, and to criticise their patriarchal ideology. Second, relying on Bakhtin, it analyses the generic dialogism and double-voicedness in Amandla!. Finally, making use of Kristeva’s semiotics and her theory of sacrifice, the study traces the development of a sacrificial discourse of gendered violence from Amandla! to some of Tlali’s short stories. Supported by Martha J. Reinecke’s explication of Kristeva, I show that Tlali’s texts insist that gendered violence upholds the sacrificial economies of both patriarchal apartheid and African patriarchy. The strategies of “whispering” and “distancing,” I claim, surface in Tlali’s addressing of the sensitive issues of black women’s victimisation and gendered violence. “Whispering” entails muting the criticism of the perpetrators of gendered violence, whereas “distancing” results in dis/placing gendered violence on the margins of the community. This study also examines the literary/social context of Tlali’s oeuvre: it explores specific traits of the South African black literary tradition, how the issue of rape has been addressed there, and the depiction of African patriarchy in autobiographies by South African black women.

"Klicka där!" : En studie om bildundervisning med datorer / “Click there!” : A study about art education with computers

Björck, Catrine January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study the teacher’s role when pupils are using computers to create their art work. Working with computers raises new questions for teachers and pupils. Working with digital technology requires teachers to develop new pedagogical, educational and classroom-oriented strategies. The aim of the study is therefore to investigate these strategies and what kinds of challenges and questions arise from them. I investigate how teachers at the senior level of compulsory school conduct education and learning in teaching situations when digital visual work is in focus.  The theory I use is Discourse Psychology combined with Bakhtin’s theory of dialogue and learning.  The Discourse Psychology approach stresses context and the idea that people construct knowledge of the world in dialogue with others. The concept of interaction is used in the study and includes how teacher and pupil interact with the use of verbal language and gestures, where the computer also can be an actor. The method consists of interviews and observation, documentation using a small video camera attached to the teacher as well as by taking notes in the classroom. When digital technology is a part of education, teachers need to have good understanding not only of handling the technology but also deciding in what way they would like to use and work with computers in education. The research contributes to an understanding of art education with computers and the conditions in school when working with digital technology.

Polyphonic conversations between novel and film : Heart of darkness and Apocalypse now ; Na die geliefde land and Promised land / Toinette Badenhorst-Roux

Badenhorst-Roux, Toinette January 2006 (has links)
This dissertation attempts a Bakhtinian analysis of the polyphonic dialogue between Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now, Karel Schoeman's Na die Geliefde Land and Jason Xenopoulos' Promised Land. Specific Bakthinian concepts are employed to determine whether the films are "apt" adaptations of the literary texts; how the stylistically hybrid texts engage in conversation with different movements, genres and trends; how the polyphonic conversations between different texts and discourses, such as literature and film, or colonialism and postcolonialism, can provide insight into the variety of discourses, textual and ideological, of a postcolonial, post-apartheid South Africa; and how identity crises experienced by key characters can be explained using the notions of hybridity, "The Marginal Man" and liminality. All four texts have key characters that experience identity crises that spring from cultural hybridity; their cultural hybridity has the potential to either render them marginally stagnant or lead them to liminally active participation within their imagined communities. This dissertation argues that even though there are major differences between the films and the literary texts they are based upon, they are relevant to a specific target audience and therefore enrich the ur-texts. Salient characteristics of realism, symbolism, impressionism, modernism, postmodernism, postcolonialism and the apocalyptic dialogise one another within the four texts, thereby liberating the texts from one authorial reading. The dialogue between the discourses of literature and film supplement an understanding of the dialogue between war, imperialism, colonialism, postcolonialism and the Will to Power. / Thesis (M.A. (Applied Language and Literary Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006


Scherer, Anelise Scotti 07 March 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Science popularization (SP) involves a complex process of recontextualization of scientific knowledge in the mass media. This process is realized in discursive genres through which the journalist mediator appropriates and re-elaborates the knowledge produced by specialists to a non-specialized audience (MOTTA-ROTH, 2009), making use of intertextual strategies. One of the SP genres investigated in the umbrella project Análise crítica de gêneros discursivos em práticas sociais de popularização da ciência (MOTTA-ROTH, 2010a), developed at Laboratório de Pesquisa e Ensino de Leitura e Redação (LABLER), under supervision of Professor Désirée Motta Roth, is the SP news genre. Partindo desses resultados obtidos sob a ótica da Análise Crítica de Gênero (MEURER, 2002; BHATIA, 2004; MOTTA-ROTH, 2005; 2008), o objetivo deste estudo é investigar os expoentes linguísticos da intertextualidade que evidenciam o jogo entre expansão e contração dialógica em 45 notícias de PC em inglês.The results of analyses concerning this genre and related to the umbrella project have pointed to a predominance of the researcher s voice as the voice of science (MARCUZZO, 2011) and, as a consequence, to an effect of monologism (MOTTA-ROTH; LOVATO, 2011, based on MOIRAND, 2003), which results from and reinforces the hegemonic discourse of science. Based on these results obtained under the perspective of Critical Genre Analysis (MEURER, 2002; BHATIA, 2004; MOTTA-ROTH, 2005; 2008), the objective of this study is to investigate the linguistic exponents of Engagement that serve as evidence of the relation between dialogic contraction and expansion in 45 SP news texts in English. Therefore, the present study has two focus of analysis: text and context. The context analysis involves: a) investigating the process of SP; and b) investigating the sites of the publications in terms of the variables field, tenor and mode. The text analysis involves: a) identifying quoting and reporting (projection); b) interpreting the linguistic traces of engagement (acknowledge, distance and endorse) in the texts of the corpus and c) relating data from text and context analyses. The results corroborate the effect of monologism identified by Motta-Roth and Lovato (2011) as they indicate that, in spite of the higher recurrence of dialogic expansion (mainly ackowledge), the journalist promotes nor the coexistence neither the debate among the different voices than the journalist s. These results suggest that, besides positioning him/herself as the information mediator, the journalist author of the news contracts the discourse as he/she emphasizes the specialist s voice and restrains the participation of other sectors of society among the comments about the popularized research (MARCUZZO, 2011), reinforcing the hegemonic power of science in society. / A popularização da ciência (PC) envolve um processo complexo de recontextualização do conhecimento científico na mídia de massa. Esse processo é materializado em gêneros discursivos a partir dos quais o jornalista mediador apropria-se de e reelabora o conhecimento produzido por especialistas para uma audiência não especializada (MOTTA-ROTH, 2009), fazendo uso de estratégias intertextuais. Um desses gêneros de PC investigado no projeto guarda-chuva Análise crítica de gêneros discursivos em práticas sociais de popularização da ciência (MOTTA-ROTH, 2010a), desenvolvido no Laboratório de Pesquisa e Ensino de Leitura e Redação (LABLER), sob coordenação da Profa. Dra. Désirée Motta Roth, é a notícia de PC. Os resultados de análises desse gênero, relacionadas ao projeto guarda-chuva, têm apontado para um predomínio da voz do pesquisador como voz da ciência (MARCUZZO, 2011) e, como consequência, um efeito de monologismo (MOTTA-ROTH; LOVATO, 2011, com base em MOIRAND, 2003), que resulta de e reforça o poder hegemônico do discurso da ciência. Partindo desses resultados obtidos sob a ótica da Análise Crítica de Gênero (MEURER, 2002; BHATIA, 2004; MOTTA-ROTH, 2005; 2008), o objetivo deste estudo é investigar os expoentes linguísticos de engajamento que evidenciam o jogo entre expansão e contração dialógica em 45 notícias de PC em inglês. Portanto, o presente estudo possui dois focos de análise: o texto e o contexto. A análise do contexto envolve: a) investigação do processo de PC; e b) investigação dos sites das publicações em termos das variáveis campo, relações e modo. A análise textual envolve: a) identificação de citação e relato b) identificação e interpretação dos expoentes linguísticos do engajamento (reconhecimento, distanciamento e endosso) nos textos do corpus e c) relação entre os dados da análise textual e da análise do contexto. Os resultados corroboram o efeito de monologismo identificado por Motta-Roth e Lovato (2011) ao indicarem que, apesar da maior recorrência dos recursos de expansão dialógica (principalmente de reconhecimento), o jornalista não promove a coexistência nem o debate de pontos de vista diferentes do do pesquisador. Esses resultados sugerem que, além de demarcar sua posição como mediador da informação, o jornalista autor da notícia contrai o discurso ao enfatizar a voz do especialista e restringir a participação de outros setores da sociedade nos comentários sobre a pesquisa popularizada (MARCUZZO, 2011), reforçando, assim, o poder hegemônico da ciência na sociedade.

A interação tutor-alunos em EAD: protagonistas de ações de leitura e escrita

Soares, Inaldo Firmino 19 August 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:43:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 963486 bytes, checksum: db131ea31f26077410de303bcf57985b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Set on the foundations of Applied Linguistics which focusses on language activities from different theretical focus, this paper is the outcome of a research on the language actions of postgraduate students (Specialization Courses),observed in the interaction with their tutors and peers, by means of digital hypertext, in a Learning Virtual Environment a Hiper Digital Context. It also studies the way these actions reflect the development and improvement of students verbal language. The topic was studied by means of differentiated authors within Sociodiscursive Interactionism such as: (BRONCKART, 1999, 2006a, 2006b, 2008; DOLZ, PASQUIER E BRONCKART, 1993; DOLZ e SCHNEUWLY, 1998; MACHADO, 2005; MATENCIO, 2007; PEREIRA, 2006, 2007, 2009a, 2009b, 2010). This theory presents as its main theoreticians, Vygostsky (1998, 1987) in the development field, and Bakhtin (2003, 1986), in the language field. To these two authors all thought architecture is supported by social interaction mediated by language. As it is a qualitative research, besides revising the literature we had to observe the students in their interaction with their tutors/teachers and their peers, by means of written messages that circulated in the virtual learning environment. The observed situations offered us subsides to analyse questions related to the way they read, wrote; how their ideas were organized and their knowledge was constructed. The tutor-student language interactions constituted meaningful contributions for the activities of reading and writing by the subjects involved, and if it had occurred in a more conscious form, being clear the role language activities exert over the construction of the conscious thought, the contribution would be more expressive. The reading and writing activities, that have always existed together, have been centered on the thematic content, reflecting a view of reading as decoding activity, to the detriment of a discursive conception that considers not only the skills and competences related to the content, but also the linguistic materiality of the text and its enunciation situation. Starting from a broader notion of reading and writing, considered as social practices, and observing the language interactions of the subjects of this research, especially the tutors with their guidance and interventions on the written activities of the students, some gaps were found. Not all the parameters of social and individual order, being them external, linked to the conditions of text production, or internal, related to the cognitive processing activated during the writing production, have been contemplated. Regarding to the processing of ideas, both the activities proposed by the tutors/teachers and the students' interactions on the e-foruns as well as their text productions showed that actions such as searching, creation, evaluation, decision and selection of ideas were relatively contemplated. What was not present in a more expressive form, especially from the tutors, were the actions of ranking, ordering, concatenating and articulating, that assures the textualization mechanisms and contribute for the thematic coherence of the text, fundamental guidances when written activities were asked, because, independently of their levels and the teaching manner - face or distance education - in which they find themselves, the difficulties are the same. Another action revealed by the results of this study, a wider one, is the massive and systematic investment in the basic and continuing formation of teachers of Portuguese, particularly, but also from other disciplines, as the work with reading and writing are interrelated to the fields of History, Geography, Philosophy, etc. Teachers' training, thus, must start from the comprehension of the complexity of the written language practices, a type of comprehension that imposes a pedagogy of literacy, including digital, that comes to overlap to the pedagogy of the theme or to a genre teaching program that does not contemplate their pragmatic and sociocommunicative aspects. In this sense, this study leaves its contribution for the possible effectiveness of an interface between Applied Linguistics, that focuses in language activities from different theoretical perspectives, and the Distance Education (EaD), both undergraduation and post-graduation courses, with their organizers, webdesigns, tutors, content teachers and students. It is also our intention, by having done this research, to contribute for the spread of the Sociodiscursive Interactionism in Brazil, interdisciplinary theoretical perspective whose studies originate and radicalize in the conception that every thought architecture is sustained in relation to the other, through social interaction, mediated by language. The research points to the need of an adviser/counsellor, a professional from the Applied Linguistics Area, in conceiving, structruing and building up (LVEs) (Learning Virtual Environment) courses where interaction acts effectively: tutor students / students-students reading and writing may constitute the middle and the end of knowledge construction helping in the development and improvement of verbal language. / Sob os alicerces da Linguística Aplicada, que vem focalizando as atividades linguageiras a partir de diferentes enfoques teóricos, este trabalho resulta de uma pesquisa sobre as ações de linguagem nas interações realizadas por alunos e tutores de um curso de Especialização em Ensino a Distância, a partir da plataforma Moodle, e os reflexos dessas ações no desenvolvimento e aprimoramento da linguagem verbal desses sujeitos. O tema foi abordado à luz do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (BRONCKART, 1999, 2006a, 2006b, 2008; DOLZ, PASQUIER E BRONCKART, 1993; DOLZ e SCHNEUWLY, 1998; MACHADO, 2005; MATENCIO, 2007; PEREIRA, 2006, 2007, 2009a, 2009b, 2010), que tem como principais referências teóricas, no campo do desenvolvimento, Vigostsky (1998, 1987) e, no campo da linguagem, Bakhtin (2003, 1986), pensadores cujas perspectivas de estudo se originam e radicalizam-se na concepção de que toda a arquitetura do pensamento se sustenta na relação com a alteridade, através da interação social, mediada pela linguagem. Para atender ao caráter descritivo e exploratório da pesquisa, optou-se pela abordagem qualitativa, o que demandou, além de uma revisão vertical da literatura, a observação dos alunos nas interações com os tutores/professores e seus iguais, por meio das mensagens escritas que faziam circular nas interfaces do ambiente virtual de aprendizagem. As situações observadas ofereceram subsídios para a análise das questões levantadas a respeito de como leem e escrevem esses sujeitos, como organizam suas ideias e como constroem conhecimentos. Dessa análise, alguns resultados podem ser assinalados. As interações linguageiras tutor-alunos constituíram contribuições significativas para as atividades de leitura e escrita por estes sujeitos, e se isso tivesse se dado de forma mais consciente, estando claro o papel que as atividades de linguagem exercem na construção do pensamento consciente, as contribuições seriam ainda mais expressivas. As atividades de leitura e escrita, que sempre estiveram juntas no curso, centralizavam-se no conteúdo temático, refletindo uma concepção de leitura como atividade de decodificação, em detrimento de uma concepção discursiva, que considera não só as habilidades e competências relacionadas ao conteúdo, mas também a materialidade linguística dos textos e a sua situação de enunciação. Partindo de uma noção mais ampla de leitura e escrita, consideradas como práticas sociais, e observando as interações linguageiras dos sujeitos desta pesquisa, sobretudo os tutores com suas orientações e intervenções nas atividades escritas dos alunos, constatamos algumas lacunas. Nem todos os parâmetros de ordem social e individual, sejam os externos, ligados às condições de produção dos textos, sejam os internos, referentes ao processamento cognitivo ativado no momento da produção escrita, foram contemplados. No tocante ao processamento de ideias, tanto as atividades propostas pelos tutores/professores quanto as interações dos alunos nos fóruns e suas produções textuais mostraram que ações de busca, criação, avaliação, decisão e seleção de ideias foram razoavelmente contempladas. O que não se fez presente de forma mais expressiva, sobretudo da parte dostutores, foram ações da ordem do hierarquizar, ordenar, concatenar e articular, que garantem os mecanismos de textualização e contribuem para a coerência temática do texto, orientações essas fundamentais quando solicitamos atividades escritas aos alunos, pois, independentemente do nível deles e da modalidade de ensino presencial ou a distância em que se encontram, as dificuldades são as mesmas. Outra medida apontada pelos resultados deste estudo, esta de caráter mais abrangente, é o investimento maciço e sistemático na formação inicial e continuada de professores de português, sobretudo, mas também de outras disciplinas, afinal de contas o trabalho com leitura e escrita perpassa os domínios da História, Geografia, Filosofia etc. A formação de professores, portanto, deve partir da compreensão da complexidade das práticas de linguagem escrita, compreensão essa que impõe uma pedagogia do letramento, inclusive digital, que venha se sobrepor a pedagogia da temática ou a um ensino de gêneros que não contemple seus aspectos sociocomunicativos e pragmáticos. Nesse sentido, este estudo deixa sua contribuição para a possível efetivação de uma interface entre a Linguística Aplicada, que vem focalizando as atividades linguageiras a partir de diferentes enfoques teóricos, e os cursos de EaD, tanto os de graduação como os de pósgraduação, com seus organizadores, webdesigns, tutores, professores conteudistas e alunos. É nossa intenção também, com a realização desta pesquisa, contribuir para a ampliação do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo no Brasil, corrente teórica interdisciplinar cujas perspectivas de estudo se originam e radicalizam na concepção de que toda a arquitetura do pensamento se sustenta na relação com a alteridade, através da interação social, mediada pela linguagem. A pesquisa aponta, portanto, para a necessidade de uma assessoria/consultoria de um profissional da área de Linguística Aplicada na concepção, estruturação e desenvolvimento de cursos de EaD, para que, na ponta desses cursos, o ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, em que se dão efetivamente as interações tutor-alunos / alunos-alunos, a leitura e a escrita se constituam no meio e no fim da construção do conhecimento e do desenvolvimento e aprimoramento da linguagem verbal.

A CONSTRUÇÃO DISCURSIVA DO MÁRTIR Um olhar a partir da Passio Sanctorum Perpetuae et Felicitatis / The discursive construction of martyr: A look from the Passio Sanctarum perpetuae et Felicitatis

Matos, Denilson da Silva 03 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Noeme Timbo (noeme.timbo@metodista.br) on 2017-01-25T17:03:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Denilson Matos.pdf: 754229 bytes, checksum: 8558b47d13c368319d34b07f0d57a4b5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-25T17:03:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Denilson Matos.pdf: 754229 bytes, checksum: 8558b47d13c368319d34b07f0d57a4b5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-10-03 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / The purpose of this research is to analyze the Passio Sanctorum Perpetuae et Felicitatis, highlighting how this martyrdom report presents its main characters, that is, as the martyrs are built narratively. The research works martyrdom in early Christianity as a discursive phenomenon, that is, as a practice that emerges from a discursive interaction between the main cultures in constant dialogue in the early centuries of the Christian era, Greco-Roman, Jewish and Christian. For this analysis, we will dialogue with the works of Judith Perkins and Candida Moss, Christine Trevett, William Tabbernee, Rex D. Butler, among others, as well as we will use the dialogic concept of Mikhail Bakhtin. The research also discusses the latest research about the martyrdom theme. By examining this ideology developed in early Christianity could identify the discursive construction of a character linked to the practice martyrdom, the martyr. We present the various characteristics attributed to the martyr in a corpus of early Christian texts known as Acts of the martyrs, highlighting the high status achieved by these men and women who faced death. The martyr, to face and experience death receives invaluable powers, which makes it a special person, an ideal Christian who is above the ecclesiastical hierarchy and even the heavenly hierarchy. The Passio Sanctorum perpetuae et Felicitatis is an example of early Christian literature that shares these ideas that pervade the early centuries of the Christian era. By analyzing the plot of the narrative composition of martyrdom report identified traces of the discourse on martyrdom and the martyr present in early Christianity. / O propósito desta pesquisa é analisar a Passio Sanctorum Perpetuae et Felicitatis, destacando como este relato de martírio apresenta suas personagens principais, isto é, como os mártires são construídos narrativamente. A pesquisa trabalha o martírio no cristianismo primitivo como um fenômeno discursivo, ou seja, como uma prática surge de uma interação discursiva entre as principais culturas em constante diálogo nos primeiros séculos da era cristã, a greco-romana, judaica e cristã. Para tal análise, dialogaremos com as obras de Judith Perkins e Candida Moss, Christine Trevett, Willian Tabbernee, Rex D. Butler, entre outros, bem como nos utilizaremos do conceito de dialogismo de Mikhail Bakhtin. A pesquisa discute, também, as mais recentes pesquisas acerca do tema do martírio. Ao examinar esta ideologia desenvolvida no cristianismo primitivo pôde-se identificar a construção discursiva de uma personagem atrelada à prática martírio, o mártir. Apresentamos as diversas características atribuídas ao mártir num corpo de textos do cristianismo primitivo conhecidos como Atas dos mártires, destacando o status elevado alcançados por esses homens e mulheres que enfrentaram a morte. O mártir, ao enfrentar e experimentar a morte recebe poderes inestimáveis, que o torna uma pessoa especial, um cristão ideal que se encontra acima da hierarquia eclesiástica e até mesmo da hierarquia celestial. A Passio Sanctorum Perpetuae et Felicitatis é um exemplo de literatura cristã primitiva que partilha dessas ideias que perpassam os primeiros séculos da era cristã. Ao analisar o enredo da composição narrativa deste relato de martírio identificamos traços do discurso sobre o martírio e sobre o mártir presentes no cristianismo primitivo.

A misericórdia que ultrapassa fronteiras: uma leitura sociológica da parábola do Bom Samaritano - Lucas 10.25-37

Tiago Samuel Lopes de Carvalho 11 October 2013 (has links)
A língua não é apenas um meio através do qual o ser humano expressa seu pensamento. Também não é apenas um código virtual já pronto e disponível fora do contexto de formação. Qualquer uma dessas compreensões desconsidera, a seu próprio modo, os falantes e situações de uso como determinantes dos fatos e regras da língua. A língua é essencialmente dialógica e deve ser compreendida enquanto forma ou processo de inter-ação, no qual os usuários interagem enquanto sujeitos sociais. Ela não é trabalho de um indivíduo, mas trabalho social e histórico seu e dos outros. E é para os outros e com os outros que ela se constitui. Por isso, se afirma que as interações ocorrem no interior de um enorme contexto social, histórico e ideológico e, nesses limites, a linguagem sofre interferências. Essa concepção exige uma leitura diferenciada do texto bíblico, ou seja, uma abordagem que alcance o aspecto histórico, social e dialógico do texto. Dessa maneira, o que se propõe é a leitura bíblica por meio do método sociológico, a leitura dos quatro lados. Esse método parte do pressuposto de que existem quatro lados ou aspectos que são determinantes na vida social de um povo. É uma metodologia orientada para uma leitura simplificada, com fins didáticos, que apresenta a totalidade do dinamismo social em quatro grandes aspectos ou dimensões da realidade social, a saber: econômico, social, político e ideológico. Fundamentado na concepção dialógica do texto, na teoria dos gêneros, no aspecto histórico-cultural com dados obtidos através de uma análise exegética e, especialmente, no aspecto sociológico da parábola do bom samaritano, este trabalho realiza uma leitura sociológica do texto de Lucas 10.2537 para alcançar o propósito da parábola do Bom Samaritano. Com essa leitura se identificaram várias vozes sociais que permeiam o texto e, também, uma proposta peculiar de modelo cristão que procura o sujeito do amor cristão em vez de se preocupar com o objeto e o limite dessa compaixão. / Language is not only a means through which human beings express their thought. It also is not simply a virtual code ready and available outside of the formation context. Any one of these comprehensions, each in its own way, does not consider the speakers and the situations of use as determiners of the facts and rules of the language. Language is essentially dialogic and should be understood as a form or process of inter-action, in which the users interact as social subjects. It is not the work of one individual, but the social and historical work of that individual and of others. And it is constituted for the others and with the others. That is why it is affirmed that the interactions occur within an enormous social, historical and ideological context and, in these limits, language suffers interferences. This concept demands a differentiated reading of the biblical text, that is, an approach which takes in the historical, social and dialogic aspect of the text. Thus, what is being proposed is a biblical reading through the sociological method, a reading from the four sides. This method is based on the presupposition that there exist four sides or aspects which determine the social life of a people. It is a methodology orientated toward a simplified reading with didactic goals, which presents the totality of the social dynamism in four great aspects or dimensions of the social reality, that is: economic, social, political and ideological. Based on the dialogic concept of the text, on the theory of genres, on the historical-cultural aspect with data obtained from an exegetical analysis and, especially, on the sociological aspect of the parable of the Good Samaritan, this paper carries out a sociological reading of the text of Luke 10:25-37 to reach the goal of the parable of the Good Samaritan. With this reading various social voices were identified which permeate the text as was also identified a peculiar proposal of a Christian model which seeks the protagonist of the Christian love instead of being concerned with the object and the limit of this compassion.

A paixão e seus produtos : uma consciência retrospectiva na tetralogia lusitana de Almeida Faria

Savio, Lígia January 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho estuda a inserção da História na Literatura, abordando a Tetralogia Lusitana, de Almeida Faria, conjunto de quatro romances deste autor, publicados entre 1965 e 1983. Procura comprovar que um evento histórico fundamental para o povo português, como a Revolução dos Cravos, redireciona a produção do escritor Almeida Faria fazendo-o, a partir do romance A Paixão, de 1965, desenvolver um projeto literário intratextual. A consciência histórica, assim, se retroprojeta modificando o tempo no primeiro romance e sua leitura, atribuindo-lhe novos sentidos. O mito é elemento importante na criação/desvelamento da obra, tanto na sua utilização como alegoria do universo fechado a que ele se refere, quanto no posterior aproveitamento em termos críticos, uma vez que as personagens buscam fugir da mitificação do processo revolucionário, negando os antigos discursos unificadores e buscando sempre uma postura antiépica. Neste sentido, utilizamos referenciais teóricos diferenciados para cada romance da Tetralogia Lusitana, como a crítica do imaginário de Gilbert Durand, o conceito de História de Walter Benjamin, a polifonia, o dialogismo, a intertextualidade, a carnavalização e a paródia de acordo com Mikail Bakhtin e os estudos de Eduardo Lourenço sobre a identidade portuguesa. Nosso método consistiu, portanto, no estudo comparativo dos quatro romances da Tetralogia Lusitana e na simultânea análise de cada um deles, reconhecendo suas peculiaridades e, ao mesmo tempo, o papel que ocupam neste conjunto. Tal abordagem permitiu comprovar as hipóteses lançadas, fazendo-nos chegar à conclusão de que Almeida Faria, através de sua literatura, mostra um povo que busca novos caminhos e uma nova idéia de pátria, onde o ser português passa pelo descentramento, alimenta-se da integração de várias etnias e se abre sempre para novas possibilidades. Ao analisar o tratamento ficcional que o autor dá ao processo revolucionário no Portugal contemporâneo e seus desdobramentos históricos, pretendemos também contribuir para a crítica relativa à Literatura Portuguesa pós-revolução / This work studies the History’s insertion in Literature, approaching the Tetralogia Lusitana of Almeida Faria, which is a group of four romances, published by this author between 1965 and 1983. It seeks to prove that a fundamental historical event for the Portuguese people, as the Carnation Revolution, redirects Almeida Faria's production making him develop a intratextual literary project, starting from the romance “The Passion”, of 1965. Thereby, the historical conscience retro-projects itself, modifying the time and attributing new meanings to the first romance reading. The myth is an important element in the creation-unveiling of the work - as allegory to the closed universe referred, as much as in a subsequent use in critical terms - once the characters seek to escape the mythicizing of the revolutionary process, denying the unifying old speeches, always looking for an anti-epic attitude. In this sense, we used distinct theoretical references for each romance of the Tetralogia Lusitana, as the Gilbert Durand’s imaginary critics, the Walter Benjamin’s concept of History, the polyphony, the dialogism, the intertextuality, the carnivalization and the parody according to the work of Mikhail Bakhtin, and the Eduardo Lourenço's studies about the Portuguese identity. Our method consisted, therefore, in a comparative study of the Tetralogia Lusitana’s four romances and in a simultaneous analysis of each one of them, recognizing their peculiarities and, at the same time, their individual role in the group. Such approach allowed to prove the previous hypotheses, making us to conclude that Almeida Faria, through his literature, shows a people looking for new roads and a new homeland idea, where the “being Portuguese” feeling crosses concepts as decentralization, feeding itself from an ethnic integration, always opened for new possibilities. When analyzing the fictional treatment given by the author to the revolutionary process in a contemporary Portugal and in its historical unfolding, we also intended to contribute to the Portuguese post-revolution literature studies.

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