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Polyphonie argumentative : Étude de la négation dans des éditoriaux du Figaro, de Libération et du MondeRoitman, Malin January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis deals with the polyphonic and argumentative functions of the French negation marker, ne, in editorial texts from the daily press. The concept ‘polyphony’ relates to the presence of multiple voices within one and the same utterance. According to this view, negation triggers a subdivision of an utterance in two points of view. Thus the sentence Sweden will not be a part of the monetary union can be divided in two points of view, the underlying ‘Sweden will be a part of the monetary union’, and the explicit ‘Sweden will not be a part of the monetary union’.</p><p>First, I study the polyphonic structure of negative utterances, notably their division in two points of view, by taking into account their specific linguistic features. This is done so as to identify the relevant linguistic criteria that determine the polyphonic interpretation of the negation. The study demonstrates that contextual elements, including pragmatic connectors, presuppositions contrastive elements, and several other devices constitute the primary source of polyphonic markers.</p><p>Negation is furthermore approached from a textual perspective. I explore how the two opposite points of view that are associated with negation form polyphonic sequences with other points of view carrying the same semantic content, and how these dynamic points of view are associated to the different discourse beings that are found in the newspaper article. I found that these sequences often embrace the central polemic theme of the article and, also, that the polyphonic function is not restricted to the negative utterance but constitutes an element that ensures textual and argumentative coherence. These two analyses are carried out within Jean-Claude Anscombre’s and Oswald Ducrot’s Theory of Structural Argumentation, which has recently been formalised by Kjersti Fløttum, Coco Norén and Henning Nølke.</p><p>Finally in this thesis, I analyse the relation between the discourse beings associated with the negative utterance and real beings that exist outside the text, and then consider what rhetorical implications that correspondence or no correspondence has on the polyphonic interpretation of the negation. I also examine whether polyphonic negation can be considered to be a feature of newspaper editorials that identifies these texts as a genre. This study shows that the locuteur, the discourse being responsible for the enunciation of the negative utterance on a textual level, links to the real being, the editorial writer, who then refutes points of view associated to other discourse beings, often by use of nominalizations that refer to community voices. The locuteur also intrudes into an argument or claim, and refutes it in the name of a community or an authority.</p><p>By defining genre, as does the media researcher Patrick Charaudeau, as a correspondence between the constraints imposed by the discursive situation and the constraints imposed by the discursive features, and by considering that one of the editorial’s constraints is to persuade its readers, this study shows that the phrasal negation ne in its polyphonic function, constitutes a distinguishing feature in the genre of editorials. The refutations that are made by an editor constitute a distinctive argumentative strategy since it permits the editorial writer to present external points of view in order to refute them and thereby impose his or her own, subjective point of view.</p>
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Polyphonic conversations between novel and film : Heart of darkness and Apocalypse now ; Na die geliefde land and Promised land / Toinette Badenhorst-RouxBadenhorst-Roux, Toinette January 2006 (has links)
This dissertation attempts a Bakhtinian analysis of the polyphonic dialogue between
Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now, Karel Schoeman's Na die Geliefde Land and Jason Xenopoulos' Promised Land.
Specific Bakthinian concepts are employed to determine whether the films are "apt"
adaptations of the literary texts; how the stylistically hybrid texts engage in conversation
with different movements, genres and trends; how the polyphonic conversations
between different texts and discourses, such as literature and film, or colonialism and
postcolonialism, can provide insight into the variety of discourses, textual and
ideological, of a postcolonial, post-apartheid South Africa; and how identity crises
experienced by key characters can be explained using the notions of hybridity, "The
Marginal Man" and liminality. All four texts have key characters that experience identity
crises that spring from cultural hybridity; their cultural hybridity has the potential to either
render them marginally stagnant or lead them to liminally active participation within their
imagined communities.
This dissertation argues that even though there are major differences between the films
and the literary texts they are based upon, they are relevant to a specific target audience
and therefore enrich the ur-texts. Salient characteristics of realism, symbolism,
impressionism, modernism, postmodernism, postcolonialism and the apocalyptic
dialogise one another within the four texts, thereby liberating the texts from one authorial
reading. The dialogue between the discourses of literature and film supplement an
understanding of the dialogue between war, imperialism, colonialism, postcolonialism
and the Will to Power. / Thesis (M.A. (Applied Language and Literary Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006
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Learning to live interculturally : an exploration of experience and learning among a group of international students at a university in the UKRich, Sarah Alice Louise January 2011 (has links)
In the past 30 years there has been a rapid and exponential growth in the numbers of people electing to complete all or part of their studies outside of their country of origin. This phenomenon has attracted considerable research attention, not least from those who are interested to describe the benefits seen to accrue from the opportunity this provides for an extended encounter with linguistic and cultural diversity. Notably, the widespread assumption that this can generate a new form of learning, commonly referred to as intercultural learning, which is understood to comprise increased tolerance, empathy and openness to the linguistic and cultural other. Despite the limited research data to substantiate these claims, among those interested to develop educational responses to globalization, the potential of intercultural contact to generate intercultural learning has considerable appeal and has been co-opted in the development of policy and practice to promote global citizenship at all levels of education. This has contributed to the emergence of a particular discourse about intercultural learning and is further fuelling the development of both short and long-stay study abroad programmes. This discourse is, however, increasingly called into question on account of the perceived overly-simplistic constructions of interculturality and learning on which it is premised. In particular, there is a growing recognition of the need to develop situated accounts of people’s everyday encounters with linguistic and cultural others which acknowledge the exigencies of the setting, as well as the impact of wider political economic and historical discourses on their positioning in intercultural encounters. The generation of ‘thick’ descriptions of people’s lived experiences of interculturality in global educational contact zones, it is argued, can lead to a more nuanced account of the intercultural learning these can afford. This was the aim of the study reported in this thesis. The study undertaken explores the relationship between an experience of interculturality and learning among 14 international students during their year-long sojourn at a university in the UK. Drawing upon a socially constructed relational understanding of learning informed by the transactional and dialogic conceptualization of learning developed by Dewey and Bakhtin among others, the study sought to generate a narrative account of participants’ experiences and learning generated from periodic individual and group interviews over the year as well as reflective accounts in participants portfolios and other opportunistic conversations recorded in the researcher log. Primary analysis of the data revealed that participants’ experiences generated a number of forms of learning. One of these, ‘learning about self in relation to linguistic and cultural other’ was identified as a form of intercultural learning, comprising learning to be more open to the other and learning about linguistic and cultural positioning. This was subsequently explored in more depth, revealing a complex interplay between these two elements and the strategic actions taken by participants to manage their encounters with linguistic and cultural others. These results revealed considerable differences in the learning trajectories and outcomes resulting from their intercultural encounter. The findings also point to the importance of sustained commitment to intercultural dialogue on the part of individuals and the perception of their ethical treatment by others as important to the direction their learning trajectories take. On the basis of these findings, it is argued that while an encounter with linguistic and cultural other may lead to increased tolerance, empathy and openness to other associated with the way intercultural learning is employed in much of the research literature, the strategic actions learners take to negotiate their linguistic and cultural positioning will critically inform the extent to which they develop these qualities. The thesis concludes with a discussion of the ways in which a situated and relational conceptualization of interculturality and learning is seen to contribute to a more informed and deeper understanding of the sorts of intercultural learning that are made possible by an intercultural encounter. I also identify a number of research agendas which can build upon the insights provided by the study.
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Pilegrim, turist og elev : Norske skoleturer til døds- og konsentrasjonsleirer / Pilgrim, Tourist and Pupil : Norwegian School Journeys to Death and Concentration CampsKverndokk, Kyrre January 2007 (has links)
This dissertation is about Norwegian school journeys to former death and concentration camps in Poland and Germany. The thesis follows a 10th grade class from the preparations for such a journey, on the journey itself and finally during the reflective work of the pupils upon returning to school. The journey is viewed as a memory process and the thesis discusses how the collective memory of Holocaust is constituted and how the Holocaust memory is staged and performed by the pupils. This kind of travel praxis balances among the inner processes of acknowledgement connected to the pilgrimage, the hedonism of tourism and the school journey’s play with the limits of the teacher’s tolerance. How the pupils handle the tension among these three forms of travelling genres is ritually scripted. Also, the way the pupils express their impressions of the journey is strictly ritually scripted. The journey is thus a monological organised memory praxis which makes it difficult for the pupils to express themselves in ways other than the scripted ones. / Denne avhandlingen handler om norske skoleturer til tidligere døds- og konsentrasjonsleirer i Polen og Tyskland. Avhandlingen følger en tiendeklasse fra Oslo gjennom forberedelsene til reisen, underveis på turen og i bearbeidelsen av inntrykkene etter at elevene har kommet hjem. Reisene studeres i et erindringsperspektiv med fokus på hvordan erindringen om annen verdenskrigs konsentrasjonsleirsystem konstitueres, fortelles og iscenesettes. Konkret undersøker avhandlingen hvordan konsentrasjonsleirene og Holocaust presenteres for elevene, hvordan elevene selv italesetter sin fortidsfortolkning og hvordan holocausterindring iscenesettes gjennom en slik reise. Denne formen for reisepraksis balanserer mellom pilegrimsreisens indre erkjennelsesprosess, turistreisens hedonisme og skoleturens lek med grensene for lærerens toleranse. Hvordan elevene skal manøvrere seg innenfor spenningsfeltet mellom disse tre formene for reisegenre er i stor grad styrt av et rituelt script. Det samme kan sies om elevenes ytringsmuligheter i etterkant av turen. Reisen kan derfor sies å være en form for monologisk organisert erindringspraksis som gir elevene få muligheter til å uttrykke seg på andre måter enn de rituelt foreskrevne.
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[pt] Este trabalho apresenta uma reflexão sobre uma prática de estimulação através de atividades lúdicas, realizada com grupos de crianças que apresentavam um sintoma de dificuldade de atenção em atividades escolares. A pesquisa teórica teve por finalidade buscar bases para fundamentar o trabalho, considerando-se as referências culturais da atualidade e as influências que o diálogo e a relação de identificação com os profissionais envolvidos proporcionaram a essas crianças. Atenção e a falta dela foram os focos desta pesquisa. / [en] This dissertation presents a reflection on the practice of stimulation through play activities, conducted with groups of children who presented a lack of attention as a common symptom in school activities. The theoretical research aimed to seek bases to support a group work with children, considering the current cultural references and influences that dialogue and relationship identification with the professionals involved have provided to these children. Attention and the lack of it were the focus of this research.
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Reversal : le partage de la parole comme expérience sensible, esthétique, et politique / Reversal : the sharing of speeech as a sensible, aesthetic and political experienceMairesse, Philippe 07 November 2014 (has links)
Les interventions artistiques dans le monde des entreprises soulèvent la question de leur capacité critique, et de leur posture politique. L’artiste peut-il contribuer par son intervention à humaniser l’organisation, et diminuer l’exercice de l’autorité arbitraire qui s’y exerce ? Mes propres expériences au moyen d’un dispositif de discussion particulier, basé sur le principe « on choisit qui on écoute, on ne choisit pas à qui on parle », tentent d’instaurer un partage de la parole plus égalitaire sur les scènes ordinaires de la vie organisationnelle. En m’appuyant sur les théories de Jacques Rancière au sujet d’une esthétique politique, j’analyse deux cas où l’introduction de mon dispositif, destiné à ouvrir plus de possibilités d’écoute égalitaire, a résulté en conflits et en renforcement de l’autorité et de la confiscation de la parole. La description des logiques internes à l’expérience sensible des acteurs mène à penser une forme de dialogisme fondé non pas tant sur l’opposition entre autorité et dissensus, mais sur la prise en compte de l’autoritarisme de l’écoute elle-même. La critique de mon dispositif et de la manière dont sont activées les dimensions contradictoires du sensible de la parole, telles que les perçoivent les acteurs, ouvre sur l’art comme éducation esthétique à une forme d’écoute « dissensuelle », qui sache discerner les voix dans le bruissant de la scène de parole, tout en sachant que tout discernement est arbitraire. J’en déduis le type de responsabilité éthique que doit assumer mon approche des organisations par l’art, pour que l’esthétique au sens de Rancière rejoigne le politique en pratique. / Artistic interventions within organizations meet the issue of their political stance and their critical ability. Can the art intervention foster a humanization of the organization and lower the arbitrary and authoritarian regime? My own experiments through the mean of a discussion device and a protocol based on the rule: “you choose who you listen to, you cannot choose who you talk to”, strive at opening a more egalitarian sharing of the speech on the organizational stage. Drawing on Rancière’s aesthetic and politic theories, I investigate two cases where my intervention resulted in an increased enforcement of power and a restriction of the freedom to speak. By describing the internal logics underlying the actors’ experience of the sensible, I outline a conception of a dialogism not so much concerned with the right to speak and the claim for acknowledgement, as with the inevitable authoritarian quality of listening. The critique of my intervention and my art device and the consideration of the manners in which the actors perceive the heterogeneous dimensions of speech delineate an art form of intervention as an aesthetic education. Training a dissensual listening would mean knowing how to discern any voice among the rustling others, and knowing how discernment is arbitrary. I conclude by circumscribing which ethic responsibility I need to assume in order for my art approach towards organizations to qualify as a true political aesthetics in the sense of Rancière.
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Enunciados verbovisuais na Ciência Hoje das Crianças: uma abordagem dialógica / Verbal-visual utterances on Ciência Hoje das Crianças: a dialogical approachOliveira, Ana Paula Fabro de 16 December 2010 (has links)
A presente pesquisa busca identificar procedimentos e mecanismos, verbais e visuais, pelos quais o discurso de divulgação científica para crianças, de autoria da SBPC (Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência) e materializado em reportagens de capa da Ciência Hoje das Crianças, se direciona e se orienta por seu destinatário presumido, assim como visa identificar como e para quais fins estabelecem-se relações dialógicas entre formas composicionais verbais e visuais. Centrando-se em reportagens de capa enquanto concretização do projeto e vontades discursivas de um sujeito histórica e socialmente situado, à luz de noções formuladas pelo Círculo de Bakhtin, tais como dialogismo, acabamento, esfera e endereçamento do enunciado, o trabalho explora duas hipóteses. Primeira, em se tratando de divulgação de conhecimentos científicos ao público infantil, mais do que a seleção temática de assuntos de cunho científico que poderiam interessar ao público infantil, a linguagem é a ponte que alinhava vínculos entre o autor, a ciência e o cientista e o destinatário-criança, segunda, no discurso científico endereçado aos pequenos, a reincidência de recursos lexicais típicos da ideologia do cotidiano é movida pelo objetivo de fazer entender. A análise detida do corpus iluminou dois tipos principais de relações dialógicas, a saber, 1) dialogismo entre as instâncias autoriais do autor-cientista e do ilustrador e 2) movimentos dialógicos em direção ao universo do leitor. / The present research aims at identifying the procedures and mechanisms, verbal and verbally-visual, used by the scientific diffusion speech to children, written by SBPC (Brazilian Society to the Science Progress) and materialized in cover articles of the magazine Ciência Hoje das Crianças Childrens Science Today. This research considers how this speech is aimed and led by its presumed addressee, and also identifies how and for which purpose the dialogical relations are established between verbal and visual compositional forms. This research is based on the notions proposed by the Bakhtin Circle, such as dialogism, completion, sphere and utterance addressing. Focusing on cover articles for this project building and the speech wills of a historically and socially situated subject, the work explores two hypothesis. The first deals with the diffusion of scientific knowledge to children, so that the language is the bridge that connects the author, science and scientist and addressee (children) more than only a thematic selection of scientific issues which could interest the children. The second hypothesis deals with the scientific speech addressed to the little ones. The reincidence of the lexical resources typical to the day-by-day ideology is moved by the objective of make it understood. The analysis taken from the corpus enlightened two main kinds of dialogical relations: 1) dialogism between the authors instances from the author-scientist and the illustrator; and 2) dialogical movements towards the readers universe.
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Todo mundo é humano? A relação entre humanidade e animalidade nas narrativas míticas de duas culturas / Is everybody human? The relationship between humanity and animality in the myth stories of two culturesKawaguchi, Douglas 21 September 2017 (has links)
O problema geral de que trata esta pesquisa é a constatação de que a cultura ocidental reserva à figura do humano um lugar excepcional, central e identificado com a totalidade cosmológica visão de mundo que está em sintonia com o paradigma de abusos massivos praticados contra os animais explorados pela indústria mundialmente e com a catástrofe ambiental que presenciamos na atualidade. Partindo desta problemática, o presente estudo se propõe a compreender a noção ocidental ora mencionada, comparando-a com a visão dos Yanomami povo indígena das Américas, ou ameríndio sobre o lugar do humano no universo. Para compreender o que significa ser humano em uma dada cultura, adoto como contraponto o animal, de modo que o ponto focal deste trabalho é a relação entre humano e animal nãohumano, ou seja, a forma como estas duas instâncias ontológicas se definem mutuamente em duas culturas distintas. O gênero discursivo adotado para esta análise comparada é a narrativa mítica, tendo em vista o papel fundamental da narrativa para a compreensão do outro e do mito para a construção cultural de significados. Assim, analiso, comparo e interpreto dois mitos de criação, um de cultura ocidental e outro ameríndio: o Gênesis, primeiro livro da Bíblia Hebraico-Cristã; e A Queda do Céu: Palavras de um xamã Yanomami, compilado de narrativas do líder indígena Davi Kopenawa registradas pelo antropólogo Bruce Albert ao longo de mais de uma década. Os resultados permitem afirmar que as narrativas ocidental e ameríndia apresentam concepções opostas quanto às relações entre humanidade e animalidade em quase todas as categorias analisadas; que os próprios sentidos atribuídos a humano e não-humano em ambas são divergentes em sua essência; e que, enquanto a narrativa ocidental pressupõe os animais como objeto e a animalidade como caos a ser expurgado, a ameríndia os considera não apenas sujeito, mas parte do humano e contrapartida indispensável para o contato com a espiritualidade / The general problem which this research deals with is the observation that Western culture positions the human in an exceptional and central place, identified with the cosmological wholeness a worldview which is in tune with the paradigm of massive abuses that are practiced against the animals who are exploited by industry worldwide. Departing from that problem, this work discusses the Western notion quoted above, comparing it with the notion of Yanomami an indigenous people from Americas, or simply Amerindian about humans place in the universe. In order to understand what it means to be a human in a given culture, I adopt the animal as a counterpart, so that the focal point of this work is the relationship between the human and nonhuman animal, that is, the way these two ontological instances define themselves mutually, in two different cultures. The gender of discourse I have set for this cross-cosmological dialogue is the myth-story, given the fundamental function of narrative for the understanding of the other, and of myth for the cultural construction of meaning. For this purpose, I analyze, interpret and compare two creation myths, one from Western and other from Amerindian culture: The Book of Genesis, which is the first book of the Hebrew-Christian Bible; and The Falling Sky: Words of a Yanomami Shaman, a compilation of narratives of indigenous leader Davi Kopenawa, recorded by anthropologist Bruce Albert over more than a decade. The results allow us to imply that Western and Amerindian narratives present opposite conceptions concerning the relationships between humanity and animality almost all categories analyzed; that the very meanings attributed to human and non-human in both narratives are essentially divergent; and that, while Western narrative presupposes non-human beings as objects and animality as chaos to be purged, Amerindian narrative takes it not only as subjects, but part of human and an indispensable complement for the contact with spirituality
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Interpretação e aplicação do direito tributário: fundamentos jurídicos da decisãoDias, Ana Carolina Papacosta Conte de Carvalho 07 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:30:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Ana Carolina Papacosta Conte de Carvalho Dias.pdf: 2326591 bytes, checksum: 33becb2e1ded57067fe61bd177db75f5 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010-06-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The main purpose of the present term paper is to provide a framework
for a theory of the legally valid tax decision that assures the unity and consistency of the
national tax system, based upon an analysis of interpretation, application and
implementation of Tax Law. Positive law is understood to be a set of legal norms that exist
within an historical context and determined territorial space. It is expressed through
language, prescriptive propositions and legal messages for the purpose of regulating human
conduct in interpersonal relations that are established in social reality, guided by the ideal
of implementation of values that are foreseen by juridical phenomena, to guarantee the
stability of interpersonal relations situated in social reality. Positive tax law, an expression
that manifests the methodological cut necessary to cognoscente study of tax phenomenal is
a language that forms the communicational system that creates legal tax phenomena. The
Science of Tax Law is also a language that forms the communicational system that
integrates the tax legal phenomena. The Languages of positive tax law and Tax Law
Science form different communicational systems that co-exist and are co-related, since they
are constituted by decisional acts (acts of speech) of subjects situated in a social context, a
broader system within which communication may develop. The positive law tax system,
founded on the juridical-epistemological principle of the fundamental norm, is a
homogenous syntactically and semantically heterogeneous. When creating juridical
phenomenal, one must guarantee the maintenance of normative expectations and the
stabilization of intersubjective relations originated by the tax phenomenal. The
interpretation is an intellective process of attribution of a signification to linguistic signs
that form the statement, object of interpretation. For this reason, the present study uses the
concepts of the General Theory of Law, analyzed by the premises developed by
Contemporary Philosophy of Language and by the other sciences of language. The
authentic interpretation acts of decision from competent subjects creates and realizes
tax law. Because it is an act of decision, the authentic interpretation is submitted to the
subjectivity of the competent subject (valuation process), that must be limited (objective)
by the procedures foreseen in the tax system, which, in the final analysis, point to an
interpretative technique based upon intertextuality and dialogism. The final interpretant of
Tax Law indispensable for the realization of tax phenomena is the set of prescriptive
enunciations handed down by the Supreme Court, guardian of the Federal Constitution,
introductory norm of the legal rules which comprise the National Tax System. Its function
is to build a correct interpretation from the constitutional enunciates. The texts enunciated
by its decisions are the physical supports (that dialogue with the other juridical texts), the
starting point for all interpretation performed by authentic interpreters of positive tax law.
The Science of Tax Law, formed by descriptive propositions, developed by the decisions of
interpreters, acts of speech, enunciations that come from prescriptive tax law assertions, is
meta-interpretation of tax law and serves as physical support, the starting point of
interpretation, comprising also the intertextuality upon which the Supreme Court bases its
decisions. Interpretation is the creator, applicator, and implementer of tax law. It is a
translation mechanism of the messages coming from other social systems (principally from
the Science of Tax Law System) in Tax Law, allowing it to coordinate the flux of human
interaction, propagating the sensation of foreseeability regarding the juridical effects of tax
phenomena / A proposta do trabalho, ora apresentado, é construir os fundamentos
para uma teoria da decisão tributária juridicamente válida e garantidora da unidade e
consistência do sistema tributário nacional, a partir da análise da interpretação e aplicação
do direito tributário. O direito positivo é entendido como um conjunto de normas jurídicas
existentes no tempo histórico e no espaço territorial presente, manifestadas em linguagem,
enunciados prescritivos, mensagens jurídicas, com a função de regular as condutas
humanas nas relações interpessoais que se estabelecem na realidade social, direcionadas
pelo ideal de concretização dos valores positivados pelo fenômeno jurídico, para atingir a
finalidade de garantir a estabilidade das próprias relações interpessoais situadas na
realidade social. O direito tributário positivo, nomenclatura que manifesta o corte
metodológico necessário para o estudo cognoscente do fenômeno tributário, é uma
linguagem que forma o sistema de comunicação que realiza o fenômeno jurídico tributário.
A Ciência do Direito Tributário é também uma linguagem, que forma o sistema de
comunicação que relata o fenômeno tributário. As linguagens do direito tributário positivo
e da Ciência do Direito Tributário formam sistemas de comunicação diferentes, que
coexistem e co-relacionam, por se constituírem por meio de atos de decisão (atos de fala)
de sujeitos situados no contexto social, sistema mais abrangente em que a comunicação
pode desenvolver-se. O sistema do direito tributário positivo, fundado no princípio
epistemológico-jurídico da norma fundamental, é sintaticamente homogêneo e
semanticamente heterogêneo. Ao realizar o fenômeno tributário, deve-se garantir a
manutenção de expectativas normativas e a estabilização das relações intersubjetivas
decorrentes do fenômeno tributário. A interpretação é um processo intelectivo de atribuição
de significado aos signos lingüísticos que formam o enunciado, objeto da interpretação. O
produto da interpretação é o significado atribuído ao enunciado interpretado. Por essa
razão, o presente estudo utiliza-se dos conceitos de Teoria Geral do Direito, analisados à
luz das premissas desenvolvidas pela Filosofia da Linguagem Contemporânea e pelas
demais ciências da linguagem. A interpretação autêntica - atos de decisão dos sujeitos
competentes - cria e aplica o direito tributário. Por ser um ato de decisão, um ato de fala, a
interpretação autêntica está sujeita à subjetividade do sujeito competente (processo de
valoração), que deve ser objetivada pelos procedimentos previstos no próprio sistema do
direito tributário, que, em última análise, apontam para a técnica interpretativa pautada na
intertextualidade e no dialogismo. O interpretante final do direito tributário indispensável
para a realização do fenômeno tributário é o conjunto de enunciados prescritivos exarados
pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, guardião da Constituição Federal, norma introdutora das
normas jurídicas que conformam o Sistema Tributário Nacional. Sua função é construir o
sentido dos enunciados constitucionais. Os textos enunciados por suas decisões são os
suportes físicos, pontos de partida de todas as demais interpretações autênticas do direito
tributário. A Ciência do Direito Tributário, formada pelos enunciados descritivos,
produzidos pelas decisões dos intérpretes, enunciação que parte dos enunciados prescritivos
do direito tributário, é metainterpretante do direito tributário, e serve como ponto de partida
da interpretação, compondo o substrato de intertextualidade no qual se pauta a decisão do
Supremo Tribunal Federal. A interpretação do direito tributário é pressuposto para sua
aplicação. É mecanismo de tradução das mensagens advindas dos demais sistemas sociais
em direito tributário. A existência de interpretante final na semiose tributária propaga o
sentimento de previsibilidade quanto aos efeitos jurídicos do fenômeno tributário
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Escola e fábrica: discursos sob tensão / School and factory: speechs under strainFranco, Márcia Garbini 16 May 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-05-16 / This dissertation has for objective to investigate the verbal-visual construction of the work notion
found in research reports developed by apprentices of a vocational school, located inside of the
company who supports the school. The reports are resulted of the project "Ergonomics in the
workstations" that, supported theoretically in the British analysis ergonomic of workstations, has
as goal the development of activities of compensation postural and physical preparation for the
work. The corpus is constituted by 11 reports selected in the period between 2004 and 2006 that,
besides the text, presents pictures, in way to suggest the verbal-visual analysis. The theoretical
perspective that bases this dissertation is centered in Bakhtin and its Circle and more directly in
concrete statement, mentioned speech, controversial speech and spheres of communication.
Besides this basis and to take the images and their implications in the construction of the work
notion, I looked for support in Susan Sontag's studies about photography, mainly in what she
refers to the subject of the photographic vision, and of Ivan Lima regarding the relationship of
visual dominance. Starting from the identification of some verbal and visual elements which
compose the materiality of the text, as well as in the ways of presence of the other in the speech
and of the social voices which compose the corpus, it was possible to establish relationships
between the verbal and the look that participate indeed of the construction of the work notion in
the reports. The results of the analysis indicated the "contradiction" as element who structures of
the corpus. The images revealed a subject behind the camera, in other words, the subjectivity and,
articulate to the verbal elements, appear a confrontation among the voices that permeate the
corpus: the Ergonomics, speech worked by the school, is revealed as the place of the ideal; the
practices in the workstations of the company, are exposed as space of the Real; the speech of the
technology and quality and the one of the survival as aspects that surround the work. Finally, the
presence of the suitable speeches for the analysis of the corpus, put in confrontation situation,
signals the contradictions that permeate the work notion, as demonstrated by the reports / Esta dissertação tem por objetivo investigar a construção verbo-visual da noção de trabalho encontrada em relatórios de pesquisa desenvolvidos por aprendizes de uma escola profissionalizante, localizada dentro da empresa mantenedora. Os relatórios são resultado do projeto Ergonomia nos postos de trabalho que, apoiado teoricamente na análise ergonômica britânica de postos de trabalho, tem como meta o desenvolvimento de atividades de compensação postural e preparação física para o trabalho. O corpus é constituído por 11 relatórios selecionados no período compreendido entre 2004 e 2006 que, além da dimensão verbal, apresentam fotografias, de forma a sugerir a análise verbo-visual. A perspectiva teórica que embasa esta dissertação centra-se em Bakhtin e seu Círculo e mais diretamente em enunciado concreto, discurso citado, discurso polêmico e esferas da comunicação. Além dessa fundamentação e para dar conta das imagens e suas implicações na construção da noção de trabalho, busquei apoio nos estudos de Susan Sontag sobre a fotografia, principalmente no que se refere à questão da visão fotográfica, e de Ivan Lima a respeito da relação de dominância visual. A partir da identificação de alguns elementos verbais e visuais que compõem a materialidade do texto, assim como das formas de presença do outro no discurso e das vozes sociais que compõem o corpus, foi possível estabelecer relações entre o verbal e o visual que participam efetivamente da construção da noção de trabalho nos relatórios. Os resultados da análise indicaram a contradição como elemento estruturador do corpus. As imagens revelaram um sujeito por trás da câmera, ou seja, a subjetividade e, articuladas aos elementos verbais, apontam para um confronto entre as vozes que permeiam o corpus: a Ergonomia, discurso trabalhado pela escola, revela-se como o lugar do ideal; as práticas nos postos de trabalho da empresa expõem-se como espaço do real; o discurso da tecnologia e qualidade e o da sobrevivência como aspectos que circundam o trabalho. Por fim, a presença dos discursos indicados pela análise do corpus, colocados em situação de confronto, sinaliza as contradições que permeiam a noção de trabalho, conforme demonstrada pelos relatórios
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