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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vuxna personers erfarenhet av att leva med irritable bowel syndrome : en icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt / Adults experience of living with irritable bowel syndrome : a non-systematic literature review

Ekstrand Kungberg, Emelie, Stragapede, Melissa January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund   Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) är en mag- och tarmsjukdom som drabbar cirka 18 procent av den svenska befolkningen och som medför en lägre livskvalitet. Irritable bowel syndrome är en komplex sjukdom med en multifaktoriell etiologi där vanliga symtom är exempelvis magsmärtor, förstoppning och diarré. I vården blir personer med IBS ofta felaktigt bemötta och det finns ett ökat behov av kunskap hos sjuksköterskor kring IBS för att kunna erbjuda en god och personcentrerad vård. Syfte Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att beskriva vuxna personers erfarenhet att leva med irritable bowel syndrome. Metod En icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt valdes som metod för att besvara studiens syfte där 12 vetenskapliga artiklar av både kvantitativ och kvalitativ metodansats inkluderades. Sökningen av artiklar genomfördes i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL där valda artiklar kvalitetsgranskades i enlighet med Sophiahemmet Högskolas bedömningsunderlag. Resultatet sammanställdes genom en integrerad dataanalys. Resultat Två huvudkategorier framkom i resultatet; Utmaningar i det dagliga livet och Mötet med hälso- och sjukvården. Personer upplevde att IBS påverkade negativt den fysiska och psykiska hälsan, yrkes- och privatlivet samt att det fanns brister i sjukvården. Sjukdoms påverkan över det dagliga livet är dubbelriktad där psykosociala faktorer samspelar med symtomen. Personer som sökt vård för IBS besvär upplever att de inte får tillräckligt med stöd och att de inte blir tagna på allvar. Resultatet diskuterades sedan med stöd av Erikssons teori om lidande så kallad Caritativ vårdande. Slutsats Denna litteraturöversikt belyste vuxna personers erfarenheter av att leva med IBS. Resultatet påvisade att IBS har en komplex påverkan på personernas dagliga liv och brister i mötet med sjukvårdspersonal. Genom ökad kunskap kring detta skulle sjuksköterskor kunna arbeta mer personcentrerat för att kunna bemöta och stötta personer med IBS. / Background Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a gastrointestinal disorder that affects approximately 18 percent of the Swedish population and leads to a lower quality of life. Irritable bowel syndrome is a complex disease with multifactorial etiology, where common symptoms include abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhea. People with IBS are often wrongly treated in the healthcare system, where there is an increased need for knowledge among nurses about IBS in order to offer good and person-centered care.  Aim The aim of the literature review was to describe adults’ experiences of living with irritable bowel syndrome. Method  A non-systematic literature review was chosen as the method to answer the purpose of the study where 12 scientific articles with a quantitative and qualitative approach were included. The search for articles was carried out in the databases PubMed and CINAHL and selected articles were quality checked in accordance with Sophiahemmet University’s assessment document. The results were compiled through an integrated data analysis.  Results Two main categories emerged in the results: Challenges in their daily lives and The encounter with healthcare. People experienced that IBS negatively affected their physical and mental health, work and personal life, and that there were shortcomings in healthcare. The impact of the disease on daily life is bidirectional, where psychosocial factors interact with the symptoms. People seeking care for IBS problems often feel that they do not receive enough support and that they are not taken seriously. The result was discussed with the support of Eriksson´s theory about suffering, known as Caritative caring.   Conclusions This literature review emphasizes adult’s experiences of living with IBS. The results showed that IBS has a complex impact on a person’s daily life and can create challenges when interacting with healthcare professionals. By increasing knowledge about this, nurses could work more patient-centered in order to meet and support people with IBS.

Le déchet durable : éléments pour une socio-anthropologie du déchet ménager / The en-durable waste : elements for a socio-anthropological approach to household waste

Monsaingeon, Baptiste 02 June 2014 (has links)
Depuis une quarantaine d’années, les déchets ménagers et leur gestion sont assimilés à un enjeu écologique global. Alors que se popularisent les discours défendant une conception durable du développement, nos poubelles se multiplient. Qu’aspirons-nous à préserver lorsque, l’enjeu planétaire invoqué, un gouffre intermédiaire se dessine et nous invite à interroger ce lien communément admis entre déchets et pratiques de protection de l’environnement. Notre thèse consiste à affirmer que, sous couvert de leur « environnementalisation », et malgré l’inflation du temps et de l’espace qui leur sont consacrés, les déchets restent marqués par l’oubli des enjeux sociaux, techniques, matériels qui les caractérisent. Cet aveuglement, individuel et collectif, neutralise toute possibilité de penser le déchet comme indice : il voile sa fonction mémorielle et le condamne à n’être appréhendé que comme ce qui doit disparaître, que comme quantité de matière à contrôler, à éliminer. Le déchet durable est l’oxymore qui vise à problématiser cette multiplicité des modes de présence du déchet aujourd’hui. S’inspirant des figures du chiffonnier ou de l’archéologue, notre enquête socio-anthropologique s’applique à suivre ces déchets ménagers, depuis d’incertains océans de plastique jusqu’à quelques lombricomposteurs parisiens. A partir de cette confrontation à la matérialité, aux territoires et aux pratiques du déchu, il s’agit d’affirmer que là où la présence irrévocable des déchets est décrite comme un problème, la question de notre présence aux déchets se pose inévitablement. / Over the past forty years, household waste and its management have been assimilated to a global environmental issue. While sustainable development is becoming a pressing issue, the number of our garbage bins is increasing. So what is it that we aim to preserve when we are dutifully sorting out our garbage? Between the very local gesture of discarding and the global environmental issue, there is a tremendous gap. The link between everyday practices of waste and environmental issues is so underdetermined that it has to be analysed. The main claim of this dissertation is that despite a growing concern with environment and the increasing time and space devoted to waste management, we remain unaware of the social, technological and material issues at stake. Because of this individual and collective blindness waste is not seen as a clue: as its memorial function is neglected waste is still perceived as what has to disappear, as a material quantity that has to be controlled and eliminated. The en-durable waste is an oxymoron that leads to further investigate the multiple modes of presence of waste in today’s life. Inspired by the personae of the ragman and of the archaeologist, this socio-anthropological investigation follows household waste from uncertain oceans of plastic to few Parisian vermicompost bins. Based on this confrontation to the materiality of waste, to the territories and to practices of wasting, this dissertation claims that where the unavoidable presence of waste is described as a problem, it is question of our presence to waste that is at stake.

Návrat do života a jeho kvalita u pacientů po akutní resekci střev / Return to life and its quality in patients after acute intestinal resection

Radošová, Alena January 2019 (has links)
Introduction: Quality of life is a long-term goal in nursing care. Nursing care in improving the quality of life should focus not only on physical aspects, but especially on support to return to everyday life, managing daily activities, at least to the extent that the patient has been able to handle them before staying at hospital. Methodology: The aim of the work was to evaluate the quality of life of patients before and after staying in ICU with a focus on patients after acute surgery associated with intestinal resection. The research sample consisted of patients who underwent acute surgery associated with intestinal resection and ICU staying. Quality of life was assessed before hospitalization and 3 months after discharging from the ICU. We have chosen SOFA, APACHE scoring systems to obtain data. The quality of life before hospitalization was evaluated by SF-36 and ADL, IADL questionnaires for daily activities. In the ICU dismission, the patients completed HADS (anxiety, depression), MAF (fatigue) questionnaires, 6-minute walk and sit / stand test. After the third month of convalescence, patients completed questionnaires: SF-36, IADL, ADL, HADS, MAF and 6. minute walk and sit / stand test. Results: 38 patients were evaluated. We found a significant difference in the development of all observed...

Passaram a mão na minha poupança - um estudo sobre o impacto do Plano Collor no cotidiano da população brasileira urbana em 1990 / The impact of the Collor Plan on daily life of the Brazilian urban population in 1990

Andozia, Francine De Lorenzo 02 July 2019 (has links)
O Plano Brasil Novo ou Plano Collor, como ficou conhecido foi lançado em março de 1990 por Fernando Collor de Mello, primeiro presidente eleito por voto direto no Brasil em quase 30 anos, tendo como principal marca o inédito confisco das aplicações financeiras privadas por um período de 18 meses. A brusca retirada de moeda de circulação, que fez sumir de um dia para outro cerca de 75% do dinheiro que irrigava a economia brasileira, provocou uma ruptura não apenas no sistema econômico-financeiro do País, como também nas relações sociais e na cultura econômica vigentes, alterando a dinâmica do cotidiano e o comportamento econômico da população urbana. / The New Brazil Plan or Collor Plan, as it was known was launched in March 1990 by Fernando Collor de Mello, the first president elected by direct vote in Brazil in almost 30 years, having main feature the unprecedented confiscation of private financial investments for a period of 18 months. The abrupt withdrawal of circulation money, which wiped out about 75% of the money that irrigated the Brazilian economy from one day to the next, provoked a rupture not only in the country\'s economic-financial system, but also in social relations and economic culture, changing the daily dynamics and the economic behavior of the urban population.

Alegrias engarrafadas : os alcoóis e a embriaguez na cidade de São Paulo no final do século XIX e começo do XX /

Camargo, Daisy de. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Eduardo Jordão Machado / Banca: Célia Reis Camargo / Banca: Eduardo Romero de Oliveira / Banca: Luis Soares de Camargo / Banca: Jaime Rodrigues / Resumo: Esse trabalho trata das relações sociais que permeiam o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas na cidade de São Paulo, no final do século XIX e começo do XX, desvelando gestos e sensibilidades do cotidiano da cidade, captando costumes, modos de vida e sujeitos extintos. O objetivo é explorar uma cultura gestual, material e sensível, historicamente construída, ligada aos alcoóis, seus objetos, suas maneiras de saborear e lugares de consumo / Abstract: This work deals with the social relations that permeate the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the city of São Paulo in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, unfolding daily gestures and sensitivities of the city, capturing customs, lifestyles and extinct subjects. The aim is to explore a gestural, material and sensitive culture, historically constructed, linked to alcohols, their objects, ways of enjoying, and places of consumption / Doutor

Saberes docentes no cotidiano escolar: uma análise no cenário dos ciclos e da progressão continuada / Teacher knowledges in school daily life: an analysis in the context of cycles and continued progression

Bezerra, Bruna da Silva 09 March 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investiga os saberes mobilizados e construídos pelo professor no trabalho pedagógico para atuar diante dos desafios desencadeados a partir da implantação dos ciclos com progressão continuada. Para atingir tal objetivo, realizou-se revisão bibliográfica sobre os temas ciclos, progressão continuada e saberes docentes e pesquisa de campo, de caráter qualitativo, em uma Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental (EMEF), na cidade de São Paulo. Os procedimentos metodológicos incluíram entrevistas, análise de documentos e observações participantes em salas de aula, nos horários de trabalho coletivo e em eventos escolares. Os dados foram analisados à luz do conceito de saber docente fundamentado nos trabalhos de Maurice Tardif (2002), Ruth Mercado Maldonado (1991, 2002) e Marli Lúcia Tonatto Zibetti (2005); da idéia de atividade criadora de Vigotsky (2003) e das concepções de estratégia e tática de Michel de Certeau (1994). Partiu-se do pressuposto de que a implantação dos ciclos com progressão continuada trouxe novos desafios e novas demandas ao trabalho docente. Nesse contexto, o professor não se faz passivo ao se deparar com dificuldades na prática pedagógica. Como ser histórico, consciente do processo permanente de busca e vontade de ser mais (FREIRE, 2006), ele busca novos conhecimentos e produz saberes para lidar com situações diversas e conduzir sua prática no cotidiano escolar. Desenvolve também estratégias e táticas que expressam seus saberes, modificando e recriando o que lhe é imposto. Ao final da pesquisa, verificou-se que, nesse contexto de miscigenação de séries e ciclos, os professores estão buscando, modificando e elaborando constantemente ações pedagógicas, com o objetivo de atender a heterogeneidade em uma classe e assegurar a apropriação dos conhecimentos pelos alunos. Em função das possibilidades do cotidiano escolar para o desenvolvimento do trabalho pedagógico, os professores reelaboram as experiências e os conhecimentos apropriados dentro de uma lógica seriada e criam novas formas de intervenção para atender às demandas trazidas à prática com a implantação dos ciclos com progressão continuada. A organização do trabalho coletivo na escola e o saber docente em sua dimensão criadora têm possibilitado o desenvolvimento de uma educação voltada à formação de sujeitos humano-históricos. / This research investigates the knowledges constructed and mobilized by the teacher in his/her pedagogical work to face the challenges brought about by the implementation of school cycles with continued progression. To this purpose, a bibliographical review of the issues related to cycles, continued progression and teacher knowledges was carried out, as well as a qualitative fieldwork at a Municipal School of Fundamental Education (EMEF) in the city of São Paulo. The methodological procedures include interviews, documental analysis and participant observation in classrooms, during periods of collective work, and school events. Data were analyzed in the light of the concept of teacher knowledge founded on the works of Maurice Tardif (2002), Ruth Mercado Maldonado (1991, 2002) and Marli Lúcia Tonatto Zibetti (2005); on Vigotsky´s idea of creative activity, and om the conceptions of strategy and tactics by Michel de Certeau (1994). The work starts from the assumption that the implementation of cycles with continued progression brought new challenges and new demands to the teaching work. In this context, teachers are no longer passive before the difficulties of pedagogical practice. As historical beings, aware of the permanent process of searching and willing to be more (Freire, 2006), they seek and produce new knowledges to deal with the changing situations and to conduct their practice in school daily life. They also develop strategies and tactics to express their knowledges, modifying and recreating what is imposed upon them. By the end of the study, it was possible to see that in this context of miscegenation of series and cycles, teachers are constantly seeking, modifying and elaborating pedagogical actions with the objective of dealing with the heterogeneity of a class and to ensure the incorporation of knowledges by the students. Depending on the possibilities of school daily life for the development of the pedagogical work, teachers re-elaborate the appropriate experiences and the knowledges within a serial logic, and create new forms of intervention to deal with the demands placed upon the practice by the implementation of cycles with continued progression. The organization of the collective work at school and the teacher knowledge in its creative dimension have made it possible to develop an education aimed at the formation of human-historical subjects.

Em pauta, o tráfico de animais silvestres: a cobertura da Folha de S. Paulo e O Globo (2010-2014) / In discussion, the wild animals trafficking: the coverage of Folha de S. Paulo and O Globo (2010-2014)

Marques, Dimas Renato Pallu 11 October 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar e analisar as abordagens dos jornais Folha de S. Paulo e O Globo na cobertura do tráfico de animais silvestres entre 2010 e 2014. Todos os 254 textos publicados no período foram lidos e analisados. O mercado negro de fauna e a cultura do criar espécimes silvestres como bichos de estimação foram detalhados para contextualizar o problema. Técnicas quantitativas foram utilizadas para a classificação dos textos em categorias (tipos de abordagens). Dez categorias foram identificadas e os textos agrupados, permitindo concluir que tanto da Folha de S. Paulo quanto O Globo dão preferência à cobertura de ações de fiscalização e repressão ao tráfico de fauna. A Análise Crítica do Discurso de Norman Fairclough, teorias do Cotidiano de Agnes Heller e Michel de Certeau e a Teoria das Representações Sociais de Serge Moscovici foram o suporte da análise qualitativa e a base teórica da pesquisa. Quinze textos de oito categorias foram qualitativamente analisados. Seis principais representações sociais foram destacadas, com destaque para: animal silvestre pode ser criado como bicho de estimação, o Estado é incompetente na gestão da fauna silvestre e a repressão resolve o problema do tráfico de fauna. A aplicação da Análise Crítica do Discurso encontrou elementos que corroboram as representações sociais identificadas. A conclusão foi que os dois jornais (bem como o Estado brasileiro) reforçam a ideia de que se pode criar silvestres como bichos de estimação, desde que os animais tenham origem legal, e que a repressão é a melhor forma para desestimular o tráfico conceitos que discordamos. Folha de S. Paulo e O Globo não contribuem efetivamente para a construção de uma nova cultura que ajude na redução do comércio ilegal de animais silvestres e não auxiliam no processo de modificações de representações sociais para gerar impacto no tráfico de fauna. / This research aimed to identify and analyze the approaches of the Folha de S. Paulo and O Globo newspapers in the coverage of wild animals trafficking between 2010 and 2014. All 254 texts published in the period were read and analyzed. The black market of fauna and the culture of creating wild specimens as pets were detailed to contextualize the problem. Quantitative techniques were used to classify texts into categories (types of approaches). Ten categories were identified, and the texts were classified, allowing to conclude that both Folha de S. Paulo and O Globo prefer to cover actions of inspection and repression of wild animals traffic. Critical Discourse Analysis of Norman Fairclough, Agnes Heller\'s and Michel de Certeau\'s theories of Daily Life, and Serge Moscovici\'s Theory of Social Representations were the basis of qualitative analysis and the theoretical basis of the research. Fifteen texts from eight categories were qualitatively analyzed. Six main social representations were highlighted, with emphasis on: wild animal can be reared as a pet; State are incompetent in the management of fauna and repression solves the problem of wild animals trafficking. The application of the Critical Discourse Analysis found elements that reinforce the identified social representations. The conclusion was that the two newspapers (as well as the Brazilian State) reinforce the idea that wild animals can be created as pets, as long as the animals are of legal origin, and that repression is the best way to discourage trafficking - concepts that we disagree with. Folha de S. Paulo and O Globo do not contribute effectively to the construction of a new culture that helps to reduce the illegal trade of wild animals as well as do not provide any aid in the process of modifications of social representations to generate impact in the traffic of fauna.

A individualidade criativa do ator no trágico cotidiano

Cerpa, Maritza Alejandra Farías 01 August 2013 (has links)
A presente pesquisa visa disponibilizar a organização de um processo criativo teóricoprático situado na interação da experimentação dos princípios atorais desenvolvidos pelo ator russo Michael Chekhov e na apropriação das teorias e estética simbolistas propostas por Maurice Maeterlinck, adotando como base principal o conceito de \"trágico cotidiano\". Propõe-se uma análise-associação, enquanto proposição criativa, para a elaboração de cena teatral configurada a partir da individualidade criativa do ator e da procura de uma teoria como provocação dramatúrgica por meio de um processo com fins artístico-pedagógicos. Essa possibilidade busca ser, na arte da atuação, uma ferramenta de aprofundamento na qual o ator é quem descobre e desenvolve sua própria linguagem cênica, resultando, finalmente, numa experiência prática de criação cênica autoral do ator, que abre um possível caminho de reflexão em torno da formação e do trabalho do ator como artista criador. / This research aims to provide the organization of a theorical-practical creative process, based on the interaction of the experiment of the actor\'s principles developed by the Russian actor Michael Chekhov, and on the appropriation of the symbolist theories and esthetic proposed by Maurice Maeterlinck, adopting as main base the concept of \"tragic daily life\". It is proposed an association analysis, as a creative approach to making theater scene set from of the actor\'s creative individuality and finding a theory as dramaturgical provocation through a process with artistic-pedagogical goals. This possibility intends to be a tool for deepening the art of acting in which the actor is who discovers and develops his/her own scenic language, resulting, in the end, in a practical experience of authorial scenic creation of the actor, which opens a possible way of thinking on the training and work of the actor as creative artist.

Ler, Escrever, Contar e se Comportar: a Escola Primária como Rito do Século XIX Português (1820-1910) / Read, write, count and behave: the primary school as a nineteenth century Portuguese rite (1820-1910)

Boto, Carlota Josefina Malta Cardozo dos Reis 08 September 1997 (has links)
Tendo por objetivo o estudo da escola portuguesa no período compreendido entre 1820 e 1910, procuramos a identificação de aspectos concernentes à interface entre as práticas escolares e o debate social sobre as mesmas. Por essa trilha metodológica, propusemo-nos a historiar o cotidiano, pressupondo nele uma história dos atores que vivem a escola; que agenciam o dia-a-dia escolar. Além disso, tínhamos a intenção de entrelaçar esse ensaio da escola que passou com as representações postas no imaginário pedagógico da sociedade portuguesa na referida época. Por ser assim, pretendíamos verificar a intersecção entre os modos como a sociedade percebia o fenômeno da instrução e os procedimentos realmente adotados para o ensino, com a finalidade de reconstruir pela escrita alguns aspectos que pontuaram o universo simbólico acerca da educação em Portugal de um século atrás. A escola primária era, em Portugal do século XIX (1820-1910), um ritual entre gerações. À infância, era suposto o reconhecimento escolar da tradição do povo e do passado do país. À infância seria também entregue o futuro. Cabia, portanto, à escola a projeção desse futuro, a exemplo do passado. Compreender a sociedade portuguesa do período exigiria então o reconhecimento desse intervalo entre passado e futuro; essa mudança de temporalidade representada pelos anos de escola. A escola era uma forma, um modelo de criação e de irradiação de valores; valores que, muitas vezes reproduzindo, no mínimo, ela ajudou a criar. A escola primária era também a instituição que a comunidade reclamava para se fortalecer. A escola era o lugar de produção do cenário coletivo para a generalização do código da escrita. A escola era enfim o ambiente que paradoxalmente se opunha e complementava a ação familiar. O presente trabalho procurou então rastrear os sinais do discurso sobre a escola: quem era enfim essa escola que a modernidade criou, e no que supostamente ela se deveria tornar? Nesse diálogo entre o domínio da realidade do ensino e as prescrições - legais, intelectuais, institucionais, literárias - sobre o ideal educativo almejado, procurou-se interpretar a variação das fontes, estabelecendo sentidos, conexões, inferências, regularidades; enfim, compondo um relato. Na longa duração de quase um século, procurou-se perceber as rupturas e permanências de uma atmosfera escolar, cujos alicerces talvez tenham algo a dizer à nossa contemporaneidade pedagógica. / The aim was to study Portuguese schools during the period between 1820 and 1910, we sought to identify aspects concerning the interface between school practices and the social debate about them. For this methodological path, we proposed to narrate daily life, presuming this is a story of actors who live in the school; who manage daily school life. Furthermore, we had the intention of intertwining this enacted school study with imaginary pedagogic representations put in Portuguese society in the referred to period. Accordingly, we intended to verify the meeting point between the way in which society perceived the educational phenomenon and the procedures really chosen in teaching, with the purpose of reconstituting in writing some of the aspects that marked the symbolic universe around education in Portugal in the last century. In Portugal in the XIX century (1820-1910) the elementary school was a ritual between generations. The school was supposed to recognize the tradition of the people and the history of the country during childhood. The future would also be given in childhood. Therefore the school would fit this future projection to the example of the past. Therefore to understand Portuguese society of the period would require the recognition of this interval between past and future; this temporary change represented by the school years. The school was a mold, a model of creation and the diffusion of values; values which, many times reproducing, at least, helped to create. The elementary school was also the institution that the community required to strengthen it. The school was the place for the production of the collective scenario for the generalization of the written code. Finally, the school was the environment that paradoxically opposed and complemented family activity. Therefore, this present work sought to track the signs of discourse about the school: which finally was the school modernity created, and which supposedly should become? In this dialog between the dominion of teaching reality and the requirements - legal, intellectual, institutional, literary about the longed for educational ideal, we sought to interpret the variety of sources, establishing directions, connections, inferences, rules; finally, creating a report. In the long period of almost a century, we sought to understand breaks and permanent aspects of a school environment, whose foundation perhaps has something to say about our contemporary pedagogy.

Sangue, ossos e terras. Os mortos e a ocupação do território luso-brasileiro séculos XVI e XVII / Blood, bones and land: the dead and the occupation of territory luso brazilian - XVI-XVII centuries

Cymbalista, Renato 01 December 2006 (has links)
A tese problematiza a ocupação territorial na América Portuguesa e na Península Ibérica nos séculos XVI e XVII, atentando para aspectos espirituais e religiosos deste processo, especificamente o papel estratégico desempenhado pelos mortos. Mostra que o território foi construído a partir de alguns mortos muito especiais: os santos e mártires. Os martírios de religiosos foram vistos como prerrogativas da colonização do território, e a descoberta, o traslado ou a criação de relíquias sagradas restos materiais dos corpos dos santos eram procedimentos importantes para a construção da centralidade das cidades. Este trabalho busca identificar as práticas dos reis ibéricos em relação aos seus lugares de sepultamento, mostrando que houve uma busca pela apropriação da lógica simbólica dos corpos dos santos pelos dos reis no início da Idade Moderna, abrindo espaço para uma maior centralidade da figura real. Revela ainda que a acomodação dos mortos foi um dos desafios prioritários das primeiras urbanizações, garantindo o repouso adequado dos corpos até a ressurreição no Juízo Final e também a fluidez na comunicação entre os vivos e as almas do purgatório. A tese também aborda a forma como os índios Tupi na América Portuguesa articulavam as relações entre os vivos, os mortos e o território, envolvendo relações de nomadismo, antropofagia e práticas corporais. / This thesis examines the occupation of Portuguese America and of the Iberian Peninsula in the XVI and XVII Centuries with special attention to the spiritual and religious aspects of the process and, specifically, to the strategic role played by themdead. It demonstrates that the territory was shaped by a small number of dead of particular significance: the saints and martyrs. The sufferings of the martyrs were seen as prerogatives in the process of colonisation; the discovery, transport or creation of sacred religious relics the material and bodily remains of the saints were important procedures in the construction of urban centres. The thesis seeks to describe the attitudes of Iberian royalty with regard to their places of burial, and demonstrates that they involved an attempt to appropriate the symbolism inherent in the bodies of the saints at the beginning of the Modern Age, opening room for a more central role for the royal personage. It reveals that accommodating the dead was among the principal challenges facing the first urbanisers: offering an appropriate resting place for their bodies until the resurrection and the Final Judgement, and providing for fluidity of communication between the living and the souls in purgatory. The thesis also deals with the ways in which the Tupi Indians of Portuguese America articulated relationships between the living, the dead and the land, involving aspects of nomadism, cannibalism and bodily practices.

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