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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desjudicialização dos conflitos: novo paradigma para uma educação jurídica voltada à prática da atividade advocatícia negocial

Brandão, Fernanda Holanda de Vasconcelos 11 April 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-07T14:27:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 23757628 bytes, checksum: b79e1a17dd584c671b61d47956f6c726 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-04-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The practical experience of courses provided by Law Schools in Brazil shows that the legal education is not following the contemporary social transformations. On the other hand, the society is increasingly seeking for a more efficient, non-bureaucratical and speedier access to justice. However, this access is not being possible through traditional means of conflict resolution, what means lawsuits. Actually, the Judiciary seems inadequate in order to attend a constantly growing number of procedures and law professionals do not have awareness that we must privilege the pacification culture over the litigation culture. Therefore, due to so many crisis, either in Judiciary, in State, in the university legal education, it is necessary to find ways to provide practical and real effectiveness to make the access to justice as a citizen fundamental right, consequently, contributing to promote social, human and economic development in the democratic rule-of-law State. To achieve this objective, it must exist a join effort of society, legislators, legal scholars and students, in order to change the paradigm of a dogmatic and archaic legal education, which has its foundations in the history of a centralized and absolute Law, guided by utilization and application of what the laws dictate. This overpassed educational method, nowadays countered by several jurists, always withdrew the critical and interpretational power of the people, as it is evident in studies of the jurist theoretical common sense. Considering those aspects, this work aims to disseminate the phenomenon of extrajudicial conflict resolution as a new paradigm to be adopted for a legal education dedicated to alternative dispute resolution founded in negotiation techniques and game theory. / A experiência prática de disciplinas oferecidas nos cursos de direito das universidades federais brasileiras mostra que o ensino jurídico não está acompanhando as transformações sociais contemporâneas. Por sua vez, a sociedade vem buscando cada vez mais um acesso à justiça que seja célere, eficiente e desburocratizado. Todavia, esse acesso não tem sido possível através do meio tradicional de solução de conflitos, que é a prestação da tutela jurisdicional pelo Estado-juiz. Na verdade, o que se verifica é a insuficiência do Poder Judiciário para atender um número sempre crescente de demandas processuais e a falta de consciência dos operadores do direito de que é preciso privilegiar a cultura da pacificação, em detrimento da cultura da litigância. Assim, diante de tantas crises, seja do Poder Judiciário, seja do Estado, seja da educação jurídica universitária, faz-se necessário encontrar caminhos para que se dê efetividade prática e real de acesso à justiça como direito fundamental do cidadão, contribuindo, assim, para promover o desenvolvimento econômico, social e humano no Estado democrático de direito. Para que isso ocorra, é necessário um esforço conjunto da sociedade, dos legisladores, dos estudiosos do direito, dos docentes e discentes, no sentido de mudar um paradigma de educação jurídica dogmática e arcaica que tem suas origens na história de um direito centralizado e absoluto, disciplinado pela utilização e aplicação do que ditam as leis. Essa forma superada de educação, combatida atualmente por vários juristas, sempre tirou das pessoas o poder de interpretação e de crítica, consoante se evidencia nos estudos sobre o senso comum teórico do jurista. Levando em consideração esses aspectos, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo difundir o fenômeno da desjudicialização dos conflitos como um novo paradigma a ser adotado para uma educação jurídica que se volte para a prática da atividade advocatícia negocial, fundamentada por técnicas de negociação e pela teoria dos jogos.

Meios alternativos na resolução de conflitos de interesses transindividuais / Alternative dispute resolution for collective rights

Sarah Merçon-Vargas 29 March 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho destina-se a examinar as perspectivas ao uso de meios extrajudiciais de resolução de conflitos para a composição de conflitos coletivos no Brasil. Para tanto, serão analisadas as principais características da negociação, mediação, conciliação e arbitragem, identificados os requisitos de admissibilidade para o uso de tais técnicas e explicitados os elementos a serem considerados no exame de adequação do uso de meios extrajudiciais. Além disso, serão examinadas as principais características dos direitos difusos, coletivos stricto sensu e individuais homogêneos, assim como as regras processuais pertinentes à legitimação e coisa julgada no processo coletivo. Mais adiante, o presente trabalho tentará sistematizar hipóteses sobre o cabimento e sobre a adequação das técnicas extrajudiciais para a resolução de conflitos que envolvem direitos coletivos. Ao final, será possível concluir que tais direitos podem e devem ser resolvidos por meio de técnicas extrajudiciais, em especial por meio da negociação, da conciliação e da arbitragem. / The following work aims at examining prospects in the use of alternative dispute resolution techniques in Brazilian class actions. To this end, it will, at first, analyze negotiation, mediation, conciliation and arbitration main characteristics. Also, admission criteria for each of these dispute resolution techniques will be identified and the elements that should be considered for the adequacy exam will be outlined. Further on, the three kinds of Brazilian class action and the main characteristics of each class procedures will be examined, with special concern to procedure laws pertaining legitimacy and res judicata. Moreover, the paper will systematically study the hypothesis in which extrajudicial conflict resolution techniques may be applied and the adequacy of their use in cases encompassing collective rights. Finally, in its conclusion, it will be demonstrated that extrajudicial techniques can be used to solve conflicts involving collective rights, mainly through negotiation, conciliation and arbitration.

L’arbitrage dans les contrats publics colombiens / Arbitration of disputes arising out of public contracts

Salcedo Castro, Myriam 21 June 2012 (has links)
Si le droit administratif colombien se fonde sur les mêmes principes que le droit administratif français, l’interdiction de l’arbitrage aux personnes morales de droit public n’a pas été reprise en Colombie. La jurisprudence a admis l’application de l’arbitrage aux contrats publics même en l’absence d’autorisation législative. Le principe de légalité, la continuité du service public et le respect de l’intérêt public fondent le droit des contrats publics. Cependant, celui-ci se développe sous l’égide du droit commun des obligations et des contrats et il partage les aspects essentiels du droit de l’arbitrage : l’autonomie de la volonté et la liberté contractuelle. Si le droit colombien n’impose aucune limite à l’arbitrage des contrats publics depuis 1993 alors que les lois antérieures en fixaient, cette évolution législative peut-elle être interprétée comme l’octroi de compétences équivalentes aux arbitres et au juge administratif ? Le régime du droit commun de l’arbitrage s’adapte-t-il aux besoins du contentieux des contrats publics ? Quelle est la portée de ce changement pour l’arbitrage international des contrats publics ? Au-delà des contradictions apparentes, les principes des contrats publics n’entrent pas en confrontation avec les notions essentielles à l’arbitrage. La compétence des arbitres se limite aux contentieux subjectifs des contrats publics. La jurisprudence forgée en la matière depuis 1964 s’est consolidée au fil du temps, nous permettant d’évaluer l’efficacité et l’effectivité de l’arbitrage des contrats publics. / Even though Colombian and French administrative law are grounded on the same principles, Colombian administrative law did not adopt the stance that public legal bodies are prevented from agreeing arbitration clauses and submitting their disputes to arbitration. Colombian case law has recognized arbitration clauses in relation to disputes arising out of public contracts, even when there is no specific legal authorization to do so. The principle of the rule of law, the continuity of the provision of public services, the public interest and the existence of a specialized administrative jurisdiction, are the foundations of public contract law. Nevertheless, public contract law is implemented under the aegis of contract law and it shares essential aspects of arbitration law: the autonomy of the parties free will and freedom of contract. Since 1993, Colombian law has not imposed any limit on the arbitration of disputes arising out of public contracts, even if former laws did so. Could this legal progress be construed as granting similar jurisdiction to arbitrators and administrative judges? Is general arbitration law suitable for the needs of the settlement of disputes arising out of public contracts? What is the scope of this change for the international arbitration of disputes arising out of public contracts? Despite the apparent contradictions, the essential tenets of public contracts, do not conflict with the key components of arbitration. The jurisdiction of arbitrators is confined to “contentieux subjectifs”. Colombian case law has developed since 1964 and has been consolidated over time, allowing us to evaluate to what extent the arbitration of disputes arising out of public contracts is an effective and efficient tool for public administration.

La conciliation en Colombie

Zapata, Gloria Estella 06 1900 (has links)
La conciliation, un mécanisme alternatif de résolution des conflits, cherche à la fois à maintenir une relation d'affaires ainsi qu'à raviver la communication et l’équilibre des pouvoirs entre deux parties opposées. Son véritable esprit consiste à faire en sorte que le citoyen récupère son rôle principal dans la solution de ses conflits et qu’il agisse sans l'intervention de l'État. Contrairement aux autres systèmes juridiques, le système juridique colombien donne au conciliateur un pouvoir décisionnel et/ou consultatif dans un cas concret. Aussi, les termes médiation et conciliation sont parfois utilisés comme synonymes. Cependant, ces termes se différencient selon la participation du tiers conciliateur ou médiateur au processus de résolution des conflits. In mediation, the mediator controls the process through different and specific stages: introduction, joint session, caucus, and agreement, while the parties control the outcome. Par ailleurs, même si ce sont des concepts universels grâce aux textes juridiques, ces mécanismes de résolution des conflits demeurent encore méconnus des citoyens. La pratique de la conciliation ne connaît pas de frontières; elle est répandue partout dans le monde. Dans les années 90, les pays d’Amérique latine, plus précisément la Colombie, ont commencé à envisager la possibilité de prendre part dans cette enrichissante expérience grâce aux progrès législatifs et institutionnels qui ont été réalisés en matière de mécanismes alternatifs de résolution des conflits. En matière de conciliation, en Colombie, il y a une grande richesse normative mais les lois, dispersées et difficiles à interpréter, génèrent de l’insécurité et de l’incertitude juridique. De plus, entamer le processus de conciliation se fait de diverses manières, la plus controversée étant sans doute la conciliation préalable obligatoire. Cette méthode imposée a été la cible de diverses critiques. En effet, ces critiques concernent le fait qu’une telle pratique obligatoire enfreint le volontariat, un pilier fondamental de la conciliation. Aussi, le tiers conciliateur, ayant une formation de haut niveau, représente une pièce maîtresse dans le processus de conciliation vu sa grande responsabilité dans le bon déroulement de cette méthode de résolution des conflits. / Conciliation, an alternative dispute resolution mechanism, allows the maintenance of a business relation and the revival of communication as well as an equilibrium of power between two opposing parties. It's true spirit consists in allowing the citizen to recover his principal role in the resolution of his conflicts and enables him to do so without the intervention of the State. Unlike other judicial systems, the Columbian judicial system gives the conciliator a decisional power and/or consultative in a particular case. Also, the terms mediation and conciliation are sometimes used like synonyms. However, those terms are differentiated by the participation of a third party conciliator or mediator in the process of conflict resolution. In addition, even though those concepts are universal thanks to the judicial texts, those mechanisms remain unknown to most citizens. The practice of conciliation has no boundaries; it is widespread all over the world. In the 1990's, Latin countries, more specifically Columbia, started to investigate the possibility of taking part in this enriching experience thanks to legislative and institutional progress in the field of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. In the field of conciliation, in Columbia, there is a vast normative richness but the laws, dispersed and difficult to interpret, generate insecurity and judicial uncertainty. Also, the conciliation process can be initiated by many ways, the most controversial being without a doubt the obligatory conciliation beforehand. This imposed method has been the target of many critics. In fact, those critics concerns the obligatory nature of the conciliation which impedes on the voluntary aspect, a fundamental pillar in the conciliation process. Also, the third party conciliator, possessing a highly trained background, represents a pivotal role in the conciliation process: a high level of responsibility weighs upon his shoulders as he oversees this alternate conflict resolution method.

International labour standards and international trade :can the two be linked?

Agulhas, Jaclyn Margaret January 2005 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / In this paper I delve into the connection between trade policy and labour rights as probably one of the most controversial issues, which the international trading system is faced with today. Labour laws differ from country to country and of course it is a cause for concern where some countries have higher standards than others, it becomes problematic for these countries with high standards to compete with countries with lower standards. Even though there is a definite link between trade and labour, my argument is that incorporating labour standards into the international trading system is not the best way forward to deal with the problem of abuse of labour standards. I further investigate the two organizations at the forefront of this debate, being the WTO and the ILO. In an attempt to ascertain which of the two is the best forum to deal with the issue I further look at the relationship between these two organizations. Compliance with international labour standards is a growing concern as worldwide standards are deteriorating and nothing is being done to alleviate the problem. Accordingly, I explore the causes for the abuse of labour standards and seek to find the better alternative, by looking at the respective positions of the parties who are for and against the linkage of trade with labour standards. Here the views and concerns of the developed world are weighed up against those of the developing world and looking at possible alternatives concludes the paper. / South Africa

Public Service Labour Relations: Centralised Collective Bargaining and Social dialogue in the Public Service of South Africa(1997 to 2007)

Clarke, Arthur Russel January 2007 (has links)
Magister Administrationis - MAdmin / Through South African labour legislation, bargaining councils are empowered to conclude collective agreements between employers and trade unions. While bargaining councils were created for virtually every sector within the South African private sector, only one bargaining council exists for the public sector. This public sector bargaining council is known as the Public Service Co-ordinating Bargaining Council (PSCBC). The PCSBC subsequently established four sectoral councils to further collectively bargain on matters pertaining to sectoral issues relevant to the sector it represents. However, the PSCBC remains the apex of these four public service sectoral bargaining councils. This thesis focuses on how the Public Service Co-ordinating Bargaining Council (PSCBC) contributes to social dialogue within South African public service. This thesis seeks to fill a significant literature gap on collective bargaining as accomplished by the PSCBC. The thesis briefly examines the history of collective bargaining in the South African public service. The research methodology utilised includes information gleaned from annual reports published by the PSCBC. Interviews of selected stakeholders such as government officials and labour organisations involved in the PSCBC were conducted. The PSCBC objectives are identified and analysed against the performance of the PSCBC for the period 1997 to 2007. The relevant PSCBC role players are identified. The power realities between these role players are reflected. The criteria for remaining a party to these PSCBC will be explained. The thesis holds that historically an adversarial relationship existed between the state as employer and the recognised trade unions. The establishment of the PSCBC created the opportunity for the historical adversaries between an employer and trade union to be converted into social dialogue interactions, which are commonly believed to be a better approach in resolving their differences. / South Africa

Les actes administratifs unilatéraux de régulation / Unilateral administrative acts that serve as instruments to sectoral regulation

Kaloudas, Christos 05 December 2016 (has links)
Même si la régulation est associée à l’apparition de nouvelles formes de normativité, les actes administratifs unilatéraux occupent une place importante parmi ses différents outils. Envisagée comme une police spéciale visant la protection de l’ordre public économique, la régulation trouve dans les actes administratifs unilatéraux ses moyens d’exercice naturels. Il y a quatre types d’actes administratifs unilatéraux de régulation : les autorisations d’accès au marché, les actes réglementaires qui fixent les conditions d’exercice de la concurrence en son sein, les actes de règlement des différends et les décisions adoptées en matière de sanction. Au sein du système de régulation par voie d’actes administratifs unilatéraux se rencontrent plusieurs objectifs qui participent à la confection d’un régime inédit. L’étude du régime des actes administratifs unilatéraux de régulation confirme leur spécificité. Celle-ci se manifeste tout au long de leur cycle de vie. Adoptés par des autorités administratives indépendantes, ces actes peuvent être précédés d’une consultation publique, attribués après mise en concurrence des opérateurs ou cédés par leurs titulaires. Les évolutions que connaît leur régime les rapproche du droit souple, au point de rendre parfois difficile la distinction entre les deux instruments pour les opérateurs et le juge, au détriment de la sécurité juridique. Le juge administratif occupe une place centrale au sein du mécanisme de régulation. Confronté à un mécanisme normatif à deux vitesses et aux exigences que pose la régulation, il est amené à faire évoluer ses méthodes de contrôle et à construire progressivement son office de juge de la régulation. / Regardless of the fact that sectoral regulation is usually associated with the emergence of new forms of normativity, unilateral administrative acts have a prominent place among its various instruments. Conceived of as a special mission of the Administration whose main objective is the protection of public economic order, sectoral regulation is indeed normally exercised through unilateral administrative acts. There are four types of unilateral administrative acts that serve as instruments to sectoral regulation: decisions authorising access to the market, regulatory acts that set the conditions for competition in the market, dispute resolution decisions and decisions imposing sanctions. Regulating through unilateral administrative acts serves various objectives leading to a unique regime. Studying the latter confirms the specificity of these acts, a specificity that is evident throughout their life cycle. Adopted by independent administrative authorities, these acts can be submitted to public consultation, attributed to the operators on the basis of a competitive tender or transferred from one beneficiary to another. The evolution of their regime raises the question of their relationship with soft law: the distinction between the two instruments can at times be difficult both for the operators and the judge at the expense of legal security. The Administrative Judge plays a central role in the mecanism of sectoral regulation. Confronted with a two-geared normative mechanism and with the obligations that derive from sectoral regulation, his control methods are destined to evolve and his role as a regulatory judge is progressively refined.

Identifying the Factors That Influence Conflict Management Behavior of Human Resource Professionals in the Workplace: An Analysis of the Relationship Between Personality and Conflict Management Behavior

Shapiro, Gail Joyce 01 January 2014 (has links)
Effective conflict management in the workplace can reduce the negative consequences of conflict. These negative outcomes can include low productivity, health-related stress, increased employee turnover, or litigation. A Human Resource (HR) professional can help mitigate these negative outcomes in the workplace when using effective conflict management behavior with employees. However, there is a void in research pertaining to HR professionals’ use of conflict management behavior. This quantitative, correlational research study examined whether personality has an impact on assertive or cooperative conflict management behavior of HR professionals in the workplace. Statistical testing found a significant relationship between the harmonious, people-person (a Blue personality in the True Colors personality model) and the assertive conflict management behavior. Another finding of this study sheds light on the need for conflict resolution (CR) education and training in the HR field. The majority of HR professionals in this study said “yes” to wanting and needing training and education in the CR skillset. This skillset includes many of the same specific strategies that are used by mediators (reflective listening, reframing, building rapport, step-by-step problem-solving, etc.). These skills would also enable HR professionals to manage and resolve interpersonal employee conflict before it escalates and leads to negative outcomes.

La justice restaurative : étude comparée du droit thaïlandais et du droit français

Wiboonsamai, Sakwut 06 December 2011 (has links)
L’émergence de la justice restaurative est le résultat d’une certaine inefficacité de la justice pénale classique. Le concept de la justice restaurative propose de répondre d’une façon novatrice à la criminalité et aux conflits. La justice restaurative se révèle être aujourd’hui une voie prometteuse de consolidation de l’harmonie sociale. Elle cherche à soutenir toutes les personnes impliquées (les victimes, les délinquants et les membres de la communauté), à leur donner des possibilités de participer et de communiquer et ainsi à favoriser une démarche de réparation afin de rétablir les liens sociaux brisés suite à l’infraction. Ces travaux de thèse ont pour objectif de connaître et comprendre la justice restaurative, les modalités et les mesures rencontrées notamment en France et en Thaïlande. À cet effet, nous avons posé deux questions centrales, à savoir : Quel est le cadre général et juridique de la justice restaurative ? ainsi que : Quelles sont les mesures existantes déclinées pour la mise en œuvre de la justice restaurative ? Grâce aux réponses apportées à ces questions, nous pourrons mieux connaître et comprendre la justice restaurative en France et en Thaïlande. / The emergence of restorative justice is the result of inefficiency of the classic criminal justice process. The concept of restorative justice offers innovative approach to crime and conflict. It appears to be a promising way to consolidate social harmony by supporting all the people involved (victims, offenders and community members). Restorative justice gives them opportunities to participate and communicate; and encourages a process of repair in order to mend the broken society bonds caused by offense. The aim of this thesis is to know about and understand terms and measures encountered during restorative justice programme in Thailand and in France. To do this, we need to answer two questions: what are the general and legal frameworks of restorative justice? and what are the existing measures implemented on the restorative justice? The answers of these questions should give us a better understanding of the restorative justice of both countries.

L’expérience des policiers ayant vécu la conciliation à la suite d’une plainte en déontologie policière

Levesque, Cloé 05 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a pour objectif de comprendre l’expérience des policiers qui ont vécu la conciliation à la suite d’une plainte en déontologie policière au Québec. Plus spécifiquement, de comprendre comment le sentiment de justice se construit lors de l’expérience de la conciliation en plus de décrire les impacts et les perceptions des policiers relativement à la conciliation. Pour atteindre cet objectif, 16 entrevues semi-dirigées ont été réalisées auprès de policiers ayant vécu la conciliation. Les participants étaient rencontrés dans les bureaux policiers. Par la suite, les entrevues furent retranscrites et les données obtenues ont été traitées à l’aide du programme QDA Miner. Ces données ont été analysées selon le processus proposé par l’analyse thématique. Les résultats ont permis de comprendre les événements qui ont amené les plaignants à porter plainte contre les policiers et de constater que les policiers justifiaient ces événements de différentes manières. Aussi, les perceptions de la conciliation et de la déontologie policière au sens plus large s’expliquent par la théorie de la justice organisationnelle. De même, lorsque les policiers vivent une expérience qu’ils définissent comme juste et qu’ils ont l’impression que le processus de contrôle est équitable, que la sanction est justifiée et que les interactions ont été respectueuse, ils sont plus satisfaits et auront une meilleure perception sur l’instance qui les contrôle. Finalement, les résultats suggèrent que ceux qui ont vu leur plainte se rendre plus loin dans le processus, en audience, ou qui ont été proches d’un collègue qui a vécu cette situation sont plus susceptibles d’avoir des impacts que ceux qui ont uniquement vécu la conciliation. / This thesis has for goal a better understanding of what is the experience of a police officer who has gone through a conciliation process following a complaint to the Quebec’s police ethics committee. More specifically, to understand how the feeling of justice is built through the conciliation process as well as describing the impacts and perceptions police officers have regarding the overall process. To achieve our objective, 16 semi-structured interviews were realized with police officers who went through conciliation. The participants were met and interviewed in police offices. All interviews were recorded, then transcribed and the data obtained was exploited using the QDA Miner program. The data was analyzed using the process proposed in the theme analysis. The results allowed a comprehension of the events that led the plaintiffs to deposit a complaint against the officers and note that the officers justified the events in different manners. On a larger scope, the perceptions of the conciliation and of the police ethics can be explained by organizational justice. When police officers live an experience that they define as just and that they are under the impression that the process is fair, the sanction is justified and the interactions have been respectful, then they feel more satisfied and will have a favorable perception of the instance that controls it. Finally, the results suggest that those who have seen their complaint go far into the process, in audience, or have seen their colleague live that kind of situation are more susceptible to have an impact than those who have only experienced the conciliation.

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