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Využití systémového přístupu k analýze geopolitického významu transhraničního politického regionu - příklad Arktidy. / Applicability of Systemic Approach to the Analysis of Geostrategic Importance of a Transborder Region: the Arctic CaseValková, Irena January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to demonstrate a new empirical and systemic geopolitical approach to the study of the ongoing territorial dispute in the Arctic resulting from the desire of two nation states, Denmark and Russia, to extend their own northernmost limits of the Exclusive Economic Zone to the central part of the Arctic Ocean. This approach combines geographic, legal and political analytical perspectives with quantitative research design to produce an inter-disciplinary study. Empirical evidence on the long-term socio-geographic development in the region (1993-2013) is provided together with information on particular territorial gains and losses for all decision-makers that arise in a number of potential scenarios (options). Variation in each decision-maker's aggregate national socio-geographic resource, as implied by particular territorial modifications in the central part of the Arctic Ocean, serves as a basis for derivation of nontrivial payoffs on each option in the dispute. These payoffs are introduced into a three-player graph model for conflict resolution (Denmark, Russia, and the World) and stable dispute solutions are suggested on the basis of different combinations of decision-makers' strategies, whose optimality is evaluated as well. Finally, alternative scenarios of... Read more
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3D numerical techniques for determining the foot of a continental slopePantland, Nicolette Ariana 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) provides an opportunity for qualifying coastal signatory states to claim extended maritime estate. The opportunity to claim rests on the precept
that in certain cases a continental shelf extends beyond the traditionally demarcated two hundred nautical
mile (200M) Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) mark. In these cases a successful claim results in states
having sovereign rights to the living and non-living resources of the seabed and subsoil, as well as the
sedentary species, of the area claimed. Where the continental shelf extends beyond the 200M mark, the
Foot of the Continental Slope (FoS) has to be determined as one of the qualifying criteria. Article 76 of
UNCLOS de nes the FoS as ". . . the point of maximum change in the gradient at its base." Currently
Caris Lots is the most widely used software which incorporates public domain data to determine the
FoS as a step towards defining the offshore extent of an extended continental shelf. In this software,
existing methods to compute the FoS are often subjective, typically involving an operator choosing the
best perceived foot point during consideration of a two dimensional profile of the continental slope.
These foot points are then joined by straight lines to form the foot line to be used in the desk top study
(feasibility study). The purpose of this thesis is to establish a semi-automated and mathematically based
three dimensional method for determination of the FoS using South African data as a case study.
Firstly, a general background of UNCLOS is given (with emphasis on Article 76), including a brief
discussion of the geological factors that influence the characteristics of a continental shelf and thus
factors that could influence the determination of the FoS.
Secondly, a mathematical method for determination of the surfaces of extremal curvature (on three
dimensional data), originally proposed by Vanicek and Ou in 1994, is detailed and applied to two smooth,
hypothetical sample surfaces. A discussion of the bathymetric data to be used for application introduces
the factors to be taken into account when using extensive survey data as well as methods to process
the raw data for use. The method is then applied to two sets of gridded bathymetric data of differing
resolution for four separate regions around the South African coast. The ridges formed on the resulting
surfaces of maximum curvature are then traced in order to obtain a foot line definition for each region
and each resolution.
The results obtained from application of the method are compared with example foot points provided
by the subjective two dimensional method of computation within the Caris Lots software suite. A
comparison of the results for the different resolutions of data is included to provide insight as to the
effectiveness of the method with differing spatial coarseness of data.
Finally, an indication of further work is provided in the conclusion to this thesis, in the form of a
number of recommendations for possible adaptations of the mathematical and tracing methods, and
improvements thereof. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Verenigde Nasies se Konvensie oor die Wet van die See (UNCLOS) bied 'n geleentheid aan kwalifiserende state wat ondertekenaars van die Konvensie is om aanspraak te maak op uitgebreide maritieme gebied. Die geleentheid om op uitgebreide gebied aanspraak te maak berus op die veronderstelling
dat 'n kontinentale tafel in sekere gevalle tot buite die tradisioneel afgebakende 200 seemyl eksklusiewe
ekonomiese zone (EEZ) strek. In sulke gevalle het 'n suksesvolle aanspraak die gevolg dat die staat
soewereine reg oor die lewende en nie-lewende bronne van die seevloer en ondergrond verkry, sowel as
die inwonende spesies van die gebied buite die EEZ waarop aanspraak gemaak word.
Die voet van die kontinentale tafel (FoS) moet vasgestel word as een van die bepalende kriteria vir
afbakening van die aanspraak waar die kontinentale tafel tot buite die EEZ strek. Artikel 76 van UNCLOS
defineer die FoS as ". . . die punt van maksimale verandering in die helling by sy basis." Die mees algemeen
gebruikte rekenaar sagteware wat openbare domein data aanwend om die voet van die helling te bepaal,
is tans "Caris Lots." Die metodes wat in die program gebruik word om die voet van die helling te bepaal,
is dikwels subjektief en berus tipies op 'n operateur se keuse van die beste afgeskatte punt van die voet
van die helling uit 'n oorweging van 'n twee dimensionele profiel van die kontinentale tafel. Die berekende
voet-punte word dan deur middel van reguit lyne verbind om 'n hellingsvoetlyn te vorm. Hierdie voetlyn
kan dan in die Suid-Afrikaanse lessenaarstudie (doenlikheidstudie) oor die bepaling van die voet van
die kontinentale tafel gebruik word. Die doel van hierdie verhandeling is om 'n semi-outomatiese en
wiskundig gebaseerde drie-dimensionele metode te beskryf vir die vasstelling van die FoS, deur as 'n
gevallestudie van Suid-Afrikaanse data gebruik te maak.
'n Algemene agtergrond van UNCLOS, met beklemtoning van Artikel 76, word eerstens gegee. 'n Kort bespreking van die geologiese faktore wat die kontinentale tafel beïnvloed en wat gevolglik 'n invloed kan
hê op die vasstelling van die voet van die helling, is ingesluit.
Tweedens word 'n wiskundige metode, wat oorspronklik in 1994 deur Vanicek en Ou voorgestel is, vir
bepaling van die oppervlaktes van maksimale kromming (gebaseer op drie-dimensionele data) in detail
bespreek en 'n voorbeeld van 'n toepassing op twee gladde, denkbeeldige oppervaktes word beskryf.
Die faktore wat in ag geneem moet word wanneer omvattende dieptemeting data gebruik word, en die
metodes wat gebruik word om die rou data te verwerk, word ingelei deur 'n bespreking van die aard van
die dieptemeting data wat gebruik is. Die metode word dan toegepas op twee stelle geruite dieptemeting
data van verskillende resolusies vir vier afsonderlike streke om die Suid-Afrikaanse kus. Die riwwe wat
op die resulterende oppervlaktes van maksimale kromming gevorm word, word dan nagetrek ten einde
'n lyndefinisie van die voet van die kontinentale tafel vir elke streek teen elke resolusie te bepaal.
Die resultate verkry uit toepassings van die metode word vergelyk met hellingsvoetpunte soos bepaal
deur die subjektiewe twee dimensionele berekeningsmetode in die "Caris Lots" rekenaar-program. 'n
Vergelyking van die resultate vir die verskillende data resolusies word ingesluit om die doeltreffendheid
van die metode met betrekking tot die hantering van verskillende ruimtelike data resolusies te ondersoek.
'n Aanduiding van verdere werk, bestaande uit 'n aantal aanbevelings vir moontlike aanpassings en verbeterings
van die wiskundige en natrek metodes, word ten slotte in die gevolgtrekking van die verhandeling verskaf. Read more
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日本的東海政策 / Japan's East China Sea Policy呂建良, Lu, Chien-Liang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文從歷史研究途徑的角度,輔以國際海洋法的觀點來探討日本的東海政策,共分為六章:第一章「緒論」說明研究背景、研究動機、研究目的、研究方法,與研究面向。第二章「東海的地緣環境」介紹東海的地緣範疇、經濟價值,與戰略地位。第三章「海域政策」探討日本在東海的海域政策,包括領海、專屬經濟海域、大陸礁層,並說明日本與中國的海域劃界主張。第四章「釣魚台政策」整理歷次釣魚台主權爭議的經緯,並論述爭端國各方主權主張的法理依據,然後指出日本對於釣魚台的政策實踐。第五章「油氣田政策」回顧周圍國家在東海的探採活動,其次討論春曉油氣田事件中,中國的探採經過與日本的因應對策,接著分析中日東海油氣田爭端造成的影響。第六章「結論」歸納主要論點,根據研究結果指出影響日本東海政策的國內外因素,以及日本的東海政策之特點,俾使台灣事先研擬相關對策,進而爭取最大之國家利益與海洋權益。 / Japan's East China Sea policy has a clear and present influence on Taiwan's sovereignty and sovereign rights. Therefore it is important for us to study Japan's East China Sea policy in order to protect our nation's sea rights and interests.
At present, the main conflicts between Japan, China and Taiwan in the East China Sea are as follows: First, the maritime delimitation disputes between Japan, China and Taiwan in the East China Sea. Second, Japan, China and Taiwan all declared territorial sovereignty to Tiaoyutai Islands. Third, Japan, China and Taiwan all have oil shortage problems, so they pay much attention to the exploration and the use of petroleum in the East China Sea. Then this thesis selects Japan's sea policy, Tiaoyutai Islands policy, as well as oil and gas fields policy, three closely linked and inalienable sea policy dimensions, to study Japan's East China Sea policy.
The thesis discusses Japan's East China Sea policy from the perspective of historical approach and international law of sea. There are six chapters in this thesis: Chapter One makes a description of the background of the study, the purpose of the study, the objective of study, the methodology of the study, and the dimensions of the study. Chapter Two gives an introduction to the East China Sea's surroundings, economic value and strategic position. Chapter Three probes Japan's sea policy, includes territorial sea, exclusive economic zone, continental shelf, and discusses the claims of the maritime delimitation made by Japan and China. Chapter four looks back on the sovereign dispute history of Tiaoyutai Islands, and exhausts the legal basis of the claims made by Japan, China and Taiwan, then points out the practices of Japan in Tiaoyutai Islands. Chapter Five reviews the exploration of the petroleum made by the countries situated around the East China Sea, then discusses China's exploration of Chunxiao oil and gas fields, and the countermeasures of Japan, then analyzes the impact of disputes between China and Japan in the East China Sea oil and gas fields. Chapter Six concludes the main issues, points out the domestic and foreign factors which affect Japan's East China Sea policy, and the characteristics of Japan's East China Sea policy. Thus Taiwan can plan the related countermeasures and strives for our national interests and the sea rights in the future. Read more
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島嶼在海疆劃界中效力問題之研究 / The Effect of Islands on the Delimitation of Maritime Boundaries程宜宜, Cheng, Yi-yi Unknown Date (has links)
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臺灣海峽兩岸的經貿發展與經濟整合 / The Economic Relation and Economic Intergration Between The Tai- wan Strait簡宏志, Chien, Hong Chin Unknown Date (has links)
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兩岸治理新模式?-平潭綜合實驗區的規劃與發展 / The new Cross-Strait governance model?-the planning and the development of pingtan integrated testing zone莊孟寰, Chuang, Meng Huan Unknown Date (has links)
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Lietuvos Respublikos jūros erdvių delimitavimas / Maritime delimitation of the republic of lithuaniaKeniausytė, Aušra 24 November 2010 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjamas Lietuvos Respublikos jūros erdvių delimitavimas po nepriklausomybės atkūrimo. Pirmiausia pateikiamos jūros erdvių sąvokos, jų delimitavimo principai, nustatyti atitinkamose konvencijose ir Tarptautinio Teisingumo Teismo praktikoje. Po to yra analizuojamos Lietuvos derybos dėl jūros erdvių delimitavimo su kaimyninėmis valstybėmis – aptariama derybų eiga, pateikiamos pozicijos atitinkamais klausimais, jų pagrindimas, derybų rezultatai. Derybų pozicijos bei rezultatai yra vertinami pagal konvencijas, nustatančias jūros erdvių delimitavimą, ir pagal teismų praktiką. / The object of this work is the analysis of maritime delimitation of the Republic of Lithuania after the independence reestablishment. Firstly it is presented maritime definitions, principles of the maritime delimitation established in the conventions and in the case of law. Latter in the work it is analyzed Lithuanian negotiations with the neighbourhood states on the maritime delimitation. It is discussed the processes of the negotiations, presented the positions on the respective questions, the substantiation of the mentioned positions, the results of the negotiations. The positions and outcomes of the negotiations are estimated according to the conventions on the maritime delimitations and according to the case of law. Read more
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Управление таможенной деятельностью в условиях особой экономической зоны : магистерская диссертация / Administrating Customs Activities in The Special Economic ZoneФельдшаров, В. Ю., Feldsharov, V. Y. January 2019 (has links)
В диссертации рассматриваются механизмы перепроектирования деятельности таможенного поста в условиях особой экономической зоны. Применение метода организационного моделирования и функционального анализа позволило автору разработать новую организационную архитектуру Верхнесалдинского таможенного поста в условиях особой экономической зоны «Титановая долина». Реализация проекта реорганизации Верхнесалдинского таможенного поста оптимизирует управленческие процессы таможенной деятельности и ставит управление самой особой эконмической зоны на более высокий уровень реализации региональных инвестиционных проектов. / The thesis deals with mechanisms of re-projecting a customs office within the special economic zone. The author develops new organizational architecture for Vyerkhnyaya Salda customs office within the Titan Valley special economic zone, applying the methods of organizational modelling and functional analysis. Realizing the reorganizational project for Vyerkhnyaya Salda customs office optimizes the administrative process in the customs activity and brings up the special economic zone administration to a higher level of realizing the regional investment projects. Read more
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中國經濟制度變化之研究,1977-1987:歷史制度論之政治經濟分析 / The Study of Changing Economy in China, 1977-1987: A Political-Economic Analysis of Historical Institutionalism李守正, Lee, Francis Shou-Jang Unknown Date (has links)
此外,觀念的引進與衝突是這場變化過程的重要部份,像是在推動「經濟特區試點政策過程中尤為明顯;當政權領導人受外部引入的觀念的影響,產生經濟特區政策,而領導人內部也因觀念的分歧,形成足以阻滯特區試點政策的衝突;他們之間的衝突(正統派vs改革派)貫穿整個變遷過程,這也正好說明了觀念因素在中國改變經濟制度過程上的重要影響。 / 8 years after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, the Chinese Communist Party claimed that socialist reform has been successfully conducted. Public ownership and planned economy replaced mixed economy as well as private ownership. In the end of 1970s, however, a series of economic reform challenged public ownership with planned economy, which leads China enter into a mixed ownership economy.
This thesis attempts to sort out the forces and consequences that drive economic reform. Through the transition of economic system, which leads China’s economy into a no return road.
In fact, economic reform in China is an unexpected result by political regulators. Originally, it did not have a blueprint to lead the way. The direction from public ownership to mixed economy emerged throughout the reform, which is not a common consensus from the political leaders. Instead, it is dominated by history, political system as well as regulator in a dynamic way. This path dependency with institutional heritage character is the spot light of economic reform.
The author claims the importance and direction of this reform is dominated by external factor. The most importance factor that change China’s economic is the launch of dual system. This system, with the slogan of “crossing the river by groping the stones along the way,” is proposed by CHEN Yun and approved by Deng Xiao-Ping.
The introduction of concept is an important factor through the reform, which can be seemed from the process during the promotion of Special Economic Zones SEZs. When political regulators received outer concept and launched SEZs, internal diversity emerged that blocking the reform. Conflicts between orthodoxy and reformist can be seemed throughout reform period, influencing the forces and consequences of China’s economic system. Read more
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Rozdíly v řešení sporů o námořní teritoria v oblastech s energetickými surovinami / Differences in the resolution of sea territories conflicts in areas with energy resourcesBančanský, Andrej January 2014 (has links)
Energy security is an important phenomenon of the contemporary world. A significant number of oil and gas reserves are located on the seabed. Expansion of oil and gas drilling to deeper and from shore more remote locations can again raise the question of ownership of these deposits. On one hand, there are regions of the world where these disputes over borders of maritime territories escalate into a series of clashes and incidents. On the other hand, there are other areas where states can settle their disputes and cooperate on drilling. The goal of this study is to determine which factors lead to the fact that particularly in the South China Sea disagreement about the boundaries of maritime territories results in the escalation of disputes in comparison with the regions of the North Sea and the Caribbean Sea, where disputes are solved or minimized. These factors are represented by six variables, which are based on three theories: a realist, idealist and constructivist theory of international relations. The first part of this study describes the historical development of current international maritime law with regard to the territorial division of the world's oceans. It is followed by a description of three case areas. The second part deals with the theoretical foundations of the examined factors. In... Read more
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