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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Apeliacijos esmė ir santykis su teise į teisminę gynybą / The essence of appeal and its relation to the right to judicial defence

Marcalytė, Paulina 05 February 2013 (has links)
Teisminė gynyba – instrumentas asmens pažeistoms ar ginčijamoms teisėms ir teisėtiems interesams ginti. Ši teisė yra aktuali ir problematiška dėl ginčo ir teisminio proceso ypatumo – priešingų šalių interesų buvimo, be to, savo interesą turi ir valstybė (visuomenė), kadangi teismų sistema reikalauja didelių finansinių, žmogiškųjų, laiko išteklių. Šio mokslinio tyrimo aktualumą lemia ne vien substancinio pobūdžio priežastys. 2011 m. birželio 21 d. priimtas įstatymas, kuriuo pakeista nemažai Lietuvos civilinio proceso kodekso nuostatų (dažnai vadinama civilinio proceso reforma), įskaitant procesą apeliacinės instancijos teisme reguliuojančių teisės normų, be to, principinių, apibūdinančių šį institutą, apeliacijos teisės reikšmę civiliniame procese. Pastarąjį dešimtį ar net pastaraisiais metais kai kuriose valstybėse pasikeitė apeliacijos esmė, tačiau kitose, priešingai, išlaikoma apeliacijos suvokimo ir teisinio reguliavimo tradicija. Visa tai nulėmė poreikį įvertinti savąją apeliacijos esmę bei nustatyti kokios priežastys lemia apeliacijos reformas. Autorė šiame darbe siekė išspręsti apeliacijos esmės problemą ir darė prielaidą, kad problema per se nelaikytina problema, jos išsprendimas turi duoti teigiamą rezultatą ir būti paspirtis tolimesniems tyrimams. Išanalizavusi teisę į teisminę gynybą ir apeliaciją, autorė ieškojo teisės į teisminę gynybą ir apeliacijos santykio išraiškos, analizavo ir persvarstė kai kuriuos civilinio proceso moksle įprastais tapusius argumentus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / On the 21st of June 2012 a law has been adopted by which Lithuanian Code of civil procedure was amended significantly (the amendment so–called “the reform of civil procedure”), including regulation of procedures in instance of appeal. This motivates to analyze and make revaluation of essence of appeal in Lithuania. The analysis is also needed because in past decade and even past few years many of European countries have totally reformed their appeal systems. However, legal regulation amendments are not the only matter which causes the relevancy of appeal and its relation to the right to judicial defence. There are some substantial reasons, e. g. dispute and civil procedure in their nature have contrary interests of parties, moreover, the state and society has interests which do not comply with interests of parties. This is caused by consumption of financial, time and human resources. There are various papers and theses on the right to judicial defence and appeal, but, to take note, the object of them differs from the essence of appeal and its relation to the right to judicial defence or, moreover, is fragmental – focused only on the restrictions related to limits of appeal by the value of dispute (which is already abolished) or other fragmental subjects. The result of this work demonstrates that the essence of appeal in Lithuania is to be described as the instrument to control the legality and reasonability of the courts of first instance decisions. Appeal in Lithuania is to... [to full text]

Persons : their identity and individuation

Melin, Roger January 1998 (has links)
This study is about the nature of persons and personal identity. It belongs to a tradition that maintains that in order to understand what it is to be a person we must clarify what personal identity consists in. In this pursuit, I differentiate between the problems (i) How do persons persist? and (ii) What facts, if any, does personal identity consist in? Concerning the first question, I argue that persons persist three-dimensionally (the endurance view), and not four-dimensionally (the perdurarne view), on the ground that objects must always fall under some substance sortal concept S (the sortal dependency of individuation), and that the concept person entails that objects falling under it are three-dimensional. Concerning the second question, I differentiate between Criterianists, who maintain that it is possible to specify a non-circular and informative criterion for personal identity, and Non-Criterianists, who deny that such a specification is possible. I argue against Criterianist accounts of personal identity on the ground that they are either (i) circular, (ii) violate the intrinsicality of identity or (iii) do not adequately represent what we are essentially. I further criticise three Psychological Non-Criterianist accounts of personal identity on the ground that they wrongly assume that 'person' refers to mental entities. Instead I formulate the Revised Animal Attribute View where person is understood as a basic sortal concept which picks out a biological sort of enduring animals. In this, I claim that the real essence of a person is determined by the real essence of the kind of animal he is, without thereby denying that persons have a real essence as persons. / digitalisering@umu

Vliv působení chůvy na celkový rozvoj svěřence / Influence of nannies on the overall development of the ward

Dvořáková, Helena January 2014 (has links)
Dissertation thesis summary: Influence of nannies on the overall development of the ward This dissertation thesis deals with the topic of child minding by an alternative caregiver, the so-called nanny. Its target is to broadly examine and describe the issue, with emphasis on defined aspects. The presented theoretical-research work covers existing institutions and services for child care in both Czech Republic and abroad. It primarily strives, however, to capture the essence of motherhood from psychological, philosophical and genetic points of view. This effort takes into consideration the question of separation, and consequently traumatization in childhood. A significant part of the paper concentrates on the area of education of the child care providing persons. The research chapters focus on the influence of the nanny not only on the child, but also on the family atmosphere and the educational stances of the parents. It further deals with the position of the nanny within the family, and with bounds of the child-nanny relationship. The output of the work is then a practical handbook, a manual with specifically defined content of an educational program (for nanny-position aspirants and for already practicing professionals). The material was drawn up with help of experts, with the aim to point out weak spots...

Performativity, subjectivity and gender: an inquiry into the applicability of theoretical concepts to "Muriel at metropolitan"

Barker, Derek Alan 06 1900 (has links)
The dissertation presents and explores a mode of literary studies, which bypasses the question of literary value, and instead aims to assess how and where creative writing challenges hegemonic norms (that is, its political value). In so doing, it reflects on the practice of literary studies per se, and the mechanism(s) by which discourse can impact on subjecthood. The exploration entails the application of certain theoretical tools (concepts) in a reading of a literary work. The primary concepts employed are: performativity, subjectivity and gender. The dissertation seeks to read Muriel at Metropolitan (Tlali 1994) as a performative act, that is, a discursive event which re-enacts the practice of fictional writing and thereby extends (and possibly changes} the convention of crealive writing. If it is true that creative writing is performative, that it partake in the making of the individual, then it is important to study such writing in order to discover the consequences for the subject / English Studies / M.A. (English)

Simulation aux Grandes Échelles des combustions anormales dans les moteurs downsizés à allumage commandé / Large-Eddy Simulation of abnormal combustions in spark ignition engines

Robert, Anthony 27 June 2014 (has links)
Le moteur à allumage commandé fortement downsizé est une des solutions les plus prometteuses utilisée par les constructeurs automobiles pour augmenter le rendement et réduire les émissions de CO2. Cependant, les conditions thermodynamiques plus sévères rencontrées dans ces moteurs favorisent l’apparition de combustions anormales (cliquetis et rumble) qui sont difficiles à analyser expérimentalement vu les risques encourus par le moteur. La méthode Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) s’est imposée depuis plusieurs années pour l’étude des moteurs à piston dans l’industrie, mais elle n’est pas la plus appropriée pour étudier des phénomènes locaux et sporadiques comme les combustions anormales qui n’affectent pas le cycle moyen simulé en RANS. Grâce à l’utilisation d’un code compressible LES et au développement d’une version améliorée des modèles ECFM-LES (Extended Coherent Flame Model) et TKI (Tabulated Kinetics of Ignition) qui permet un découplage total entre les taux de réaction liés à la propagation de la flamme et à l’auto-inflammation, ces travaux mettent en évidence pour la première fois la capacité de la LES à décrire le phénomène de cliquetis dans une configuration réaliste d’un moteur à allumage commandé. Contrairement aux études précédentes [S. Fontanesi and S. Paltrinieri and A. D’Adamo and G. Cantore and C. Rutland, SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr., 2013-01-1082, pp. 98-118][G. Lecocq, S. Richard, J.-B. Michel, L. Vervisch, Proc. Combust. Inst. 33 (2011) 3105-3114], une étude quantitative du cliquetis est réalisée grâce à des post-traitements spécifiques et similaires pour les résultats expérimentaux et numériques. La LES est capable de prédire la variabilité de la pression cylindre, la fréquence mais également l’angle moyen d’apparition de l’auto-inflammation sur un balayage d’avance à l’allumage. Une analyse 3D démontre également que le cliquetis se déclenche à différents endroits, mais principalement dans la moitié de la chambre sous les soupapes d’échappement. De plus, l’intensité du cliquetis est proportionnelle à la masse de gaz frais brûlée en auto-inflammation pour les faibles intensités, alors qu’une croissance beaucoup plus forte est observée pour les intensités les plus élevées. Ceci suggère que des facteurs supplémentaires interviennent comme la localisation du cliquetis ou les interactions entre l’acoustique interne et l’auto-inflammation. L’utilisation d’un code LES compressible permet une visualisation directe de ces interactions mettant en évidence que les faibles intensités sont liées à des auto-inflammations locales sans couplage alors qu’une transition de la déflagration vers la détonation est possible en moteur automobile et correspond aux intensités les plus fortes. / Highly boosted spark ignition engines are more and more attractive for car manufacturers in terms of efficiency and CO2 emissions reduction. However, thermodynamic conditions encountered in these engines promote the occurrence of abnormal combustions like knock or super-knock, which are experimentally difficult to analyze due to the risks of engine damages. The Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) method mainly used in industry for piston engines is not the most appropriate as knock does not always affect the mean cycle captured by RANS. Using an accurate LES compressible code and improved versions of ECFM-LES (Extended Coherent Flame Model) and TKI (Tabulated Kinetics of Ignition) models allowing a full uncoupling of flame propagation and auto-ignition reaction rates, this work demonstrates for the first time that LES is able to describe quantitatively knocking combustion in a realistic downsized SI engine configuration. Contrary to previous studies [S. Fontanesi and S. Paltrinieri and A. D’Adamo and G. Cantore and C. Rutland, SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr., 2013-01-1082, pp. 98-118][G. Lecocq, S. Richard, J.-B. Michel, L. Vervisch, Proc. Combust. Inst. 33 (2011) 3105-3114], a quantified knock analysis is conducted based on a specific post-processing of both numerical and experimental data. LES is able to predict the in-cylinder pressure variability, the knock occurrence frequency and the mean knock onset crank angle for several spark timings. A 3D analysis also demonstrates that knock occurs at random locations, mainly at the exhaust valves side. Knock intensity is found proportional to the fresh gases mass burned by auto-ignition at low knock intensities, while an exponential increase at the highest intensities suggests the influence of additional factors like the knock location in the cylinder or complex behavior of knocking combustion. A direct LES study of acoustic and autoignition interactions is then achieved. The LES visualizations allows showing that low knock intensities are only linked to local autoignition, but a deflagration to detonation transition occurs in such engine operating conditions and is responsible for the highest knock intensities.

Surveillance du système de post-traitement essence et contrôle de chaîne d'air suralimentée / Spark ignition after treatement system supervision and control of turbocharged air-path system

Ngo, Caroline 01 December 2014 (has links)
Poussés par les réglementations « anti-pollution », les industriels automobiles sont incités à développer des véhicules plus propres et sobres en consommation. Ces dernières années, la dépollution des véhicules n'a cessée d'être améliorée, en optimisant le traitement des polluants des moteurs actuels, mais aussi en développant des solutions alternatives. C'est dans ce contexte que les deux études ont étés menées. Cette étude s'est d'abord intéressée à l'optimisation du fonctionnement du catalyseur trois voies. Ce système est le principal organe de dépollution des motorisations essence, il est capable de convertir les trois principaux polluants réglementés (oxydes d'azote, monoxyde de carbone et hydrocarbures imbrûlés) en gaz non nocifs pour la santé. On s'est intéressé à la modélisation orientée contrôle de ce réacteur chimique, le modèle développé à permis d'élaborer les outils nécessaires au contrôleur pour lui permettre de prendre en compte les dynamiques internes du catalyseur trois voies. L'étude s'est ensuite focalisée sur le contrôle multivariable robuste d'une chaîne d'air turbocompressée d'un moteur essence selon les approches des systèmes linéaires à commutation et à paramètres variant. Le contrôle robuste permet au système de chaîne d'air d'admettre au plus juste la quantité d'air admis dans la chambre de combustion en prenant en compte les éventuelles perturbations. / Forced by more and more severe normative, automotive industrials have to develop clean and energy-efficient vehicles. During the last decades, after-treatment system has been improved and alternative solutions have been found. The two presented studies have been lead in this context. The first study has been focused on the performance optimization of the three ways catalyst. This after-treatment system is able to convert the three main pollutants limited by the normative (nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbon) into harmless gases. The purpose of this study is to develop a mathematical reduced order model for the three ways catalyst focused on the oxygen storage-release dynamics. From this model, an observer for the oxygen storage rate estimation has been developed. Based on this tool, three ways catalyst converter controller will be able to take into account the internal dynamics. The second study deals with the multivariable robust control of a supercharged air path system for a spark ignition engine according to two approaches: the switched linear system and the linear parameter varying system. With robust control, the air path system will inject the right amount of air entering the combustion chamber by taking into account possible disruptions.

Metafisica X (Iota) 2 = sobre a Decima Primeira Aporia / Metaphysics X (Iota) 2 : on the Eleventh Aporia

Almeida, Wellington Damasceno de, 1981- 15 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Lucas Angioni / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T21:11:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Almeida_WellingtonDamascenode_M.pdf: 1255869 bytes, checksum: 5f38aca62110ab8573d4639015f530b7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Nas páginas que se seguem, o leitor encontrará um estudo detalhado sobre aquele que é considerado por Aristóteles o mais difícil entre os impasses formulados em Metafísica III (Beta) e que é respondido no capítulo 2 do livro X (Iota): a Décima Primeira Aporia. Em tal aporia, Aristóteles rivaliza (i) a concepção que os antigos Physiologoi tinham do Um, em que tal princípio é concebido como uma natureza subjacente que extrapola os contornos demarcados pela noção de Um, e (ii) a perspectiva platônico-pitagórica, que prefere conceber o Um em si mesmo, segundo as suas próprias determinações internas e desprovido de qualquer articulação com alguma realidade que lhe seja exterior / Abstract: In the following pages, the reader will find a detailed study of what Aristotle considered the most difficult aporia formulated in Metaphysics III (Beta), which is answered in chapter 2 of Book X (Iota): the Eleventh Aporia. In such aporia, Aristotle rivals: (i) the conception assumed by the ancient Physiologoi, which takes the One to be an underlying nature whose being is not exhausted by being One, and (ii) the Platonic-Pythagorean view, which prefers to conceive the One in itself, according to its own determinations and apart from any connection with some reality outside it / Mestrado / Filosofia / Mestre em Filosofia

ComposiÃÃo quÃmica,atividade fitonematicida e inseticida de Tipi (Petiveria alliaceae) / Chemical composition,activity fitonematicida and insecticide of Tipi(Petiveria alliaceae)

Josà Noberto Sousa Bezerra 02 March 2006 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / Este trabalho descreve o estudo dos componentes volÃteis e nÃo volÃteis das raÃzes de Petiveria alliaceae, incluindo as atividades nematicida e inseticida do Ãleo essencial. Para o estudo quÃmico, fitonematicida e inseticida utilizou-se as raÃzes da planta, das quais foram obtidos o Ãleo essencial e os constituintes nÃo-volÃteis. Do Ãleo essencial das raÃzes foram identificados os seguintes componentes: benzaldeido (61,5%) (constituinte majoritÃrio) dissulfeto de dibenzila (18,1%), transestilbeno (14,1%) e cinamaldeido (6,3%), sendo que esses dois Ãltimos compostos tambÃm foram isolados atravÃs de cromatografia em camada delgada preparativa e identificados por RMN 1H e 13C. O tratamento cromatogrÃfico dos extratos etanÃlico, acetato de etila e hexÃnico permitiu o isolamento de uma mistura de duas mercaptanas, dissulfeto de dibenzila e o trissulfeto de dibenzila, dissulfeto de dibenzila, uma alantoina e a sacarose, que pela primeira vez foram isoladas das raÃzes de Petiveria alliaceae. As mercaptanas isoladas sÃo conhecidas na literatura por suas atividades fungicidas e nematicida. O Ãleo essencial extraÃdo das raÃzes de P. alliaceae e seus constituintes foram submetidos aos ensaios de atividades nematicida contra larvas de Meloidogyne incÃgnita (nematÃide de galhas) e inseticida contra a Mosca branca (Bemisia tabaci) inseto do feijÃo (Callosobruchus maculatus). Os Ãleos essenciais obtidos de P. alliaceae coletadas nas duas localidades diferentes apresentaram significantes atividades inseticida e nematicida. Os constituintes isolados tiveram suas estruturas elucidadas atravÃs de mÃtodos espectromÃtricos de IV, EM, RMN 1H e 13C uni e bidimensionais (COSY, HMQC e HMBC). / This work describes the study of the volatile and the non-volatile components from the roots of Petiveria alliaceae, including the nematicidal and insecticidal activities of the essential oil. The following components were identified in the essential oil: benzaldehyde as the major constituent (61, 5 %), cinnamaldehyde (6, 3%), dibenzyl disulphide (18, 1%), transstilbene (14, 1%). The two last compounds were also isolated through a chromatography in a preparative thin layer identified by RMN 1H and 13C. The isolation of a mixture of two mercaptans, benzyl disulphide and dibenzyl trisulphide, saccharose and allantoin, which were isolated for the first time from the Petiveria alliaceae, was permitted by the chromatographic treatment of the ethyl acetate, hexane, and ethanolic extracts. The isolated mercaptans are known in literature for their fungicide and insecticide activities. The constituents of the essential oil, extracted from the roots of Petiveria alliaceae, were submitted to the nematicidal activities against Meloidogyne incognita larva, insecticide against white fly (Bemisa tabaci) and insect of the beans (Callosobruchus maculatos). Significant insecticidal and nematicidal activities were present in the essential oil from the P. alliaceae, collected in two different localities. The isolated constituents had their structure elucidated through spectrometric methods of IV, EM, RMN 1H and 13C uni and bi-dimensional (COSY, HMQC and HMBC)

Uma ontologia do amor: a reunião dos separados e a superação da vida fragmentada a partir de Paul Tillich / An ontology of love: the reunion of the separated and the overcoming of fragmented life from Paul Tillich

Abijaudi, André Yuri Gomes 25 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2018-08-27T19:10:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 andreyurigomesabijaudi.pdf: 897693 bytes, checksum: f85ec06c9f1efb15a21b38b8db4a2c74 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-08-28T12:10:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 andreyurigomesabijaudi.pdf: 897693 bytes, checksum: f85ec06c9f1efb15a21b38b8db4a2c74 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-28T12:10:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 andreyurigomesabijaudi.pdf: 897693 bytes, checksum: f85ec06c9f1efb15a21b38b8db4a2c74 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-05-25 / O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar como Paul Tillich compreende e relaciona os conceitos de amor e ontologia em suas diversas obras. É possível perceber no decorrer do texto que Tillich apresenta o amor enquanto princípio ético e fundamento ontológico e, por isso, traz consigo muitas ambiguidades. Desta forma, ele explora o conceito de amor a partir daquilo que chama “diferentes qualidades”, tomando como referência as compreensões gregas de eros, philia, epithymia (ou libido) e agápe. A hipótese que norteia este trabalho é que há uma linha de raciocínio presente no pensamento de Tillich, que parece a todo momento insistir na superação das ambiguidades da vida e do caráter fragmentário ao qual está sujeito o ser humano. Por isso, discute-se questões essenciais como seu entendimento sobre ontologia, sua compreensão sobre a importância do mito na linguagem religiosa e sua interpretação da queda como a transição da essência para a existência que resulta na alienação existencial. Mas o foco da dissertação é explorar como Tillich apresenta o poder do amor como aquele que reúne o ser humano com Deus, fundamento de seu ser; com seu próximo; e, principalmente, consigo mesmo. Por fim, o texto expõe como Tillich compreende que a relação entre agápe e eros é essencial para se compreender o amor como uma força una e indivisível, capaz de encerrar as ambiguidades da vida e se apresentar como graça ao ser humano, abrindo possibilidades de superação das leis e da problemática da contextualização da ética nas transições históricas do mundo. / The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze how Paul Tillich understands and relates the concepts of love and ontology in his various works. It is possible to perceive throughout the text that Tillich presents love as an ethical principle and ontological foundation and, therefore, brings with it many ambiguities. In this way, he explores the concept of love from what he calls "different qualities", taking as reference the greek understandings of eros, philia, epithymia (or libido) and agape. The hypothesis that guides this work is that there is a line of reasoning present in Tillich's thought, which seems at all times to insist on overcoming the ambiguities of life and the fragmentary character to which the human being is subjected. Hence, essential questions such as his understanding of ontology, his understanding of the importance of myth in religious language, and his interpretation of the fall as the transition from the essence to the existence that results in existential alienation are discussed. But the focus of the dissertation is to explore how Tillich presents the power of love as one that reunites human being to God, the foundation of his being; with his neighbor; and especially with himself. Finally, the text exposes how Tillich understands that the relationship between agape and eros is essential for understanding love as a single and indivisible force, capable of closing the ambiguities of life and presenting itself as grace to the human being, opening possibilities for overcoming the laws and the problematic of the contextualization of ethics in the historical transitions of the world.

A phenomenological study of the experience of assets that support learning

Ferreira, Ilze 02 July 2009 (has links)
The asset-based approach has been studied within the South African context. Up to now, primary school learners’ meaning of the experienced phenomenon, “assets for learning support” however remains an under-explored topic. The intent with this study was to qualitatively explore and discover the essence of the phenomenon, ‘assets for learning support’, as experienced by learners who attend an urban primary school. This phenomenon was explored from an interpretive/ constructivist paradigmatic perspective, which also informed the study’s qualitative methodology. A phenomenological research design was utilised. The study was conducted in a mainstream primary school, situated in an urban context. The participants for this research were eight female participants in Grades 5-7 that were confronted with and overcame extrinsic barriers to learning, while attending an urban primary school. They participated in a focus group discussion within a classroom on the school premises. During the focus group, the learners’ relevant and natural unit of significant statements were listed (horizontalisation) and structured into central clusters of meanings. Textural themes (what) and structural themes (how) were identified. The study found that human resource assets are integrated assets connecting other assets that support learning. The study also found a significant compound effect of assets upon each other. The essence of the experienced phenomenon is that the identified assets (how) interrelatedly mobilise (what) other assets (textural findings) on one of five levels (structural findings) within various systems and contexts, which contribute to mobilise learning support as an asset. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted

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