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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La valeur venale ou locative des biens, droits immobiliers ou droits sociaux : une conception juridique pour une concretisation economique / Market or rental value of the real property, real estate law or social law : a legal conception for economic concretization

Martel, Jean-Jacques 15 December 2016 (has links)
La valeur vénale et locative se définit en droit, en jurisprudence et en doctrine, mais elle se concrétise en économie…C’est toute l’ambiguïté et la différence entre une valeur et un prix.A l’inverse de l’agent immobilier qui se focalise sur le prix du bien qu’il envisage de vendre, l’expert se concentre sur l’objectivation juridique d’une valeur qu’il va déterminer en s’appuyant sur la comparaison des prix dont il va avoir connaissance.Depuis plus d’une dizaine d’années, j’ai essayé à travers mes différentes recherches, enseignements et publications d’éclaircir les problématiques juridiques, économiques, techniques et maintenant écologiques, liées à la valeur vénale ou locative.J’ai pu publier une cinquantaine de contributions sur des sujets transversaux.Mon projet de thèse sur travaux envisage d’effectuer la synthèse de ces travaux en approfondissant et en complétant certains sujets, en explorant les nouvelles problématiques environnementales et en examinant les possibilités de transposition dans notre droit interne des nouvelles directives européennes liés à l’évaluation immobilière. / Market and rental value is defined in law, in jurisprudence and in doctrine, but is put into concrete form in economics.There in lies the ambiguity of the difference between value and price.Unlike the estate-agent, who focuses on the price of the property he plans to sell, the real estate valuer concentrates on the juridical objectification of the value, which he will determine by comparing the prices which he has knowledge of. For over ten years I have been trying, through my various research projects, teaching and publications, to throw some light on the juridical, economic, technical and now environmental issues linked to market and rental value.I have published some fifty papers on cross-discipline subjects.In my thesis project I plan to synthesize this work, going more deeply into certain subjects and adding to them, exploring the new environmental issues and examining the possible ways in which the new European directives concerning real-estate appraisal could be transposed into our domestic law.

Les modes alternatifs de règlement des différends relatifs aux investissements dans les pays arabes

Wannous, Nawwar 27 February 2013 (has links)
En abordant le sujet des modes alternatifs de règlement des différends relatifs aux investissements internationaux dans les pays arabes, nous nous étions fixé de répondre à deux questions qui nous semblaient essentielles. Les législations internes arabes, et particulièrement les méthodes de règlement qu’elles prévoient, sont-elles adaptées aux exigences économiques et aux besoins de leurs États ? Et sont-elles compatibles avec les engagements pris par les États arabes au niveau international ?Nous avons pu constater une certaine ambiguïté de ces législations, une certaine divergence entre elles et également une incompatibilité avec les engagements pris par les États au niveau international. Par ailleurs nous avons pu constater une certaine évolution, dans le sens de la modernité, de ces États au niveau interne et international. L’évolution des droits arabes est exprimée par l’admission des modes de règlement alternatif des différends, surtout dans les législations modernes en matière d’investissement ou d’arbitrage. Elle se constate également lors de la mise en œuvre de ces modes de règlement des différends. Mais le plus important est sans contestation possible la conclusion par les États arabes d’un grand nombre de traités en la matière, ce qui fait du droit international et non plus des droits internes, la source principale des procédures des investissements étrangers. / By choosing the theme of alternative dispute resolution relating to international investment in Arab countries, two essential questions are to be answered. Are the Arab domestic laws, and in particular the settlement methods they foresee, adapted to economic requirements and to the needs of their States ? And are they consistent with the commitments made by the Arab States at the international level ? Some ambiguites can be found in these legislations, together with some differences and incompatibilities with the commitments made by these States at the international level. An evolution in the direction of modernity of these states can be noticed, both at an internal and international level. The evolution of Arab laws is expressed by the admission of alternative dispute resolution mecanismes, especially in modern legislation concerning investment or arbitration, and by way they are implemented. But the most important issue is the conclusion by the Arab States of a large number of treaties in the field, placing international law, rather than domestic law, at the heart of foreign investment procedures.

Navigating Health Sources on the Internet: A Mixed-Methods Examination of Online Consumer Reviews and Expert Text on Psychotropic Drugs

Hughes, Shannon 30 June 2010 (has links)
Purpose: The Internet has provided an unprecedented opportunity for psychotropic medication consumers, a traditionally silenced group in clinical trial research, to have voice by contributing to the construction of drug knowledge in an immediate, direct manner. Currently, there are no systematic appraisals of the potential of online consumer drug reviews to contribute to drug knowledge. The purpose of this research was to explore the content of drug information on various websites representing themselves as consumer- and expert-constructed, and as a practical consideration, to examine how each source may help and hinder treatment decision-making. Methodology: A mixed-methods research strategy utilizing a grounded theory approach was used to analyze drug information on 5 exemplar websites (3 consumer- and 2 expert-constructed) for 2 popularly prescribed psychotropic drugs (escitalopram and quetiapine). A stratified simple random sample was used to select 1,080 consumer reviews from the websites (N=7,114) through February 2009. Text was coded using QDA Miner 3.2 software by Provalis Research. A combination of frequency tables, descriptive excerpts from text, and chi-square tests for association were used throughout analyses. Findings: The most frequently mentioned effects by consumers taking either drug were related to psychological/behavioral symptoms and sleep. Consumers reported many of the same effects as found on expert health sites, but provided more descriptive language and situational examples. Expert labels of less serious on certain effects were not congruent with the sometimes tremendous burden described by consumers. Consumers mentioned more than double the themes mentioned in expert text, and demonstrated a diversity and range of discourses around those themes. Conclusions: Drug effects from each source were complete relative to the information provided in the other, but each also offered distinct advantages. Expert health sites provided concise summaries of medications’ effects, while consumer reviews had the added advantage of concrete descriptions and greater context. In short, consumer reviews better prepared potential consumers for what it’s like to take psychotropic drugs. Both sources of information benefit clinicians and consumers in making informed treatment-related decisions. Social work practitioners are encouraged to thoughtfully utilize online consumer drug reviews as a legitimate additional source for assisting clients in learning about treatment options.

Apprentissage supervisé à partir des multiples annotateurs incertains / Supervised Learning from Multiple Uncertain Annotators

Wolley, Chirine 01 December 2014 (has links)
En apprentissage supervisé, obtenir les réels labels pour un ensemble de données peut être très fastidieux et long. Aujourd'hui, les récentes avancées d'Internet ont permis le développement de services d'annotations en ligne, faisant appel au crowdsourcing pour collecter facilement des labels. Néanmoins, le principal inconvénient de ces services réside dans le fait que les annotateurs peuvent avoir des niveaux d'expertise très hétérogènes. De telles données ne sont alors pas forcément fiables. Par conséquent, la gestion de l'incertitude des annotateurs est un élément clé pour l'apprentissage à partir de multiples annotateurs non experts. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons des algorithmes probabilistes qui traitent l'incertitude des annotateurs et la qualité des données durant la phase d'apprentissage. Trois modèles sont proposés: IGNORE permet de classer de nouvelles instances tout en évaluant les annotateurs en terme de performance d'annotation qui dépend de leur incertitude. X-IGNORE intègre la qualité des données en plus de l'incertitude des juges. En effet, X-IGNORE suppose que la performance des annotateurs dépend non seulement de leur incertitude mais aussi de la qualité des données qu'ils annotent. Enfin, ExpertS répond au problème de sélection d'annotateurs durant l'apprentissage. ExpertS élimine les annotateurs les moins performants, et se base ainsi uniquement sur les labels des bons annotateurs (experts) lors de l'étape d'apprentissage. De nombreuses expérimentations effectuées sur des données synthétiques et réelles montrent la performance et la stabilité de nos modèles par rapport à différents algorithmes de la littérature. / In supervised learning tasks, obtaining the ground truth label for each instance of the training dataset can be difficult, time-consuming and/or expensive. With the advent of infrastructures such as the Internet, an increasing number of web services propose crowdsourcing as a way to collect a large enough set of labels from internet users. The use of these services provides an exceptional facility to collect labels from anonymous annotators, and thus, it considerably simplifies the process of building labels datasets. Nonetheless, the main drawback of crowdsourcing services is their lack of control over the annotators and their inability to verify and control the accuracy of the labels and the level of expertise for each labeler. Hence, managing the annotators' uncertainty is a clue for learning from imperfect annotations. This thesis provides three algorithms when learning from multiple uncertain annotators. IGNORE generates a classifier that predict the label of a new instance and evaluate the performance of each annotator according to their level of uncertainty. X-Ignore, considers that the performance of the annotators both depends on their uncertainty and on the quality of the initial dataset to be annotated. Finally, ExpertS deals with the problem of annotators' selection when generating the classifier. It identifies experts annotators, and learn the classifier based only on their labels. We conducted in this thesis a large set of experiments in order to evaluate our models, both using experimental and real world medical data. The results prove the performance and accuracy of our models compared to previous state of the art solutions in this context.

L'expertise et la lutte contre la fraude monétique / Solid forensic assessment and the fight against payment card fraud

Souvignet, Thomas 18 December 2014 (has links)
Le montant annuel de la fraude européenne à la carte de paiement se monte à plus d’1,5 milliard d’euros. Cette manne aiguise l’appétit des groupes criminels qui exploitent la moindre faille de la monétique (écosystème de la carte de paiement). Les cinq principaux acteurs de la monétique (porteurs, émetteurs, accepteurs, acquéreurs et systèmes de paiement) s’appuient pourtant sur des systèmes et réseaux normalisés dont la sécurité est encadrée par des standards internationaux contraignants. Néanmoins, la fraude monétique ne cesse de progresser alors que les moyens de lutte (étatiques, collaboratifs ou individuels) restent limités.Après étude de la fraude monétique, cette thèse propose différentes actions (passives,réactives et proactives) visant à améliorer la lutte contre la fraude monétique. D’abord,il convient de mieux connaître la fraude en étudiant la provenance des données volées et plus seulement leur usage. Ensuite l’expertise de ces fraudes doit être améliorée, en développant par exemple une captation du progrès scientifique. Une expertise qui doit être en partie transmise aux enquêteurs afin qu’ils puissent conduire leurs enquêtes. Enquêtes qui peuvent être dynamisées par des opérations réactives associant investigateurs et sachants techniques. Enfin, de manière proactive, les enquêtes et analyses de demain doivent être facilitées par les technologies monétiques conçues aujourd’hui. / Every year, payment card fraud exceeds 1.5 billion euros in Europe. Organised crime groups are exploiting any vulnerability possible to take a piece of this lucrative activity. Even though the five principal entities in the payment card industry (cardholders, issuers,acceptors, acquirers and payment system providers) are implementing binding security measures through out standardized systems and networks, fraud continues to increase. Efforts by the state, industry collaboration, and individuals have been unsuccessful in decreasing criminal advances. Having analysed the elements of payment card fraud, this thesis proposes several actions (passive, reactive and proactive) to help improve the fight against this fraud. First, itis relevant to gain knowledge of the source of the card details and not to focus only on its reuse. Next, forensic assessment has to be improved, for example by developing an increased scientific understanding of the technology. Such an expertise should then be passed on to investigators through effective training and knowledge transfer. Investigations should also be made more dynamic with reactive operations conducted in concert by investigators and technicians. Finally, in an ideal proactive spirit, future investigations and assessments should be oriented and facilitated by studying and influencing current payment card technology developments.

Segregerande värderingar : En modell över skolans arbete med elever i behov av särskilt stöd / Segregating values : A model of the work with pupils in need of specialsupport in school

Andersson, Mats January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Elever som hamnar i särskild undervisningsgrupp förefaller att bli kvar där. Det väcker frågan om hur skolans arbetemed elever i behov av särskilt stöd ser ut.Syfte: Denna studie syftar till att ta fram en modell för skolans arbete med elever i behov av särskilt stöd. Metod: Den metod som använts har varit grundad teori. Inom ramen för denna metod har datainsamlingen gjorts genomsemistrukturerade intervjuer med kuratorer och specialpedagoger. Resultat: Undersökningen mynnade ut i en modell med tre faser: Anpassning, Förskjutning och Segregering. Detta är de faser somstöd-arbetet går igenom när en elev rör sig mot segregering. Övergången till en annan fas sker på grund av envärderingsförskjutning i elevens omgivning när elevens problematik blir för svår att hantera. Slutsats: Även om det är möjligt att identifiera ett antal olika faktorer som påverkar hur skolan lyckas med elever i behov avsärskilt stöd, så är det i grund och botten värderingarna som styr; huruvida skolan i slutändan anser att eleven hör hemma iklassrummet eller i en segregerad verksamhet.

Knowledge Mapping within an Organization / Mapování znalostí v organizaci

Nožička, Josef January 2009 (has links)
Search for the knowledge within big companies could become pain not only for knowledge seekers, but as well for knowledge managers in case they want a solution, that reflects well actual state of knowledge of a company, allows discovering emerging areas of knowledge and at the same time its maintenance does not require huge amounts of effort. This doctoral thesis starts by a comprehensive analysis of needs of expertise location of current company, description of theoretical backgrounds, related approaches and fundamental directions in expertise location, analyses their advantages and disadvantages and on the ground of this analysis presents a new expertise location technique that tries to avoid disadvantages of current expertise location systems by keeping their advantages. The technique is designed to respect the needs of effective knowledge management within a company, which main assets are their employees, their knowledge reflected in unstructured documents they produce as a part of their daily work. Described knowledge mapping technique analyses document publication history of company members and proposes various measures to asses and characterize their knowledge. The implementation of the knowledge mapping technique allows its direct usage (as an expert search engine) as well as its own evaluation (validity of search engine results). The efficiency of proposed measures on various types of document sources (project directories/versioning repositories/etc.) and within various dimension configurations (current/overall knowledge search) is evaluated by the practical evaluation method introduced within the thesis. The evaluation took place in the environment of a middle-sized software company allowing seeing directly a practical usability of the expertise location technique. The results of the evaluation are presented not only in statistical form, but in a form of suggestions of how to implement the model on various document sources within the company. The results suggest that described knowledge mapping technique is a viable approach in expertise location.

Computer Support Interactions: Verifying a Process Model of Problem Trajectory in an Information Technology Support Environment.

Strauss, Christopher Eric 12 1900 (has links)
Observations in the information technology (IT) support environment and generalizations from the literature regarding problem resolution behavior indicate that computer support staff seldom store reusable solution information effectively for IT problems. A comprehensive model of the processes encompassing problem arrival and assessment, expertise selection, problem resolution, and solution recording has not been available to facilitate research in this domain. This investigation employed the findings from a qualitative pilot study of IT support staff information behaviors to develop and explicate a detailed model of problem trajectory. Based on a model from clinical studies, this model encompassed a trajectory scheme that included the communication media, characteristics of the problem, decision points in the problem resolution process, and knowledge creation in the form of solution storage. The research design included the administration of an extensive scenario-based online survey to a purposive sample of IT support staff at a medium-sized state-supported university, with additional respondents from online communities of IT support managers and call-tracking software developers. The investigator analyzed 109 completed surveys and conducted email interviews of a stratified nonrandom sample of survey respondents to evaluate the suitability of the model. The investigation employed mixed methods including descriptive statistics, effects size analysis, and content analysis to interpret the results and verify the sufficiency of the problem trajectory model. The study found that expertise selection relied on the factors of credibility, responsibility, and responsiveness. Respondents referred severe new problems for resolution and recorded formal solutions more often than other types of problems, whereas they retained moderate recurring problems for resolution and seldom recorded those solutions. Work experience above and below the 5-year mark affected decisions to retain, refer, or defer problems, as well as solution storage and broadcasting behaviors. The veracity of the problem trajectory model was verified and it was found to be an appropriate tool and explanatory device for research in the IT domain.

Metro Environmental: The impact of training HVAC technicians using the SightPros-VirTechs system for remote, wireless, Internet video assistance.

Daily, Ellen Wilmoth Matthews 05 1900 (has links)
This qualitative study explored the overall impact of training HVAC technicians using the SightPros-VirTechs system for remote, wireless, internet video assistance at a small HVAC company, Metro Environmental. John Thomason, the president/co-owner developed a website and a new SightPros communication tool that allows wireless, one-on-one, just-in-time, high-quality, video-monitored instructions between an expert at one site and a technician at another site. Metro Environmental successfully used the SightPros-VirTechs system to train a new apprentice remotely. The apprentice and expert changed their normal and routine physical activities because the expert worked remotely and the apprentice worked on-site. Within just a few months, the apprentice proved competent enough to go to customer accounts without more experienced technicians nearby. The technicians express excitement about the SightPros communication tool as a way to contact remote experts whenever needed. The customer and business contacts also give good reviews and suggest other benefits. The expert permanently captures the communications so the company can use the saved video for many applications, especially training. The dissertation provides a list of recommendations to trainers/educators for similar applications.

Analyse du risque de mildiou de la vigne dans le Bordelais à partir de données régionales et d’informations locales collectées en cours de saison / Grape downy mildew risk analysis in Bordeaux vineyards based on regional survey data and local expert knowledge analysis

Chen, Mathilde 12 December 2019 (has links)
L’utilisation de pesticides permet de réduire les pertes de récolte mais génère des impacts environnementaux négatifs. Il est important de fournir des informations précises sur les risques épidémiques concernant les bioagresseurs afin de raisonner l’utilisation des pesticides, en particulier dans le cas du mildiou de la vigne, responsable en moyenne de 43% des traitements utilisés dans le Bordelais. Cette thèse évalue l’intérêt de la date d’apparition des symptômes de mildiou de la vigne pour raisonner l’usage des fongicides dans la lutte contre cette maladie.En nous basant sur des observations régionales et de l’expertise locale, nous montrons que dans le Bordelais, les premiers traitements sont réalisés en moyenne quatre semaines avant l’apparition des premiers symptômes. Nous montrons que reporter la date du premier traitement anti-mildiou à la date d’apparition de la maladie permet d’économiser en moyenne 56% des traitements, par rapport aux pratiques actuelles de cette région. Nos résultats montrent que combiner cette stratégie avec le port d’équipements de protection réduit l’exposition des opérateurs de plus de 70%.En utilisant des méthodes de machine learning, nous montrons que la précocité et la gravité des épidémies de mildiou sont fortement liées. Les prévisions de nos modèles peuvent être utilisées pour déclencher les traitements contre la maladie dans les cas de risques élevés, entraînant une réduction de plus de 50% des traitements anti-mildiou par rapport aux pratiques actuelles.Nos résultats et les méthodes employées sont discutés et mis en perspective avec d’autres moyens de réduction de l’usage des pesticides en viticulture. / Abstract: Pesticides reduce yield losses but have negative environmental consequences. It is important to provide precise information on the epidemic risks concerning harmful organisms in order to reason the use of pesticides, in particular in the case of grape downy mildew, which is responsible on average for 43% of pesticides used in Bordeaux vineyards.The objective of this work is to estimate the benefits of using downy mildew onset date to avoid unjustified sprays in the control of this disease. Based on regional observations and local expertise, we show that in Bordeaux, the first treatments are applied on average four weeks before the first symptoms appear.We show that postponing the date of the first downy mildew spray to disease onset reduces fungicide use by an average of 56% compared to current practices in this region. For operators, our results show that combining this strategy with the use of personal protective equipment reduces exposure by more than 70%.By using machine learning methods, we also show that the precocity and severity of downy mildew epidemics are strongly linked. Our predictions can be used to trigger disease treatments only in high-risk cases, resulting in a reduction of more than 50% in mildew treatments compared to current practices. Our results and the used methods are discussed and compared with other methods for reducing the use of pesticides in viticulture.

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