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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comment les m??decins urgentologues raisonnent-ils au regard des sp??cificit??s de leur cadre et leur mode d???exercice ?

Pelaccia, Thierry January 2014 (has links)
Contexte : malgr?? les particularit??s de l???environnement de pratique de la m??decine d???urgence, il n???existe pas de recherches sp??cifiquement men??es sur la th??matique du raisonnement clinique dans cette sp??cialit??. Nous avons souhait?? mieux comprendre comment les m??decins urgentologues raisonnent dans le cadre de la prise en charge initiale des patients. M??thode : une posture ??pist??mologique interpr??tative a ??t?? adopt??e ?? travers un devis de recherche qualitatif de type ethnographique. Des entretiens ont ??t?? r??alis??s aupr??s de m??decins urgentologues experts, ?? l???issue de la prise en charge d???un patient r??el. Ces entretiens reposaient notamment sur la visualisation de l???enregistrement vid??o en perspective subjective situ??e, obtenu gr??ce ?? l'usage d'une microcam??ra fix??e sur la tempe ou la branche de lunettes des praticiens. R??sultats : les hypoth??ses diagnostiques sont g??n??r??es tr??s pr??cocement par les m??decins, parfois m??me avant la rencontre avec le patient, sur la base de la prise en compte d???un nombre tr??s limit?? d???informations, pour certaines contextuelles. Cinq hypoth??ses ??taient en moyenne g??n??r??es lors de la rencontre initiale et au moins une ??tait une hypoth??se de gravit??. Aucune n?????tait formellement ??limin??e ou valid??e sans r??sultats d???examens compl??mentaires. Un jugement pr??coce quant ?? la gravit?? de la situation permettait ??galement aux m??decins d???orienter leurs intentions initiales vers des buts diagnostiques ou th??rapeutiques. Les experts raisonnaient le plus souvent de mani??re intuitive. Ils prenaient en compte les sp??cificit??s de leur environnement professionnel en ??tant, par exemple, vigilants au temps, au caract??re potentiellement ??volutif de l?????tat clinique du malade et au devenir d???aval de celui-ci. Conclusion : l???identification du raisonnement clinique des m??decins urgentologues offre des perspectives importantes en mati??re de pratique de la m??decine d???urgence, et de formation des r??sidents dans cette discipline. La m??thode originale de recueil des donn??es pourrait en outre ??tre r??exploit??e dans le cadre de travaux ult??rieurs.

Ikimokyklinių švietimo įstaigų vadybos ypatumai / Pre-school educational institutions' management features

Sinkevičius, Ramūnas 09 August 2011 (has links)
Pastaruoju metu vis labiau ryškėja švietimo vadybos elementų taikymo būtinybė ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų veikloje. Kaip reikalauja Lietuvos Respublikos švietimo įstatymas, ypatingai svarbus švietimo vadybos žinių, mokėjimų bei įgūdžių įvaldymas. Vadovavimas švietimo įstaigai – ne tik tikslų, uždavinių numatymas, darbo planavimas ir organizavimas, bet ir techninių, socialinių, pedagoginių, psichologinių, biologinių procesų tikslingas nukreipimas, siekiant optimalių rezultatų, kartu atsižvelgiant į tų procesų ypatumus ir dėsningumus. Norėdami tyrinėti vadovavimo svarbą ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoje nutarta paanalizuoti, kaip ikimokyklinių įstaigų vadovai organizuoja darbą savo vadovaujamose įstaigose, kokie vadybiniai ypatumai jose, kokiais vadovavimo stiliais vadovaujasi dirbant administracinį darbą, ir kokią įtaką vadovavimo stilius turi ikimokyklinės švietimo įstaigos vadovo bendradarbiavimui su bendruomenės nariais. Tyrimo tikslas – išnagrinėti švietimo vadybos teorinius aspektus ikimokyklinėse švietimo įstaigose, parodyti esamą situaciją apie vadovų vadovavimą ir jų elgseną konkrečiose organizacijose bei pateikti veiklos gerinimo gaires. Tyrimo objektas – ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigos. Hipotezė: netinkamas vadovavimo stilius turi neigiamos įtakos ikimokyklinių švietimo įstaigų vadovų bendradarbiavimui su bendruomenės nariais. Teorinis problemos tyrimas atskleidė, kad ikimokyklinė institucija, yra žmonių grupė, kurioje visi jos nariai vienas su kitu yra susiję... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Recently, the necessity to apply education management elements in the activities of pre-school educational institutions is becoming more prominent. As stated in the Law on Education of the Republic of Lithuania, it is crucial to master the knowledge, skills and abilities of education management. Managing an educational institution is not limited to setting out the goals and objectives, planning and organizing work, but also includes purposeful targeting of technical, social, pedagogical, psychological and biological processes seeking optimal results, while taking into account the peculiarities of these processes. To explore the importance of education management in pre-school educational institutions it has been decided to analyze how the heads of pre-school educational institutions organize work in the institutions they lead, which managerial features are present there, what leadership styles are used during administrative work and how the chosen leadership style impacts the cooperation between the head of the pre-school educational institution and the community. The objective of the study is to examine the theoretical aspects of education management in pre-school educational institutions, to show the current leadership and behavior situation of the heads of particular institutions and to provide guidelines for improving performance. The object of the study – pre-school educational institutions. Hypothesis: an inappropriate leadership style has a negative impact on the... [to full text]

Du nord au sud. Parcours et réflexions sur le développement local et la lutte contre la pauvreté

Matteudi, Emmanuel 16 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Associant réflexion issue de travaux de recherche et analyse résultant d'une pratique d'expertise auprès d'opérateurs internationaux du développement et de collectivités locales africaines, ce mémoire d'Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches questionne la manière d'observer le fonctionnement d'un territoire, la façon d'analyser les dynamiques économiques et sociales qui l'animent, la finalité des projets et des politiques qui l'accompagnent, ainsi que les modes opératoires des professionnels du développement. Inspiré d'une expérience qui a débuté en France, dans des espaces ruraux, ce travail nous conduit progressivement vers l'Afrique et les politiques d'aide au développement initiées par la Coopération internationale : Agences des Nations Unies, Coopérations bilatérales, Coopération décentralisée et ONG. Il fait valoir la nécessité d'avoir une approche territoriale du développement pour lutter plus efficacement contre la pauvreté et propose une recherche socio-anthropologique appliquée, qui repense le cycle de projet et le lien entre chercheurs, experts et développeurs.


2014 August 1900 (has links)
Coaches in Canada are trained through the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) administered by The Coaching Association of Canada. The NCCP is the national standard and recently shifted its educational emphasis from the transfer of knowledge to the development of coaching competency. As a result, coaches are required to demonstrate competency in a specified sport and level prior to being awarded a coaching certification. The purpose of this study was to establish validity and reliability of an NCCP coaching competency assessment. Gymnastics Canada agreed to have their Community Sport coaching competency instrument tested for content validity, face validity, inter-rater reliability and intra-rater reliability. Their original assessment instrument was revised during content validity testing based on recommendations from five coaching context experts. Removing six items, adding one item, and revising four items for clarity modified the original 48-item instrument. An assessment of overall competency was added to the instrument to rate the coach as Beginner, Competent, Proficient, or Expert. Three certified coaches confirmed the face validity of the modified instrument. Reliability tests were conducted on the ratings provided by ten experts who observed a coach’s lesson on video. The result was a moderate level of inter-rater reliability, displayed by an Agreement Coefficient (AC1) of 0.43 and a Percent of Agreement (PA) of 72%. Nine of the ten raters assessed the coach’s performance as Competent, Proficient or Expert, while one of the ten rated the coach as Beginner. After a repeat observation of the same coaching performance, the intra-rater reliability of five raters resulted in agreement levels of Moderate (AC1 = 0.45; PA = 67%), Substantial (AC1 = 0.75, 0.77; PA = 81%, 89%), and Almost Perfect (AC1 = 0.87, 0.82; PA = 93%, 90%). The modified instrument has content and face validity. However, its usefulness is impacted by variability in rater preferences. The inter-rater reliability results attest to concerns about the consistency in assessment of a coaching certificate for Community Sport Artistic Gymnastics coaches. Suggestions to improve the reliability of the instrument include training raters to classify the coach’s competency on a standardized scale of sport-specific expertise.

Fedeltà nella grande distribuzione moderna: il ruolo degli effetti di multiple reference e dell'identificazione cliente-distributore / CUSTOMER LOYALTY IN GROCERY RETAIL: MULTIPLE REFERENCE EFFECTS AND THE PIVOTAL ROLE OF SELF-CONGRUITY

MAGGIONI, ISABELLA 31 March 2014 (has links)
Nonostante la costante attenzione dedicata al tema della fedeltà del consumatore, la letteratura di marketing non è stata in grado di fornire una definizione condivisa e chiara del costrutto. Questo si è tradotto in una scarsa integrazione del tema della customer loyalty negli studi di consumer behaviour. L’analisi della fedeltà del cliente diviene più complessa nei contesti distributivi e in particolare per quanto concerne la grande distribuzione moderna. Questa tesi di dottorato presenta e testa un framework concettuale che descrive il processo psicologico alla base dello sviluppo di fedeltà nei confronti della grande distribuzione moderna. Il modello si fonda sul reference-based paradigm e si snoda in due fasi. Nella fase cognitiva vengono valutati gli effetti degli stimoli provenienti dallo store environment sulla formazione delle valutazioni dei consumatori in merito a functional congruity, self-congruity e attrattività delle alternative presenti sul mercato. Nella seconda fase vengono analizzati gli effetti di queste tre variabili sulla fedeltà del consumatore. Viene inoltre evidenziato come l’identificazione tra retailer e consumatore risulti essere di primaria importanza per la customer loyalty. Inoltre il modello include e testa l’impatto di fattori quali struttura del mercato, livello di conoscenza del consumatore e time pressure sul processo di sviluppo di customer loyalty. / Although researchers have wondered about the meaning of true customer loyalty for decades, literature still lacks a clear and shared conceptualization. This has also resulted in a poor integration of the concept of customer loyalty in consumer behaviour theory. The general debate on customer loyalty is even more complex when referring to the particular case of retail establishments, in which absolute consumer loyalty is not realistic and most shoppers purchase on a portfolio basis. In order to contribute to the understanding of customer loyalty, this thesis proposes and empirically tests a comprehensive conceptual framework aimed at analysing the psychological process underlying the development of customer loyalty in retail settings. Based on the reference-based paradigm and structured in two stages, the model considers three reference effects, i.e. functional congruity, alternative attractiveness and self-congruity and their role in the relationship between store environment and customer loyalty in grocery retail. The thesis acknowledges the pivotal role of self-congruity in the relationship between store environment and customer loyalty due to its interplay with the other reference effects. It also proves that market structure, shopping expertise and time pressure are of prime importance when analysing customer loyalty.

Perceptions de connaissance et mémorisation d'information : dans quelles conditions se croire ignorant améliore nos performances de mémorisation ?

Lebar, Charles 09 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La connaissance subjective renvoie à la perception que porte un individu sur sa connaissance dans un domaine donné. La recherche suivante étudie l'influence d'une manipulation de la connaissance subjective sur les stratégies de traitement et de mémorisation de l'information. Dans notre première étude, nous montrons que l'estime de soi du consommateur joue un rôle modérateur dans la relation entre manipulation de la connaissance subjective et différentes mesures de mémorisation de l'information. Dans une deuxième étude, nous identifions des mécanismes modérateurs et des limites aux effets identifiés. La troisième étude spécifie l'étendu de cet effet de mémorisation. Enfin, la dernière étude étend la validité de nos résultats en adoptant un autre type de manipulation de connaissance subjective et en s'intéressant à un autre domaine de connaissance. Les implications de ces résultats sont discutées et des pistes de recherches futures sont proposées

Expertise in credit granting : studies on judgment and decision-making behavior

Andersson, Patric January 2001 (has links)
How do experienced lenders make decisions? This dissertation addresses this question by investigating judgment and decision-making behavior of loan officers in banks as well as credit managers in supplying companies. The dissertation applies an integrated economic-psychological perspective and consists of seven parts: a comprehensive literature review and six separate empirical papers. Reviewed areas are research on judgment and decision-making (JDM), research on expert decision-makers, and earlier empirical work on experienced lenders. The six papers shed light on: (1) desirable personal attributes of expert credit analysts; (2) the use of software to track JDM behavior; (3) differences between novices' and experienced loan officers' JDM behavior; (4) the relationships between information acquisition, risk attitude, and experience; (5) attitudes towards credit decision support systems; and (6) attitudes towards requesting collateral. Employed methods were in-depth interviews, a nation-wide survey, and a computer-based experiment.On the whole, the empirical findings give an ambiguous picture of the alleged superiority of experienced lenders' judgment and decision-making behavior. On the one hand, experienced lenders seem to be capable, careful, and conscious of their responsibility. On the other hand, they tend to disagree and make contradictory judgments and decisions. The applied perspective and methodology are not only aimed at providing better insights into how experienced lenders make decisions, but can also stimulate future research on how professionals in other domains than credit granting make decisions. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögsk., 2001

Apprentissage de Scènes de Football Animées : Effet des Designs Pédagogiques et de L'expertise. / Learning of animated soccer scenes : Effect of instructional designs and expertise

Khacharem, Aimen 04 July 2013 (has links)
Comment les animations pédagogiques doivent-elles être conçues pour améliorer l'apprentissage? Quels sont les facteurs qui doivent être pris en compte lors de du design des animations? Les récents progrès dans le domaine d'enseignement assisté par ordinateur ont permis de créer des visualisations dynamiques telles que les animations pour présenter des informations dynamiques qui changent au cours du temps et dans l'espace. Cependant, plusieurs recherches ont montré que les animations imposent de lourdes demandes sur les ressources de la mémoire de travail entraînant une diminution des résultats d'apprentissage. En se basant sur une perspective de la charge cognitive, nous avons essayé de manager la charge cognitive imposée par des animations de football à travers l'utilisation de différents designs pédagogiques. Les résultats ont indiqué des interactions significatives entre ces designs et le niveau d'expertise des joueurs, conduisant au phénomène connu sous le nom d'effet du renversement de l'expertise. Selon cet effet, les designs pédagogiques qui sont efficaces pour les joueurs novices peuvent devenir inefficaces, voire même nuisibles pour les joueurs experts. Les résultats soulignent l'importance d'ajuster les designs pédagogiques aux changements du niveau d'expertise du joueur. / How instructional animations should be designed in order to enhance learning? What factors need to be taken into account in the design of animations? Recent advances in computer-based instruction have made it possible to produce dynamic visualizations such as animations to depict dynamic information that change over time and space. However, there has been increasing evidence accumulated that animations often impose significant working memory demands resulting in decreased learning outcomes. Based on a cognitive load perspective, in this thesis, we tried to effectively manage cognitive load imposed by soccer animations through the use of different forms of instructional designs. The results indicated significant interactions between these instructional designs and levels of player expertise, leading to the phenomenon known as the expertise reversal effect. According to this effect, the instructional designs that are effective for novice players may become ineffective or even detrimental for expert players. The findings argue for the importance of tailoring instructional designs to changing levels of player expertise.

Como se decide a (in)capacidade e a deficiência? Uma etnografia sobre moralidades e conflitos em torno da perícia médica previdenciária

Matos, Liziane Gonçalves de January 2016 (has links)
A perícia médica se constitui em uma avaliação pela qual devem passar todos os que solicitam determinados benefícios previdenciários, como o auxílio-doença, e o Benefício de Prestação Continuada (BPC), vinculado à assistência social. As conclusões dos médicos peritos, emitidas através de um laudo pericial, envolvem decisões quanto a existência ou não de “(in)capacidade para o trabalho” e deficiência, e podem ser determinantes para a concessão ou o indeferimento do auxílio-doença, por exemplo, e do BPC. Quando as decisões são contrárias à concessão, ou seja, quando não há o reconhecimento da incapacidade ou deficiência, tentativas de reverter estas decisões na justiça tem se constituído em uma alternativa, com destaque para a atuação da Defensoria Pública da União (DPU). A exigência da perícia e seus critérios de avaliação tem suscitado diversos debates públicos, conflitos e controvérsias que tornam explícitas moralidades diversas. A partir do trabalho de campo realizado na DPU, nos espaços de debates em torno da prática de perícia, como congressos, e com as pessoas envolvidas no processo pericial (sobretudo, as que solicitam benefícios, médicos e profissionais do campo jurídico), esta tese busca reunir diferentes discursos, concepções e embates em torno da perícia médica previdenciária, demonstrando que há uma disputa em relação a definição de categorias e competências. Também destaca o quanto determinados conceitos, como os de doença, (in)capacidade e (in)validez, deficiência, e mesmo de trabalho e cidadania, acabam sendo constituídos e atualizados, na prática, por moralidades que partem não só dos médicos peritos, mas das próprias pessoas que solicitam esses benefícios, em associação com instituições do judiciário, como a defensoria pública. Em um contexto de distribuição seletiva de direitos, o trabalho retrata um cenário de conflitos e disputas relacionados à própria prática da perícia si, à necessidade desta, suas decisões e implicações. / The medical expertise constitutes an evaluation which the requesters of certain social security benefits must undertake, such as sickness allowance and the Continuous Cash Benefit (BPC), linked to social assistance in Brazil. The findings of the medical experts, emitted through an expert report, involve decisions as to whether or not the worker has "(in)capacity for work" and/or disability, and can be decisive for the granting or refusal of the sickness allowance and the BPC, for example. When decisions are contrary to the concession, i.e. when there is no recognition of disability or impairment, attempts to reverse these decisions in court has been constituted as an alternative, especially through the Public Defender of the Union (DPU). The requirement for expertise and its evaluation criteria has raised several public debates, conflicts and controversies that make explicit different moralities. From my fieldwork in the DPU, in spaces of debate around the practice of medical expertise, such as congresses, and the people involved in the expert process (especially those applying for benefits, and medical professionals in the legal field), this thesis seeks to bring together various speeches, ideas and conflicts around the social security medical expertise to demonstrate that there is a dispute regarding the definition of categories and competences regarding the social security medical expertise. In that sense, certain concepts – such as disease, (in)ability and (in)validity, disability, and even work and citizenship – end up being informed and updated in daily practices by various moralities, not only from medical experts, but from the requesters of the benefits themselves, and also of the judicial institutions such as the Public Defender. In a context of selective distribution of rights, the work portrays a scene of conflicts and disputes related to very practice of medical expertise itself, its necessity, decisions and implications.

Influencer Marketing : A mixed method study on the effectiveness and spread of influencers

Pärlhem, Elias, Rutberg, Johan January 2018 (has links)
This mixed method study set out to investigate how businesses in the fashion and apparel industry can optimize working with two types of influencers; micro-celebrities who rely on their personality to influence, and opinion leaders who rely on their expertise to influence. This was explored through three different research questions. The first research question was a quantitative look at influencers on Instagram, to see if there were any difference in effectiveness and spread between opinion leaders and micro-celebrities. The second and third research questions were a qualitative look through the eyes of influencer marketing experts with the goal of finding out how to maximize the effectiveness and spread of opinion leaders and micro-celebrities on Instagram. The quantitative results found no difference in effectiveness and spread between opinion leaders and micro-celebrities on Instagram. The qualitative results further found that industry experts do not make a distinction between influencers in the way proposed by the study. Instead they viewed each influencer as a unique personality, where the fit between influencer and brand as well as long-term relationships were key factors for success. Suggesting that the expert/personality dichotomy is secondary to well-established brand fit. Because of this, the research questions and purpose were revised to better match the results. The theoretical and practical application of this study is that a larger focus on building long-term relationships to create a win-win relationship for both influencer and brand is a requirement for success. This also requires a well-considered fit in a campaign involving an influencer, as it is important the image of the influencer matches the image of the brand. However, more research is needed to investigate the intricacies of working with relationship-building and fitting influencers to a brand. / Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur företag i mode- och klädindustrin kan optimera arbetet med två typer av influencers; mikrokändisar som förlitar sig på sin personlighet för att influera, och opinionsledare som är beroende av sin kompetens för att influera. Detta undersöktes genom tre olika forskningsfrågor. Den första forskningsfrågan var en kvantitativ undersökning om inflytande på Instagram för att se om det fanns någon skillnad i effektivitet och spridning mellan opinionsledare och mikrokändisar. Den andra och tredje forskningsfrågan var en kvalitativ blick utifrån influencer-marknadsföringsexperter med målet att ta reda på hur man kan maximera effektiviteten och spridningen av opinionsledare och mikrokändisar på Instagram. De kvantitativa resultaten fann ingen skillnad i varken effektivitet eller spridning mellan opinionsledare och mikrokändisar på Instagram. De kvalitativa resultaten visade att branschexperter inte skiljde mellan influencers på det sätt som studien föreslog. Istället betraktade de varje influencer som en unik personlighet, där matchningen mellan influencer och varumärke samt långsiktiga relationer var viktiga faktorer för framgång. Vilket tyder på att frågan om expertis eller personlighet är sekundär till en väletablerad matching. Detta stod i stark kontrast till tidigare forskning. På grund av detta har forskningsfrågorna och syftet reviderats för att bättre matcha resultaten. Framtida teoretisk och praktisk tillämpning av denna studie visar att ett större fokus på att bygga långsiktiga relationer för att skapa ett vinn-vinn-förhållande för både influencer och varumärke är ett krav för framgång. Detta kräver också en genomtänkt matchning eftersom när en influencer används för en kampanj är det viktigt att influencerns image matchar varumärkets image. Mer forskning behövs dock för att undersöka processen med att bygga relationer och matcha influencers till ett varumärke.

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