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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perícia psicológica no contexto criminal em casos de suspeita de abuso sexual infanto-juvenil

Gava, Lara Lages January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo discutir a perícia psicológica em casos de suspeita de abuso sexual cometido contra crianças e adolescentes, tendo sido organizado em um estudo teórico e três empíricos (um quantitativo e dois qualitativos). O primeiro estudo empírico, que teve como amostra 674 laudos psiquiátricos e psicológicos, investigou a sintomatologia e os quadros psicopatológicos identificados em crianças e adolescentes supostamente vítimas de abuso sexual no contexto da perícia, indicando que alguns sintomas apresentam maior prevalência de acordo com idade, sexo e tipo de abuso. Para o segundo e terceiro estudos empíricos foram entrevistados doze psicólogos que atuam como peritos nos Institutos Médico-Legais (IMLs) de seis capitais brasileiras. O segundo estudo empírico investigou as técnicas utilizadas por psicólogos, sendo destacada a importância do uso de métodos múltiplos, bem como a necessidade do debate acerca do uso e finalidade dos testes psicológicos e métodos de avaliação da credibilidade do relato. O terceiro estudo empírico explorou a percepção de peritos psicólogos acerca da prática investigativa nos casos de suspeita de abuso sexual, tendo sido observados aspectos associados à relevância da perícia psicológica, bem como uma rede de dificuldades, avanços e expectativas. As conclusões apontam para a perícia psicológica em casos de suspeita de abuso sexual infanto-juvenil como área em fase inicial de desenvolvimento, ressaltando a necessidade de pesquisas nesta especialidade, bem como para dificuldades inerentes a este tipo de avaliação, como a própria natureza subjetiva dos dados com os quais o perito psicólogo atua. / The purpose of this thesis was to discuss the forensic psychological evaluation in cases of suspected of sexual abuse against children and adolescents. After a theoretical approach, three empirical studies were conducted, using both quantitative and qualitative research methodology. The quantitative research data consisted of 674 reports of psychological and psychiatric expertises, which were analyzed to investigate, in the context of forensic expertise, the symptomatology and psychopathology identified in children and adolescents victims of alleged sexual abuse. It was found that some symptoms have a higher prevalence according to age, gender and type of abuse. The second and third researches used a qualitative methodology to analyze in depth interviews done with twelve psychologists of six state capital Medical Legal Institutes (IMLs). First, the techniques used by the psychologists interviewed were investigated. The results revealed the importance of using multiple methods, as well as the need to continue the debate about the use and purpose of psychological testing and assessment methods of credibility. Second, the perceptions of forensic psychologists about the expertise in cases of suspected sexual abuse of children and adolescents were explored. The results indicated aspects associated with the relevance of psychological expertise, as well as a range of difficulties, progresses made and expectations for this area. The main conclusion was that the psychological expertise in cases of suspected sexual abuse against children and adolescents is in an early stage of development. This highlights the need for additional research in this area. Another important conclusion was that there are inherent difficulties in this type of assessment, such as the subjective nature of the data which the expert psychologists need to work with.

Vliv působení chůvy na celkový rozvoj svěřence / Influence of nannies on the overall development of the ward

Dvořáková, Helena January 2014 (has links)
Dissertation thesis summary: Influence of nannies on the overall development of the ward This dissertation thesis deals with the topic of child minding by an alternative caregiver, the so-called nanny. Its target is to broadly examine and describe the issue, with emphasis on defined aspects. The presented theoretical-research work covers existing institutions and services for child care in both Czech Republic and abroad. It primarily strives, however, to capture the essence of motherhood from psychological, philosophical and genetic points of view. This effort takes into consideration the question of separation, and consequently traumatization in childhood. A significant part of the paper concentrates on the area of education of the child care providing persons. The research chapters focus on the influence of the nanny not only on the child, but also on the family atmosphere and the educational stances of the parents. It further deals with the position of the nanny within the family, and with bounds of the child-nanny relationship. The output of the work is then a practical handbook, a manual with specifically defined content of an educational program (for nanny-position aspirants and for already practicing professionals). The material was drawn up with help of experts, with the aim to point out weak spots...

Le psychiatre et la sanction pénale / The Psychiatrist and the Penalty

Vauthier, Jean-Philippe 13 December 2013 (has links)
La participation du psychiatre à la sanction pénale, relativement ancienne, selimitait essentiellement à l’évaluation de la responsabilité des auteurs d’infractions atteints de troubles mentaux. L’évolution des dernières décennies tend toutefois à lui conférer une place particulière et aujourd’hui, la sollicitation de ce spécialiste est à la fois double et distincte. Il est d’abord convoqué en sa qualité de médecin pour prodiguer les soins en santé mentale que requièrent les personnes exécutantune peine privative de liberté. Mais à cette mission sanitaire accessoire à la sanction pénale, s’est ajoutée une intervention intégrée à la sanction puisque le soin psychiatrique est désormais une composante soit de la sanction elle-même, comme l’injonction de soins, soit de ses modalités d’exécution, comme l’obligation de soins dans le cadre d’un sursis avec mise à l’épreuve. Ensuite, c’est dans un rôle d’expert que le psychiatre est appelé à collaborer au processus de sanction. Mais safonction a amplement dépassé le simple cadre de l’appréciation de l’influence d’un trouble mental sur le passage à l’acte et s’attache désormais à l’évaluation de la dangerosité de l’individu. La résurgence de ce dernier concept en droit positif est toutefois source d’incertitudes. Sa définition est elle-même imprécise et a conduit le législateur à en confier l’estimation principalement au psychiatre au moyende l’expertise, celle-ci présentant des insuffisances tant par son cadre que par sa fiabilité. Par ailleurs, c’est l’objet de cette dangerosité qui soulève la question de la distinction entre peine et mesure de sûreté. Les manifestations des difficultés engendrées par la dangerosité, qui se répercutent sur le psychiatre et la sanction, conduisent à repenser la définition de la sanction pénale pour améliorer la contribution du psychiatre. / The participation of psychiatrist in the penal sanction, relatively old, wasessentially limited to the assessment of the mentally disordered offenders’ liability. The evolution in recent decades makes him a special place and today, the solicitation of this specialist is both dual and separate. On the one hand, he is called in his capacity as doctor in order to provide the mental health care for those who carry an imprisonment. But in addition to this medical mission accessory tocriminal sanction, an intervention integrated to the sanction has added since psychiatric care is now a component of the sanction itself, as the care order, or its implementing rules, as the duty of care under a suspended sentence supervision order. On the other hand, the psychiatrist is called to collaborate in the process of sanction as an expert. But the psychiatrist's function has far exceeded the simpleframework of the assessment of the influence of a mental disorder on the transition to the act and is now focusing on the assessment of the dangerousness of the individual. However, the resurgence of the latter concept in positive law is a source of uncertainty. Its definition is imprecise and led the legislator to entrust the estimate mainly at the psychiatrist with expertise, the latter having deficienciesin both its scope and in its reliability. Moreover, it is the object of this dangerousness which raises the question of the distinction between punishment and safety measures. The expressions of the difficulties posed by the dangerousness, that affect the psychiatrist and the sanction, lead to rethink thedefinition of penal sanction in order to enhance the contribution of the psychiatrist.

Validation des logiciels d'expertise judiciaire de preuves informatiques / Validation of digital forensic software

Nikooazm, Elina 30 June 2015 (has links)
Dans les affaires judiciaires, les juges confrontés à des questions d’ordre techniques en matière informatique, recourent à des experts qui mettent leur savoir-faire au service de la justice. Régulièrement mandatés par les tribunaux, ils ont pour mission d'éclairer le juge en apportant des éléments de preuve utiles à l'enquête.Ils recherchent dans les scellés informatiques les éléments relatifs aux faits incriminés en préservant l’intégrité des données et évitant toute altération des supports originaux. Les éléments de preuve ainsi recueillis sont analysés par l’expert qui déposera ses conclusions au magistrat sous forme d’un rapport d'expertise.les investigations techniques sont effectuées à l'aide des outils très sophistiqués qui permettent de prendre connaissance des informations présentes, effacées, cachées ou chiffrées dans les supports numériques examinés.Ce qui requiert une parfaite maîtrise du matériel déployé et une identification claire des bonnes pratiques de la discipline. Ce projet de recherches vise à mettre en exergue les défis techniques aux quels sont confrontés les experts, la complexité des outils utilisés dans le cadre des investigations techniques et l'importance de la mise en place des tests de validation qui permettent de connaître les capacités et limites de chaque outil. / In criminal cases, judges confronted with questions of technical order in computer technology, designate expert witnesses who put their expertise at the service of justice. Duly appointed by the courts, they help the judge by providing evidence relevant to the investigation.They search the suspect’s seized digital devices for elements of computer related crime, while preserving the integrity of the data and avoiding any alteration of the original media.The evidence thus collected is analyzed by a digital forensic expert who will document their findings to the judge in a report.Technical investigations are conducted by using powerful and sophisticated tools to find the current files and recover deleted, hidden or encrypted data from the digital media device examined.This requires perfect control of the utilized equipment and a clear identification of the methods used during the analysis. This research project aims to highlight the technical challenges which experts face, the complexity of digital forensic tools used for technical investigations, and the importance of their validation to understand the capabilities and limitations of each tool.

Como se decide a (in)capacidade e a deficiência? Uma etnografia sobre moralidades e conflitos em torno da perícia médica previdenciária

Matos, Liziane Gonçalves de January 2016 (has links)
A perícia médica se constitui em uma avaliação pela qual devem passar todos os que solicitam determinados benefícios previdenciários, como o auxílio-doença, e o Benefício de Prestação Continuada (BPC), vinculado à assistência social. As conclusões dos médicos peritos, emitidas através de um laudo pericial, envolvem decisões quanto a existência ou não de “(in)capacidade para o trabalho” e deficiência, e podem ser determinantes para a concessão ou o indeferimento do auxílio-doença, por exemplo, e do BPC. Quando as decisões são contrárias à concessão, ou seja, quando não há o reconhecimento da incapacidade ou deficiência, tentativas de reverter estas decisões na justiça tem se constituído em uma alternativa, com destaque para a atuação da Defensoria Pública da União (DPU). A exigência da perícia e seus critérios de avaliação tem suscitado diversos debates públicos, conflitos e controvérsias que tornam explícitas moralidades diversas. A partir do trabalho de campo realizado na DPU, nos espaços de debates em torno da prática de perícia, como congressos, e com as pessoas envolvidas no processo pericial (sobretudo, as que solicitam benefícios, médicos e profissionais do campo jurídico), esta tese busca reunir diferentes discursos, concepções e embates em torno da perícia médica previdenciária, demonstrando que há uma disputa em relação a definição de categorias e competências. Também destaca o quanto determinados conceitos, como os de doença, (in)capacidade e (in)validez, deficiência, e mesmo de trabalho e cidadania, acabam sendo constituídos e atualizados, na prática, por moralidades que partem não só dos médicos peritos, mas das próprias pessoas que solicitam esses benefícios, em associação com instituições do judiciário, como a defensoria pública. Em um contexto de distribuição seletiva de direitos, o trabalho retrata um cenário de conflitos e disputas relacionados à própria prática da perícia si, à necessidade desta, suas decisões e implicações. / The medical expertise constitutes an evaluation which the requesters of certain social security benefits must undertake, such as sickness allowance and the Continuous Cash Benefit (BPC), linked to social assistance in Brazil. The findings of the medical experts, emitted through an expert report, involve decisions as to whether or not the worker has "(in)capacity for work" and/or disability, and can be decisive for the granting or refusal of the sickness allowance and the BPC, for example. When decisions are contrary to the concession, i.e. when there is no recognition of disability or impairment, attempts to reverse these decisions in court has been constituted as an alternative, especially through the Public Defender of the Union (DPU). The requirement for expertise and its evaluation criteria has raised several public debates, conflicts and controversies that make explicit different moralities. From my fieldwork in the DPU, in spaces of debate around the practice of medical expertise, such as congresses, and the people involved in the expert process (especially those applying for benefits, and medical professionals in the legal field), this thesis seeks to bring together various speeches, ideas and conflicts around the social security medical expertise to demonstrate that there is a dispute regarding the definition of categories and competences regarding the social security medical expertise. In that sense, certain concepts – such as disease, (in)ability and (in)validity, disability, and even work and citizenship – end up being informed and updated in daily practices by various moralities, not only from medical experts, but from the requesters of the benefits themselves, and also of the judicial institutions such as the Public Defender. In a context of selective distribution of rights, the work portrays a scene of conflicts and disputes related to very practice of medical expertise itself, its necessity, decisions and implications.

Eticky problematické oblasti inspekcí kvality sociálních služeb / The ethical dimension of quality inspection in social services

BICKOVÁ, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
The final thesis is focused on problematic question of social services quality inspection. First part of the thesis aids on conception of quality in context of social services. This part also describes development of social services and their practical use in law system of Czech Republic. We can also find description of inspection methods and their system. Third charter is mainly focused on dimension of inspector's ethic codex. It is aiming on systems of values, professional ethics, ethic codex and education of inspectors. Last and main chapter is trying to explain problematic areas in actual and real conditions of inspection process. Chapter contains suggestions with several solutions. Thesis uses and combines all collected data from verified sources, specialists external inspectors.

Vem är experten? : En kvalitativ studie i tre steg av hur två svenska tidningar använder sig av expertis och andra källor i artiklar om hedersrelaterat våld

Serander, Emy January 2018 (has links)
This Master Thesis investigates how the Swedish Newspapers Expressen and DN are using sources and expertise in their portrayal of honour related violence. Which sources are they using, and in which way are these sources being used? 40 articles written between January 1 2017 – March 31 2018 have been chosen for a qualitative analysis step one. In the second step 10 articles have been chosen for a deeper analysis. In the third step three journalists have been interviewed about the articles they have been written in the subject honour-related violence. The method frame analysis have been used. The results of the qualitative analysis shows for example that it is many of the articles that have a strong dramaturgy, and that the use of emotive words are different in various type of articles. The study also shows that the use of sources and expertise are different in DN than in Expressen, and that the use of sources and expertis are remarkable different from other kinds of articles in journalism. / I denna magisteruppsats undersöks på vilket sätt de två svenska dags- och kvällstidningarna DN ochExpressen skriver om hedersrelaterat våld, vilka källor de använder sig av och på vilket sätt dessa källor används. 40 artiklar skrivna mellan 1 januari 2017 – 31 mars 2018 har valts ut för det första steget i studien. I det andra steget görs en djupare kvalitativ analys av 10 artiklar. I det sista steget genomförs intervjuer med tre journalister på de utvalda tidningarna som skrivit flera artiklar om hedersrelaterat våld. Analyserna har genomförts med hjälp av metoden gestaltningsanalys (framing). Studien visar bland annat att användningen av källor och expertis skiljer sig åt mellan tidningarna, att många artiklar lätt kan placeras i en dramaturgisk modell, och att förekomsten av värdeladdade ord har olika betydelse beroende på vilken typ av artikel som skrivs. Studien visar även att källor och expertis i skildrandet av hedersrelaterat våld, på många sätt skiljer sig markant från andra ämnen inom journalistiken.

A visão monocular e a aposentadoria especial da pessoa com deficiência / The monocular vision and the special retirement of the disable person

Lino, Leandro Jorge de Oliveira [UNESP] 11 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by LEANDRO JORGE DE OLIVEIRA LINO null (leandro@linoadvocacia.com.br) on 2017-10-27T13:21:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LEANDRO JORGE DE OLIVEIRA LINO final.pdf: 6685626 bytes, checksum: ca924e90dae458da44758c8379477568 (MD5) / Rejected by Monique Sasaki (sayumi_sasaki@hotmail.com), reason: Solicitamos que realize uma nova submissão seguindo a orientação abaixo: O arquivo submetido está sem a ficha catalográfica. A versão submetida por você é considerada a versão final da dissertação/tese, portanto não poderá ocorrer qualquer alteração em seu conteúdo após a aprovação. Corrija esta informação e realize uma nova submissão contendo o arquivo correto. Agradecemos a compreensão. on 2017-10-31T19:32:41Z (GMT) / Submitted by LEANDRO JORGE DE OLIVEIRA LINO null (leandro@linoadvocacia.com.br) on 2017-10-31T19:55:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LEANDRO JORGE DE OLIVEIRA LINO final.pdf: 6431885 bytes, checksum: 0fb0c0bcbfe43eb0c1d404555b6e1d66 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by LUIZA DE MENEZES ROMANETTO (luizamenezes@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-11-08T17:55:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 lino_ljo_me_fran.pdf: 6431885 bytes, checksum: 0fb0c0bcbfe43eb0c1d404555b6e1d66 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-08T17:55:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 lino_ljo_me_fran.pdf: 6431885 bytes, checksum: 0fb0c0bcbfe43eb0c1d404555b6e1d66 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-10-11 / De acordo com o censo realizado pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística em 2010, identificou-se que 18,8% da população nacional são pessoas com alguma espécie de deficiência visual. Ante a esse expressivo número, figura-se ser importante para o mundo jurídico a análise do conceito de pessoa com deficiência visual e suas modificações ao longo do tempo, principalmente, quando, na práxis forense e administrativa previdenciária, observa-se a segregação de pessoas detentoras de deficiência visual monocular deste conceito jurídico. Há também ainda, a interpretação de legislações vigentes, que ainda trazem um conceito superado do que se considera pessoa com deficiência. Para conceituá-la, inicialmente, se utilizou o modelo exclusivamente médico lastreado em limitações físicas; passo seguinte se adotou o modelo social, cujo enfoque era a opressão social sofrida pelas pessoas com deficiência; e, atualmente, o modelo utilizado é o biopsicossocial, analisando-se a pessoa com deficiência por intermédio de perícia médica e social, conjugando a análise dos impedimentos corpóreos de longo prazo, frente às barreiras sociais, ambientais e atitudinais existentes. Para as legislações que usam o modelo médico restritivamente, o possuidor de visão monocular não se enquadra no conceito de pessoa com deficiência. Contudo, por todos os modelos, o médico, social ou biopsicossocial, é possível se considerar a pessoa com visão monocular como pessoa com deficiência visual. Nesse contexto, e com iguais propósitos, tem-se que analisar o conceito jurídico-constitucional da pessoa com deficiência visual, para fins de reconhecimento do direito ao gozo da aposentadoria especial nesta condição, aos possuidores de visão monocular. Apesar de serem possuidores de Cegueira ou Deficiência Visual Grave ou Moderada por critérios médicos, têm sido excluídas do acesso a vários direitos, inclusive desta espécie de aposentadoria, vez que, regra geral em termos legais expressos, não são considerados pessoas com deficiência visual. O objetivo deste trabalho, portanto, é analisar a evolução desses modelos e aferir o grau de proteção social hoje conferido à pessoa com deficiência visual, em especial no caso da visão monocular, principalmente no que concernente à concessão de aposentadoria especial da pessoa com deficiência. / According to the census done by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics in 2010, was identified that 18.8% of the national population are persons with, at least, one kind of visual impairment. Before this expressive number, ifigures out that, it has been important to the legal word, the concept analisys of a person with visual impairment and its modifications along the time, specially, when, in the forensic and administrative social security praxis, it is noted a segregation of detaining persons with monocular vison deficiency at this legal concept. There is even, a legislation in force version, that it is still giving a concept surpassed of what, at the beginning, was used as an exclusively backed medical model considering the person with visual impairment. To concept it, the physical limitations; the next step is adopted a social model, whose approach was based in the social oppression suffered by the persons with deficiency; and, actually, this used model is the biopsychosocial, analysing the person with this disable throughout the social and medical expertise, joining the longterm bodily impediments analisys, facing the social, environmental and existing attitudinal barriers. For the legilations that use a restrict medical model, the monocular vision possessor does not fit as a person with deficiency. However, for all the kinds of models, like medical, social or biopsychosocial, it is possible to consider a person with monocular vison as one with visual impairment. In this context, and with same purposes, there is a way to analyse the conditions of a visual impairment person and the monocular vison possessor legal-constitutional concept, to recognize the rights of a special retirement enjoyment. In spite of being Severe or Moderate Vision or Blindness possessor by medical criteria, it has been excluded of many right accesses, including this kind of retirement, once that, the general rules, in expressive legal therms, are not considered persons with visual impairment. The purpose of this research is, therefore, to analyse these models evolution and to assess the degree of social protection to a person with visual impairment nowadays, in a special case, the monocular vision one, mainly in relation to the granting of special retirement of the disabled person.

Investigação sobre uso de vocabulário de código fonte para identificação de especialistas. / Research on the use of source code vocabulary to identify specialists.

SANTOS, Katyusco de Farias. 08 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-05-08T16:28:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 KATYUSCO DE FARIAS SANTOS - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGCC 2015..pdf: 6449694 bytes, checksum: 9e1346ec6a91417520be4a04624afaa1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-08T16:28:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 KATYUSCO DE FARIAS SANTOS - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGCC 2015..pdf: 6449694 bytes, checksum: 9e1346ec6a91417520be4a04624afaa1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-28 / Identificadores e comentários de um código fonte constituem o vocabulário de software. Pesquisas apontam vocabulários como uma fonte valorosa de informação sobre o projeto. Para entender a natureza e o potencial dos vocabulários, desenvolvemos um ferramental capaz de extraí-los a partir de código fonte. Explorando os dados estatisticamente, identificamos duas propriedades de vocabulários: tamanho, expresso como função de potência de LOC (Lines-Of-Code); e a repetição de seus termos, que se ajusta a uma distribuição log-normal. Vocabulários, bem como suas propriedades e operações foram formalizadas baseadas no conceito de multisets. O ferramental de extração e a formalização viabilizaram cooperações científicas sobre a utilidade de vocabulário sem atividades de manutenção. Esse conhecimento acumulado revelou que vocabulário pouco foi explorado como insumo à modelagem de conhecimento de código. Desenvolvemos então uma abordagem para identificar especialistas de código cujo conhecimento é definido pela similaridade existente entre vocabulários das entidades e dos desenvolvedores. Comparamos a precisão e cobertura da nossa abordagem com de duas outras: baseada em commits e baseada em percentual de LOC modificadas. Os resultados apontam que para indicar um único especialista, top-1, a nossa abordagem tem uma precisão menor, entre 29.9% e 10% que as abordagens de baseline. Já para indicar mais de um desenvolvedor especialista, até top-3, a nossa abordagem tem uma acurácia melhor de até 18.7% em relação as de baseline. Identificamos também que o conhecimento definido por similaridade quando combinado com um modelo baseado em autoria aumenta a capacidade de identificar especialistas, no R2 do modelo, em mais de 4 pontos percentuais. Concluímos que além de poder ser utilizado de forma isolada para modelar conhecimento de código e assim identificar especialistas, o vocabulário pode ser um componente adicional a modelos de conhecimento baseados em autoria e propriedade, já que capturam aspectos diferentes dos existentes nesse modelos. / Identifiers and comments from a source code are the software vocabulary. Research point vocabularies as a valuable source of information about the project. To understand we developed a tool that extract them from source code. Exploring the data statistically, we identify two vocabularies properties: vocabulary size, that is a power function of LOC (Lines-Of-Code) and the repetition of vocabulary terms that fits alog-normal distribution. Vocabulary as well as their properties and operations were formalized based on the concept of multisets. Extraction tool and formalization made possible scientific cooperation on usage of vocabulary in maintenance activities. This accumulated knowledge has shown that vocabulary was not explored as an input to code knowledge. Then we developed a code experts identification approach whose knowledge is defined by existing similarity between entities and developers vocabularies. We compared precision and recall with two baseline approaches: based on commits and based on percentage of modified LOC.The results show that to indicate a single specialist, top-1, our approach has alower precision, between 29.9% and 10%,than baseline approaches. More than one specialist-developer, up to top-3, our approach has better accuracy of up to 18.7% over those of the baselines. We also identify that the knowledge defined by similarity when combined with an authorship model enhances the ability to identify experts, R2 of the model, by more than 4 points. We conclude that vocabulary can be solely used to expertise, and thus identify experts. In addition, vocabulary can be an additional component for models based on authorship and ownership, since it captures different aspects from ones existing in these models.

Perícia psicológica no contexto criminal em casos de suspeita de abuso sexual infanto-juvenil

Gava, Lara Lages January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo discutir a perícia psicológica em casos de suspeita de abuso sexual cometido contra crianças e adolescentes, tendo sido organizado em um estudo teórico e três empíricos (um quantitativo e dois qualitativos). O primeiro estudo empírico, que teve como amostra 674 laudos psiquiátricos e psicológicos, investigou a sintomatologia e os quadros psicopatológicos identificados em crianças e adolescentes supostamente vítimas de abuso sexual no contexto da perícia, indicando que alguns sintomas apresentam maior prevalência de acordo com idade, sexo e tipo de abuso. Para o segundo e terceiro estudos empíricos foram entrevistados doze psicólogos que atuam como peritos nos Institutos Médico-Legais (IMLs) de seis capitais brasileiras. O segundo estudo empírico investigou as técnicas utilizadas por psicólogos, sendo destacada a importância do uso de métodos múltiplos, bem como a necessidade do debate acerca do uso e finalidade dos testes psicológicos e métodos de avaliação da credibilidade do relato. O terceiro estudo empírico explorou a percepção de peritos psicólogos acerca da prática investigativa nos casos de suspeita de abuso sexual, tendo sido observados aspectos associados à relevância da perícia psicológica, bem como uma rede de dificuldades, avanços e expectativas. As conclusões apontam para a perícia psicológica em casos de suspeita de abuso sexual infanto-juvenil como área em fase inicial de desenvolvimento, ressaltando a necessidade de pesquisas nesta especialidade, bem como para dificuldades inerentes a este tipo de avaliação, como a própria natureza subjetiva dos dados com os quais o perito psicólogo atua. / The purpose of this thesis was to discuss the forensic psychological evaluation in cases of suspected of sexual abuse against children and adolescents. After a theoretical approach, three empirical studies were conducted, using both quantitative and qualitative research methodology. The quantitative research data consisted of 674 reports of psychological and psychiatric expertises, which were analyzed to investigate, in the context of forensic expertise, the symptomatology and psychopathology identified in children and adolescents victims of alleged sexual abuse. It was found that some symptoms have a higher prevalence according to age, gender and type of abuse. The second and third researches used a qualitative methodology to analyze in depth interviews done with twelve psychologists of six state capital Medical Legal Institutes (IMLs). First, the techniques used by the psychologists interviewed were investigated. The results revealed the importance of using multiple methods, as well as the need to continue the debate about the use and purpose of psychological testing and assessment methods of credibility. Second, the perceptions of forensic psychologists about the expertise in cases of suspected sexual abuse of children and adolescents were explored. The results indicated aspects associated with the relevance of psychological expertise, as well as a range of difficulties, progresses made and expectations for this area. The main conclusion was that the psychological expertise in cases of suspected sexual abuse against children and adolescents is in an early stage of development. This highlights the need for additional research in this area. Another important conclusion was that there are inherent difficulties in this type of assessment, such as the subjective nature of the data which the expert psychologists need to work with.

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