Spelling suggestions: "subject:"conomic aid"" "subject:"c:conomic aid""
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China¡¦s Oil Diplomacy in AfricaHsu, Tsung-ta 08 July 2011 (has links)
¡@With the change of economic globalization, the national security is no longer just the traditional nation defense or military security. Economic, political, diplomatic, technological, cultural, environmental and other fields related to national development are gradually considered into the scope of national security. Among, Economic security is the core of national security now. The protection of economic security concern about nation development, such as nation defense, diplomacy, and the standard of people¡¦s living. Not only every department in nation is interdependent with each other, but also any economy can't live alone. Economic development has closely relationship with the use of energy. No matter developed countries or developing countries, their reliance various energy are increasing (especially oil); however, because of the limited resource endowment, the energy competition is one of leading to the tense international relations.
¡@The distribution of oil is uneven. Middle East has more than half of the crude oil reserve, and the top ten largest oil reserve countries hold the 80% of the world¡¦s total reserve. But, the most two oil consumption region, North America and Asia Pacific, only own 8.7% oil reserve. United States and China are the largest oil consumption countries, while United States oil dependency is above 60%, and almost 60% of China¡¦s oil demand need to import from other countries. In order to sustain economic development (need enough oil energy), the imbalance of demand and supply let China and other oil-consuming countries have to negotiate with the oil-producing region - Middle East, Central and South America, and Africa. Africa is one of China¡¦s oil import region. China strengthen Sino-Africa relation through leader conference, high-level visits, Forum on China - Africa Cooperation, China¡¦s oil company¡¦s energy investment in Africa, economic aid, infrastructure and other diplomatic measures. The comprehensive cooperation contributes China to get Africa's oil resources.
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Socialsekreterares upplevelser av yrkeshandledning inom ekonomiskt bistånd / Social workers experiences regarding supervision within economical careSwenson, Pontus, Simon, Cuevas Lecaros January 2023 (has links)
Enligt den svenska socialtjänstlagen ska allt klientarbete som utförs vara av hög kvalitet (SFS 2001:453). Socialt arbete beskrivs som känslomässigt krävande och därför framställs handledning som ett viktigt stöd för socialarbetare i deras yrkesroll. Syftet med denna studie var att belysa socialsekreterares erfarenheter av extern och intern handledning inom Socialtjänsten. Metoden som valdes för denna studie var kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex olika yrkesversamma socialsekreterare inom ekonomiskt bistånd i Södra Sverige. Vid analysen av våra resultat tillämpade vi systemteorin baserat på Parrish, Öquist, Pettit och Olsons sammhälsvetenskapliga tillämpning av teorin. Detta för att ilustrera förhållandet mellan handledning och den kunskap som det ger socialsekreteraren samt arbetsmiljön som en cirkulär process. Denna studie fann att socialsekreterare upplever handledning som något positivt. Intern handledning hjälper dem att utföra sina arbetsuppgifter, medan extern handledning hjälper dem på ett emotionellt plan. Dessutom framhäver de socialsekreterare som deltar i denna studie erfarenheter av otillräcklig handledning. Otillräcklig handledning kan uppstå när handledaren saknar kompetens, när tid inte avsätts för handledning eller när den tillhandahållna informationen inte är anvädbar i deras arbete. Detta resulterar i att handledning istället blir en källa till stress. Denna studie har därför försökt lyfta fram vikten av handledning för professonell kompentens samt handledningens betydelse i relation till socialsekreterares funktionalitet på arbetsplatsen. Om handledning utförs på rätt sätt blir det en tillgång för socialsekreterarens yrke. / According to the Swedish social services act, all client work performed should be of high quaitly (SFS 2001:453). Social work is stated as emotinally demanding therefore supervision i described as an essential aid for social workers in their professional role. The aim of this study was therefore to highlight social workers experiences of external and internal supervision within social services. The method chosen for this study was qualitative semistructured interviews with six different professional social workers within economic support int the southern region of Sweden. In analysing our results, we applied the system theory based on Parrish, Öquist, Pettit and Olson's societal application of the theory, to illustrate the relationship between supervision and the knowledge it brings the socialworkers and the atmosphere as a circular process. This study found that social workers experience supervision as something positive. Internal supervision helps them in carrying out their tasks, while external supervision helps them in an emotional sense. Furthermore, the social workers participating in this study highlight experiences regarding inadequate supervision. Inadequate supervision may occur when the supervisor lacks competence, when time is not given for supervision or when the information provided is not useful in their work. This results in supervision becoming a source of stress. This study has therefore attempted to bring out the importance of supervision for professional competence. Also the significance of supervision in relation to social workers functionality in the workplace. I supervision is carried out correctly, it becomes an assest to the social workers profession.
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Bistånd och korruption : Hur hanteras korrupta regimer av biståndsgivare?Johansson, Linus January 2007 (has links)
Bachelor essay in political science by Linus Johansson, fall of 2006 “Aid and corruption: How do aid donors handle the corrupt regimes?”. Supervisor: Jan Olsson. The purpose of this essay is to describe the aid relation between donors and corrupt governments, to find out whether donors reckon on the problems with implementation of aid to corrupt governments when they decree their aid policy. There are a lot of different ways to implement the economic aid that are being used by the donors today, and this essay will try to exemplify the different methods of implementing the economic aid. To elucidate the relation between donors and corrupt regimes, the essay analyzes three themes: the first two questions are about the policies used by the donors, and the third question are used to shed light on the actual implementation of aid to corrupt governments. The three themes are: i) Different aid policies used by the donors ii) Do donors use particular policies against corrupt regimes? iii) Do corrupt regimes receive less foreign aid? This study stresses the fact that donors do not act like a group unit in the matter of development assistance policy, instead they act in several separate groups, this may complicate the endeavour of making economic aid effective. The conclusion of the essay is that corrupt governments are treated the same way that lesscorrupted government are, nothing today indicates that donors would give less economic aid to the corrupt regimes. This is interesting considering that donors outwards maintain the importance of rewarding good institutions, that signifies that those who in practice does not attach great importance in this matter does not fulfil their own policies. It is an important issue because corruption seems to debilitate the effects of development assistance, but development assistance having problem of debilitate the corruption in the recipients’ countries.
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Det svenska utvecklingsbiståndet : Enbart till de behövande?Johansson, Linus January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to review the Swedish international development cooperation carried out by Sida to control whether the implementation of the international aid is compatible with the policy. There are a lot of different ways to implement the economic aid that are being used by the donors today. The Swedish method has since the 1960s mainly been focused on attempting to diminish the poverty in the world. In the latest time another goal has been added, that is a focus on supporting the civil rights. This essay will be concentrated to aim on what kind of countries receiving aid from Sweden, and exactly why these countries are being chosen. The main question of this essay is: What countries are receiving the international developing aid, and how can this distribution be understood? To answer the main question there are two themes in the essay: • What kind of countries is supposed to receive developing aid from Sweden according to the policy? • What kind of countries is receiving the aid, and how can this be understood? This essay is mainly based on quantitative data obtained from Sida, together with index of corruption and poverty will the different types of Swedish cooperation countries be described. The conclusions of this essay are that there are two objectives of the policy: to fight poverty, and to strengthen the civil rights. What is noticeable in this essay is that it seems like there are more recipient of the aid from Sida that are relatively wealthy than there are poor. Still, it is obvious that the poor countries recieve a bigger amount of aid than the wealthy countries do. It is in other words difficult to declare which objective that is the superior one
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"Man kan inte erbjuda praktiskt stöd som en kopp kaffe om klienten är ledsen" : - En kvalitativ studie om det digitala mötets betydelse inom ekonomiskt bistånd / “You cannot offer practical support like a cup of coffee if the client is sad” : - A qualitative study regarding the significance of the digital meeting within economic aidLinder, Tilda, Pavlovic, Maja January 2021 (has links)
Traditionally, meetings between social workers and clients have taken place physically. Since the 2010s, there has been a digital development which has meant that more calls between social workers and clients take place digitally, for example via telephone, Skype or mobile applications. In the spring of 2020, Sweden’s social services faced a drastic change due to covid-19 caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. In order to reduce the spread of infection, more and more meetings within the social services have had to take place digitally. This study aimed to investigate the impact and significance of digitalisation, in the form of the digital meeting, in the interaction and meeting between social welfare secretaries and clients in economic aid, viewed from the social welfare secretaries’ perspective.The empirical material has been collected through qualitative interviews with eight social welfare secretaries active within economic aid. With the intention of analyzing the empirical data a theoretical framework has been used, consisting of Goffman's theory of social interaction and new institutional organization theory.The result indicates that there are difficulties in establishing new, but also maintaining existing, relationships with clients when meetings become digital. The interaction between the parties is affected when the physical meeting is absent, especially if the parties cannot see each other. Apart from digital maturity, the digital meeting does not seem to require any other proficiency. The social welfare secretaries continue to describe that the proficiencies they already possess such as sensitivity, compassion and professionalism become more difficult to maintain in digital meetings. At the same time, the results show that digital meetings also have positive effects. It is mainly emphasized that digital meetings are more efficient and accessible than physical meetings. Furthermore, the impact and significance of the digital meeting is also affected by the client’s different conditions.
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France and the Soviet Union: Intervention in Africa Post-ColonialismFink, Rachael January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Unfinished, Unloved, UNKRA: The Formation, Life, and Financial Enervation of the United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency (1950-1954)McMahon, Ryan P. 27 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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L’aide de l’Union Européenne à l’Ukraine : évolutions et perspectives des financements depuis 1991 / The European Union aid to Ukraine : evolutions and perspectives of the financing since 1991Dobrostamat, Mariia 08 February 2018 (has links)
En tant qu'acteur économique et politique sur la scène internationale, l’Union Européenne (UE) œuvre pour ses valeurs et ses intérêts à travers divers instruments. L'UE avec ses institutions est le deuxième plus grand bailleur de fonds en matière d’aide au développement aux pays tiers. Depuis 2000 dans un contexte des reformes pour le développement et l’aide, l’UE affirme son action extérieure, tout en augmentant son aide. En proposant une vision synthétique avec une approche interdisciplinaire et systémique, cette thèse dresse les évolutions et procède à un bilan de l’aide de l’UE à l’Ukraine pour la période 1991-2015. Dans cette optique, l’aide est examinée dans son ensemble, incluant l’aide au développement à >3.9Mrd € et l’aide économique à >8,47Mrd €. Le cadre politique (Politique européenne de voisinage) et contractuel pour la coopération UE-Ukraine définissent principalement les évolutions de l’aide. Dans une moindre mesure, les reformes du cadre pour le développement et l’efficacité de l’aide, ainsi que la politique économique de l’UE influencent ces évolutions, essentiellement en termes des modalités de l’aide. Cette analyse aide à la compréhension des perspectives de l’aide de l’UE à l’Ukraine en démontrant que celles-ci se présentent dans un recours accru aux financements innovants (mixage prêt-don) et sont indissociables de l’utilisation plus efficace des ressources budgétaires restreintes. Au-delà des financements, l’UE pourrait renforcer la coopération avec la BEI en augmentant le plafond du Mandat de Prêt Extérieur et en assouplissant les conditions des prêts sous-souverains et améliorer la coordination des donateurs en Ukraine via un mécanisme ad hoc. / As an economic and political actor on the international scene, the European Union (EU) promotes its values and interests through various instruments. The EU with its institutions is the second largest donor of development aid to third countries. Since 2000 in the context of development and aid reforms, the EU has been affirming its external action while increasing its aid.By proposing a synthetic vision with an interdisciplinary and systemic approach, this thesis draws up the evolutions of and reviews the EU aid to Ukraine for the period 1991-2015. In this perspective, the EU aid is examined as a whole, including development aid above € 3,9bn and economic aid above € 8,47bn. The political (European Neighborhood Policy) and contractual framework for the EU-Ukraine cooperation mainly define aid developments. To a lesser extent, the reforms of the framework for development and aid effectiveness, as well as the EU's economic policy influence these developments, essentially in terms of aid modalities.This analysis furthers the understanding of the prospects for the EU aid to Ukraine by demonstrating that these are part of an increased use of innovative financing (blending loan-grant) and are inseparable from more effective use of the limited budgetary resources. Beyond financing, the EU could strengthen cooperation with the EIB by increasing the ceiling of the External Lending Mandate and by easing the terms of sub-sovereign lending and improve donor coordination in Ukraine through an ad hoc mechanism.
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Trade follows Hallstein? / Deutsche Aktivitäten im zentralafrikanischen Raum des Second ScrambleGülstorff, Torben 04 November 2016 (has links)
Die deutsche Außenpolitik zur Zeit des Kalten Krieges stellt in historischer wie politikwissenschaftlicher Hinsicht einen Gegenstand dar, der mit gutem Gewissen als wissenschaftlich erschlossen bezeichnet werden kann. Zahlreiche Aufsätze, Artikel und Bücher sind in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten erschienen, welche die deutsche Außenpolitik in Europa, Afrika, Asien, Ozeanien, Amerika, oder auch gleich der Welt als Ganzem, in den Blick genommen haben. Dies gilt sowohl für die Außenpolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland als auch für diejenige der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Früh – wenn nicht sogar von Beginn an – kam hierbei eine zentrale These, eine Kernthese, zum Vorschein, die, ohne auf Widerstand zu stoßen, Eingang in den historischen und politikwissenschaftlichen Forschungskanon fand und ihn bereits nach kurzer Zeit zu dominieren begann. Die Rede ist von der die deutschen Auslandsaktivitäten angeblich bestimmenden Hallstein-Doktrin und dem mit ihr in engem Zusammenhang stehenden deutsch-deutschen Gegensatz. In dieser Arbeit wird dieser Kernthese, diesem ''Mythos'' der deutschen Außenpolitik, vehement widersprochen. Weder die Hallstein-Doktrin, noch der deutsch-deutsche Gegensatz, sondern nationale ökonomische und internationale geostrategische Interessen haben die deutsche Außenpolitik – und darüber hinaus auch die gesamten deutschen Auslandsaktivitäten, der BRD wie der DDR – maßgeblich bestimmt. Zur Stützung dieser Gegenthese werden in der vorliegenden Studie die staatlichen, wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Aktivitäten West- und Ostdeutschlands in neun zentralafrikanischen Staaten zwischen 1945 und 1975 kritisch dargelegt, umfassend analysiert und im Hinblick auf mehrere zentrale Thesen zu den deutschen Auslandsaktivitäten ausgewertet. / For decades articles and books have been published on the history of German foreign policy during Cold War. Regardless of whether Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania, America or the world as a whole, the foreign affairs of the Western Federal Republic of Germany and the Eastern German Democratic Republic have been researched and analysed in context of a broad variety of locations. However, even though the list of publications continues to grow, the topic''s theses–especially its main thesis–do not show much progress. Already at an early stage, a central thesis–a core thesis–came to light, met no resistance and entered history''s and political science''s research canons on German foreign policy. This thesis reads: Inner German issues and the non-solved German question were so powerful, they dominated West and East German foreign affairs nearly right from the start. German foreign policy, that was the so-called Hallstein doctrine, that was the so-called German-German contradiction. And all studies–whether of history or political science, whether designed as a case study or as a global approach–confirm this thesis, use it as an integral part of their work–until today. But be that as it may. This study contradicts this thesis, this ''myth'' of German foreign policy. Instead it argues that neither the Hallstein doctrine nor the German-German contradiction, but national economic and international geostrategic interests dominated German foreign policy and German foreign activities–regarding the FRG, the GDR, and Germany as a whole. To proof this thesis, West and East German activities–of the two states, their economies and their societies–in nine Central African states between 1945 and 1975 are observed and analysed. More than a million file pages out of more than a dozen German archives were read to tackle this task–and shed some refreshing new light on the foreign policies of the two German states during Cold War.
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