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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise de materiais e propostas de cursos para o ensino do italiano jurídico / Analysis of materials and courses used to teach legal Italian

Quézea Regina Albolea Mastelaro 04 April 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a metodologia aplicada ao ensino do italiano em contextos específicos, mais precisamente, a linguagem técnica adotada no âmbito profissional jurídico. Para alcançar essa finalidade, primeiramente, analisamos os manuais didáticos de italiano jurídico disponíveis no Brasil e destinados a um público adulto que já tenha conhecimentos básicos do idioma e sinta a necessidade de aprofundá-los por motivos pessoais, profissionais, acadêmicos etc. Além de fazer essa análise, preparamos e ministramos cursos de italiano jurídico para três grupos: um de estudantes que têm o perfil indicado nesses livros didáticos, e dois de alunos iniciantes. Nosso intuito ao propor tais cursos consistia em tentar mostrar que, se os aprendizes fazem parte do mundo jurídico, eles conseguem desenvolver o léxico específico ao mesmo tempo em que conseguem aprender/adquirir as estruturas básicas da língua italiana. Nas aulas ministradas, utilizamos um dos manuais didáticos de italiano jurídico e, também, um livro didático voltado para o público geral, entretanto não nos restringimos ao uso desses materiais, isto é, elaboramos e propusemos novas atividades. Os cursos foram avaliados pelos alunos por meio de questionários. Com base na análise da utilização dos materiais mencionados e das atividades propostas bem como nas respostas dos discentes, chegamos a algumas conclusões quanto à abordagem de ensino do italiano jurídico. / This dissertation aims at analyzing the methodology applied to teaching Italian for specific purposes, focusing on the technical language used in the legal setting. To reach this goal, we first analyzed educational materials used to teach legal Italian in Brazil which are targeted at adults with basic language skills who want to enhance those skills due to personal, academic or professional needs. We also prepared and taught Italian classes to three distinct groups: a group of students whose profile matched the target audience for those educational materials and two groups of beginners. Our goal was to show that, if beginners have a legal background, they can develop the specific legal vocabulary at the same time as they learn/acquire the basic structures of the Italian language. In our classes, we also used one of the Legal Italian teaching manuals and a book used to teach students in general. However, we did not restrict ourselves to the use of these materials, but rather prepared and used new activities in the classes. These Italian courses were assessed by students through surveys. Based on the analysis of the materials used in classes as well as the activities proposed, we reached some conclusions as to the approach to be used in teaching legal Italian courses.

Kille och tjej, du och jag, lika eller olika? : En granskning av läromedels sociolektavsnitt och hur dessa kan användas för jämlikhetsarbete / Boy and Girl. You and Me. Equal or different? : An examination of passages regarding sociolects in textbooks and their usage in equality work

Davidsson, Hanna January 2014 (has links)
Skolan har ett stort inflytande på dagens ungdomar och enligt läroplanen har skolan ett tydligt jämlikhetsuppdrag att förmedla. Att hjälpa eleven att problematisera människors lika värde oavsett kön och etnicitet samt bemöta fördomar med kunskap ingår i de mål lärarna bör ha sett till läroplanens formuleringar. Dock besitter kanske inte alla lärare de kunskaper som behövs om bland annat jämlikhet, jämställdhet, genus och etnicitet, om ett genuint intresse inte finns hos den enskilda personen. Kan läroböcker då ge läraren stöd? I svenskämnet ska eleverna i svenska 1 bland annat arbeta med området sociolekter, ett avsnitt som i stor utsträckning ger utrymme till både diskussion och reflektion i nämnda frågor. Syftet med uppsatsen är att se hur ser det ut i 5 av de läromedlen som finns i skolan. Är de jämlika och uppfyller de ett jämlikhetssyfte?   Undersökningen bygger på sociolektavsnittet i fem olika läromedel som är framtagna för gymnasiets kurs i svenska 1 respektive A. Till hjälp har två analysmodeller använts, genustrappan och etnicitettrappan. Resultatet visar att inget av de granskade läromedlen kan användas som hjälp i arbetet med jämlikhetsfrågor men att texterna kan nå ett jämlikhetssyfte om den enskilda läraren själv problematiserar och diskuterar exemplen. Samtidigt är de inte diskriminerande utan snarare könsneutrala, ett omdöme som dock inte är att sträva efter utifrån den forskning som gjorts inom jämställdhet.

Vad talas det om och vad talas det inte om? : En kvalitativ studie som undersöker framställningar av kön och sexuell läggning i biologiläromedel för årskurs 4-6

Sahlin, Karin January 2020 (has links)
An inspection carried out by the Swedish Schools Inspectorate shows that sex and cohabitation education in Swedish schools lack when it comes to content regarding norms and LGBTQ. Statistics from the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society also show that young LGBTQ people suffer to a greater extent from mental illness in comparison with other young people. Since educational materials have a predominant role in teaching, this study aims to investigate the way in which gender and sexual orientation are presented in three digital biology educational materials for grades 4-6. Furthermore, the study aims to analyze which types of presentations are given the most space and thus can be considered to represent norms in the educational materials. This study intends to answer the following questions: In what way is gender and sexual orientation presented in three biology teaching materials for grades 4-6? Which presentations are given the most space and can therefore be considered normative? From an overall queer theoretical perspective but also with help from a number of definitions, an educational material analysis combined with a discourse analysis has been performed on three biology teaching materials for pupils in year 4-6. In the analysis, a number of discourse questions were used as support to be able to select examples from the text which were then categorized into different analysis categories. The results of the study show that gender was most often linked to bodily aspects such as genitals and hormones. The sexes were also mostly divided into the categories woman and man. The three sexual orientations that are included in the Swedish discrimination law were explicitly presented. With the help of the discourse analysis, however, it could be stated that a heteronormative approach permeates the educational materials, mainly in the parts that deal with conception and intercourse. Altogether, man and woman could be interpreted as the normative gender and heterosexuality to be the normative sexuality

Detta kommer inte påverka mig i framtiden eller? : En undersökning om hur läroböcker inom religion för gymnasiet förmedlar biomedicinska begrepp

Manzo Menares, Kristoffer January 2020 (has links)
The main point of this study was to research on how the description of biomedicine was described and valued in educational material for upper secondary school.  To assist this research, this study took the help from two theorist, Francis Fukuyama and Bart Simon. These two individual had vast differences in how they view biomedicine and its relationship with the perspective of what defines a human. Therefore it was essential that these two individuals were included to assist and aid the research, by pointing out their different argument on why biomedicine had different interpretations. The study showed that a majority of the educational materials had an open and reflective questionnaire about biomedicine and it was often built around letting the pupils think and analyze about different ethical events regarding biomedicine. Another point that also showed up was that a minority of the educational material, didn´t even mention biomedicine and instead decided to point out other part of ethics that did not include biomedicine of any sorts. While other educational material often compared biomedicine to older form of science like the race biology from the beginning of the 20th century or bringing up the argument of  crossing the line between man and God and what our roles in the world is. These educational material had a more critical view to biomedicine and had more argument that pointed out negative attributes then they did with the positive. A noteworthy point that also came out from this study, was that the majority of educational material had similar attributes and arguments that Bart Simons mention in his theories. Meanwhile those educational material that had more of a critical viewpoint toward biomedicine, followed those argument that Francis Fukuyama had discussed in his theory. The conclusion of this research showed that most of these educational material had different form of influence in their way of describing biomedicine but most had reflective and open questionnaire when regarding the description of biomedicine.

Grammatik i gymnasieskolans svenskämne : En fallstudie om lärares syn på sin undervisning / Grammar in Swedish as an upper secondary school subject. : A case study of teachers' views of their teaching

Engholm, Elin January 2016 (has links)
The study investigates how grammar is taught in Swedish upper secondary schools and how educational methods have changed since 1996. The essay intends to explain what kind of grammar exercises are used in the subject of Swedish and how teachers describe their educational methods. The research method is qualitative interviews with six teachers of Swedish in upper secondary schools. In addition to the interviews some grammar exercises from the teachers are analysed. The theoretical framework is the functional perspective on grammar. The results show that one of the six teachers integrates grammar with other tasks, whereas the other teachers mainly use the isolated grammar method. Some of them combine grammar integrated with other tasks and also teach grammar as an isolated element. The majority of the teachers report that terminology is the major problem for students learning grammar. Teachers find it difficult to motivate the students to learn grammar, since the students want to see the immediate need of the knowledge. The study also shows that students are more motivated to learn grammar when the grammar is integrated with other tasks than when it is taught as an isolated element. Likewise, the results indicate, in accordance with other research results, that students are more inclined to find grammar important if it is taught with a functional perspective and integrated with other tasks. Despite that, the educational methods used are mainly described as isolated. The analysis of the grammar exercises signals the same result: one out of five exercises integrates grammar with other language proficiencies, whereas the other four exercises consist of practising traditional, isolated grammar.

Sociomatik : Utveckling av utbildningsmaterial för att tydliggöra syftet med matematik på samhällsvetenskapsprogrammet / Sociomatik : Dvelopment of educational material to clarify the purpose of mathematics in the social science program

Johansson, Elvira January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersökte korrelationen mellan elevernas förståelse av matematikens syfte på samhällsvetenskapsprogrammet, deras inställning till ämnet och deras betyg i kursen Matematik 1b. Genom en blandad metod som inkluderade en enkätundersökning och intervjuer samlades både kvantitativ och kvalitativ data in från elever och lärare på samhällsvetenskapsprogrammet. Enkätundersökningen distribuerades till elever från tre olika skolor, och resulterade i 130 respondenter och en svarsfrekvens på 62%. Datan analyserades genom med hjälp av korrelationsanalys, specifikt Pearson's korrelationskoefficient för ett urval, för att undersöka samband. Resultaten visade på en måttlig korrelation mellan elevernas förståelse av matematikens syfte och deras inställning till ämnet. I enkätundersökningen var det även tydligt att majoriteten av eleverna hade ett lågt intresse för matematiken. Flera elever uttryckte i intervjuerna bristen på ett tydligt syfte med att studera matematik. Vidare observerades även en måttlig korrelation mellan elevernas inställning till ämnet och deras betyg i kursen. Enkätundersökningen indikerade även, förutom bristen på intresse för ämnet, att hälften av eleverna var underkända i kursen eller endast hade betyget E. Intervjuerna genomfördes med elever och lärare för att fördjupa förståelsen av elevernas uppfattningar om syftet med matematikämnet och deras inställning till ämnet. Dataanalysen inkluderade tematisk analys för att identifiera gemensamma teman och utmaningar. Resultatet av den kvalitativa analysen visade på bristen av ett tydligt syfte inom matematikundervisningen, vilket påverkade elevernas inställning negativt. Inom ramen för detta examensarbete utvecklades ett utbildningsmaterial för kursen Matematik 1b för samhällsvetenskapsprogrammet. Utbildningsmaterialet består av olika kapitel och projekt som syftar till att tydliggöra matematikens relevans och tillämpningar inom samhällsvetenskapliga områden. Design Thinking användes som metod för utvecklingsprocessen för utbildningsmaterialet. I metoden ingår det att förstå användarnas behov, generera idéer till potentiella lösningar, skapa prototyper och testa dessa. Det resulterande utbildningsmaterialet anpassades specifikt för samhällsvetenskapsprogrammet och kan vara en värdefull resurs för elever och lärare. Genom utbildningsmaterialet kommuniceras matematikens syfte på ett tydligt sätt vilket främjar en positiv inställning till ämnet och förbättrar elevernas prestationer och betyg i kursen. Sammanfattningsvis betonar denna studie vikten av att tydliggöra matematikens syfte för eleverna på samhällsvetenskapsprogrammet. Genom att kommunicera syftet på ett tydligt sätt, exempelvis med hjälp av det utvecklade utbildningsmaterialet, kan elevernas inställning förbättras, vilket i sin tur kan höja elevernas betygsnivå. / This study examined the correlation between students' understanding of the purpose of mathematics in the social science program, their attitudes towards the subject, and their grades in the Mathematics 1b course. A mixed-method approach was employed, involving a survey and interviews to collect both quantitative and qualitative data from students and teachers in the social science program.  The survey was distributed to students from three different schools, resulting in 130 respondents and a response rate of 62%. The data was analyzed using correlation analysis, specifically Pearson's correlation coefficient for a sample, to explore relationships. The results showed a moderate correlation between students' understanding of the purpose of mathematics and their attitude towards the subject. The survey also revealed that the majority of students had low interest in mathematics. Several students expressed in the interviews the lack of a clear purpose for studying mathematics. Furthermore, a moderate correlation was observed between students' attitude towards the subject and their grades in the course. The survey also indicated, in addition to the lack of interest, that half of the students were failing the course or had only achieved a grade of E. Interviews with students and teachers provided further insights into students' perceptions on the purpose of mathematics and their attitude towards the subject. Thematic analysis was conducted to identify common themes and challenges. The qualitative analysis revealed the absence of a clear purpose in mathematics education, which negativley influenced students' attitude towards the subject.  Within the scope of this thesis, an educational material was developed for the Mathematics 1b course in the social science program. The educational material consists of various chapters and projects aimed at highlighting the relevance and applications of mathematics in social science domains. Design Thinking was employed as the methodology for the development process of the educational material, involving understanding user needs, generating ideas for potential solutions, creating prototypes, and testing them. The resulting educational material was specifically tailored for the social science program and can be a valuable resource for students and teachers. By clearly communicating the purpose of mathematics, the educational material promotes a positive attitude towards the subject and improves students' performance and grades in the course. In conclusion, this study emphasizes the importance of clarifying the purpose of mathematics for students in the social science program. By effectively communicating the purpose, such as through the developed educational material, students' attitudes can be enhanced, leading to improved academic results.

Como os integrantes profissionais de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) conhecem e praticam os conteúdos de Odontologia - análise de um caso / How the agents of a Basic Health Unit (UBS) know and practice the dental content - analysis of a case

Kulik, Marco Antonio 03 June 2015 (has links)
A Atenção Primária em Saúde (APS), que é base para o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), tem dois componentes fundamentais que são a integralidade e a educação em saúde. Compreender as moléstias crônicas em seu contexto social e familiar é dever dos profissionais que atuam nas equipes de Saúde da Família (eSF). Neste cenário, a incorporação dos profissionais da área de Saúde Bucal (SB) à Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) trouxe novas necessidades de conhecimento e prática para os trabalhadores da equipe de Saúde da Família executarem suas tarefas especialmente no atendimento domiciliar. Portanto, há necessidade de criação de materiais educacionais em Teleodontologia que sejam adequados às necessidades de informação e que respeitem o conhecimento prévio dos trabalhadores sobre Saúde Bucal (SB). Assim, é importante saber o que os profissionais da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) conhecem e como aplicam os conceitos da promoção em Saúde Bucal (SB). Esta pesquisa procura saber o quanto cada categoria de profissionais de uma equipe de Saúde da Família (eSF) do Município de Platina, SP, conhecem e praticam Saúde Bucal (SB) e aplicam em suas atividades diárias. Para isso, foi elaborado um questionário aberto de livre adesão e os respondentes emitiam, com total e irrestrita liberdade, as suas observações, avaliações e sugestões relativas às suas experiências pessoais no seu trabalho na eSF a que pertencem. A coleta de dados contemplou uma única equipe, o que permitiu trabalhar com dados confiáveis. A partir das respostas tabuladas, analisadas qualitativamente e com percentuais de frequência, verifica-se que há necessidade dos trabalhadores se instrumentalizarem para as tarefas de ensinar e supervisionar o conjunto dos membros das famílias atendidas, quanto aos procedimentos de prevenção, de manutenção e promoção da saúde bucal, tornando a integralidade e conhecimento com educação em saúde bucal uma consequência efetiva na saúde geral de cada cidadão e da comunidade / The Primary Health Care (APS), the basis of the Unified Health System (SUS), has two main components: completeness and health education. Understanding the chronic diseases in their social and family environment is the duty of the professionals who work in the Family Health Teams (eSF). In this context the incorporation of professionals from the oral health area (SB) into the Family Health Strategy (ESF), brought new needs of knowledge and practice to the agents of the Family Health Teams (eSF) to perform their tasks especially in home care. Therefore, it is necessary to create educational materials on Teledentistry that are appropriate to the information needs, respecting the prior knowledge of the Oral Health agents (SB). Thus, it is important to know what the professionals of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) know and how they apply the concepts of promotion in Oral Health (SB). This research has the objective of knowing how much each category of professionals from the Family Health Team (eSF) in the municipality of Platina, SP, knows and practices Oral Health (SB) and apply it in their daily activities. In this regard, we designed an open free adhesion questionnaire where the responders had full and unrestricted freedom to issue their comments, evaluations and suggestions about their personal experiences in their work with the eSF they belong. Data collection included a single team. This allowed the work with reliable data. From the quantitatively tabulated responses, including the percentage of frequency, it appears that there is a need of the agents to prepare themselves to the task of teaching and supervising all the members of the families as to the procedures of prevention, maintenance and oral health promotion. All this makes the completeness and knowledge about oral health education an effective result in the overall health of every citizen and the community

Technology, Textbooks, and Mathematics: Perceptions of Online Math Homework from Traditional High School Students Enrolled in Private Schools

Unknown Date (has links)
This research study employed both quantitative and qualitative methodology to explore high school students’ perceptions about online math homework and paper math homework. The purpose of this study was threefold: to understand how high school students perceive online math homework, to determine what aspects of online math homework aid and/or hinder student learning, and to improve the student learning experience with online math homework. Through quantitative analysis, the researcher noted that although not all students learned best with online math homework, nearly every student used the online tools provided when assigned online math homework. Through qualitative analysis, the researcher noted that the most commonly mentioned aid for both online math homework and paper math homework was showing your work. The two most commonly mentioned hindrances to learning were guessing or cheating with online math homework and losing your homework with paper math homework. Participants stated that they actually have more opportunities to cheat with online math homework than with paper math homework; these results diverge from the literature, which states that online math homework helps to eliminate cheating. The data suggests that while online resources, such as examples, were a commonly mentioned aid to online math homework, many students indicated that the online resources also prevented them from truly having to think, as they could just follow the online examples step by step. This research study determined that the majority of students did not have a strong inherent like or dislike toward either online or paper math homework. Instead, students often stated that they preferred whichever medium allowed them to earn higher grades or receive more support. Therefore, if students continue to receive the necessary support, they can continue to learn mathematical concepts through the use of both online and paper math homework. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2017. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Como os integrantes profissionais de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) conhecem e praticam os conteúdos de Odontologia - análise de um caso / How the agents of a Basic Health Unit (UBS) know and practice the dental content - analysis of a case

Marco Antonio Kulik 03 June 2015 (has links)
A Atenção Primária em Saúde (APS), que é base para o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), tem dois componentes fundamentais que são a integralidade e a educação em saúde. Compreender as moléstias crônicas em seu contexto social e familiar é dever dos profissionais que atuam nas equipes de Saúde da Família (eSF). Neste cenário, a incorporação dos profissionais da área de Saúde Bucal (SB) à Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) trouxe novas necessidades de conhecimento e prática para os trabalhadores da equipe de Saúde da Família executarem suas tarefas especialmente no atendimento domiciliar. Portanto, há necessidade de criação de materiais educacionais em Teleodontologia que sejam adequados às necessidades de informação e que respeitem o conhecimento prévio dos trabalhadores sobre Saúde Bucal (SB). Assim, é importante saber o que os profissionais da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) conhecem e como aplicam os conceitos da promoção em Saúde Bucal (SB). Esta pesquisa procura saber o quanto cada categoria de profissionais de uma equipe de Saúde da Família (eSF) do Município de Platina, SP, conhecem e praticam Saúde Bucal (SB) e aplicam em suas atividades diárias. Para isso, foi elaborado um questionário aberto de livre adesão e os respondentes emitiam, com total e irrestrita liberdade, as suas observações, avaliações e sugestões relativas às suas experiências pessoais no seu trabalho na eSF a que pertencem. A coleta de dados contemplou uma única equipe, o que permitiu trabalhar com dados confiáveis. A partir das respostas tabuladas, analisadas qualitativamente e com percentuais de frequência, verifica-se que há necessidade dos trabalhadores se instrumentalizarem para as tarefas de ensinar e supervisionar o conjunto dos membros das famílias atendidas, quanto aos procedimentos de prevenção, de manutenção e promoção da saúde bucal, tornando a integralidade e conhecimento com educação em saúde bucal uma consequência efetiva na saúde geral de cada cidadão e da comunidade / The Primary Health Care (APS), the basis of the Unified Health System (SUS), has two main components: completeness and health education. Understanding the chronic diseases in their social and family environment is the duty of the professionals who work in the Family Health Teams (eSF). In this context the incorporation of professionals from the oral health area (SB) into the Family Health Strategy (ESF), brought new needs of knowledge and practice to the agents of the Family Health Teams (eSF) to perform their tasks especially in home care. Therefore, it is necessary to create educational materials on Teledentistry that are appropriate to the information needs, respecting the prior knowledge of the Oral Health agents (SB). Thus, it is important to know what the professionals of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) know and how they apply the concepts of promotion in Oral Health (SB). This research has the objective of knowing how much each category of professionals from the Family Health Team (eSF) in the municipality of Platina, SP, knows and practices Oral Health (SB) and apply it in their daily activities. In this regard, we designed an open free adhesion questionnaire where the responders had full and unrestricted freedom to issue their comments, evaluations and suggestions about their personal experiences in their work with the eSF they belong. Data collection included a single team. This allowed the work with reliable data. From the quantitatively tabulated responses, including the percentage of frequency, it appears that there is a need of the agents to prepare themselves to the task of teaching and supervising all the members of the families as to the procedures of prevention, maintenance and oral health promotion. All this makes the completeness and knowledge about oral health education an effective result in the overall health of every citizen and the community

Materiais didáticos para cartografia escolar: metodologias para a construção de mapas em sala de aula / Instructional materials for school cartography: methodologies for the construction of maps in the classroom

Leite, Gerson Rodrigues 14 February 2014 (has links)
A partir de experiências como docente da disciplina de Geografia no Ensino Fundamental e Médio, foi possível analisar as práticas didáticas que contribuem positivamente com o estudo da Geografia em sala de aula, especialmente atividades que envolvem a análise e elaboração de mapas temáticos em conjunto com o conteúdo programático aplicado durante o ano letivo. Neste cenário foi possível elaborar uma pesquisa para o público alvo composto por alunos do 6º e 9º Ano do Ensino Fundamental e 3º Ano do Ensino Superior, com aplicação de atividades e avaliações entre o período de 2010 e 2012 em conjunto com o conteúdo programático de cada período. Esta pesquisa visou analisar o potencial e a viabilidade de aplicação de atividades de construção de mapas temáticos em sala de aula. Para tanto, foram desenvolvidos e adaptados materiais didáticos com recursos alternativos de baixo custo, como radiografias recicladas e papel, além de metodologias para reduzir o tempo de elaboração de mapas em sala de aula. Os critérios de avaliação dos alunos que participaram das atividades foram definidos para avaliar o grau de leitura cartográfica anterior e após a realização das atividades propostas. Para subsidiar a pesquisa, foi feita uma análise bibliográfica sobre a importância da Cartografia no Ensino de Geografia e os fatores que facilitam ou dificultam a realização de atividades práticas durante as aulas. Outro objetivo desta pesquisa foi disponibilizar os materiais aos professores de Geografia para reprodução e/ou adaptação. Assim, os materiais produzidos foram padronizados e apresentados da maneira mais simples possível, a partir de matérias-primas de fácil acesso em qualquer localidade. Os resultados obtidos mostram que após a construção de mapas temáticos em sala de aula, os alunos apresentam melhor rendimento na leitura e interpretação de mapas e temas relacionados à Geografia, especialmente os alunos com maiores dificuldades de aprendizagem. É possível assim, afirmar que a construção de mapas em sala de aula de forma constante é viável, contribui para o ensino de Geografia, e, consequentemente, para a formação escolar de alunos de todos os níveis do Ensino. / From experiences as a Geography teacher in elementary and high school, it was possible to analyze the teaching practices that contribute positively to the study of geography in the classroom, especially activities that involve the analysis and preparation of thematic maps in together with the curriculum implemented during the school year. In this scenario it was possible to develop a survey for the target audience that consists of students from 6th and 9th year of elementary school and 3 Year Higher Education , with application activities and assessments between the period 2010 and 2012 in conjunction with the syllabus of each period. This research aimed to analyze the potential and feasibility of construction activities of thematic maps in the classroom. Thus, we developed and adapted learning materials with low cost alternative resources, such as radiographs and recycled paper, and methodologies to reduce the time of preparation of maps in the classroom. The evaluation criteria of the students who participated in the activities were defined to assess the degree of previous cartographic reading and following completion of the proposed activities. To support the research, an analysis of the literature on the importance of cartography in the Teaching of Geography and the factors that facilitate or hinder the achievement of practical activities during lessons. Another objective of this research was providing materials to teachers of Geography for reproduction and / or adaptation. Thus, the materials produced were standardized and presented in the simplest possible way, from raw materials for easy access from any location. The results show that after the construction of thematic maps in the classroom, students have better performance in reading and interpreting maps and topics related to geography, especially students with major learning difficulties. You can thus say that the construction of maps in the classroom is feasible steadily contributing to the teaching of geography, and, consequently, for the schooling of students from all levels of education.

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