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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sociala relationer och emotioner hos ungdomar på behandlingshem : En kvalitativ studie om familjens, vänners och myndigheters betydelse för ungdomars utveckling av drogmissbruk och/eller kriminalitet

Sköld, Eleonor, Svensson, Sofie January 2006 (has links)
<p>Detta är en kvalitativ studie vars syfte är att undersöka vad som karaktäriserar ungdomars sociala relationer. Mer precist är vi intresserade av att undersöka i) ungdomarnas relationer till familj, vänner och myndigheter ii) vilka emotioner som ungdomarna associerar med sitt drogmissbruk och/eller kriminalitet samt iii) vilken betydelse relationerna har haft för utvecklingen av drogmissbruk och/eller kriminalitet.</p><p>Vi utförde intervjuer med fyra ungdomar inskrivna på ett behandlingshem för missbruksproblem. Ungdomarna har varit i behandling mellan en och sex månader. Frågorna ställdes utifrån en intervjuguide som bygger på uppsatsens syfte, tidigare forskning och teori.</p><p>Vår tidigare forskning består av studier om sociala relationers inverkan på ungdomar med allvarlig social problematik såsom drogmissbruk och brottslighet. Teorierna handlar om sociala band, skam, skuld och stolthet samt Hirschis sociala kontrollteori.</p><p>Resultatet av undersökningen visar att samtliga respondenter hade försvagade sociala band till sina föräldrar under uppväxten och fram tills de slutade missbruka, vilket troligen har påverkat deras utveckling av drogmissbruk och/eller kriminalitet. Sedan ungdomarna blev drogfria har relationen med familjen förbättrats. Samtliga umgås mest med andra antisociala ungdomar, vilket antagligen har haft betydelse för deras egen negativa utveckling. När det gäller relationen till myndigheter hade alla negativa erfarenheter av socialtjänsten och myndigheterna har troligen inte haft någon inverkan på ungdomarnas livssituation. Det har framkommit att samtliga ungdomar bär på skam- och skuldkänslor och att de ofta blir aggressiva när de är påverkade.</p> / <p>This qualitative study aims to examine what characterizes the adolescent’s social relations. More specific, we are interested in examining the adolescent’s relations to family, friends and authorities ii) which emotions the adolescent’s associate with their drug abuse and/or crime and iii) what importance the relations have had for development of drug abuse and/or crime.</p><p>We performed four interviews with youths registered in a treatment clinic for drug abuse. The adolescents have been in treatment for one to six months. The questions were asked from an interview-guide based on the purpose of the essay, previous research and theory.</p><p>Our previous research consists of studies concerning the impact social relations have on youth with serious social problems such as drug abuse and crime. The theories are about social bonds, shame, guilt, pride and Hirschi’s social control theory.</p><p>The result of the study shows that all respondents had weak social bonds to their parents during their childhood and until they ended their drug abuse. That has probably influenced their drug abuse and/or crime development. The adolescent’s relation with their families has improved since they got drug-free. They all spent time with other antisocial youths which probably had an impact on their own negative development. Concerning their relations to authorities they all had negative experiences of the social services and the authorities have most likely not had an impact on the youths life-situation. It emerged that they all carried feelings of shame and guilt and that they all became aggressive when they were under the influence of alcohol and drugs.</p>

Sociala relationer och emotioner hos ungdomar på behandlingshem : En kvalitativ studie om familjens, vänners och myndigheters betydelse för ungdomars utveckling av drogmissbruk och/eller kriminalitet

Sköld, Eleonor, Svensson, Sofie January 2006 (has links)
Detta är en kvalitativ studie vars syfte är att undersöka vad som karaktäriserar ungdomars sociala relationer. Mer precist är vi intresserade av att undersöka i) ungdomarnas relationer till familj, vänner och myndigheter ii) vilka emotioner som ungdomarna associerar med sitt drogmissbruk och/eller kriminalitet samt iii) vilken betydelse relationerna har haft för utvecklingen av drogmissbruk och/eller kriminalitet. Vi utförde intervjuer med fyra ungdomar inskrivna på ett behandlingshem för missbruksproblem. Ungdomarna har varit i behandling mellan en och sex månader. Frågorna ställdes utifrån en intervjuguide som bygger på uppsatsens syfte, tidigare forskning och teori. Vår tidigare forskning består av studier om sociala relationers inverkan på ungdomar med allvarlig social problematik såsom drogmissbruk och brottslighet. Teorierna handlar om sociala band, skam, skuld och stolthet samt Hirschis sociala kontrollteori. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att samtliga respondenter hade försvagade sociala band till sina föräldrar under uppväxten och fram tills de slutade missbruka, vilket troligen har påverkat deras utveckling av drogmissbruk och/eller kriminalitet. Sedan ungdomarna blev drogfria har relationen med familjen förbättrats. Samtliga umgås mest med andra antisociala ungdomar, vilket antagligen har haft betydelse för deras egen negativa utveckling. När det gäller relationen till myndigheter hade alla negativa erfarenheter av socialtjänsten och myndigheterna har troligen inte haft någon inverkan på ungdomarnas livssituation. Det har framkommit att samtliga ungdomar bär på skam- och skuldkänslor och att de ofta blir aggressiva när de är påverkade. / This qualitative study aims to examine what characterizes the adolescent’s social relations. More specific, we are interested in examining the adolescent’s relations to family, friends and authorities ii) which emotions the adolescent’s associate with their drug abuse and/or crime and iii) what importance the relations have had for development of drug abuse and/or crime. We performed four interviews with youths registered in a treatment clinic for drug abuse. The adolescents have been in treatment for one to six months. The questions were asked from an interview-guide based on the purpose of the essay, previous research and theory. Our previous research consists of studies concerning the impact social relations have on youth with serious social problems such as drug abuse and crime. The theories are about social bonds, shame, guilt, pride and Hirschi’s social control theory. The result of the study shows that all respondents had weak social bonds to their parents during their childhood and until they ended their drug abuse. That has probably influenced their drug abuse and/or crime development. The adolescent’s relation with their families has improved since they got drug-free. They all spent time with other antisocial youths which probably had an impact on their own negative development. Concerning their relations to authorities they all had negative experiences of the social services and the authorities have most likely not had an impact on the youths life-situation. It emerged that they all carried feelings of shame and guilt and that they all became aggressive when they were under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

Cognitive erosion and its implications in Alzheimer’s disease / Kognitiv erosion och dess betydelse vid Alzheimers sjukdom

Mårdh, Selina January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the present thesis was twofold, first to map the semantic memory decline in Alzheimer patients over time, second to take the patient’s perspective and create a multifaceted picture of the individual with Alzheimer’s disease through the study of memory, awareness, central coherence and emotions. Further issues concerned how Alzheimer individuals handled their cognitive erosion in everyday life and if they were well calibrated with their spouse in disease related matters. Two studies were performed, the first involved a longitudinal study of sematic deterioration, the second had a mixed methods design involving both quantitative and qualitative measures as in neuropsychological assessment and interviews. Through the longitudinal study it could be concluded that the nature of semantic deterioration is best described as loss of memory information rather than problems in accessing the information. It was further concluded that semantic concepts gradually lose their specific features during course of illness. The results from the second study revealed that the Alzheimer individuals were aware of their disease although they could not foresee the implications of their cognitive shortcomings in their everyday life. They evidenced weak central coherence, in that they were unable to infer details into a meaningful whole. This implies that they perceive their surrounding world in a fragmented way as consisting of separate objects rather than a comprehensible context. Concerning emotions it was found that they responded to negatively valenced words in the same way as normal ageing individuals, although being impaired in their response to positively and neutral words. Finally, the Alzheimer individuals and their spouses were not well calibrated regarding disease related issues. The findings of the present thesis have important clinical implications and gives valuable input to the understanding of the individual with Alzheimer’s disease. / Föreliggande avhandling hade två huvudsyften; dels att kartlägga försämringen av semantiskt minne hos Alzheimerpatienter över tid; dels att ta patientens perspektiv och skapa en mångfacetterad bild av individen med Alzheimers sjukdom. Fyra begrepp studerades i relation till detta, nämligen minne, medvetande, central koherens och emotioner. Ytterligare aspekter som studerades var hur Alzheimerindivider hanterar sina kognitiva tillkortakommanden i sin vardag samt hur väl kalibrerade de är med sin make/maka angående sjukdomsrelaterade frågor. Två studier genomfördes varav den första var en longitudinell studie av semantisk minnesförsämring och den andra hade en ’mixed methods’ design, inkluderande både kvantitativa (neuropsykologiska tester) och kvalitativa (intervjuer) metoder. Resultaten från den longitudinella studien avslöjade att semantiska begrepp som inte längre är välrepresenterade hos individen har gått förlorade snarare än att det skulle vara från om att individerna inte kan plocka fram informationen. Vidare kunde konstateras att semantiska begrepp gradvis tappar sina nyanser i takt med att sjukdomen fortskrider. Den andra studien visade att Alzheimerindividerna var medvetna om sin sjukdom och sina minnesproblem men att de inte kunde förutsäga vilka problem deras kognitiva tillkortakommanden skapade i deras vardag. De konstaterades ha svag central koherens vilket innebär att de ser sin omgivning på ett fragmentariskt sätt utan att kunna få ihop de olika objekten runt omkring sig till en meningsfull kontext. Vad gäller emotioner så kunde konstateras att Alzheimerindivider reagerar likadant som normalt åldrande individer på negativt laddade ord men att de är signifikant försämrade i förmågan att känna igen positiva och neutrala ord. Alzheimerindividerna och deras make/maka var inte väl kalibrerade vad gäller sjukdomsrelaterade frågor. Avhandlingens resultat har viktiga kliniska implikationer och ger ett värdefullt bidrag till förståelsen av en individ med Alzheimers sjukdom.

Product Displacement : -  En studie om dess effekter

Huskanovic, Sanela, Kaneld, Rasmus, Pietralska, Paulina January 2011 (has links)
Syfte: Syfte med uppsatsen är att öka vår kunskap om product displacement samt att utreda den påverkan product displacement har på mottagaren sett ur ett marknadsföringsperspektiv. Pararellt undersöks om fenomenet kan vara en fördel eller nackdel i marknadskommunikationen. Utgångspunkten i utredningen är att varumärkesinnehavare själva använder sig av product displacement. Metod: Denna studie har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod och induktiv ansats. Metodvalet har sin utgångspunkt i den bristande teorin då fenomenet product displacement är ett nytt begrepp sett ur ett marknadsföringsperspektiv. Undersökningen bygger på tjugo kvalitativa intervjuer med mottagare av product displacement samt två respondenter med yrkesanknytning inom marknadsföring. Avgränsningar: Denna uppsats behandlar endast product displacements effekter på mottagaren som i vårt fall är begränsat till studenter i ålder 20-25 år. Product displacement behandlas som en möjlig marknadsföringsstrategi förutsatt att varumärkesinnehavare själva använder denna. Slutsatser: Product displacement medför ett överraskningsmoment som genererar känslor för mottagaren. Mottagaren gör associationer till det ursprungliga varumärket och får därmed en ökad brand awareness som i sin tur leder till engagemang i form av bland annat word-of-mouth. / The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the impact that product displacement has on the receiver from a marketing communication perspective. This thesis is built upon that the companies themselves make use of this possible marketing strategy. This study is based on a qualitative method with an inductive approach. The main choice of methods has its origins in the lack of product displacements theory since it is a new concept from a marketing communication perspective. The survey is based on twenty interviews with recipients of the phenomenon and two respondents with professional ties.  This thesis deals only with the effects off the product displacement phenomenon on the receiver, as in our case, is limited to students with 20-25 years of age.

"Att kastas in i en centrifug på morgonen och ut och på kvällen, något omtumlad" : en studie i emotionellt arbete med papperslösa flyktingar

Andersson, Elizabeth, Magg, Christina January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Ett mongo, en bög, en massmördare - och ett u-landsproblem som kryper under skinnet : En kvalitativ studie av vilken typ av känslor och attityder som väcks hos konsumenter när de exponeras för provokativ reklam

Porselius, Julia, Rudhe, Maja January 2010 (has links)
I en värld där konsumenten dagligen överöses av kommersiella budskap är det många gånger svårt, för att inte säga omöjligt, för företag att synas. Ett tuffare klimat kräver tuffare tillvägagångssätt, vilket har resulterat i nya marknadsföringsmetoder. En av dessa nya metoder är provokativ marknadsföring som vänder sig till betraktarens känslor genom provokation. Provokativ reklam och dess effekter på konsumenter har undersökts tidigare. Dessa studier har emellertid övervägande fokuserat på provokation i form av sexuella stimuli, varför det råder stor osäkerhet om hur andra provokationsformer i reklamsammanhang mottas av konsumenter. Som ett första led att ge råd i denna fråga har därför en kvalitativ studie med fokusgrupper som undersökningsmetod utförts, i syfte att identifiera vilken typ av känslor och attityder som väcks hos konsumenter när de exponeras för provokativ reklam innehållande andra element än sex, nakenhet och erotik. Fyra reklamfilmer innehållande provocerande element har studerats och resultaten visar att nämnd form av provokation väcker många känslor som är av både bipolärt och komplext slag. De attityder till avsändaren som uppstår har visat sig vara av främst positivt slag när ändamålet är gott. Vidare har provokativ reklam visat sig vara mer lämplig när målet är att uppnå erinran snarare än att informera om specifika produkter. / In a world where consumers are showered with commercial messages, being noticed is hard, not to say impossible. A tougher climate requires tougher approaches, which has led to new marketing methods. One of those new methods is provocative advertising, which appeals to the consumer’s feelings by means of provocation. Provocative advertising and its effects on consumers might have been studied before. However, those studies have mainly been focused on provocation in terms of sexual stimulus. How other provocations than those affect consumers are therefore associated with a lot of insecurity. As a first step in giving advice in this matter, a qualitative study with focus groups has been executed, with the aim of identifying which kind of feelings and attitudes take place in the consumers’ mind after being exposed for provocative TV commercials, including other elements than sex, nudity and erotic. Four TV commercials containing provocative elements have been studied and the results show that the kind of provocation mentioned above raises a lot of feelings which are both bipolar and complex. The attitudes to the sender that arises have appeared to be positive when it is for a good purpose. Provocative advertising furthermore appears to be more useful when the aim is to remind consumers rather than giving information about specific products.

Lägerelden : Betydelsen av känslor och emotioner för reklamvärldens skapelser. En studie i kreativitet hos en reklambyrå. / The Campfire : The significance of feelings and emotions in advertising. A study in creativity at an advertising agency.

Holmqvist, Carl Johan January 2010 (has links)
Denna studie är grundad i intervjuer som ägde rum på en reklambyrå. Studiens syfte är att utforska innebörden av 'kreativitet' i reklamvärlden. I intervjuerna betonade informanterna i synnerhet vikten av att reklam kommunicerar genom känslor och emotioner. I denna uppsats ges en närmare inblick i vad informanterna anser att känslor och emotioner har för innebörd för reklamskapande. Detta görs genom att tillämpa fenomenologisk teori. Den fenomenologiska analysen förser oss med en djupare och mer vidsträckt förståelse för den intuitiva kunskap informanterna förmedlar. Den öppnar således upp förståelsen för varför känslor och emotioner anses vara grundläggande för reklamskapande. Utifrån en fenomenologisk förståelse för känslor och emotioner diskuteras sedan reklamens roll i samhället i helhet. / This study is based on interviews that took place in an advertising agency. The purpose of the study is to explore the meaning of 'creativity' in the world of advertising. In the interviews, the interviewees especially pointed out the importance of feelings and emotions as a means for communication in advertisement. This thesis provides a closer view of the significance feelings and emotions are considered to have in advertising. This is done by ways of phenomenological theory. The phenomenological analysis provides us with a deeper and more far-reaching understanding of the intuitive knowledge that is brought forth by the interviewees. It opens up an understanding of why feelings and emotions are considered to play a fundamental part in the creation of advertisement. Based on a phenomenological understanding of feelings and emotions I will then discuss what part advertising plays in society as a whole.

Encouraging Encounters : Experiences of People on Sick Leave in Their Meetings with Professionals

Müssener, Ulrika January 2007 (has links)
Background: The recent increase in long-term sickness absence both in Sweden and many other countries has been met with various attempts to intensify the use of rehabilitation measures in order to prevent people from remaining long-term sickness absent. Several actors, among them professionals in healthcare, occupational health services, and social insurance are involved in handling issues related to the sick leave of an individual, and in providing measures to promote return to work (RTW). Identification of the factors that are related to RTW of the individual is a multifaceted task; therefore to meet the individual in this process is an essential challenge for many actors involved. Knowledge is needed about factors that might promote RTW in order to facilitate future research aimed at designing effective rehabilitation programs. Such information is of great importance to improve the work situations of the professionals, to decrease the cost for society, and to improve the situations for people on sick leave by facilitating RTW. Objectives: The overall aim of the work underlying this thesis was to ascertain whether contacts between professionals and sickness absentees might a factor that can promote RTW, and also to identify different aspects of how such positive encounters are experienced by those who are sick listed. Material and methods: Five investigations were conducted using different study designs, data, and methods of data analyses. The first two (papers I and II) concerned interviews with people on sick leave about positive experiences of their encounters with professionals. The third study (paper III) was based on four questions about encounters, which were included in a questionnaire that was administrated to people who were on sick leave. The fourth study (paper IV) used a broad questionnaire to examine experiences of positive encounters, and the final study (paper V) proposed a model of possible effects of the encounters on RTW. Results: In paper I and II different aspects of sick-listed person’s experiences of positive encounters were identified. For example, it seemed that important qualities included being treated with respect, feeling supported, establishing a personal relationship, and participating in decisions regarding RTW measures. Several of the interviewees stated that RTW might be promoted by positive encounters. Paper III showed that perceptions of interactions varied with the type of professionals, as well as with demographics. The respondents perceived their encounters with professionals within healthcare as most positive, followed by social insurance, and lastly occupational health services. In general, females, people born in Sweden, and those who were older, or had a higher education rated their encounters with professionals as more positive. The main finding reported in paper IV was that the majority of the participants had experienced being positive encountered by professionals. Three aspects of such encounters were stressed, namely being treated with ”competence”, ”personal attention”, and ”competence and trust”. The results related in paper V indicated that theories about empowerment and on social emotions could be successfully applied in this area, after they were specifically adapted to some unique features of the contacts between sickness absentees and rehabilitation professionals. Conclusions: This thesis emphasizes that being positively encountered by professionals can have a beneficial impact on RTW after a period of sickness absence. More research is required to elucidate the interaction between sick-listed persons and professionals who are involved in their cases. Further studies should focus on how methods for professionals can be provided to increase sick-listed persons’ own ability to mobilize and develop their resources. Moreover, additional knowledge is needed to extend professional treatment strategies that enhance self-confidence and empowerment of individuals during sickness absence.

Självkonstruktionens effekt på positiva ochnegativa emotioner samt livstillfredsställelse / The effect of self-construal on positive and negative emotion and subjective well-being

Boussaid, Younes, Simonsson, Lina January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Psychotherapy for Substance Use Disorders – the importance of affects / Psykoterapi för substansbrukssyndrom – betydelsen av affekter

Frankl, My January 2017 (has links)
Substance use disorder (SUD) is a serious disorder with severe consequences for the individual, the family and for society. Comorbidity is common in the SUD population and the diversity of the disorder calls for a multiplicity of treatment options. The overall aim of this thesis was to explore the role of affects in psychotherapy for SUD. Further aims were to investigate affect-focused therapeutic orientations, demonstrate the importance of common factors and evaluate a measure of affect phobia. In Study I a naturalistic design was employed to examine how the discrepancy between patients' expectations and experience of psychotherapy related to alliance in 41 patients: 24 in individual therapy and 17 in group. An additional analysis concerned whether different dimensions of role expectations predicted retention in psychotherapy. Study II was the first psychometric evaluation of the Affect phobia test – a test developed to screen the ability to experience, express and regulate emotions. Data were collected from two samples: A clinical sample of 82 patients with depression and/or anxiety participating in a randomized controlled trial of Internet-based affect-focused treatment, and a university student sample of 197 students. Data analysed included internal consistency, test-retest reliability, factor analysis and calculation of an empirical cut-off. Study III focused on the feasibility of individual 10 week Affect Phobia Therapy (APT) for patients diagnosed with mild to moderate alcohol use disorder (AUD) and problematic affective avoidance in a nonconcurrent multiple baseline design. Study IV comprised an evaluation of the feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of APT adapted to a structured group format for patients (n=22) with comorbid substance use disorder and ADHD with core features of affective avoidance/emotion dysregulation in an open design. In Study I an overall discrepancy between role expectations and experiences was significantly related to a lower level of therapeutic alliance in group therapy. This relationship was not found in individual therapy. Expectations prior to psychotherapy characterized by defensiveness correlated negatively with therapy retention, even when controlling for waiting time for therapy. In Study II the internal consistency for the total score on the Affect phobia test was satisfactory but it was not for the affective domains, Anger/Assertion, Sadness/Grief, and Attachment/Closeness. Test retest reliability was satisfactory. The exploratory factor analysis resulted in a six-factor solution and only moderately matched the test´s original affective domains. An empirical cut-off between the clinical and the university student sample were calculated and yielded a cut-off of 72 points. In Study III patients reported no adverse events due to the treatment and finished the whole study period. The patients had different trajectories of alcohol consumption and craving and the hypothesis that heavy episodic drinking would subside during the time in therapy did not hold true. In Study IV patients reported significant pre-to post changes in increased self-compassion and decreased affect phobia but no change in psychological distress or emotion dysregulation. Craving fluctuated throughout the study period and patients’ drinking pattern changed in the direction of more social drinking. Main conclusions are the following: The Affect Phobia Test is a useful screening instrument for detecting emotional difficulties related to psychological malfunction. APT in both group and individual format are feasible treatments for the SUD population and has the potential to broaden the treatment options for some patients with SUD. Investigating expectations and fears prior to therapy may be means to prevent attrition. / Substansberoende är en allvarlig störning och samsjuklighet ofta förekommande Den stora variationen av svårigheter kräver olika behandlingsalternativ. Syftet med avhandlingen var att undersöka affekters roll i psykoterapi för populationen. Ytterligare syften var att undersöka betydelsen av gemensamma faktorer i psykoterapi samt normera ett självskattningsformulär för affektfobi. I studie I undersöktes skillnaden mellan patienters förväntningar, erfarenheter av terapi och allians. I studie II utvärderades de psykometriska egenskaperna hos affektfobitestet. I studie III och IV undersöktes genomförbarheten av affektfobiterapi individuellt och i grupp. Resultaten av studierna visade att större skillnad mellan rollförväntningar inför- och erfarenheter av terapi var signifikant korrelerade med lägre allians i gruppterapi. Affektfobitestets psykometriska egenskaper var tillfredsställande avseende skalan som helhet. Affektfobiterapi visade sig öka adaptiv affektiv förmåga och självmedkänsla, men behandlingen gav inget säkert stöd för påverkan på substansbruket. Slutsatserna är att fokus på affekter i terapi för substansberoende har betydelse och att affektfobiterapi är en genomförbar behandling för populationen. Genom att undersöka förväntningar och rädslor inför terapi kan avhopp förhindras. / <p>Information om opponent saknas Information about opponent is missing</p>

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