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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att bryta barriärer : Scoping-studie om utfall av interventioner i arbete med problemskapande beteenden / Breaking barriers : Scoping study about outcome of intervention in working with challenging behaviors

Johnsson, Lovisa, Roslund, Jenny January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att med utgångspunkt i aktuell vetenskaplig litteratur undersöka tillgängliga interventioner som används av professionella i arbete med vuxna individer med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar och/eller autism med problemskapande beteenden samt effekten av dessa interventioner och hur de påverkat brukare. Studien genomfördes med en kunskapsöversikt, en s.k. scoping study, av 18 artiklar samt tematisk analys. Sammanfattningsvis har studien visat på att kostnadseffektiva strategiska interventioner som tar hänsyn till såväl behandlingsimplikationer som livskvalitet meningsfullt och holistisk vis. Liksom att brukarna som får lättförståeliga interventioner att förhålla sig till och som påverkar problemskapande beteende positivt ökar både begripligheten och hanterbarheten för brukarna vilket går hand i hand med såväl lågaffektivt bemötande som tydliggörande pedagogik. Liksom att interventioner som används i arbetet med problemskapande beteenden inte nödvändigtvis behöver fokusera på brukarnas beteenden för att vara effektiva. / The aim of this study is to examine available intervention methods, based on contemporary scientific literature, used by professionals in their work with adults with intellectual disabilities and/or autism with challenging behaviors, as well as their effectiveness and impact. This study consists of a scoping study of 18 articles, accompanied by thematic analysis. This study has shown that cost-effective strategic interventions that consider both treatment implications as well as quality of life are meaningful and holistic. Users who receive easy-to-understand interventions, which positively affect challenging behaviors, increase both the comprehensibility and manageability of users, which goes hand in hand with low-affective treatment and TEACCH. The study also demonstrates that interventions used in the workplace regarding challenging behaviors do not necessarily need to focus on the users' behaviors in order to be effective.

”Är det här verkligen mitt kall?” : En kvalitativ studie om den sårbara rollen som socionom i etableringsfasen / "Is this really my calling?" : A qualitative study on the vulnerable role of social workers in the establishment phase

Hellberg, Felicia, Malm Petersson, Lisa January 2024 (has links)
The transition from studies to professional work is a critical period for newly graduated social workers. The development of new public management collides with the moral desire to do good for the clients. The following study is based on eight qualitative interviews with social workers who graduated between the years 2019-2024 and who left their employment in social services. The results show that high expectations of oneself and insufficient support constitute a vulnerability to burnout and/or sickness absence. The results also indicate, according to Hochschild's theory, that social services have many and complex feeling rules to manage, while feelings of shame and pride have been shown to play a significant role in relation to these feeling rules. The study's conclusion indicates that there is an unattainable image of how social workers in the establishment phase should handle the emotional work that the professional role requires. Reduced engagement has been found necessary to succeed in distancing oneself from work and reducing the risk of burnout, but the role of a social worker also entails high expectations of demonstrated engagement in social work to fulfill a good social work. Based on the study’s results, we also advocate that a more comprehensive study on the emotional work of social workers in the establishment phase be conducted, as it could contribute to preventing burnout in the form of intervention strategies within the professional field.

Hope Rites : An Ethnographic Study of Mechanical Help-Heart Implantation Treatment / Hoppets riter : En etnografisk studie av behandling med mekaniskt hjälphjärta

Agic, Haris January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is about cultural aspects of advanced medical technology for treating end-stage heart failure. New medical technologies like mechanical help-hearts save lives, but they also bring new uncertainties, risks, and challenges. Based on nine months of ethnographic field work in a Swedish academic hospital, this study examines the ways of managing uncertainties of end-stage heart failure and of high-tech treatment, and also how these practices tie into the shared understandings of life-threatening chronic illness, the body, and medical technology’s role. This study draws on anthropological discussions of healing rituals as an analytical tool to make sense of social and cultural dimensions of mechanical help-heart implantation treatment. Viewed as a ritual, this treatment creates and maintains hope as a virtue through which possibilities of new medical technology are justified as culturally approved ways of handling the uncertainties of severe heart failure and mechanical help-heart treatment. Ultimately, even when treatment is regarded as successful, the patients may be saved but are never really ‘cured’ and remain, thus, permanently tied to the world of medicine. This new mode of existence is characterized by paradoxical permanent transit between uncertainty and hope. / Avhandlingen fokuserar på de kulturella aspekterna av den medicinska teknologin som används vid behandling av svår hjärtsvikt. Samtidigt som ny medicinsk teknologi som mekaniska hjälphjärtan räddar liv för den även med sig ovisshet och nya utmaningar som ofta är svåra att förutse. Baserat på nio månaders etnografiskt fältarbete vid ett universitetssjukhus i Sverige undersöks hur denna ovisshet och dessa utmaningar hanteras av medicinskt personal och patienter. I avhandlingen behandlas också sambanden mellan medicinska praktiker och de lokalt delade uppfattningarna om livshotande kroniska sjukdomar, den mänskliga kroppen och teknologins roll. Utifrån diskussioner inom antropologin om ’helande ritualer’ analyseras i avhandlingen de sociala och kulturella aspekterna av behandling med mekaniskt hjälphjärta. Studien visar att genom de rituella aspekterna av denna behandling, genereras och upprätthålls hoppet som en dygd. Den nya medicinska teknologins möjligheter rättfärdigas på så sätt som ett kulturellt accepterat sätt att hantera ovissheten vid svår hjärtsvikt och behandling med mekaniskt hjälphjärta. Även vid lyckade behandlingar, då patienternas liv räddas, blir de trots allt inte riktigt ’botade’ utan förblir bundna till den medicinska världen. Detta nya levnadssätt karakteriseras av en paradoxal och livslång balansgång mellan ovisshet och hopp.

Attityder, bemötande och engagemang : Om emotionernas och myternas betydelse i mötet med kvinnor utsatta för mäns våld / Attitudes, treatment and commitment : On the importance of emotions and myths in the meeting with women victims of male violence

Olsson, Emelie January 2009 (has links)
<p>Denna studie i socialantropologi är baserad på intervjuer med två kvinnor anställda på en kvinnojour. Den handlar om deras uppfattningar och erfarenheter vad gäller uppbrottsprocessen för den kvinna som utsatts för mäns våld och hur hon blir bemött av polis och sociala myndigheter under uppbrottet. Kvinnan som ska bryta sig loss från mannen måste ofta ta kontakt med olika myndigheter för att lösa sin situation och dessa har visat sig agera på olika sätt. Deras kunskap är av stor vikt, men det är också nödvändigt att fundera på hur de personliga känslorna styr bemötandet och utgången av mötet. Människan är mån om att försöka anpassa sina känslor till situationen och tysta regler styr vad som är korrekt i en specifik situation. Dessa känslor går dock inte alltid att kontrollera och kan få konsekvenser för kvinnan i hennes process.</p> / <p>This study in social anthropology is based on interviews with two female employees at a women's aid centre. It is about their perceptions and experiences of the breakup process a woman who has been ill treated by her man goes through, and of the way she is treated by the police and the social authorities during this breakup. The woman who must break away from her man must often make contact with various authorities to resolve her situation and they have been shown to act differently. Their knowledge is of great importance, but it is also necessary to consider how their personal feelings govern how they receive the woman and the outcome of the meeting. Man is anxious to try to adapt his feelings to the situation and silent rules govern what is appropriate in a particular situation. These feelings are not always controlable and may have consequences for the woman in her process.</p>

Verksamhetschefens etiska kompetens : Om identifiering och hantering av intressekonflikter i hälso- och sjukvården / Ethical competence in health care management : Identification and handling of conflicts of interest

Falkenström, Erica January 2012 (has links)
While research concerning ethical competence in medical practice is frequent, ethical competence in health care management is less often studied. This thesis focuses ethical competence and its preconditions, particularly with regard to health care managers’ identification and handling conflicts of interest. Based on the empirical analysis it also discusses what kind of ethical competence health care managers need, and how this competence can be developed in the organization. The study is based in action theory and takes an organizational pedagogical point of departure. Qualitative, semi-structured interviews were carried out twice with ten health care managers in the Stockholm region. Data were analysed using a thematic, step-wise method. The analysis revealed several examples of conflicts of interest and different ways in which they were managed. The all-embracing conflict involved weighing and prioritizing patients’ needs, patient safety, and work environment against political and economical goals. In most cases the informants did not manage to strike a balance between professional ethics and business management. The dominance of purposive/instrumental rationality tended to inhibit the managers’ ethical competence. At the same time, as shown by the analysis, some of the managers were able to use ethical competence to pursue value/belief-oriented rationality in achieving such a balance. Of great importance for success are having rational emotions and an adequate ethical language, and organizing for the task of handling conflict of interests in order to support action and provide qualifying experiences to learn from in the work processes. But the political and administrative control system also needs to clearly articulate the ethical dimensions of the managers’ task, allocate resources, and ensure that support systems and evaluation focus not only on finances but also on the value-rational aspects.

Attityder, bemötande och engagemang : Om emotionernas och myternas betydelse i mötet med kvinnor utsatta för mäns våld / Attitudes, treatment and commitment : On the importance of emotions and myths in the meeting with women victims of male violence

Olsson, Emelie January 2009 (has links)
Denna studie i socialantropologi är baserad på intervjuer med två kvinnor anställda på en kvinnojour. Den handlar om deras uppfattningar och erfarenheter vad gäller uppbrottsprocessen för den kvinna som utsatts för mäns våld och hur hon blir bemött av polis och sociala myndigheter under uppbrottet. Kvinnan som ska bryta sig loss från mannen måste ofta ta kontakt med olika myndigheter för att lösa sin situation och dessa har visat sig agera på olika sätt. Deras kunskap är av stor vikt, men det är också nödvändigt att fundera på hur de personliga känslorna styr bemötandet och utgången av mötet. Människan är mån om att försöka anpassa sina känslor till situationen och tysta regler styr vad som är korrekt i en specifik situation. Dessa känslor går dock inte alltid att kontrollera och kan få konsekvenser för kvinnan i hennes process. / This study in social anthropology is based on interviews with two female employees at a women's aid centre. It is about their perceptions and experiences of the breakup process a woman who has been ill treated by her man goes through, and of the way she is treated by the police and the social authorities during this breakup. The woman who must break away from her man must often make contact with various authorities to resolve her situation and they have been shown to act differently. Their knowledge is of great importance, but it is also necessary to consider how their personal feelings govern how they receive the woman and the outcome of the meeting. Man is anxious to try to adapt his feelings to the situation and silent rules govern what is appropriate in a particular situation. These feelings are not always controlable and may have consequences for the woman in her process.

Att leva är att känna - en pilotstudie i affektfokuserad terapi för unga vuxna / Living is worth feeling - a pilot study of affect focused therapy for young adults

Berg, Anna, Enlöf, Magdalena January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

"...Jag har äntligen hittat hem!" : En kvalitativ studie om hur medlemmarna i organisationen Unga KRIS uppfattar organisationen / “…I have finally found home!” : A qualitative study of how members of the organization Young KRIS perceive the organization

Abdulrahman, Daria, Khalighi, Shabbo January 2014 (has links)
This study examines the link between the individual and social network, what social forces and social mechanisms involved in the interaction between individuals and groups and how we can explain and consider this relationship with the aim of understanding this connection. Through qualitative interviews, based on interviews of six active members in the organization Young KRIS (Young Criminal’s Return in the Society) examines the active social processes that the young members undergo, and motivates those who have been outside the expected conformed and regular society, to be included in the regular community and how this can be explained. The study shows that the organization through high availability, openness, knowledge of the needs of young people, good treatment, range of meaningful activities, has created a great venue for the young to develop and thus regain their place in the society. / Denna studie undersöker kopplingen mellan individ och sociala nätverk, det vill säga vilka sociala krafter och sociala mekanismer är verksamma i mötet mellan individen och gruppen, och hur man kan förklara och se på denna relation med målet att förstå denna koppling. Genom den kvalitativa metoden, baserad på intervjuer av sex medlemmar inom organisationen Unga KRIS, undersöker vi de verksamma sociala processer unga medlemmar genomgår och som motiverar dem som har befunnit sig utanför det förväntade, konforma och reguljära samhället, att komma att inkluderas i det reguljära samhället och hur detta kan förklaras. Studien visar att organisationen genom hög tillgänglighet, öppenhet, kunskap om ungdomarnas behov, gott bemötande och utbud av meningsfulla aktiviteter, har skapat en trygg arena för att unga medlemmarna ska kunna utvecklas och därmed återfinna sin plats i samhället.

"Man får inte vara en robot" : Hur socionomer hanterar arbetets emotionella påfrestningar. / "You can not be a robot" : How social workers manage the emotional strain of social work.

Eriksson Rosenqvist, Petra, Johansson, Annie January 2018 (has links)
Social work involves working intimately with clients who are or have previously found themselves in difficult life situations. The intimate work with clients is one of the reasons why the social work is considered emotionally demanding. The aim of the study is to highlight how social workers are influenced by clients emotions, as well as increase the understanding of how social workers can manage the emotional strain that an intimate work with clients can cause. Based on a qualitative research effort and qualitative interviews with seven social workers from “individual and family welfare” in the southeast of Sweden. When analysing the empirical data, three main themes emerged: the emotional work of social workers, management of emotions during the interaction with clients and strategies for managing emotional strain. Goffman´s theory of dramaturgy as well as Lazarus and Folkman´s theory of coping strategies are used to create an understanding of the research problem. Results of the study show that collegial support was deemed to be a common strategy as well as the most significant for managing emotional strain.

Football Players Social Identities and their Influence on Precompetitive Group-Based Emotions

Johansson, Robin, Rydberg Heland, Kim January 2021 (has links)
Introduction: Precompetitive emotions are important for team functioning, performance and satisfaction of being a team member. Social identity constitutes a necessary base for positive emotions (Lindwall et al., 2016). Limited research calls for further examination of the intensity and the directionality of precompetitive group-based emotions in team performance and the influence of different targets of social identity. Objective: To examine two levels of social identities and their influence on precompetitive group-based emotions and perceived directionality. Methods: Seventy-one Swedish senior football players (Mage = 25.35 ± 5.50 years of age) including both males (n = 36; Mage = 27.53 ± 5.63 years of age) and females (n = 35; Mage = 23.11 ± 4.40 years of age), completed an online survey including measurements of identification (Ray et al., 2008; Campo et al., 2019a) and I-PANAS (Thompson, 2007), with the additional inclusion of the direction scale (Jones &amp; Swain, 1992). Results: Identification as a football player influenced precompetitive positive emotions (PE) toward opponents. Precompetitive PE toward both teammates and opponents showed a tendency to be facilitative for performance. Findings also showed gender differences for identification as a football player, precompetitive PE toward teammates and directionality of precompetitive PE and NE toward teammates. Conclusions: The present study further extends the importance of identification and group-based emotions in team sports and how group-based emotions affect team sport athletes. Coaches might adjust their communication to enhance identification of the team before and during competition and ultimately increase team performances. / Introduktion: Emotioner innan tävling är viktiga för lagets funktion, prestation och tillfredsställelse med att vara en medlem i laget. Social identitet är en nödvändig bas för positiva emotioner (Lindwall et al., 2016). Då det endast finns begränsad forskning krävs ytterligare undersökning av intensiteten och riktningen av grupp-baserade emotioner innan tävling i lagprestationer och dess påverkan av olika nivåer av social identitet. Syfte: Att undersöka två nivåer av sociala identiteter och deras inflytande på grupp-baserade emotioner innan tävling och dess riktning (påverkan) för prestation. Metod: Sjuttioen svenska seniorfotbollsspelare (Målder = 25.35 ± 5.50 år) med både män (n = 36; Målder = 27.53 ± 5.63 år) och kvinnor (n = 35; Målder = 23.11 ± 4.40 år) genomförde en online enkät innehållande mätningar av identifiering (Ray et al., 2008; Campo et al., 2019a), I-PANAS (Thompson, 2007) med den extra riktningsskalan (Jones &amp; Swain, 1992). Resultat: Identifiering som fotbollsspelare påverkade positiva emotioner (PE) innan tävling mot motståndare. PE gentemot både lagkamrater och motståndare visade en tendens att främja prestation. Resultaten visade också könsskillnader för identifiering som fotbollsspelare, PE gentemot lagkamrater och riktning för PE och NE gentemot lagkamrater. Slutsats: Den aktuella studien utökar betydelsen av identifikation och grupp-baserade emotioner i lagidrotter och hur grupp-baserade emotioner påverkar lagidrottare. Tränare skulle kunna anpassa sin kommunikation för att höja lagidentifiering före och under tävling och slutligen förbättra lagprestation.

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