Spelling suggestions: "subject:"empathy"" "subject:"cmpathy""
1001 |
Lidská důstojnost a sestra / Human dignity and nurseHRŮZOVÁ, Marcela January 2008 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to find out the conception of human dignity at medical staff. At nurses, in addition, with a hidden observation to verify to what extent they meet their statements in practice, whether for nurses a patient does not become only an object of relevant therapeutic and nursing acts. The empirical part of this thesis was processed in form of a qualitative research. The data collection technique was a non-standardised interview with nurses at standard in-patient departments, students of the nursery Master study programme, students of a higher nursing school and patients at a standard department. At nurses it was verified, using the technique of hidden observation, to what extent their actual behaviour in practice corresponds to the information mentioned in interviews. Therefore in their interviews we differentiated the mentioned and non-mentioned elements. The interviews were anonymous. They were recorded in writing because only in one case the respondent agreed for us to use a dictaphone. Collection of empirical data proceeded from June to August 2008. Unlike our expectations the research showed that respondents have no conception of human honour and have no complex conception of its keeping in practice. We categorised the rather poor information into five basic categories that covered 92% (intimacy, communication, individuality, empathy and equality of approach). Statements that we did not manage to categorise here create other 5 categories (worthy dying, consider seriously, pain calming, lege artis process and faith). Most often the respondents mentioned the following categories: intimacy (80.4 %), communication (76.8 %), individuality (60.7 %), empathy (39.3 %) and equality of approach (33.9 %). The hidden observation showed that most nurses (13 out of 16, i.e. 81 %) adhered to their fundamentals of keeping human dignity when working with ill people in a satisfactory way. The other 3 nurses made mistakes in all categories except keeping intimacy; here only one of them did wrong. Results of the thesis should contribute to improvement of quality of care and help to better respect for human dignity.
1002 |
Skönlitteratur som identitets- och empatiskapande aktivitet : En fallstudie om lärares arbete med reflekterande läsning i de yngre åldrarna / Reading fiction as an identity and empathy creating activity : A case study of teachers’ approach to reflexive reading in the early school yearsDanils Landström, Sofie January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate if teachers use fiction to promote students’ empathy- and identity development. Furthermore, it investigates how much time is spent reading and to what extent teachers let their students discuss their reading experience. To answer the study’s research questions a quantitative questionnaire was used to collect data. The questionnaire was based on preconstructed questions with standardized answers. The results show that the teachers in the study often read aloud to their students and they frequently use fiction in their teaching. Discussions connected to the reading is not as common, especially after reading aloud. This corresponds well to previous research. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om lärare använder skönlitteratur för att främja elevers empati- och identitetsutveckling. Vidare undersöker den hur mycket tid som spenderas åt läsning och hur mycket lärare låter sina elever samtala om läsupplevelser. För att finna svar på studiens frågeställningar har en kvantitativ enkät använts som datainsamlingsmetod. Enkäten baserades på redan konstruerade frågeställningar med fasta svarsalternativ. Resultaten visar att lärarna i studien ofta läser högt för sina elever och ofta använder skönlitteratur i undervisningen. Samtal som kopplas till läsningen är inte lika vanligt och speciellt högläsningen verkar vara fri från efterföljande samtal vilket stämmer väl överens med vad tidigare forskning visar.
1003 |
Avaliação da empatia de estudantes de medicina em uma universidade na cidade de São Paulo utilizando dois instrumentos / Evaluating empathy in undergraduate medical students from a University in São Paulo using two questionnairesGraziela Moreto 13 April 2015 (has links)
Objetivo: avaliar o grau de empatia dos estudantes de medicina e suas mudanças durante o curso médico de uma Faculdade na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Método: Estudo descritivo, comparativo e transversal. Amostra não aleatória de 296 alunos. O estudo foi conduzido de Setembro até Dezembro de 2013. A avaliação da empatia foi realizada usando a escala de empatia médica de Jefferson (JSPE) na versão para estudantes de medicina, e a escala multidimensional de reatividade interpessoal de Davis (EMRI) na versão validade e adaptada no Brasil. Ambas escalas foram aplicadas simultaneamente a cada aluno. A JSPE contém 20 itens que são respondidos de acordo com a variante de escala de Likert de sete pontos (Concordo = 7 / Discordo = 1) .Esta escala avalia atributos cognitivos da empatia. A EMRI contém 21 itens que são respondidos de acordo com a escala de Likert de cinco pontos ( Descreve-me muito bem = 5 / Não me descreve muito bem = 1). Esta escala avalia tanto componentes cognitivos quanto afetivos da empatia. Os alunos foram divididos em três grupos de acordo com o ano da graduação: o grupo básico (1º e 2º ano), grupo clínico (3º e 4º ano ) e o grupo do internato (5 º e 6 º ano), e foram comparados os escores de empatia entre os três grupos. Resultados: Ao aplicar JSPE não houve uma diferença significativa quando comparado o escore entre os 3 grupos. Por outro lado ao aplicar a EMRI foi identificado um escore de empatia significativamente menor no grupo do internato quando avaliado o componente afetivo (p < 0,01). Tanto na JSPE quanto na EMRI, as mulheres obtiveram os melhores escores de empatia (p < 0,01) quando comparada aos homens. Os alunos que pretendiam seguir especialidade clínica obtiveram escore de empatia maior quando comparada com especialidade cirúrgica utilizando tanto a JSPE (p=0,05) quanto a EMRI (p < 0,01). Conclusões: O nível de empatia pode mudar e, neste caso, a dimensão afetiva é a mais afetada durante o curso médico. A identificação desta erosão afetiva mostra a necessidade de elaborar estratégias educacionais efetivas que possam contribuir para uma boa formação do futuro profissional médico / Purpose: This study was designed to examine changes in medical students\' empathy during medical school in São Paulo, Brazil. Method: Descriptive, comparative and cross-sectional study. Not randomized sample of 296 students. The study was conducted from September to December 2013. The empathy evaluation was performed using the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy (JSPE), version for medical students, and the Davis\'s multidimensional Interpersonal Reactivity Index (EMRI), both of then being applied simultaneously to each student. The JSPE contains 20 items that are answered according to the scale of Likert variant of seven points (7= completely in agreement / 1= completely in disagreement). It is important to emphasize that this scale assesses cognitive attributes of empathy. The EMRI contains 21 items that are answered according to the scale of Likert variant of five ponts (5= describe me very well /1= not describe me very well). This scale assesses cognitive and affective attributes of empathy. The students were divided into three groups, according to the year of professional career: the Basic Group (1st and 2 nd year), the Clinical Group (3rd and 4th year) and the Clerkship group (5th and 6th year). The score of empathy between the three groups was compared. Results: The JSPE scores were similar among the students from the Basic, Clinical and Clerkship groups (p=0.53). On the other hand, the affective dimension of EMRI revealed a significantly lower score in the Clerkship Group (p < 0.01). Women obtained better scores for empathy compared to men, in both scales (p < 0,01). Students who intended to follow clinical careers had higher empathy scores when compared to those who intended to follow surgical careers so when applied to JSPE (p = 0.05) as the EMRI (p < 0.01). Conclusions: The level of empathy can change and in this case, the affective dimension is most affected during medical school. The identification of affective erosion support the need to develop effective educational strategies that contribute to a good training medical professional future
1004 |
Influência das variações hormonais no contato social de ratas com diferentes condições nociceptivas / The influence of hormonal variations on social contact of female rats with different nociceptive conditionsSantos, José Marcos Melo dos 28 July 2017 (has links)
Fundação de Apoio a Pesquisa e à Inovação Tecnológica do Estado de Sergipe - FAPITEC/SE / Pain can be defined as an unpleasant emotional and sensory experience associated with actual or potential tissue injury. About 70% of the individuals affected by chronic pain are female and the gonadal hormones play a decisive role in terms of sex differences and nociceptive responses. Studies suggest that rodents can recognize pain in co-specifics and expend active behaviors toward it. The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the influence of hormonal changes related to the estrous cycle on the social contact of rats during inflammatory pain and the effect of social contact on the nociceptive responses of female rats with inflammatory pain. Wistar female rats were used at 2 to 3 months of age. The project was composed of two experimental protocols. Experiment I evaluate the behavior of resident rats during exposure to cohabitants with inflammatory pain. It was composed of the following groups and experimental animals: Resident rats (RES), Control (CTRL), Formalin social contact (FCS) and saline (SAL). The three groups were repeated in different cycles stages, and three experiments were carried out where the residents are called Resident Estrous (RES / ES), Resident Ovariectomized (RES / OV) and Resident Proestrus (RES / PRO) All rats but ES and PRO residents underwent ovariectomy surgery. Experiment II was composed of the groups: Formalin Social Contact and the Formalin Isolate, which received the administration of formalin (1%) and was submitted to a 20min isolation period. After the 20 min of contact or isolation the nociceptive responses were evaluated for 40 minutes. The parameters used to evaluate the nociceptive responses were the lick time and the number of flinches. All groups were composed of n = 8. The results showed interaction between the phase the cycle versus treatment (p = 0.0013) for contact duration. In the case of the group of OV residents, (P <0.05) and with those residents in proestrus (p <0.001). In the experiment II, no difference was observed between the FCS and FI groups in groups composed of animals that had contact with ovariectomized or estrus residents. The group composed of animals that had contact with the proestrus residents showed analgesia during thirty minutes of the formalin test between 0 and 30 minutes of observation. The results suggest that rats recognize pain component in a cohabitant and direct active behaviors towards it, however the intensity and quality of this contact may vary according to the cycle. Regarding the nociceptive responses, it was observed that the social contact evoked through direct social behaviors was not enough to elicit analgesia, however aggressive behaviors on the part of the resident elicited an analgesia that may be based on the descending system through RVM with opioid character and being induced by stress. / A dor pode ser definida como uma experiência emocional e sensorial desagradável associada a uma lesão tecidual real ou potencial. Cerca de 70% dos indivíduos que são acometidos por dores crônicas são do sexo feminino e os hormônios gonadais tem função determinante no que tange o diformismo e as respostas nociceptivas. Estudos sugerem que roedores são capazes de reconhecer o componente álgico em co-específicos e despender comportamentos ativos em direção ao mesmo. O objetivo principal do presente trabalho foi avaliar a influência das variações hormonais relativas ao ciclo estral no contato social de ratas durante a dor inflamatória e o efeito do contato social nas respostas nociceptivas de ratas com dor inflamatória induzida por formalina. Foram utilizadas 120 ratas Wistar com 2 a 3 meses de idade. O projeto foi dividido em dois protocolos experimentais. O experimento I teve como objetivo a avaliação do comportamento de ratas residentes durante a exposição a coabitantes com dor inflamatória e foi composto pelos seguintes grupos e animais experimentais: Ratas residentes que foram submetidas aos animais controle (CTRL), formalina contato social (FCS) ou salina (SAL). Essa divisão dos grupos se repetiu nas diferentes fases do ciclo, das ratas residentes que foram denominadas: Residente Estro (ES), Residente Ovariectomizada (OV) e Residente Proestro (PRO). Excetuando as residentes estro e proestro todas as outras ratas foram submetidas a cirurgia de ovariectomia. O experimento II foi composto pelos os grupos: Formalina Contato Social (FCS), e o Formalina Isolado (FI) o qual recebeu a administração da formalina (1%) na pata posterior esquerda e após foi isolada por 20 minutos. Os animais coabitantes dos grupos FCS/ES, FCS/PRO, FCS/OV e FIS tiveram suas respostas nociceptivas avaliadas por 40 minutos. Os parâmetros utilizados para avaliação das respostas nociceptivas foram o tempo de lambida e o número de sacudidas da pata traseira. Todos os grupos foram compostos por n= 8. No que se refere ao Duração do Contato observou-se interação entre fase do ciclo e o tratamento (p= 0,0013). Neste sentido as residentes castradas mostraram duração do contato maiores que as residentes estro (p< 0,05) e as residentes no proestro (p< 0,001). No experimento II não se observou diferença entre os grupos FCS e FI nos grupos compostos por animais que tiveram contato com as residentes castradas e no estro. O grupo composto por animais que haviam tido contato com as residentes proestro mostrou redução no número de sacudidas o período entre 0 e 30 minutos de observação. Os resultados sugerem que ratas são capazes de reconhecer o componente álgico em um coabitante e direcionar comportamentos ativos em pró do mesmo, entretanto a intensidade e a qualidade desse contato podem variar de acordo com o ciclo. No que tange as respostas nociceptivas observou-se que o contato social evocado através de comportamentos sociais diretos não foi suficiente para eliciar analgesia, entretanto comportamentos agressivos por parte da residente eliciaram uma analgesia de longa duração nas coabitantes que pode indicar a ativação do sistema descendente antinociceptivo endógeno através do RVM com caráter opioide e sendo induzida por estresse. / São Cristóvão, SE
1005 |
Avaliação da empatia em pessoas com transtorno invasivo do desenvolvimento e um grupo controle através de respostas de identificação de emoções frente a expressões faciais / Avaliação da empatia em pessoas com transtorno invasivo do desenvolvimento e um grupo controle através de respostas de identificação de emoções frente a expressões faciaisVinic, Alessandra Aronovich 28 August 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-08-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Invasive Development Disorders (IDD) are a group of conditions characterized by the onset of lags and impairments in the development of social, communication and behavioral skills during infancy. The empathy capacity prejudice has been indicated as an endophenotype characteristic of IDD. The present study evaluates and compares empathy in people with IDD and a control group through a task of judging basic facial expressions that are contained in an Empathy Card-deck, an instrument developed by the researcher. Seven male participants with IDD, aged between 6 and 15 years, a minimum IQ of 70 (Wisc III) and all fulfilling criteria for IDD diagnosis (DSM IV) were evaluated. The IDD group erred significantly more than the control group in judging the card-deck of basic facial expression photos (p< 0.001), in the card-deck of drawings (p=0.007) and in both tests when the total performance was analyzed (p< 0.001). There was a significant difference between the control and IDD groups in the expression of doubt (p=0.031) and disgust (p=0.005) in the Drawings Card-deck, and in the expression of disgust (p=0.005) in the Photo Card-deck, always with a greater error index for the IDD group. When analyzing the performance in Photos and Drawings together, there is a statistically significant difference between expressions of doubt (p=0.012), disgust (p<0.001) and surprise (p=0.006). The results obtained reinforce the findings of previous studies about empathic capacity prejudice in individuals with IDD. / Os Transtornos Invasivos do Desenvolvimento (TID) são um grupo de condições caracterizadas pelo início na primeira infância de atrasos e déficits no desenvolvimento das habilidades sociais, comunicativas e comportamentais. O prejuízo da capacidade de empatia vem sendo apontado como um aspecto característico do endofenótipo dos TID. O presente estudo avaliou e comparou empatia em pessoas com TID e um grupo controle, através de tarefa de julgamento de expressões faciais básicas, contidas no Baralho da Empatia, instrumento desenvolvido pela pesquisadora. Foram avaliados 7 participantes com TID, do sexo masculino, com idades entre 6 e 15 anos, com QI mínimo de 70 (Wisc III) e que preenchiam critérios para diagnóstico de TID (DSM IV). Foram pareados por idade, sexo e inteligência com indivíduos com desenvolvimento normal. O grupo com TID errou significativamente mais que o controle, no julgamento de expressões faciais nas fotos (p< 0,001), nos desenhos (p=0,007) e nos dois testes quando analisado o desempenho total (p< 0,001). Houve diferença significativa entre controle e TID nas expressões de dúvida (p=0,031) e nojo (p=0,005) no Baralho de Desenhos, e nas Fotos, na expressão de nojo (p=0,018), sempre com maior índice de erros do grupo TID. Quando analisado o desempenho nas Fotos e Desenhos juntos, aparece diferença estatisticamente significante entre expressões de dúvida (p=0,012), nojo (p<0,001) e surpresa (p=0,006). Os resultados obtidos reforçam achados de pesquisas anteriores sobre o prejuízo da capacidade de empatia em pessoas com TID.
1006 |
A empatia e o diálogo judaico-cristão em Edith SteinCarvalho Silva, Luís Carlos de 08 March 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-05-06T11:21:57Z
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luiscarlosdecarvalhosilva.pdf: 1046515 bytes, checksum: ff6391f151f652d84f7c35c729144d38 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-06-07T15:48:31Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
luiscarlosdecarvalhosilva.pdf: 1046515 bytes, checksum: ff6391f151f652d84f7c35c729144d38 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-07T15:48:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
luiscarlosdecarvalhosilva.pdf: 1046515 bytes, checksum: ff6391f151f652d84f7c35c729144d38 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-03-08 / O objetivo desta dissertação é perscrutar a vida de Edith Stein, com o intuito de incluíla
no rol dos precursores do Diálogo Judaico-Cristão. A base para essa hipótese está em sua
obra “Sobre o problema da Empatia”, enquanto método fenomenológico que descreve a
estruturação humana, donde brota o ímpeto dialogal e relacional. A tese de Stein inspira a
apreensão espiritual do universo do outro, o que confirma a empatia como caminho de união
entre Judeus e cristãos. A manifestação desse processo se verifica na biografia da autora, cujo
itinerário demonstra que ela encarnou a empatia, relacionando-se com pessoas de diversas
crenças em profundo respeito e harmonia, inclusive com o próprio Deus.
Em Edith Stein se contempla a síntese da pessoa humana, inserida no conflito políticoreligioso
do século XX. Apesar de rejeitada e humilhada pelo fato de ser mulher, judia,
monja, e ter sua vida exterminada em Auschwitz, ela triunfa. O seu legado polissêmico e
principalmente a sua contribuição antropológica estão refletidos nos documentos e
declarações oficiais da Igreja Romana e das autoridades religiosas do judaísmo. / The obejctive of this dissertation is explore the life of Edith Stein, with the intention of
include her on the list of precursors of the Jewish-Christian Dialog. The base of the
hiphotesys is in her book “The problem of empathy”, while the phenomenological method
that describes the human organization, where come the dialogic and relational momentum.
The thesis of Stein inspires the spiritual apprehension of the universe of other, that confirms
the empathy as way of union between Jews and Christians. The manifestation of this process
is found in the biography of the author whose itinerary shows that she incarnated the empathy,
relating with people of several beliefs in a deep respect and harmony, even with God himself.
In Edith Stein contemplates the synthesis of the human person, inserted in the
political-religious of the XX century. Besides rejected and humilated by the fact that she was
a woman, judea, nun, and have your life exterminated in Auschwitz, she triumphs. Her legacy
polysemic and especially your anthropological contribution are reflected in documents and
oficial declaration of the Roman Church and religious authorities of Judaism.
1007 |
Social Interest in Specified Groups of Community College StudentsOlson, Claudia D. (Claudia Dorrell) 08 1900 (has links)
This study investigated the Adlerian concept of social interest m entering community college students to determine the predictive value of social interest for academic achievement and to determine the relationship between social interest and ethnicity and gender. Data for this study included age, gender, ethnic origin, high school class quarter, financial aid status, ACT Composite, grade point average, and scores on the Social Interest Scale. The results of stepwise multiple regression analyses revealed that the social interest scores did not contribute significantly to the prediction of academic achievement. The results of an analysis of variance indicated a significant difference in the social interest scores of Anglo-American, Black-American, and Mexican-American students but the Scheffe test for multiple comparisons did not indicate any significant differences among or between the three ethnic groups. The results of a two-tailed t-test for independent samples indicated no significant difference in the social interest scores of males and females.
1008 |
Using player's facial emotional expressions as a game input : Effects on narrative engagementTurečková, Šárka January 2016 (has links)
Even self generated facial expression could hypothetically affect emotional engagement in narrative and with it possibly even other aspects of narrative engagement. This thesis evaluates effects of using player's facial emotional expressions as a game decision input in a social situation on narrative engagement and its dimensions. To evaluate this, players' experiences from each of the versions of for this purpose developed game are collected, compared and analysed. The data collection is conducted through Busselle's and Bilandzic's (2009) narrative engagement scale, additional questions, observations and short interview with focus on characters and goals. Effects on narrative engagement couldn't be statistically proven. However, from the analysis was shown, that using player's facial emotional expressions as a game decision input in a social situation could possibly positively affect empathic engagement with characters and enjoyment.
1009 |
Portraying Empathy In Character DesignHytönen, Alexandra January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines possible improvement in evoking empathy through character design. The method used is research by design, by gathering information about emotions, emotional- and character design, and applying it during the design phase, two new characters were created based on an existing game character. The evaluation was done through a survey which concluded that the re-designed characters ability in evoking empathy was significantly stronger than the original characters. The characters ability in evoking empathy improved because they were more distinct when it came to expressing emotions through facial features and body language. / Det här arbetet undersöker möjliga förbättringar att väcka empati genom karaktärsdesign. Metoden som används är forskning genom design, genom att samla information om emotioner, emotionell- och karaktärsdesign, och applicera det under design fasen, två nya karaktärer är skapta baserat på en existerande spel karaktär. Utvärderingen görs med hjälp av en undersökning vars slutsats är att de nya karaktärernas förmåga att väcka empati ökade drastiskt till skillnad från original karaktären. Detta var huvudsakligen på grund av deras tydligare ansiktsuttryck och kroppspråk.
1010 |
Neural correlates of socio-emotional states in macaques / Les correlats neuronaux des états socio-émotionnels chez le macaqueJazayeri, Mina 18 December 2017 (has links)
Un pilier d'une vie sociale fructueuse est la capacité de prédire correctement les actions des autres et de percevoir leurs états émotionnels. Des études d'interaction sociale chez les primates ont montré qu'ils sont capables de déduire ce que les autres peuvent entendre ou voir, et de prédire leurs émotions et intentions. Il a été montré qu'ils peuvent manifester différents degrés de comportements prosociaux, allant de la coopération jusqu'à des comportements altruistes et empathiques. Des études d'imageries fonctionnelles chez l'homme ont identifié l'insula antérieur (AI) comme une région cérébrale clé dans le traitement de l'empathie.Spécifiquement, cette région apparait comme l'aire intégratrice des activités liées à la douleur ressentie et observée, suggérant que l'empathie pourrait impliquer un modèle « miroir » des propriétés affectives et sensorielles de la douleur d'autrui. Cependant, les bases neuronales de ce processus n'ont pas encore été découvertes. Dans le but d'examiner le rôle de l'AI dans le traitement de l'empathie, nous avons enregistré l'activité des neurones dans l'AI de deux singes pendant qu'ils sont engagés dans une tâche sociale leur permettant de délivrer un stimulus aversif ou appétitif à leur partenaire, à lui-même ou à personne. Les résultats comportementaux ont montré que les singes prennent en compte le bien-être de leur partenaire. Les données neuronales rapportent différentes populations neuronales répondant aux stimuli aversif ou appétitif et ceux délivrés à soi ou à autrui. Notamment, la population neuronale répondant au stimulus aversif a montré trois profils d'activité : une représentation neuronale de l'expérience désagréable du partenaire, une représentation neuronale de sa propre sensation désagréable et une minorité de neurones montrant des propriétés miroirs entre soi et autrui. Nos résultats suggèrent un modèle neuronal de l'empathie représentant des propriétés distinctes entre l'expérience vécue et observée / A cornerstone of a successful social life is the ability to correctly predict others’ actions and empathically perceive their emotional states. Studies on primates’ social interaction have shown that thanks to their keen cognitive abilities monkeys are able to deduce what others can hear or see, and to predict others’ emotions and intentions. It has been shown that primates are able to display different degrees of prosocial behavior, from cooperation to even altruism and empathically driven behavior. Studies using fMRI techniques inhumans have identified the anterior insula (AI) as a key brain region in the processing of empathy. More precisely, this region emerged as the overlapping area activated for both experienced and observed pain,leading to the idea that empathy for pain may involve a mirror-matching model of the affective and sensory features of others' pain. However, the neuronal basis of this process has yet to be uncovered. In an attempt toextend and to investigate the role of the AI in the process of empathy we have recorded single cell activity inthe AI of two monkeys while they were engaged in a social task where based on the performed trials positiveor negative reinforcements could be delivered to self, another monkey, or nobody. Behavioral results showed that monkeys take into account the welfare of their partners even when this has no impact on their ownwelfare. Our neuronal findings report that distinct population of neurons respond differentially to outcomesfor self and other, and to appetitive and aversive outcomes. Interestingly the neuronal population responding to the aversive outcome showed mainly three profiles of activity: neuronal representation of conspecifics’unpleasant experience, neuronal representation of own unpleasant experience and a minority of neurons showing mirroring properties between self and other. Thus, our results suggest a neuronal model of empathy that accounts for the distinctive features between feeling and empathizing
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