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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La mission évangélique américaine et le monde arabo-musulman : une histoire géopolitique de la rencontre islamo-chrétienne du XIXe siècle à nos jours / The American evangelical mission and the Arab-Muslim world : a geopolitical history of the Islamo-Christian encounter, from the 19th century to the present

Hage-Ali, Chady 22 September 2017 (has links)
L’histoire de la mission évangélique américaine et de son influence sur la politique américaine au Moyen-Orient depuis le début du XIXe siècle demeure largement méconnue du grand public. Pourtant, les missionnaires ont fortement contribué à l’ouverture de leur pays au monde et à son positionnement comme acteur majeur de la scène internationale. Dans les provinces ottomanes, leurs apports en matière d’éducation, de santé, de culture et d’action sociale furent souvent plus significatifs que leurs résultats en matière d’évangélisation. En partant du postulat que l’influence des missions chrétiennes sur les choix politiques reste relative au cours de l’histoire, notre thèse entend distinguer la responsabilité des missionnaires et des leaders religieux du rôle joué par Washington dans l’apparition des crises et des conflits qui secouent le Moyen-Orient et le monde arabo-musulman. Elle examine les causes de l’échec à évangéliser massivement et à implanter les valeurs laïques et démocratiques. Elle souligne également les ambivalences et les divergences qui traversent le protestantisme américain, les attitudes, les représentations et les pratiques des évangéliques et du gouvernement américain à l’égard de l’islam, d’Israël, des nations arabes et musulmanes. / The history of the American Evangelical Mission and its influence on American policy in the Middle East, since the beginning of the nineteenth century, remains largely unknown to the general public. However, protestant missionaries have greatly contributed to the opening of their country to the world and to its status as a major player on the international scene. In the Ottoman provinces, their contributions to education, health, culture and social action were often more significant than their results in terms of evangelization. On the assumption that the influence of Christian missions on political choices remains relative in the course of history, our thesis seeks to distinguish the responsibility of missionaries from the political role played by Washington in the emergence of crises and conflicts that shake up the Middle East and the Arab-Muslim World. It examines the reasons for the failure of massive evangelization and implementation of democratic and secular values. It also highlights the ambivalences and divergences that cross American Protestantism, the attitudes, representations and practices of Evangelicals and American government towards Islam, Israel, the Arab and Muslim nations.

Alchimie picturale des vies ordinaires, du récit de vie à l'hystérie du tableau / Pictoral alchemy of ordinary lives, from biographical narrative to hysterical painting

Stellittano, Sabine 07 April 2018 (has links)
Toute cette recherche se concentre sur le portrait en peinture comme possibilité de la rencontre, de moments d’amitié. Il s’agit d’en analyser les enjeux en utilisant la philosophie et la psychanalyse comme outils théoriques. Comprendre combien cette pratique de corps-à-corps, de présence à présence s’inscrit dans le temps, le déploie, le relate. La rencontre, tout comme ma pratique, a pour origine le désir de l’Autre. Chacune de mes peintures est une réponse à cette demande : «Comment désires-tu être peint ?». Mes pinceaux, guidés par les paroles livrées dans mon atelier, tentent de s’approcher au plus près de ce qui est dit : quête impossible !... tant le langage implique une perte, nous divise. Nous nous percevons comme uniques car nous sommes séparés de l’autre, nous sommes entourés de vide. L’autre et le vide ne sont pas seulement extériorités, ils sont en nous, et pour la psychanalyse c’est par l’imaginaire que nous trouvons notre unité. La psychanalyse, la méditation, l’alchimie et la peinture ont ceci de commun qu’elles sont toutes des disciplines construites à partir de la pratique et chacune d’entre elles aborde l’introspection à sa manière, qui peuvent s’enrichir les unes les autres. / The present research work focuses on the painted portrait and the opportunity it offers to meet people and exchange moments of friendship. It aims at analyzing what is at stakes in this process by means of theoretical tools such as psychology and psychoanalysis. It is also concerned with the understanding of how this «hand to hand» and «presence to presence» practice gets its anchorage in time and how it unfolds it and refers to it. The get together process, as well as my own practice, are the expression of desire – desire of the Other. Each of my paintings is an attempt to answer this single question: «How would the person posing for me like to be painted?». Then, as if guided by his or her wish, my brushes enter into action in order to fulfill it to the best of my abilities – the task is of course impossible, because language implies a loss and gets us apart from one another. Each of us sees oneself as unique, for we are separated from each other: we are indeed surrounded by emptiness. The Other and emptiness don’t belong to the outside, they are part of ourselves. In the field of psychoanalysis, we manage to find our unity through imagination. Psychoanalysis, meditation, alchemy and painting have all in common to be based on practice. Each of these disciplines deals with insight in its own way: in the end they all benefit from each other.

La racialisation en urgence : représentations et pratiques des professionnels hospitaliers à l'égard des patients présumés roms (2009-2012) / Racialisation in A&E. Hospital professionals’ representations and practices towards patients identified as Roma (2009-2012)

Prud'homme, Dorothée 08 December 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche doctorale est consacrée à l’analyse des représentations et des pratiques mises en oeuvrepar les professionnels hospitaliers d’établissements franciliens à l’égard de patients qu’ils identifientcomme roms. S’appuyant sur une ethnographie de la relation de guichet, elle propose une étude desfrontières morales qui fondent le processus de catégorisation raciale mis en oeuvre lors de la prise encharge de ces patients. Cette analyse révèle la superposition de frontières professionnelles auxfrontières raciales et morales tracées par les enquêtés, exposant ainsi différents usages professionnelsdu processus de racialisation des usagers. L’observation des usages quotidiens de la racialisation lorsde la relation de soin, de la prise en charge par les services et de l’accueil dans les établissements desanté démontre, non seulement l’existence d’une corrélation entre représentations racialisantes ettraitements différentiels des usagers, mais également le renforcement de cette tendance parl’imposition, via des réformes hospitalières inspirées du nouveau management public, d’objectifs derentabilité financière aux institutions de santé. / This doctoral research analyses the representations and practices of Ile-de-France’s hospitalprofessionals towards patients they identify as Roma. Based on an ethnography of administrativeencounters, it examines the moral boundaries of the racial categorisation process implemented duringpatient-provider relationships beginning with patient admission. The analysis reveals the superpositionof professional boundaries upon moral and racial boundaries drawn by healthcare professionals, andthe different professional uses they make of the racialisation process. The observation of daily uses ofracialisation during patient-provider relationships, interactions at the health service level and at theinstitutional level not only proves the link between agents’ racial representations and racialdiscrimination towards users, but also demonstrates how this pattern is reinforced by the objective ofprofitability imposed on healthcare institutions by new public management reforms.

Discerning a spirituality for transformative mission: in dialogue with the Comboni Missionary Sisters

Lepori, Laura 01 1900 (has links)
This research seeks to acquire a deep understanding of how spirituality and mission correlate and shape each other. An initial review of missiological texts has revealed that spirituality is not often (nor explicitly) taken into consideration by missiologists. Likewise, mission generally does not occupy a central place within the academic discipline of spirituality. I contend that spirituality is the motor of mission and missiology and therefore cannot be only briefly mentioned or omitted from missiological discourse. This thesis explores this relationship with a specific focus on the Comboni Missionary Sisters. It explores the mission spirituality of their founder, Daniel Comboni, how this is taken up by the Comboni Missionary Sisters and how it shapes their lives and their being in mission. The research also aims to foster some transformations. It explores new ways for the Sisters to express their ways of being in mission in the context(s) in which they live, in order to be faithful to Comboni’s charism as well as to be a relevant presence today. The thesis proposes that mission spirituality be studied and lived by making use a Mission spirituality spiral. Its six dimensions are: spirituality, at the centre and all along the spiral; encounter with other(s) and with the context; context analysis; theological reflection (encounter with Scripture and Tradition); discernment for transformative ways of being in mission and reflexivity. A qualitative analysis is presented from interviews conducted with fifteen Comboni Missionary Sisters working in various continents. Genuine encounter with the Triune God, with the other(s), with the context and its analysis, and encounter with Scripture and Tradition lead to transformation in the person and subsequently to finding new ways of being in mission. The mission spirituality spiral is used as an analytical tool to study the mission spirituality of Comboni and the Comboni Missionary Sisters and also as a mobilising tool. Suggestions for further areas of research are made. The thesis concludes with some personal learning and transformation. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

Use of Gallery and Non-Gallery Forest by Ungulates Inhabiting the Loma Mountains Non-Hunting Forest Reserve, Sierra Leone, West Africa

Kortenhoven, Aaron Peter 01 January 2009 (has links)
This 11-month study examined rates of encountering dung pellet groups, dung piles and ungulates in gallery forests and non-gallery forests during diurnal surveys in the Loma Mountains Non-Hunting Forest Reserve (LMNHFR) in Sierra Leone, West Africa. These indices of relative abundance were then used to infer relative habitat use by the seven ungulate species on which data were collected. This study also examined the differences in rates of encountering duikers during nocturnal surveys with rates of encountering duikers during diurnal surveys to determine which time of day produces higher rates of encounter, and thereby a more accurate estimate of duiker abundance. The dung of four of the seven species, namely Cephalophus niger, Philantomba maxwelli, Tragelaphus scriptus, and Potamochoerus porcus is encountered at a higher rate in gallery forest than in non-gallery forest. Rates of encountering the dung of three species, C. silvicultor, C. dorsalis and Syncerus caffer nanus, do not differ between forest types. Rates of encountering four species, namely C. niger, P. maxwelli, T. scriptus, and C. silvicultor are higher in gallery forest than in non-gallery forest. Rates of encountering three species, namely C. dorsalis, S. caffer nanus, and P. porcus do not differ between forest types. Rates of encountering duikers ranged from three to six times higher during nocturnal surveys than during diurnal surveys for C. niger and P. maxwelli and 20 times higher for C. dorsalis. Survey timing did not affect the rate of encounter for C. silvicultor. Forest ungulates in the LMNHFR utilize gallery forests regularly. Possible reasons for the higher rates of encounter for six of the species in gallery forests compared with non-gallery forests are access to water, readily available browse resulting from annual fire damage on the periphery and interior of gallery forests, and easy access to cover for ungulates when foraging in adjacent grassland. Given the current rate of forest loss in West Africa, studies examining how forest mammals are able to persist in small forest fragments should be high priority for both government and conservation groups. The findings here give evidence that forest ungulates can and do use small areas of forest. Most importantly, the findings from this study show the global value of the LMNHFR for the conservation of large mammals endemic to the Upper Guinea Forests.

Två sidor av samma mynt : En studie om mötet inom ekonomiskt bistånd

Zellmani, Yvonne, Bauer, Betty January 2012 (has links)
The overarching aim of this paper is to study the professional encounter in its complexity. The requirements for receiving welfare is set by the professional and it's the professionals decision if they are met in the proper manner. This makes the assessment of the clients conditions and the correctness of the assessment hence important. There are several levels which is necessary for the social worker to take into consideration. We have therefore made a socio-analysis by using a theoretical model of Johansson (2006) where he uses the Social Psychology of the encounter to create a model with four levels, which is always present in the professional encounter: structural, positional, relational, and experience level.  Our base was that the one responsible for handling these levels was the professional which led us to search for literature concerning the professional approach. Our study is formed as a qualitative case-study. Our empirical data consist of qualitative interviews with four social workers handling social allowance.The results shows that the complexity of the professional encounter requires a professional approach. Furthermore it shows a need for more reflection of all factors of the meeting in its context.  But these abilities are by no means obvious.

The career of the missed encounter in classic american literature

Rabhi, Wadia 08 1900 (has links)
Cette dissertation explore la carrière de la rencontre manquée Lacanienne dans la littérature canonique américaine du dix-neuvième siècle à travers le prisme de la psychanalyse, la déconstruction, le postmodernisme et le postcolonialisme. Je me concentre particulièrement sur La Lettre Écarlate de Hawthorne et Moby-Dick de Melville, en montrant comment ils sont investis dans l'économie narrative de la rencontre manquée, l'économie de ce qui est au-delà de la symbolisation et l'assimilation. L’introduction examine les contours et les détours historiques, philosophiques et théoriques du concept de la rencontre manquée. Cette dissertation a donc deux objectifs: d'une part, elle tente d'examiner le statut et la fonction de la rencontre manquée dans la littérature américaine du dix-neuvième siècle, et d’autre part, elle explore comment la théorisation de la rencontre manquée pourrait nous aider à aller au-delà de la théorisation binaire qui caractérise les scènes géopolitiques actuelles. Mon premier chapitre sur La Lettre Écarlate de Hawthorne, tente de tracer la carrière du signifiant comme une navette entre l'archive et l'avenir, entre le sujet et l'objet, entre le signifiant et le signifié. Le but de ce chapitre est de rendre compte de la temporalité du signifiant et la temporalité de la subjectivité et d’expliquer comment ils répondent à la temporalité du tuché. En explorant la dimension crypto-temporelle de la rencontre manquée, ce chapitre étudie l'excès de cryptes par la poétique (principalement prosopopée, anasémie, et les tropes d'exhumation). Le deuxième chapitre élabore sur les contours de la rencontre manquée. En adoptant des approches psychanalytiques et déconstructives, ce chapitre négocie la temporalité de la rencontre manquée (la temporalité de l'automaton et de la répétition). En explorant la temporalité narrative (prolepse et analepse) conjointement à la psycho-poétique du double, ce chapitre essaie de dévoiler les vicissitudes de la mélancolie et la “dépression narcissique” dans Moby-Dick (en particulier la répétition d'Achab lors de sa rencontre originelle dénarrée ou jamais racontée avec le cachalot blanc et sa position mélancolique par rapport à l'objet qu'il a perdu). En exposant la nature du trauma comme une rencontre manquée, dont les résidus se manifestent symptomatiquement par la répétition (et le doublement), ce chapitre explique le glissement de la lettre (par l'entremise du supplément et de la différance). Le troisième chapitre élargit la portée de la rencontre manquée pour inclure les Autres de l'Amérique. Le but principal de ce chapitre est d'évaluer les investitures politiques, culturelles, imaginaires et libidinales de la rencontre manquée dans le Réel, le Symbolique nationale des États-Unis et la réalité géopolitique actuelle. Il traite également de la relation ambiguë entre la jouissance et le Symbolique: la manière dont la jouissance anime et régit le Symbolique tout en confondant la distinction entre le Réel et la réalité et en protégeant ses manœuvres excessives. / This dissertation explores the career of the Lacanian missed encounter in canonical nineteenth-century American literature through the lens of psychoanalysis, deconstruction, postmodernism, and postcolonialism. In particular, I concentrate on Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter and Melville’s Moby-Dick, showing how they are invested in the narrative economy of the missed encounter, the economy of that which is beyond symbolization and assimilation. The introductory chapter investigates the historical, philosophical, and theoretical contours and detours of the concept of the missed encounter. This dissertation, then, has two goals: on the one hand, it attempts to examine the status and function of the missed encounter in nineteenth-century American literature, and on the other, it explores how theorizing the missed encounter might help us move beyond the binarist theorization that characterizes the current geopolitical scenes. My first chapter on Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter attempts to map the career of the signifier as a shuttling between the archive and the future, between the subject and the object, and between the signifier and the signified. The aim of this chapter is to account for the temporality of the signifier and the temporality of subjectivity and how they meet the temporality of the Tuché. By exploring the crypto-temporal dimension of the missed encounter, this chapter studies the excess of crypts through poetics (mainly prosopopeia, anasemia, and tropes of exhumation). The second chapter elaborates the contours of the missed encounter. This chapter approaches, from psychoanalytic and deconstructive viewpoints, the temporality of the missed encounter (the temporality of automaton and repetition). By exploring the narrative temporality (prolepsis and analepsis) in conjunction with the psycho-poetics of the double, this chapter attempts to lay bare the vicissitudes of melancholia and “narcissistic depression” in Moby-Dick (especially Ahab’s repetition of his unnarrated or disnarrated original encounter with the White Whale and his melancholic position in relation to the object he lost). By exposing the nature of trauma as a missed encounter, the residues of which manifest symptomatically through repetition (and doubling), this chapter explains the glissement of the letter (through the work of the supplement and différance). Chapter three broadens the scope of the missed encounter to the Others of America. The main purpose of this chapter is to assess the political, cultural, imaginary, and libidinal investitures of the missed encounter in the Real, the national Symbolic of the United States, and the current geopolitical reality. It also deals with the ambiguous relationship between jouissance and the Symbolic: the way in which jouissance animates and governs the Symbolic, while at the same time it blurs the boundary lines between the Real and reality and protects its excessive maneuvers.

Eastward Voyages and the Late Medieval European Worldview

Ignatov, Ivan Ivanovich January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores the nature of the late medieval European worldview in the context of the thirteenth- and fourteenth-century European journeys to Asia. It aims to determine the precise influence of these journeys on the wider European Weltbild. In lending equal weight to the accounts of the eastward travellers and the sources authored by their counterparts in Europe, who did not travel to Asia, the present study draws together two related strands in medieval historiography: the study of medieval European cosmology and worldview, and the study of medieval travel and travel literature. This thesis treats the journeys as medieval Europe’s interaction with Asia, outlining how travellers formed their perceptions of ‘the East’ through their encounters with Asian people and places. It also explores the transmission of information and ideas from travellers to their European contemporaries, suggesting that the peculiar textual culture of the Middle Ages complicated this process greatly and so minimised the transfer of ‘intact’ perceptions as the travellers originally formed them. The study contends instead that the eastward journeys shaped the late medieval European world picture in a different way, without overturning the concepts that underpinned it. Rather, this thesis argues, thirteenth- and fourteenth-century eastward voyages subtly altered how Europeans were inclined to understand these underpinning concepts. It suggests that the journeys intensified and made the concepts more immediate in Europeans’ minds and that they ‘normalised’ travel itself to the point where it became an essential part of the way Europeans could most readily make sense of the vast and kaleidoscopic world around them.

Reconnaître pour choisir, orienter et rencontrer : mères, guérisseurs et biomédecins à l’épreuve des rencontres et reconnaissances en milieux pédiatriques camerounais

Wamba, André 01 1900 (has links)
Si hier les guérisseurs revendiquaient uniquement le besoin de reconnaissance, aujourd’hui, ils se battent plutôt pour que la reconnaissance qui leur a été accordée par l’État soit capable d’intégrer les conceptions africaines de la maladie et des thérapies ; de les protéger au même titre que les biomédecins dans l’exercice de leur profession ; de protéger les malades en cas de préjudices moral et physique. Ils craignent que la reconnaissance [accordée] ne soit pas reconnue juridiquement par une loi camerounaise qui régule leurs pratiques de soins. Dans la mesure où, sans une reconnaissance juridique et institutionnelle, il leur est impossible de se maintenir dans l’espace [public] de sociabilité thérapeutique ; de changer, à partir de la position illégitime, leurs conditions de praticiens précaires, et surtout leur relation aux usagers de soins [les mères] et aux biomédecins. Dans cette perspective, on se demande quelles sont les modalités d’intéressement ou de désintéressement mutuel qui permettent aux guérisseurs – affaiblis institutionnellement – et aux biomédecins – fortement reconnus – d’évoluer vers une réciprocité de perspectives. L’étude cherche à identifier les modes d’arrachement à l’affaiblissement institutionnel, en s’intéressant, d’un côté, aux processus de capacitation et de renforcement de la légitimité ; et de l’autre, à l’impact de ce renforcement, d’abord, sur la redéfinition des objets et figures de la rencontre et de la reconnaissance, et ensuite, sur la reconfiguration de l’espace de soins et du profil du thérapeute camerounais contemporain. Pour répondre à cet objectif, nous avons sollicité le cadre théorique de la sociologie des épreuves d’inspiration pragmatiste [Thévenot, Boltanski, Gennard et Cantelli] et de l’anthropologie capacitaire [Ricœur]. Les observations de consultations en Maisons de Soins [chez les guérisseurs] et au Centre Mère et Enfant [Hôpital pédiatrique] et les entretiens individuels effectués à Yaoundé [Cameroun] ont engendré une réflexion sur le sens que donnent les mères, guérisseurs et biomédecins au fait de rencontrer ou de refuser de rencontrer un soignant. L’analyse des données recueillies inscrit la rencontre dans l’axe de la reconnaissance capacitaire [des compétences], permettant ainsi d’envisager une pluralité de figures de la reconnaissance et de la rencontre. Elle indique aussi que si la formation à l’identité professionnelle biomédicale constitue pour les guérisseurs une tactique de renforcement de leur légitimité, l’inscription en médecines africaines de certains biomédecins [résistants ou non conformistes] les prédisposent à une résistance institutionnelle aux normes biomédicales ; ce qui permet de nuancer, au regard de la pluralisation et de la diversification des rationalités en jeu, la compréhension du caractère monolithique des institutions. Il en résulte une réflexion sur le brouillage des frontières entre les médecines africaines et la biomédecine, ce brouillage ayant alors comme conséquences, entre autres, une possible fragmentation ou morcellement de ces médecines en termes de «biomodernisation» des médecines africaines et de «traditionalisation» de la biomédecine en contexte africain. / If yesterday the need for recognition was the core claim among traditional health practitioners, today, their quest resides in the recognition not only of their practice but also of the African conceptions of diseases and therapies; in their protection as profesionnals (such as biomedical health practictioners); in the protection of patients in case of moral or physical prejudices. The traditional health practitioners fear that their recognition will not extend to or be sanctioned by Cameroonian law, which regulates their care practices. Without legal and institutional recognition, it is impossible for these practitioners to remain in the social care space; to change, from their illegitimate position, their condition of precarious practitioners, and especially their relationship to biomedical health practitioners. Thus, what are the modalities of mutual interestedness or disinterestedness that allow traditional [institutionally weakened] and biomedical practitioners [strongly recognized] to evolve towards reciprocity of perspectives? The study is seeking to identify modes of wrenching from the institutional weakening, focusing, on one hand, on empowerment and reinforcing processes of healers’ legitimacy; and on the other hand, to the impact of empowerment on the redefinition of objects and figures of encounter and of recognition, on the reconfiguration of social care space and the profile of the therapist. To achieve this objective, we have sought the reference framework of sociology of proofs and the anthropology of capacity of Ricœur. The observations of consultations in «Maisons de Soins» and to the «Centre Mère et Enfant» and interviews have led to a reflection on the interpretation associated by mothers, traditional and biomedical health practitioners to what it means to consult or refuse to consult traditional healer or biomedical practitioner. The analysis of data situates the encounter in the axis of capacity of recognition, allowing us to consider multiple figures of recognition and of encounter. It shows that if the adoption of the biomedical professional identity constitutes for traditional health practitioners a tactic of reinforcement of their legitimacy, the integration in African medicines of some biomedical health practitioners predispose them to an institutional resistance to biomedical norms; making it possible to nuance the comprehension of the monolithic character of institutions, given pluralization and diversification of rationalities at stake. This results in a reflection on blurring of frontiers of African medicines and biomedicine, thus giving place to a possible fragmentation of these medicines in terms in terms of biomodernization of African medicines and traditionalization of biomedicine.


林宏遠 Unknown Date (has links)
服務接觸是行銷活動的重要關鍵,過去已有許多的研究探討實體商業環境下的服務接觸。然而,隨著寬頻的普及與資訊科技的發展,電子商務已逐漸成為民眾日常消費的模式之一,但研究上卻缺乏對於網路服務接觸的深入探討。為釐清網路服務接觸之特性,本研究首先引用遙距臨場感的概念,分析消費者使用網站服務的虛擬體驗,並進一步探討網站的生動性與互動性對於網路服務接觸臨場感的影響,以及網路服務接觸臨場感對於網路服務品質及網路忠誠度的影響。 本研究以學生及實務界人士為樣本,透過線性結構方程式驗證相關假說及理論架構。結果發現網站上生動性與互動性的搭配可以對網路服務接觸臨場感產生正向的影響,說明網站經營者可以藉由生動性與互動性的操作來提高消費者對於網路服務接觸臨場感的感受,讓消費者在網站的使用過程中,可以有更接近真實的體驗。此外,研究結果亦發現生動性不僅可以提高網路服接觸臨場感的程度,同時也會有助於提高網站的互動性。其次本研究之結果發現,網路服務接觸臨場感程度愈高,則網路的服務品質也會跟著增加,同時還可以進一步提高消費者對於網站的忠誠度。 本研究之結果,進一步發展出經驗性產品網站開發技術的採用原則,網站開發過程中,應先考量技術的互動性效果,其次再考量生動技術的搭配。亦暨網站開發人員在技術成本的考量下,應先設法滿足消費者對於互動性的需求,而無需過度追求炫麗的多媒體效果。 最後,於研究過程中,因考量到過去相關研究中對生動性構念的衡量缺乏多構面之量表,故本研究亦透過專家訪談及問卷前測分析,發展出具多構面特性之生動性量表,足以做為後續研究使用。

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