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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Isolation of Pelargonium alchemilliodes L L'Her active compounds and their effects on bacterial growth and keratinocytes in vitro

Makanyane, Madikoloho Daniel 07 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / Context: Pelargonium alchemilliodes L L' Her is an evergreen shrub, cultivated principally for the medicinal essence and decoction in Southern Africa for the treatment of skin problems, and wounds. Objective: the aim of the study was to optimize the extraction of phenolics and flavonoids from P. graveolens by response surface methodology with particular attention on the proliferative and cytotoxic effects on human keratinocytes, as well as the antioxidant and antibacterial activities and also to isolate active compounds. Materials and Methods: The optimization was achieved by Box-Behnken design. Extract, metabolite yields, and minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were determined by gravimetric, spectrophotometric, and microdilution methods, respectively. The antiradical potentials were evaluated using the phosphomolybdate. 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl, 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid), and lipid peroxidation assays, the diterpenoids were isolated and purified using open column chromatography, PTLC, and characterized with FTIR, NMR. The kinetics of the lipid protective activity was studied and fitted into models. The proliferative and cytotoxic effects were evaluated using the CellTiter® Blue cell viability and lactate dehydrogenase assay. Results: The regression coefficient r2 ≥ 0.9775 indicated a close correlation between actual and predicted values of the responses. The ideal parameter for the extraction of phenolics and flavonoids by macerations was determined as an extraction time: 9.63-12.01 h, material mass: 2.62-3.00 g, agitation speed: 143.11-197.11 rpm, and solvent volume: 68.06-69.87 mL. The optimal extractable acetone and methanol crude, flavonoids, and phenolic are (28.87±2.15%, 24.11±1.15%), (7.11±1.03 mg QE/g, 5.98±0.87 mg QE/g) and (58.08±0.88 mg GAE/g, 55.91±1.15 mg GAE/g), respectively. The detected different chemical groups of polyphenolic compounds such as alkaloids, saponins , sterols, terpenoids, flavonoids, tannins, phenols and cardiac glycosides from methanol and acetone extracts were in correlation with optimized yields. Two triterpenoids compounds 1-hydroxy-30-norlanosta-6, 8-diene and 1 2,3,4a,8,9,10,10a-octahydro-2-(2-hydroxypent-4-enyl)-4a-vinyl-1H-benzo[c]chromen-6(10bH)-one were isolated form methanol extracts. The main components of essential oils were citronellal (5.99%), citranellol (26.2%), geraniol (8.56%), citronellyl butyrate (20.3%), trans-farnesol (9.53%) and they were characterized by high amounts of oxygenated hydrocarbons (67.6%), followed by sesquterpene hydrocarbons and oxygenated sesquiterpene (9.32%) and the least being mornoterpene hydrocarbons (5.20%). Total antioxidant capacity and reducing power were comparable to standard gallic acid, while the antiradical activity has IC50 value of 0.18±0.03-8.98±0.15 mg/mL. Further, the lipid protective revealed a dose-dependent activity fitting into a pseudo-second-order kinetic model. MIC value of 1.56 mg/mL for extracts was registered against Staphylococcus aureus and salmonella typhi comparable to chloramphenicol. There was a significant (P < 0.05) increase in cell proliferation and viability when the extract was administered at concentrations of ≤50 μg/mL. However, at ≥100 μg/mL concentrations at ≤ 1000 μg/mL for essential oil exhibited a significnt cytotoxicity in comparison to the untreated cell. Conclusion: These biological activities are confirmation of the phytomedicinal application and possible source of pharmaceutical compounds. However, administration of the decoction should take into cognizance the antiproliferative effect at doses ≥100 μg/mL as well as the potential to induce and maintain keratinocyte proliferation at low concentration with an eye on the antiproliferative effect at concentrations ≥100 μg/mL, except the P. Alchemilliodes essential oils at ≤ 1000 μg/mL.

Development of an indigenous Chinese personality inventory based on the principle of Yin-Yang and the five elements and on the ancient Chinese text “Jen Wu Chih”

Hsu, Chung-Jen 21 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.

När spårket brister : En fenomenologisk studie som lyfter förskollärarens upplevelse kring arbetet med barn som har språkliga svårigheter / When language fails : A phenomenological study that highlights the preschool teacher's experience of working with children who have language difficultiess

Lickander, Maria, Laine, Tove January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att lyfta fram sex förskollärares upplevelser kring arbetet med barn som har språkliga svårigheter. Studien baseras på en kvalitativ forskningsundersökning där förskollärarna intervjuades genom frågor som handlade om deras förutsättningar, metoder, stöttning för barnen, utmaningar och samarbetet. Studien utgår ifrån ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv där epoché, fenomen, livsvärld, meningsbärande enheter och essens är de centrala begrepp som används i koppling till analysen. I resultatet och analysen framställs det som ansågs vara kärnan i förskollärarnas upplevelser utifrån det som togs upp under intervjuerna. Här läggs fokus på språkmedvetet arbete, synligheten av svårigheter, tiden, vikten av att se varje barn och det viktiga samarbetet. / The purpose of this study was to highlight six preschool teachers' experiences of working with children with language difficulties. The study is based on a qualitative research where the preschool teachers were interviewed through questions about their conditions, methods, support for the children, challenges and cooperation. The study is based on a phenomenological perspective where epoch, phenomenon, lifeworld, meaning-bearing units and essence are the central concepts used in connection with the analysis. In the results and analysis, what was considered to be the core of the preschool teachers' experiences is presented based on what was raised during the interviews. Here, the focus is on language-aware work, the visibility of difficulties, time, the importance of seeing each child and the important collaboration.

Between Meaning and Essence - Explaining Necessary Truth

Schieder-Hestermann, Jakob 16 May 2019 (has links)
Eine Erklärung, warum manche Wahrheiten notwendigerweise wahr sind, sollte verständlich machen, warum es für diese eine Wahrheitsgarantie gibt. Einen interessanten Ansatz für eine solche Erklärung liefert Kants Definition analytischer Wahrheiten als solche, die bereits in einem Begriff enthalten sind. Die notwendige Wahrheit analytischer Sätze kann hier über das Verhältnis ihrer Bestandteile erklärt werden. Diese Erklärung kann jedoch nur der Anfang einer generellen Erklärung von Notwendigkeit sein, denn einerseits sind nicht nur analytische Urteile notwendig, sondern auch andere, andererseits basiert die Erklärung auf einer umstrittenen Theorie von Begriffen. Die Dissertation untersucht nun, ob und wie die Strategie, Notwendigkeit über das Verhältnis zwischen den Bestandteilen von Repräsentationen zu erklären dennoch ausgeweitet und verteidigt werden kann, um zum Beispiel auch a posteriori Notwendigkeiten und essentialistische Urteile zu erfassen. Indem auf die die Referenz-Relation konstituierenden Fakten Bezug genommen wird, wird gezeigt, dass eine solche Erklärung tatsächlich möglich ist. Notwendige Wahrheit ist demnach eine Eigenschaft von wahrheitsfähigen Repräsentationen, die diese aufgrund des Verhältnisses zwischen den für die Wahrheit der Repräsentation nötigen Fakten und den Fakten, die die Referenz der Bestandteile der Repräsentation bestimmen, hat. Stehen diese in einem bestimmten Verhältnis, wird die Wahrheit der Repräsentation garantiert. Nachdem dieser Ansatz auf eine Reihe von Beispielen angewendet wird, zeigen sich interessante Parallelen zu essentialistischen Theorien von Notwendigkeit und es lässt sich zeigen, dass der Ansatz das Verhältnis zwischen Essenzen und Notwendigkeit richtig darstellt und es sogar erlaubt, ein besseres Verständnis davon zu entwickeln, was Essenzen sind. / An explanation of why some truths are necessarily true needs to make intelligible how it is that a truth is guaranteed to be true. The thesis argues that a promising starting point for an explanation of necessity can be found in Kant’s containment-account of analyticity, for it explains how the truth of a judgment is guaranteed by its structure and the relationship between its constituents. This, however, can merely be a starting point for a general explanation of necessary truth, for it is both too narrow, and presupposes a contentious view of concepts. The thesis thus explores how the general strategy, explaining necessary truth by certain relationships between the constituents of representations, can be expanded to cover further necessary truths, for example a posteriori necessities and essentialist claims. It is argued that the explanation can be generalized by focussing on what it is that constitutes reference between representations and the objects they represent as well as how these representations come together to form truth-evaluable representations. Necessary truth, on this account, is a property of truth-evaluable representations which a representation has in virtue of the appropriate relationship between what is required for its truth, and the way in which the reference of its constituents is determined. The appropriate relationship guarantees the truth of the representation. After applying the theory to a range of examples, interesting parallels to essentialist accounts of necessity emerge and it is argued that the proposed explanation gets the relationship between essence and necessity right and may even be used to elucidate what essences are.

La raison à l'épreuve du sensible : depuis Husserl et Levinas / The Sensible or the Challenge of Reason : from Husserl and Levinas

Lorelle, Paula 01 December 2014 (has links)
Avec la phénoménologie, naît une nouvelle idée de la raison qui, au-delà de l’alternative du rationalisme et de l’irrationalisme et contre sa réduction kantienne à une faculté, est redéfinie à l’aune de l’expérience qu’elle permet de décrire. Mais la difficulté survient lorsqu’il s’agit d’atteindre la raison de l’expérience sensible elle-même, en son irréductibilité à toute exigence rationnelle - en son caractère particulier, complexe, lacunaire ou indéterminé. Dès lors, à quelles conditions peut-on penser une logique du sensible, sans aussitôt trahir le sensible ou perdre la raison ? Le projet husserlien d’une « logique-du-monde » exige en sa compréhension comme en son renouvellement, une réévaluation des concepts de « raison » et de « sensibilité ». Notre travail consiste donc en l’étude problématique et critique de ces concepts, depuis deux moments de leur déploiement :leur inauguration husserlienne et leur radicalisation lévinassienne. Le choix de ces deux oeuvres a pour intérêt historique de mesurer l’ampleur de l’élargissement phénoménologique de la raison – d’une conception« intellectualiste » de la sensibilité chez Husserl à sa profondeur lévinassienne ; et pour intérêt problématique de mener le problème à son terme et dans ses dernières contrées, là où le sensible n’apparaît plus comme pétri de sens mais dans son irrationalité même, là où la sensibilité n’est plus la saisie perceptive d’une identité mais l’expérience affective radicale d’une exposition à l’altérité. C’est donc en sa fondamentale équivocité que la sensibilité doit se faire le lieu d’une épreuve renouvelée de la raison, le principe critique de la rationalité mobilisée par sa description. / A new idea of reason was born with phenomenology. Beyond the opposition between rationalism andirrationalism, and against its Kantian reduction to a faculty, reason is redefined in the light of the experiencethat it enables to describe. But the difficulty arises when we attempt to reach the rationality of the sensibleexperience itself, in its own irreducibility to the demands of reason - in its irreducible peculiarity, complexity,lack and indetermination. Under which conditions can we think a logic of the sensible without betrayingsensibility or compromising reason? Husserl’s project of a “logic-of-the-world” requires, in its understandingas in its renewal, a reevaluation of the concepts of “reason” and “sensibility”. This dissertation consists in acritical study of these concepts, from these two main moments of their unfolding: their Husserlian inaugurationand their Levinassian radicalization. From a historical point of view, this choice enables us to assess thisphenomenological extension of reason - from an intellectual conception of sensibility in Husserl, to itsLevinassian depth. From a problematical point of view, this choice enables us to lead the problem to its finalterms, where the sensible is not made of meaning anymore, but appears in its very irrationality - whensensibility is not the perceptive grasp of an identity, but an affective exposure to otherness. Thought in itsfundamental equivocity, sensibility must be the place of a renewed challenge of reason, the critical principle ofthe rationality used by its description.

Массовое искусство и национальный миф: проблема взаимовлияния (на материале кинематографа США) : магистерская диссертация / Popular art and national myth: problem of interaction (movies by USA as an example)

Gudova, Iu., Гудова, Ю. В. January 2014 (has links)
MA paper is devoted to the researching of interaction between national myths and popular arts in American movies. The philosophical Ideas of G. Bodriyar, M. Kastels, E. Said, A. Kostina, K. Razlogov, and E. Shapinsky are in the basic of methodology. And anthropological ideas of Levi-Strouss, Ealiade, Meletinsky and Zhuladze are in the methodological foundation too. The paper consists from three parts. The specialty of contemporary cultural and social situation is analyzed in the first part of paper. The conceptual approaches to the definition of interaction between national identity and popular art are recovered in the second part. The third part of the paper is rewired the content and function of American’s myths in the American popular movies. The author gives conclusion that popular art represents national myths and therefore national identity is constructed by popular art. / Магистерская диссертация сосредоточена на взаимовлиянии национального мифа и массового искусства на примере кинематографа США. В качестве методологии исследования используется философско-культурологическая методология, представленная идеями Ж. Бодрийяра, М. Кастельса, А.В. Костиной, К.Э. Разлогова, Е.Н. Шапинской, Э. Саида, и других; культурно-антропологическая методология, выработанная К. Леви-Стросом, Е.М. Мелетинским, М. Элиаде, А. Цуладзе и другими. Работа состоит из трех глав. В первой главе рассматривается характеристика современной социокультурной ситуации, в которой существует массовое искусство. Во второй главе анализируются концептуальные походы к определению механизма взаимовлияния национальной идентичности и искусства. В третьей главе исследуется содержание американских национальных мифов и то, как они функционируют в американском массовом кино. В конце работы делается вывод, что массовое искусство репрезентирует национальные мифы и тем самым конструирует национальную идентичность.

An investigation into problem solving skills in calculus : the case of Unisa first year students

Mugisha, Stella 02 1900 (has links)
Students’ performances in mathematics in an Open Distant Learning setting have not always been impressive. An exploratory study into the problem solving skills of the University of South Africa students in the Calculus module MAT112 is being conducted using past examinations scripts between 2006 and 2009. The study re-assesses the work done in the end-of-year Calculus examinations, by both looking at the distribution of marks awarded and assigning new scores based on an assessment rubric adapted for the problem at hand. Further assessment of qualitative dimensions that is important for problem solving in Calculus is developed from the data obtained from the assessment rubric. Using factor analysis, a hesitation factor, transfer-of-knowledge factor as well as ingenuity factor, are identified in successful Calculus problem solving. The study proposes two conceptual models; the first is to guide students in solving Calculus problems while the second one is meant to assist lecturers in the assessment of students of Calculus. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Technology Education)

Optimisation énergétique de chaînes de traction hybrides essence et Diesel sous contrainte de polluants : Étude et validation expérimentale / Energy Optimization of Gasoline and Diesel Hybrid Powertrains with Pollutant Constraints : Study and Experimental Validation

Simon, Antoine 05 July 2018 (has links)
L’hybridation électrique de la chaîne de traction automobile est l’une des solutions adoptées pour respecter les règlementations futures sur ses émissions. La stratégie de supervision de la chaîne de traction hybride répartit la puissance produite par le moteur à combustion interne et la machine électrique. Elle répond habituellement à un problème d’optimisation où l’objectif est de réduire la consommation de carburant mais nécessite à présent d’y ajouter les émissions polluantes. La chaîne de dépollution, placée à l’échappement du moteur, permet de diminuer la quantité de polluants émise dans l’atmosphère. Cependant, elle n’est efficace qu’à partir d’un seuil de température, et dépend de la chaleur apportée par les gaz d’échappement du moteur thermique. La première partie de ce travail est donc consacrée à la modélisation de la consommation énergétique et des émissions polluantes de la chaine de traction hybride. La modélisation de l’efficacité de la chaîne de dépollution est réalisée selon deux contextes. Le modèle zéro-dimensionnel est adapté aux contraintes de calcul de la commande optimale. Le modèle unidimensionnel associé à un estimateur d’état permet d’être embarqué et calculé en temps réel. À partir de ces travaux, la seconde partie de cette thèse déduit des stratégies de supervision à l’aide de la théorie de la commande optimale. Dans un premier cas, le principe de Bellman permet de calculer la commande optimale d’un véhicule hybride Diesel selon des critères de supervision ayant plus ou moins connaissance de l’efficacité de la chaîne de dépollution des émissions de NOX. Dans un second cas, une stratégie issue du Principe du Minimum de Pontryagin, embarquée sur un véhicule hybride essence, fonctionnant en temps réel et calibrée selon deux paramètres est proposée. L’ensemble de ces travaux est validé expérimentalement au banc moteur et montre une réduction significative des émissions polluantes pour une faible pénalité de carburant. / Powertrain hybridization is a solution that has been adopted in order to conform to future standards for emissions regulations. The supervisory strategy of the hybrid powertrain divides the power emitted between the internal combustion engine and the electric machine. In past studies, this strategy has typically responded to an optimization problem with the objective of reducing consumption. However, in addition to this, it is now necessary to take pollutant emissions into account as well. The after-treatment system, placed in the exhaust of the engine, is able to reduce pollutants emitted into the atmosphere. It is efficient from a certain temperature threshold, and the temperature of the system is dependent on the heat brought by the exhaust gas of the engine. The first part of this dissertation is aimed at modelling the energy consumption and pollutant emissions of the hybrid powertrain. The efficiency model of the after-treatment system is adapted for use in two different contexts. The zero-dimensional model conforms to the constraints of the optimal control calculation. The one-dimensional model associated with a state estimator can be embedded in a vehicle and calculated in real time. From this work, the second part of this dissertation deduces supervisory strategies from the optimal control theory. On the one hand, Bellman’s principle is used to calculate the optimal control of a Diesel hybrid vehicle using different supervisory criteria, each having more or less information about the after-treatment system efficiency over NOX emissions. On the other hand, a strategy from Pontryagin’s minimum principle, embedded in a gasoline hybrid vehicle, running in real time and calibrated with two parameters, is proposed. The whole of this work is validated experimentally on an engine test bed and shows a significant reduction in pollutant emissions for a slight fuel consumption penalty.

Commerce informel des hydrocarbures au Bénin / Informal trade of hydrocarbons in Benin

Diakite, Aboubakar 17 November 2016 (has links)
D’abord sur une échelle réduite puis sur une large échelle la contrebande du kpayo, essence et produits pétroliers occupent aujourd’hui un nombre de plus en plus grand de vendeurs, on estime que 100 000 personnes sont impliquées dans ce trafic du Nigeria au Bénin. Il revêt plusieurs aspects selon qu’il emprunte la route maritime, le fleuve ou la route. Ce transport génère un grand nombre de petits métiers que nous évoquons dans la thèse qu’il s’agisse d’apporter les bidons sur la plage, de transformer les scooters ou les camions. Plus que tout, cette activité suppose aussi un réseau souvent d’origine familiale, mais aussi des accointances avec du personnel des emplois régaliens de la République. Les recherches empiriques réalisées sur des territoires aussi variés et circonscrits que peuvent l’être une station-service, un village lacustre, un marché frontalier, un débarcadère, un entrepôt ont permis d’appréhender les conditions d’approvisionnement des contrebandiers, identifier les modalités d’acheminement des produits pétroliers vers le Bénin, saisir les stratégies de contournement des contrebandiers et les risques encourus tout au long de leur trajet, examiner les interactions entre les transporteurs et les forces de l’ordre à l’occasion du passage des barrières de contrôle, apprécier l’animation des marchés et enfin cerner le rôle des différents acteurs en présence. L’analyse des réseaux marchands, des parcours biographiques, des stratégies d’acteurs, des logiques d’accumulation et des rapports de l’économie informelle à la loi situe cette recherche au croisement de l’anthropologie économique, de la géographie du commerce, de la sociologie de la précarité, et de la sociologie politique. / First of all on a small scale, then further along, on a much larger scale, the kpayo trade which means smuggling of gas and other oil products from Nigeria to Bénin, depend on almost 100 000 persons living on this sale activity. This trade might be quite different if gas transported by means of ships on the sea, by the river, or by scooters or trucks on the road. This kind of informal trade gives way to different kinds of odd jobs we mention in the PHD: bringing the jerrycans to the beach, reshaping scooters and trucks in a garage. Most of all this illicit activity needs some kind of a kinship network and political pull among the police and customs officers of the Republic. Empirical research has been done in different fields such as a gas station, a seaside village, a market on the country border, a landing stage, a warehouse, it led to the comprehension of the way smugglers are supplied. I was thus able to understand the process by which gas was transported from Nigeria to the Republic of Bénin, and see all the byways the smugglers are used to take, and the risks taken all along the journey. I examined the interaction process between the racketeers and the police when they passed a checkpoint; see how the markets were busy, and last managed to see how the the different roles of subjects interact. The racketeers networks analysis, life stories, different action strategies, the way they accumulate and the study of informal economy related to law contribute in this PhD to an essay in economic- anthropology with geographic standpoints, and a sociological analysis of precarious lives and Big Shots.

因果歷程偏離與故意歸責—新標準:「獨立評價說」 / The deviation of causal course and the attribution of intention —new standard: theory of independent assessment

戚本律, Chi, Pen Lu Unknown Date (has links)
國內通說將因果歷程偏離當作構成要件錯誤的一種類型。認為因果歷程作為故意認識的對象;並且對於因果歷程重要部分沒有認識,則阻卻故意。德國實務所提出的重要性理論(相當性概念與其他正當化評價事由之欠缺)是建立起國內通說看法的主因。不過,近年德國學界普遍對這種說法提出質疑,認為因果歷程偏離不再是「心理事實」的問題,而是「規範評價」的問題。因而從過去的錯誤理論漸漸轉向歸責理論。對於因果歷程偏離的難題也從「故意」範疇轉向「故意歸責」的範疇。在故意歸責層次下,德國學界提出幾種具體的處理方式,但都不脫離傳統部分主客觀對應的看法。本文認為透過檢驗行為人主觀與客觀事實間是否一致(或者部分一致),無助於解決因果歷程偏離的難題。結論上,本文提出一個嶄新的想法—「獨立評價說」,期待能適當且方便的解決因果歷程偏離的問題。 / The general opinion in Taiwan’s academia considers the error of causal course as an error occurred in the composing elements of a crime. The academia is also of the opinion that the intent of crime shall include the essential parts of the causal course. If any such part is left out of account, the intent of crime shall also be excluded. The theory of essentiality (Theorie der Wesentlichkeit) brought forward by the German court is the main fundation for the opinion of Taiwan’s academia. German authors have questioned this theory in the recent years. They hold that the problem of deviation of causal course is rather a problem of norm assessment rather than a problem of psychological facts. Thus the past fallacy has been gradually replaced by the theory of attribution of intention, and the research on deviation of causal course which was undertaken under the category of intention has also been changed to the category of attribution of intention. As regards the attribution of intention, the German authors have developed some specific approaches to solve the error of the chain of causation. Nevertheless, these resolutions are much the same, for they all emphasize a partial coincidence between the intent and the real causal course. As a conclusion, the author claims that the coincidence can't solve the problem of deviation of causal course, and proposes a new theory, - the theory of independent assessment, with the hope of facilitating the research of the problem of deviation of causal course.

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