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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Příspěvek k vývoji diagnostických nástrojů dynamické diagnostiky exekutivních funkcí / Contribution to the development of dynamic assessment tools of executive functions

Snášelová, Olga January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis aims to present newly proposed methods of dynamic assessment of executive functions and evaluate their benefits through a pilot study. The theoretical section introduces dynamic approach to assessment and its methods and also describes the area of executive functions. The research part presents the proposed tests, focusing on the assessment of planning skills, cognitive flexibility, logical reasoning, working memory and self- monitoring. Their principle is the method of graduated prompts. The research sample used for the study consisted of thirty respondents aged from eight to fifteen years. The respondents were divided into two groups with the same number of participants. The first group included children with special educational needs, the second group involved intact respondents. The results of the study were evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively. Within the quantitative part, the number of necessary prompts and completed items was compared in both groups. The qualitative part focused on a detailed analysis of diagnostically relevant information obtained using the aforementioned methods. The results of the quantitative part of the research showed that the groups differ from each other neither in the number of graduated prompts required, nor in the number of completed...

Executive Functioning Intervention for Middle School Students with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Keller, Elizabeth A. 26 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

The Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on Executive Functions, Moderated by Trait Anxiety

Baranski, Michael Francis Stephen 13 April 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Den sjätte utespelaren - kognition : En kvantitativ studie om exekutiva funktionerna hos ishockeyspelare / The sixth player - cognition : A quantitative study about executive functions among ice hockey players

Sjöblom, Karl January 2023 (has links)
Historiskt sett har forskning fokuserat på de fysiska förmågorna inom idrott. På senare tid har forskare dock börjat att intressera sig mer för de kognitiva aspekterna inom idrott, framför allt inom lagsport. En idrott som spelas i ett högt tempo och möjligtvis ställer krav på kognitiva förmågor och uppmärksamhetsfunktion är ishockey. Frågan är därför om ishockeyspelare har kognitiva egenskaper som skiljer sig från personer i allmänhet?  Denna studie undersökte de exekutiva funktionerna hos ishockeyspelare och jämförde resultaten mot ett urval ur normalpopulationen. De exekutiva funktioner som undersöktes i denna studie var impulskontroll, kognitiv flexibilitet, och uppdatering av arbetsminne. Deltagarna delades in i två grupper. Den ena gruppen bestod av 18 ishockeyspelare på olika nivåer, 12 kvinnor och 6 män, med en medelålder på 23,4 år (SD=4,46). Den andra gruppen vilken representerades normalpopulationen bestod av 22 individer, 9 kvinnor och 13 män, med en medelålder på 25,5 år (SD=3,99). [DS1] [KS2] Samtliga deltagare fick besvara en enkät med bakgrundsfrågor samt genomföra totalt fem kognitiva tester. Testerna som genomfördes var ett Flanker test, ett Local-Global test, ett 3-back test, samt två hockeymodifierade versioner av Flanker och 3-back. Först genomfördes deskriptiva analyser, sedan en Pearson korrelationsanalys och till sist envägs-ANOVAs. Resultaten visade inte på någon signifikant skillnad mellan ishockeyspelare och övriga deltagare i något av de kognitiva testen. Resultaten från denna studie tyder därför på att det inte finns någon skillnad mellan ishockeyspelare och normalpopulationen i impulskontroll, kognitiv flexibilitet och arbetsminne. Framtida studier bör undersöka om det finns andra kognitiva förmågor än de som undersöktes i denna studie som särskiljer hockeyspelare från personer i allmänhet, samt om sportslig nivå eller spelarens position kan spela en roll. / Historically, science has mainly focused on physical abilities in sports. However, in recent years researchers have started to focus also on cognitive abilities, especially within team sports. One sport which is played in a fast pace and which potentially can be demanding for cognitive and attentional abilities is ice hockey. It begs the question, does ice hockey players have cognitive abilities that differ from people in general? This study investigated executive functions among hockey players and compared them to the results of the normal population. The executive functions investigated were inhibition, cognitive flexibility, and updating of working memory. Participants were divided into two groups. One group consisted of 18 ice hockey players at different professional levels, 12 women and 6 men, with an average age of 23,4 years (SD=4,46). The other group that represented the normal population consisted of 22 individuals, 9 women and 13 men, with an average age of 25,5 years (SD=3,99).[DS1] [KS2]  All participants answered a survey containing background questions and conducted five cognitive tests. The cognitive tests were Flanker, Local-Global, 3-back and lastly two hockey modified versions of the Flanker and 3-back test. First, descriptive analyses were conducted, secondly Pearson correlations, and lastly one-way ANOVAs. Result showed no significant difference between hockey players and the normal population on any of the cognitive tests. Therefore, results from this study suggests that there are no differences between ice hockey players and the normal population in inhibition, cognitive flexibility and working memory. Future studies should investigate if there are other cognitive abilities than those included in this study that differentiate hockey players from the normal population, and investigate if level of expertise and the players position may play a role.

How do ice hockey players in different divisions compare on executive functions? : A comparative study of athletes

James, Calum January 2023 (has links)
Previous investigations into executive functions among athletes, particularly in team sports, have reported greater functioning for those in the highest level of competition. One such sport that has received less attention in research is ice hockey. The present study aimed to compare the performances of ice hockey players in different levels of competition on measures of inhibition, shifting, and updating. Furthermore, it hypothesised that athletes in higher competitive divisions would outperform those in lower divisions. With this aim in mind, 17 ice hockey players from different divisions of the Swedish national hockey league were recruited and completed a flanker task, local-global task, and 3-back task, as well as two alternate tasks featuring hockey-specific stimuli. Comparisons between high-skill and low-skill athletes were insignificant for inhibition and updating measures, while the comparison for shifting favoured low-skill athletes. This finding did not extend to a comparison between elite and non-elite players. The results do not support the given hypothesis, and future investigations should recruit a larger sample in order to further clarify the findings of low-skill outperforming high-skill athletes. / Tidigare undersökningar av exekutiva funktioner hos idrottare, särskilt inom lagsporter, har påvisat bättre förmågor hos deltagande i de högsta divisionerna. En lagsport där mindre fokus har lagts inom forskningen är ishockey. Denna studie syftade att jämföra presterande av ishockeyspelare inom olika tävlingsdivisioner på test av inhibering, kognitivt växlande, och uppdatering. Studien hade som hypotes att spelare i högre divisioner bör prestera bättre i jämförelse med de i lägre divisioner. 17 ishockeyspelare rekryterades från olika divisioner inom den svenska hockeyligan och de utförde ett flanker-test, ett local-global-test och ett 3-back-test. De utförde även två alternativa uppgifter med hockeyspecifika stimuli. Jämförelserna mellan ”high-skill” och ”low-skill”-spelare var icke-signifikanta för inhiberings- och uppdateringsmåtten och jämförelsen på kognitivt växlande påvisade att ”low-skill”-spelare presterade bättre. Detta påvisades dock inte för elitspelare mot icke-elitspelare. Resultaten ger inte stöd till hypotesen, och ytterligare studier med en större datainsamling bör vidare examinera om spelare i lägre divisioner presterar bättre i jämförelse med de i högre divisioner.

Känslan av sammanhang : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors upplevelse av sin skolgång som fått ADHD diagnos senare i livet

Berntsson, Anette, Carlsson, Josefine January 2023 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka kvinnors upplevelser av sin skolgång, mer specifikt kvinnor som fått ADHD-diagnos senare i livet. Teori: Studien utgår ifrån en kvalitativ och induktiv ansats med KASAM som teoretisk referensram. Metod: Genomförande av studien skedde utifrån semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta kvinnor i åldern 22-56 år diagnostiserade med ADHD mellan 18-54 års ålder. Intervjuerna, som spelades in och sedan transkriberades, varade mellan 45 till 60 minuter. Resultat: Resultatet visar att det för respondenterna har varit en utmaning att ta sig igenom grundskolan på grund av funktionsnedsättningen ADHD. Det innebar psykiska pålagringarna av att vara annorlunda, vilket respondenterna bär med sig i livet. Respondenterna upplevde även att skolans kunskapskrav inte var anpassade till deras förmågor, vilket innebar en avsaknad av stöd i skolan och av omgivningen. Diagnostiseringen förde med sig att respondenterna upplevde en lättnad och acceptans. Slutsats: Framtida forskning bör ge en djupare kunskap och förståelse utifrån vad som är unikt hos flickor och kvinnor med ADHD. För att öka förståelse och uppmärksamhet från omgivningen, med hjälp med strategier och stöd för att få så bra förutsättningar som möjligt för att kunna prestera i skolan. Detta skulle kunna minska risken av att drabbas av samsjuklighet i form av psykisk ohälsa och beroendeproblematik samt öka känslan av sammanhang. / Purpose: The purpose is to investigate women's experiences of their schooling, more specifically women who received an ADHD diagnosis later in life. Theory: The study is based on a qualitative and inductive approach with KASAM as a theoretical frame of reference. Method: Implementation of the study was based on semi-structured interviews with eight women aged 22-56 diagnosed with ADHD between the ages of 18-54. The interviews, which were recorded and then transcribed, lasted between 45 and 60 minutes. Results: The results show that it has been a challenge for the respondents to get through primary school due to the disability ADHD. It meant the psychological implications of being different, which the respondents carry with them in life. The respondents also felt that the school's knowledge requirements were not adapted to their abilities, which meant a lack of support in the school and in the environment. The diagnosis brought with it that the respondents experienced a sense of relief and acceptance. Conclusion: Future research should provide a deeper knowledge and understanding based on what is unique in girls and women with ADHD. To increase understanding and attention from the environment, with the help of strategies and support to get the best conditions possible to be able to perform in school. This could reduce the risk of suffering from comorbidity in the form of mental illness and addiction problems and increase the feeling of context.

Executive Functions in Basketball Coaches

Romero-García, Gonzalo 06 March 2023 (has links)
El propósito de la presente tesis doctoral es el de conocer el papel que tienen las funciones ejecutivas (FE) como predictoras del rendimiento en los entrenadores. Primero, se llevó a cabo un análisis de la producción literaria sobre FE en relación con los agentes deportivos y se comprobó que existía un vacío en el estudio de las FE relacionadas con los entrenadores y que gran parte del esfuerzo se centraba en el estudio del deportista. Segundo, se compararon las FE de entrenadores de baloncesto con entrenadores de deportes individuales y no-entrenadores. Los resultados indicadores diferencias significativas entre los entrenadores de baloncesto y aquellos de deportes individuales así como con los participantes pertenecientes al grupo de no-entrenadores, si bien no había diferencias entre entrenadores de deportes individuales y no-entrenadores. Finalmente, se investigaron si una serie de variables (edad, sexo, logro académico, certificación deportiva, experiencia, excelencia deportiva, tiempo de dedicación) modulaban los niveles de FE en un grupo de entrenadores y entrenadoras de baloncesto. Al dividir al grupo de manera más o menos homogénea entre mayores de 30 y menores de 30, la variable experiencia proporcionó diferencias en inhibición cercanas a lo significativo con un tamaño del efecto pequeño a favor del grupo menor de 30 años. En referencia a la inhibición, se dieron diferencias, aunque no significativas, entre el grupo de graduados universitarios y aquellos que no lo eran. Además, La experiencia parece ser un factor que incide en las FE. Así, el grupo de entrenadores con más de 10 años de experiencia obtuvo mejor rendimiento en flexibilidad cognitiva. El tiempo dedicado a la práctica sólo deja diferencias significativas en flexibilidad cognitiva. En este sentido, el grupo que le dedicó más de 20 horas obtuvo un rendimiento superior que el que menos horas le dedica. En cuanto al tiempo dedicado en los últimos 5 años, sólo se vio una tendencia en aquel grupo de entrenadores que le dedicó más de 10 horas a la semana durante ese periodo. Variables como pericia y edad no produjeron ningún resultado destacable, indicando que son factores que no parecen tener relevancia en los niveles de las FE. Un análisis posterior de los datos mediante conglomerados bietápicos permitió diferenciar dos perfiles de entrenadores, aquellos con nivel bajo de FE y los de nivel alto. El perfil de entrenadora o entrenador de nivel alto es joven, menor de 30 años, con estudios universitarios, con no excesiva experiencia en baloncesto (menos de 10 años) pero una alta implicación. Por otra parte, el perfil de bajo nivel de FE es el de una persona de más de 30 años, también con estudios universitarios, con más de 10 años de experiencia y menos de 10 horas de dedicación semanal.


BRUNO PORTELLA TASSARA 14 September 2021 (has links)
[pt] O envelhecimento cada vez mais acentuado das populações no Brasil (1) e no mundo (2) tem tornado mais evidente o problema do declínio cognitivo em idosos. Com o passar dos anos, alguns indivíduos podem apresentar a perda da capacidade de resolver novos problemas, ou de se adaptar a imprevistos. Na Neuropsicologia, as chamadas Funções Executivas são responsáveis pelo desempenho do indivíduo neste tipo de situação. Para detectar este tipo de dificuldade, mesmo em suas fases iniciais, há diversas baterias de testes que o psicólogo pode aplicar. E, como suporte ao tratamento, várias atividades podem estimular estas funções e melhorar o desempenho cognitivo. No mundo dos jogos digitais, diversos são os aplicativos que prometem treinar o cérebro, mas em geral estes games consistem de uma série de pequenas atividades isoladas. Há um consenso na comunidade científica de que a interação social é benéfica para a saúde mental dos idosos. A diversidade de situações enfrentadas pelo indivíduo neste tipo de interação garante que, entre outros benefícios, as habilidades de Atualização, Alternância e Inibição sejam treinadas, melhorando as funções executivas do idoso. Este trabalho propõe a criação de um jogo sério (serious game), porém lúdico e divertido, para identificação da perda de eficiência no uso das Funções Executivas e, possivelmente, no treinamento das mesmas. O atrativo do jogo está na flexibilidade e intensidade das tarefas propostas, que se inserem em uma narrativa lúdica e contêm atividades usuais do dia a dia das pessoas. O tema de planejar e realizar uma festa virtual de 80 anos mostra-se particularmente adequado para a investigação em questão e permite a utilização de imprevistos nas tarefas propostas. Quanto ao planejamento da reatividade emocional dos idosos, o jogo permitirá que a dificuldade e o nível de imprevistos sejam ajustados de forma a evitar qualquer tipo de estresse ao idoso. O nível de dificuldade das tarefas e diversos outros ajustes podem ser feitos por um participante que age como controlador ou mediador do jogo, papel possivelmente exercido por um psicólogo. Outra novidade desta proposta é a implementação de um jogo em modo multiplayer, tornando-se possível observar o papel da interação social no diagnóstico e no tratamento do déficit cognitivo, ou mesmo, a relação entre a disposição do indivíduo em participar de atividades sociais e a perda de funções executivas. / [en] The increasingly accentuated aging of populations in Brazil (1) and the world (2) has made the cognitive decline in the elderly more evident. As the years go by, some individuals may lose the ability to solve new problems or adapt to unforeseen events. In Neuropsychology the Executive Functions of the Brain (EF) are responsible for the performance in this kind of tasks. The loss of efficiency in the Executive Functions is a natural result of the aging process. However, excessive loss of EF can lead to Mild Cognitive Impairment and, in more advanced stages, to neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer s disease. To detect this kind of impairment, even in its initial stages, there are several test bateries that the psychologist can apply. And, as support for treatment, several activities can stimulate these functions and improve cognitive performance. In the world of digital games, many applications promise to train the brain, but most of these games consist of small isolated tasks. There is a consensus in the scientific Community that social interaction is beneficial to the mental health of old individuals. The diversity of situations faced by the individual in this kind of interaction guarantees that, among other benefits, abilities such as Actualization, Alternance and Inibition are trained, helping improve the executive functions of the elderly. This work proposes creating a serious game, yet ludic and fun, to help identify the loss of efficiency in the use of Executive Functions and, possibly, in their training. The game s lure is in its flexibility and the intensity of the quests presented to the player. These quests are part of a ludic narrative about everyday activities, such as getting groceries at the market or finding candles for a birthday cake. The game s central theme is to collaborate to the realization of the 80-year birthday party of a friend. As for the emotional reactivity of the old adults that engage the game, it was built with the option to regulate de difficult level. The difficult level that each player faces and several other aspects of the game can be configured by a person that acts as controller or mediator of the game, probably a psychologist. Another innovation of this proposal is implementing the game as a multiplayer game, making it possible to observe the social interaction factor in diagnosing and treating cognitive deficit. Or even the relation between the individual s disposition to engage in social activities and the loss of executive functions.

Jämförelser mellan högpresterande idrottare och amatörer i kognitiv förmåga

Vigfúsdóttir, Jóna, Lundbladh, Petter January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka eventuella skillnader i grundläggande kognitiva förmågor mellan högpresterande idrottare och amatörer. I denna kvantitativa tvärsnittsstudie samlades datan in från deltagare som rekryterades från ett idrottsgymnasium, en elitklubb och ett antal från personliga kontakter via ett bekvämlighetsurval. 39 deltagare deltog i studien i åldrarna 15-39, 21 högpresterande idrottare (M= 20.48, SD= 5.77) och 18 amatörer (M= 19.44, SD= 4.79). De grundläggande kognitiva förmågorna mättes med fyra kognitiva test: Trail Making Test, The Sustained Attention to Response Task, The Semantic And Phonemic Fluency Test och Digit Symbol Substitution Test. Dessa valdes ut för att mäta uppmärksamhet, bearbetningshastighet och exekutiva funktioner. Resultatet visade en statistisk signifikant skillnad mellan högpresterande idrottare och amatörer i den grundläggande kognitiva förmågan bearbetningshastighet där gruppen av högpresterande idrottare nådde högre värden i mätningarna. Inga signifikanta skillnader uppdagades i de grundläggande kognitiva förmågorna uppmärksamhet och exekutiva funktioner. Studiens resultat indikerar på att framtida forskning bör ta hänsyn till typ av idrott hos atleten i en urvalsprocess för en tydligare jämförelse. Frågan kring skillnader i grundläggande kognitiva förmågor är mer komplex än en uppdelning mellan högpresterande idrottare och amatörer. / The purpose of this study was to investigate possible differences in basic cognitive ability between high-performing and amateur athletes. In this quantitative cross-sectional study the data was collected from participants that were recruited from a highschool, an elite club and through personal contacts. 39 Participants participated in the study ages 15-39, 21 high-performing athletes (M= 20.48, SD= 5.77) and 18 amateur athletes (M=19.44, SD= 4.79). The basic cognitive abilities were measured with four tests: Trail Making Test, The Sustained Attention to Response Task, The Semantic And Phonemic Fluency Test and Digit Symbol Substitution Test. These were selected to measure attention, processing speed, and executive functions. The results showed a statistically significant difference between high-performing athletes and amateur athletes in the basic cognitive ability processing speed where the high-performing athletes showed a higher processing speed than amateur athletes. No significant differences were detected in the basic cognitive abilities of attention and executive functions. The results of the study indicate that future research should take into consideration the type of sport the athlete is involved in for a selection process with a clearer comparison. The differences in basic cognitive abilities is more complex than the comparison between high-performing and amateur athletes.

A cognitive derby within football supporters : The role of executive functions on aggressive and violent behavior / Ett kognitivt derby inom fotbollssupportrar

de Leur, Jonathan January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate to what extent executive functioning has an impact on aggressive and violent behavior contextualized within football supporters. The sample consisted of 142 (111 males and 31 females) football supporters, between 16-71 years old (M=34,58, SD=12,53) who, during the 2022 season of the Swedish football league “Allsvenskan” visited at least one game. Results showed an association between aggressive and violent behavior contextualized within football supporters and certain aspects of executive functions, as well as self-control. The association did not significantly differ depending on frequency of game-day attendance, thus indicating the presence of the association for various subgroups of supporters. The results are in line with previous research on the association between executive functions and aggressive and violent behavior. The present study is one of the few studies adopting a bio-/neurological perspective on football violence. Thus indicating that more research is warranted on this specific topic, as well as a need for a re-evaluation of strategies preventing football violence. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka i vilken utsträckning exekutiva funktioner hos fotbollssupportrar har en inverkan på aggressivt och våldsamt beteende kontextualiserat inom fotbollen. Urvalet bestod av 142 (111 män och 31 kvinnor) fotbollssupportrar mellan 16–71 år (M=34,58, SD=12,53) som under säsongen 2022 i den svenska fotbollsserien “Allsvenskan” besökte minst en match. Resultaten påpekade en association mellan aggressivt och våldsamt beteende inom fotbollen och särskilda aspekter av exekutiva funktioner samt självkontroll. Associationen skiljde sig inte signifikant beroende på besöksfrekvens vid matcher, vilket pekar på att associationen existerar hos flertalet olika typer av supportrar. Resultaten går i linje med tidigare studier som undersökt associationen mellan exekutiva funktioner och aggressivt och våldsamt beteende. Den aktuella studien är en av få studier som applicerat ett bio-/neurologiskt perspektiv på våld inom fotbollen. Detta pekar på behovet av fortsatt forskning inom ämnet samt ett behov av att omvärdera strategierna ämnade att förhindra våld inom fotbollen.

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