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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O gênero multimodal tutorial em vídeo e suas contribuições no ensino-aprendizagem de francês como língua estrangeira por adolescentes / The multimodal genre video tutorial and its contributions to the teaching and learning of French as a foreign language by teenage students

Aline Hitomi Sumiya 12 December 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo estudar o ensino-aprendizagem do francês como língua estrangeira por alunos adolescentes por meio da produção do gênero multimodal tutorial em vídeos, bem como verificar como os alunos desenvolveram as capacidades de linguagem por meio de uma sequência didática visando a produção desse gênero. Para realizá-la, nos embasamos, sobretudo, no quadro teórico-metodológico do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (ISD), tal como apresentado por Bronckart (1999, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2010) para a compreensão do agir humano por meio da linguagem e de seu consequente desenvolvimento. Assim, apoiamo-nos no modelo de análise textual do ISD para o estudo dos aspectos verbais presentes no gênero tutorial em vídeos. Como o gênero articula tanto os aspectos verbais como não verbais na sua construção de sentido, servimo-nos do quadro da Semiótica Sociointeracional proposta por Leal (2011) em que a autora propõe a união do quadro de análise do ISD com as categorias da Gramática do Design Visual (GDV) desenvolvida por Kress e Van Leeuwen (2006). Além disso, baseamo-nos nos estudos de Schneuwly e Dolz (2004/2012) sobre a utilização de gêneros textuais como instrumentos no ensino-aprendizagem e em Dolz, Pasquier e Bronckart (1993) sobre a noção de capacidades de linguagem. No que concerne ao campo da didática de línguas (maternas e estrangeiras), tivemos como aportes os estudos de outros teóricos da vertente do ISD (SCHNEUWLY; DOLZ, 2004/2012; CRISTOVÃO, 2014/2015; LOUSADA, 2014, MELÃO, 2014). Para ter o gênero como objeto de ensino, fizemos uma análise textual, o modelo didático, e posteriormente, elaboramos uma sequência didática e aplicamos em duas turmas de adolescentes. Após a aplicação, analisamos as produções iniciais e finais com a finalidade de saber se houve o desenvolvimento das capacidades de linguagem dos alunos. Para trazer mais indícios sobre o desenvolvimento, recuperamos excertos do diário de bordo da professora e das conversas gravadas dos alunos trocadas no momento da produção. Os resultados mostraram que houve um desenvolvimento significativo das capacidades de linguagem dos alunos, embora o gênero seja complexo por articular tanto elementos verbais como não verbais. Ademais, o gênero permitiu a aprendizagem dos alunos no que diz respeito a outros saberes não previstos no nosso estudo. Com esta pesquisa, esperamos ter trazido contribuições ao ensino-aprendizagem de línguas por meio de gêneros textuais, à multimodalidade e aos gêneros emergentes na era digital. / This dissertations goal is to study the teaching and learning of French by teenage students through the production of the multimodal genre video tutorial, as well as verify how the students developed the language capacities through a didactic sequence that aimed at the production of this genre. Our research was based mainly on the Socio-Discursive Interactionism (SDI) theoretical and methodological framework as developed by Bronckart (1999, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2010) to understand human acting through language and its consequent development. This research is also based on the SDI textual model analysis to study the verbal aspects found in the video tutorial genre. Since verbal and nonverbal aspects are combined in this genre, we used the Socio-Interactionism Semiotics proposed by Leal (2011) in which the author suggests the union of the SDI analysis framework with the Grammar of Visual Design (GVD) developed by Kress and Van Leeuwen (2006). In addition, this research is based on the studies by Schneuwly and Dolz (2004/2012) about the use of textual genres as instruments in teaching and learning and about the concept of language capacities. Regarding the field of language didactics (L1 and L2), we also employed studies by SDI scholars (SCHNEUWLY; DOLZ, 2004/2012; CRISTOVÃO, 2014/2015; LOUSADA, 2014, MELÃO, 2014). In order to use the genre as an object of teaching, we analysed some texts and created a didactic model of it; then, we created a didactic sequence which we applied to two classes of teenage students. After applying it, we analysed the initial and final productions in order to discover if the students developed their language capacities. We had access to some excerpts of the teachers journal and to some conversations recorded between the students when doing their productions to have more clues about the development. The results showed that the students developed substantially their language capacities, in spite of the complexity of the genre due to the articulation of so many verbal and nonverbal elements. Moreover, the genre allowed the students to learn other knowledge that were not foreseen in our study. With this research, we hope to bring contributions to the field of teaching and learning of languages through textual genres, of multimodality and of emergent genres of the digital era.

O texto literário em aula de Francês Língua Estrangeira (FLE) / The literary text in the scope of French as foreign language teaching (FLE)

Josilene Pinheiro Mariz 14 March 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho discute a importância do texto literário (TL) no âmbito do ensino de línguas estrangeiras e, em particular, do francês língua estrangeira (FLE). Na primeira parte, elaborou-se uma síntese histórica sobre a evolução desse ensino através dos tempos, bem como uma análise da presença do TL em manuais de FLE. Percebeu-se que, tradicionalmente, do mesmo modo que a aprendizagem da língua francesa esteve associada às elites intelectuais, a da literatura sempre foi reservada aos alunos com um maior nível de conhecimento lingüístico, sendo algo inacessível a principiantes. Para verificar a hipótese de que essa prática se reproduz em sala de aula, foi realizada uma sondagem entre alunos e professores de FLE em Universidades Federais do Nordeste do Brasil sobre a abordagem do TL em aula de língua / literatura francesa, apontando para a realidade distante do tratamento unificado entre a língua e a literatura. Esse perfil é ponto inicial para o aprofundamento da fundamentação teórica, feita na segunda parte, de maneira a elaborar uma proposta de abordagem do TL em FLE para iniciantes, ou seja, sem sacralização nem banalização desse tipo de narrativa. Foram evidenciadas correntes da crítica literária, favorecendo outras possibilidades de leitura. Destacaram-se, ainda, noções de isotopia e intertextualidade, e situou-se a cena enunciativa no contexto literário para uma melhor compreensão desse texto. Na terceira parte desta tese, apresentou-se um exemplo de TL trabalhado em uma situação real de ensino de língua francesa no Brasil. Experiências didáticas foram realizadas com quatro grupos de alunos iniciantes em FLE do curso de extensão e um da graduação de Letras / Francês da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande. O corpus é constituído de contos, narrativas curtas integrais. Para essas experiências didáticas, foram elaborados dossiês com: um quadro de compreensão geral; exercícios sobre as competências de compreensão, expressão e intercultural; informações necessárias para melhor entendimento de cada conto, além de questões sobre a relação entre língua e literatura. Observou-se que a abordagem do TL em aula de FLE para iniciantes é um trabalho possível e necessário não somente para dinamizar a aprendizagem de outro idioma, mas, sobretudo, para contribuir para a apreensão / construção dos sentidos, conduzindo o leitor aprendiz ao prazer do texto. / This work discusses the importance of the literary text in the scope of foreign language teaching and, in particular, French as a foreign language (FFL). First, we prepared a historical summary on the evolution of FFL throughout the years plus an analysis of the literary text in FFL textbooks. We perceived that, traditionally, in the same way as the French language learning has been associated with the intellectual elite, literature has always been reserved to learners who have a higher linguistic level, making it something inaccessible to beginners. Aiming at verifying the hypothesis that such practice reproduces itself in the classroom, we conducted a survey among learners and teachers of FFL at Federal Universities in the northeast of Brazil regarding the approach to the literary text (LT) in the French language/literature class. We were able to notice, as a whole, that the classroom reality is still far from a unified treatment between language and literature. As we visualize this profile, we deepen the theoretical background so as to put forward a proposal for an ideal approach to the LT in the FFL classroom for beginners, without enshrining or vulgarizing this kind of narrative. In this second part, too, we highlight notes about literary critique currents which can leave room for other readings. As a sequence for the theoretical background, we present notions about isotopy and intertextuality, and we even place the enunciative scene in the literary context, something which is of great value for a better understanding of such text. In the third and last part of this thesis, we present an example of how the LT can be tackled in a real situation of French language teaching in Brazil. We performed didactic experiments with four groups of beginners in the four-skill course and one group in the graduation course of Letters (French language) at the Federal University of Campina Grande. Our corpus is composed of short-stories, because they enable the contact with the whole work. To serve as tools used in these didactic experiments, we prepared files which contained: an overall comprehension chart; exercises on comprehension, expression and intercultural competencies; necessary information for a better understanding of each short-story, as well as some questions about the relationship between language and literature. After these didactic experiments, it is possible to state that working with the LT in the FFL classroom with beginners it is possible and necessary, not only to make FL learning dynamic but above all contribute to the apprehension / construction of the senses and to get the pleasure of the text.

Decomposition of changes in Hong Kong wage dispersion since 1980s : a distributional approach

HUANG, Kai Wai 01 January 2009 (has links)
Wage dispersion is one of the social and economic issues arousing public concern in Hong Kong. There are many studies exploring the possible causes and changes in wage dispersion. They often focus on the study of summary measures such as Gini and Theil indexes, or adopt OLS-based regression approach. In foreign studies on wage dispersion, Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition, originated from Oaxaca (1974) and Blinder (1973), is a common method of decomposing changes or differences in mean wages between two groups into wage structure effect and composition effect, and then further decomposing the two effects into contributions of each control variable. Nevertheless, focusing on summary measures or decomposing mean wages can just give people an insight into the causes and changes in general wage dispersion but not the entire wage distribution. As pointed out by Chi, Li and Yu (2007), the estimation of the entire wage distribution and decomposition of the distributional changes in wage dispersion has been attracting the attention of labour economists. This thesis adopts a distributional approach proposed by Firpo, Fortin and Lemieux (2007) to study the changes in wage dispersion of Hong Kong since 1980s. The FFL approach comprises a two-stage procedure. Firstly, changes in dispersion are divided into wage structure effect and composition effect without directly estimating a wage-setting model. This is done by doing a proper reweighting to obtain counterfactual wage vectors. Kernel density estimation is used for visualizing the wage distribution in different years and the counterfactuals; secondly, novel recentered influence function (RIF) regressions across quantiles are performed to further decompose the two effects into contributions of each control variable. The findings are outlined as follows: first, there was an increase in wage dispersion over the whole wage distribution from 1980s but a decrease from 2001 to 2006; second, the composition effect dominates the wage structure effect over years; third, changes in the distribution of characteristics and the returns to these characteristics are highly responsive to each other, suggesting that our labour market is highly responsive to structural changes; fourth, The common wage-determining factors may not be able to explain the earnings-profile of low wage earners well. In brief, the development of the economy since 1980s increased the wage dispersion over years. Nevertheless, the economic downturn due to external shocks and internal unfavourable events and general skill-upgrading in labour-intensive industries decreased the wage dispersion since 2000s.

Les engagements du Général Koenig / The engagements by general Koenig

Soulas, Michel 10 December 2010 (has links)
Le sujet de cette thèse, traite des engagements du général Koenig (1898-1970) en tant que militaire, homme politique et militant pour la cause israélienne et l‟amitié avec le peuple juif. Natif de Caen, Pierre Koenig eut dès son enfance une vocation affirmée pour la carrière militaire. Engagé volontaire pendant la première guerre mondiale, il servit ensuite en Silésie, en Allemagne et pendant une longue période au Maroc dans la Légion étrangère. Au début de la 2e guerre mondiale, il participa en 1940 à la campagne de Norvège et se rallia en juin au général de Gaulle dont il fut un des plus fidèles compagnons. Sa carrière se poursuivit en Afrique : Gabon, Levant, Libye et Tunisie. C‟est en Libye en juin 1942 à Bir-Hakeim que Koenig et ses troupes en résistant pendant plus de dix jours aux forces germano-italiennes du maréchal Rommel, ont signé un des plus grands succès des armes françaises pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale. Après la campagne de Tunisie, Koenig fut appelé par le général de Gaulle à occuper des postes importants faisant appel à ses qualités de diplomate et de négociateur : état-major d‟Alger, représentant du Gouvernement provisoire de la République Française auprès du commandement interallié et chef des Forces Françaises de l‟intérieur. Á la Libération, il fut nommé Gouverneur militaire de Paris et ensuite commandant de la zone d‟occupation française en Allemagne avec les pouvoirs civils et militaires. [etc.] / This thesis deals with the engagements carried out general Koenig (1898-1970) as a soldier, a politician and a fighter for the Israeli cause and friendship with the Jewish people. Pierre Koenig was born in Caen (France). Since childhood he had inclined always strongly to a military career. He was a volunteer during the First World War, then he served in Silesia, in Germany and in the Foreign Legion in Morocco for a long period of time. When the Second world war began, he took part in the Norway campaign early in 1940, then in June he joined General de Gaulle and became one of his most faithful companions. His career went on in Africa : Gaboon, the Levant, Libya, Tunisia. In Bir-Hakeim in Libya in June 1942, Koenig and his troops held out against Marshal Rommel‟s German and Italian forces for over ten days, thus achieving one of the greatest successes for french arms during the Second world war. After the Tunisia campaign, Koenig was called by General de Gaulle to high appointments summoning his qualities as a diplomat and negotiator. Posted first at the Algiers Headquarters, he was then the Representative of the provisional government of the French Republic next to the S.H.A.E.F. and later on chief of the Home French Forces. After the liberation of France he was appointed as “Military governor” in Paris, and afterwards commander-in-chief for the French occupation zone in Germany with civilian and military powers [etc.]

Un expérimentation visant l'amélioration de la situation de l'enseignement/apprentissage du français en Libye : l'introduction de documents authentiques dans une classe de français langue étrangère à l'université de Tripoli / An Experiment based on Improvement of the teaching/learning of French Language in Libya : introduction of Authentic Documents in French classes at the University of Tripoli

Benelimam, Ghada 12 April 2013 (has links)
Nettement moins présent que l’anglais, le français, en tant que langue étrangère, n’est actuellement enseigné, en Libye, qu’à l’université. Cependant, la formation délivrée, notamment à l’Université de Tripoli ne permet pas aux apprenants - parce que le département manque totalement de matériel et de moyens, parce que les enseignants ont rarement reçu une formation didactique, parce que les modalités d’enseignement/apprentissage restent transmissives - d’acquérir les compétences nécessaires pour communiquer avec des natifs. Pensant que l’intégration de documents authentiques pouvait être une solution pertinente et efficace pour améliorer l’enseignement/apprentissage du FLE en Libye et faire évoluer les pratiques de classe, nous avons conduit, en 2012, une expérimentation d’introduction de documents authentiques avec un groupe expérimental composé d’étudiants de niveau B1 qui en étaient à leur dernière année de formation à l’Université de Tripoli. Une introduction qui s’avère probante, à nos yeux, aux yeux des étudiants et au vu des résultats, parce qu’elle suscite intérêt et motivation, permet de diversifier les supports d’apprentissage, de rompre avec les pratiques ordinaires d’enseignement et parce qu’elle développe des compétences communicative, culturelle et interculturelle. / Less present than English, French as a foreign language is currently taught in Libya at the university level. However, the training provided at the University of Tripoli is not of the high quality due to the facts that the department lacks of equipment and resources required, the trainers are not equipped enough to provide the knowledge transfer, and the teaching system inplace is archaic and remains ‘transmissive learning‘ which is outdated. These are the factors that are making the trainers not be acquainted with necessary knowledge to communicate with the autochthones. Having thought the following 1-The integration of Authentic Documents could be a relevant and effective solution to improve the teaching / learning of FFL in Libya 2- The creation of classroom practices We conducted in 2012, an experiment of introducing Authentic Documents and working with group of B1 level students who were in their final year of training at the University of Tripoli. The experiment was a success according to the participants (organizers, students) and the results obtained as well. The experiment arouses interest and motivation of the participants and helps the diversification of the learning materials and to modernize the old fashion of teaching. In conclusion the experiment helps to develop communication, cultural and intercultural skills.

Le théâtre de Marguerite Yourcenar : Approches didactiques pour une classe de Français langue étrangère de niveau supérieur en Argentine / The theatre of Marguerite Yourcenar‎ : a didactic approach for an advanced course of FFL, in Argentina

Bogliotti, Amelia Maria 28 March 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse rédigée dans le cadre de la Didactique des Langues et des Cultures explore les potentialités du texte de théâtre en tant qu'outil pédagogique pour une classe de FLE de niveau avancé. Le texte de théâtre, matériau singulier, défini par son double aspect verbal et non-verbal, imopose des contraintes de lecture que nous nous occupons de dégager. Suivant les orientations genettiennes qur le paratexte, nous parcourons les autours de l'écrit théâtral comme autant de voies pour son approche et sa compréhension. Le théâtre yourcenarien, noyau de notre corpus, a été lu à l'appui des notions de réécriture et d'intertextualité en vue de proposer un cheminement qui permette à l'étudiant de français langue étrangère de construire le sens des textes tout en s'appropriant le contenu littéraire et mythique auquel ce théâtre renvoie. Aussi, avons-nous entouré ce corpus premier de documents autres, littéraires, artistiques et médiatiques, sur lesquels il se reflète, se complète et se redéfinit. Une place importante a été également accordé à différentes expressions du biographique, afin de situer l'écrivaine dans son contexte socioculturel. Un théâtre de texte et de parole comme celui de Marguerité Yourcenar, abordé pour être lu, dit et représenté par des étudiants étrangers, met l'enseignant au défi des adaptations et de la construction des itinéraires de lecture et de production écrite et orale qui lui sont spécifiques. Pour cela, un travail de recherche effectué en amont est indispensable. Ayant entrepris cette tâche, nous avons voulu au moyen de cette thèse en laisser la trace. / This thesis work, developed within the frame of the Languages and Cultures Didactics chair, explores the potentialities of the play's text as a pedagogical tool for an advanced course of FFL. The theatrical text, a singular material, characterized by its double aspect – verbal and non verbal, requires a reading effort that we try to clear up. Following "genettian" guidelines about paratext, we cover the surroundinges of the theatrical writing in as many possible routes so as to get closer and into the meaning. To read "yourcenarian" plays, the core of our corpus, we have used the notions of rewriting and intertextuality as support, aiming at providing the FFL student with an itinerary which would allow them to build the meaning of the texts, and to be able to gain insight about the literary and mythical content to which the play refers to, and make it their own. In order to accomplish that, we have drawn on other literary, artistic and media documents, where that initial corpus reflects upon and with which it is redefined and completed. A significant place has been similarly assigned to the distinct expressions of the biographic aspect, to situate the writer in her socio-cultural context. A theatre with words and texts as Marguerite Yourcenar's, undertaken to be read, spoken and represented by foreign students, faces the professor with the challenge of adapting and developing reading routes, as well as specific oral and written production itineraries. To do so, a prior research work is essential. Having accepted such challenge, we leave our trace by means of this thesis work.

Intersecções entre a leitura, tradução e avaliação: desdobramentos para o ensino / Intersections between reading, translation and assessment: developments in teaching

Teixeira, Lucília Souza Lima 22 October 2010 (has links)
Percorremos nessa pesquisa caminhos entre a leitura, tradução e avaliação que muitas vezes se cruzam, como na didática de línguas e nos estudos cognitivos. Os processos e estratégias de tradução, forçosamente, demandam variados tipos de leitura em língua estrangeira que, por sua vez, ativam outras estratégias em diferentes momentos, como a leitura do texto traduzido feita em comparação ao texto original, denominada leitura crítica da tradução. A prática da tradução exercita a leitura, ao mesmo tempo em que faz com que o leitor-tradutor reflita sobre suas próprias atividades e percursos. A avaliação da compreensão escrita de um texto em língua estrangeira é a finalidade dos exames universitários de proficiência que representam uma das etapas exigidas durante processo seletivo para o mestrado e doutorado nos programas de pósgraduação. Esses exames podem ter diferentes modalidades dentro de um mesmo centro aplicador ou universidade, como acontece na USP. Em alguns casos, exige-se a tradução, se não integral, de um trecho do texto para o qual também são feitas outras questões: dissertativas, múltipla escolha ou opção por verdadeiro ou falso. Nessa pesquisa, analisamos as traduções de trechos de textos de exames de proficiência em francês feitas por candidatos aos programas de pós-graduação para o mestrado e doutorado na ECA, nos anos 2002, 2004, 2005 e 2006, e na Faculdade de Letras, nos anos 2004, 2006 e 2007. Os trechos de tradução foram inseridos no programa WordSmith Tools, que ajuda a visualizar um corpus para que seja analisado, por isso muito usual nas pesquisas em Linguística de Corpus. Confrontamos nossas postulações de erros com as soluções, dificuldades, problemas e procedimentos encontrados no corpus. Considerando o objetivo do exame de proficiência e como não há indícios de um método de correção da tradução no corpus, procuramos distinguir os erros de leitura dos de expressão escrita e compreender as estratégias utilizadas pelos candidatos. Essa distinção deveria estar presente nos critérios de correção que deveriam ser explicitados pelos elaboradores para que pudessem ser conhecidos de antemão pelos candidatos. Dentro da USP, é crescente a busca por preparo aos exames de proficiência nos cursos instrumentais, entre eles o de francês, que têm como principal foco a compreensão de textos em língua estrangeira. Para que os atuais alunos leiam suas bibliografias e sendo, alguns desses também futuros candidatos a essas provas, devese atentar para os exercícios de tradução, já que esses trabalham e revelam a compreensão do leitor-tradutor. Nosso objetivo é refletir sobre os critérios de avaliação dos exames e contribuir para o ensino da leitura em FLE, auxiliando os cursos instrumentais a incorporarem a prática da tradução, apresentando seus benefícios para a leitura. / In this research we go through the paths between reading, translation and assessment that often intersect, like in language teaching and cognitive studies. The processes and strategies of translation strongly require different kinds of reading in a foreign language, which, in their turn, activate other strategies at different times, like reading the translated text and comparing it to the original text, which is called critical reading of translation. The practice of translating exercises the reading process, at the same time that it makes the reader-translator reflect on their own activities and pathways. The assessment of reading comprehension of a text in a foreign language is the purpose of the university proficiency exams that represent one of the steps required during the selection process for masters and doctorate programs in graduate school. These exams may have different modalities within a single applying centre or university, as it occurs at USP. In some cases it is required the translation of a texts extract, if not the whole text, and questions about it are made, which can be in form of essay, multiple choice or true or false options. In this research, we analyse the translation of excerpts from texts of French proficiency exams taken by candidates for postgraduate programs for master\'s and doctorate at ECA, in the years 2002, 2004, 2005 and 2006, and at the Faculty of Arts, University of Sao Paulo, in the years 2004, 2006 and 2007. The excerpts were entered into the translation program WordSmith Tools, which helps to visualise a corpus that will be analysed, being very used in Corpus Linguistics polls. We confronted our supposed mistakes with the solutions, difficulties, problems and procedures found in the corpus and verified whether the exercise of translation reveals (in) comprehension by the candidates. Inside USP there is an increase of search for reading courses that prepare to the proficiency exams, and that includes the Reading in French course, which focuses on reading comprehension in a foreign language. For the current students to read their bibliographies, and being some of them future candidates to the proficiency exams, it is important that the reading courses give special attention to the translation exercises, since they show and work on the comprehension of the reader-translator. Our aim is to reflect on the assessment criteria of the exams and contribute to the teaching of reading in FFL, assisting reading courses to incorporate the practice of translation, by presenting its benefits for reading.

Études des attitudes linguistiques des étudiants vénézuéliens apprenant le français langue étrangère à l’Université des Andes, à Mérida (Venezuela) / Study on the linguistic attitude of Venezuelan students of French as a foreign language at the University of Los Andes in Mérida, Venezuela

Matos Aldana, Tepey Sarai 03 July 2017 (has links)
En tant qu’enseignante de français langue étrangère (FLE) à l’Université des Andes (ULA) à Mérida, au Venezuela, nous nous intéressons aux phénomènes pouvant expliquer des résultats moyens des étudiants en FLE à l’issue de leur formation de cinq années (niveau Licenciatura). Afin d’analyser les difficultés qu’ils rencontrent, nous empruntons à la sociolinguistique la notion d’Attitudes Linguistiques (AL), pour évaluer les réactions des étudiants vis-à-vis de la langue apprise. En effet, les AL se présentent comme un moyen rigoureux de regarder les motivations et les représentations, deux focales admises en didactique de langues étrangères comme particulièrement pertinentes à considérer dans le processus d’apprentissage. Dans un premier temps, notre protocole expérimental nous a permis d’élaborer l’outil de l’enquête débouchant sur la mesure des AL des étudiants, à partir de la méthode Delphi (représentations des enseignants et des apprenants sur le français et son apprentissage à la ULA). Puis, nous avons appliqué le questionnaire à deux groupes d’étudiants de FLE (semestres A et B de l’année 2014) en trois temps encadrant deux interventions pédagogiques. La recherche a été complétée par des entretiens des enseignants. Les données recueillies ont été soumises à une analyse quantitative et qualitative. Nous avons trouvé chez nos étudiants des Attitudes Linguistiques et des représentations à majorité positives avec des motivations instrumentales sous-jacentes. La variation des données après l’intervention pédagogique est très légère, cela nous incite à proposer quelques perspectives didactiques. / As professors of French as a Foreign Language (FFL) at the University of Los Andes (ULA) in Mérida, Venezuela, we are interested in identifying the factors that may explain the poor performance of students of FFL at the end of a 5-year degree involving the study of Modern Languages. We have adopted the concept of Linguistic Attitude (LA) from the field of sociolinguistics with the purpose of analyzing the difficulties encountered by these students in order to evaluate the attitude of students in regard to the target language (French). The concept of Linguistic Attitude serves as a rigorous tool for measuring both, the motivation and representation of students, which constitute two key aspects to be considered in the teaching approach used in teaching foreign languages (PFL) as well as in the learning process of students. We used the experimental protocol to create the questionnaire to be able to measure the students’ Linguistic Attitudes. The Delphi method was used for the creation of the questionnaire (thus updating the instructors’ and students’ representations about the French language and its learning process at ULA). During the second phase, the questionnaire was applied to two groups of students of FFL (from the A and B semesters of the year 2014) at three different points in time. During the period between the second and third application, a pedagogical intervention took place. The research was completed by conducting interviews to the instructors in charge of the courses. The results were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The findings show that, in general terms, students manifest positive Linguistic Attitudes and representations with underlying instrumental motivations. Due to the very small variation observed after the pedagogical interventions, we find it necessary to propose new teaching approaches.

ELiTe-[FLE]2 : un environnement d'ALAO fondé sur la linguistique textuelle, pour la formation linguistique des futurs enseignants de FLE en Colombie / ELiTe-[FLE]2 : a CALL Environment Based on Text Linguistics, Aimed at Helping future FFL teachers in Colombia through Linguistics' Training

Molina Mejia, Jorge Mauricio 06 November 2015 (has links)
Nous présentons, dans ce manuscrit, un dispositif informatique d'aide à la formation des futurs enseignants de FLE en Colombie. Il prend ses sources dans la linguistique textuelle et cherche à améliorer le niveau linguistique des étudiants universitaires actuellement en formation. Pour ce faire, le dispositif est fondé sur un corpus textuel spécifiquement annoté et étiqueté grâce aux outils de traitement automatique de langues (TAL) et à des annotations manuelles en format XML. Ceci permet de développer des activités à visée formative, en tenant compte des besoins exprimés par les publics cibles (enseignants-formateurs et leurs étudiants en formation).Comme nous l'exposons tout au long de cette thèse, l'élaboration d'un système comme le nôtre est le produit de la mise en œuvre de connaissances et de compétences issues de plusieurs disciplines et/ou domaines : didactique des langues, ingénierie pédagogique, linguistique générale, linguistique textuelle, linguistique de corpus, TAL et ALAO. Il se veut, principalement, un dispositif pédagogique pour la formation des étudiants en FLE dans le contexte de l'éducation supérieure en Colombie, un outil pensé en fonction des besoins et des objectifs de cet apprentissage. L'originalité de notre système repose sur le type de public choisi, le modèle didactique de formation mis en œuvre et la spécificité du corpus utilisé. À notre connaissance, il s'agit d'un des premiers systèmes d'ALAO fondé sur la linguistique textuelle s'adressant à la formation des futurs enseignants de FLE dans un contexte exolingue. / This thesis presents a computer device aimed at helping future FFL teacher training in Colombian universities. It is grounded in text linguistics and aims to contribute to improving the linguistic level of university students currently in training. To do so, this device is based on a textual corpus specifically annotated and labeled thanks to natural language processing (NLP) tools and to manual annotations in XML format. This should allow the development of activities with a formative aim, while also taking into account the needs expressed by the target public (teachers/trainers and their students, the trainees).As explained throughout this thesis, the elaboration of such a system is based on knowledge and skills stemming from several disciplines and/or fields: language didactics, educational engineering, general linguistics, textual linguistics, corpus linguistics, NLP and CALL. The ambition is to provide trainees and trainers in higher education in Colombia with a tool designed according to their needs and their learning aims and objectives. Finally, the originality of this system consists in the choice of target users, the didactic training model implemented and the specificity of the corpus annotated for the activities. It is one of the first CALL systems based on textual linguistics specifically targeted at training future FFL teachers in a non-native language context.

Ecrire et faire écrire en classe de FLE en Iran / Write and make write in class of FFL in Iran

Shobeiry, Leila 05 October 2012 (has links)
Faire écrire en classe du FLE est un travail très important et complexe. L’arrivée des approches communicatives a donné un nouveau sens à la communication,qui ne se limite pas uniquement à l’oral. En d’autres termes, écrire dans une langue étrangère signifie aussi écrire en situation. L'acte d'écrire suppose l'application des connaissances liées au code linguistique et des connaissances liées à la situation d'écriture.Après un survol historique de l’approche communicative, on établit la place de l’écrit dans cette approche. La comparaison des concepts de l’approche communicative avec celles de l’approche actionnelle se fait autour de la question d’écrit. Ensuite, certaines notions clés telles que la lecture, le texte et la littéracie se sont présentées. L’enjeu pédagogique de la rencontre texte/lecteur occupe dans cette recherche une place particulière. Après un aperçu général de la typologie des textes, la recherche, se focalise sur l’étude du type argumentatif,sur deux plans : d’abord au plan épistémologique de la notion d’argumentation et ensuite au plan organisationnel du texte argumentatif. L’étude des connecteurs correspond au plan organisationnel du texte.Une enquête auprès des professeurs des universités iraniennes révèle leurs différents points de vue sur la didactique de l’écrit comme les finalités, les moyens, les types d’écrits universitaires en Iran. Cette collecte d’information est suivie de la transposition didactique du discours argumentatif, illustrée par la réalisation d’une expérimentation de didactique des textes argumentatifs en Iran. / To write in class of FFL (French as a Foreign Language) is a very important issue. The arrival of communicative approaches has given a new meaning to the communication that is not limited only to the oral. In other words, writing in a foreign language also means writing in a context. The act of writing involves the application of the knowledge related to the linguistic code and the skills related to the context of writing. After a historical overview of the communicative approach, the place of writing is searched in this approach. Comparing the concepts of the communicative approach with those of action-oriented approach is around the question of writing. Then some key concepts such as reading, literacy and the text are presented. The pedagogical challenge of meeting of text / reader has a special place. After an overview of the types of texts, we try to develop the idea that concerns learning here, namely the study of argumentative type in two ways: firstly the epistemological concept of argumentation and then the organization of the argumentative text. A survey of Iranian professors will lead us to the pursuit of their different views on the subjects about writing like goals, resources and the types of writing in Iran.This survey lead finally to the concept of didactic transposition and then to the teaching of argumentative texts in Iran.

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