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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att börja tala med barn om pappas våld mot mamma : Radikalt lärande i arbetet med vårdnad, boende och umgänge / Starting to Talk to Children About their Father's Violence Against their Mother : Radical Learning in Work with Custody, Residence and Contact Assessments

Dahlkild-Öhman, Gunilla January 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores the scope for children’s voices offered to children in court mandated investigations regarding custody, residence or contact. The focus is on children who have been exposed to their father’s violence against their mother The aim is to study how the legislators’ intentions concerning children’s participation in this area are implemented in work groups. The assumption is that implementation can be seen as collective learning. Implementation may in this case challenge established relations of power like age and gender orders. Professional discourses on violence have to shift from gender neutral to gendered discourses and discourses on children have to include a participation discourse. Learning which includes a shift in discourses and challenges established power relations is defined as radical learning.The approach is social constructionist and draws on group interviews with social workers specialized in family law.The thesis analyses which discourses of violence and of children are accessible and used at group level. This can be seen as a discursive opportunity structure. The discourses in question are: gender violence, child protection, treatment and family law discourses as well as care and participation discourses. The conclusion is that all these discourses are accessible to the professionals and the effects of the different discourses are discussed regarding the possibilities for creating a safe situation for mother and child during the investigation.The thesis furthermore analyses the organisation of the work groups. These characteristics can be seen as an organisational opportunity structure. The analysis shows different patterns in the groups when it comes to structure and stage of learning process. One group seems to be at the stage where the members are prepared to start talking to the child about the father’s violence.The final chapter presents a discussion of radical learning and the possibilities for radical social change when established power relations are challenged.

We Are More Than Just Housewives : Young Women’s Expectations and Outlook on TheirParticipation Within the Post-Conflict Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina / Vi är mer än bara hemmafruar : Unga kvinnors förväntningar och framtidsutsikter gällande deras deltagande i post-konflikt samhället Bosnien och Hercegovinas

Kärrholmen, Ebba, Lange, Olivia January 2021 (has links)
Peace processes have been slow to recognise women, which is later reflected in the political landscape of the post-conflict society. Researchers have emphasised that the post-conflict setting many times constitutes a greater challenge for women than men as they face more vulnerability and insecurity in forms of domestic violence and being excluded from the formal peace processes. This is the case for Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is still facing difficulties both socially, politically and economically due to the civil war at the beginning of the 1990s. For instance, the country is facing major economic difficulties, which have contributed to high unemployment rates which is especially affecting women and the youth. Thereby this study which is based on eight qualitative semi-structured interviews explores how young women with tertiary education in Bosnia and Herzegovina experience their participation in the post-conflict setting, and what out-looks they have on their future in relation to the predominant gender order. Through the thematic analysis and by using a theoretical framework related to “Conflict, Gender, Ethnicity and Post-Conflict Reconstruction” and “gender order” their experiences were analysed. The results of this study show that although the young women experienced that they could participate in society, all of them experienced obstacles related to politics and gender traditional expectations of women. Their outlooks were relatively positive as they recognised several opportunities to fulfil their dreams due to education. Moreover, the majority of them wanted to stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The post-conflict setting is affecting the entire population, however, young women are further affected by the gender order. Ultimately, the patriarchal gender order which is heightened in the post-conflict setting is impacting these young women’s participation and outlooks, which limits their prospects. However, through their participation and how they conduct themselves, they are opposing the place they have been given in the gender order. / Fredsprocesser har varit långsamma med att erkänna kvinnor, vilket senare har återspeglats i det politiska landskapet i samhället efter en konflikt. Forskare menar på att tiden efter en konflikt många gånger utgör en större utmaning för kvinnor än för män, eftersom de är mer sårbara och ofta möter olika former av våld i hemmet samt utesluts från de formella fredsprocesserna. Det här är fallet för Bosnien och Hercegovina, som fortfarande står inför svårigheter både socialt, politiskt och ekonomiskt på grund av inbördeskriget i början av 1990-talet. Landet står exempelvis inför stora ekonomiska svårigheter, vilket har bidragit till den höga arbetslösheten som särskilt drabbar kvinnor och ungdomar. Mot bakgrund av det här undersöker studien, som baseras på åtta kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer, hur unga kvinnor med högre utbildning i Bosnien och Hercegovina upplever sitt deltagande i det post-konfliktsamhälle som de lever i, hur deras framtidssyn ser ut och hur de förhåller sig till den nuvarande genusordningen. Genom tematisk analys och användningen av ett teoretiskt ramverk relaterat till “Konflikt, genus, etnicitet och post-konfliktrekonstruktion” och ”genusordning” analyserades deras erfarenheter. Resultatet av studien visar att de unga kvinnorna upplevde att de kunde delta i samhället men också att de kände vissa hinder, relaterade till politik och de traditionella könsrollerna som finns i samhället. Samtidigt var de ungas syn på framtiden relativt positiv, då de ansåg att det fanns många möjligheter för dem att uppfylla sina drömmar eftersom de hade studerat. Många av dem ville stanna i Bosnien och Hercegovina. Miljön som är i ett post-konfliktsamhälle påverkar hela befolkningen dock är unga kvinnor extra utsatta, då de också är påverkade av den regerande genusordningen. Den nuvarande patriarkala genusordningen som ofta kulminerar i ett post-konfliktsamhälle begränsar de unga kvinnornas deltagande, vilket påverkar deras tankar om framtiden. Dock, genom sitt deltagande och agerande i samhället sätter de sig emot den plats som de har tilldelats i genusordningen.

České střetávání s takzvanou ženskou obřízkou / The Czech encouter with the so-called female circumcision

Poláčková, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to find the seeds of Czech interest in the topic of female genital mutilation using a spectrum of approaches, as well as the experience of experts on this topic. The research consists of two main parts. The first part is devoted to the mapping of the institutional network; the second one to personal stories. Interviews with narrators have been analyzed using the method of triple coding. Themes that reveal the narrators' opinions about and attitudes towards female genital mutilation have been explored in the analysis in particular. In terms of theoretical approaches, the thesis explores whether it is possible to frame the debate on female genital mutilation in the Czech context using the various theses of global feminism and whether there is a general interest in this issue and its solutions. Key words: female genital mutilation, global and multicultural feminism, postcolonial feminism, institutional network, gender order, global North, global South

Den oändliga jakten på frihet : En analys av patriarkatets kvinnoförtryck i Jonas Gardells släktkrönika Till minne av en villkorslös kärlek. / The endless pursuit of freedom : An analysis of patriarchy’s oppression of women in Jonas Gardell’s family saga In memory of an unconditional love.

Kalogeropoulou, Konstantina January 2021 (has links)
Genom en närläsning av släktkrönikan Till minne av en villkorslöskärlek, analyserar denna uppsats hur det patriarkala samhället begränsar huvudkaraktären Ingegärd Rasmussen. Med utgångspunkt i Yvonne Hirdmans teori om genusskapande samt Lois Tysons feministiska teori och litteraturkritik, presenterar jag de rådande könsroller, könsnormer samt genusordningar som begränsar Ingegärd Rasmussen under hela hennes livstid. Hennes normbrytande och normföljande beteende, resulterar i att hon aldrig riktigt lyckas befria sig från patriarkatets begränsningar. / Through a close reading of the family chronicle In memory of an unconditional love, this essay analyzes how the patriarchal society limits the main character Ingegärd Rasmussen. Based on Yvonne Hirdman's theory of gender creation and Lois Tyson's feminist theory and literary criticism, I present the prevailing gender roles, gender norms and gender arrangements that limit Ingegärd Rasmussen throughout her life. Her norm-breaking and norm-following behavior results in her never really succeeding in freeing herself from the limitations of patriarchy.

Donna J. Haraway

Loick, Steffen 25 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Donna J. Haraway ist eine US-amerikanische Biologin, Wissenschaftsphilosophin und Literaturwissenschaftlerin, die an den Departments History of Consciousness und Feminist Studies der University of California lehrte. In dieser Position hatte sie die erste explizit der Feministischen Theorie gewidmete Professur in den USA inne. Haraways Arbeiten bewegen sich in einem thematischen Schnittfeld von feministischer Erkenntniskritik, Cultural Studies, politischer Theorie und Biowissenschaften.


Palm, Kerstin 27 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Gehirnforschung ist ein naturwissenschaftlicher Forschungsbereich, der sich aus den Disziplinen Anatomie, Embryologie, Physiologie, Pharmakologie und Psychologie entwickelt hat. Gendertheoretisch informierte historische Studien zur Gehirnforschung fokussieren ideologiekritische und diskursanalytische Betrachtungen androzentrischer bzw. sexistischer Körpervorstellungen von der Antike bis zum 21. Jh., welche u. a. die bürgerliche Geschlechterordnung argumentativ gestützt und naturalisiert hatten.

Agenda politique et régime de genre : comparaison socio historique des évolutions en Russie et en France. / Political agenda and gender’s regime : social and historical comparison, review of evolutions in Russia and in France.

Zhukova, Olga 28 May 2013 (has links)
La thèse présente l’étude de deux cas nationaux, la Russie et la France, dont les contextes et les genèses des situations présentes sont spécifiques. On suppose que malgré un héritage historique et des institutions politiques différents, les ordres de genre en Russie et en France passent par des étapes semblables. De telles ressemblances sont conditionnées par le fait que la politique publique maintient un ordre de genre inégal et ceci trouve son application dans les structures politiques elle-mêmes, qui représentent une forme pyramidale. Le modèle de l’ordre de genre, propose un cadre théorique heuristique non seulement pour analyser les relations de genre dans les sociétés contemporaines et dans les institutions, mais aussi dans le cadre historique. La thèse a pour objectif d'explorer les différentes facettes de la construction des rapports de genre comme rapports politiques en fournissant à la fois des outils théoriques, une perspective historique, et des études de cas contemporains. La démarche comparative permet de porter un regard décentré sur la réalité propre nationale des rapports de genre, et de questionner des éléments qui peuvent paraître évidents d’un point de vue strictement interne. / This thesis discusses the gender order of two national cases studies – Russia and France. The current situations with regards to gender order are specific to each country and have evolved from differing contexts. However, this thesis proposes that the development of gender order has passed through similar stages, both in Russia and France, despite different historical backgrounds and political systems. In addition, it is proposed that resemblances in the development of gender order are primarily affected by public policy in both countries which supports an order of gender equality. This politically-influenced gender inequality is reflected by the political structure which forms a pyramid structure. The gender order model provides a heuristic theoretical framework in which to analyse gender-relations in the contemporary societies and institutions of each country; along with the opportunity to examine gender-relations from an historical perspective. The aim of this research is to investigate the different facets of the development of gender-relations within a political context in Russia and France. The research methodology incorporates a consideration of the theoretical background to gender-relations, the impact of each country’s development on gender order from an historical viewpoint, and reviews of contemporary case studies. Importantly, a comparative study of this kind allows the idea of national identity to be appraised from an objective viewpoint.

Projevy antifeminismu v současném učení římskokatolické církve / Manifests of antifeminism in contemporary teaching of the Roman Catholic Church

Langhammerová, Gabriela January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis Antifeminism in Contemporary Teaching of the Roman Catholic Church examines the mechanisms which shape the identity of women in Roman Catholic teachings. This is the starting point for the subsequent constitution of gender order, i.e. the way the relationship between man and woman is constructed, and in which woman is subordinated to man. To support the subordinate position of women, Roman Catholic theology implemented theory of complementarity into its teachings. This inequality provides an important underpinning of gender-based violence. Feminist movement and feminist theology, such as that of Mary Daly brought new analytical tools in the 1960s and 1970s to understand the functioning of the social mechanisms that lead to women's subordination. These tools are, in particular, feminist critique and perspective, critique of power relations and of androcentrism, and a specifically feminist understanding of woman's identity. The Istanbul Convention, with its perspective that rejects inequality, promotes criticism of power relations and describes violence against women as gender-based violence, is conceptually in accordance with the methods and goals of the feminist movement as well as with democratic principles. In particular, it agrees with them on the issue of gender-based...

Donna J. Haraway

Loick, Steffen 25 April 2017 (has links)
Donna J. Haraway ist eine US-amerikanische Biologin, Wissenschaftsphilosophin und Literaturwissenschaftlerin, die an den Departments History of Consciousness und Feminist Studies der University of California lehrte. In dieser Position hatte sie die erste explizit der Feministischen Theorie gewidmete Professur in den USA inne. Haraways Arbeiten bewegen sich in einem thematischen Schnittfeld von feministischer Erkenntniskritik, Cultural Studies, politischer Theorie und Biowissenschaften.


Palm, Kerstin 27 April 2017 (has links)
Gehirnforschung ist ein naturwissenschaftlicher Forschungsbereich, der sich aus den Disziplinen Anatomie, Embryologie, Physiologie, Pharmakologie und Psychologie entwickelt hat. Gendertheoretisch informierte historische Studien zur Gehirnforschung fokussieren ideologiekritische und diskursanalytische Betrachtungen androzentrischer bzw. sexistischer Körpervorstellungen von der Antike bis zum 21. Jh., welche u. a. die bürgerliche Geschlechterordnung argumentativ gestützt und naturalisiert hatten.

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