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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Self-regulation and its relation to motivation and proficiency

Onoda, Sakae January 2011 (has links)
This study was an investigation of the relationships among willingness to communicate, two motivational variables (intrinsic goal orientation and self-efficacy), three self-regulated learning strategies (metacognitive during-task self-regulation strategies, effort regulation strategies and peer learning strategies), and measures of English speaking and listening proficiency. The study primarily drew on the concept of self-regulation derived from educational psychology. A sample of 279 English majors studying at a private university in eastern Japan participated in this study. Data from a Japanese version of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) and scores of an in-house proficiency test designed to measure speaking and listening skills were collected. Factor analysis and Rasch analysis were conducted to develop a reliable shortened Japanese version of the MSLQ. Multiple one-way ANOVAs indicated that students with higher speaking and listening abilities as measured by an in-house proficiency test, tended to use more metacognitive during-task self-regulation strategies and effort regulation strategies compared with those with intermediate and lower speaking and listening proficiency. There were no statistically significant differences in peer learning strategies for speaking and peer learning strategies for listening. Finally, structural equation modeling was used to test hypothesized speaking and listening models of the relationships among willingness to communicate, intrinsic goal orientation, self-efficacy, metacognitive during-task self-regulation strategies, effort regulation strategies, peer learning strategies, and English speaking and listening proficiency. Modified models indicated that intrinsic goal orientation and self-efficacy influenced effort regulation strategies, which in turn predicted peer Learning strategies and metacognitive during-task self-regulation strategies. It was also found that peer learning strategies influenced metacognitive during-task self-regulation strategies. Finally, metacognitive during-task self-regulation strategies as well as willingness to communicate predicted speaking skills, but listening skills were only predicted by metacognitive during-task self-regulation strategies. Thus, the results illuminated the complex interrelationships among willingness to communicate, self-efficacy, intrinsic goal orientation, effort regulation strategies, and metacognitive during-task self-regulation strategies in predicting speaking and listening skills. Follow-up interviews with a focus group of students revealed that classroom teaching was mainly focused on speaking tasks that required proactive learning behaviors and effort and that listening tasks occupied only part of the class and that usually comprehension of main points served their purposes. The information helps explain why the speaking model had stronger interrelationships among willingness to communicate, motivational variables, self-regulation strategies, and the proficiency variable. / Educational Psychology

Motivation för språkinlärning hos elever som läser moderna språk steg 1 på gymnasiet / Motivation for second language learning amongst students taking a beginner language course in high school

Prudon, Erika January 2024 (has links)
I de gymnasieprogram där moderna språk ingår som ett obligatoriskt ämne kan elever antingen fortsätta med språket som de läste på grundskolan eller börja om med ett nytt språk på steg ett. Denna uppsats fokuserar på dessa elevers målsättningar, attityder och målorienteringar för språkinlärning utifrån perspektiven av självbestämmande teori och målorienteringsteori. Ett urval av gymnasieelever som läser moderna språk steg 1 på en gymnasieskola i Malmö fick besvara ett frågeformulär om deras motivation för språkkursen som de går. Resultaten visar att autonoma målsättningar samt en känsla av kompetens och samhörighet är nödvändiga för hög motivation. Urvalsgruppens målorientering visar däremot att även högmotiverade elever tenderar att uppvisa kontrollerade motivationsmönster vilket tyder på att moderna språk förblir, i många elevers ögon, ett skolämne snarare än en möjlighet att utvidga sina språkliga och kulturella horisonter. Det görs flera språkdidaktiska rekommendationer för att arbeta motivationsfrämjande med elever som läser moderna språk på steg 1 på gymnasiet. Det rekommenderas bland annat att skapa betydelsefulla kommunikationssituationer eller att arbeta strategiutvecklande för att öka elevernas självupplevda effektivitet och känsla av kompetens. / In high-school programs where a second language is included as a compulsory subject, students can either continue with the language they studied in middle school or start anew with a new language at level one. This paper focuses on these students' goals, attitudes, and goal orientations in relation to language acquisition from the perspectives of self-determination theory and goal orientation theory. A selection of high-school students studying a second language at a beginner level in a high school in Malmö answered a questionnaire about their motivation for the language course they were taking. The results show that autonomous goals, as well as a sense of competence and relatedness, are essential for high motivation. However, the goal orientation of the selected group indicates that even highly motivated students tend to exhibit controlled motivation patterns, suggesting that the second language remains, in the eyes of many students, a school subject rather than an opportunity to broaden their linguistic and cultural horizons. Several didactical recommendations are made to enhance students’ motivation when studying a second language at a beginner level in high school. This includes, among other things, creating meaningful communication situations or working to help students develop learning strategies that will enhance their self-efficacy and feeling of competence.

Sport Structure and Goal Oriented Motivation

Nilsson, Björn, Linder, John January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study was to assess differences in goal orientation between athletes practicing two different sports. These sports differ structurally in how they are performed and in regard to factors influencing goal orientation. The achievement goal theory (AGT) states that individuals’ motivational orientation is made up of two aspects, task oriented motivation and ego oriented motivation. These two goal orientations are independent of one another and are affected by several factors. The effect on goal orientation by factors influenced by coaches, parents and peers is well documented. The two hypotheses were that climbers would be more task-oriented than squash players and secondly that squash players would be more ego-oriented than climbers. The study was conducted as a quasi-experimental between group comparison. 81 sport practitioners, 43 rock climbers and 38 squash players, took the Task and Ego in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ) in connection with performing their sport. Independent t-tests of both sub scales showed a difference in ego-motivation between groups, but not in task-motivation. / Syftet med den här studien var fastställa skillnader i målorientering mellan idrottare som utför olika sporter. Dessa sporter skiljer sig strukturellt i utförande och i avseende av faktorer som påverkar målorientering. Målorienteringsteorin (AGT) säger att individers målorientering består av två aspekter, uppgiftsorienterad motivation och egoorienterad motivation. Dessa två orienteringar är oberoende av varandra och påverkas av flera olika faktorer. Effekten på målorientering av faktorer som påverkas av tränare, föräldrar och kamrater är väldokumenterad. Den första hypotesen var att klättrare är mer uppgifts-orienterade än vad squashspelare är och den andra att squashspelare är mer egoorienterade än vad klättrare är. Studien utfördes som en kvasiexperimentell mellangruppsjämförelse. 81 idrottare, 43 klättrare och 38 squashspelare fyllde i formuläret Task and Ego in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ) i samband med sin träning. Oberoende t-test visade en skillnad i ego-motivation, men inte i uppgifts-motivation mellan grupperna.

Impact différentiel des types de modelage et des styles d’orientation des buts sur des indices cognitifs, affectifs et comportementaux liés à l’expérience d’apprentissage

Lauzier, Martin 01 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche expérimentale vise à étudier l’impact, à la fois, indépendant et interactif de deux types de modelage et de trois styles d’orientation des buts sur une série de résultantes (cognitives, affectives et comportementales) liées à l’expérience d’apprentissage. 275 participants à un programme de formation corporatif ont pris part à cette étude. Répartis aléatoirement dans deux conditions distinctes, les participants furent exposés soit à un modelage positif, soit à un modelage mixte. Les styles d’orientation des buts (maîtrise des apprentissages, performance, évitement) propres à chacun des participants ont été mesurés préalablement à l’expérimentation par l’entremise du Goal Orientation Scale développé VandeWalle (1997). Sur le plan cognitif, les résultats révèlent que les apprenants ayant une orientation d’évitement perçoivent comme étant plus utile le contenu de la formation, lorsqu’ils sont exposés à un modelage positif. Sur le plan affectif, les résultats révèlent que les apprenants ayant une orientation axée sur la performance ressentent un sentiment d’efficacité personnelle plus élevé suite à la formation lorsqu’ils sont exposés à un modelage positif. Sur le plan comportemental, les résultats indiquent que les apprenants ayant une orientation axée sur la maîtrise des apprentissages reproduisent plus fidèlement les comportements cibles sujets à la formation lorsqu’ils sont exposés à un modelage mixte. Les implications pratiques et théoriques pour les futures recherches utilisant le façonnement comportemental en contexte formatif sont discutées en guise de conclusion. / This experimental study investigates simultaneously the independent and interactive effect of two types of modeling and three goal orientations on a series of training outcomes (cognitive, affective, and behavioural). 275 trainees enrolled in a corporate training program have participated to this study. Trainees were randomly distributed in two different conditions showing either a positive or a mixed model display. Participant’s goal orientation (learning, proving, avoiding) were measured prior to experimentation using the Goal Orientation Scale developed by VandeWalle (1997). Regarding cognitive outcomes, results show that trainees who were avoidance oriented, perceived more positively the utility of the training content when exposed to a positive model display. Concerning affective outcomes, results show that trainees who were performance oriented, perceived a higher level of self-efficacy following training when exposed to a positive model display. In the case of behavior reproduction, results show that trainees, who were learning mastery oriented, were more likely to reproduce behaviours subjects to training better when exposed to a mixed model display. Theoretical and practical implications for future behavior modeling training research are discussed.

L’incidence de la relation maître-élève sur la motivation d’élèves du primaire provenant de milieux défavorisés

Lemire, Isabelle 09 1900 (has links)
Cette étude avait pour but de vérifier l’incidence de la relation maître-élève sur la motivation des élèves particulièrement en milieux défavorisés. Notre hypothèse stipulait que meilleure est la relation maître-élève, plus grande est la motivation de l’élève. Nos objectifs étaient d’analyser la valeur prédictive de la relation maître-élève sur les déterminants de la motivation scolaire afin d’identifier quels aspects de la relation maître-élève, dans une perspective d’attachement (chaleur, soutien ou conflit), prédisent le mieux chacune des variables motivationnelles retenues. Aussi, nous voulions identifier quelles variables motivationnelles sont les plus affectées par la qualité de la relation maître-élève. La motivation scolaire a été évaluée à deux niveaux soit général et spécifique au français et aux mathématiques. Certains des déterminants retenus sont en lien avec les modèles Attentes-Valeur (le sentiment de compétence, l’intérêt et la perception de l’utilité de l’école en général ainsi qu’en français et en mathématiques). Les autres déterminants retenus sont en lien avec la théorie des buts d’accomplissement (le but de maîtrise, le but de performance et le but d’évitement du travail). Nous avons aussi vérifié l’effet modérateur du sexe dans les relations entre les variables d’attachement et la motivation. Nos résultats montrent que la relation maître-élève prédit avec assurance l’intérêt général envers l’école, l’intérêt spécifique au français et aux mathématiques ainsi que la présence de buts d’évitement du travail. Nous avons aussi été en mesure de déterminer qu’une relation soutenante serait l’aspect de la relation maître-élève qui prédirait la présence du plus grand nombre de déterminants de la motivation scolaire. Il a aussi été surprenant de constater l’effet de la relation chaleureuse sur les trois dimensions en lien avec l’intérêt (général, en français et en mathématiques). De son côté, l’intérêt général fut aussi remarqué comme étant le déterminant motivationnel étant le mieux prédit par la relation maître-élève. Nous avons aussi fait ressortir que la perception de conflit serait l’aspect de la relation maître-élève qui présenterait la plus grande valeur prédictive de certains déterminants de la motivation. Par contre, nos résultats ne permettent pas de supporter que le sexe de l’élève a un effet modérateur dans les relations. / The objective of this research was to assess the impact of the teacher-student relationship on students’ motivation, particularly within low income families. The study conducted was based on the hypothesis that better teacher-student relationship lead to a higher level of motivation for the student. In order to verify this hypothesis, our objectives were to analyse the predictive value of the teacher-student relationship on school motivational determinants in order to identify which aspects of teacher-student relationship, in an attachment perspective (caring, supportive or conflictive), could better predict each of the motivational variables. Also, we wanted to identify which of these motivational variables are most affected by the quality of the teacher-student relationship. Some of the determinants come from Expectancy-Value models (perceived competence, interest, perceived utility of school in general, and for French and Mathematics). Other determinants come from goal orientation theory (mastery goal, performance goal and work avoidance goal). We also verified the moderator effect of gender in the attachment variables and the motivation. Our results show that the student-teacher relationship can predict interest in schooling in general, specific interest in French and Mathematics, and the presence of avoidance goal. We also showed that a supporting relationship could be the aspect of teacher-student relationship which mostly predicts the motivational variables. It was also surprising to see the impact of a caring relationship on the three dimensions of interest (general and subject related). Interest in general was also the motivational variable best predicted by the teacher-student relationship. We also showed that the perception of conflict is the aspect of the teacher-student relationship which could best predict some of the motivational determinants. However, our results could not support the moderator effect of gender on the relationship.

The relationship between self-efficacy and self-regulated behaviour within a secondary school music technology based creative learning environment.

Merrick, Bradley Maxwell, School of Music & Music Education, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
This study employed the theoretical framework of Albert Bandura???s social cognitive theory, to investigate how differing levels of self-efficacy impact on both the type and degree of self-regulatory behaviour employed by the students when composing music in a high school music program. The literature review revealed an abundance of related research suggesting a strong relationship between self-efficacy and self-regulated behaviour in the ???core??? academic domains of education. In contrast, there was no specific research found that had examined self-efficacy and self-regulation in the context of students composing music. An independent school in Sydney served as the research site, with sixty-eight students of varied year levels and musical experience participating in the study. Students used stand alone computers, the software ???Cubase??? and MIDI keyboards as they completed a task that involved creating an original piece of music in a genre of their own choice, over a series of four composition sessions. A mixed methodology was employed to determine if the influence of the students??? self-efficacy beliefs upon their self-regulation in a creative activity were consistent with existing research. Data were collected using a mixture of weekly measures and self-report scales, combined with a variety of questionnaires, logs, tally sheets and interviews. Eight variables, including the self-regulatory sub-processes of goal setting-strategic planning, intrinsic motivation, goal orientation, task expectation, time on task, task completion, monitoring were analysed together with an additional variable, defined as creative ability, to determine if evidence could be found of a relationship between self-efficacy and these specific behaviours while composing. The results suggest that the pre-task (Week 1) measure of self-efficacy was closely associated with the students??? use of the eight self-regulatory dimensions as well as their perceived level of creative ability. Weekly self-efficacy measures also suggested that students??? employ self-regulated sub-processes proportionally to their respective levels of self-efficacy. Importantly, the more efficacious students employed a wider and more sophisticated repertoire of self-regulated behaviour when composing in contrast to the less efficacious students. Self-efficacy was also identified as a key factor amongst students who were initially identified as being naive self-regulators, but who through the duration of the task, modified their behaviour to become more skilful self-regulators. Throughout the study, the consistent level of interaction between self-efficacy and the use of self-regulated behaviours were aligned with findings in the core ???academic??? disciplines of education.

大學生的社會焦慮與其相關因素之研究 / Social anxiety and its correlates among college students in Taiwan

何春慧, Ho, Chuen-Huei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解台灣地區大學生社會焦慮的現況,並探討影響社會焦慮的相關因素;其次,探討社會焦慮對溝通行為造成之影響;最後,再探討影響溝通行為之相關因素。 本研究取樣對象為台灣地區公私立大學院校學生,有效樣本共計572人(男生274人,女生298人)。所採用的研究工具包括「互動焦慮量表」、「外表知覺量表」、「依附風格量表」、「目標導向量表」、「間接談話風格量表」和「溝通滿意度量表」六種。研究中所使用的統計方法包括皮爾森積差相關、單因子多變量變異數分析和典型相關。 本研究的主要結果如下: 一.社會焦慮的現況方面: 大學生的社會焦慮接近中等程度,大學生表示在一般社會互動情境中最容易感到害羞、不自在;其次,與權威人物互動時會感到相當程度的焦慮;而在陌生情境則會感到有點焦慮。 二.性別、依附風格、外表知覺及目標導向與社會焦慮之關係: (一)男生的陌生情境焦慮顯著高於女生;女生則比男生更容易在社會情境中感到緊張、不自在。 (二)逃避型與焦慮矛盾型的大學生顯著比安全型的大學生更容易感到社會焦慮。 (三)大學生外表知覺中的「性感魅力」、「外表自評」與社會焦慮之負相關最高。 (四)大學生目標導向中的「成長取向」、「証明取向」與社會焦慮中的「緊張彆扭」之負相關最高。  三.社會焦慮與間接談話風格、溝通滿意度之關係: (一)大學生的社會焦慮與間接談話風格之關係:「緊張彆扭」與「間接詮釋」之負相關最高;而「權威人物焦慮」、「陌生情境焦慮」與「間接表達」之間呈正相關。 (二)大學生的社會焦慮與溝通滿意度有顯著的負相關,其中「陌生情境焦慮」、「緊張彆扭」與「對談話整體性的滿意反應」之負相關最高。 四.性別、依附風格、外表知覺及目標導向與間接談話風格、溝通滿意度之關係: (一)性別在溝通行為上之差異:男生顯著地比女生更常使用間接談話風格;而女生的溝通滿意度顯著高於男生。 (二)依附風格在溝通行為上之差異:逃避型與焦慮矛盾型顯著地比安全型的大學生更常用間接的方式來表達;其溝通滿意度也顯著低於安全型的大學生。 (三)外表知覺與溝通行為之關係:「外表對人際之影響」、「外表對事業之影響」與間接談話風格呈顯著的正相關;「外表自評」、「性感魅力」、「重視外表」與「對談話整體性的滿意反應」之正相關最高。 (四)目標導向與溝通行為之關係:「証明取向」、「成長取向」與「間接詮釋」之正相關最高;「成長取向」、「証明取向」與「對談話整體性的滿意反應」、「自由互動」之正相關最高。  五.大學生的依附風格、外表知覺及目標導向與社會焦慮、間接談話風格、溝通滿意度之間共可抽出四組顯著的典型相關。 本研究根據上述結果加以討論,並提出若干建議以供未來研究及教育與輔導工作之參考。 / The first purpose of this study was to assess the degree of social anxiety of college students in Taiwan. The second purpose was to investigate how gender, attachment style, physical attractiveness and goal orientation approach related to social anxiety. The third purpose was to study how social anxiety influences style of language use and communication satisfaction. The Chinese versions of the Interaction and Social Anxiousness Scale (Leary, 1983), Attachment Scale (Mikulincer, 1990), Goal Orientation Inventory (Dykman, 1998), Physical Attractiveness Inventory (Wu & Liu, 1994), Conversational Indirectness Scale (Holtgraves, 1997), and Interpersonal Communication Satisfaction Inventory (Hecht, 1978) were administered to 572 college students from 13 universities in Taiwan. The results supported most hypotheses. College students’ social anxiety was of moderate degree, but significantly higher than the American samples reported in Leary’s study (1983). There was no difference between males and females on overall social anxiety; however, males were more anxious in meeting strangers and females felt more uncomfortable in social situation. In comparison with secure students, both avoidant and anxious-ambivalent students were significantly more socially anxious. The more students perceived themselves to be physically unattractive, the more socially anxious they felt. Both growth-seeking and validation-seeking goal orientation approaches were negatively correlated with social anxiety. The study also found that social anxiety was positively and significantly correlated with indirectness of conversation, but negatively and significantly correlated with interpersonal communication satisfaction.

年齡、性別、成就目標、目標導向與創意生活經驗、創造力之關係 / The relationships among creative life experiences, creativity, age, gender, achievement goals and goal orientation.

劉士豪, Liu, Shih-Hao Unknown Date (has links)
過去有關創造力的研究主要是依據 Guilford (1956) 與 Torrance (1966) 的理論,從心理測量的觀點來界定創造力的歷程。80 年代以後,在研究方法與研究領域方面產生了一些變化:第一個變化是 Amabile (1983) 等人開始以評量創意的方式進行實驗研究;另一個變化則是研究者開始對日常生活的創造經驗產生興趣,並進行相關的研究 (Richards, 1988)。本研究中所探討的「創造力」,除了包含 Guilford、Torrance 等人所界定的「創造思考能力」以外,也包括以 Maslow (1958) 為主的學者所提出的「自我實現的創造力」,也就是「創意生活經驗」。 本研究的第一個目的是探討從小學六年級到大學階段的學生,在創造力方面的發展與性別差異。研究假設為:無論是創造思考能力或是創意生活經驗,都會隨年齡的增長而改變或增加,但在不同性別之間可能沒有差異。本研究的第二個目的是探討動機取向與創造力之間的關係,研究中所討論的動機變項有「成就目標」與「目標導向」二類。研究假設為:(1)「學習精熟」、「趨向表現」的成就目標,與創造行為之間會有正相關,「迴避表現」的成就目標則與創造行為有負相關。(2)「尋求成長」與「尋求證明」二種目標導向與創造行為之間皆有正相關。 本研究的樣本包括:小學六年級、國中一年級、國中二年級、高中一年級、高中二年級學生以及大學生,共 672 人(男女各佔一半)。研究中所使用的測量工具包括:「創意生活經驗驗量表」、「新編創造思考測驗」、「成就目標量表」、「目標導向量表」四種。研究的結果如下: 一、創意生活經驗方面 (1)各年齡層學生的創意生活經驗大致上有隨年齡成長而增加的趨勢,尤其是在「運用新知精益求精」、「視覺生活的設計」、「開放心胸」、「製造驚喜意外」「舊瓶新裝」等經驗上特別明顯。 (2)女生在「表演藝術創新」、「視覺生活的設計」、「開放心胸」等方面的經驗較多,而男生「科學的創新的問題解決」經驗較多。 (3)兩種目標導向(尋求成長、尋求證明)與九種創意生活經驗之間分別都達到顯著的正相關,其中相關較低的是「電腦程式設計」。「尋求成長取向」與創意生活經驗之間的相關大致上高於「尋求證明取向」與創意生活經驗之間的相關。 (4)學生的「學習精熟」、「趨向表現」兩種成就目標取向與創意生活經驗之間亦分別達到顯著的正相關,「學習精熟取向」與創意生活經驗之間的相關大致上高於「趨向表現取向」與創意生活經驗之間的相關。「迴避表現取向」與創意生活經驗之間沒有顯著的相關。 (5)典型相關的結果顯示:「尋求成長取向」、「尋求證明取向」、「學習精熟取向」與「趨向表現取向」分數愈高的學生,具有較多的「科學的創新的問題解決」、「運用新知精益求精」、「表演藝術創新」、「視覺生活的設計」、「生活風格的變化」、「開放心胸」、「製造驚喜意外」、「舊瓶新裝」等創意生活經驗。 二、創造思考能力方面 (1)各年齡層學生的創造思考能力大致上也有隨年齡成長而增加的趨勢。 (2)女生在「語文創造思考變通力」、「圖形創造思考變通力」、「圖形創造思考的流暢力」等方面顯著高於男生。男女生在圖形創造思考的流暢力方面則沒有顯著的差異。 (3)兩種目標導量(尋求成長、尋求證明)與語文創造思考變通力、語文創造思考流暢力、圖形創造思考變通力、圖形創造思考流暢力等四種創造思考能力之間皆達到顯著的正相關,而與圖形創造思考精進力之間則沒有顯著的相關。「尋求成長取向」與創造思考能力之間的相關大致上高於「尋求證明取向」與創造思考能力之間的相關。 (4)學生的「學習精熟」、「趨向表現」兩種成就目標與創造思考能力之間亦分別達到顯著的正相關,「學習精熟取向」與創造思考能力之間的相關大致上高於「趨向表現取向」與創造思考能力之間的相關。「迴避表現取向」與創造思考能力之間沒有顯著的相關。 (5)典型相關的結果顯示:「尋求成長取向」、「尋求證明取向」與「學習精熟取向」分數愈高的學生,具有較高的語文創造思考變通力、語文創造思考流暢力、圖形創造思考變通力與圖形創造思考流暢力。 本研究對於六個年齡層學生所收集的創造思考能力與創意生活經驗之資料與研究結果,可供往後研究者在教學與研究方面的參考。 / This research explore the relationships among creative life experiences, creativity, age, gender, achievement goals and goal orientation.

Increasing motivation by adapting intelligent tutoring instruction to learner achievement goals

Lockhart, Tony F. 05 April 2011 (has links)
The impact of affect on learning and performance has caused many researchers in the field of cognitive psychology to acknowledge the value of motivationally supportive instruction. Goal orientation, which refers to the perceptions and behaviors of the learner in achievement situations, has been the most predominant theory in learning motivation. However, research suggests multiple components are responsible for affecting student cognitive engagement. The traditional framework distinguishes individuals who are self-motivated to master challenging tasks from those who are motivated to earn favorable judgments of performance as intrinsic and extrinsic learners, respectively. In addition, learners may be further categorized by an eagerness to ensure a positive outcome or by their vigilance in avoiding negative outcomes. As such, my research explores how these motivational categories can be utilized to construct a more robust instructional model. The objective of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of adaptive remediation strategies on motivation and learning performance. Research suggests the cost of integrating cognitive tasks with error analysis outweigh the benefits of sparse learning gains. However, further investigation is required to understand how feedback can improve these outcomes. The experiment presented here seeks to evaluate the adaptive instruction of two pedagogical agents embedded within two separate versions of the Virtual BNI Trainer. The basic coach uses a model of the learner's experience level to determine an appropriate level of elaboration required during remediation. In contrast, the motivationally enhanced coach uses a model of the learner's goal orientation to construct feedback that appeals to their natural disposition. A controlled experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of adaptive instruction on student self-efficacy, engagement, and learning performance in the Virtual BNI Training Environment. The results of this experiment are used to establish guidelines for integrating goal orientation, error analysis, and feedback within a virtual coach, to improve motivation and learning performance. In addition, these findings also indicate areas for future research.

Impact différentiel des types de modelage et des styles d’orientation des buts sur des indices cognitifs, affectifs et comportementaux liés à l’expérience d’apprentissage

Lauzier, Martin 01 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche expérimentale vise à étudier l’impact, à la fois, indépendant et interactif de deux types de modelage et de trois styles d’orientation des buts sur une série de résultantes (cognitives, affectives et comportementales) liées à l’expérience d’apprentissage. 275 participants à un programme de formation corporatif ont pris part à cette étude. Répartis aléatoirement dans deux conditions distinctes, les participants furent exposés soit à un modelage positif, soit à un modelage mixte. Les styles d’orientation des buts (maîtrise des apprentissages, performance, évitement) propres à chacun des participants ont été mesurés préalablement à l’expérimentation par l’entremise du Goal Orientation Scale développé VandeWalle (1997). Sur le plan cognitif, les résultats révèlent que les apprenants ayant une orientation d’évitement perçoivent comme étant plus utile le contenu de la formation, lorsqu’ils sont exposés à un modelage positif. Sur le plan affectif, les résultats révèlent que les apprenants ayant une orientation axée sur la performance ressentent un sentiment d’efficacité personnelle plus élevé suite à la formation lorsqu’ils sont exposés à un modelage positif. Sur le plan comportemental, les résultats indiquent que les apprenants ayant une orientation axée sur la maîtrise des apprentissages reproduisent plus fidèlement les comportements cibles sujets à la formation lorsqu’ils sont exposés à un modelage mixte. Les implications pratiques et théoriques pour les futures recherches utilisant le façonnement comportemental en contexte formatif sont discutées en guise de conclusion. / This experimental study investigates simultaneously the independent and interactive effect of two types of modeling and three goal orientations on a series of training outcomes (cognitive, affective, and behavioural). 275 trainees enrolled in a corporate training program have participated to this study. Trainees were randomly distributed in two different conditions showing either a positive or a mixed model display. Participant’s goal orientation (learning, proving, avoiding) were measured prior to experimentation using the Goal Orientation Scale developed by VandeWalle (1997). Regarding cognitive outcomes, results show that trainees who were avoidance oriented, perceived more positively the utility of the training content when exposed to a positive model display. Concerning affective outcomes, results show that trainees who were performance oriented, perceived a higher level of self-efficacy following training when exposed to a positive model display. In the case of behavior reproduction, results show that trainees, who were learning mastery oriented, were more likely to reproduce behaviours subjects to training better when exposed to a mixed model display. Theoretical and practical implications for future behavior modeling training research are discussed.

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