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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fast fashion tvättar kläder gröna : en kvalitativ studie kring förekomsten av Greenwashing i hållbarhetsrapportering hos svenska fast fashion-företag / Fast fashion washes clothes green : a qualitative study upon the existence of Greenwashing in sustainability reporting in Swedish fast fashion companies

Olenmark, Camilla, Westford, Louise, Lantz, Alva January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Fenomenet fast fashion erbjuder inte minst mode med låg prisbild för den stora massan samt nyheter varje vecka, utan bidrar även till massproduktion och masskonsumtion. Miljömässig skada sker under alla steg av en mode- och textil försörjningskedja, där expansionen av både produktion och konsumtion bidrar till ökad miljöpåverkan. I linje med den miljömässiga problematiken går det även att ifrågasätta det sociala ansvaret i form av billig produktion i utvecklingsländer. Hållbarhetsarbetet hos företag grundas alltsomoftast i en CSR-strategi med utgångspunkt i Triple Bottom Line där sociala-, ekonomiska- och miljömässiga aspekter agerar som grundpelare. Dubbla budskap uppstår när ett fast fashion-företag påstår sig vara ett hållbart företag eller arbeta med hållbarhetsfrågor när de samtidigt bidrar och uppmanar konsumenter till att konsumera mer. I och med den rådande “klimat-eran” har CSR i många fall omvandlats till ett marknadsföringsverktyg som syftar till att förbättra företagets varumärkesbild istället för att användas till dess faktiska syfte. Grön marknadsföring används för att differentiera sig på marknaden, och då “grönt” säljer, skapas utrymme för företagen att så kallat “tvätta sina produkter gröna”, även kallat greenwashing. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att jämföra hållbarhetsrapportering och hållbarhetsarbete hos fyra svenska fast fashion-företag, samt undersöka i vilken utsträckning eventuell greenwashing kan förekomma i samband med CSR-arbetet. Avsikten är att öka förståelsen för fast fashion som princip i relation till hållbarhetsarbetet samt bidra med ett nytänkande perspektiv och uppmana till ett mer kritiskt förhållningssätt gällande hållbarhetsarbete och klädkonsumtion. Metod: Studien bygger på en kvalitativ innehållsanalys där hållbarhetsrapporter har studerats hos fyra svenska fast fashion-företag rörande åren 2012, 2015 och 2018. Datainsamlingen har utgått ifrån teman och frågeställningar som har sin förankring i den teoretiska referensramen. Resultat och slutsats: Samtliga av de studerade företagen hållbarhetsrapporterar på olika vis och i olika utsträckning men innehållet är likartat. Samtidigt appliceras de tre grundpelarna i olika grad och tar olika stor plats i respektive företag. Utifrån studiens resultat kan det konstateras att greenwashing förekommer i hållbarhetsrapporteringen, däremot går det inte att säkerställa huruvida företagen i sin helhet kan klassas som greenwashing-företag. Vidare krävs det att fast fashion-företag har ett mer kritiskt förhållningssätt till hur affärsmodellen som sådan uppmanar till massproduktion, och vidare masskonsumtion, oavsett om klädesplagget är märkt med en grön etikett. / Background: The phenomena of fast fashion provides, not least, cheap fashion for everyone with news every week, but contributes to mass production as well as mass consumption. Every step of the fashion- and textile supply chain causes damage to the environment, where the expansion of both production and consumption contributes to increased impact on the environment. In accordance with environmental problems one can question the social responsibility in terms of cheap production in developing countries. The work of sustainability is oftentimes based on a CSR strategy with focus on the Triple Bottom Line, where social-, economical- and environmental aspects act as keystones. It occurs a double message when a fast fashion company claims to be a sustainable company or work with sustainability questions, when they at the same time contributes and urges consumers to consume even more. Due to the current “climate era”, CSR has in many cases turned into a marketing tool aimed to enhance the brand image of the company, instead of being used for its actual purpose. Green marketing is being used in order for the company to differentiate itself on the market, since “green” sells it creates an opportunity for companies to “wash their products green”, also known as greenwashing. Aim: The aim of the study is to compare the reporting and work of sustainability among four Swedish fast fashion companies, and investigate to what extent greenwashing may occur in connection with CSR. The intention is to increase the understanding for the principle of fast fashion in relation to sustainability as well as contribute with a critical rethinking perspective regarding the work of sustainability and consumption of fashion. Methodology: The study is based on a qualitative content analysis where sustainability reports from four Swedish fast fashion companies have been studied, regarding the years of 2012, 2015 and 2018. The data collection derives from themes and questions which are anchored from the theoretical framework. The following essay is written in Swedish. Findings and conclusion: All of the studied companies report their sustainability in different ways and extent but with similar content. The three keystones are at the same time applied in varied degrees and takes place in a varied extent among the companies. The result shows that greenwashing occurs in the reports, however it can’t be stated whether the companies can be classified as greenwashing-firms or not. Furthermore, fast fashion companies need to have a more critical approach towards the business model as such, which urges to mass production and mass consumption regardless if the garment is marked with a green label.

Tar nya bolag lika stort ansvar för miljö och samhället som etablerade bolag? : En kvantitativ studie av sambandet mellan CSR och nyintroduktioner jämfört med etablerade bolag.

Gunnari, Alexander, Larsson, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
Title:  Do new companies take the same responsibility for our environment and community as established companies? A quantitative study of the connection between CSR and initial public offerings compared to established companies.  Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration Author: Alexander Gunnari and Andreas Larsson Supervisor: Jan Svanberg Date: 2020 – May Aim: Corporate social responsibility (CSR) have the past decades increased to meet expectations and demands of both the company’s stakeholders and the community at large. During the 2000s until today we have seen an increasing number of companies that seeks capital by an initial public offering on a stock exchange. Do these new listed companies take as much responsibilities as older more established companies? The aim is to investigate the connection between CSR and time on stock exchange for listed companies in the EU. Further will the connections between the three dimensions of CSR, environment, social and governance be investigated separately against listed time on the stock market.  Method: The study is based on a positivistic research philosophy and a hypothetico-deductive approach. The study has designed four hypothesis that undergo an empirical review. Secondary data is collected from the database Thomson Reuters Datastream to answer these hypotheses. The sample consist of 478 publicly traded companies in the EU. The statistical software platform SPSS have been used to analyze the sample.  Result & Conclusions: The study gives proof of the hypothesis that CSR measured as ESG score, social and environmental have a positive connection with the company's time on a stock exchange. The longer a company has been listed on a stock exchange the higher the scores are to be expected. The fourth hypothesis, m governance, does not show statistic significance against listed time. The conclusion is that a company´s listed time have a positive impact on CSR.  Contribution of the thesis: This study provides evidence for that the longer a company have been listed on a stock exchange, the more work is to be expected in CSR, which leads to higher ESG score. The contribution can be of use in both practical and theoretical ways for several stakeholders and enables these to see indications in cases where something does not seem right. Suggestions for future research: This study opens for continued research in many aspects. There are notable differences in for instance the sectors and countries. Maybe a more hands-on approach to qualitative investigate CSR and the initial public offering with its prospects. Key words: CSR, ESG, Initial public offering, Time perspective, Sustainability, Social dimension, Environmental dimension and Governance dimension. / Titel: Tar nya bolag lika stort ansvar för miljö och samhället som etablerade bolag? En kvantitativ studie av sambandet mellan CSR och nyintroduktioner jämfört med etablerade bolag. Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Alexander Gunnari och Andreas Larsson Handledare: Jan Svanberg Datum: 2020 - maj Syfte: Företags samhällsansvar och sociala ansvarstagande (CSR) har de senaste årtiondena ökat för att möta förväntningar och krav som finns bland både företagets intressenter och samhället i stort. Under 2000-talet fram till idag har antalet företag som söker sig till börsen genom nyintroduktion ökat jämfört med tidigare. Tar dessa nya börsbolag ansvar likt äldre och mer etablerade bolag? Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka sambandet mellan CSR och tid på börsen för börsnoterade bolag inom EU. Dessutom undersöks sambanden mellan de tre dimensionerna av CSR, miljö, social och bolagsstyrning var för sig med tid på börsen. Metod: Studien utgår från en positivistisk forskningsfilosofi med en hypotetisk-deduktiv ansats. Studien utformar fyra hypoteser som genomgår en empirisk granskning. Sekundärdata för att besvara hypoteser är inhämtad från databasen Thomson Reuters Datastream och består av 478 publika börsbolag inom EU. Statistikprogrammet SPSS används sedan för att analysera materialet.  Resultat & slutsats: Studien besvarar och ger bevis för hypoteserna om att CSR mätt som ESG score och miljödimensionen samt den sociala dimensionen har ett positivt samband med företags tid på börsen stämmer. Ju längre ett bolag har varit på börsen desto högre poäng förväntas i dessa kategorier. Studiens fjärde hypotes om dimensionen bolagsstyrning visar inte på statistisk signifikans i sambandet mot företags tid på börsen. Studiens slutsats av resultatet är att företagens tid på börsen har en positiv påverkan på CSR. Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien bidrar till att ge bevis om att ju längre ett bolag har varit på börsen desto större arbete inom CSR förväntas, vilket leder till högre ESG poäng. Bidraget kan vara till både praktisk och teoretisk nytta för en rad intressenter och möjliggöra för dessa att se indikationer på att något inte står rätt till. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Studien öppnar upp för fortsatt forskning inom en rad aspekter. Studien noterar skillnader inom bland annat sektorer och länder. En öppning ses mot att mer handfast och kvalitativt undersöka CSR och nyintroduktioner med dess prospekt. Alternativt att göra en liknande studie på andra finansiella marknader än Europa. Nyckelord: CSR, ESG, Nyintroduktion (IPO), Greenwashing, Tidsperspektiv, Hållbarhetsarbete, Social dimension, Miljödimension och Bolagsstyrningsdimension.

Gröna leveranser : ett marknadsföringsperspektiv på leveransalternativ inom svensk e-handel / Green deliveries : a marketing perspective on delivery alternatives in Swedish e-commerce

Palm, Rebecca, Drasko, Virginia January 2021 (has links)
Background: In recent times, last mile deliveries have become critical as these deliveries are generally considered to be the most expensive, least efficient and most polluted part of the entire logistics chain (De Kervenoael, Schwob & Chandra 2020; McKinnon & Edwards 2009). Consumer demands for fast and flexible deliveries are not very easy to combine with the highest possible sustainability focus (PostNord 2018). By informing about different transport alternatives and vehicle types, the consumer gets the opportunity to influence their own environmental impact when making a purchase (Buldeo Rai, Verlinde & Macharis 2019). Despite the fact that companies today have better possibilities to share data about their environmental practices with the end customer, there is still a lack of such information on the website. Few companies adopt effective web-based communications that inform their stakeholders about their sustainable behaviors (Da Giau, Macchion, Caniato, Caridi, Danese, Rinaldi & Vinelli 2016).  Theory: A theoretical research model “Green web communication” has been developed based on the theories 3’C and OSEC. The theory ten signs of greenwash has also been applied to identify signs of greenwash.  Purpose and research question: The purpose of the study is to map out various alternatives for green marketing within the last mile, to increase the understanding of how ecommerce companies can influence consumers to a more conscious delivery choice. Furthermore, the paper aims to study how the web communication should be developed to avoid greenwashing. In order to answer the purpose, the following research questions have been formulated: How do e-commerce companies communicate green deliveries on the website? In what way can green web communication show signs of greenwashing? How is web communication presented in relation to what is expressed internally?  Methodology: To answer the research question a qualitative method was conducted with a constructivism approach. First a qualitative content analysis was performed on the website of sixteen e-commerce companies, divided into four different industries. The second method involved three semi-structured interviews with representatives of the selected companies Skincity, CDON and Ellos.  Conclusion: Communication about green deliveries appeared frequently at the e-commerce companies’ check-out compared with the information page, home page and group’s website. The representation of green commitments appeared in varying degrees in the form of eco-labels, symbols or information text. Furthermore, the green sustainability commitments were expressed in different ways where the content could be found in various green statements: climate compensation, CO2 emissions or green policy. The web communication also showed that transparency was lacking in far too many aspects as the communication could be identified as greenwashing in several cases. Greenwashing was identified when analyzing the green web communication in aspects of no proof and fluffy language. The internal communication from representatives of the e-commerce companies differed from the communication on the websites. This indicates a discrepancy between the internal and the external communication which neglects the e-companies sustainability commitments. / Bakgrund: På senare tid har last mile leveranser blivit ett kritiskt område då leveranserna iallmänhet anses vara de dyraste, minst effektiva och mest förorenade delen i hela logistikkedjan(De Kervenoael, Schwob & Chandra 2020; McKinnon & Edwards 2009). Konsumentens kravpå snabba och flexibla leveranser är inte särskilt enkla att förena med högsta möjligahållbarhetsfokus (PostNord 2018). Genom att informera om olika transportalternativ ochfordonstyper får konsumenten möjlighet att påverka sin egna miljöpåverkan vid ett köp (BuldeoRai, Verlinde & Macharis 2019). Trots det faktum att företag har större möjligheter att deladata om sin miljömässiga praxis med slutkunden finns de fortfarande en brist av sådaninformation på webbplatsen. Få företag antar effektiv webbaserad kommunikation sominformerar sina intressenter om deras hållbara beteenden (Da Giau, Macchion, Caniato, Caridi,Danese, Rinaldi & Vinelli 2016).  Teori: En teoretisk undersökningsmodell “Grön webbkommunikation” har utvecklats baseratpå teorierna 3’C och OSEC. Teorin ten signs of greenwash har vidare tillämpats för attidentifiera tecken på greenwash.  Syfte och forskningsfråga: Syftet med studien är att kartlägga olika alternativ för grönmarknadsföring av last mile, samt att bidra med en ökad förståelse kring hur e-handelsföretagenkan påverka konsumenten till ett medvetet leveransval. Vidare ska även studien beröra hurkommunikationen på webbplatsen bör utformas för att undvika greenwashing. För att besvarasyftet har följande forskningsfrågor utformats: Hur kommunicerar företag gröna leveranser påwebbplatsen? På vilket sätt kan den gröna webbkommunikationen visa tecken pågreenwashing? Hur framställs webbkommunikationen gentemot resonemang som uttrycksinternt?  Metod: Denna studie genomfördes med en kvalitativ metod som är av konstruktivistiskkaraktär. Först utfördes en kvalitativ innehållsanalys på webbplatsen av sexton e-handelsföretagsom delades in i fyra olika branscher. Den andra metoden innefattar tre semistruktureradeintervjuer med företrädare från de utvalda företagen Skincity, CDON och Ellos.  Slutsats: Kommunikation om gröna leveranser framkom frekvent på e-handelsaktörernascheck-out jämfört med webbplatsens informationssida, startsida samt koncernens webbplats.Framställningen av gröna åtaganden förekom i miljömärkning, symbol eller informationstext ivarierande grad. Vidare uttrycktes de gröna hållbarhetsåtaganden på olika sätt där innehålletgick att härleda till olika gröna påståenden: klimatkompensera, CO2-utsläpp eller grön policy.Webbkommunikationen uppvisade en låg grad av transparens och flertalet brister i allt förmånga avseenden då man ofta kunde härleda kommunikationen till greenwashing.Greenwashing identifierades vid granskning av fallförtagens gröna kommunikation som gickatt härleda till no proof och fluffy language. Den interna kommunikationen skiljer sig mot denkommunikation som fanns att tillgå webbplatsen. Det råder således en diskrepans mellan deninterna och externa kommunikationen vilket försummar aktörens hållbarhetåtaganden.

Konsumenters uppfattningar av företags hållbarhetsåtgärder : En kvalitativ studie om konsumenters köpbeteende i förhållande till företags produktförändringar / Consumer perceptions of corporate sustainability efforts : A qualitative study on consumer buying behavior in response to product changes by companies

Stenmark, Max, Drugge, Emma, Holmqvist, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores consumer perceptions of corporate sustainability, particularly how the removal of product accessories for environmental reasons is perceived. It highlights the importance of concrete evidence like eco-labeling to support sustainability claims. The study delves into the balance consumers strike between eco-friendly intentions and practical needs like price and functionality, revealing a conflict between idealism and pragmatism. Additionally, it examines how social and cultural factors, including reference groups and family upbringing, shape attitudes towards sustainability. The research emphasizes that companies need to connect with consumers' deeper values to promote sustainable consumption effectively. In conclusion, it underscores the need for genuine transparency and the alignment of corporate actions with consumers' personal values and social contexts to encourage more responsible and sustainable consumption.

Hållbarhetsinriktad varumärkesutveckling och strategiska anpassningar: Energibolags relationer och strategier : En kvalitativ studie om hållbarhetskommunikation, CSRD och dess påverkan på varumärkesimage och intressentrelationer.

Casselbrant, Alice, Wibner, Frida January 2024 (has links)
In the context of complying with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), this study looks at how stakeholder relationships and brand image are affected by sustainability communication from energy companies. Key people from Swedish energy companies have been interviewed and the results show that businesses place a high priority on incorporating social and environmental concerns into their daily operations. Clear CSR communication strengthens brand reputation by improving interaction with internal and external stakeholders, even in the face of economic difficulties. More restrictive laws, like the Green Claim directive, force businesses to enhance their environmental performance and communicate differently, which boosts their credibility. But there are still issues, such as resource limitations and administrative responsibilities. It is believed that these changes are essential to building customer confidence and achieving environmental objectives. The research highlights the intricate relationship that shapes the strategies of energy companies between CSR, stakeholder involvement, and regulatory compliance. In a market that is changing quickly, it highlights how crucial it is to maintain long-term sustainability and stakeholder trust through open communication and proactive regulatory change adaption.

Konsten att sälja trovärdighet : En socio-semiotisk analys av H&Ms användning av visuell retorik i reklamfilm om återvinning. / The art of selling credibility : A socio-semiotic analysis of H&M's use of visual rhetoric in recycling commercials.

Svensson Hagstrand, Moa January 2024 (has links)
Sammanfattning - Uppsats Den här uppsatsen har som syfte att undersöka hur klädföretaget H&M använder visuell retorik ur ett socio-semiotiskt perspektiv för att skapa trovärdighet i sin reklamfilm om återvinning. Genom en analys av visuell retorik ur ett socio-semiotiskt perspektiv undersöks reklamfilmen Bring it on som publicerades av klädföretaget H&M 2017 i marknadsföringssyfte för deras återvinningsboxar. Analysen visar att H&M använder ethos, logos och pathos för att få konsumenterna känslomässigt engagerade och känna sig som en del av en gemenskap. De använder socio-semiotiska metafunktioner för att generera en tydlig varumärkesidentitet som tilltalar den tilltänkta målgruppens moraliska kompass.   Sammanfattning - medieproduktion Lajka och de busiga bokstäverna är en barnbok som handlar om Lajka som upplever tidiga tecken på dyslexi. Bokens syfte är att öka medvetenheten och upptäcka tidiga tecken för lässvårigheter och dyslexi hos barn. Boken är till för att barnen ska kunna känna igen sig i Lajka och illustrationerna, i hennes känslor och svårigheter. Den vuxne som läser boken med barnet kan använda boken för att se varningssignaler för lässvårigheter. Detta genom att vara uppmärksam på vissa tecken som förklaras för den vuxna i början av boken.

Direito à informação e ao consumo sustentável / Right to information and to sustainable consumption

Pfeiffer, Maria da Conceição Maranhão 30 May 2011 (has links)
As informações acerca da performance e impacto socioambientais do fornecedor e do produto são necessárias para o exercício do consumo de forma sustentável. O conhecimento dos impactos socioambientais advindos da produção, uso e pós-consumo é requisito para a livre escolha dos consumidores por produtos que apresentem impactos socioambientais positivos em qualquer dessas fases de seu ciclo de vida. Um dos instrumentos para o alcance do desenvolvimento sustentável é possibilitar o consumo de produtos que utilizem menos recursos finitos da natureza e que tragam melhorias sociais como suas consequências. No Brasil, o fundamento para a inclusão dos dados socioambientais do produto nas informações veiculadas ao consumidor está presente no ordenamento jurídico, na garantia de acesso à informação e no direito à preservação do meio ambiente, ambos inseridos no rol dos direitos constitucionais fundamentais, ao lado do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana, bem como em preceitos do Código de Defesa do Consumidor e da legislação ambiental. A função social da empresa decorrente do princípio constitucional da função social da propriedade também justifica o dever de veiculação dos dados referentes ao impacto socioambiental de seus produtos e acerca do comportamento socioambiental da empresa. A veiculação desses dados beneficia a concorrência, acarretando o aperfeiçoamento dos próprios meios de produção para atrair os consumidores que optam por produtos sustentáveis. Os deveres de clareza e veracidade, decorrentes do princípio da boa-fé objetiva previstos no CC e CDC, necessitam ser observados na veiculação dessas informações para evitar a maquiagem socioambiental, que é a divulgação da falsa imagem de preocupação socioambiental ao produto. A essencialidade ou utilidade das informações é o parâmetro para sua veiculação sob o risco de ocorrer seu excesso, que impede a correta compreensão de todos os dados apresentados. Até os riscos de impactos socioambientais ainda não comprovados cabem ser informados em atenção ao princípio da precaução. O repasse dessas informações pode e deve ocorrer por todos os meios de comunicação utilizados para a divulgação dos produtos, ressaltando-se o papel da rotulagem. / The information concerning the social-environmental impact of the product and the of the producers performance are necessary for the exercise of the sustainable consumption. The knowledge of the social-environmental impacts of the life cycle impact of the product is a requisite for the free choice of the consumers for products that present positive social-environmental impacts in any of these phases of its cycle of life. One of the instruments for the reach of the sustainable development is to make possible the consumption of products that use less finite resources of the nature and that they bring social improvements as its consequences. In Brazil, is possible to conclude that the legal system establishes the inclusion of the social-environmental data of the product in the information propagated to the consumer. Brazilian Constitution imposes the guarantee of access to the information, the consumer protection and the right of the preservation of the environment, as well as the dignity of the person human being. The social function of the companies, based in the constitutional principle of the social function of the property also justifies the duty of propagation of the referring data to the social-environmental impact of its products and concerning the social-environmental behavior of the company. In the legislative basis, there are strong rules concerning information in the Code of Defense of the Consumer and the environmental legislation. The propagation of these data benefits to the competition, creating incentives to the companies improving the means of production to attract the consumers that opt to sustainable products. The duties of clarity and veracity, attached with the good-faith principle established by Civil Code and Consumer Defense Code, need to be observed in the propagation of this information to prevent the greenwashing, that it is the propagation of the false image of social-environmental concern to the product. The essentiality or utility of the information is the parameter for its propagation under the risk to occur its excess, which hinders the correct understanding of all the presented data. Until the risks of social-environmental impacts not yet proven, they fit to be informed in attention to the Precautionary Principle. The view of this information can and must occur by all means of communication used for the spreading of the products, standing out itself the paper of the labeling.

"It Doesn't Need to be Industrial Strength": An Analysis of Women's Adoption of a Chemical-Free Lifestyle

Vidug, Kristina 23 December 2011 (has links)
This thesis seeks to uncover women’s concerns about chemicals in the household, and, more specifically, in cleaning products. The research is based on semi-structured interviews with women who are primarily responsible for household cleaning and who consciously avoid conventional cleaning products. From a sociological standpoint, the topic remains unstudied. The women were critical of greenwashing and the institutions responsible for chemical regulation. Further, the women’s chemical-free lifestyle defied conventional definitions of activism. Sociological theories of risk are used to help understand women’s avoidance of chemicals. It was found that tenets of the precautionary principle were reflected in their reasoning for avoiding chemicals. Recent biomonitoring and body burden studies have influenced women’s knowledge of chemical risk and their decision to avoid them. The thesis demonstrates that risk-management, in this context, has become an individualized pursuit reflective of the neo-liberal ideology informing chemical regulation. / Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Essays on environmental regulation / Essais sur la régulation environnementale

Danilina, Vera 11 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse développe l’analyse d’une politique économique environnementale appliquée dans le cadre d’une économie ouverte et dans celui d’une économie fermée. Elle étudie les effets sur le bien-être et l’environnement des réglementations volontaire et obligatoire tenant compte de l’hétérogénéité des agents économiques et des pays. Elle s’intéresse en particulier aux différents types d’éco-étiquetages en autarcie (Chapitre 1) et après ouverture au commerce international (Chapitre 2); aux programmes d’apport d’information à plusieurs niveaux (Chapitre 3); et aux taxes sur les émissions et marchés publics écologiques (Chapitre 4). L’analyse montre que non seulement le gouvernement mais également les éco-consommateurs peuvent inciter même les producteurs éco-indifférents à se décider pour l’agir respectueux de l’environnement. Les instruments de politique environnementale induisent auto-sélection et polarisation dans les marchés desservis par des entreprises hétérogènes en termes de productivité. Je démontre que des instruments volontaires peuvent avoir des résultats positifs sur le bien-être et l’environnement. En fonction d’hypothèses précises, ils peuvent également être plus efficaces que des approches obligatoires. Le modèle montre également que quand il y a ouverture au commerce international, la politique écologique a un effet supplémentaire sur le bien-être et sur l’environnement, dépendamment du type de politique et des consciences environnementales des différents pays commerciaux. / This thesis develops an applied environmental economic policy analysis in closed and open economy frameworks. It investigates welfare and environmental outcomes of voluntary and mandatory regulation allowing for heterogeneity across economic agents and countries. Particularly, it focuses on voluntary eco-labels of different types in autarky (Chapter 1) and upon opening to international trade (Chapter 2); multi-tier information provision programmes (Chapter 3); and emission taxes and green public procurement (Chapter 4). The analysis shows that not only the government but also eco-concerned consumers can incentivise even eco-indifferent producers to act more environmentally-friendly. Environmental policy instruments induce self-selection and polarisation in the markets served by firms heterogeneous in their productivity. I demonstrate that voluntary instruments can lead to positive welfare and environmental outcomes. Under particular assumptions, they also can be more efficient than mandatory approaches. The model also shows that upon opening to international trade eco-policy yields additional welfare and environmental effects conditionally on the type of the policy and the environmental awareness difference across trading countries.

Direito à informação e ao consumo sustentável / Right to information and to sustainable consumption

Maria da Conceição Maranhão Pfeiffer 30 May 2011 (has links)
As informações acerca da performance e impacto socioambientais do fornecedor e do produto são necessárias para o exercício do consumo de forma sustentável. O conhecimento dos impactos socioambientais advindos da produção, uso e pós-consumo é requisito para a livre escolha dos consumidores por produtos que apresentem impactos socioambientais positivos em qualquer dessas fases de seu ciclo de vida. Um dos instrumentos para o alcance do desenvolvimento sustentável é possibilitar o consumo de produtos que utilizem menos recursos finitos da natureza e que tragam melhorias sociais como suas consequências. No Brasil, o fundamento para a inclusão dos dados socioambientais do produto nas informações veiculadas ao consumidor está presente no ordenamento jurídico, na garantia de acesso à informação e no direito à preservação do meio ambiente, ambos inseridos no rol dos direitos constitucionais fundamentais, ao lado do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana, bem como em preceitos do Código de Defesa do Consumidor e da legislação ambiental. A função social da empresa decorrente do princípio constitucional da função social da propriedade também justifica o dever de veiculação dos dados referentes ao impacto socioambiental de seus produtos e acerca do comportamento socioambiental da empresa. A veiculação desses dados beneficia a concorrência, acarretando o aperfeiçoamento dos próprios meios de produção para atrair os consumidores que optam por produtos sustentáveis. Os deveres de clareza e veracidade, decorrentes do princípio da boa-fé objetiva previstos no CC e CDC, necessitam ser observados na veiculação dessas informações para evitar a maquiagem socioambiental, que é a divulgação da falsa imagem de preocupação socioambiental ao produto. A essencialidade ou utilidade das informações é o parâmetro para sua veiculação sob o risco de ocorrer seu excesso, que impede a correta compreensão de todos os dados apresentados. Até os riscos de impactos socioambientais ainda não comprovados cabem ser informados em atenção ao princípio da precaução. O repasse dessas informações pode e deve ocorrer por todos os meios de comunicação utilizados para a divulgação dos produtos, ressaltando-se o papel da rotulagem. / The information concerning the social-environmental impact of the product and the of the producers performance are necessary for the exercise of the sustainable consumption. The knowledge of the social-environmental impacts of the life cycle impact of the product is a requisite for the free choice of the consumers for products that present positive social-environmental impacts in any of these phases of its cycle of life. One of the instruments for the reach of the sustainable development is to make possible the consumption of products that use less finite resources of the nature and that they bring social improvements as its consequences. In Brazil, is possible to conclude that the legal system establishes the inclusion of the social-environmental data of the product in the information propagated to the consumer. Brazilian Constitution imposes the guarantee of access to the information, the consumer protection and the right of the preservation of the environment, as well as the dignity of the person human being. The social function of the companies, based in the constitutional principle of the social function of the property also justifies the duty of propagation of the referring data to the social-environmental impact of its products and concerning the social-environmental behavior of the company. In the legislative basis, there are strong rules concerning information in the Code of Defense of the Consumer and the environmental legislation. The propagation of these data benefits to the competition, creating incentives to the companies improving the means of production to attract the consumers that opt to sustainable products. The duties of clarity and veracity, attached with the good-faith principle established by Civil Code and Consumer Defense Code, need to be observed in the propagation of this information to prevent the greenwashing, that it is the propagation of the false image of social-environmental concern to the product. The essentiality or utility of the information is the parameter for its propagation under the risk to occur its excess, which hinders the correct understanding of all the presented data. Until the risks of social-environmental impacts not yet proven, they fit to be informed in attention to the Precautionary Principle. The view of this information can and must occur by all means of communication used for the spreading of the products, standing out itself the paper of the labeling.

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