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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulation Native des Systèmes Multiprocesseurs sur Puce à l'aide de la Virtualisation Assistée par le Matériel

Hamayun, Mian Muhammad 04 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
L'intégration de plusieurs processeurs hétérogènes en un seul système sur puce (SoC) est une tendance claire dans les systèmes embarqués. La conception et la vérification de ces systèmes nécessitent des plateformes rapides de simulation, et faciles à construire. Parmi les approches de simulation de logiciels, la simulation native est un bon candidat grâce à l'exécution native de logiciel embarqué sur la machine hôte, ce qui permet des simulations à haute vitesse, sans nécessiter le développement de simulateurs d'instructions. Toutefois, les techniques de simulation natives existantes exécutent le logiciel de simulation dans l'espace de mémoire partagée entre le matériel modélisé et le système d'exploitation hôte. Il en résulte de nombreux problèmes, par exemple les conflits l'espace d'adressage et les chevauchements de mémoire ainsi que l'utilisation des adresses de la machine hôte plutôt des celles des plates-formes matérielles cibles. Cela rend pratiquement impossible la simulation native du code existant fonctionnant sur la plate-forme cible. Pour surmonter ces problèmes, nous proposons l'ajout d'une couche transparente de traduction de l'espace adressage pour séparer l'espace d'adresse cible de celui du simulateur de hôte. Nous exploitons la technologie de virtualisation assistée par matériel (HAV pour Hardware-Assisted Virtualization) à cet effet. Cette technologie est maintenant disponibles sur plupart de processeurs grande public à usage général. Les expériences montrent que cette solution ne dégrade pas la vitesse de simulation native, tout en gardant la possibilité de réaliser l'évaluation des performances du logiciel simulé. La solution proposée est évolutive et flexible et nous fournit les preuves nécessaires pour appuyer nos revendications avec des solutions de simulation multiprocesseurs et hybrides. Nous abordons également la simulation d'exécutables cross- compilés pour les processeurs VLIW (Very Long Instruction Word) en utilisant une technique de traduction binaire statique (SBT) pour généré le code natif. Ainsi il n'est pas nécessaire de faire de traduction à la volée ou d'interprétation des instructions. Cette approche est intéressante dans les situations où le code source n'est pas disponible ou que la plate-forme cible n'est pas supporté par les compilateurs reciblable, ce qui est généralement le cas pour les processeurs VLIW. Les simulateurs générés s'exécutent au-dessus de notre plate-forme basée sur le HAV et modélisent les processeurs de la série C6x de Texas Instruments (TI). Les résultats de simulation des binaires pour VLIW montrent une accélération de deux ordres de grandeur par rapport aux simulateurs précis au cycle près.

Kartstöd och open source desktop-GIS för Tullverket

Olsson, Fredrik, Rickardsson, Johan January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Contribution à l'étude des retours haptiques pour améliorer l'expérience audiovisuelle

Danieau, Fabien 13 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Les technologies haptiques, stimulant le sens du toucher, sont utilisées depuis des années dans des applications de réalité virtuelle et de téléopération pour accroître l'immersion de l'utilisateur. Elles sont en revanche très peu employées dans les systèmes audiovisuels comme les cinémas. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'exploiter le potentiel des retours haptiques pour les contenus audiovisuels. Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous nous intéressons au rendu d'effets haptiques lors du visionnage d'une vidéo. Nous présentons tout d'abord un appareil générant des sensations de mouvements à 6 degrés de liberté. Au lieu de mettre tout le corps de l'utilisateur en mouvement, comme cela est fait avec les simulateurs de mouvements traditionnels, seulement la tête et les mains sont stimulées. Ce dispositif permet ainsi d'enrichir l'expérience audiovisuelle. Nous nous intéressons ensuite aux algorithmes de rendu d'effets haptiques dans un contexte audiovisuel. La combinaison de retours haptiques et de séquences vidéo amène de nouveaux problèmes lors du rendu haptique. Nous proposons un nouvel algorithme adapté à ce contexte. Dans la seconde partie de la thèse, nous nous concentrons sur la production d'effets haptiques. Premièrement nous présentons un nouvel outil d'édition graphique. Celui-ci propose trois méthodes d'interaction pour créer des effets de mouvement et pour les synchroniser avec une vidéo. De plus, cet outil permet de ressentir les effets créés. Ensuite nous nous penchons sur les combinaisons haptiques et audiovisuelles. Dans une nouvelle approche nommée Cinématographie Haptique, nous explorons le potentiel des effets haptiques pour créer de nouveaux effets dédiés aux réalisateurs de films.

Inhibitory effects of food matrices on inhibition real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction detection of foodborne viruses [electronic resource] / by Kevin Patrick Mcmullen.

Mcmullen, Kevin Patrick. January 2003 (has links)
Title from PDF of title page. / Document formatted into pages; contains 57 pages. / Thesis (M.S.P.H.)--University of South Florida, 2003. / Includes bibliographical references. / Text (Electronic thesis) in PDF format. / ABSTRACT: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated 23,000,000 cases of viral gastroenteritis caused by Norovirus in 2000, 40% of which were transmitted by food including: a variety of fresh produce, cake, deli meats, fruit salad, cheeses and ice. (CDC, 2003). An estimated 83,391 cases of Hepatitis A virus was reported in 2000, of which 5% was attributed to foodborne transmission (CDC, 2003). These figures underscore an urgent need for a method that can isolate virus from a variety of food matrices. The aim of this study was to develop an overall assessment of the inhibitory effects of a variety of food matrices on Real Time Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR). / ABSTRACT: Additionally, to compare a sequence specific hybridization probe amplification format to a non sequence specific SYBR Green format using the Roche LightCycler. The secondary aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of a food virus concentration and isolation protocol under development at the Florida Department of Health Bureau of Laboratories, Tampa. Three food specimens consisting of prepackaged smoked ham, fresh cilantro, and Thompson's green grapes were seeded with three dilutions of poliovirus 3 (Sabin strain). A viral concentration procedure under development at the Florida Department of Health Bureau of Laboratories, Tampa was used to isolate the virus. Real Time RT-PCR was carried out on the Roche LightCycler in SYBR Green and Hybridization probe formats. Spiking the virus-negative samples of each matrix with a dilution series of poliovirus 3 created post flocculation spikes. / ABSTRACT: This post-flocculation dilution series amplification allowed a standard curve to be created unique to each food matrix. The flocculation and concentrations specimens were then amplified and the standard curves from the post-flocculation seed were used to calculate the loss associated with the concentration procedure. This study reports significant differences (p[0.05) in recovery detected between the various matrices, and Real Time RT-PCR formats. The concentration protocol under development at the Florida Department of Health Bureau of Laboratories, Tampa, demonstrates a 12-78% recovery of seeded virus in a simulated "real world" virus contamination event among the various matrices. / System requirements: World Wide Web browser and PDF reader. / Mode of access: World Wide Web.

Barents hav : En studie i rysk och norsk strategi och marina styrkeförhållanden

Andersson, Helena January 2013 (has links)
Trettiofem mil från den svenska gränsen börjar havsgränsen genom Barents hav mellan Ryssland och Norge. Under kalla kriget var denna gräns en skiljelinje mellan öst och väst. En ökad arktisk klimatpåverkan och smältande havsisar leder till nya ekonomiskt värdefulla fyndigheter i området. Detta frigör nya havsområden för de arktiska länderna att exploatera. Ekonomiska intressen leder till ökad militär verksamhet.   Studien belyser det säkerhetspolitiska läget i Barents hav mellan de två största aktörerna i området, Norge och Ryssland. Ländernas olika förhållningssätt och ageranden i Barentsområdet beskrivs i ländernas arktiska strategier och utrikespolitiska linjer, som i studien jämförs med en kvalitativ textanalys. Utifrån detta görs en styrkeanalys av ländernas marina enheter. Syftet med studien är att belysa eventuella likheter och olikheter i ländernas strategier, samt att jämföra ländernas marina medel kopplat till respektive strategi. Detta för att undersöka om syftet med de marina medlen följer den uttalade politik som förs.  Resultatet visar att det finns många olikheter, men även många likheter mellan de två ländernas strategier. Likheterna framträder till största del i den civila och ekonomiska strategin och olikheterna främst i den militära. Enligt studien ligger tyngdpunkten i den norska marinen i fartyg av mindre storlek, trots marinens procentuellt sätt stora andel oceangående fartyg. Den ryska marinens tyngdpunkt ligger i ubåtsförmågan och främst i den strategiska. Utöver detta visar studien att de använda marina medlen enbart till viss del följer den politik som förs och att detta skulle kunna leda till konsekvenser för det politiska projektets genomförande.

Resposta de crianças portadoras de síndrome de Down e de hepatopatia crônica a uma vacina inativada (HAVRIX) contra hepatite A

Ferreira, Cristina Helena Targa January 2001 (has links)
Objetivo: A vacina inativada contra HVA (Havrix) é altamente eficaz e segura em crianças saudáveis. Não há muitos dados disponíveis na literatura sobre a resposta de crianças imunocomprometidas à essa vacina. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a resposta de pacientes pediátricos portadores de Síndrome de Down e de Hepatopatia Crônica à uma vacina inativada contra Hepatite A, comparando suas respostas com as de crianças saudáveis. Casuística e Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo prospectivo, aberto e controlado com 138 crianças e adolescentes, de 1 a 16 anos, suscetíveis à infecção pelo virus A (anti-HVA negativo). Os indivíduos foram divididos em 3 grupos: Grupo I: portadores de Síndrome de Down (n = 49), Grupo II: Hepatopatas Crônicos (n = 34) e Grupo III: controle, composto por crianças saudáveis (n = 55). Todos os indivíduos recebiam 2 doses, nos meses 0 e 6, da vacina Havrix 720 UE , aplicada intramuscular, no deltóide. Um mês após cada dose da vacina, as crianças e os adolescentes eram submetidas à coleta de sangue para realização de titulação de anticorpos anti-HVA. Resultados: As taxas de soroconversão, após a primeira dose da vacina, no mês 1, foram de 92%, 76% e 94% nos grupos I, II e III, respectivamente. Um mês após a segunda dose, as porcentagens de soroconversão foram de 100% x 97% x 100%, para os grupos, na mesma ordem. As médias geométricas dos títulos de anticorpos anti-HVA foram, na primeira e segunda coletas, de 164,02 e 1719,86 mUI/ml nas crianças com Síndrome de Down, de 107,77 e 812,40 mUI/ml nos cirróticos e de 160,77 e 2344,90 mUI/ml, no grupo controle. O grupo dos pacientes cirróticos apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativa em relação às taxas de soroconversão no primeiro mês, após 1 dose da vacina, e aos títulos de anticorpos anti-HVA no final do estudo, quando comparado aos controles saudáveis. Apenas 14% dos indivíduos vacinados apresentaram sintomas locais, como dor e vermelhidão. Cinco porcento apresentaram sintomas gerais. Não ocorreu nenhum efeito adverso sério ou reação imediata à vacina. Os efeitos adversos diminuíram por ocasião da segunda dose.Conclusões: A vacina inativada Havrix, contra Hepatite A, provoca altas taxas de soroconversão e é altamente segura em pacientes pediátricos portadores de Síndrome de Down e de Cirrose. As crianças e adolescentes com Cirrose respondem à vacina inativada anti-HVA com títulos de anticorpos mais baixos do que as crianças saudáveis e do que as portadoras de Síndrome de Down. / Objective: The inactivated hepatitis A vaccine (Havrix) is highly immunogenic and safe in healthy children. However, data about the response of immunocompromised children to this vaccine are not very frequent in the literature. The objective of this study was to assess the response of pediatric patients with Down syndrome and chronic liver disease to an inactivated hepatitis A vaccine, and to compare their responses to those of healthy children. Patients and Methods: A prospective, open-label, controlled study was performed with 138 children and adolescents susceptible to hepatitis A virus (anti-HAV negative) with ages between 1 and 16 years. Patients were divided into three groups: Group I, Down syndrome patients (n = 49); Group II, patients with chronic liver disease (n = 34); and Group III, healthy children/controls (n = 55). All patients and controls received two intramuscular doses of Havrix 720 UE in the deltoid muscle at months 0 and 6. One month after each dose, patients underwent blood collection for the assessment of anti-HAV titers. Results: Seroconversion rates after the first dose (month 1) were 92%, 76%, and 94% in Groups I, II, and III, respectively; one month after the second dose, these percentages were 100%, 97%, and 100%. Geometric mean titers were 164.02 and 1719.86 mUI/ml in the first and second collections for Down syndrome children; 107.77 and 812.40 mUI/ml for cirrhotic patients; and 160.77 and 2344.90 mUI/ml for controls. The group of cirrhotic patients presented a statistically significant difference in seroconversion rates at month 1, and in anti-HAV titers in the end of the study when compared to healthy controls. Only 14% of the vaccinated individuals presented local symptoms, such as pain and redness; 5% presented general symptoms. No severe adverse effects or immediate reaction to the vaccine were observed. The occurrence of adverse reactions was lower in the application of the second dose. Conclusions: The inactivated hepatitis A vaccine (Havrix) presents high rates of seroconversion and is highly safe in pediatric patients with Down syndrome and cirrhosis. Cirrhotic children and adolescents have responded to the inactivated hepatitis A vaccine with lower antibody titers when compared to healthy children and Down syndrome.

Resposta de crianças portadoras de síndrome de Down e de hepatopatia crônica a uma vacina inativada (HAVRIX) contra hepatite A

Ferreira, Cristina Helena Targa January 2001 (has links)
Objetivo: A vacina inativada contra HVA (Havrix) é altamente eficaz e segura em crianças saudáveis. Não há muitos dados disponíveis na literatura sobre a resposta de crianças imunocomprometidas à essa vacina. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a resposta de pacientes pediátricos portadores de Síndrome de Down e de Hepatopatia Crônica à uma vacina inativada contra Hepatite A, comparando suas respostas com as de crianças saudáveis. Casuística e Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo prospectivo, aberto e controlado com 138 crianças e adolescentes, de 1 a 16 anos, suscetíveis à infecção pelo virus A (anti-HVA negativo). Os indivíduos foram divididos em 3 grupos: Grupo I: portadores de Síndrome de Down (n = 49), Grupo II: Hepatopatas Crônicos (n = 34) e Grupo III: controle, composto por crianças saudáveis (n = 55). Todos os indivíduos recebiam 2 doses, nos meses 0 e 6, da vacina Havrix 720 UE , aplicada intramuscular, no deltóide. Um mês após cada dose da vacina, as crianças e os adolescentes eram submetidas à coleta de sangue para realização de titulação de anticorpos anti-HVA. Resultados: As taxas de soroconversão, após a primeira dose da vacina, no mês 1, foram de 92%, 76% e 94% nos grupos I, II e III, respectivamente. Um mês após a segunda dose, as porcentagens de soroconversão foram de 100% x 97% x 100%, para os grupos, na mesma ordem. As médias geométricas dos títulos de anticorpos anti-HVA foram, na primeira e segunda coletas, de 164,02 e 1719,86 mUI/ml nas crianças com Síndrome de Down, de 107,77 e 812,40 mUI/ml nos cirróticos e de 160,77 e 2344,90 mUI/ml, no grupo controle. O grupo dos pacientes cirróticos apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativa em relação às taxas de soroconversão no primeiro mês, após 1 dose da vacina, e aos títulos de anticorpos anti-HVA no final do estudo, quando comparado aos controles saudáveis. Apenas 14% dos indivíduos vacinados apresentaram sintomas locais, como dor e vermelhidão. Cinco porcento apresentaram sintomas gerais. Não ocorreu nenhum efeito adverso sério ou reação imediata à vacina. Os efeitos adversos diminuíram por ocasião da segunda dose.Conclusões: A vacina inativada Havrix, contra Hepatite A, provoca altas taxas de soroconversão e é altamente segura em pacientes pediátricos portadores de Síndrome de Down e de Cirrose. As crianças e adolescentes com Cirrose respondem à vacina inativada anti-HVA com títulos de anticorpos mais baixos do que as crianças saudáveis e do que as portadoras de Síndrome de Down. / Objective: The inactivated hepatitis A vaccine (Havrix) is highly immunogenic and safe in healthy children. However, data about the response of immunocompromised children to this vaccine are not very frequent in the literature. The objective of this study was to assess the response of pediatric patients with Down syndrome and chronic liver disease to an inactivated hepatitis A vaccine, and to compare their responses to those of healthy children. Patients and Methods: A prospective, open-label, controlled study was performed with 138 children and adolescents susceptible to hepatitis A virus (anti-HAV negative) with ages between 1 and 16 years. Patients were divided into three groups: Group I, Down syndrome patients (n = 49); Group II, patients with chronic liver disease (n = 34); and Group III, healthy children/controls (n = 55). All patients and controls received two intramuscular doses of Havrix 720 UE in the deltoid muscle at months 0 and 6. One month after each dose, patients underwent blood collection for the assessment of anti-HAV titers. Results: Seroconversion rates after the first dose (month 1) were 92%, 76%, and 94% in Groups I, II, and III, respectively; one month after the second dose, these percentages were 100%, 97%, and 100%. Geometric mean titers were 164.02 and 1719.86 mUI/ml in the first and second collections for Down syndrome children; 107.77 and 812.40 mUI/ml for cirrhotic patients; and 160.77 and 2344.90 mUI/ml for controls. The group of cirrhotic patients presented a statistically significant difference in seroconversion rates at month 1, and in anti-HAV titers in the end of the study when compared to healthy controls. Only 14% of the vaccinated individuals presented local symptoms, such as pain and redness; 5% presented general symptoms. No severe adverse effects or immediate reaction to the vaccine were observed. The occurrence of adverse reactions was lower in the application of the second dose. Conclusions: The inactivated hepatitis A vaccine (Havrix) presents high rates of seroconversion and is highly safe in pediatric patients with Down syndrome and cirrhosis. Cirrhotic children and adolescents have responded to the inactivated hepatitis A vaccine with lower antibody titers when compared to healthy children and Down syndrome.

Resposta de crianças portadoras de síndrome de Down e de hepatopatia crônica a uma vacina inativada (HAVRIX) contra hepatite A

Ferreira, Cristina Helena Targa January 2001 (has links)
Objetivo: A vacina inativada contra HVA (Havrix) é altamente eficaz e segura em crianças saudáveis. Não há muitos dados disponíveis na literatura sobre a resposta de crianças imunocomprometidas à essa vacina. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a resposta de pacientes pediátricos portadores de Síndrome de Down e de Hepatopatia Crônica à uma vacina inativada contra Hepatite A, comparando suas respostas com as de crianças saudáveis. Casuística e Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo prospectivo, aberto e controlado com 138 crianças e adolescentes, de 1 a 16 anos, suscetíveis à infecção pelo virus A (anti-HVA negativo). Os indivíduos foram divididos em 3 grupos: Grupo I: portadores de Síndrome de Down (n = 49), Grupo II: Hepatopatas Crônicos (n = 34) e Grupo III: controle, composto por crianças saudáveis (n = 55). Todos os indivíduos recebiam 2 doses, nos meses 0 e 6, da vacina Havrix 720 UE , aplicada intramuscular, no deltóide. Um mês após cada dose da vacina, as crianças e os adolescentes eram submetidas à coleta de sangue para realização de titulação de anticorpos anti-HVA. Resultados: As taxas de soroconversão, após a primeira dose da vacina, no mês 1, foram de 92%, 76% e 94% nos grupos I, II e III, respectivamente. Um mês após a segunda dose, as porcentagens de soroconversão foram de 100% x 97% x 100%, para os grupos, na mesma ordem. As médias geométricas dos títulos de anticorpos anti-HVA foram, na primeira e segunda coletas, de 164,02 e 1719,86 mUI/ml nas crianças com Síndrome de Down, de 107,77 e 812,40 mUI/ml nos cirróticos e de 160,77 e 2344,90 mUI/ml, no grupo controle. O grupo dos pacientes cirróticos apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativa em relação às taxas de soroconversão no primeiro mês, após 1 dose da vacina, e aos títulos de anticorpos anti-HVA no final do estudo, quando comparado aos controles saudáveis. Apenas 14% dos indivíduos vacinados apresentaram sintomas locais, como dor e vermelhidão. Cinco porcento apresentaram sintomas gerais. Não ocorreu nenhum efeito adverso sério ou reação imediata à vacina. Os efeitos adversos diminuíram por ocasião da segunda dose.Conclusões: A vacina inativada Havrix, contra Hepatite A, provoca altas taxas de soroconversão e é altamente segura em pacientes pediátricos portadores de Síndrome de Down e de Cirrose. As crianças e adolescentes com Cirrose respondem à vacina inativada anti-HVA com títulos de anticorpos mais baixos do que as crianças saudáveis e do que as portadoras de Síndrome de Down. / Objective: The inactivated hepatitis A vaccine (Havrix) is highly immunogenic and safe in healthy children. However, data about the response of immunocompromised children to this vaccine are not very frequent in the literature. The objective of this study was to assess the response of pediatric patients with Down syndrome and chronic liver disease to an inactivated hepatitis A vaccine, and to compare their responses to those of healthy children. Patients and Methods: A prospective, open-label, controlled study was performed with 138 children and adolescents susceptible to hepatitis A virus (anti-HAV negative) with ages between 1 and 16 years. Patients were divided into three groups: Group I, Down syndrome patients (n = 49); Group II, patients with chronic liver disease (n = 34); and Group III, healthy children/controls (n = 55). All patients and controls received two intramuscular doses of Havrix 720 UE in the deltoid muscle at months 0 and 6. One month after each dose, patients underwent blood collection for the assessment of anti-HAV titers. Results: Seroconversion rates after the first dose (month 1) were 92%, 76%, and 94% in Groups I, II, and III, respectively; one month after the second dose, these percentages were 100%, 97%, and 100%. Geometric mean titers were 164.02 and 1719.86 mUI/ml in the first and second collections for Down syndrome children; 107.77 and 812.40 mUI/ml for cirrhotic patients; and 160.77 and 2344.90 mUI/ml for controls. The group of cirrhotic patients presented a statistically significant difference in seroconversion rates at month 1, and in anti-HAV titers in the end of the study when compared to healthy controls. Only 14% of the vaccinated individuals presented local symptoms, such as pain and redness; 5% presented general symptoms. No severe adverse effects or immediate reaction to the vaccine were observed. The occurrence of adverse reactions was lower in the application of the second dose. Conclusions: The inactivated hepatitis A vaccine (Havrix) presents high rates of seroconversion and is highly safe in pediatric patients with Down syndrome and cirrhosis. Cirrhotic children and adolescents have responded to the inactivated hepatitis A vaccine with lower antibody titers when compared to healthy children and Down syndrome.

Analys av accelerometerdata för identifiering av träffpunkt och mätning av resulterande vibrationer i padelrack / Analysis of accelerometer data for identification of impact area and measurement of resulting vibrations in padel rackets

Broman, Simon, Franzén, André January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med att mäta vibrationer och rekyler i ett padelrack i detta arbete är att utveckla en prototyp som kan användas som träningsredskap för att minska risken för skador. En vanlig skada som drabbar padelspelare är tennisarmbåge, som enligt studier tros uppkomma genom upprepad exponering av mikrotrauman som vibrationer och rekyler. Genom att utföra en litteraturstudie i ämnet har systemkrav för ett sensorbaserat system definierats. Systemet som mäter vibrationer och rekyler har monterats i handtaget på padelracket. Två olika testmiljöer har utvecklats för att möjliggöra kontrollerade tester. För att identifiera och analysera slag använder systemet frekvensanalyser, korrelationstester och positionsförändring. Vid utveckling av metoden för identifiering av träffpunkt delades racket upp i fem olika zoner. Resultatet indikerar att träffar i två av zonerna ger upphov till mindre mängd vibrationer jämfört med de övriga zonerna. Resultatet för identifiering av träffzon varierar mellan testmiljöerna och enbart identifiering av en zon kan anses vara fungerande i båda fallen. Systemet identifierade träffzonen korrekt i 18 av 25 slag i den ena testmiljön och 9 av 25 i den andra. För att förbättra identifieringen av träffzon behövs flera analyser och korrelationtester utformas. En slutsats för det här examensarbetet är att det här arbetet kan användas som grund för vidare utveckling av ett sensorbaserat system för att identifiera träffzonen och kvantifiera vibrationer i ett padelrack. / The purpose of measuring vibrations and recoils in a padel racket in this thesis is to develop a prototype that can be used as a training equipment to reduce the risk of injury. A common injury for padel players is tennis elbow, studies show that the cause of this injury are microtraumas from vibrations and recoils. Through a literature study in the subject, system demands for a sensor-based system have been defined. The system that has been used to measure vibrations and recoils have been attached to the bottom of the handle on the padel racket. To achieve controlled tests two different test environments have been developed. To identify and analyze impacts the system utilizes frequency analysis, correlation tests and displacement tracking. For identification of the impact area the racket was divided into five zones. The result indicates, that two of the impact zones generate less vibrations than the others. The result also shows that identification of impact zone varies between the test environments and that only the sweet spot can be identified in both cases. The system identified the impact zone correctly in 18 out of 25 strokes in one test environment and 9 out of 25 in the other. To further improve the methods for identification of the impact zone more analyses and correlations tests are required. One conclusion for this thesis is that it can be used as a platform for further development of a sensor-based system that can correctly identify impacts in all zones and quantify the resulting vibrations.

Hotell- Stockholms skärgård / Hotel- The archipelago of Stockholm

Nettelbladt, Gustaf January 2014 (has links)
The hotel is located on Skatholmen in the archipelago of Stockholm, Värmdö county. The hotel building has an open structure characterized by hospitality and the nature outside. The rooms have stunning views of the island landscape and lush forest. With biodiversity and valuable nature in mind, the building has been designed with a structure that should not be too intrusive in the surrounding landscape. The building is meant to blend into the dark silhouette of the island and to give a light footprint on the topography of the landscape. The use of well-chosen materials and similar design, both in plan and facade, creates a consistent building despite the building's somewhat playful expression. The hotel rooms are arranged linearly along three shafts, which aim to maximize the exposure of sunlight throughout the day, as well as to create large open spaces. The design makes it possible for the hotel guests to choose what type of sunlight they prefer. The large glass area also functions as large mirrors and will make the building reflect the surrounding environment, which gives a less prominent appearance in the surrounding. / Hotellet ligger på Skatholmen i Stockholms mellanskärgård, Värmdö kommun. Hotell-byggnaden har en öppen struktur präglad av gästfrihet och naturen utanför. Hotellrummen har slående utsikt över ölandskapet och lummiga skogar. Med tanke på den biologiska mångfalden och värdefull natur har byggnaden utformats med en struktur som inte ska vara för påträngande på omgivande landskap. Byggnaden är tänkt att smälta in i den mörka siluetten av ön och ge ett lätt fotavtryck på topografin i landskapet. Den slutliga strukturen, främst mot vattnet, för tanken till en båt med en kommandobrygga. Trots byggnadens något lekfulla utformning skapas en helhet med hjälp av materialval och liknande formspråk, både i plan och fasad. Hotellrummen är ordnade och placerade linjärt längs med tre axlar, som syftar till att maximera exponeringen av solljus under hela dagen, samt att skapa stora öppna ytor. Utformningen gör att hotellgästen kan välja vilken typ av solljus hen föredrar. Stora glaspartier ramar in skärgården utanför. De stora glaspartierna fungerar även som stora speglar och gör att byggnaden reflekterar den omgivande miljön, vilket resulterar i att byggnaden, till synes, ger ett mindre markant avtryck på platsen.

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