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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Historiallinen puukaupunki suojelukohteena ja elinympäristönä:esimerkkeinä Vanha Porvoo ja Vanha Raahe. Osa 2

El Harouny, E. (Elisa) 09 December 2008 (has links)
Abstract The research is based on the historic wooden town as a cultural heritage site and as an everyday environment for its inhabitants. A cultural environment takes shape in interaction with people living it. In the preservation of a historic town finding a continuing balance between change and permanence has nevertheless become a challenging issue. This research examines the opportunities that a historic wooden town has of continued prosperity, taking as a starting point the safeguarding of its cultural environment as a good living environment. Empirical cases are Old Porvoo and Old Raahe. The significance of a historic wooden town as a living environment is examined in relation to the objectives of a heritage conservation as viewed by the authorities. Urban planning documents and personal interviews provide the research material. These depict the significance of a wooden town both as a place for living and as a cultural heritage site. Based on the holistic concept of man, the human-environment relationship is seen as one in which the individual has a chance for complete personal participation inseparable from the environment. Being content with the environment, the individual feels affinity to the options afforded and can make good use of them relatively independently. It is historically characteristic of wooden towns to be formed in a close interaction between the individual and the environment and to conform to real-life situations of its inhabitants. According to this research, this characteristic is also highly appreciated by the current inhabitants. It can also be seen as an important factor that guarantees the continuity of both a good living environment and the cultural-historical significance of these towns. Thus, the cultural-historical value can be seen as relating to the characteristic change of the environment as an expression of the human-environment relationship. Instead of material authenticity, of primary importance is the authenticity of a way of living coherent with the environment, which gains meaning when compatibility between people and their environment is found. Nevertheless, as the inhabitants’ sense of the qualities of the environment deepens, the need for material change decreases. Maintenance of the cultural environment is best sustained by humane way of life, made possible as the human-environment relationship deepens into holistic participation. The holistic preservation of the built environment means taking care of the whole – the mutual relationship between the individual and the environment. As humane work progresses in dialogue, it favours the unique quality of individuals and their personal life situations as the impulses of a culture. Holistic preservation can be further promoted by widening the expertise of cultural heritage in issues concerning human welfare, by co-operation between various administrative organs and also by strengthening the local communality. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimusasetelma perustuu historialliseen puukaupunkiin kulttuurihistoriallisesti arvokkaana suojelukohteena ja asukkaidensa arkiympäristönä. Kulttuuriympäristö muotoutuu vuorovaikutuksessa sitä elävän ihmisen kanssa. Sen suojelussa jatkuvuutta toteuttavan tasapainon löytäminen muutoksen ja säilyttämisen välille on muodostunut kuitenkin vaikeasti ratkaistavaksi kysymykseksi. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan historiallisen puukaupungin jatkuvuuden mahdollisuuksia lähtökohtana kulttuuriympäristön suojelu hyvänä elinympäristönä. Empiiriset kohteet ovat Vanha Porvoo ja Vanha Raahe. Historiallisen puukaupungin merkitystä nykyihmisen elinympäristönä on tuotu esiin suhteessa rakennussuojeluviranomaisten asettamiin tavoitteisiin. Kaupunkisuunnittelun asiakirjoihin ja haastatteluihin perustuva aineisto kuvaa puukaupunkiin liitettyä merkityksenantoa elettynä ja suojeltuna. Holistiseen ihmiskäsitykseen perustuen inhimillisenä ympäristösuhteena on pidetty yksilön mahdollisuutta kokonaisvaltaiseen osallisuuteen ympäristöstään erottamattomana. Kokiessaan elinympäristönsä hyväksi ihminen oivaltaa sen tarjoamia mahdollisuuksia mieltymyksiään vastaaviksi ja voi niitä myös hyödyntää ympäristöön suhteellisen omaehtoisesti suuntautuen. Ihmisen ja ympäristön välittömässä suhteessa muotoutuminen ja elämäntilanteisiin vastaava joustavuus on puukaupungille historiallisesti ominainen rakentumisen tapa ja tutkimuksen perusteella myös nykyasukkaiden arvostama ominaisuus. Sitä voidaan pitää jatkuvuuden tekijänä sekä hyvän elinympäristön että kulttuurihistoriallisen merkityksen kannalta. Kulttuurihistoriallinen arvo voi siten liittyä ympäristölle luonteenomaiseen muuttumisen tapaan ihmisen ja ympäristön välisen suhteen ilmaisuna. Materiaalisen autenttisuuden sijasta primääriä on ympäristölle ominaisen elämäntavan autenttisuus, joka saa merkityksensä ihmisen ja ympäristön yhteensopivuuden löytymisestä. Asukkaan oivaltavuuden kasvaessa ympäristön tarjoamien mahdollisuuksien suhteen tarve aineelliseen muuttamiseen kuitenkin vähenee. Kulttuuriympäristön suojelussa jatkuva ylläpito toteutuu aidoimmillaan elämäntapaan sisäistyneenä inhimillisen asumisen taitona, joka kehittyy ympäristösuhteen syventyessä kokonaisvaltaiseksi osallisuudeksi. Rakennetun kulttuuriympäristön holistinen suojelu merkitsee kokonaisuuden eli ihmisen ja ympäristön välisen suhteen hoitamista. Tasavertaisissa vuorovaikutustilanteissa etenevänä ihmistyönä se suhtautuu suopeasti yksilölliseen ainutlaatuisuuteen ja henkilökohtaisiin elämäntilanteisiin kulttuurin tekijöinä. Holistista suojelua edistää kulttuuriperintöalan osaamispohjan laajentaminen ihmisen hyvinvointia koskevissa kysymyksissä, eri hallintokuntien välinen yhteistyö sekä paikkaan sitoutuneen yhteisöllisyyden vahvistaminen.

Une rencontre "philosophique" avec l'art ? Les ateliers Philosoph'art : observations, interprétations, interrogations en France et au Liban / A “philosophical” meeting with Art ? « Philosoph’art » Workshops : observations, interpretations, interrogations in France and Lebanon

Abi Fadel, Eva 06 October 2015 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse consiste à analyser une expérience pédagogique en maternelle sur deux ans dans le cadre d’une association lyonnaise « Philosoph’art ». Dans cette recherche, nous interrogeons le statut d’innovation de cette expérience et nous étudions, plus précisément, la posture des animateurs pendant les ateliers à visée philosophique et pendant les ateliers artistiques et nous examinons ce qui fait l’originalité d’une telle expérience mise en perspective avec des travaux déjà existants sur la philosophie avec les enfants et les pratiques artistiques. De plus, nous exposerons la mise en place de ce projet et les conditions qui ont assuré la transférabilité d’une telle expérience au Liban. / The subject of this thesis consists in an analysis of an experiment that took place over the course of two years, at the kindergarten level, in association with « Philosoph’art », an organization from Lyon. In this research, we interrogate the status of innovation of this experience and we focus on the posture of the quizmaster during workshops with philosophical content as well as artistic projects. We closely examine what sets apart such experiences from those already in use in philosophy with children and artistic practices. Furthermore, we will explain the set up of this project and the conditions in which it has been made transferable for use in Lebanon.

Mission on the margins : the work of the Anglican Diocese of Bujumbura in the community of Bwiza

Bahizi, Thierry 01 1900 (has links)
This study uses a praxis cycle approach to evaluate the work of the Anglican Diocese of Bujumbura in the community of Bwiza, a marginalised urban community in Bujumbura. In Chapter 2 it analyses the context of urbanisation in Burundi, with special reference to Bujumbura as capital. It then examines the work of the Diocese of Bujumbura in that urban setting in Chapter 3, against the background of Burundi’s religious composition and the history of the Anglican Church in Burundi as a whole. Chapter 4, gives a review of publications devoted to urban mission and theology. Special attention is given to liberation theology and the particular way it addresses poverty. Chapter 5 reports the findings of interviews and focus groups conducted with members of various churches in the community of Bwiza. In Chapter 6 these findings are interpreted missiologically, and the final chapter (7) suggests some issues for further research. The study explores the causes of poverty in Bwiza and suggests practical contributions that can bring about positive change. The main concern of the study is to bring awareness to the churches about the urgent need for urban ministry. It also explores possible solutions to urban poverty. The other concern of this study is to provide a basis for an urban mission strategy for the Anglican Church, which could assist other churches and all faith based organisations serving in urban settings. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology, with specialisation in Urban Ministry)

Transformation der Nachbarschaft : eine empirisch-theologische Studie einer Lebens- und Wohngemeinschaft in einem sozialen Brennpunkt Marburgs / Neighbourhood transformation : an empirical-theological study of community living in a deprived area of Marburg

Muller, Tobias (Theologian) 06 1900 (has links)
German text / In dieser Forschungsarbeit werden Merkmale eines missionalen Lebensstils und deren transformatorische Auswirkungen erforscht, um gesellschaftliche Formen der Gemeinde- und Glaubenspraxis zu entwickeln. Im Zentrum steht eine empirisch-theologische Untersuchung einer Wohn- und Lebensgemeinschaft in einem sozialen Brennpunkt. Mit den Mitgliedern wurde in einen Zeitraum von über einem Jahr regelmäßig eine Gruppendiskussion durchgeführt, deren Auswertung mit Hilfe der Methode der Grounded Theory (Strauss/Corbin) erfolgte. Die Ergebnisse der Datenanalyse wurden dann mit den aktuellen praktisch-theologischen Ansätzen zur Thematik sowie mit lerntheoretischen Ansätzen in Beziehung gesetzt, um Folgerungen für eine transformatorische und ganzheitliche Gemeinde- und Glaubenspraxis im sozialen Brennpunkt zu ziehen. Die erzielten Ergebnisse zeigen die Chance, Wichtigkeit und Herausforderung die diese Arbeit mit sich bringt. Die vorliegende erste qualitative Studie zu dieser Thematik möchte Wohn- und Lebensgemeinschaften in der Ausübung eines missionalen Lebensstils Orientierung und Hilfestellung bieten und einen Forschungsbeitrag zur aktuellen Debatte um den Begriff „missional“ im Kontext der Praktischen Theologie geben. / This research study examines characteristic traits of a missional lifestyle and its transformatory effects, in order to develop societal forms of church and faith practice. At the centre of the study is the empirical-theological exploration of a communal living project in a socially deprived locality. Members regularly took part in group discussions over the course of more than a year, the results of which were evaluated with the help of the Grounded Theory Method (Strauss/Corbin). The results of the data analysis were then set in relation to the current practicaltheological approaches to the topic, as well as to learning theoretical approaches, in order to draw conclusions for a transformatory and holistic church and faith practice in a socially deprived locality. The results reveal the opportunities, challenges and significance of this work. This research, the first qualitative study on the topic, intends to provide communal living projects with the orientation and support required for a missional lifestyle, and to contribute to the current debate about the term "missional" through an exploration of practical theology. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Guidelines for the rehabilitation of the juvenile who had committed a drug-related crime

Norrish, Maria Elizabeth 06 1900 (has links)
This study was designed to understand the meaning of the lived experiences of incarcerated male juveniles who had committed drug-related crimes and to suggest guidelines for their rehabilitation with specific reference to their health care needs. In order to achieve these objectives, the researcher used Parse’s (1998) Theory of Human Becoming as a theoretical framework for the study and Parse’s (1998, 2005) phenomenological-hermeneutic research method. This study was restricted to three juvenile correctional centres in the Gauteng province, Republic of South Africa (RSA). A sample of 15 male juveniles (5 at each of the three juvenile correctional centres) was used for the purpose of individual dialogical engagements with the participants. Focus group interview sessions were held with two groups (5 members per group) at two identified juvenile correctional centres. A qualitative content analysis according to methods recommended by Graneheim and Lundman (2004) was performed on the data that was collected from the individual dialogical-engagements and the focus group interviews. The researcher attempted to elucidate the meanings that the participants attached to their experiences of incarceration as narrated by them and analysed the data according to Parse’s (1998; 2005) phenomenological-hermeneutic method comprising of extraction-synthesis and heuristic interpretation. The findings of this research confirm that problems of drug abuse and criminal activity represent a multifaceted, complex and often intractable phenomenon. The research also confirmed that the participants suffer from a variety of emotional and psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, fear, guilt, remorse, regret and a craving for the drugs that they had abused before their incarceration. It appears that the participants find it extremely difficult to deal effectively with these disorders on their own and that they are generally averse to asking for professional help and assistance. Interventions to alleviate these problems are crucial for the success of the current rehabilitation programmes being pursued in the correctional centres where the participants are accommodated. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Transcendentální aspekty architektonického návrhu jako činitelé udržitelnosti / Transcendental aspects of architectural design as factors of sustainability

Volnohradský, Radan Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis deals with complex processes, relationships and phenomena which go beyond the assumed and accepted materialistic perception of the world in general and the process of architectural design specifically. It clarifies and actually redefine the sustainability from a point of higher universal principles forming our environment. At the beginning this thesis presents an extensive knowledge base of existing holistic design systems including Feng-shui, sacred geometry, geomancy or numerology. The purpose is to build and establish a solid foundation for understanding and further research as well as objectively interpreting lesser known topics as a whole. On the basis of intersecting information through the above mentioned topics we specify the hypothesis which proposes the pre-existence of one unifying design matrix of harmonic structures in architecture. The structure of its verification takes us from an analysis of the science of human perception to systems of self-similar contextual references of animated and inanimated forms. These systems of emergent form and flow are basically known as fractals, and could be expressed in both mathematical and geometrical languages. The thesis research then consists of analysing chosen examples of urban and architectural scale in sense of fractality, symbolism and geometrical matrices. We include and integrate the research of associated and relevant phenomena in pedagogical practice, and a case study of the application of fractals in development of a chosen town. From the results of this thesis we abstract five non-dogmatic guidelines or tenets for architectural design; which are supported by experimental verification on some of the author´s buildings. These tenets stand as pillars of implosive architecture. This kind of architecture in context of transcendental overlaps means a possibility of how to bring our anthropogenic environment closer to the natural and harmonic code of the Universe.

Discovering the Contemplative Practices, Communication Techniques and Teaching Methods of Holistic Educators Demonstrating Presence with Students

Karas, Kevin James 26 November 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Klinika celostní medicíny / Clinic of Holistic Medicine

Havlíček, Vilém January 2013 (has links)
A master thesis „Clinic of holistic medicine“ is processed as a project documentation. The building is projected for the plat no.170/1 in Kladruby u Vlašimy (Benešov district). Is a three-storyed wooden building from large-format wooden panels. Ceilings are ribbed constructions from spruce wood. Stairspaces are made of reinforced concrete. The house is roofed with a saddle roof made by woodentrusses. Stairspaces and machine room of air conditioning are roofed with a one-sheat flat roof. The project is planned as an extension of the Rehabilitation institute complex in Kladruby.

Sociálně pedagogická pomoc osobám se sníženou soběstačností a jejich rodinám (v podmínkách GARC Kladno s.r.o.) / Socio-pedagogical assistance to partially-autonomous patients and to their families (As conducted at GARC Kladno s.r.o.)

Slavíčková, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
This thesis called 'Socio-Pedagogical Assistance to Partially-Autonomous Patients and to Their Families" (as conducted at GARC Kladno, s.r.o.). aims to map the health and social situation of partially-autonomous patients (hereafter PAP) as a result of a chronic condition, a disability or geriatric conditions in the context of their actual living environment. The theoretical part deals with health and social challenges confronted by PAP focusing on social and individual rehabilitation in conducting daily life. It is divided into five parts. Part One describes health issues faced by PAP with emphasis on particular issues which affect this group. Part Two defines the basic terminology of disability and autonomy.Through work experience it was possible to provide first-hand observation of particular issues which affect this group, e.g. physical disability as a factor limiting autonomy. Both subjective and objective observations of this group can weigh heavily on the value of the outcome. Part Three places PAP in his environment and at the same time evaluates the role of the family members and various services available to PAP under the Social Services Act No. 108/2008 Coll. Part Four looks into rehabilitation services available to PAP and other assistance available to them. Particular methodologies...

Globale gerechtigkeit lokal leben : eine missiologische untersuchung der initiative Fairlangen.org / Living global justice locally : a missiological study of the initiative Fairlangen.org

Hufeisen, Daniel 11 1900 (has links)
The initiative “fairlangen.org – fair leben in Erlangen” (fair living in Erlangen) campaigns for global justice. Its activities are based on a holistic understanding of mission. Through networking, fostering public relations, educational work and specific campaigns, the initiative supports local commitment to global justice. Its main focus is the promotion of fair consumer behaviour. This MTh dissertation offers a missiological reflection of the initiative fairlangen.org, which is the author‘s action research project. Firstly, it establishes the missiological grounds on which local commitment for global justice can be understood as a part of holistic mission. This is concretised by actions to promote fair consumer behaviour, with an emphasis on Fair Trade. On this basis, the specific segment of fairlangen's practical activities are analysed using qualitative methods, and reflected upon in missiological terms. This study concludes by giving new impulses to other missionary projects that are planning to campaign for global justice. / Die Initiative »fairlangen.org – fair leben in Erlangen« setzt sich auf der Grundlage eines ganzheitlichen Missionsverständnisses für globale Gerechtigkeit ein. Durch Netzwerkarbeit, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Bildungsarbeit und Kampagnenarbeit fördert sie den lokalen Einsatz für globale Gerechtigkeit, vor allem fördert die Initiative ein gerechtes Konsumverhalten. In der vorliegenden Masterarbeit wird die Initiative fairlangen.org, die das Handlungsforschungsprojekt des Autors ist, missiologisch reflektiert. Dazu wird zunächst erarbeitet, wie der lokale Einsatz für globale Gerechtigkeit als ein Aspekt von ganzheitlicher Mission missiologisch begründet werden kann. Konkretisiert wird dies am Engagement zur Förderung eines gerechten Konsumverhalten – mit einem Schwerpunkt auf Fairem Handel. Davon ausgehend wird die Praxis des Handlungsforschungsprojekts fairlangen.org in diesem Bereich mit qualitativen Methoden untersucht und missiologisch reflektiert. Als Fazit der Untersuchung können Impulse für andere missionarische Projekte formuliert werden, die sich für globale Gerechtigkeit einsetzen möchten. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

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