Spelling suggestions: "subject:"humanity"" "subject:"umanity""
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Integrace cizinců do české společnosti / Integration of Migrants into the Czech SocietyPokorný, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The aim of my diploma work is to study the subject of integration of foreigners into the Czech society. For that purpose I intend to use research questionnaires and to compare my results with results of other researches conducted by NGOs. Secondary aim is to map legal status of foreigners in the Czech Republic, historical reasons for migration and its development, and the composition of migrating population in Europe. Furthermore, I will focus on access to health and social insurance and to the health care system as well as on education and work opportunities which foreigners have in the Czech Republic.
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[pt] Esta tese de doutorado é um estudo sobre a política internacional de banimento, uma política internacional de criminalização e proscrição. A partir da leitura de alguns dos memorandos norte-americanos da Guerra contra o Terror, e influenciado pelo quase-conceito de rastro de Jacques Derrida, bem como pelo insight de Carl Schmitt sobre o dualismo exceção/regra, este trabalho segue certos rastros constitutivos daqueles documentos e, sobretudo, do status de combatente ilegal daqueles prisioneiros determinado ali. A partir destes rastros constitutivos da categoria de combatente ilegal, identificam-se os rastros da categoria de pirata na arquitetura político-jurídica da ordem internacional, e, a partir destes, os de uma alteridade excepcional que Schmitt identificou como a de um inimigo fora-da-lei, ou fora-da-lei da humanidade. Nesse sentido, destacam-se a alteridade e o espaço-tempo excepcionais do pirata, comentando-se seu ambíguo status político-jurídico – de fora-da-lei internacional e inimigo da humanidade (hostis humani generis) –, bem como seu banimento do espaço-tempo do sistema internacional moderno e da humanidade. A partir daí, e influenciado pelos estudos mais recentes de R. B. J. Walker sobre o fora constitutivo e as práticas soberanas de exclusão do sistema internacional moderno, identificam-se e comentam-se os rastros, sobretudo contemporâneos, da política internacional de criminalização e proscrição. E então, influenciado por aquele quase-conceito de rastro de Derrida, conclui-se este trabalho posicionando-o em relação a esta política internacional de banimento; ou seja, rastreando o Fora-da-lei da Humanidade. / [en] This PhD dissertation is a study on the international politics of outlawing, an international politics of criminalization and proscription. Starting from the reading of some of the US Memos on the War on Terror, and influenced by Jacques Derrida s quasi-concept of trace, as well as by Carl Schmitt s insight on the exception/rule dualism, this work follows certain traces which are constitutive of those documents and, most importantly, of the unlawful combatant status of those detainees as determined therein. Thus, from these constitutive traces of the category of unlawful combatant, this work identifies the traces of the category of the pirate within the political-legal architecture of the international order, and, from them, those of an exceptional alterity which Schmitt has identified as one of an outlaw enemy, or an outlaw of humanity. In this regard, it focuses on the exceptional alterity and space-time of the pirate, analyzing his ambiguous political-legal status – as both an international outlaw and an enemy of humankind (hostis humani generis) –, as well as his outlawry from the space-time of the modern international system and of humanity. From this analysis, then, and influenced by R. B. J. Walker s most recent studies on the constitutive outside and the exclusionary sovereign practices of the modern international system, it identifies and comments on the traces, most especially on the contemporary traces, of the international politics of criminalization and proscription. And then, influenced by that Derridian quasi-concept of trace, this PhD work concludes positioning itself in relation to this international politics of outlawing; that is, tracing the Outlaw of Humanity.
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Věcná jurisdikce Mezinárodního trestního soudu / Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the International Criminal CourtBureš, Jan January 2012 (has links)
in English The theme of this dissertation is the subject matter jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Offences such as aggression, genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, sometimes called the "core crimes", are the most serious crimes ever indentified under international law. These crimes do not violate only some particular rights, but they threaten the whole international community, peace, security and well-being of the world. Therefore it is essential to have a precise legal definition of these grave crimes and to establish an effective judicial mechanism for prosecution of the most dangerous criminals. However, it is not easy to find general consent on these matters among the international community. There is not much space for internationalisation in the field of criminal law, which was traditionally considered an important part of national sovereignty. Thus the path towards establishment of the ICC, which is the first permanent international criminal judicial body ever, was extremely difficult, as was definition of the four core crimes falling within its jurisdiction. This thesis scrutinises the concrete provisions of the ICC Statute, the "Rome Statute", which constitute substantive law by defining the crime of genocide (art. 6), crimes against humanity (art. 7), war...
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Crime contre l'humanité et terrorisme / Crime against humanity and terrorismYaya Doumbè Brunet, Marie 17 April 2014 (has links)
Si la question de l'inclusion des actes de terrorisme dans la notion de crime contre l'humanité avait déjà été abordée à plusieurs reprises dans certains travaux, c'est au lendemain des attentats terroristes du 11 septembre 2001 perpétrés aux États-Unis d'Amérique qu'elle s'est posée avec acuité. Cette étude est née de la volonté de savoir si le terrorisme pourrait être considéré comme un crime contre l'humanité. Celle-ci se veut une analyse des points de ressemblance et de dissemblance entre l'incrimination et la criminalité terroristes d'une part et celles liées au crime contre l'humanité d'autre part. Si à certains égards, le terrorisme se rapproche du crime contre l'humanité, par la violence et le contexte idéologique qui les caractérisent, il n'en demeure pas moins qu'il s'agit de deux criminalités essentiellement différentes. Étant donné que traiter du crime contre l'humanité et du terrorisme, c'est aborder des sujets où se trouvent étroitement imbriqués le droit, l'histoire, la politique et la sociologie politique, l'étude ne se limite pas au seul droit pénal. / If the matter of including terrorist acts in the notion of crime against humanity had already been approached repeatedly in certain research works, since the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001, committed in the United States of America, it raised intensively. This study grew from the will to know if terrorism could be considered as a crime against humanity. This one aims to be an analysis of similarities and disparities between terrorist incrimination and criminality on the one hand and those linked with crime against humanity on the other hand. If in certain respects, terrorism gets closer to the crime against humanity, by violence and ideological context which characterize them, the fact remains that they are essentially two different forms of criminalities. Given that dealing with crime against humanity and terrorism, will raise subjects in which are closely interconnected law, history, politics and political sociology, thus the study is not restricted to the plain criminal law.
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La mémoire et le droit des crimes de guerre et des crimes contre l'humanité depuis la seconde guerre mondiale : comparaison Allemagne fédérale / France / Memory and law of war crimes and crimes against humanity, since world war II : comparison federal Germany / FranceBouvier, Charlotte-Lucie 17 November 2014 (has links)
A rebours de la croyance populaire qui veut que le temps efface les blessures, le constat s'impose de l'omniprésence de la mémoire comme matrice des orientations décidées par nos gouvernants. Soixante-dix ans après la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, elle occupe l'espace public dans toutes ses composantes et pousse à l'adoption de lois de reconnaissance des victimes et de sanction des discours de négation. Parallèlement, le législateur doit répondre à ses engagements conventionnels et satisfaire aux exigences de la justice pénale internationale. Mais ici encore, les contingences politiques sont fortes, qui sclérosent la réflexion juridique et conduisent à l'élaboration de dispositions controversées. Ce phénomène, ostensible en France, l'est moins chez notre voisin allemand, pourtant tributaire d'un lourd héritage mémoriel. Cette observation peut surprendre celui qui ne tient pas compte des évolutions conjointes mais divergentes des deux Etats depuis 1945, quant à la « gestion » des crimes internationaux par nature et de leurs suites ; d'où l'utilité d'une approche transversale, historique et comparative de ces questions. / Contrary to the popular belief that the time clears injuries, the finding must be made of the omnipresence of the memory as a matrix of guidelines decided by our leaders. Seventy years after the World War II ended, it occupies public space in all its components and drives the adoption of laws recognizing victims and punishing speech of negation. Meanwhile, the legislature must meet its conventional obligations and the requirements of international criminal justice. But again, the political contingencies are strong, which block legal thinking and lead to the creation of controversial provisions. This phenomenon, striking in France, is less at our german neighbor, yet reliant on a heavy legacy memorial. This observation may surprise those who do not consider the joint but divergent evolutions of the two states since 1945, on the « treatment » of international crimes by nature and their consequences ; hence the usefulness of a transverse, historical and comparative approach to these issues.
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Man in the age of mechanical reproduction: variations on transhumanism in the works of Smith, Delany, Dick, Wells and GibsonUnknown Date (has links)
Science fiction identifies three characteristics as definitive of and essential to humanity: 1) sentience or self-awareness, 2) emotions, and 3) most importantly, the capacity for sociability. Through the vital possession of these three traits any entity can come to be called human. In the first chapter, I examine Cordwainer Smith's "Scanners Live in Vain" and Samuel R. Delany's "Aye and Gomorrah...," two stories in which human subjects become Other than human. In the second chapter, I explore the prospect of creatures, not biologically human who gain human status through an analysis of Smith's "The Dead Lady of Clown Town" and Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? In the third chapter, I investigate the uniquely science fictional notion that "humanity" does not require biology through a comparison of H.G. Wells's The Island of Dr. Moreau and William Gibson's Idoru. / by Charles Barry Herzek. / Works Cited (p. 54), reflected in the Table of Contents, lacking from the University Library's copy. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references based on the footnotes on pages 51-53. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, FL : 2008 Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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Fontes do direito internacional: um estudo da jurisprudência sobre crimes contra a humanidade do Tribunal Penal Internacional para a ex-Iugoslávia / Sources of international law: a study of the jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former YugoslavValle, Janaina Rodrigues 24 February 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo debater a contribuição e o papel que a jurisprudência do Tribunal Penal Internacional para a ex-Iugoslávia desempenhou no processo de produção e desenvolvimento do direito internacional penal costumeiro sobre crimes contra a humanidade e sua influência na formação do conteúdo normativo atual do art. 7o(1),(2)(a), do Estatuto de Roma, que trata do crime contra a humanidade. Para isso, analisa-se como a Corte determinou o costume válido sobre as elementares do crime contra a humanidade nos casos Duko Tadie Draen Erdemovi, julgados antes da conferência de Roma. Em seguida, examina-se a teoria das fontes, mais especificamente, o costume internacional, seu fundamento, seus dois elementos (combinação de prática e opinio iuris), bem como seus sujeitos criadores e veículos de exteriorização, em especial a jurisprudência internacional. Nesse percurso, apontam-se as práticas destoantes do costume e a dificuldade de sua determinação, para então indicar o binômio valor e poder como elementos que influenciam sua manifestação. Depois, procura-se verificar o contexto político e jurídico de criação do Tribunal Penal Internacional para a ex-Iugoslávia, associando-o à proteção do valor paz mundial e às alterações das estruturas de poder da ordem internacional. Então, faz-se uma avaliação da contribuição dos julgados analisados como veículos para exteriorização do costume ou de seus elementos. Por fim, com a análise da coincidência de resultados no que tange à estrutura de algumas das elementares decididas pelo Tribunal Penal Internacional para a ex-Iugoslávia e o conteúdo normativo atual do art. 7o(1),(2)(a) do Estatuto de Roma, pode-se concluir que a jurisprudência estudada veiculou parte da opinio iuris do direito costumeiro sobre crimes contra a humanidade, contribuindo, assim, com o desenvolvimento do direito internacional penal sobre o tema. / This work aims to discuss the contribution and the role that the jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia played in the production and development of international criminal customary law on crimes against humanity and its influence in shaping the article 7o(1),(2)(a), of the Rome Statute, about crime against humanity. In order to accomplish this task, it analyses how the Court defined valid custom on the chapeau elements of crime against humanity in the Duko Tadi and Draen Erdemovi cases. Next, it considers the theory of sources, more specifically, international custom, its basis, its two elements (combination of state practice and opinion juris), as well as its subjects and forms of externalization, including international decisions. About this, it points out the dissonant ways custom emerges and the difficulty of its determination, then indicating values and power as elements that influence its manifestation. After, it analyses the political and juridical contexts in which the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia was established, relating it with the protection of world peace, as a value, and the changes in the power structures of international order. Then, it unpacks the contribution of the above decisions (Duko Tadi and Draen Erdemovi cases) as vehicles of externalization of custom or, at least, one of its elements. Finally, with the analyse of the coincidence between the chapeau elements of crimes against humanity as decided by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and the current normative content of article 7o(1),(2)(a),of the Rome Statute, it can be concluded that the jurisprudence studied ran part of the opinion jurisabout crimes against humanity as an element of custom, thus, contributing to the development of international criminal law on that issue.
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The United Nations ad hoc Tribunals' effectivenesss in prosecuting international crimesMutabazi, Etienne 08 1900 (has links)
During the 1990s Yugoslavia and Rwanda were swept by wars accompanied by serious violations of international humanitarian law. Grave and severe crimes wiped away lives and destroyed properties. The United Nations Security Council determined that the violations committed constituted threats to international peace and security, declaring itself empowered to take action. It established international ad hoc criminal tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda with the mandate of prosecuting individuals responsible for those crimes as an enforcement measure under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter. Investigating the tribunals’ effectiveness enables one to assess whether they achieved the anticipated outcomes based on the tribunals’ mission, goals, and objectives without creating other problems.
The research relies on naturalism and positivism to put the tribunals in a moral and ethical perspective. By examining how the tribunals were established, their objectives, the investigation and prosecution processes, the reliance on guilty plea and judicial notice and the imputation of criminal responsibility by applying joint criminal enterprise and command responsibility doctrines; the study argues that prosecution has not been an effective tool as contemplated by the Security Council.
An analytical and comparative review of various domestic and international legal resources helped to provide an insightful approach for an effective prosecution of international crimes. Credible, legitimate and legal judicial institutions in which professional judges and prosecutors discharge their function independently, impartially and are accountable may achieve justice for the victims of international crimes. Ad hoc tribunals failed to thoroughly investigate and assume the dual role of prosecution. They conveniently used legal procedural tools that fit petty domestic crimes; unfortunately demeaning the magnitude of international crimes of concern. Criminal responsibility was mostly imputed without properly scrutinising the legality, extent, actual participation and guilty mind of the alleged perpetrators. Effectiveness should be a value assessment. Imposed and overburdened ad hoc tribunals are inappropriate and should be abandoned. / Public, Constitutional, and International / LL. D.
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Duas possíveis perspectivas do sujeito kantianoLima, Luís Aurélio Spósito 30 October 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-10-30 / The present work will study two possible perspectives regarding the Kantian
view. We will analyze the possible approximation of the humanist Kantian
view and the relativist individualism present in this society. Then we will
analyze the appropriation made by Hannah Arendt of the Kantian aesthetic
judgment, considering such judgment from the point of view of the whole
mankind. We shall study the Introduction and the first half of Immanuel Kant s
Critique of Judgment . Then, we will analyze the appropriation by Hannah
Arendt of said judgment by studying her Lectures on Kant's Political
Philosophy ; in this book, Arendt uses the reflective judgment to lay the basis
for a judgment in which the corner stone is the observation of a particular
event from the point of view of the whole of humanity. Such judgment is only
possible when employed the broaden thought / O presente trabalho estudará duas possíveis perspectivas do sujeito
kantiano. Analisaremos a possível aproximação entre o sujeito kantiano
humanista e o individualismo relativista presente em nossa sociedade. Depois
analisaremos a apropriação realizada por Hannah Arendt do juízo estético
kantiano, tendo em vista um julgamento do ponto de vista de toda a
humanidade. Trata-se de uma perspectiva humanista do sujeito kantiano, que
entende possível o seu resgate para a pós-modernidade. Estudaremos a
introdução e a primeira metade da Crítica da Faculdade do Juízo de
Immanuel Kant. Depois analisaremos a apropriação realizada por Hannah
Arendt do juízo reflexivo, a partir de um estudo de suas Lições sobre a
Filosofia Política de Kant . Nesta obra, Arendt aproveitará do juízo reflexivo
para lançar bases a um julgamento que tenha como ponto central a
observação de um acontecimento particular do ponto de vista de toda a
humanidade. Tal julgamento é possível apenas a partir do pensamento
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A tutela penal dos direitos humanos e o expansionismo punitivo / The Protection of Human Rights and Expansion of Punitive LawBeltrame, Priscila Akemi 12 May 2015 (has links)
A expansão do direito penal pelos direitos humanos tem no direito penal internacional um privilegiado campo de estudo. Entre as tendências expansivas dos direitos humanos, motivadas pela luta contra a impunidade, e a necessária contenção mecanismo punitivo, princípios, estruturas de aplicação e fundamentação entram em choque, quando se pensava que os direitos humanos e o direito penal originaram-se da mesma matriz liberal de contenção do poder estatal. O tema ganha especial impulso diante da perspectiva expansionista por que passa o direito penal na modernidade, dos influxos da globalização. As decisões dos tribunais penais internacionais, de Nuremberg a Haia, dos tribunais de direitos humanos (europeu e interamericano), fornecem um panorama de como essa relação tem sido construída, favorecendo a aplicação da norma punitiva e flexibilizando garantias clássicas penais e processuais penais. A discussão empreendida busca matizar a luta contra a impunidade que seja tributária dos avanços jurídicos do sistema de garantias, também conquistas sociais e políticas para a efetiva proteção dos direitos humanos. Nesse contexto, alerta-se para o fato de que se estaria produzindo um direito especial motivado pela luta contra os mais graves crimes contra a paz e a segurança mundiais. Finalmente, expõe-se as dificuldades de validação do conteúdo preventivo das normas em direito penal internacional, do déficit democrático de sua produção desconectada da base social sobre a qual atua, e do efeito simbólico de seus enunciados à custa das máximas garantias. / The international criminal law features a special condition for the critical analysis of the expansion of criminal law through human rights. Between the expansive tendencies of human rights, motivated by the fight against impunity, and the necessary containment of punitive mechanism, stands the international criminal law, whose principles, implementation structures and grounds clash, despite the fact that human rights and criminal law originated from the same liberal matrix for the containment of state power. The debate gained particular momentum with the expansionist perspective experienced by the criminal law in modern times of globalization inflows. The decisions of international criminal courts, from Nuremberg to The Hague, human rights tribunals (European and Inter-American), provide an overview of how this relationship has been built, favoring the application of criminal provisions and easing criminal and criminal procedural classical guarantees. The discussion undertaken shades the fight against impunity, that shall be paved by the legal achievements for the effective protection of human rights, warning to the fact that it is producing a special law, away from the legal domestic law principles, motivated by the fight against the most serious crimes against peace and world security. Finally, sets up the difficulties in accepting the preventive content of international criminal provisions, the democratic deficit of its production disconnected of the social contexts in which operates, and the symbolic effect of its legal provisions at the expense of the maximum guarantees.
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