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A relação alométrica ou isométrica nos índices de massa corporal entre menores de 20 anos / The allometric or isometric scaling to body mass index in individuals younger than 20 yearsMazzeti, Camila Medeiros da Silva 18 June 2018 (has links)
Objetivos: Analisar o ajuste alométrico para MC e altura entre indivíduos menores de 20 anos. Métodos: Dados de indivíduos de 0-20 anos de National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES-1999-2013); Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde e Nutrição (PNSN-1989); Encuesta de Salud y Nutrición (2012); England Health Survei (2005-2014) e; Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES-1998-2014). MC e de altura foram convertidos à escala logarítmica e modelados por regressão linear em 24 grupos etários, 2 sexos e os 5 países. O β dessa regressão deu origem ao p valor que foi estimado em 2 etapas. 1) Todos os dados disponíveis nos inquéritos, excluíndo apenas os valores biologicamente implausíveis; e 2) O p foi calculado após a exclusão dos valores não esperados para idade (VNEI) de MC e altura. VNEI foi definido como casos ±2,0 DP(z) do resíduo da regressão de MC pela idade, altura pela idade e MC pela altura. Em seguida, os valores p definidos no pool de dados foram modelados por spline com 5 knots, para definição de um p internacional (ip). Após calculou-se o IA - Indice Alométrico para todos os individuos. Para análise da correlação entre os índices e a massa adiposa foram utilizadas medidas de Densiotometria (DXA), Impedância Bioelétrica (BIA), Circunferência de Cintura (CC) e Dobras Cutâneas (DC). As correlações com os indices foram estimada pelo coeficiente de Pearson(r). Em uma análise de efeitos mistos, estimou-se o coeficiente correlção intraclasses (CCI), entre os diferentes países e as diferentes fenótipos humanos para altura, MC, IMC e IA. Resultados: A exclusão de VNEI (8,5% da amostra) diminuiu a diferença do p entre os países. O p e o ip apresentoram valores próximos a 2 ao nascimento, aumentou para 3 a 3,5 (7 e 11 anos nas meninas e 8 a 12 nos meninos) e regrediu a 2 no final do crescimento. O IA apresentou r próximo de zero em relação a altura contra r proximos de 0,4 para o IMC durante a puberdade. A correlação da massa adiposa para os dois indices foi semelhante, sempre apresentando r acima de 0,85 para todas as formas de análise via DC, BIA, CC e DXA. IA apresentou menor correlação com massa muscular e densidade óssea. O CCI foi maior entre os paises e praticamente nulo entre as fenótipos humanos. A maior variação entre os paises ficou a cargo da altura, seguido da massa corporal e IMC. O IA foi a medida que se apresentou com menor variação entre os paises (3,6%) e entre fenótipos humanos (1,7%). Conclusões: A exclusão VNEI contribuiu para diminuir o efeito do estado nutricional sobre a alometria para se estimar o p valor. O ip mostrou-se uma valor promissor para uso internacional. O IA no conjunto de evidências apresenta uma vantagem em relação ao IMC, uma vez que tem correlção 0 com a altura, e uma correlação equivalente ao IMC com a massa adiposa além de apresentar o menor CCI entre fenótipos humanos e nacionalidades. A maior variação do CCI ficou a cargo do país em relação a altura, justificado pelos difentes contextos epidemiológicos. / Objectives: To analyze the allometric scalling for BM and the height under 20 years old. Methods: Individuals 0-20 years of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES-1999-2013); Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde e Nutrição (PNSN-1989); Encuesta de Salud y Nutrición (2012); England Health Survei (2005-2014) and; Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES-1998-2014). BM and height were converted to logarithmic scale and modeled by linear regression, in 24 age groups, 2 sexes and 5 countries. The β of this regression gave the estimated p value in 2 steps. 1) All data available in the surveys, excluding only those biologically implausible values; and 2) The value was obtained after the exclusion of values not expected for age (VNEA) of MC and height. VNEA was defined as ± 2.0 SD (z) cases of regression of BM by age, height by age and MC by height. Then, the values were modeled by spline in 5 knots, to define an international (ip). After were calculated the AI - Allometric Index for all individuals. The Pearson correlation (r) between the indices and the fat mass was calculated used data dorm densitometry (DXA), Bioelectrical Impedance (BIA), Waist Circumference (WC) and Skin Folds (SF). In an analysis of mixed effects, was estimated the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), between countries and ethnicities for different dimensions for BM, BMI and AI. Results: Exclusion of VNEA (8.5% of the sample) decreased the difference between countries. The p and ip presented values close to 2 at birth, increased to 3 to 3.5 (7 and 11 years in girls and 8 to 12 in boys) and recorded 2 at the end of growth. AI was close to zero in correlation with height and for BMI was r= 0.4 during puberty. The correlation of the adipose mass for the two indices was similar, always presenting r above 0.85 for all forms of analysis via DC, BIA, CC and DXA. AI presented a lower correlation with muscle mass and bone density. ICC is larger among countries and is practically zero among ethnicities. The greatest difference between the groups was the height, the BM and the BMI. AI showed the smallest difference between the countries (3.6%) and between the ethnic groups (1.7%). Conclusions: A VNEA exclusion contributed to decrease the effect of nutritional status on allometry to estimate the p value. The value ip has proved to be a promising value for international use. The IA in the body of evidence has an advantage over BMI, since it has correlation 0 with height, and a correlation equivalent to the BMI with the adipose mass besides presenting the lowest CCI between ethnicities and nationalities. The greatest variation of ICC was borne by the country in relation to height, justified by the different epidemiological contexts.
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Facteurs de risques hormonaux et anthropométriques dans le cancer du sein de la femme : étude CECILE / Hormonal and Anthropometric Factors in the Risk of Female Breast Cancer : CECILE StudyCordina-Duverger, Emilie 30 March 2015 (has links)
Contexte : Il est établi que les traitements hormonaux de la ménopause à base d’estroprogestatifs augmentent le risque de cancer du sein, mais ce risque pourrait varier selon les types de progestatifs utilisés. Par ailleurs, le rôle des traitements à base de progestatifs seuls dans le cancer du sein a été peu étudié. Du fait des particularités françaises dans la prescription de ces traitements, nous avons analysé le risque de cancer du sein en fonction des types de traitement hormonaux prescrits chez les femmes en France.Le surpoids et l’obésité sont associés à une diminution du risque de cancer du sein en préménopause, mais augmentent le risque en période post-ménopausique. Les mécanismes sous-jacents ne sont pas complètement élucidés et des questions restent en suspens quant au rôle du gain de poids à différentes périodes de la vie. Méthodes : Ce travail porte sur les données d’une étude cas-témoins réalisée en population générale en France, incluant 1232 cas et 1317 témoins recrutés chez les femmes des deux départements d’Ille-et-Vilaine et de Côte d’Or, entre 2005 et 2007. Des informations détaillées sur l'utilisation des traitements hormonaux, sur le poids à différentes périodes de la vie et sur diverses caractéristiques reproductives et médicales ont été obtenues au cours d'entretiens en face-à-face. Les odds ratios et intervalles de confiance à 95% après ajustement sur les facteurs de risque du cancer du sein ont été calculés à l’aide de modèles de régression logistique. Des analyses de trajectoires d’indice de masse corporelle entre l’âge de 20 ans et l’âge au moment du diagnostic ont été pratiquées.Résultats : Le risque de cancer du sein était augmenté chez les utilisatrices de progestatifs de synthèse combinés ou non avec un estrogène. Ce risque était restreint à la prise récente du traitement hormonal et augmentait avec la durée d’utilisation. A l’inverse, les traitements à base de progestérone naturelle n’étaient pas associés à une augmentation du risque de cancer du sein. Chez les femmes non ménopausées, un IMC élevé et un gain de poids antérieur étaient associés à une diminution du risque de cancer du sein. Chez les femmes ménopausées, seul un gain de poids dans la période précédant la ménopause (entre 40 et 50 ans) était associé à une augmentation du risque de cancer du sein. Cette association était plus marquée chez les femmes maigres à 20 ans (IMC≤ 18,5 kg/m²), ou chez les femmes plus âgées. Conclusion : Ce travail confirme d’une part les effets cancérogènes des traitements hormonaux à base de progestatifs de synthèse, et d’autre part l’absence d’effet délétère de la progestérone naturelle sur le risque de cancer du sein. L’utilisation de progestérone naturelle doit toutefois être évaluée au regard des bénéfices et des risques qu’elle peut entraîner. Nous avons également pu préciser les relations existant entre le gain de poids et le risque de cancer du sein, et suggéré qu’un gain de poids pendant la période précédant la ménopause pouvait être plus favorable à la survenue de cancer du sein en post-ménopause. / Background: There is evidence that menopausal combined estrogen-progestagen therapy increases the risk of breast cancer, but the risk may vary depending on the types of progestagen used. Moreover, the role of progestagen-only therapy in breast cancer has been little studied. Because of French specificities in prescribing these treatments, we analyzed the risk of breast cancer based on these different types of hormone treatment prescribed among women in France.Overweight and obesity are associated with a reduced risk of premenopausal breast cancer, but increase the risk in postmenopausal period. The underlying mechanisms are not fully understood, and questions remain about the role of weight gain in different periods of life.Methods: This work relates on data from a case-control study in the general population in France, including 1232 cases and 1317 controls recruited among women in two departments of Ille-et-Vilaine and Côte d'Or, between 2005 and 2007. Detailed information on hormonal treatments use, on weight at different periods of life and various reproductive and medical characteristics were obtained during a face-to-face interview. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals after adjustment for breast cancer risk factors were calculated using logistic regression models. Analyzes of BMI trajectories between the age of 20 and the age at diagnosis were performed.Results: The risk of breast cancer was increased in users of synthetic progestagen combined or not combined with an estrogen. This risk was restricted to the recent use of the hormone treatment and increased with the duration of use. Conversely, the natural progesterone based treatment was not associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.In premenopausal women, higher BMI and a previous weight gain were associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer. In postmenopausal women, only weight gain in the period preceding the menopause (40 to 50 years) was associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. This association was stronger among women who were lean women at the age of 20 (IMC≤ 18.5 kg / m²), or in older women.Conclusion: This study confirms the carcinogenic effects of hormonal treatments with synthetic progestagen, and the absence of deleterious effects of natural progesterone on breast cancer risk. However, the use of natural progesterone must be evaluated according to the benefits and risks that may result. We could also clarify the relationship between weight gain and the risk of breast cancer, and suggested that weight gain during the period before menopause could be more favorable to the occurrence of breast cancer in post-menopausal .
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Obesidade e o nascimento de bebês com fendas lábio-palatinas / Cleft lips and palate and obesityRodrigues, Adriana Teixeira 01 September 2006 (has links)
Introdução - A incidência das fendas lábio palatinas, é de 1 para cada 700 nascidos vivos na população mundial, trata-se de uma má-formação congênita que pode ocorrer devido a fatores endógenos ou exógenos. Objetivo Relacionar o índice de massa corporal (IMC) materno com o nascimento de bebês com fendas. Métodos Trata-se de um estudo tipo caso-controle. Foram incluídas 800 mães com idade entre 18 e 35 anos, que não apresentaram suspeita ou confirmação de diabete mellitus ou gravídica e bebês com peso entre 2.500 e 4.500 gramas nascidos entre a 37ª e a 42ª semana de gestação que não apresentaram nenhum outro tipo de deficiência que não a estudada. Para a coleta dos dados aplicou se questionários a 400 mães de crianças normais distribuídas em quatro postos de saúde da cidade de Santo André (controles), e 400 mães de bebês com fendas labiais e/ou palatinas que estavam em tratamento no FUNCRAF, que é um centro especializado no tratamento da deformidade estudada, nesta mesma cidade (casos). Resultados - Entre os casos encontrou - se 148 (37,00%) mulheres com IMC acima de 26 e entre os controles foram 132 (33,00%). Com relação ao uso de álcool/drogas observou-se que 82 (20,50%) mulheres entre os casos e 58 (14,50%) no grupo controle eram usuárias. Duzentas e onze (52,70%) mães de bebês com fendas relataram ter histórico de má - formação na família dela ou do pai da criança. Este número foi de 103 (25,70%) no grupo controle. No grupo controle observou-se que 330 (82,50%) eram brancas ou pardas, 43 (10,75%) negras e 27 (6,70%) amarelas, entre os casos foram 294 (73,50%) brancas ou pardas, 65 (16,25%) negras e 40 (10,00%) amarelas. Conclusões - O IMC alto não esteve relacionado ao nascimento de bebês com fendas. Ter sido usuária de álcool/drogas no primeiro trimestre de gestação relacionou-se ao nascimento de crianças com a má-formação. O risco de surgimento desta deformidade foi 3,6 vezes maior quanto existiu histórico de qualquer má-formação familiar; a raça/etnia da mãe também apresentou associação com a presença de fendas, a raça branca é a menos associada seguida pela parda e negra e, finalmente pela amarela que foi a que apresenta maior associação. / Introduction The incidence of cleft lips and palate is 1 to 700 live births in the world population, it is a congenital malformation that can happens due to endogens or exogenesis factors. Objectives Association between maternal body mass index (BMI) and the risk of cleft lips or palate. Methods That is a case control study. We include 800 mothers between 18 and 35 years old without suspicious of gestational or preexisting diabetes and babies between 2,500 e 4, 000 g was born between the 37 and 42 pregnancy week without other congenital malformation that is not the studied. Some questions were asked for 400 normal childrens mothers from four health centers from Santo André (controls), and 400cleft lips or palate childrens mothers from FUNCRAF that is a health center just to treatment of this malformation, from Santo André (cases). Results Among the cases we have 148 (37.00%) mothers with BMI above 26 and among the controls it was 132 (33.00%). About alcohol and drugs use we have 82 (20.50%) women among cases and 58 (14.50%) on control group. Two hundred eleven (52.70%) malformations childrens mothers declare to have malformation parental history against 103 (25.70%) on control group. On control group we have 330 (82.50%) white , 43 (10.75%) black and 27 (6.70%) yellow, among the cases 294 (73.50%) white, 65 (16.25%) black and 40 (10.00%) yellow. Conclusions The increase of BMI is not likely to be a risk factor for clefts, the consumption of alcohol/drugs is a risk factor for this malformation; the risk is 3.6 times highest for clefts when there is malformation history; a racial association with clefts was observed, the white women presents the lowest association and the yellow presents the highest one.
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Automatic control strategies of mean arterial pressure and cardiac output : MIMO controllers, PID, internal model control, adaptive model reference, and neural nets are developed to regulate mean arterial pressure and cardiac output using the drugs Sodium Nitroprusside and DopamineEnbiya, Saleh Abdalla January 2013 (has links)
High blood pressure, also called hypertension is one of the most common worldwide diseases afflicting humans and is a major risk factor for stroke, myocardial infarction, vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease. If blood pressure is controlled and oscillations in the hemodynamic variables are reduced, patients experience fewer complications after surgery. In clinical practice, this is usually achieved using manual drug delivery. Given that different patients have different sensitivity and reaction time to drugs, determining manually the right drug infusion rates may be difficult. This is a problem where automatic drug delivery can provide a solution, especially if it is designed to adapt to variations in the patient’s conditions. This research work presents an investigation into the development of abnormal blood pressure (hypertension) controllers for postoperative patients. Control of the drugs infusion rates is used to simultaneously regulate the hemodynamic variables such as the Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) and the Cardiac Output (CO) at the desired level. The implementation of optimal control system is very essential to improve the quality of patient care and also to reduce the workload of healthcare staff and costs. Many researchers have conducted studies earlier on modelling and/or control of abnormal blood pressure for postoperative patients. However, there are still many concerns about smooth transition of blood pressure without any side effect. The blood pressure is classified in two categories: high blood pressure (Hypertension) and low blood pressure (Hypotension). The hypertension often occurred after cardiac surgery, and the hypotension occurred during cardiac surgery. To achieve the optimal control solution for these abnormal blood pressures, many methods are proposed, one of the common methods is infusing the drug related to blood pressure to maintain it at the desired level. There are several kinds of vasodilating drugs such as Sodium Nitroprusside (SNP), Dopamine (DPM), Nitro-glycerine (NTG), and so on, which can be used to treat postoperative patients, also used for hypertensive emergencies to keep the blood pressure at safety level. A comparative performance of two types of algorithms has been presented in chapter four. These include the Internal Model Control (IMC), and Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller. The resulting controllers are implemented, tested and verified for three sensitivity patient response. SNP is used for all three patients’ situation in order to reduce the pressure smoothly and maintain it at the desire level. A Genetic Algorithms (GAs) optimization technique has been implemented to optimise the controllers’ parameters. A set of experiments are presented to demonstrate the merits and capabilities of the control algorithms. The simulation results in chapter four have demonstrated that the performance criteria are satisfied with the IMC, and PID controllers. On the other hand, the settling time for the PID control of all three patients’ response is shorter than the settling time with IMC controller. Using multiple interacting drugs to control both the MAP and CO of patients with different sensitivity to drugs is a challenging task. A Multivariable Model Reference Adaptive Control (MMRAC) algorithm is developed using a two-input, two-output patient model. Because of the difference in patient’s sensitivity to the drug, and in order to cover the wide ranges of patients, Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) has been implemented to obtain the optimal infusion rates of DPM and SNP. This is developed in chapters five and six. Computer simulations were carried out to investigate the performance of this controller. The results show that the proposed adaptive scheme is robust with respect to disturbances and variations in model parameters, the simulation results have demonstrated that this algorithm cannot cover the wide range of patient’s sensitivity to drugs, due to that shortcoming, a PID controller using a Neural Network that tunes the controller parameters was designed and implemented. The parameters of the PID controller were optimised offline using Matlab genetic algorithm. The proposed Neuro-PID controller has been tested and validated to demonstrate its merits and capabilities compared to the existing approaches to cover wide range of patients.
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Estado nutricional pré-gestacional, ganho de peso gestacional e peso ao nascer na coorte de nascimento BRISA: uma abordagem com modelagem de equações estruturais / Pre-gestational nutritional status, gestational weight gain and birth weight in the birth cohort BRISA: An approach with modeling of structural equationsLima, Raina Jansen Cutrim Propp 18 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Rosivalda Pereira (mrs.pereira@ufma.br) on 2017-06-22T20:19:45Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-18 / Objective. This study aims to analyze the effects of prepregnancy nutritional status and gestational weight gain on birth weight. Methodology. Cross-sectional study involving 5,024 mothers and their newborns who participated in the study BRISA São Luís - MA. Data were collected in 2010 and were applied two questionnaires after delivery: one with maternal data and other newborn´s data. The main explanatory variables were prepregnancy BMI and gestational weight gain. Theoretical model was proposed to explain the total, direct and indirect effects, using structural equation modeling in the analysis, with adjustment for sociodemographic variables, life habits and maternal comorbidities, with the outcome birth weight. Results. The final model had good fit according to indicators RMSEA, CFI / TLI and WRMR. The prepregnancy BMI had total effect (Standardized Coefficient SC=0.126; p <0.001) and direct (SC=0.211; p <0.001) positive on the newborn's weight, plus negative indirect effect on the total gestational weight gain. Gestational weight gain in turn had the highest effect on birth weight (SC=0.280; p <0.001), including modifying the effect of other variables. Socioeconomic status, maternal age, more stable marital status and gestational diabetes had positive total effects, while high blood pressure and smoking during pregnancy had negative effects on birth weight. Alcohol use during pregnancy showed no total effect. Conclusion. Mothers with higher prepregnancy BMI can have children with higher weight, as well as those with high gestational weight gain. These associations highlight the need for greater attention to the health of women of reproductive age and maintaining proper weight gain during pregnancy, which could contribute to reducing risks of maternal complications and newborn. / Objetivo. O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar os efeitos do estado nutricional pré-gestacional e ganho de peso gestacional no peso ao nascer. Metodologia. Estudo transversal que envolveu 5.024 mães e seus recém-nascidos que participaram do estudo BRISA de São Luís – MA. Os dados foram coletados no ano de 2010 e aplicaram-se dois questionários após o parto: um com dados da mãe e outro do recém-nascido. As variáveis explanatórias principais foram o IMC pré-gestacional e o ganho de peso gestacional. Modelo teórico foi proposto para explicar efeitos totais, diretos e indiretos, utilizando modelagem de equações estruturais na análise, com ajuste para variáveis sociodemográficas, hábitos de vida e comorbidades maternas, tendo como desfecho peso ao nascer. Resultados. O modelo final teve bom ajuste segundo os indicadores RMSEA, CFI/TLI e WRMR. O IMC pré-gestacional teve efeitos total (Coeficiente padronizado CP=0.126; p<0.001) e direto (CP=0.211; p<0.001) positivos no peso do recém-nascido, além de efeito indireto negativo via ganho de peso gestacional total. O ganho de peso gestacional por sua vez apresentou o maior efeito no peso de nascimento (CP=0.280; p<0.001), inclusive modificando o efeito de outras variáveis. Situação socioeconômica, idade materna, situação conjugal mais estável e diabetes gestacional tiveram efeitos totais positivos, enquanto que hipertensão arterial e tabagismo na gestação apresentaram efeitos negativos no peso ao nascer. Uso de álcool durante a gestação não apresentou efeito total. Conclusão. Mães com maior IMC pré-gestacional podem gerar filhos com mais alto peso, assim como aquelas com elevado ganho de peso total. Essas associações ressaltam a necessidade de maior atenção à saúde de mulheres em idade reprodutiva e manutenção do ganho de peso adequado durante a gestação, o que poderá contribuir para a diminuição de riscos de intercorrências maternas e do recém-nascido.
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Estudio comparado de la percepción del estado de salud, del dolor crónico y de la imagen corporal en mujeres universitarias marroquíes y españolasCharia, Hikmat 25 January 2016 (has links)
INTRODUCCIÓN: La salud es un concepto básico para el mantenimiento de una población, que agrupa nociones e impresiones de un sujeto. Se trata de un conjunto de bienestar físico, social y mental condicionado por la influencia de los factores socioeconómicos y culturales. Muchas investigaciones se basaron en las mediciones subjetivas de la salud para enfocar el tema desde la perspectiva del paciente y no solo del profesional de salud. Las nociones estudiadas en la presente investigación son la calidad y estilo de vida de la población universitaria femenina, además de las impresiones que incluyen las vivencias del dolor crónico y de la imagen corporal de la misma población. También, se añadió la variable “etnia” al presente estudio por su importancia junto al género y al nivel educativo, a la hora de determinar y analizar cada uno de los conceptos mencionados. Además, se estudiaron el dolor crónico y la imagen corporal desde un punto de vista subjetivo-emocional basado en la semántica de algunas palabras que definen el significado de estos fenómenos según cada persona y población étnica. METODOLOGÍA: Se recurrió a la metodología de encuestas utilizando para ello cuatro cuestionarios para cada concepto estudiado. Las entrevistas se elaboraron en las Universidades UA y UMH de Alicante (España) y Universidad Abdelmalek Essaadi de Tetuán (Marruecos), agrupados en: 318 mujeres, entre ellas 127 mujeres españolas residentes en Alicante, 85 mujeres de nacionalidad marroquí que reside en Alicante también y 106 mujeres marroquíes residentes en Tetuán. La elección de la edad no fue una variable condicionante ya que la población universitaria se encontraba en el intervalo de 18 a 36 años que define una población generalmente joven. Esto es de interés por ser la etapa que más marca el estado de salud durante el resto de la vida. Dentro de la población universitaria, se eligió únicamente la femenina por ser la más vulnerable en las vivencias, percepciones y cambios en la imagen corporal, alimentación y dolor. Para la evaluación de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud se empleó el cuestionario de salud SF-36 que agrupa las ocho dimensiones determinantes de la salud percibida. Los indicadores clásicos de morbilidad (presencia de procesos patológicos, consumo de medicamentos) y estilo de vida (tipo de alimentación, consumo de alcohol y tabaco, actividad física) se resumieron a partir de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud Española (ENS 2006). El estudio del dolor crónico y de la imagen corporal basándose en la semántica, se evaluó a través de un cuestionario genérico del Diferencial Semántico. Además se añadió otro aspecto para el estudio de la imagen corporal, basado en Figuras Anatómicas que determinan el Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) percibido. RESULTADOS: Los resultados obtenidos muestran diferencias apreciables en la percepción de la calidad de vida de las mujeres marroquíes frente a las españolas, mostrando mejores puntuaciones en las españolas y peores en las marroquíes de Alicante. La prevalencia de algunas patologías fue generalmente alta en la población marroquí. Lo más destacado fueron los altos porcentajes de depresión u otros trastornos menores en las marroquíes de Alicante y la anemia en las españolas de Alicante. Los medicamentos se consumen por parte de toda la población universitaria, con altos porcentajes de analgésicos utilizados por la población marroquí residente en Alicante. Aparecen también los reconstituyentes sobre todo para la población marroquí de Alicante por ser la que peor estado de salud tiene. La alimentación seguida es inadecuada para toda la población, y necesita cambios según los coeficientes calculados del Índice de Alimentación Saludable. Las mujeres que llevan una dieta sana son escasas y pertenecen sobre todo al grupo de las universitarias españolas. En lo referido a la práctica de actividad física y consumo de tabaco, los altos porcentajes son hallados en las universitarias españolas, dos conceptos que normalmente deben aparecer en sentido inverso. Las marroquíes de Alicante practican menos actividad física comparadas con la población universitaria estudiada. El consumo de alcohol no fue un dato relevante, ya que se trata de una etnia religiosa que no consume alcohol. Los resultados obtenidos del cuestionario de dolor crónico, muestran puntuaciones bajas en toda la población universitaria con una percepción negativa, sobre todo en las marroquíes de Alicante. La imagen corporal evaluada con el Diferencial Semántico muestra una insatisfacción hacia el propio cuerpo en todas las mujeres, en especial las marroquíes residentes en Alicante. Los IMC ideales elegidos a partir de las figuras anatómicas facilitadas, muestran una diferencia marcada entre las dos etnias: las mujeres españolas eligen las figuras que presentan los IMC bajos, como figura Ideal, mientras que las marroquíes eligen modelos Ideales con más peso. CONCLUSIONES: Las universitarias españolas valoran mejor su calidad de vida en comparación a las marroquíes de Tetuán. Las marroquíes residentes en Alicante perciben una calidad de vida menor que las otras universitarias. Las mujeres participantes en este estudio muestran valores del IMC dentro de la normalidad aunque la prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad se encuentra alta únicamente en las universitarias marroquíes de Tetuán. En lo relativo a los estilos de vida, las diferencias observadas entre las mujeres no se basan tanto en las patologías ni en los medicamentos consumidos. Sin embargo, las universitarias españolas realizan más actividad física y llevan una alimentación generalmente saludable. El perfil nutricional es preocupante ya que todas las universitarias necesitan un cambio en el tipo de alimentación siendo las marroquíes de Alicante las que peor calidad de dieta tienen. Las vivencias del dolor crónico determinadas por el Diferencial Semántico mostraron una percepción negativa, para todas la universitarias. Basándonos en la etnia y el lugar de nacimiento, las españolas puntúan mejor este concepto frente a las marroquíes de Tetuán. Las marroquíes que viven en Alicante perciben el dolor de una manera negativa. El consumo de analgésicos no mostró rendimientos positivos sobre este último grupo, mientras que en los otros grupos de mujeres parece que el consumo de este tipo de medicina ayuda al afrontamiento del dolor. La percepción de la imagen corporal mostró una insatisfacción por la propia imagen en todas las mujeres universitarias sin mostrar grandes diferencias entre grupos. Esta insatisfacción corporal difiere en el modelo del cuerpo elegido, ya que las españolas prefieren ser más delgadas, mientras que las marroquíes eligen tener más peso para una Imagen Corporal Ideal. El ámbito universitario y la etnia y el lugar de nacimiento son condiciones, dentro de las variables sociodemográficas, que determinan el grado de variación del IMC, la calidad de vida percibida, algunos aspectos del estilo de vida, las vivencias del dolor crónico y la percepción de la imagen corporal.
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Modélisation, simulation et contrôle des installations cryogéniques du CERNBradu, Benjamin 04 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse présente le développement d'un simulateur de processus cryogéniques de grande taille appliqué aux installations cryogéniques de l'accélérateur de particules LHC (Large Hadron Collider) au CERN (Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire). Ce simulateur est basé sur une approche de modélisation orientée objet où chaque équipement (échangeur, turbine, compresseur, etc.) est représenté à partir d'un ensemble d'équations physiques algébro-différentielles. L'architecture de contrôle du CERN est également simulée en intégrant le contrôle réalisé par des automates programmables (PLC) avec le système de supervision. Ce simulateur à été développé pour servir différents desseins comme l'entraînement des opérateurs, la vérification des programmes automates (virtual commissioning) et l'optimisation des stratégies de contrôle. Le système cryogénique d'un détecteur de particules a d'abord été simulé pour valider les modèles, puis un liquéfacteur d'hélium a été modélisé pour réaliser un virtual commissioning. Les réfrigérateurs à hélium à 4,5 K du LHC ainsi que les unités de réfrigération à 1,8 K avec la ligne de distribution cryogénique du LHC ont également été modélisés et simulés. Le développement d'une nouvelle loi de commande basée sur un contrôle à modèle interne (IMC) en utilisant une commande robuste H infinie est présenté pour améliorer la régulation de la haute pression des réfrigérateurs à hélium du LHC. De plus, un système de pressions flottantes a été développé à partir du simulateur de manière à adapter automatiquement la puissance de réfrigération à la charge. Cette technique a pour principal objectif de réduire la puissance électrique des compresseurs.
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Brand Awareness among Customers : A case study of ICA-KvantumShahzad, Umer, Azeem, Muhammad January 2011 (has links)
This research paper has been prepared by Bachelor students from Dalarna University in Borlänge. The project is centered on a case study of ICA – Kvantum and its brand awareness among customers. The purpose of this study is to find out that which measures can help ICA-Kvantum to create brand awareness among its current and potential customers by looking in to the importance of information of its offerings and use of effective communication tools to convey this information. Further, to recommend them what they need to do, to increase brand awareness among their customers with the help of managerial implications. The research question was formulated as what actions could be seen effective for ICA-Kvantum to maintain or improve brand awareness among its current and potential customers.The project was created with the help of theoretical concepts of brand awareness, brand loyalty, perceived quality, consumer decision model, integrated marketing communication approach and strategic planning process. These theories were applied in this thesis in order to find out the most effective communication measures to maintain or improve brand awareness among current and potential customers of ICA-Kvantum.The primary and secondary data was collected. Primary data was gathered through the survey among ICA-Kvantum customers in the front of the store in Borlänge. The personal interview with manager was conducted in the office of ICA-Kvantum store located in Borlänge. Secondary data was gathered from textbooks, academic journals, theses and websites.The empirical findings have been presented in detail and then analyzed with the help of theoretical concepts. The analysis and further results from survey and interview focused on importance of information, marketing communication tools, brand awareness and loyalty, perceived quality and implementation of strategic planning process. Moreover, the main weaknesses and strengths of ICA-Kvantun have been evaluated. The conclusion including short summary of analysis and its results have been provided at the end. Each weakness of issues related to brand awareness i.e. importance of information, effectiveness of marketing communication tools and strengths and weaknesses of ICA-Kvantum discussed in the paper, has been pointed out along with solutions and managerial implications.
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Big idea patterns of the advertising creative processLindsay, Cabe Erin 11 July 2011 (has links)
The analysis of creative processes reveals that there are behaviors, techniques, and resources that have proven to be indispensable when embraced by advertising creatives in order to achieve big ideas. There are specific behaviors that clearly define successful creatives, and there are techniques and resources that creatives commonly use to arrive at big ideas. Some of these behaviors, techniques, and resources are well-known and time-tested, while others are proposed here for the first time, backed by research. This report aims to improve the productivity of creativity. / text
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台灣有線電視寬頻網路整合行銷之研究 / In view of Integrated Marketing to make research into Cable ISP黃仁宏, Huang, Jen-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
鑒於寬頻網路是電子商務發展基石,各國無不積極規劃寬頻網路基礎建設,藉由技術昇級與整合,建構安全可靠的電子商務服務環境,吸引更多企業與消費者參與使用電子商務。ING Barings在2000年研究報告中指出,台灣未來寬頻網路服務市場營收可望在2004年達到773.3億之多,預計寬頻網路服務市場將隨著國際頻寬成本不斷降低而成長。
(五)國內有線電視寬頻網路事業依其市場利益點發展M & A策略,並視時間與事業定位轉換其企業關係利益人溝通策略。
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