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Modelling the SAC microstructure evolution under thermal, thermo-mechanical and electronical constraints / Modélisation de l’évolution de la microstructure d’alliage SAC sous contraintes thermiques, thermomécaniques et électriquesMeinshausen, Lutz 25 March 2014 (has links)
L'assemblage tridimensionnel des circuits microélectroniques et leur utilisation dansdes conditions environnementales extrêmement sévères nécessitent ledéveloppement d’alternatives plus robustes pour les contacts électriques. Unetechnique prometteuse est la transformation des contacts de brasure conventionnelleen composés intermétalliques (IMC). Ce processus est appelé « Transient LiquidPhase Soldering » (TLPS).Dans ce contexte, des tests accélérés permettant la formation d’IMC parélectromigration et thermomigration ont été effectués sur des structures « Packageon Package ». L'objectif principal est le développement d'un modèle généralpermettant de décrire la formation des IMC dans les joints de brasure. Combiné avecune analyse par éléments finis ce modèle pourra être utilisé pour prédire la formationdes IMC dans les joints de brasure pour des structures et des profils de missiondifférents. Le modèle de formation des IMC pourra être utilisé pour optimiser unprocessus TLPS. / A further miniaturization of microelectronic components by three dimensionalpackaging, as well as the use of microelectronic devices under harsh environmentconditions, requires the development of more robust alternatives to the existing Snbased solder joints. One promising technique is the diffusion and migration driventransformation of conventional solder bumps into intermetallic compound (IMC)connections. The related process is called transient liquid phase soldering (TLPS).Against this background an investigation of the IMC formation under consideration ofelectromigration and thermomigration was performed. For the stress tests Packageon Package structures are used. The final result is a general model for the IMCformation in solder joints. Combined with a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) this modelis used to predict the IMC formation in solder joints for a broad range of boundaryconditions. In future the model of the IMC formation can be used to optimize a TLPSprocess.
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Promotion de l’activité physique chez l’adolescent : interventions chez des jeunes obèses et des jeunes issus de familles socio économiquement défavorisées / Promotion of physical activity in adolescents : interventions for obese youth and young people from socio-economically disadvantaged familiesFarfal, Hervé 06 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse est basée sur le constat du manque d’activité physique (AP) chez les adolescents : environ 80% de cette tranche d’âge n’atteint pas les 60min quotidiennes recommandées. Cette situation aux conséquences sanitaires importantes, impacte davantage les jeunes les plus vulnérables comme les adolescents obèses et ceux issus de familles de position sociale et économique défavorisée. Deux études visant à promouvoir l’AP auprès de ces publics ont été menées : des mesures objectives de l’AP avant, pendant et après des interventions ont été réalisées dans deux contextes de prise en charge différents. L’objectif de la première étude était de tester la faisabilité et l’impact d’un programme d’AP à destination d’adolescents issus de milieux défavorisés en impliquant également un de leur parent. 18 parents et 22 adolescents ont participé au programme 1 parent – 1 ado. Il comportait deux fois deux heures d’AP par semaine pendant onze semaines pour chacun des groupes participants. Les niveaux d’AP ainsi que plusieurs paramètres anthropométriques, physiologiques et psychologiques ont été recueillis. Tous les participants ont suivi les onze semaines d’intervention. Les analyses ont montré que le seuil de 60 min d’AP quotidienne était atteint, uniquement pendant la durée du programme pour les adolescents. Celui de 30 min pour les parents l’était à tous les temps de mesures. Des analyses complémentaires ont révélé 1) des effets de la prise en charge sur l’AP modulés par l'âge chez les adolescents et par l'assiduité chez les parents, 2) une diminution de l’amotivation pour les adolescents les plus assidus et 3) une augmentation du bien-être pour les adolescents. Les résultats de cette étude pilote ont mis en évidence la faisabilité et l'efficacité d'un tel programme qui pourrait maintenant être déployé sous la forme d'un essai randomisé incluant un groupe contrôle.L’objectif de la deuxième étude était de tester les effets d’une prise en charge pluridisciplinaire de 10 mois sur l’indice de masse corporelle (IMC) et les niveaux d’AP d’adolescents obèses (21 garçons et 41 filles âgés de 14 ans avec un IMC de 33 kg/m²) dans un centre de Soins de Suite et de Réadaptation (SSR). Le rôle modulateur du climat parental et de la motivation de l’adolescent sur l’efficacité de la prise en charge a été évalué. Les résultats indiquent un effet positif de la prise en charge avec une diminution de l’IMC et une augmentation de l’AP au cours de la cure et quatre mois après. De type curvilinéaire, la perte de poids est forte en début de cure puis se stabilise à la fin. Le climat parental semble jouer un rôle facilitateur lors de cette amélioration, notamment par le père, lorsqu’il est perçu comme étant plus chaleureux, plus impliqué et soutenant davantage l’autonomie. Ces programmes de promotion de l’AP génèrent des résultats prometteurs sur les niveaux d’AP des adolescents. Cependant, l’étude des déterminants du maintien des changements obtenus pendant les interventions doit être poursuivie. / This thesis is based on the observation of the lack of physical activity (PA) in adolescents: approximately 80% of this age group does not reach the recommended daily 60 minutes. This situation and its important health consequences, has a greater impact on the most vulnerable young people, such as obese adolescents and those from socioeconomically disadvantaged families. Two studies aiming at promoting PA to these audiences were conducted: objective measures of PA before, during and after interventions were performed in two different PA program settings.The goal of the first study was to test the feasibility and the impact of a PA program for adolescents from disadvantaged backgrounds. For each adolescent, one of their parents was also involved. Thus, 18 parents and 22 adolescents participated in the “1 parent - 1 adolescent” program. Two hours of PA twice a week during eleven weeks were proposed for each of the participating groups. PA levels and several anthropometric, physiological and psychological parameters were collected. All participants followed the eleven weeks of intervention. The analyzes showed that the daily 60-min AP threshold was reached only during the program for adolescents. The daily 30 min for parents was reached at all measurements times of. Additional analyzes revealed 1) that program efficacy on PA level was modulated by age for adolescents and by attendance rate for parents, 2) a decreased of amotivation for the most assiduous adolescents, and 3) an increase in well-being for adolescents. The results of this pilot study highlighted the feasibility and effectiveness of such a program, which could now be deployed in the form of a randomized trial including a control group.The goal of the second study was to test the effects of 10-month multidisciplinary residential weight reduction program on body mass index (BMI) and PA levels of obese adolescents (21 boys and 41 girls aged 14 years with a BMI of 33 kg / m²). The modulating role of parental climate and motivation of the adolescent on the effectiveness of the care was evaluated. The results indicated a positive effect of the program with a decrease in BMI and an increase in PA during the course of treatment and four months after. With a curvilinear shape, the weight loss was strong at the beginning of the cure and then stabilized at the end. The parental climate seemed to play a facilitating role in this improvement, especially by the father, when he was perceived as being warmer, more involved and more supportive of autonomy. These PA promotion programs generate promising results on adolescent PA levels. However, the study of the determinants of the maintenance of changes during interventions must be continued.
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A relação alométrica ou isométrica nos índices de massa corporal entre menores de 20 anos / The allometric or isometric scaling to body mass index in individuals younger than 20 yearsCamila Medeiros da Silva Mazzeti 18 June 2018 (has links)
Objetivos: Analisar o ajuste alométrico para MC e altura entre indivíduos menores de 20 anos. Métodos: Dados de indivíduos de 0-20 anos de National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES-1999-2013); Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde e Nutrição (PNSN-1989); Encuesta de Salud y Nutrición (2012); England Health Survei (2005-2014) e; Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES-1998-2014). MC e de altura foram convertidos à escala logarítmica e modelados por regressão linear em 24 grupos etários, 2 sexos e os 5 países. O β dessa regressão deu origem ao p valor que foi estimado em 2 etapas. 1) Todos os dados disponíveis nos inquéritos, excluíndo apenas os valores biologicamente implausíveis; e 2) O p foi calculado após a exclusão dos valores não esperados para idade (VNEI) de MC e altura. VNEI foi definido como casos ±2,0 DP(z) do resíduo da regressão de MC pela idade, altura pela idade e MC pela altura. Em seguida, os valores p definidos no pool de dados foram modelados por spline com 5 knots, para definição de um p internacional (ip). Após calculou-se o IA - Indice Alométrico para todos os individuos. Para análise da correlação entre os índices e a massa adiposa foram utilizadas medidas de Densiotometria (DXA), Impedância Bioelétrica (BIA), Circunferência de Cintura (CC) e Dobras Cutâneas (DC). As correlações com os indices foram estimada pelo coeficiente de Pearson(r). Em uma análise de efeitos mistos, estimou-se o coeficiente correlção intraclasses (CCI), entre os diferentes países e as diferentes fenótipos humanos para altura, MC, IMC e IA. Resultados: A exclusão de VNEI (8,5% da amostra) diminuiu a diferença do p entre os países. O p e o ip apresentoram valores próximos a 2 ao nascimento, aumentou para 3 a 3,5 (7 e 11 anos nas meninas e 8 a 12 nos meninos) e regrediu a 2 no final do crescimento. O IA apresentou r próximo de zero em relação a altura contra r proximos de 0,4 para o IMC durante a puberdade. A correlação da massa adiposa para os dois indices foi semelhante, sempre apresentando r acima de 0,85 para todas as formas de análise via DC, BIA, CC e DXA. IA apresentou menor correlação com massa muscular e densidade óssea. O CCI foi maior entre os paises e praticamente nulo entre as fenótipos humanos. A maior variação entre os paises ficou a cargo da altura, seguido da massa corporal e IMC. O IA foi a medida que se apresentou com menor variação entre os paises (3,6%) e entre fenótipos humanos (1,7%). Conclusões: A exclusão VNEI contribuiu para diminuir o efeito do estado nutricional sobre a alometria para se estimar o p valor. O ip mostrou-se uma valor promissor para uso internacional. O IA no conjunto de evidências apresenta uma vantagem em relação ao IMC, uma vez que tem correlção 0 com a altura, e uma correlação equivalente ao IMC com a massa adiposa além de apresentar o menor CCI entre fenótipos humanos e nacionalidades. A maior variação do CCI ficou a cargo do país em relação a altura, justificado pelos difentes contextos epidemiológicos. / Objectives: To analyze the allometric scalling for BM and the height under 20 years old. Methods: Individuals 0-20 years of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES-1999-2013); Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde e Nutrição (PNSN-1989); Encuesta de Salud y Nutrición (2012); England Health Survei (2005-2014) and; Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES-1998-2014). BM and height were converted to logarithmic scale and modeled by linear regression, in 24 age groups, 2 sexes and 5 countries. The β of this regression gave the estimated p value in 2 steps. 1) All data available in the surveys, excluding only those biologically implausible values; and 2) The value was obtained after the exclusion of values not expected for age (VNEA) of MC and height. VNEA was defined as ± 2.0 SD (z) cases of regression of BM by age, height by age and MC by height. Then, the values were modeled by spline in 5 knots, to define an international (ip). After were calculated the AI - Allometric Index for all individuals. The Pearson correlation (r) between the indices and the fat mass was calculated used data dorm densitometry (DXA), Bioelectrical Impedance (BIA), Waist Circumference (WC) and Skin Folds (SF). In an analysis of mixed effects, was estimated the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), between countries and ethnicities for different dimensions for BM, BMI and AI. Results: Exclusion of VNEA (8.5% of the sample) decreased the difference between countries. The p and ip presented values close to 2 at birth, increased to 3 to 3.5 (7 and 11 years in girls and 8 to 12 in boys) and recorded 2 at the end of growth. AI was close to zero in correlation with height and for BMI was r= 0.4 during puberty. The correlation of the adipose mass for the two indices was similar, always presenting r above 0.85 for all forms of analysis via DC, BIA, CC and DXA. AI presented a lower correlation with muscle mass and bone density. ICC is larger among countries and is practically zero among ethnicities. The greatest difference between the groups was the height, the BM and the BMI. AI showed the smallest difference between the countries (3.6%) and between the ethnic groups (1.7%). Conclusions: A VNEA exclusion contributed to decrease the effect of nutritional status on allometry to estimate the p value. The value ip has proved to be a promising value for international use. The IA in the body of evidence has an advantage over BMI, since it has correlation 0 with height, and a correlation equivalent to the BMI with the adipose mass besides presenting the lowest CCI between ethnicities and nationalities. The greatest variation of ICC was borne by the country in relation to height, justified by the different epidemiological contexts.
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Strategické plánování v marketingové komunikaci / Strategic planning in marketing communicationsKrátký, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
Today, everybody is subject to plenty of communication messages. Because of this situation firms' task becomes more difficult in finding new ways of contact with their customers. That is to say that current communication channels are glutted. This diploma thesis argues an origin of a successful communication strategy, the reason for growing importance of strategic planning and also how the communication strategy fits into a hierarchy of company processes. This thesis also contains a more detailed analysis of Integrated Marketing Communications concept (IMC) as a means of effective communication with not only chosen target audience, but also with company employees and the others concerned. Theoretical conclusions are accompanied by opinions of prominent communications experts from agencies participating in Asociace komunikačních agentur (The Association of communication agencies). These views are concerning development of communication planning under Czech conditions, practical utility of IMC and actual trends in marketing communications practice with regards to current economic situation.
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Trendy v oblasti pájecích past a vliv nanočástic / Trends in Solder Paste Area and Nanoparticles InfluenceDosedla, Milan January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with novel trends in solder paste technology. It focuses on nanoparticle applications used as a tool for improving a state of the art lead free solder alloys. The recently published results about the impact of different types of nanoparticles on properties of newly-emerged nanocomposite solders are discussed and summarized in the thesis. Preparation, practical application and testing of new solder paste based on low temperature SnBi alloy with an admixture of titanium dioxide are also discussed. Finally, properties of solder joints using these solder pastes are investigated and the results are evaluated.
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Energy Visualization out of the Developer's perspective : A qualitative study of Stockholm developers' willingness to payKalström, Lovisa, Lindblad, Elin January 2014 (has links)
Residential energy visualization has increased in popularity during the past years, due to both legislation and an increased focus on the environmental impact of buildings. Meanwhile, the European energy efficiency directive has raised a debate on legislation on individual metering and charging (IMC), in which many negative voices among property owners and developers are being raised. The controversies bring interesting aspects to the analysis of energy visualization and its prerequisite IMC. This thesis will analyze the possibilities and barriers to implement residential energy visualization in new buildings in Stockholm, and the focus will be on local developers' perspective. The purpose of the thesis is to establish Stockholm developers' willingness to pay (WTP) for an IMC and energy visualization solution. The thesis defines perceived utility as the driving force for WTP, and accordingly the developer WTP is analyzed by evaluation of the developers' perceived utility of different technical aspects of an energy visualization solution. The solution has been modularized into three modules; IMC of hot water, IMC of heating and residential visualization. The hypothesis is that utility of the solution modules is perceived differently depending on developer ownership and developer business model; if the developer builds for property management or to sell. The empirical data has been collected through twelve in-depth interviews with developers in Stockholm. The developers were of different size, ownership and with different business models. When looking at the developers from an overall perspective, the analysis shows that there is some willingness to pay for IMC of hot water but none for IMC of heating. It can also be seen that residential visualization is something that the developers have some interest in although the overall WTP is considered low. Although environmental and fairness aspects are often mentioned by the developers in the context of IMC and energy visualization, operational and financial utility seem to be more influential in driving willingness to pay and as these utilities are not perceived, the overall WTP is low or non-existent for IMC and energy visualization. The hypothesis that developers would perceive utility differently depending on ownership or business model, if they build for property management of for sales, could not be proven. There are possibly tendencies for such differences but in this study such patterns were not clear enough to state the hypothesis as true. Additional to the WTP and developer groups, insights and takeaways are presented. The insights and takeaways are based on opportunities and risks that developers perceive with IMC and visualization, as well as requirements they have on the systems.
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Automatic Control Strategies of Mean Arterial Pressure and Cardiac Output. MIMO controllers, PID, internal model control, adaptive model reference, and neural nets are developed to regulate mean arterial pressure and cardiac output using the drugs sodium Nitroprusside and dopamineEnbiya, Saleh A. January 2013 (has links)
High blood pressure, also called hypertension is one of the most common worldwide diseases afflicting humans and is a major risk factor for stroke, myocardial infarction, vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease. If blood pressure is controlled and oscillations in the hemodynamic variables are reduced, patients experience fewer complications after surgery. In clinical practice, this is usually achieved using manual drug delivery. Given that different patients have different sensitivity and reaction time to drugs, determining manually the right drug infusion rates may be difficult. This is a problem where automatic drug delivery can provide a solution, especially if it is designed to adapt to variations in the patient’s conditions.
This research work presents an investigation into the development of abnormal blood pressure (hypertension) controllers for postoperative patients. Control of the drugs infusion rates is used to simultaneously regulate the hemodynamic variables such as the Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) and the Cardiac Output (CO) at the desired level. The implementation of optimal control system is very essential to improve the quality of patient care and also to reduce the workload of healthcare staff and costs. Many researchers have conducted studies earlier on modelling and/or control of abnormal blood pressure for postoperative patients. However, there are still many concerns about smooth transition of blood pressure without any side effect.
The blood pressure is classified in two categories: high blood pressure (Hypertension) and low blood pressure (Hypotension). The hypertension often occurred after cardiac surgery, and the hypotension occurred during cardiac surgery. To achieve the optimal control solution for these abnormal blood pressures, many methods are proposed, one of the common methods is infusing the drug related to blood pressure to maintain it at the desired level. There are several kinds of vasodilating drugs such as Sodium Nitroprusside (SNP), Dopamine (DPM), Nitro-glycerine (NTG), and so on, which can be used to treat postoperative patients, also used for hypertensive emergencies to keep the blood pressure at safety level.
A comparative performance of two types of algorithms has been presented in chapter four. These include the Internal Model Control (IMC), and Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller. The resulting controllers are implemented, tested and verified for three sensitivity patient response. SNP is used for all three patients’ situation in order to reduce the pressure smoothly and maintain it at the desire level. A Genetic Algorithms (GAs) optimization technique has been implemented to optimise the controllers’ parameters. A set of experiments are presented to demonstrate the merits and capabilities of the control algorithms. The simulation results in chapter four have demonstrated that the performance criteria are satisfied with the IMC, and PID controllers. On the other hand, the settling time for the PID control of all three patients’ response is shorter than the settling time with IMC controller.
Using multiple interacting drugs to control both the MAP and CO of patients with different sensitivity to drugs is a challenging task. A Multivariable Model Reference Adaptive Control (MMRAC) algorithm is developed using a two-input, two-output patient model. Because of the difference in patient’s sensitivity to the drug, and in order to cover the wide ranges of patients, Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) has been implemented to obtain the optimal infusion rates of DPM and SNP. This is developed in chapters five and six.
Computer simulations were carried out to investigate the performance of this controller. The results show that the proposed adaptive scheme is robust with respect to disturbances and variations in model parameters, the simulation results have demonstrated that this algorithm cannot cover the wide range of patient’s sensitivity to drugs, due to that shortcoming, a PID controller using a Neural Network that tunes the controller parameters was designed and implemented. The parameters of the PID controller were optimised offline using Matlab genetic algorithm. The proposed Neuro-PID controller has been tested and validated to demonstrate its merits and capabilities compared to the existing approaches to cover wide range of patients. / Libyan Ministry of Higher Education scholarship
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Integrated marketing communication at Unisa : an evaluation of its publicityScriven, Theresea Charmaine 06 1900 (has links)
This study is a qualitative evaluation of generated and nongenerated publicity
using Unisa as a case study over a period of six months. The qualitative data
were quantified through the use of content analysis.
The study takes as its point of departure the importance of an integrated
marketing communication approach. It indicates how an integrated marketing
communication approach can secure that an organisation's publicity efforts
contribute effectively to its marketing objectives. In addition, it indicates that
an organisation can also deal with nongenerated, negative publicity much more
effectively within such an approach.
This study establishes that because Unisa did not adopt an integrated marketing
communication approach, it had a detrimental effect on its efforts to generate
publicity as well as on its efforts to deal with negative publicity. These findings
are discussed in terms of specific criteria for generated and nongenerated
publicity within an integrated marketing communication approach. / Communication Science / M. A. (Communication)
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整合行銷傳播於外商半導體產業之應用研究— 以N半導體公司為例 / Research on foreign semiconductors company’s integrated marketing communication strategy—A Case study of N semiconductors張伊雯, Chang, Yi Wu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以外商半導體公司的成功案例,探討工業零組件之B2B(Business to Business)經營模式中之整合行銷傳播(Integrated Marketing Communication)策略與做法,從IMC的整合程度中之計劃整合面,探討整合行銷傳播中的組織架構,分析內部決策組織和外部功能組織的協調性,以及從人員知識面切入,探討專業人才與能力的培養;再從資源整合面,深入了解個案在整合行銷傳播預算、媒體購買、資料庫運用等面向的資源運用方式,以及在各項傳播工具的操作策略上的實際執行方式與成果,並藉由策略架構、資源、流程、關係、與價值五大面向,分析個案的關鍵成功因素與經驗,再經由個案於去年底所完成之與競爭對手相較之品牌排名調查以及委由國際知名品牌鑑價機構Interbrand計算之企業品牌價值結果,展現個案執行整合行銷傳播策略的實際績效。以個案研究法檢視該公司如何在自皇家飛利浦集團獨立後之一年內迅速累積品牌價值,而其整合行銷傳播策略在其中所達成的貢獻的關鍵成功因素。
本論文之研究方法、針對研究架構中之「計畫整合」及「資源整合」部分採取次級資料分析法,此部分是由supplier side的觀點作為研究出發點; 針對「傳播工具整合」的部分,採取焦點訪談法,是由demand side為出發點,研究客戶未被滿足的需求; 在「關鍵成功因素」的部分,採取深度訪談法,藉由訪談專業人士,針對個案分析其成功的關鍵因素。本論文所選擇的研究個案,是名列全球前十大半導體公司之一的N半導體(N Semiconductors)。
本研究之研究目的在於研究外商半導體公司整合行銷傳播(IMC)的關鍵成功因素與經驗,探討B2B工業零組件經營模式之整合行銷傳播(IMC)策略與做法,期以外商半導體於整合行銷傳播(IMC)方面的成功經驗,做出對台灣IC產業未來發展品牌之建議。 / In this market dominated by consumers, the power of marketing is to create, communicate and transfer value to customers. Focusing on coming into a full-scale contact with consumers, marketing strategically creates an influential concept of brand to increase the profit and generate revenue for the shareholders.
This research studies the Integrated Marketing Communication(IMC)strategy and application of business-to-business formula in the global semiconductors industry through a case study of a foreign semiconductors company. Form the perspective of planning integration in IMC, the research analysis the organization structure of the IMC team and the coordination of both internal decision-making and external functional processes. To study the human resource management of professional personals as well as to further realize the IMC budget, media buying, and database utilization, the research also studies from the in-depth perspectives of team knowledge base resource allocation. For the operational practices and results of the communication tools, the research also reviews the company’s key successful factors form the five perspectives of strategic structure, resource allocation, process management, relationship built-up, and value generation. With in-depth analyzing the brand valuation report and brand value evaluation report conducted by Interbrand to unfold the actual effectiveness of the company’s overall integrated marketing communication strategy, as a case study, the research is to sketch how this semiconductors successfully generated brand equity and brand value in just one year since its independence for the Royal Philips group.
For the research methods of this research, by taking the “secondary analysis” for studying both planning integration and resource integration form the perspective of supplier side, “focus group” for studying the integration of communication tool from the perspective or demand side, and “in-depth interview” for studying the key successful factors of the case company, which is one of the world’s top 10 semiconductors companies, from the perspective of industrial professionals.
The objective of this research is to study the key successful factors and experiences of foreign semiconductors companies, to reflect how to manage the IMC strategy into the company’s overall business strategy of B2B industry, and to make suggestions to the IC companies in Taiwan for brand development based on the successful experiences of the case company.
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話題行銷在偶像劇行銷之應用 以偶像劇「命中注定我愛你」為例 / The application of hot topic marketing on marketing idol drama ----taking the idol drama show “Fated to love you” as an example.張正芬 Unknown Date (has links)
在話題行銷的「策略面」及「戰略面」分析中是以「傳播模式」及「整合行銷傳播」加以研究,在話題行銷的「執行面」研究,是透過本劇的行銷團隊、產製劇組、媒體記者的實際訪談及相關資料加以整理分析,匯整訪談重點及行銷資料,找到「話題行銷」於「命中注定我愛你」偶像劇行銷的研究發現及結論。 / Since year 2001, Taiwanese idol drama has become the main trend of Taiwanese TV drama show. Marketing is very important in how to attract the audience in a highly competitive TV rating market. However, within the process of media marketing, the “talking point” is very significant because it is how we catch the media’s attention, has them advertise for us and how we can use the marketing implements effectively, and unifies the marketing strategies for the idol drama.
“Hot topic marketing” is to set up a certain type of message that makes the peripheral products of the idol drama has its consistency. In this way, it constructs the topic and context that the media is interested. Through media’s reports and advertising, the topic becomes an interesting issue among the audience. When the audience talk about it, it become more popular so it is spread out and the marketing of product selling become even more effective.
This research uses the idol drama “Fated to love you’ as an example as a case study. The drama show “Fated to love you” created the highest TV rating record among the Taiwanese idol drama records ever, and the sectional rating was high up to 13.64 %. Besides, the script also won the prize of “Yearly Best Marketing TV program” in Golden Bell Awards in year 2008. During the broadcasting time, it attracted so many print media to rival for priority to report news about the show. There were over 200 written reports writing about this drama show, and it is also been discussed through the interest ardently. The popularity was so high at the time that print media almost have reports about the show daily. Therefore, the idol drama show “Fated to love you” is very indicative in the development of Taiwanese idol drama show.
This research will talk about the “maneuver aspect’, “strategic aspect”, and the “executive aspect” of hot topic marketing and using them to analyze the drama show. Also, through the dimension of using “Mass Media approach” such as newspapers, television, internet, and magazines;“Marketing implements approach” such as propaganda activities, advertisement, relations, and flyers, we can execute the applied research study on integrated marketing dissemination.
Within the analysis on the aspect of “maneuver” and “strategy” on buzz marketing, I put emphasis on “Communication Model system” and “Integrated Marketing Communication in particular. I found some discoveries and conclusion on hot topic marketing within the drama show “Fated to love you” through analyzing our marketing team, production group, reporters actual interviews and other related data.
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